Re: signature in mail question

2022-05-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

You’ll need to use the old fashioned drag & drop method.  That is,

• select the All Signatures from the Signatures table.
• stop interacting with the All Signatures table, then navigate to the Names 
table and interact with it.
• navigate to the signature you wish to use.
• press VO-cmd-f5 to route the mouse to the VO cursor.
• turn off Cursor Tracking with VO-shift-f3.
• start the drag action by invoking mouse-down with VO-cmd-shift-space.
• stop interacting with the Names table and navigate over to the All Signatures 
• interact with it and navigate to the desired account.
• press VO-cmd-f5 to route the mouse to the VO Cursor.
•start the drop action by invoking the mouse-up action with VO-cmd-shift-space.
• turn Cursor Tracking back on with VO-shift-f3.

That should do it.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

> On May 26, 2022, at 03:55, Raymond Foret Jr  wrote:
> Hi there.
> I had to recreate my e-mail account due to pass word issues and now can’t 
> seem to drag accessibly my signatures from the all signatures table to the 
> actual account I want.  help?
> -- 
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Re: I am baffled with the accessibility team.

2022-05-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

This changed about a year ago or so.  Something to do with making sure that the 
accessibility team is dealing with accessibility issues instead of regular OS 
features.  Definitely not well thought out as the people who aren’t a part of 
the Accessibility team often don’t know how to assist in any other way other 
than visual cues.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

> On May 25, 2022, at 13:28, Marie Lyons  wrote:
> I keep being referred to the regular support because they only work on 
> problems with the accessibility features. They tell me they aren’t able to 
> help when I call them about , say trying to synch my new AirPods. The person 
> I then speak with keeps giving me visual instruction like tap the blue 
> button. They have no idea on instructing using v/o features. In the past this 
> was not the case. I’m wondering why it changed?
>> On May 22, 2022, at 12:01 PM, Bill Gallik  wrote:
>> I’m chiming in on this thread to offer some pointers.  I can honestly state 
>> that I’ve had very effective experiences with the assistance from the 
>> access-ability team.  These pointers follow:
>> First and foremost, make certain the technical support person you are 
>> working with is fully aware of the circumstance of your disability.  If you 
>> are totally blind with absolutely no useful vision, make sure that support 
>> person completely understands this.  Likewise, if you do have a degree of 
>> useful vision, make this clear as well.  I called in for a problem and when 
>> I made it clear that I have no useful vision at all I was immediately 
>> transferred to a different, quite knowledgeable and helpful technician 
>> (after being advised of the pending transfer of course).
>> Another pointer is to be prepared to offer detailed information concerning 
>> the issue you are calling about.  Have details regarding your platform (Mac, 
>> iPhone, iPad, etc.) and the current operating system installed on said 
>> platform.
>> Likewise, be sure to have detailed information for the component you are 
>> calling about.  Be able to offer a complete, but concise description of the 
>> problem.  Just for example, if you are having problems getting e-mail 
>> messages to your sister, the tech has no use for such information unless the 
>> problem occurs when trying to send e-mail to your sister only.  This does 
>> not mean you shouldn’t be friendly and personable, just don’t include 
>> excessive minutia in your conversation.  Odds are, whomever you wind up 
>> talking to is quite busy and wants to get your problem satisfactorily 
>> resolved as quickly as possible.  I know this because I worked in such a 
>> position for a number of years at Bell Labs.
>> And, as suggested by others in this thread, inform your tech support person 
>> if you are aware of others having similar issues.  As horrible as this might 
>> seem, it is possible that a given problem may not be a particularly high 
>> priority.  Sad as this is to say, if it happens that you are the only one 
>> experiencing this problem resolving it may get placed on “the back burner.”  
>> This is simply common sense; if there’s a problem popping up for 20% of 
>> users and the problem you are reporting is specific to you only would you 
>> really want resources spent to fix this “one user only” problem.  I 
>> certainly would not.
>> Finally, it is possible that the tech you are working with is not up to the 
>> challenge of resolving your problem.  Do not hesitate to make follow-up 
>> contact with the hope that a different, more engaged tech will be able to 
>> resolve it.
>> * * * * * * * * * * * *
>> - Bill from Ino, Wisconsin
>> - "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
>> - Milton Berle
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Re: How does Safari behave visually?

2022-05-31 Thread Tim Kilburn

I expect that it’s not a problem at all for the sighted user.  My family uses 
Safari all the time and does not complain.  I believe that the slowness for VO 
users has to do with the OS loading up the buffer with data so that we can do 
the things we like to do.  The entire page contents need to be loaded into the 
buffer so that we can use the Item Chooser, analyze images, landmarks and 
web-spots etc.  It used to be that it would take forever to load the Item 
Chooser and now it doesn’t.  I’m not familiar with the inner workings of how 
VoiceOver deals with all this, but that’s my guess.  There may be a way of 
Apple dealing with things differently if we make it known that this is a 
frustration, but as processing speed improves, maybe it will just go away.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

> On May 31, 2022, at 07:34, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi Herbie,
> I obviously don’t have the answer to this, but I can say that often, if I 
> turn VO off and back on, the busy message stops.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On May 31, 2022, at 8:29 AM, Herbie Allen  wrote:
>> Lately, I’ve seen a lot of complaints about VoiceOver and the Safari not 
>> responding. this got me to wondering, what is Safari doing on the screen 
>> when VO says this? What I’m essentially asking, is this a VO issue, or is 
>> Safari freezing visually as well.
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Re: Mac mail server settings disappeared. Help Please

2022-05-31 Thread Tim Kilburn

Adding to Jonathan’s awesome explanation, I really don’t believe that anything 
has changed over the past few weeks.

• for non-Google and non-iCloud accounts, you will still have Incoming and 
Outgoing server configuration options from within the Server Settings pane of 
mail Prefs.
• iCloud belongs to Apple, so as long as your Apple ID password is entered 
properly in System Prefs, there’s no extra configuration required.
• as mentioned, Google based accounts, whether G Mail, or Google Work Space, 
are handled in a special manner.  The private browser actions will be triggered 
whenever you use something that notices that the Google password is no longer 
valid.  That is, if you’re in Mail, System Preferences/Internet Accounts, or in 
a browser.  Google will tell you that the password is incorrect and give you 
the opportunity to fix it.  Once you’ve entered the correct password in the 
private browser session, it is fixed everywhere it needs fixed.
• for non-Google, non-iCloud accounts, you are able to change the password in 
Internet accounts.

Keeping this information in mind, there is no need to delete, then re-add, an 
account when simply changing a password.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

> On May 31, 2022, at 00:57, 'Ron S' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Jonathan, thanks for the info. What I can’t understand is how it changed in 
> the last 2 weeks? Yes I can work around by deleting the account and 
> subsequently adding the account again if I need to update a setting, but this 
> is a long way around a change of password  for each account for example. Ron.
>> On 30 May 2022, at 23:12, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> For the past three years the best interface to control Mail Account settings 
>> has been the "Internet Accounts" in System Settings. The Accounts tab in 
>> Mail settings is there for some   specialized purposes and historic reasons. 
>> In fat, it seems from the "help" dialogs that it is just reflecting 
>> information from the Internet Settings of System Preferences.
>> For Google accounts, one needs to go through the system preferences because 
>> it creates a secure certificate for the computer which is essentially a more 
>> secure version of the application password you have been using.
>> After you  enter the username of the account in System Settings, it will 
>> launch a private instance of the Safari browser for you to enter the Google 
>> password. Once confirmed in the browser, then mail, notes, contacts and 
>> calendar can applications can link to the equivalent Google services for 
>> viewing and editing.
>>  Best wishes,
>> Jonathan Cohn
>>> On May 30, 2022, at 17:27, 'Ron S' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi John, I’m going through Mail preferences.. This is where I previously 
>>> changed any mil settings such as login password etc. after selecting 
>>> ’server settings’. They were there 2 weeks ago when I updated a password 
>>> for one of the  accounts.Thanks Ron.
>>>> On 30 May 2022, at 16:58, John Panarese  wrote:
>>>> Are you going through System preferences Internet Accounts or Mail 
>>>> preferences? I don’t see server settings when I look at my Internet 
>>>> Accounts, but have that tab available to me in Mail Preferences for each 
>>>> of my accounts. 
>>>>> On May 30, 2022, at 4:32 AM, 'Ron S' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Brad, I did that, entered the account details etc.  and as soon as I 
>>>>> go  to the internet accounts , choose the new one, click server settings 
>>>>> again, no server settings are shown!
>>>>>> On 29 May 2022, at 14:07, Brad Snyder  wrote:
>>>>>> My suggestion is to go to System Preferences > Internet Accounts, and 
>>>>>> delete the account, or accounts, that are having an issue.  Then, 
>>>>>> recreate the account, and enter the necessary information.  
>>>>>> - Brad -
>>>>>> On May 29, 2022, at 05:16, 'Ron' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there, I went to enter a App Specific Password into my Mac Mail  
>>>>>> Gmail account server settings only to

Re: For Tim

2016-07-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the update.  Regarding your mail issues, it sounds like you've 
remedied them yourself.  Let me explain a few things first though.  Apple Mail 
and gMail have an interesting relationship whereby Apple appears to know that a 
large number of Mac users do use gMail and want it to work well on their Mac.  
Google has a pseudo iMap service as well as a desire to keep every darn eMail 
you ever sent or received.  these tend to be kept in the gMail All Mail folder 
even if eMails are trashed.  Therefore, gMail can begin to compile a huge stash 
of messages that you may or may not wish to have.  Consequently, when you first 
set up your Mail app, all these messages begin downloading to your Mac.  This 
can slow everything down considerably as it is affecting both your network 
traffic and using up processor resources.  What is usually recommended is to 
leave your Mail app open, with your Mac left running over night.  As long as it 
doesn't go to sleep, gMail and Mail will complete the task, resolve their 
differences while you sleep, and your Mail app and Mac itself should be much 
more responsive.  As I mentioned, it appears like you may have that beast beat 
to submission.

Regarding your desire to have the Mac automatically login, I will give you the 
instructions to accomplish this.  Although, I will first say that this practice 
is not recommended by pretty well anyone who supports IT, as it leaves you and 
your data easily accessed without ever requiring a password.  With the 
disclaimer aside:

1.  Open system Preferences.
2.  Activate the Users & Groups pane.
3.  Unlock the lock near the bottom of the pane.
4.  Interact with the Users, Groups & Login Options List area.
5.  Navigate to the bottom of this list to the Login Options item.
6.  Stop interacting with the Users, Groups & Login Options list area.
7.  VO-right once and you should hear VO announce something about auto-login 
being off.
8.  VO-space on this pop-up menu and choose the account you wish to auto login 
9.  You'll be required to enter the password for the account, and you're done.
10.  close System Prefs and restart to see if it works.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 8, 2016, at 06:02, Martin Brown  wrote:

On your first question Tim, it is pop.
Secondly, When I load mail, it has focus on the inbox of my Gmail account.
I then tab into my list of emails.
If there is an email I wish to read, I press VO plus J to enter the body of
the text. To return to the list of emails again I press VO plus J again. To
move back to my list of mail boxes, I press shift together with the tab key.

As I write this reply, Mail seems to be behaving much better. Bear with me
for a moment and I shall try to explain what I done. As I have said in an
earlier email I have not been on my Mac for quite a while. However during
that time I changed my email provider to Google. Since that time I have been
using Outlook on my Windows machine. Of course, I had made sure to  check
the appropriate check box telling Outlook not to leave a copy of an email on
the server once it had been downloaded. Guess what Tim, might as well not
have bothered. On the Gmail site there is a combo box which must be set to
remove emails once your email client has downloaded it from the site.

Now began the fun. When I set up my new account in Mail over forty thousand
emails landed in my inbox. I began the process of deleting them, but of
course, as fast as I deleted them another copy was downloaded to my inbox.
This is when I went to Gmail and found what was wrong and put matters right.
I think poor old Mail just got totally overwhelmed. Once my mail boxes on
Google had been completely zeroed I then deleted my Gmail account together
with the account from my previous provider. I then created my new account
and was relieved to see that all my mailboxes were empty. So far, Mail is
behaving as it should and is a pleasure to use.

On the point about my issue with focus Tim, I agree totally. It is not a
problem for me to get around this minor issue. However, for my wife it is
rather more of a headache. I do not have to sign in when I boot up my Mac
each time, but she has too. I think this has something to do with iCloud. It
is then that the problem with focus can be a bit of a pain. I have a friend
who has the exact same problem and it is driving him up the wall. Perhaps
you, or someone else on the list, might know how to bypass this login
Best Wishes:

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Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in DVD 
drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the Air, you 
need to look at what you want from your computer and how much you're willing to 
spend.  the Pros have better processors, better displays, usually can accept 
more RAM and are simply meant for more powerful work.  Of course, with all 
this, comes a higher ticket price, and, why does a blind user require a better 
display?  the Air is a good machine, meant more for the everyday user.  It can 
still do most things that most people would be doing, and actually do it well 
if you don't take the least expensive model.  The iPad Pro is a very nice 
machine, and iOS is likely the way things are moving towards in the future, but 
it will be a while before they become one.  You can do most everything on an 
iOS device excepting enterprise tasks, so that's an option as well.  the 
keyboard access with VO on an iDevice is there, but no where near what can be 
done on a laptop or Desktop unit.

So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
power user nor managing enterprise architecture, then  the MacBook Air will do 
just fine.  Don't cheap out on specs though, make sure to get at least 8 GB of 
RAM, at least a 500 GB SSD and upgrade your processor.  This will make sure 
that it lasts you a good long time and maintains its usefulness.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 09:32, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 

I think I'm still wanting a full computer and not a tablet. Maybe I'll go all 
in and get a mac book and a 9 inch iPad. but assuming I am staying with a mac 
book do i want a mac book pro or a mac book air? I'm thinking pro but without 
the dvd cd rom. I mean I hardly ever need one, and when I do; it would be so 
much more convenient to just carry a little external drive or portable dvd 
player instead. what do you think? Max 
On Jul 9, 2016, at 4:38 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Yes I've used the 12 and 9.7 inch iPad pros.
> The 12 inch is to large and chunkie for my liking.
> The 9.7 is a nicer size but heavier than I'd like to carry around 
> It's got everything you need plus the app store for things you don't.
> Still no I wouldn't get one but that's a personal preference du to requiring 
> both mac os and windows for working on enterprise systems 
> But if all your doing is surfing the web, writing documents or sending and 
> receiving emails etc then hey the iPad is a good option, I still think though 
> you might want to look at the iPad air2 and a folio case with keyboard which 
> will halve the cost of he iPad pro and keyboard,
> -Original Message-
> From: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> [] 
> Sent: Saturday, 9 July 2016 1:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?
> Was decided on a mac book air 13 inch until talking with my brother. He was 
> going on and on abut the new iPad pro 13 inch. He said that with the blue 
> tooth keyboard it comes with it can do just about everything you need. Have 
> any of you had your hands on the new iPad pro? If you could only pick one 
> would you go with a mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro? Thanks, Max 
> -- 
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Re: Safari question

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

Very interesting.  Cool how we live in our own little worlds.  There's no way 
in the world that I thought an American resident would not be familiar with the 
Home Depot.  I guess that it's a matter of prospective and what circles we 
involve ourselves in.  Oh well, I digress.  Regarding the Home Depot US site, 
you are totally correct in that it does seem to hang Safari once the search 
results are attempting to be displayed.  The Home Depot Canadian version is a 
little slow to load, but does work and is usable, but the US version seems to 
hang indefinitely.  The two things that I'd suggest would be first to try 
searching in Google instead.  That is, for example, if you were looking for a 
freezer, type "freezer home depot" in your Google search field and see if going 
in the back way makes a difference.  the second would be to use the Home Depot 
app as previously suggested, if you do indeed have an iOS device to do this on. 
 Otherwise, a call to the Home Depot web support people may be in order.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 03:26, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

What type things are you searching for?  Given that I've never ever heard of 
this site, it would be useful to know what type things to search for 
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
- Original Message - From: "Jim Gatteys" 
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:36 AM
Subject: Safari question

Hi all!
I am still running Yosemite and I've noticed that when I go to one web site in 
particular safari is really slow.
It is the homedepot web site,
There is a search box there that says what can we help you find and when I 
enter text there it takes forever to do anything after that.  I just wondered 
if somebody might go there and try to search for something to see if they get 
the same results.  I might be forced to upgrade to El Capitan.

