Zoran Kolic said:
> at-spi-bus-launc
> at-spi2-registry
> Somebody knows what they are?

These relate to at-spi.[0]  I believe webkit starts these.

> Also, if anyone could point me to the info about adding
> noscript/flashblock extension, it would be even better.

>From dwb FAQ[1]:

| Is adblocking supported in dwb?
| dwb supports most adblock+ filterrules. A adblock subscription script
| is also available, to install it run
|   dwbem -i adblock_subscriptions
| Subscriptions can then be added with
|   adblock_subscribe
| and removed with
| adblock_unsubscribe

> I am aware that it must be possible to disable js and
> to block cookies, but cannot find the way.

You can use "cc", "cs", "ct" shortcuts to whitelist domains for enabling
cookies.  Shortcuts "tsh", "tsu", "tth" and "ttu" whitelist domains for
javascript.  See dwb(1) manual for details.

[0] https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/en/AT-SPI_on_D-Bus
[1] http://portix.bitbucket.org/dwb/#faq

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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