Stefan Sperling said:
> On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 12:44:55AM -0300, Michel Behr wrote:
> > If you want HW freedom, I think the viable way is this:
> >
> Nice try but I don't think countrygeek would be happy with this machine.
> """
> What About the BIOS and firmware?
> Though the bootloader, Linux kernel, GNU OS, and all software
> applications are completely free/libre software without any binary
> blobs, the BIOS which does use free/libre and open source coreboot, does
> include a binary from Intel, called FSP. 
> """

They admit that their hardware has vendors' firmware as well:

| There are also hardware components, like the HD or SSD, that are
| flashable, and therefore upgradeable, but that currently run firmware
| that is not yet freed.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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