I've tried using google chrome and it works pretty well but I don't seem to be 
able to do option-tab to go to the search field.  Maybe there is a setting I 
need to take a look at.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Max,

Apple seems to be focusing on the Cloud and keeping their devices slim and 
fairly free of, what they might consider, extraneous ports.  So, I don't 
believe that SD slots or some such expansion will be on their radar.  I'm not 
an insider, nor do I have any more insight than most others, it just seems to 
be the trend historically with Apple products.  Who's to say that someone may 
not develop reliable, quick and portable storage solutions that will work with 
WiFi, Bluetooth or Lightning technology accessible from your iDevice.  
Regarding the MacBook Pro or Air, both will do what you're hoping, although the 
Air would be less expensive.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:21, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 

Hi Tim; My main concerns are video conferencing and managing my websites. So, I 
think it has to be mac book air or pro. I actually miss my 12 inch ibook 4 
because like you say what blind person needs a big screen. I would probably go 
with the 13 because of the sd slot. question, do you think this means future 
versions of the iPhone may also offer additional storage? i know now we can 
move info between devices using the cloud, but having that option would be 
nice. thanks, max 
On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in DVD 
> drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the Air, you 
> need to look at what you want from your computer and how much you're willing 
> to spend.  the Pros have better processors, better displays, usually can 
> accept more RAM and are simply meant for more powerful work.  Of course, with 
> all this, comes a higher ticket price, and, why does a blind user require a 
> better display?  the Air is a good machine, meant more for the everyday user. 
>  It can still do most things that most people would be doing, and actually do 
> it well if you don't take the least expensive model.  The iPad Pro is a very 
> nice machine, and iOS is likely the way things are moving towards in the 
> future, but it will be a while before they become one.  You can do most 
> everything on an iOS device excepting enterprise tasks, so that's an option 
> as well.  the keyboard access with VO on an iDevice is there, but no where 
> near what can be done on a laptop or Desktop unit.
> So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
> power user nor managing enterprise architecture, then  the MacBook Air will 
> do just fine.  Don't cheap out on specs though, make sure to get at least 8 
> GB of RAM, at least a 500 GB SSD and upgrade your processor.  This will make 
> sure that it lasts you a good long time and maintains its usefulness.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 09:32, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> I think I'm still wanting a full computer and not a tablet. Maybe I'll go all 
> in and get a mac book and a 9 inch iPad. but assuming I am staying with a mac 
> book do i want a mac book pro or a mac book air? I'm thinking pro but without 
> the dvd cd rom. I mean I hardly ever need one, and when I do; it would be so 
> much more convenient to just carry a little external drive or portable dvd 
> player instead. what do you think? Max 
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 4:38 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Yes I've used the 12 and 9.7 inch iPad pros.
>> The 12 inch is to large and chunkie for my liking.
>> The 9.7 is a nicer size but heavier than I'd like to carry around 
>> It's got everything you need plus the app store for things you don't.
>> Still no I wouldn't get one but that's a personal preference du to requiring 
>> both mac os and windows for working on enterprise systems 
>> But if all your doing is surfing the web, writing documents or sending and 
>> receiving emails etc then hey the iPad is a good option, I still think 
>> though you might want to look at the iPad air2 and a folio case with 
>> keyboard which will halve the cost of he iPad pro and keyboard,
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>> [] 
>> Sent: Saturday, 9 July 2016 1:58 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?
>> Was decided on a mac book air 13 inch until talking with my brother. He was 
>> going on and on abut the new iPad pro 13 inch. He said that with the blue 
>> tooth keyboard it comes with it can do just about everything you need. Have 
>> any of you ha

Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

I do realize that there is both WiFi and Lightning storage, my thoughts though 
were whether there may be something in the future that works with iOS for 
external storage.  Maybe there is and I'm out of the loop, but I haven't 
noticed it.  With respect to pricing, I'm only quoting Canadian pricing from where a 13" MacBook Air with 256 GB Flash storage and 8 GB RAM goes 
for $1449 CAD and a 13" MacBook Pro with 256 GB storage and 8 GB RAM goes for 
$1799 CAD.  Note that the Pro has a faster, more powerful processor, Retina 
Display, Force-Touch Trackpad and more.  So, you are getting more computer for 
the extra expenditure.  Each of these are upgradable with more RAM, more 
storage etc.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 13:15, Alex Hall  wrote:

There are already both wifi and Lightning storage devices, for the record. As 
to slots on iOS, I doubt it. Apple released the Retina MacBook last year, 
including only one port aside from the headphone jack. This suggests less 
expansion, not more, especially on their mobile products. I, too, have no 
special knowledge or anything, but I can't imagine them allowing expansion 
slots to take up space.

The Air is, I believe, about $200 cheaper than the Pro. That depends heavily on 
what processor, drive, and ram configuration you choose, though. I find the 
Apple Store app on iOS to be a good way of building different Macs to look at 
their prices, though you can, of course, do that on 
<> too.
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 14:28, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> wrote:
> Hi Tim; I appreciate the feedback. i wonder how much cheaper the air would 
> be. Thanks, Max 
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 1:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Apple seems to be focusing on the Cloud and keeping their devices slim and 
>> fairly free of, what they might consider, extraneous ports.  So, I don't 
>> believe that SD slots or some such expansion will be on their radar.  I'm 
>> not an insider, nor do I have any more insight than most others, it just 
>> seems to be the trend historically with Apple products.  Who's to say that 
>> someone may not develop reliable, quick and portable storage solutions that 
>> will work with WiFi, Bluetooth or Lightning technology accessible from your 
>> iDevice.  Regarding the MacBook Pro or Air, both will do what you're hoping, 
>> although the Air would be less expensive.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:21, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim; My main concerns are video conferencing and managing my websites. 
>> So, I think it has to be mac book air or pro. I actually miss my 12 inch 
>> ibook 4 because like you say what blind person needs a big screen. I would 
>> probably go with the 13 because of the sd slot. question, do you think this 
>> means future versions of the iPhone may also offer additional storage? i 
>> know now we can move info between devices using the cloud, but having that 
>> option would be nice. thanks, max 
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in DVD 
>>> drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the Air, you 
>>> need to look at what you want from your computer and how much you're 
>>> willing to spend.  the Pros have better processors, better displays, 
>>> usually can accept more RAM and are simply meant for more powerful work.  
>>> Of course, with all this, comes a higher ticket price, and, why does a 
>>> blind user require a better display?  the Air is a good machine, meant more 
>>> for the everyday user.  It can still do most things that most people would 
>>> be doing, and actually do it well if you don't take the least expensive 
>>> model.  The iPad Pro is a very nice machine, and iOS is likely the way 
>>> things are moving towards in the future, but it will be a while before they 
>>> become one.  You can do most everything on an iOS device excepting 
>>> enterprise tasks, so that's an option as well.  the keyboard access with VO 
>>> on an iDevice is there, but no where near what can be done on a laptop or 
>>> Desktop unit.
>>> So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
>>> power user nor managing enterprise

Re: Windows For An Hour A Day, was Re: For new, or majorly struggling Mac users: Please read

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

I don't use Windows much at all.  Probably once a month or so for Server stuff, 
and that's it.  Not sure why people love Eloquence so much either.  I've heard 
others praise its glories, but I've never found it pleasant myself.  I guess to 
each their own.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 11:52, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

Hi, am not sure if i am experienced or not, but I'm an RN, so well i
know a thing or two.
I use the mac for anything, and windows for scanning and well a few
games like lone woolf.
That is about it , and i will admit it , if i need to read fast
nothing beats eloquence. And i mean like nothing.
Now that you get a new mac, let us know if you need any help. there
gotta be documents we can toss at you for getting you started :)

On 7/9/16, Caitlyn Furness  wrote:
> Hi,
> For me, the things I tend to use windows for are some games, and sometimes,
> kurzweil 1000.  I have to say, though, that I am not using k1000 hardly at
> all these days, and really don’t miss it that much.  I am considering taking
> the vm off my laptop, and I don’t have it on my desktop at all anymore.
> For scanning, I use either docuscan(great for pdf’s), and/or abby fine
> reader.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Arnold Schmidt 
>> wrote:
>> Your original message brings up an interesting point, in that you said you
>> might spend half hour, , to an hour in windows.  Being that I have now
>> ordered my Mac mini, I am not going back this time, what type things
>> simply work better in windows than on the mac?  Oftentimes, it is that the
>> user simply does not know how to do something well when they say something
>> doesn't work as well, so I am more interested in the answer from the more
>> experienced users.  I know, for example, that Openbook will not be
>> available to me on the Mac, I don't know how well DocuScan, from System
>> Access works, and it sounds as if scanning and reading, by importing
>> everything into a word processing app is about more trouble than it is
>> worth.  No problem, I will use KNFB reader on my iPhone.  But what else
>> does windows do better?  Thanks for any opinions.
>> Arnold Schmidt
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Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

That's a good savings Andy.  Just be careful not to spill your beer onto your 
macBook Air while in the Pub.  Makes the cost of ownership sky rocket :).


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 13:42, Andy  wrote:

Hi Max and all.

Sorry for butting in with my pennies worth.

I purchased the 27 Retina desk-top about five weeks ago and in order to undergo 
training, I have decided to also buy a Macbook Air.  This means I can carry it 
easily to my training event and also take it out for a couple of beers and play 
with it.  However, I'm not buying a new machine.  I'm buying a refurnished 
model from the Apple Store in Glasgow.  I've already been told that they can 
give me a 13 inch, 2015 model for £625.00.  A brand new Macbook Air is £800.00. 
 When I asked as to why they would have so many almost new computers for sale, 
I was told that loads of buyers freek out at the new OS and return it within 14 
days.  So for a saving of £175.00 I'd be getting an almost new computer.

I thought it was worth considering this option.

Very best wishes.
- Original Message - From: "'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries" 

Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

Hi Tim; I appreciate the feedback. i wonder how much cheaper the air would be. 
Thanks, Max
On Jul 9, 2016, at 1:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Max,
> Apple seems to be focusing on the Cloud and keeping their devices slim and 
> fairly free of, what they might consider, extraneous ports.  So, I don't 
> believe that SD slots or some such expansion will be on their radar.  I'm not 
> an insider, nor do I have any more insight than most others, it just seems to 
> be the trend historically with Apple products.  Who's to say that someone may 
> not develop reliable, quick and portable storage solutions that will work 
> with WiFi, Bluetooth or Lightning technology accessible from your iDevice.  
> Regarding the MacBook Pro or Air, both will do what you're hoping, although 
> the Air would be less expensive.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:21, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi Tim; My main concerns are video conferencing and managing my websites. So, 
> I think it has to be mac book air or pro. I actually miss my 12 inch ibook 4 
> because like you say what blind person needs a big screen. I would probably 
> go with the 13 because of the sd slot. question, do you think this means 
> future versions of the iPhone may also offer additional storage? i know now 
> we can move info between devices using the cloud, but having that option 
> would be nice. thanks, max
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in DVD 
>> drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the Air, you 
>> need to look at what you want from your computer and how much you're willing 
>> to spend.  the Pros have better processors, better displays, usually can 
>> accept more RAM and are simply meant for more powerful work.  Of course, 
>> with all this, comes a higher ticket price, and, why does a blind user 
>> require a better display?  the Air is a good machine, meant more for the 
>> everyday user.  It can still do most things that most people would be doing, 
>> and actually do it well if you don't take the least expensive model.  The 
>> iPad Pro is a very nice machine, and iOS is likely the way things are moving 
>> towards in the future, but it will be a while before they become one.  You 
>> can do most everything on an iOS device excepting enterprise tasks, so 
>> that's an option as well.  the keyboard access with VO on an iDevice is 
>> there, but no where near what can be done on a laptop or Desktop unit.
>> So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
>> power user nor managing enterprise architecture, then  the MacBook Air will 
>> do just fine.  Don't cheap out on specs though, make sure to get at least 8 
>> GB of RAM, at least a 500 GB SSD and upgrade your processor. This will make 
>> sure that it lasts you a good long time and maintains its usefulness.
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 09:32, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>>  wrote:
>> I think I'm still wanting a full computer and not a tablet. Maybe I'll go 
>> all in and get a mac book and a 9 inch iPad. but assuming I am staying with 
>> a mac book do i want a mac book 

Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

You are totally correct Scott with respect to blind users and the use case.  
For the most part, the comment about blind users requiring a nice screen was 
meant as a funny, but I can see where it may have fallen flat.  Myself, I also 
work with sighted people all the time, and, for work, have my souped up 2011 
15" MBP, a couple iMacs, some MacPros and some rather old iMacs as well just 
for fun.  I often dim the screen in meetings and forget to turn it back up for 
others when they wish to see what's on my screen.  I just tell them that I can 
see it just fine like that, what's their problem :).


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 18:37, Scott Granados  wrote:

Well this blind user requires a better graphics processor because rendering 
network diagrams is faster as well as the operating of other visually intense 
applications.  Also, this blind user works with sited coworkers who need to 
look over his shoulder.  So there are some applications where a blind person 
who you might not think has any need for a screen does.  Maybe not for direct 
use but there can be other benefits.

It’s all about the use cases I guess.

> On Jul 9, 2016, at 11:54 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in DVD 
> drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the Air, you 
> need to look at what you want from your computer and how much you're willing 
> to spend.  the Pros have better processors, better displays, usually can 
> accept more RAM and are simply meant for more powerful work.  Of course, with 
> all this, comes a higher ticket price, and, why does a blind user require a 
> better display?  the Air is a good machine, meant more for the everyday user. 
>  It can still do most things that most people would be doing, and actually do 
> it well if you don't take the least expensive model.  The iPad Pro is a very 
> nice machine, and iOS is likely the way things are moving towards in the 
> future, but it will be a while before they become one.  You can do most 
> everything on an iOS device excepting enterprise tasks, so that's an option 
> as well.  the keyboard access with VO on an iDevice is there, but no where 
> near what can be done on a laptop or Desktop unit.
> So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
> power user nor managing enterprise architecture, then  the MacBook Air will 
> do just fine.  Don't cheap out on specs though, make sure to get at least 8 
> GB of RAM, at least a 500 GB SSD and upgrade your processor.  This will make 
> sure that it lasts you a good long time and maintains its usefulness.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 09:32, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> I think I'm still wanting a full computer and not a tablet. Maybe I'll go all 
> in and get a mac book and a 9 inch iPad. but assuming I am staying with a mac 
> book do i want a mac book pro or a mac book air? I'm thinking pro but without 
> the dvd cd rom. I mean I hardly ever need one, and when I do; it would be so 
> much more convenient to just carry a little external drive or portable dvd 
> player instead. what do you think? Max 
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 4:38 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Yes I've used the 12 and 9.7 inch iPad pros.
>> The 12 inch is to large and chunkie for my liking.
>> The 9.7 is a nicer size but heavier than I'd like to carry around 
>> It's got everything you need plus the app store for things you don't.
>> Still no I wouldn't get one but that's a personal preference du to requiring 
>> both mac os and windows for working on enterprise systems 
>> But if all your doing is surfing the web, writing documents or sending and 
>> receiving emails etc then hey the iPad is a good option, I still think 
>> though you might want to look at the iPad air2 and a folio case with 
>> keyboard which will halve the cost of he iPad pro and keyboard,
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>> [] 
>> Sent: Saturday, 9 July 2016 1:58 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?
>> Was decided on a mac book air 13 inch until talking with my brother. He was 
>> going on and on abut the new iPad pro 13 inch. He said that with the blue 
>> tooth keyboard it comes with it can do just about everything you need. Have 
>> any of you had your hands on the new iPad pro? If you could only pick one 
>> would you go with a mac

Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Terje,

JAWS for Windows has the Video Intercept but, no, as far as I'm aware VoiceOver 
is not reliant on anything from the video card.  It's all handled via API hooks 
within software.  In fact, I've ran what we call headless servers that have no 
video cards in them at all and VoiceOver still works the same as on any other 

Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 21:32, Terje Strømberg  wrote:

Go for 16GB RAM, SSD disc is essential, theese two hardware devices is the best 
for speed, processor can be second best i.e. the second fastest, if you need 
this mac to edit videos you also need the second best graphic. 

I think voice over works better with good graphic card too i.e. voice over use 
graphic card to announce wat is on the screen, but feel free to correct me 
here, i don’t mind,  also as i am more guessing and  based on what i think i 
have heard earlier back. So, i am interesting to learn if this is true or false.

Take care

> 10. jul. 2016 kl. 02.49 skrev 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> :
> hi; I'm one of those who is a bit leary of storing my data in the cloud. 
> thanks, max 
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 7:35 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> hi Max, there’s probably no way you’re going to get slots on an iPhone.  
>> Google is very anti SD card internally as is Apple so if both companies had 
>> their way these storage devices would go away.  I’d be fine with that, not a 
>> huge fan of SD cards but that’s me.  I love cloud storage but I know others 
>> feel differently.  Because of the cosmetics / aesthetic and also because of 
>> the need for thinner and lighter slots aren’t likely.
>>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 12:21 PM, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Tim; My main concerns are video conferencing and managing my websites. 
>>> So, I think it has to be mac book air or pro. I actually miss my 12 inch 
>>> ibook 4 because like you say what blind person needs a big screen. I would 
>>> probably go with the 13 because of the sd slot. question, do you think this 
>>> means future versions of the iPhone may also offer additional storage? i 
>>> know now we can move info between devices using the cloud, but having that 
>>> option would be nice. thanks, max 
>>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Actually, if purchasing new, you won't find a MacBook Pro with built-in 
>>>> DVD drive anymore.  When it comes to a decision between the Pro or the 
>>>> Air, you need to look at what you want from your computer and how much 
>>>> you're willing to spend.  the Pros have better processors, better 
>>>> displays, usually can accept more RAM and are simply meant for more 
>>>> powerful work.  Of course, with all this, comes a higher ticket price, 
>>>> and, why does a blind user require a better display?  the Air is a good 
>>>> machine, meant more for the everyday user.  It can still do most things 
>>>> that most people would be doing, and actually do it well if you don't take 
>>>> the least expensive model.  The iPad Pro is a very nice machine, and iOS 
>>>> is likely the way things are moving towards in the future, but it will be 
>>>> a while before they become one.  You can do most everything on an iOS 
>>>> device excepting enterprise tasks, so that's an option as well.  the 
>>>> keyboard access with VO on an iDevice is there, but no where near what can 
>>>> be done on a laptop or Desktop unit.
>>>> So, if you're preferring the MacBook Pro/Air to the iPad, and you're not a 
>>>> power user nor managing enterprise architecture, then  the MacBook Air 
>>>> will do just fine.  Don't cheap out on specs though, make sure to get at 
>>>> least 8 GB of RAM, at least a 500 GB SSD and upgrade your processor.  This 
>>>> will make sure that it lasts you a good long time and maintains its 
>>>> usefulness.
>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On Jul 9, 2016, at 09:32, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> I think I'm still wanting a full computer and not a tablet. Maybe I'll go 
>>>> all in and get a mac book and a 9 inch iPad. but assuming I am staying 
>>>> with a mac book do i want a mac book pro or a mac book air? I'm thinking 
>>>> pro but without the dvd cd rom. I mean I hardly eve

Re: Safari question

2016-07-09 Thread Tim Kilburn
Canadian Tire :).


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 22:29, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Hell, even I knew what the home depot was / is, and I've never been there and 
we don't have it as a company in NZ,
But it's in books and movies all the time, where else does a criminal go to get 
there paint and other things to disgize the car they stole.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2016 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: Safari question


Very interesting.  Cool how we live in our own little worlds.  There's no way 
in the world that I thought an American resident would not be familiar with the 
Home Depot.  I guess that it's a matter of prospective and what circles we 
involve ourselves in.  Oh well, I digress.  Regarding the Home Depot US site, 
you are totally correct in that it does seem to hang Safari once the search 
results are attempting to be displayed.  The Home Depot Canadian version is a 
little slow to load, but does work and is usable, but the US version seems to 
hang indefinitely.  The two things that I'd suggest would be first to try 
searching in Google instead.  That is, for example, if you were looking for a 
freezer, type "freezer home depot" in your Google search field and see if going 
in the back way makes a difference.  the second would be to use the Home Depot 
app as previously suggested, if you do indeed have an iOS device to do this on. 
 Otherwise, a call to the Home Depot web support people may be in order.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 9, 2016, at 03:26, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

What type things are you searching for?  Given that I've never ever heard of 
this site, it would be useful to know what type things to search for 
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
- Original Message - From: "Jim Gatteys" 
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:36 AM
Subject: Safari question

Hi all!
I am still running Yosemite and I've noticed that when I go to one web site in 
particular safari is really slow.
It is the homedepot web site,
There is a search box there that says what can we help you find and when I 
enter text there it takes forever to do anything after that.  I just wondered 
if somebody might go there and try to search for something to see if they get 
the same results.  I might be forced to upgrade to El Capitan.

I've tried using google chrome and it works pretty well but I don't seem to be 
able to do option-tab to go to the search field.  Maybe there is a setting I 
need to take a look at.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

I've messed with a number of 2011 and 2012 MBP's and in most cases, I've just 
removed the optical drive and slid the spinning HD over into its slot, put the 
new SSD in where the spinning used to be, then, using Terminal, made them into 
a Fusion drive.  As with the addition of any SSD, the performance has improved 
exponentially.  Personally, I so seldom need the optical drive, it just seemed 
better to create the Fusion array instead.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 10, 2016, at 02:53, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

And Arnold,
That machine your getting sounds like the late 2011 model.
I’ve currently got with me a early 2011 model with 8 gig ram and 320 gig hard 
I’m updating it for my neace and when I’m finished it will be a 2011 mac book 
pro with optical drive,
16 gig of DDR3  ram, and a 480 or 500 gig ssd.
And as I’ve found from a previous machine I updated will work like a mac book 
Plus give my nease another 4 years at least of usage.
From: <> 
<>] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2016 12:48 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini
Hey Arnold, very good, just remember, that rotating drive will start to slow 
over time and also is the most likely thing to fail in the box.  So as always, 
keep good backups in case you need to reformat to boost up that speed again.  
If you can swing it go SSD sooner than later.  That’s even a bigger deal than 
memory to me because of the massive boost in performance from rotating disks to 
all solid state.
Let us know if you need any help on that Mac.  I like your move here buying a 
computer that doesn’t break the bank to get started with and no pressure or 
time constraints.  I think you’re making a good move.
On Jul 9, 2016, at 8:39 PM, Arnold Schmidt>> wrote:
I did order it, and it allegedly will be here in the next couple weeks, if not 
before.  The things in the following message are way beyond me at the moment.  
I will probably upgrade the memory first, then put in a 1 tb hard drive when 
the 500 gig one gets full, or quits.  Keep in mind  that this vista computer, 
from 2008, still has about 180 gig free on its 500 gig hard drive.
Arnold Schmidt
- Original Message - 
From: Scott Granados <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini
Arnold, this sounds like a screening deal.  I’d go for it, excellent choice.
You should swap out that drive though, you’ll have a Mac that performs much 
more like a later model and you’ll be happier.  If money is really tight you 
could do something like a 128 GB SSD for $100 or so maybe even less by now and 
then just put your near line data on an older style rotating model with your 
high demand stuff and program files on the SSD.  In fact, not to throw to much 
at you but you could just by a case for $25 or so, pull that 500GB drive, slap 
it in the case, insert a smaller sized or larger depending on funds SSD in the 
Mini and connect the 500 as a removable.  Or I believe there’s a  second bay if 
you want to have both internal.
Sounds like a good deal though.  Put 32GB of memory in there and you’ve got a 
powerhouse that will last you a good long time as well as make it fun to learn 
on for small dollars.  
On Jul 7, 2016, at 12:51 PM, Arnold Schmidt>> wrote:
It is from 2011.  It has an i5, I think 2.5 gig, processor, but only 4 gig of 
ram.  It has a 500 gig hard drive, which is plenty for me.  They want about 
$430 for this computer.  Thanks for any opinions. 
Arnold Schmidt
Arnold Schmidt
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Re: iMac fusion Drive versus standard Drive

2016-07-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

I cannot comment on VM-ware fusion per say as I don't use it myself.  But, I 
have heard quite a number of people,  both in this community, and the sighted 
community speak very highly of it.  Regarding a Fusion drive vs a regular 
spinning drive, you will notice a considerable performance difference.  All the 
System files and those which are access often, are normally placed on the SSD 
or Flash portion of the fusion array, giving you extremely fast access rates.  
When I created my personal Fusion drive both on my MacBook Pro and my home 
MacPro, the performance improvements were very noticeable.  I'd say to the 
factor of three to five times in some situations.  for example, from power up 
to the Login screen takes five to seven seconds with the new Fusion setup, 
whereas it took 30 to 40 seconds with just a spinning drive.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 10, 2016, at 12:12, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Hi everyone,
On Thursday I will be receiving my new iMac. It is the 2.8 processor with a 2 
TB fusion Drive and 16 gigs of RAM. In line with this new Mac, I want 
performance and speed over space, though I did choose a 2 TB drive because it 
is The best of both worlds.
My concern is fusion. VMware fusion. Last I heard, it will no longer be in 
development anymore due to most of their staff being laid off. With this in 
mind, keeping in mind the fact that I do plan on upgrading to macOS Sierra when 
it comes out, is VMware fusion a viable solution after El Capitan? Also, for 
those that have fusion drives, how do you like them? Is it better then standard 
drive you get by default?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Sharing on Apple TV

2016-07-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

I don't see why not.  My father uses my Apple ID on his Apple TV so that he has 
access to stream all the content I have available in iCloud.  He doesn't have 
access to purchase on the Apple TV, but has access to all my content.  Other 
things like Netflix etc, as long as you use the same login credentials, it 
should be fine.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 10, 2016, at 17:50, E.T.  wrote:

  Is it possible to share some of the content one plays on the ATV? What I mean 
by this is content that is viewed on an app such as Ted which has a share 
function. A friend and I are curious about this as we both watch documentaries. 
This would not be content one has to subscribe to.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

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Re: Sharing on Apple TV

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

No, Home Sharing doesn't work between different locations.  But, if the video 
media has been purchased through iTunes, then it is accessible to anyone using 
that same Apple ID no matter where they are.  Similarly, with Apple Music or 
iTunes Match, where music media is stored in the Cloud, that too is accessible 
to any other ATV using the same Apple ID.  So, in my case, my father lives 
about 16 hours away in British Columbia and has access to my library.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 01:53, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

I know  the atv has home sharing but will that work between different locations?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Monday, 11 July 2016 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Sharing on Apple TV


I don't see why not.  My father uses my Apple ID on his Apple TV so that he has 
access to stream all the content I have available in iCloud.  He doesn't have 
access to purchase on the Apple TV, but has access to all my content.  Other 
things like Netflix etc, as long as you use the same login credentials, it 
should be fine.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 10, 2016, at 17:50, E.T.  wrote:

 Is it possible to share some of the content one plays on the ATV? What I mean 
by this is content that is viewed on an app such as Ted which has a share 
function. A friend and I are curious about this as we both watch documentaries. 
This would not be content one has to subscribe to.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?

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Your M

Re: This Is a Great App for Journaling or Maintaining a Digital Diary

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Chris,

MacJournal has been accessible since way back in the mid 00's.  Mariner 
Software has a huge commitment to accessibility and this is not an accident at 
all.  There are also other apps under their umbrella that are very accessible 
as well, although I haven't visited them for quite a bit.  Regarding contacting 
the developer, that's not a bad idea, but I think that you should also pop a 
positive review in there to counter the poor one that isn't your experience at 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 05:17, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

Mark? Bro? Wen you find a duzy, Man!  You! really! find a duzy!  I just took a 
very hard chance.  The app in the mac app store on the OSX side is 30 bucks, 
but oh! sweet! Lord! is it accessible, and worth every single penny of it!

This, by far! and away has gotta be the best Journal app I think I've yet ever! 
seen, regardless the platform or OS!

This was honestly probably one of the best $30 investments I yet have made! 
Truly, this dev has put huge huge huge! efforts into making the app accessible. 
 I almost wonder if he didn't make this thing accessible by sheer accident.  
He's gotta have done this purposely.  I mean, it is that good!

ON the mac side, it is so freaking accessible, to the point where F1 through F3 
literally will even jump you around the screen from your topics list, your 
calendar, etc.  Literally 95% of things have keyboard shortcuts.

Even on the iOS version, if you have a bluetooth keyboard, he's put keyboard 
shortcuts in the app for the common tasks.

BTW, it's looking like in answer to my audio question, the iOS version won't 
let you really do audio, but the mac version sure as day will!

So yeah guys, there are two reviews in the app store both by the same person.  
He gave it a 1 star rating, and just! brutally! and I mean brutally! mutilated! 
this poor developer!  It almost made me cry when I saw it.  LOL!  OK, not 
literally, but yeah...

Those are the only two reviews there though, both by that same guy, and both 
are horrible ratings.

Guys, we really! really! should write this dev and thank him for such a great 
app, and for being so! keened, whether he meant to be or not, to accessibility.

This is exactly how accessibility should be!  This app is just! beautiful!
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
- Original Message - From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 2:37 AM
Subject: This Is a Great App for Journaling or Maintaining a Digital Diary

> Hello Everyone,
> I was just using MacJournal for IPhone, a great little iOS app, and thought
> I would remind those of you, who like to journal, that it is VoiceOver
> accessible.
> Just so you know, I have never used this tool in OS X so cannot speak to its
> VoiceOver accessibility on the Mac, itself.
> Mark
> MacJournal for iPhone
> By Mariner Software
> Description
> Talk about some serious journaling experience!
> Introduced for the Mac in 2005 and the iPhone in 2010 (and the iPad version
> shortly thereafter) MacJournal for iPhone offers an even greater opportunity
> to document important life events while on the go. It's no wonder MacJournal
> is the world's most popular journaling app for the Mac.
> Out and about? You know what we mean. Run here. Run there. And in between
> all that running, events happen. Then, when you're able to stop and take a
> breath, you think to yourself, "Now, what was that thing that happened? I
> wanted to write it down." - only to realize that you forgot what it was.
> Now you don't have to wait to until you sit at your desk to make an entry in
> your journal. MacJournal for iPhone gives you the ability to record an event
> or that special moment.
> Organize, chronicle and edit your important information fast and on the fly.
> Best of all, unlike other journaling apps out there, you can blog to any of
> the popular blog sites using MacJournal. Not a blogger? Use MacJournal on
> its own or share your MacJournal data over the cloud with your other MacOS
> and iOS devices. Even share documents via iTunes. Whichever way, MacJournal
> has you covered.
> Create entries in multiple journals
> Attach images to your entries
> Edit styles in entries
> Using Dropbox, manage multiple MacJournal documents, that can reside on your
> device
> Share entries to Facebook and Twitter
> Blog from your journal on your iPhone or iPod Touch to one of a list of
> popular servers such as Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr and Posterous
> Set a passcode to lock your data upon opening MacJournal
> Have consistent and familiar look and fee

Re: This Is a Great App for Journaling or Maintaining a Digital Diary

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

Sounds like you're doing things right.  Visit
 for their explanation about things.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 08:58, Kimber Gardner  wrote:

I just submitted a good review and a 5 star rating on the app store
for this app.

But I have a question. I can't seem to figure out how to sync across
devices. I have the app on my iPhone and iPad, both are on the same
wifi but I don't see either device available for syncing. What am I


On 7/11/16, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> MacJournal has been accessible since way back in the mid 00's.  Mariner
> Software has a huge commitment to accessibility and this is not an accident
> at all.  There are also other apps under their umbrella that are very
> accessible as well, although I haven't visited them for quite a bit.
> Regarding contacting the developer, that's not a bad idea, but I think that
> you should also pop a positive review in there to counter the poor one that
> isn't your experience at all.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 11, 2016, at 05:17, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
> wrote:
> Mark? Bro? Wen you find a duzy, Man!  You! really! find a duzy!  I just took
> a very hard chance.  The app in the mac app store on the OSX side is 30
> bucks, but oh! sweet! Lord! is it accessible, and worth every single penny
> of it!
> This, by far! and away has gotta be the best Journal app I think I've yet
> ever! seen, regardless the platform or OS!
> This was honestly probably one of the best $30 investments I yet have made!
> Truly, this dev has put huge huge huge! efforts into making the app
> accessible.  I almost wonder if he didn't make this thing accessible by
> sheer accident.  He's gotta have done this purposely.  I mean, it is that
> good!
> ON the mac side, it is so freaking accessible, to the point where F1 through
> F3 literally will even jump you around the screen from your topics list,
> your calendar, etc.  Literally 95% of things have keyboard shortcuts.
> Even on the iOS version, if you have a bluetooth keyboard, he's put keyboard
> shortcuts in the app for the common tasks.
> BTW, it's looking like in answer to my audio question, the iOS version won't
> let you really do audio, but the mac version sure as day will!
> So yeah guys, there are two reviews in the app store both by the same
> person.  He gave it a 1 star rating, and just! brutally! and I mean
> brutally! mutilated! this poor developer!  It almost made me cry when I saw
> it.  LOL!  OK, not literally, but yeah...
> Those are the only two reviews there though, both by that same guy, and both
> are horrible ratings.
> Guys, we really! really! should write this dev and thank him for such a
> great app, and for being so! keened, whether he meant to be or not, to
> accessibility.
> This is exactly how accessibility should be!  This app is just! beautiful!
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message - From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 2:37 AM
> Subject: This Is a Great App for Journaling or Maintaining a Digital Diary
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I was just using MacJournal for IPhone, a great little iOS app, and
>> thought
>> I would remind those of you, who like to journal, that it is VoiceOver
>> accessible.
>> Just so you know, I have never used this tool in OS X so cannot speak to
>> its
>> VoiceOver accessibility on the Mac, itself.
>> Mark
>> MacJournal for iPhone
>> By Mariner Software
>> Description
>> Talk about some serious journaling experience!
>> Introduced for the Mac in 2005 and the iPhone in 2010 (and the iPad
>> version
>> shortly thereafter) MacJournal for iPhone offers an even greater
>> opportunity
>> to document important life events while on the go. It's no wonder
>> MacJournal
>> is the world's most popular journaling app for the Mac.
>> Out and about? You know what we mean. Run here. Run there. And in between
>> all that running, events happen. Then, when you're able to stop and take
>> a
>> breath, you think to yourself, "Now, what was that thing that happened? I
>> wanted to write it down." - only to realize that you forgot what it was.
>> No

Re: only want to back up a few items

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

Time Machine may still work.  If you tell it to exclude the /Applications 
folder, the system folder and the Library folder, it will bring up a warning 
about whether you wish to exclude some System files or all of them.  If you 
choose all of them, then you can significantly reduce the backup size.  I 
believe that CCC or SuperDuper may work for you as well, although I haven't 
used them for backups like this.  The beauty of using any of these solutions is 
that they will perform incremental backups automatically, just saving what has 
been changed.  this is usually much more efficient than simply copying things 
over every few days.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 09:35, Traci Duncan  wrote:

Yes, I plan on using a 32GB USB drive.  It’s tiny, so if I want to have it with 
me, I have my most important folders from my Mac.  I’m not clear if Time 
Machine is my best solution for backing up/syncing half a dozen folders/files.


> On Jul 11, 2016, at 8:32 AM, Kimber Gardner  
> wrote:
> How about an external drive or cloud storage?
> On 7/11/16, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Is there a good back up/sync solution if I only want to back up a handful of
>> items?  For example, I want to back up music, photos, a folder inside
>> documents, and a couple protected DMG folders.  The DMG folders inside
>> documents often change and update, they are works in progress.
>> From my Googling, it sounds like it is difficult in Time Machine to only
>> include items.  Time Machine’s set up is to exclude.  If I want to back up a
>> handful, I imagine my exclusion list would be large.
>> Any advice or guidance on this?  Also, is there a way in Time Machine to
>> limit the number of snap shots?  I’m not really looking to access a snap
>> shot from 3 Months ago.
>> I remember I had this cool program in Windows, where I plugged in a USB
>> drive and had it set up to back up 3 or 4 folders on my system.  It had
>> something like 3 options to back up changes, replace, or duplicate.  If I
>> remember correctly, it was meant for the person that may take their USB
>> drive to work or school, change files on it, then want to save those changes
>> to their system at home.  They could then continue to work on the files at
>> home and save those changes back to the USB drive.  I cannot remember the
>> name of the program, but it met my needs perfectly.  :)
>> Thanks for your thoughts.
>> Traci
>> --
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>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> -- 
> Kimberly
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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The followi

Re: only want to back up a few items

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

I believe that it may be difficult to create a workflow in Automator that would 
accomplish this.  Someone could correct me, but it's stock workflows are not 
designed for this sort of solution.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 09:42, E.T.  wrote:

  I have not used it but Automator cones ti mind. Its in your Applications 

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/11/2016 8:35 AM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Yes, I plan on using a 32GB USB drive.  It’s tiny, so if I want to have it 
> with me, I have my most important folders from my Mac.  I’m not clear if Time 
> Machine is my best solution for backing up/syncing half a dozen folders/files.
> Thanks,
> Traci
>> On Jul 11, 2016, at 8:32 AM, Kimber Gardner  
>> wrote:
>> How about an external drive or cloud storage?
>> On 7/11/16, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>> Is there a good back up/sync solution if I only want to back up a handful of
>>> items?  For example, I want to back up music, photos, a folder inside
>>> documents, and a couple protected DMG folders.  The DMG folders inside
>>> documents often change and update, they are works in progress.
>>> From my Googling, it sounds like it is difficult in Time Machine to only
>>> include items.  Time Machine’s set up is to exclude.  If I want to back up a
>>> handful, I imagine my exclusion list would be large.
>>> Any advice or guidance on this?  Also, is there a way in Time Machine to
>>> limit the number of snap shots?  I’m not really looking to access a snap
>>> shot from 3 Months ago.
>>> I remember I had this cool program in Windows, where I plugged in a USB
>>> drive and had it set up to back up 3 or 4 folders on my system.  It had
>>> something like 3 options to back up changes, replace, or duplicate.  If I
>>> remember correctly, it was meant for the person that may take their USB
>>> drive to work or school, change files on it, then want to save those changes
>>> to their system at home.  They could then continue to work on the files at
>>> home and save those changes back to the USB drive.  I cannot remember the
>>> name of the program, but it met my needs perfectly.  :)
>>> Thanks for your thoughts.
>>> Traci
>>> --
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
>>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> ---
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> --
>> Kimberly
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
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>> Visit this group at

Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

I agree totally with your assessment here.  Although, regarding the MacPro, I 
installed a SSD into Bay 1 of mine, created a fusion drive between it and a 1 
TB spinner in Bay 2 and knocked it up to 16 GB of RAM.  It runs quite well with 
El Capitan now.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 15:21, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 

Nothing new here, Apple is just better at keeping consumers out of their 
widgets now then back in the Mac Plus days. They figured out that most people 
could pick up a long T15 Torx screwdriver without much trouble but getting 
things unsoldered without burning the board is a different thing. Then again, 
it used to be that a machine would barley creak past the three year mark before 
failing, if they made it that far. My 2008 Mac Pro and 2012 MacBook Pro are 
still humming along just fine at work. So are the PowerMac G4 in the basement 
and the 2009 Mini hooked to the TV at home. It's no longer planned obsolescence 
through hardware failure but by software that requires more and more. 
Eventually support is dropped and I have to make the call on whether I can live 
with a particular piece of hardware running software frozen in time. At least 
with the MacPro it can still run OSX 10.11 even if it's a bit pokey.


On 7/9/16 8:01 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Apple doesn’t want you to upgrade at all.  For most products now once you buy 
> it your stuck with what you got.  As Simon mentioned there may be an access 
> panel on the iMac but for the most part everything is hard soldered to the 
> board.
>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 8:02 AM, Saqib Hussain  wrote:
>> Hi. Can you upgrade the RAM on the latest Mac Mini? I would be interested in 
>> doing this but I think Apple prefer we didn’t go to a local retailer for RAM 
>> upgrades.
>>> On 7 Jul 2016, at 18:20, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>> Also, if you know a good computer store, or you know how to yourself,
>>> you can upgrade the ram, I believe up to 16 GB. At least, mine can be
>>> upgraded that much, yours may be only 8 GB. Still, that is decent.
>>> Portia.
>>> On 7/7/16, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>>> Hey Arnold,
>>>> That is the exact model I got, but it is from 2012.
>>>> I honestly think it would be a great buy, as I've read the reviews on it.
>>>> Portia.
>>>> On 7/7/16, Arnold Schmidt  wrote:
>>>>> It is from 2011.  It has an i5, I think 2.5 gig, processor, but only 4
>>>>> gig
>>>>> of ram.  It has a 500 gig hard drive, which is plenty for me.  They want
>>>>> about $430 for this computer.  Thanks for any opinions.
>>>>> Arnold Schmidt
>>>>> Arnold Schmidt
>>>>> --
>>>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
>>>>> Visionaries list.
>>>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or
>>>>> if
>>>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners
>>>>> or
>>>>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>>>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>>>> ---
>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>>>>> email to
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>>>>> Visit this group at
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>>> -- 
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> You

Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

MacPro it is.  I have three at various locations within our School District, a 
few older X-Serves and some good old Mac Minis all running as OS X Servers and 
I liked the MacPro so much, I got one for home as well.  It's a 2009 model, so 
doesn't have the oomph that the newer cylindrical ones do, but it's a 
work-horse.  I do also have a MacBook Pro, but that's a different story.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 20:38, Scott Granados  wrote:

Hi Tim, by mac pro do you mean a Macbook pro or a real mac pro desktop.  I’ve 
been thinking about getting a mac pro desktop but (power work station might be 
a better word for it) but I haven’t met anyone who’s used one.  If you’re using 
the later, any impressions?

> On Jul 11, 2016, at 5:32 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree totally with your assessment here.  Although, regarding the MacPro, I 
> installed a SSD into Bay 1 of mine, created a fusion drive between it and a 1 
> TB spinner in Bay 2 and knocked it up to 16 GB of RAM.  It runs quite well 
> with El Capitan now.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 11, 2016, at 15:21, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Nothing new here, Apple is just better at keeping consumers out of their 
> widgets now then back in the Mac Plus days. They figured out that most people 
> could pick up a long T15 Torx screwdriver without much trouble but getting 
> things unsoldered without burning the board is a different thing. Then again, 
> it used to be that a machine would barley creak past the three year mark 
> before failing, if they made it that far. My 2008 Mac Pro and 2012 MacBook 
> Pro are still humming along just fine at work. So are the PowerMac G4 in the 
> basement and the 2009 Mini hooked to the TV at home. It's no longer planned 
> obsolescence through hardware failure but by software that requires more and 
> more. Eventually support is dropped and I have to make the call on whether I 
> can live with a particular piece of hardware running software frozen in time. 
> At least with the MacPro it can still run OSX 10.11 even if it's a bit pokey.
> CB
> On 7/9/16 8:01 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Apple doesn’t want you to upgrade at all.  For most products now once you 
>> buy it your stuck with what you got.  As Simon mentioned there may be an 
>> access panel on the iMac but for the most part everything is hard soldered 
>> to the board.
>>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 8:02 AM, Saqib Hussain  wrote:
>>> Hi. Can you upgrade the RAM on the latest Mac Mini? I would be interested 
>>> in doing this but I think Apple prefer we didn’t go to a local retailer for 
>>> RAM upgrades.
>>>> On 7 Jul 2016, at 18:20, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>>> Also, if you know a good computer store, or you know how to yourself,
>>>> you can upgrade the ram, I believe up to 16 GB. At least, mine can be
>>>> upgraded that much, yours may be only 8 GB. Still, that is decent.
>>>> Portia.
>>>> On 7/7/16, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>>>> Hey Arnold,
>>>>> That is the exact model I got, but it is from 2012.
>>>>> I honestly think it would be a great buy, as I've read the reviews on it.
>>>>> Portia.
>>>>> On 7/7/16, Arnold Schmidt  wrote:
>>>>>> It is from 2011.  It has an i5, I think 2.5 gig, processor, but only 4
>>>>>> gig
>>>>>> of ram.  It has a 500 gig hard drive, which is plenty for me.  They want
>>>>>> about $430 for this computer.  Thanks for any opinions.
>>>>>> Arnold Schmidt
>>>>>> Arnold Schmidt
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
>>>>>> Visionaries list.
>>>>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>>>>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at

Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-11 Thread Tim Kilburn
It'll do that job well, and likely have power left over to handle some other 
tasks too.

Good luck.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 11, 2016, at 21:20, Scott Granados  wrote:

I was thinking of picking one up to run a protools setup as well as video 

I like the idea of a round case.:)  Also that’s a ton of cores you can load up 
in that thing.

Thanks I suspected they were very good, nice to hear from sone with first hand 

> On Jul 11, 2016, at 11:02 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Scott,
> MacPro it is.  I have three at various locations within our School District, 
> a few older X-Serves and some good old Mac Minis all running as OS X Servers 
> and I liked the MacPro so much, I got one for home as well.  It's a 2009 
> model, so doesn't have the oomph that the newer cylindrical ones do, but it's 
> a work-horse.  I do also have a MacBook Pro, but that's a different story.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 11, 2016, at 20:38, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Hi Tim, by mac pro do you mean a Macbook pro or a real mac pro desktop.  I’ve 
> been thinking about getting a mac pro desktop but (power work station might 
> be a better word for it) but I haven’t met anyone who’s used one.  If you’re 
> using the later, any impressions?
>> On Jul 11, 2016, at 5:32 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree totally with your assessment here.  Although, regarding the MacPro, 
>> I installed a SSD into Bay 1 of mine, created a fusion drive between it and 
>> a 1 TB spinner in Bay 2 and knocked it up to 16 GB of RAM.  It runs quite 
>> well with El Capitan now.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 11, 2016, at 15:21, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>>  wrote:
>> Nothing new here, Apple is just better at keeping consumers out of their 
>> widgets now then back in the Mac Plus days. They figured out that most 
>> people could pick up a long T15 Torx screwdriver without much trouble but 
>> getting things unsoldered without burning the board is a different thing. 
>> Then again, it used to be that a machine would barley creak past the three 
>> year mark before failing, if they made it that far. My 2008 Mac Pro and 2012 
>> MacBook Pro are still humming along just fine at work. So are the PowerMac 
>> G4 in the basement and the 2009 Mini hooked to the TV at home. It's no 
>> longer planned obsolescence through hardware failure but by software that 
>> requires more and more. Eventually support is dropped and I have to make the 
>> call on whether I can live with a particular piece of hardware running 
>> software frozen in time. At least with the MacPro it can still run OSX 10.11 
>> even if it's a bit pokey.
>> CB
>> On 7/9/16 8:01 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Apple doesn’t want you to upgrade at all.  For most products now once you 
>>> buy it your stuck with what you got.  As Simon mentioned there may be an 
>>> access panel on the iMac but for the most part everything is hard soldered 
>>> to the board.
>>>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 8:02 AM, Saqib Hussain  wrote:
>>>> Hi. Can you upgrade the RAM on the latest Mac Mini? I would be interested 
>>>> in doing this but I think Apple prefer we didn’t go to a local retailer 
>>>> for RAM upgrades.
>>>>> On 7 Jul 2016, at 18:20, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>>>> Also, if you know a good computer store, or you know how to yourself,
>>>>> you can upgrade the ram, I believe up to 16 GB. At least, mine can be
>>>>> upgraded that much, yours may be only 8 GB. Still, that is decent.
>>>>> Portia.
>>>>> On 7/7/16, Portia Scott  wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Arnold,
>>>>>> That is the exact model I got, but it is from 2012.
>>>>>> I honestly think it would be a great buy, as I've read the reviews on it.
>>>>>> Portia.
>>>>>> On 7/7/16, Arnold Schmidt  wrote:
>>>>>>> It is from 2011.  It has an i5, I think 2.5 gig, processor, but only 4
>>>>>>> gig
>>>>>>> of ram.  It has a 500 gig hard drive, which is plenty for me.  They want
>>>>>>> about $430 for this computer.  Thanks for any opinions.

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

I love reading this personal historical info on folks.  Sure, off topic, but 
totally acceptable in my world.  The common thread here is supportive and 
progressive parents and teachers.  I really didn't use Braille until my late 
teens, probably due to having some usable sight and an immature desire to not 
be considered blind.  Consequently, my Braille is limited to Grade 1, and 
primarily only used to cheat, oops, I mean play cards with others.  I was a 
classroom teacher for about 25 years then moved into Admin as a Technology 
Consultant and Project Manager for a new Science & Tech Centre in our School 
District.  Probably 95% of my computer experience has been with Apple products 
with a smattering of Digital Equipment Main Frames and Windows.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 12, 2016, at 07:53, Donna Goodin  wrote:

Hi Anne,

That's really interesting.  I didn't do as well as you with the Optacon.  I was 
a very fast braille reader, and at age 11, lacked the patience for the slow 
speed of reading with the Optacon.  But I can see where it would have been 
different having a specific purpose in mind.  I was using it to read fiction, 
which I could do much more efficiently with braille.  Probably had I had a need 
to do something specific with it--and frankly, had I also been a little 
older--I would have been more driven to stick with it.

It's funny, I still have my Optacon.  It's just sitting in our basement 
gathering dust.  I probably should do something with it some day.
> On Jul 12, 2016, at 1:19 AM, Anne Robertson  <>> wrote:
> I grew up in England and between the ages of 7 and 17, attended schools for 
> the blind where maths was taught, but the only science was biology, which 
> didn’t interest me at the time. I would have preferred to learn physics.
> I finished my secondary education in a mainstream school and specialised in 
> languages. I studied French at university, but then I went into computer 
> programming.
> The tool that allowed me to work on an equal footing with my sighted 
> colleagues was the optacon. I was able to read the terminal screen and 
> printout. I programmed the Apple ii in hexadecimal and read all the manuals 
> using the optacon.
> I didn’t use speech on a computer until we got a Mac, a 2SI, during the 90s 
> and I purchased OutSpoken.
> It never occurred to me that I might not be able to get a job as a blind 
> person once the optacon became available to me.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 12 Jul 2016, at 05:15, Donna Goodin > <>> wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> First let me say that on a very fundamental level I agree with your post.  
>> But ...
>> As a kid, I somehow sort of absorbed the fact that because I was blind, math 
>> and the sciences weren't for me.  And this despite the fact that my dad was 
>> a computer guy, who spent lots of time and energy conveying to me how 
>> important tech would be for me..  Some of my earliest memories are of him 
>> bringing home those old computer punch cards and magnetic tapes for my 
>> brother and me to play with.  I remember going with him into the office on 
>> Saturdays and seeing the computer, which was this great big behemoth that 
>> took up an entire room.  I remember him teaching me base 2 at the dinner 
>> table.  But once I got to school, my math and science teachers had no idea 
>> what to do with me.  Classes were taught almost exclusively on the 
>> blackboard, and I was bored out of my mind.  I grew up thinking I sucked at 
>> math, and it wasn't until I was in my thirties that I realized that I was 
>> actually pretty bloody good at it.  Back in the 80s, I went out with this 
>> total computer geek.  I was fascinated by all the stuff he was into, but 
>> neither he nor I knew how to make all that accessible to me.  (And by that 
>> time, I actually owned a TSI Versabraille).  I think that had I been born 
>> within the last 25 years, I actually would have chosen IT--or something 
>> related--as a career.  Clearly something was different for you and John.  
>> Maybe it was innate intelligence, maybe there was a gender bias at play, 
>> maybe it was opportunity, I don't know.  I do know from other posts I've 
>> seen from you that your parents seemed quite willing to think out of the 
>> box.  I grew up in suburbia.  My mom was 20 when she had me, my dad was 22.  
>> Having a blind kid pretty much rocked their young, limited world.  I don't 
>> think my experience is unique.  Whatever it was that jived for you guys, 
>> didn't carry over to lots of blind folks.

Re: Collaborating on Google Docs with an iPad and the docs app or on the Mac

2016-07-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

Docs is actually just a web-based word processor.  I'd agree that it's probably 
easiest for you to use on your iPad.  It's actually quite accessible, although 
you may need to use arrow keys while in the text area of the shared document 
instead of VO navigation.  Haven't been in a collaboration session for a bit, 
so can't recall if you need to do anything special to refresh the content when 
on an iPad.  On the web, it tends to do it automatically, which can sometimes 
mess you up when in the document.  Overall, I would guess that it's not that 
difficult to learn as it is quite straight forward on the iOS version.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 12, 2016, at 16:31, Mary Otten  wrote:

I have the need to collaborate with people on a Google doc, which is apparently 
a database sort of thing, where we have to make phone calls and notes. I would 
like to use my iPad and the docs app, as that would seem to be the simplest 
way. I have a keyboard for my iPad. I could also use a Mac which I have, or an 
android device, but I would have to get a keyboard for that, so I would prefer 
not to use it. I am looking for information from people who have collaborated 
on Google Docs with an iPad or a Mac as to how complicated it is to learn. Is 
there a tutorial or explanatory document regarding voiceover and Google Docs?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu.  That is, whether you use your 
keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move To" 
item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down arrows 
or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name.  Once focus is on the 
Mailbox you wish it to be moved to, just press return.  Note that, depending on 
whether these are sub-mailboxes, and if you have the parent mailbox open within 
the Mailboxes table, you may or may not need to open additional sub-menus to 
finally locate the desired location.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:14, Sandra E. Finley  wrote:

I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move To" 
in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is found, 
how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is how do I get 
to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there? 

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Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Joseph,

NO problem adding to any message of mine.  A question though, not sure where 
the VO-shift-a.m. comes from.  I'm not sure what the "a" is used for in your 
suggestion.  The Contextual menu command is VO-shift-m, followed by letters or 
arrows suggested in your message.  Please correct me or clarify if necessary.  


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:26, Joseph Hudson  wrote:

Hi, I would like to add to your message if you wouldn't mind. Control option 
shift a.m. Opens up the menu where this moved to submenu is. Once you find the 
submenu, you will be able to Arrow right, to activate that menu. Then Erin down 
to the desired mailbox that you wish to move to didn't when you're done, hit 
the enter are the key. Keep in mind, you want to have focused on the message 
that you're wanting to move before doing the command that I have provided above 
for you.
Joseph Hudson
Email <>
I device support
joseph.hudson89 facebook 
Twitter <> 

FaceTime/iMessage <>
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Tim Kilburn  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu.  That is, whether you use your 
> keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move 
> To" item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down 
> arrows or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name.  Once focus is 
> on the Mailbox you wish it to be moved to, just press return.  Note that, 
> depending on whether these are sub-mailboxes, and if you have the parent 
> mailbox open within the Mailboxes table, you may or may not need to open 
> additional sub-menus to finally locate the desired location.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:14, Sandra E. Finley  <>> wrote:
> I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move 
> To" in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is 
> found, how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is how 
> do I get to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there? 
> Sandy
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> <>
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> <>
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> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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The follow

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi chuck,

Thanks for this hint.  I think that I heard about this a long while back, but 
it must have went in one ear and out the other.  Good efficiency if the desired 
location is in your Favourites.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:17, CHUCK REICHEL  

Hi Tim,
If the mail box is in your "favorites"
I use "control command 1-9" on the num pad to move the selected message to my 
different boxes.
control command then  hit the number on the num pad to move it.
The rub with this method is you half to know which # your desired mail box 
corresponds to.
I find my self checking where I want to move it to by hitting "command and a 
num pad #" to hear VO announce the mail box that corresponds to that "favorite" 
mail box i want.
Then I go back to my in box "command 1" and move it.
I guess the key here is that you half to  have that mail box in the favorites 
to make this short cut work. :)
PS I always enjoy your posts Tim.
very cool step by step instructions.
talk soon

On Jul 13, 2016, at 11:32 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Joseph,
> NO problem adding to any message of mine.  A question though, not sure where 
> the VO-shift-a.m. comes from.  I'm not sure what the "a" is used for in your 
> suggestion.  The Contextual menu command is VO-shift-m, followed by letters 
> or arrows suggested in your message.  Please correct me or clarify if 
> necessary.  Thanks.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:26, Joseph Hudson  <>> wrote:
> Hi, I would like to add to your message if you wouldn't mind. Control option 
> shift a.m. Opens up the menu where this moved to submenu is. Once you find 
> the submenu, you will be able to Arrow right, to activate that menu. Then 
> Erin down to the desired mailbox that you wish to move to didn't when you're 
> done, hit the enter are the key. Keep in mind, you want to have focused on 
> the message that you're wanting to move before doing the command that I have 
> provided above for you.
> Joseph Hudson
> Email
> <>
> I device support
> Telephone
> 2543007667
> Skype
> joseph.hudson89 facebook
> <>
> Twitter
> <> 
> FaceTime/iMessage
> <>
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Tim Kilburn > <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu.  That is, whether you use your 
>> keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move 
>> To" item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down 
>> arrows or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name.  Once focus is 
>> on the Mailbox you wish it to be moved to, just press return.  Note that, 
>> depending on whether these are sub-mailboxes, and if you have the parent 
>> mailbox open within the Mailboxes table, you may or may not need to open 
>> additional sub-menus to finally locate the desired location.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:14, Sandra E. Finley > <>> wrote:
>> I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move 
>> To" in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is 
>> found, how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is 
>> how do I get to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there? 
>> Sandy
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>> <>
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> <>
>> --- 
>> You received this message because

Re: trouble uploading videos on facebook on mac

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

I haven't used it in a while, but it was always accurate for me when uploading 
movies to YouTube.  So, I'd expect that it's interface with FaceBook would also 
be reliable.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 13, 2016, at 20:56, Dionipher Herrera  wrote:

Goodmorning to all, i am just wondering, how accurate is the share button on 
quicktime player and on imovie to facebook? seems like it wouldn’t share the 
video i am posting. thanks.

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Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Scott,

I guess us Canadians are fairly progressive :).  Actually, it seems to just 
take the right leadership willing to give it a try.  When I first interviewed  
over 28 years ago for the School District I currently work for, the Assistant 
Superintendent interviewed me.  My blindness didn't seem to phase him at all, 
and he went back to the Superintendent and recommended to hire me to teach Math 
and Computer Science in our schools.  We do not have any "Schools for the 
blind" out here in the west, so my upbringing and subsequent classroom teaching 
experience was all in mainstream schools.  Yes, it took some "I'll show you" 
attitude sometimes, but that only works with open minded people in the first 
place.  Positive attitudes and perseverance go a long way and help to make 
in-roads for better acceptance and openness in the future for persons with 
various disabilities or challenges.

Oh well, enough spouting off from me for now.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 13, 2016, at 23:06, Scott Granados  wrote:

Hi Dona, I always learn something new from these discussions and have my 
horizons widened.  On another list I learned of a low vision registered nurse 
which surprised me as well as engine rebuilders and furniture builders.

The only blind person I’ve ever ran in to in a professional setting randomly 
was in Canada.  The curator of the Alexander Graham Bell museum was blind and 
gave me quite a tour.  Got to touch a lot of the old phone equipment which for 
me was so cool since it’s the foundation of everything I work in today.  I 
haven’t met any other blind people other than on lists in customer facing 
positions.  I did see several going to work though when I worked out west.

I find myself as guilty of being surprised when someone has a job I don’t 
understand how they do and being surprised which in the same breath makes me 
even more guilty for reacting like a sited person that way.  So I like having 
my viewpoints expanded by these type of conversations on list because I think 
they help me be more open minded in life.

> On Jul 12, 2016, at 11:00 PM, Donna Goodin  <>> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I agree.  I think it's really fun and interesting getting to know a bit about 
> list members' history and early computer experiences.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 10:28 AM, Tim Kilburn > <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I love reading this personal historical info on folks.  Sure, off topic, but 
>> totally acceptable in my world.  The common thread here is supportive and 
>> progressive parents and teachers.  I really didn't use Braille until my late 
>> teens, probably due to having some usable sight and an immature desire to 
>> not be considered blind.  Consequently, my Braille is limited to Grade 1, 
>> and primarily only used to cheat, oops, I mean play cards with others.  I 
>> was a classroom teacher for about 25 years then moved into Admin as a 
>> Technology Consultant and Project Manager for a new Science & Tech Centre in 
>> our School District.  Probably 95% of my computer experience has been with 
>> Apple products with a smattering of Digital Equipment Main Frames and 
>> Windows.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 07:53, Donna Goodin > <>> wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> That's really interesting.  I didn't do as well as you with the Optacon.  I 
>> was a very fast braille reader, and at age 11, lacked the patience for the 
>> slow speed of reading with the Optacon.  But I can see where it would have 
>> been different having a specific purpose in mind.  I was using it to read 
>> fiction, which I could do much more efficiently with braille.  Probably had 
>> I had a need to do something specific with it--and frankly, had I also been 
>> a little older--I would have been more driven to stick with it.
>> It's funny, I still have my Optacon.  It's just sitting in our basement 
>> gathering dust.  I probably should do something with it some day.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>>> On Jul 12, 2016, at 1:19 AM, Anne Robertson >> <>> wrote:
>>> I grew up in England and between the ages of 7 and 17, attended schools for 
>>> the blind where maths was taught, but the only science was biology, which 
>>> didn’t interest me at the time. I would have preferred to learn physics.
>>> I finished my secondary education in a mainstream school and specialised in 
>>> languages. I studied Fr

Re: Cannot Join Wifi

2016-07-14 Thread Tim Kilburn

Sometimes, things get confused inside your Mac and it just won't connect.  Try 
restarting your Mac and that often clears up the issue.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 14, 2016, at 12:07, E.T.  wrote:

  Netgear Nighthawk AC1900. Ran wireless diagnostics and all it could tell me 
was that this wifi was not associated or something to that effect. iPhone and 
Windows has no issues.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/14/2016 11:04 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hi,
> What kind of router are you using?
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of E.T.
> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 9:45 AM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Cannot Join Wifi
>For the last 2-3 days my Mac is having trouble connecting to my wifi 
> network. I have a new router which has been in service a few weeks. The 
> Windows laptop has no trouble connecting.
>Network prefs shows wifi is on but not connected. Manually connecting does 
> not solve this. What do I need to look at?
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>   Are We Alone in the Universe?
> --
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Re: Cannot Join Wifi

2016-07-14 Thread Tim Kilburn

Check out this link.  Something to do with iPv6 not being enabled causing the 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 14, 2016, at 12:26, E.T.  wrote:

  I should add that this happens at startup. I had finally connected somehow 
but today something is being very stubborn.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/14/2016 11:10 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Sometimes, things get confused inside your Mac and it just won't connect.  
> Try restarting your Mac and that often clears up the issue.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 14, 2016, at 12:07, E.T.  wrote:
>  Netgear Nighthawk AC1900. Ran wireless diagnostics and all it could tell me 
> was that this wifi was not associated or something to that effect. iPhone and 
> Windows has no issues.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 7/14/2016 11:04 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What kind of router are you using?
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of E.T.
>> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 9:45 AM
>> To: MacVisionaries
>> Subject: Cannot Join Wifi
>>   For the last 2-3 days my Mac is having trouble connecting to my wifi 
>> network. I have a new router which has been in service a few weeks. The 
>> Windows laptop has no trouble connecting.
>>   Network prefs shows wifi is on but not connected. Manually connecting does 
>> not solve this. What do I need to look at?
>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
>> --
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Re: How do I sign into apple Music? I thought I was...

2016-07-14 Thread Tim Kilburn

Check if your new Mac is authorized.  Go under the Account menu to Authorize, 
then to its sub-menu.  Try to authorize your Mac.  If it allows you to 
authorize it, then you should be OK.  There are two main errors that could come 
up here.  If you already have five computers authorized, then you'll need to 
de-authorize one or all in order to make room for this new one.  Or, if it is 
already authorized, then it will tell you so, and then there's something odd 
going on.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 14, 2016, at 21:56, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Hi everyone,
I have just migrated my Mac to a new Mac and every time I attempt to play an 
Apple Music song, it says that I need to be signed into apple Music. I signed 
out of my account under the account menu, and signed back in again. It 
continues to say that I am not signed into Apple Music.
Anybody have any way to fix this?
Thank you.

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Re: old time machine not deleting

2016-07-15 Thread Tim Kilburn

On the backup drive, there should be an item named Computer_Name which would be 
a Sparse Disk Image bundle.  This is where backups for Time Machine reside.  
This is an openable item.  If you wish to remove it and start from scratch, 
just throw it in the Trash.  The next time Time Machine goes to complete a 
backup, it will give you an error message about the backup missing or being 
modified, just confirm that you still wish to use this drive and it will begin 
the backup process all over again.  Note that in this case though, the backup 
may take quite a while as it needs to start over.  When determining why old 
backups are not deleting, consider two things.  First, the external drive that 
you're using should be at least twice as big as the drive you're backing up.  
This allows for the compression/decompression process of the backups during the 
Time Machine process.  Second, if you use this drive to store other items 
besides your Time Machine backups, then the deleting of older backups usually 
will not occur.  You need to make sure that this backup drive is only for Time 
Machine.  You are able to partition the disk so that one volume is just for 
Time Machine backups and other volumes are for other data if you wish, but the 
Time Machine location should only be used for Time Machine backups.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 15, 2016, at 00:01, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Same here. I get a notification every once in a while saying that my drive is 
full and it can’t create another backup. I want to delete all of my Time 
Machine backups. I know they are on this drive, but there is not a folder or 
anything that tells me where they are located.

> On Jul 15, 2016, at 1:40 AM, Jean  wrote:
> Hello All:
> I noticed that my external disk is reporting that it is full. After some 
> investigation, I discovered that my time machine backups which are on this 
> disk go back over one year. Apparently the old backups are not deleting. How 
> do I fix this?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Jean
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Re: old time machine not deleting

2016-07-15 Thread Tim Kilburn

Go into System Prefs, in the Sharing pane.  the computer name will be there.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 15, 2016, at 09:41, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Hmm. How can I find out my computer name? I think right now it is just “iMac”.
I am not sure what my old computer name was though which the backups are from.

> On Jul 15, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> On the backup drive, there should be an item named Computer_Name which would 
> be a Sparse Disk Image bundle.  This is where backups for Time Machine 
> reside.  This is an openable item.  If you wish to remove it and start from 
> scratch, just throw it in the Trash.  The next time Time Machine goes to 
> complete a backup, it will give you an error message about the backup missing 
> or being modified, just confirm that you still wish to use this drive and it 
> will begin the backup process all over again.  Note that in this case though, 
> the backup may take quite a while as it needs to start over.  When 
> determining why old backups are not deleting, consider two things.  First, 
> the external drive that you're using should be at least twice as big as the 
> drive you're backing up.  This allows for the compression/decompression 
> process of the backups during the Time Machine process.  Second, if you use 
> this drive to store other items besides your Time Machine backups, then the 
> deleting of older backups usually will not occur.  You need to make sure that 
> this backup drive is only for Time Machine.  You are able to partition the 
> disk so that one volume is just for Time Machine backups and other volumes 
> are for other data if you wish, but the Time Machine location should only be 
> used for Time Machine backups.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 00:01, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
> Same here. I get a notification every once in a while saying that my drive is 
> full and it can’t create another backup. I want to delete all of my Time 
> Machine backups. I know they are on this drive, but there is not a folder or 
> anything that tells me where they are located.
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 1:40 AM, Jean  wrote:
>> Hello All:
>> I noticed that my external disk is reporting that it is full. After some 
>> investigation, I discovered that my time machine backups which are on this 
>> disk go back over one year. Apparently the old backups are not deleting. How 
>> do I fix this?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Jean
>> -- 
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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-15 Thread Tim Kilburn

If you restart your Mac, you should be able to empty the trash.  Regarding a 
better backup solution, others may disagree, but I believe that Time Machine is 
your best option.  How much of your 2 TB internal is free?  The recommendation 
of a drive being twice the size of what it's backing up assumes that you're 
using a large portion of its space.  If you are using less than 1 TB on your 
internal drive, then a 2 TB external should do the trick.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:20, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Hi everyone,
I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but then 
it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, which is 
now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in July, are 
all in use.
Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better backup 
utilities I can use instead?
I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. Not 
sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
Thanks all.

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Re: old time machine not deleting

2016-07-15 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, in system Prefs you'll find only the name of the computer.  On your 
external HD, where the backup is stored, will be what Time Machine uses as it's 
backup format, a Sparse Disk Image.  It will be named the same as your computer 
name.  If you Trash that, restart your Computer, then you should be able to 
empty the Trash and create a new backup.  Depending on a few things, there are 
occasions where you need to turn off Time Machine first before it will allow 
the elimination of the old backup.  Turning off Time Machine is found in the 
Time Machine pane of System Preferences.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 15, 2016, at 14:59, Jean  wrote:

Hi Tim:
Thanks for the reply. In system preferences it just has the name of my 
computer. I do not see the name of my external drive. I don’t know what a 
sparce disk is or how to find it. Could you please clarify what needs to be 
deleted and how it is to be deleted?

Many thanks,

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Re: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having permissions?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

To verify that you're an Admin, go into system Preferences, Users & Groups and 
interact with the Users, Groups & Login Options list.  Your user will be listed 
there and should also announce whether it's just a "User" or an "Admin".  
Regarding emptying the Trash, The Backup item is still linked to Time Machine, 
so it will not allow you to totally get rid of it.  To get around this, go into 
System Preferences, Time Machine and turn Time Machine off.  Once it is off, 
you should be able to empty the Trash.  If not, then you may still need to 
restart then empty.  After it has been emptied, you can go back into System 
Prefs, Time Machine and turn it back on.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 08:01, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

I’m the administrator. I entered my password and got that. Unless the migration 
assistant made my account a user when I transferred everything over? How can I 
verify that I’m an admin?

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 4:11 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Are you the administrator of the machine or just a user?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 7:57 PM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Can't delete my time machine backups folder due to not having 
> permissions?
> Hi everyone,
> So, this backups.upd or whatever is still in my trash. Going to empty the 
> trash normally causes an endless loop of “X” still in use, even after a 
> restart.
> When I go to the “delete immediately” option in the trash, it says I don’t 
> have permissions.
> Help? I hate having stuff in my trash.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

That's a very good suggestion.  I've done just that on occasion.  If your 
backup folder is rather large, like 2, 3 or 4 TB, it actually takes quite a 
while to empty the Trash.  It can even make you believe that your computer has 
hung, even though it has not.  Once you turn off Time Machine, you can then 
erase the HD where the backup resides, and it will be a much quicker and 
actually cleaner process for your backup HD.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 01:50, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?

That will give you a clean slate to start again with.

And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 

Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

Hi everyone,
I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but then 
it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, which is 
now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in July, are 
all in use.
Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better backup 
utilities I can use instead?
I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. Not 
sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
Thanks all.

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Re: Trying to connect a USB headset

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

Try using System Preferences, under the Sound pane, the Output tab.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 08:56, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


I have a USB headset that I want to connect with my Mac Air using OS 10 or 
above and/or Windows 10 on that machine.  I had no trouble hitching it to my 
former Windows laptop, but for some reason I haven't been able to have success. 
 I try to add it, but it seems inaccessible to go through the dialog.  I also 
tried to select it from the play-back area of the audio devices group.  Is 
there a way around this or anything else I should try?


Sharon H.

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Re: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Trash for each media device is kept on that device.  So, the Trash for an 
external drive will reside on that drive itself.  Therefore, erasing the drive 
will also eliminate its related Trash.  You will, likely, need to turn off Time 
Machine before the erase will be permitted.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 09:04, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:

Yes, but the backup data is in the trash now so can’t that is what I am trying 
to get rid of.

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 3:50 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> What about just eraising the intire disk using disk utilities?
> That will give you a clean slate to start again with.
> And if you have everything on your new machine then your not going to lose 
> anything 
> Just a thought.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Tubbs
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 6:21 AM
> To: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Deleting a Time Machine Backup in the trash
> Hi everyone,
> I am wondering how to delete a time machine backup in the trash? I delete the 
> trash, tell it that I want to remove all items, including locked ones, but 
> then it tells me that some of the backup folders, such as the user folder, 
> which is now on this new Mac, my home folder and something dated something in 
> July, are all in use.
> Is there any way to delete this? I want it completely trashed. Furthermore, I 
> don’t have a drive bigger than my now current internal of 2 TB, so I guess I 
> won’t be using Time Machine for now. I wonder if there are other, better 
> backup utilities I can use instead?
> I thought about paying for a Bazkblaze subscription to back this stuff up. 
> Not sure if there’s anything better than Backblaze.
> Thanks all.
> -- 
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Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and the 
items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, if 
it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you wish 
it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as MacOS 
Extended (Journaled).



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  wrote:

Hey list,
Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me a 
table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one for 
each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's correct. 
When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive that she 
wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know to use the 
right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry in the disks 
table to choose. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall <>

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Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn

You are right with respect to the first item in the list.  With respect to your 
question about only formatting the volume, I'm not totally sure as I've never 
tried it.  You are able to have both Mac and Windows based partitions on one 
physical disk, but I've never tried it with the initial partition map being 
NTFS.  If it did work, you would not be able to boot from that disk, nor be 
able to use it for Time Machine, but likely for data.

Refer to for some more info.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 13:26, Alex Hall  wrote:

Thanks. To be sure I have it right, that would be the first, collapsable entry 
in the disks table? What would happen if I reformatted the volume and not the 
physical disk? Would that leave it using NTFS, not letting me partition it but 
with a Mac FS partition?
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:06, Tim Kilburn  <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
> not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
> the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and 
> the items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, 
> if it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you 
> wish it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as 
> MacOS Extended (Journaled).
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  <>> wrote:
> Hey list,
> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive 
> that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know 
> to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry 
> in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> <>
> -- 
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Re: Overdrive for the Mac.

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Kawal,

When I pressed the Mac link, the download just started automatically.  So, even 
though it seemed to take you to an empty page, if you check in your Downloads 
folder, the installer dmg should be there.  Not sure how accessible things are 
after that.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:10, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:


I’m trying to download the Overdrive app for the Mac by visiting <> but when I press the link 
for the Mac, I get empty HTML.  I’d be grateful if someone could try this for 
me and tell me if I’m doing something wrong.  All I want to do is download the 
RNIB talking books to my Mac computer so that I can put my Victor Stream card 
in my Mac and copy them to my Victor Stream SD card to listen to later.  If I 
download the books to Overdrive on my phone then I’ll have 28 days to listen to 
them but I want to avoid that so I can listen to books any time I like.  I 
already have a password and login username to get books but I can’t get the 
Application for the Mac.


I'm fundraising for RNIB.

Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money Giving 

To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit 
<> where you can also sponsor 
me online.

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Re: Problem solved.

2016-07-16 Thread Tim Kilburn
Oops, sorry.  This must have came in while I was writing the other message.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:16, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Please don’t worry about my Overdrive question as I have found the files.  They 
downloaded without me knowing.
I'm fundraising for RNIB.

Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money Giving 

To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit 
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me online.

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Re: Time Machine

2016-07-17 Thread Tim Kilburn

>From the Time Machine area that you mention here, you can delete backups of 
>specific folders or files.  For example, from the Finder, press cmd-shift-h to 
>open your Home folder, then go up to the Time Machine extras menu and activate 
>the Enter Time Machine item.  As long as your Time Machine disk is available, 
>you'll hear a few swishes and ticks, then a new window will open displaying 
>the same list of folders in your Home folder, but this one is your Time 
>Machine versions of these items.  So, if you wished to delete all the old 
>backups of your iTunes folder, you'd open the Music folder, select the iTunes 
>folder, then navigate to the Toolbar and interact with it.  In the Toolbar, 
>there is an Action menu item, VO-space on that and choose Delete All Backups 
>of this item.  Therefore, all previous backups of your iTunes folder will be 
>deleted, freeing up space.  The iTunes folder should start backing up again on 
>your next Time Machine cycle.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 17, 2016, at 10:53, E.T.  wrote:

Tim and others,
  I do not think this was mentioned. If TM is on menu extras (enabled in Time 
Machine preferences), there is a menu selection labeled Enter Time Machine. In 
this window that displays are the time lines.

  I know one can delete TM backups here but how, I have not figured out. My TM 
drive is not near full so have no need but this would be good information.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

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Re: Two First Generation Track Pad Questions

2016-07-17 Thread Tim Kilburn

If the MacMini was purchased with the Trackpad straight from Apple, it is 
usually already paired for you.  If not, upon startup, it should ask to pair.  
Yes, the button is a power button.  Usually, I hold it in for about two seconds 
to power it up.  There's no real need to power it down as it simply goes to 
sleep to conserve battery power when not in use.  Mine lasts for months without 
shutting it off.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 17, 2016, at 13:22, Arnold Schmidt  wrote:

When I set up my newly arrived Mac Mini, how do I pair my first generation 
track pad with it, being that it doesn't have a way to connect it via cable to 
pair it?  Also, is the button on the opposite  side from where the batteries 
insert an on off button, or does it just lock the track pad?  If the latter, is 
there no way to turn it off so it won't continue to consume battery?  Thanks in 
advance for any information.
Arnold Schmidt 

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Re: Two First Generation Track Pad Questions

2016-07-17 Thread Tim Kilburn

I don't use my TrackPad that much as I primarily use the VO key navigation, so 
my estimate may be off.  I hope not for your sake.  Also, when I purchased my 
TrackPad, I purchased it with an Apple rechargeable battery pack thing.  It 
came with three sets of double-A batteries and an Apple charger thing.  The 
batteries on this unit work quite well.  If one buys cheap, discount store 
batteries, it may go through them faster too.

Good luck.

Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 17, 2016, at 14:36, Arnold Schmidt  wrote:

It will be interesting to see which one of the following my track pad ends up 
being.  You say that a set of batteries lasts for months.  I also have read 
that probably the most negative thing about the first generation track pad was, 
they can go through a set in less than a week.  I hope mine is the former.
Arnold Schmidt
> - Original Message - 
> From: Tim Kilburn <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 3:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Two First Generation Track Pad Questions
> Hi,
> If the MacMini was purchased with the Trackpad straight from Apple, it is 
> usually already paired for you.  If not, upon startup, it should ask to pair. 
>  Yes, the button is a power button.  Usually, I hold it in for about two 
> seconds to power it up.  There's no real need to power it down as it simply 
> goes to sleep to conserve battery power when not in use.  Mine lasts for 
> months without shutting it off.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada 
> On Jul 17, 2016, at 13:22, Arnold Schmidt  <>> wrote:
> When I set up my newly arrived Mac Mini, how do I pair my first generation 
> track pad with it, being that it doesn't have a way to connect it via cable 
> to pair it?  Also, is the button on the opposite  side from where the 
> batteries insert an on off button, or does it just lock the track pad?  If 
> the latter, is there no way to turn it off so it won't continue to consume 
> battery?  Thanks in advance for any information.
> Arnold Schmidt 
> -- 
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Re: Time Machine

2016-07-17 Thread Tim Kilburn

Similar process.

1.  Up to the Extras menu and choose Time Machine.
2.  Select Enter Time Machine.

This will automatically bring you to the newest Time Machine backup.  To access 
older ones...

3.  Use the Window Chooser (VO-f2-f2) and choose Time Machine Controls.

There will be a Vertical Slider in this Controls window where you can go 
through the backups you have, or you can press the Previous button to go back 
through them.  When you have the date and time of the backup you wish to 
remove, or use in some other fashion, use the Window Chooser to get back to the 
other window once again.  If you wish to remove the entire backup for that 

4.  Go to the Sidebar, under Devices and choose your computer.
5.  Interact with the Scroll area and select your HD.
6.  Up to the Toolbar, under the Actions menu and choose Delete this Backup.

Should do the trick.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 17, 2016, at 16:18, E.T.  wrote:

  Ok selecting Enter TM opens a Finder window. Makes sense now. But rather than 
choosing folders, how do you choose a time line to delete, say the oldest week 
or month's worth of backups?

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/17/2016 11:51 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> From the Time Machine area that you mention here, you can delete backups of 
> specific folders or files.  For example, from the Finder, press cmd-shift-h 
> to open your Home folder, then go up to the Time Machine extras menu and 
> activate the Enter Time Machine item.  As long as your Time Machine disk is 
> available, you'll hear a few swishes and ticks, then a new window will open 
> displaying the same list of folders in your Home folder, but this one is your 
> Time Machine versions of these items.  So, if you wished to delete all the 
> old backups of your iTunes folder, you'd open the Music folder, select the 
> iTunes folder, then navigate to the Toolbar and interact with it.  In the 
> Toolbar, there is an Action menu item, VO-space on that and choose Delete All 
> Backups of this item.  Therefore, all previous backups of your iTunes folder 
> will be deleted, freeing up space.  The iTunes folder should start backing up 
> again on your next Time Machine cycle.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 17, 2016, at 10:53, E.T.  wrote:
> Tim and others,
>  I do not think this was mentioned. If TM is on menu extras (enabled in Time 
> Machine preferences), there is a menu selection labeled Enter Time Machine. 
> In this window that displays are the time lines.
>  I know one can delete TM backups here but how, I have not figured out. My TM 
> drive is not near full so have no need but this would be good information.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Are We Alone in the Universe?

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Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-18 Thread Tim Kilburn
I suggest the Great White North.  No spiders of any consequence, only a few 
snow snakes in the mountains, although they're actually just stories we tell to 
freak out tourists, lots of empty space, mostly free medical care and lots of 
us tough guys who don't even bother wearing a jacket when it's below freezing.  
Then again, it's bloody hot in the summer, -45 C in the winter, not much of a 
Fall or Spring, wildfires that send us out of our city for months, lots of 
taxes and millions of mosquitos that could gang up and haul you away for 
dinner.  And, we tend to welcome anyone who'd like to brave our vast country.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 18, 2016, at 02:31, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Give it a go, but he lives in wellington, it's windy as a wind farm, 
But it is far enough away from the south island for us to not care, oh and 
you'd have to learn to speak English correctly, and be able to handle running 
naked in the snow.

Even better would be being able to play rugby in the snow, oh and if you don't 
know what rugby is, then your really in trouble, it is the biggest religion in 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, 18 July 2016 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

Aww come on, I’m going to need a Hillary / Trump escape plan!

Peter Jackson could hire me to make sure his render farms are networked 
properly.  I’d be happy to cut you in.:)  I was good enough for Dream Works so 
should be able to slide that.

> On Jul 16, 2016, at 4:02 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Scott, I'm not sure we want your kind down here in the southern hemisphere.
> Specially around new Zealand we're a very clean country 
> You might dirty the water!
> Lol.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 12:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 
> 22
> David, when that business grows large enough you need an IT department, you 
> let me know.  Would be nice to have a post hillary escape strategy.:)
> haha
> Good luck, sounds like interesting and rewarding work.
>> On Jul 15, 2016, at 12:34 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> It is an expansion of my current business. I am now contracted to do some 
>> government work with those who are disabled. However, it lines me up for 
>> something which will be coming up in a couple years around technology and 
>> accessibility.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 15 Jul 2016, at 00:59, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> That's exciting, David.  What is your new business?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>>> On Jul 14, 2016, at 5:34 AM, David Chittenden  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Well, I just signed a new contracting agreement, so I am about to start a 
>>>> new business. If I am correct, I will preceed an upcoming trend and be 
>>>> ready to capitalise on where things appear to be headed. Here we go with 
>>>> the next business.
>>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>>> Email:
>>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On 14 Jul 2016, at 16:59, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>>>> David, I like your history, not to point out a bad thing but I like your 
>>>>> comments on failed businesses.  I’m right there with you.
>>>>> I always hid my blindness when possible while doing business.  I had for 
>>>>> a while, especially during my first attempt, sited folks that I put out 
>>>>> front and I mainly dealt with people through telephones or email etc.  
>>>>> This worked for several years although there were reporters and other 
>>>>> people very interested in my business (an internet provider) at the time 
>>>>> who made it challenging to hide.  I would actually only allow these 
>>>>> people close if I was able to maintain control and final approval whether 
>>>>> something would be released and I had a marketing person for a while who 
>>>>> I made review everything to make sure no hints leaked out.  I remember 

Re: Timer in iOS Camera?

2016-07-20 Thread Tim Kilburn

It sounds like HDR mode is enabled.  This is normal behaviour as far as I can 
tell.  When HDR is enabled, and that's a good thing, the Eyesight camera will 
take multiple pictures and blend them into one.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 20, 2016, at 08:19, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

I'm trying to take a selfie of myself, and have the camera set on a 10 second 
timer.  This way after telling the shutter to be activated, I can move my hand 
out of the way in time.  When I do this howevber, it's seeming to snap 5 or 10 
pictures back to back... almost like a burst mode.  Is this normal when using 
the still camera timer?  If not, then how do I turn this off?  I only need one 
photo, and I have a selfie stick, so I'm very confident that I'm aimed 
perfectly.  It's not like I need multiple takes.
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor. <>
Phone: (704) 256-8010.

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Re: Timer in iOS Camera?

2016-07-20 Thread Tim Kilburn

HDR is a feature they introduced a while back, in iOS 8, I think.  What it does 
is analyze the pictures taken close together and combines the best parts of 
each into one.  At least, from a computer prospective's point of view.  I 
believe, by default, all the pictures are kept, but you can change this in the 
Settings for your camera on the iDevice.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 20, 2016, at 09:36, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

So, what's the reason for it blending them into one?
Also, if the cat is out of the bag hewre, then please may I profusely 
apologize.  I don't have an iOS 9 device to test this with, and I don't use the 
camera enough to know, so if I am revealing something that is only iOS 10, then 
just write me and say, that's only in iOS 10.  You don't need to further 
explain, as I don't want NDA being broken, public or not, but generally in iOS 
9, does the camera have a filters button within the viewfinder screen before 
snapping a pic?  If so, what is it for?
Yes, you are correct HDR was turned on.  I presume that means high def 
Again, I still don't understand why blending the photos into one is such a good 
thing.  Can you further explain?  I guess, as long as it's not saving all 5 or 
whatever of those photos seperetly in my camera roll, that's the main thing.
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor. <>
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message - 
> From: Tim Kilburn <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Timer in iOS Camera?
> Hi,
> It sounds like HDR mode is enabled.  This is normal behaviour as far as I can 
> tell.  When HDR is enabled, and that's a good thing, the Eyesight camera will 
> take multiple pictures and blend them into one.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada 
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 08:19, Christopher-Mark Gilland  <>> wrote:
> I'm trying to take a selfie of myself, and have the camera set on a 10 second 
> timer.  This way after telling the shutter to be activated, I can move my 
> hand out of the way in time.  When I do this howevber, it's seeming to snap 5 
> or 10 pictures back to back... almost like a burst mode.  Is this normal when 
> using the still camera timer?  If not, then how do I turn this off?  I only 
> need one photo, and I have a selfie stick, so I'm very confident that I'm 
> aimed perfectly.  It's not like I need multiple takes.
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> <>
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
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Re: cannot seem to install inhanced Alex

2016-07-20 Thread Tim Kilburn

Enhanced Alex?  Is there a newer one than regular Alex, who is an enhanced 
voice?  I don't even see Alex Enhanced as an option to download.  I guess it 
may only work on newer machines than mine.  Just needing more info.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 20, 2016, at 09:37, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

Running Mac OS10.11.6 final.  Can’t seem to install inhanced Alex and get an 
unknown error when I try.  Any thoughts?  Connection good.

Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!

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Re: cannot seem to install inhanced Alex

2016-07-20 Thread Tim Kilburn

In that case, I suspect that the enhanced Alex is already available to you.  I 
don't believe that there is anything new that you don't already have with 
respect to the Alex voice.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 20, 2016, at 12:00, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

My machine is a mid 2009 Mac book pro and therefore too old for Sierra.  I just 
went through the voices to see if anything new was there and saw the “wswitch 
to enhanced Alex” check box in the table of voices both in the Voice Over 
access menu and the system prefs dictation and speech menu.

Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 12:53 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Ray,
> Enhanced Alex?  Is there a newer one than regular Alex, who is an enhanced 
> voice?  I don't even see Alex Enhanced as an option to download.  I guess it 
> may only work on newer machines than mine.  Just needing more info.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 09:37, Ray Foret jr  wrote:
> Running Mac OS10.11.6 final.  Can’t seem to install inhanced Alex and get an 
> unknown error when I try.  Any thoughts?  Connection good.
> Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in
> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!
> -- 
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Re: remote access

2016-07-22 Thread Tim Kilburn

As far as I can recall, the best way to do it is to have both a FaceTime 
session and your Screen Sharing session going at the same time.  So, you'll 
have control of the computer and the audio will be heard through the FaceTime 
session.  Otherwise, I don't believe that the sound can be routed through to 
your computer.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 04:06, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Hi List,
I know I’ve asked this before but can’t remember what the outcome was.
Is there any way for a totally blind person to remote desktop or VNC  control 
another Mac computer using voiceover over the remote connection?
I know I can do this fine with windows using Jaws over the RDP connection
But I need a way of doing this with my mac computers.I believe terminal is an 
option using command line but my knowledge of commands for this type of thing 
is not up to scratch as yet.
Any information would be appreciate.
Simon f

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Re: remote access

2016-07-22 Thread Tim Kilburn

Or you could just do a FaceTime audio call instead.  No need for video in this 
case.  If you are wishing for video as part of your FaceTime call, then a 
web-cam will be needed.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 09:36, Saqib Hussain  wrote:

Hi. Do you have to purchase a webcam for the Mac Mini as I couldn’t get 
FaceTime to make a successful call yesterday. 
> On 22 Jul 2016, at 16:29, Tim Kilburn  <>> wrote:
> Simon,
> As far as I can recall, the best way to do it is to have both a FaceTime 
> session and your Screen Sharing session going at the same time.  So, you'll 
> have control of the computer and the audio will be heard through the FaceTime 
> session.  Otherwise, I don't believe that the sound can be routed through to 
> your computer.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 04:06, Simon Fogarty  <>> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I know I’ve asked this before but can’t remember what the outcome was.
> Is there any way for a totally blind person to remote desktop or VNC  control 
> another Mac computer using voiceover over the remote connection?
> I know I can do this fine with windows using Jaws over the RDP connection
> But I need a way of doing this with my mac computers.I believe terminal is an 
> option using command line but my knowledge of commands for this type of thing 
> is not up to scratch as yet.
> Any information would be appreciate.
> Simon f
> -- 
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Re: El Capitan

2016-07-22 Thread Tim Kilburn

It's also possible that the installer finished downloading, but it is not the 
application with focus.  Try pressing VO-shift-f1-f1 to bring up the 
Application Chooser and see if the installer is available.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 16:35, E.T.  wrote:

  That will happen if there is an Install OS X anywhere on your system. 
Disconnect all external drives and delete that file from Applications and dump 
the trash. Then try again.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/22/2016 3:25 PM, Marie Lyons wrote:
> I had some time today where I didn’t need to use my mac so I decided to 
> download and install the upgrade. It kept pausing and when it only had a 
> minute to go I went and did something else. As it turns out I still have 
> Yosemite. I went back to the app store and attempted the download again. 
> Nothing happened. Then the download link was dimmed. Is there some trick to 
> this?
> Marie Lyons

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Re: Question: How To Disable Auto-Complete in Safari in El Capitan?

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

The ability to disable Auto-Complete has been deprecated.  There used to be an 
option to do this, but it no longer is available.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 04:52, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Thank you very much Mark for asking this question as Auto complete drives me 
insane.  Like you I hate it.  I also have turned it off in Windows.  If you can 
disable it in Windows then you should be able to disable it on the Mac.  If 
it’s not there, those who are doing beta testing, please request that as a 

Many thanks.

> On 23 Jul 2016, at 03:06, M. Taylor>> 
> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> When I begin typing in a URL in the Safari location bar (Command+L), the
> auto-complete kicks in; I really don't like this feature.  
> How can I disable this feature?  
> I looked in Safari preferences but cannot seem to find the necessary option.
> Could this, perhaps, be a system-wide setting?
> All replies greatly appreciated.
> mark
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Re: remote access

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

Not sure if this will work in newer versions of MacOS, but take a look at this 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 18:45, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Hi Tim
Yeah I know of things like that but how if you are trying to work on a remote 
machine of your own  can you then enable a facetime connection without someone 
there to enable the connection?
How possible would it be to enable a facetime session via a terminal connection 
/ from the command line.
Now that’s one to get the cogs turning over!
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Saturday, 23 July 2016 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: remote access
As far as I can recall, the best way to do it is to have both a FaceTime 
session and your Screen Sharing session going at the same time.  So, you'll 
have control of the computer and the audio will be heard through the FaceTime 
session.  Otherwise, I don't believe that the sound can be routed through to 
your computer.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada 
On Jul 22, 2016, at 04:06, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:
Hi List,
I know I’ve asked this before but can’t remember what the outcome was.
Is there any way for a totally blind person to remote desktop or VNC  control 
another Mac computer using voiceover over the remote connection?
I know I can do this fine with windows using Jaws over the RDP connection
But I need a way of doing this with my mac computers.I believe terminal is an 
option using command line but my knowledge of commands for this type of thing 
is not up to scratch as yet.
Any information would be appreciate.
Simon f
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Re: Twitter links

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

Usually, you can double-tap on the tweet which will bring up a more detailed 
version of it.  The link should be accessible within that page.  Double-tap on 
it to activate, then Close/Back your way out to go to the main list of tweets.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 08:40, Saqib Hussain  wrote:

Hi. How do I open links within a tweet as I'm using the native Twitter app. 

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Re: adding location to FB pages

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

Not sure exactly what you're trying to do here.  Locations are usually for 
posting or checking in etc as FaceBook uses your iPhone's Location Services to 
determine where you are.  If you're wanting an address displayed on your page, 
look at this link:


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 12:28, Vaughn Brown  wrote:

Hi everyone,

Hope all is well. I am trying to add a location to my FB page. Already
I tried setting the page as local businesses and company/organization.
All I can see is a website address field but no location field. I read
some FB help tips but the steps are not accessible. I've tried using
my Windows with Jaws, Mac with Voiceover, and apparently the pages
settings cannot be modified from the iPhone --  that is what it states
on the FB help center page.

Your insight would be very helpful.


Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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Re: Gmail question

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

It sounds like your gMail is set to Trash things instead of Archiving them.  
I'm guessing that your Mail is also set to possibly move items from your Sent 
Mail to the Trash after a specific time period.  I believe that this 
combination would present this duplication.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 22, 2016, at 15:05, Larry Thacker Jr.  wrote:

This may or may not have anything to do with the Mac, but I am curious why I 
find multiple copies of messages I have sent in the trash.  I did not use my 
Gmail account much until I discovered the ease with which one could go through 
list traffic in Mail and started using it for subscriptions.

Larry Thacker Jr. <> <> <>

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Re: Moving WiFi networks on MacOS El Capitain

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

This process works in El Capitan.  Using VO-comma and VO-period will work if 
you're only moving it up or down within the visible networks.  Once the 
original network goes out of the scroll list, VO can't seem to handle it.  
Using the old fashioned Drag & Drop method will work though.  So, for example, 
I have a network named Chateau Lacombe way down my list and I wish to move it 
much higher in the priority, then I'd navigate to the Chateau Lacombe network 
(Press VO-cmd-f5 if your cursors aren't following each other), then 
VO-shift-cmd-space to activate the mouse down action, then VO-up to the item 
I'd like it to be above, press VO-cmd-f5 to route the mouse to the VO-cursor 
and finally press VO-shift-cmd-space to drop it.  Often, you need to use the 
VO-cmd-f5 after the drag as I've found that the cursors don't follow each other 
properly during this process.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 09:05, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:

Good Morning,

For the first time since upgrading, I needed to change the priority of networks 
in my WiFi settings. My memory was that there were move up and move down 
buttons just beyond the table of networks I have joined that you have to get to 
by interacting with a group. I could not find this, so I tried several 
techniques (highlighted below) to drag the last network up the list. I was 
unsuccessful in doing this with  Voiceover.  Before I report to Accessibility, 
could somebody else confirm this is impossible. 

The basic procedure is:

1. Open System Preferences
2. Switch to Network and then unlock the preference pane.
3. Click the Advanced Button.

This brings up a table of networks where you can select one at a time and edit 
settings, add and remove stations and change priority. The panel states drag 
and drop to change the order.

My attempts were as follows:
1. Try Option arrows and control arrows.
2. Use vo drag / drop (vo-, followed by vo - .)
3. Try moving mouse to VO cursor and using the mouse down  / mouse up  VO 
4. Use VO move object keystroke on different interaction levels of the table of 
networks (vo-command-accent ) 
Please let me know if you can think of any other approaches. Also, if somebody 
on a Beta version would like to let me know if perhaps this is an already 
resolved issue so I don't have to bug Accessibility over an issue that has been 
resolved in the latest code fix.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn <>

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Re: Question: How To Disable Auto-Complete in Safari in El Capitan?

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

There used to be a specific item in that area for auto-completing addresses.  
It is no longer present.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 11:06, E.T.  wrote:

  I have been looking at this since Mark posted the question.

  My research points to Safari > Preferences > Autofill. On that tab there are 
3-4 checkboxes, the last one called Other Forms. This SHOULD take care of the 
location bar. But even with uncheckng it and clearing all history, autofill 
still works.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/23/2016 9:53 AM, Larry Thacker Jr. wrote:
> Even worse, I have a bookmark to a site I manage that as of v10.11.5 now will 
> not work because Safari erroneously autocompletes the bookmark of all things 
> so that it goes to another page on the site that happens to start with the 
> same first characters.  I have tried to purge the offending url from Safari’s 
> memory but it keeps coming back.  I’m thinking of renaming the link but doing 
> so will inconvenience everyone else who uses it.  Autocomplete should never 
> be triggered by activating a bookmark link.  This is a bug.  Usually I like 
> the autocomplete but having no way to turn it off is not user friendly at all 
> and could even be considered a security risk.  Whoever made that decision at 
> Apple needs to find something else to do.
>> On Jul 23, 2016, at 10:08 AM, Blee Blat  wrote:
>> So we should all email bug reports asking  that it be put back because I 
>> have over 400 bookmarks  that it tries to autocomplete every time I type 
>> text and so it lags every time I use the address bar.
>> --
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Re: Moving WiFi networks on MacOS El Capitain

2016-07-23 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Jonathan,

Interesting.  I was doing this with 10.11.6.  I find the VO-comma/Vo-period 
method unreliable, but the old fashioned Drag & Drop works every time.  Did it 
work for you?  I was a little confused by your response knowing whether it 
worked, or whether you were just having issues with it announcing properly.  
Sorry.  Regarding if it its announcing properly, do you have VO set to announce 
what's under the Mouse Cursor?  That setting is in the VO Utility, Verbosity in 
the Announcements tab.  I have mine checked and the delay set to zero.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 12:30, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:

My response in-line to your two possibilities, I am doing this with 10.11.5 

Best wishes,


> On Jul 23, 2016, at 11:32 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> This process works in El Capitan.  Using VO-comma and VO-period will work if 
> you're only moving it up or down within the visible networks.  Once the 
> original network goes out of the scroll list, VO can't seem to handle it.  
> Using the old fashioned Drag & Drop method will work though.  So,

1. Interact with table vo-, says not draggable. Interact with the name of the 
network, and vo-comma still says not draggable.

> for example, I have a network named Chateau Lacombe way down my list and I 
> wish to move it much higher in the priority, then I'd navigate to the Chateau 
> Lacombe network (Press VO-cmd-f5 if your cursors aren't following each 
> other), then VO-shift-cmd-space to activate the mouse down action, then VO-up 
> to the item I'd like it to be above, press VO-cmd-f5 to route the mouse to 
> the VO-cursor and finally press VO-shift-cmd-space to drop it.  Often, you 
> need to use the VO-cmd-f5 after the drag as I've found that the cursors don't 
> follow I was able to drag items this way. Though the vo-F5 would not verify 
> that I was in the right place. One thing I did find to help, was to not have 
> the item selected before doing the mouse down, in this way VO would indicate 
> that the appropriate item was selected.

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Re: Fill in Numbers

2016-07-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

Say for example that you have 1234 in Cell D2 and you'd like that same number 
in D2 through D232.  You could enter the number into D@ then hold your shift 
and arrow down to D232, but that would be painful.  If D232 happens to be the 
bottom of your spreadsheet, then, first make sure that you're focused on D2, 
then hold ctrl and shift, then press the down arrow.  This will select 
everything from D2 to the bottom of that column, which happens to be D232.  If 
D232 is not right at the bottom of the sheet, then make sure that focus is on 
D2, then press VO-shift-f3 (add FN if needed) to turn off cursor tracking.  
Now, navigate down to D232 the quickest way you can, then press VO-cmd-f5 to 
bring the mouse to the VO-cursor.  Then press the shift key and click your 
Trackpad once.  This should select D2 through D232 inclusive.

Now that those cells are selected, press VO-m to go up to the menubar, press t 
to take you to the Table menu, press the down arrow once, then press a, u which 
should land you on Auto Fill.  Press the right arrow once to open the sub-menu 
and then down once to Fill Down.  All cells from D2 through D232 will now have 
1234 in them.  If this is text, the same will occur.  If this is a formula, 
Numbers will adjust the cell references accordingly.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 24, 2016, at 08:53, Jeff Berwick  wrote:

Hi all,

Does anybody know how I can fill a column with the same data for a couple 
hundred rows in a worksheet?

Using the latest version of Numbers on El Capitan.


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Re: Question: How To Disable Auto-Complete in Safari in El Capitan?

2016-07-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

According to my research, this Terminal command is supposed to accomplish what 
you're wishing for:

defaults write DebugSafari4IncludeFancyURLCompletionList -bool 

The problem is, it doesn't appear to stop the Auto Complete action.  Using 
Terminal to read the Safari defaults:

defaults read

shows that this Auto Complete line is not present in the plist file before 
initiating the command but is present after.  It still doesn't seem to make a 
difference though.  Apple likely has some reason why they've removed this 
option, but it doesn't seem to be enough of an issue to have much noise on the 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 24, 2016, at 20:55, E.T.  wrote:

  I had no luck researching this online so perhaps Apple will even tell us how 
to do this. There are times we do not need autofill or autocomplete.

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/24/2016 6:45 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello E.T.,
> Yeah, after reading Dan's message, that was the only question I had, also.  
> (smile).
> As for me, I will definitely suggest to Apple that this feature be restored.
> I find it difficult to believe that such a basic feature would be removed.  
> Some things just don't make sense, not in the slightest.
> Sometimes it feels as though every time we take one step forward, in one area 
> of the OS, we take two steps backwards, in another.
> This is probably not a fair sentiment but, nevertheless, it seems that way to 
> me, at times.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of E.T.
> Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Question: How To Disable Auto-Complete in Safari in El Capitan?
>So do you have a solution to this specific question?
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>   Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 7/24/2016 11:39 AM, -dan d. wrote:
>> Often when some feature or function disappears from os10 it is still
>> available to change in terminal.  This is often covered in articles
>> soon after a new os10 comes out and those in the  know of how the
>> innards of the os works because they don't like some choice apple has made.
>> Almost all features and functions are determined in various setup and
>> startup files and this is where the control of the disappeared feature
>> or function lies.  Knowing how to toggle on or off the content of
>> those files is the trick.
>> Instead of redoing low level code to change some feature or function
>> apple just changes the file controlling it.  Such things as how the
>> desktop appears and what is available there for the user is an example.
>> I would google for this function of auto-complete for the os10 in
>> question and see if someone addressses it.  Articles often have titles
>> such as "15 hidden tricks in oss10.11" or some such which contain them.
>> On Sat, 23 Jul 2016, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The ability to disable Auto-Complete has been deprecated.  There used
>>> to be an option to do this, but it no longer is available.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Jul 23, 2016, at 04:52, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Thank you very much Mark for asking this question as Auto complete
>>> drives me insane.  Like you I hate it.  I also have turned it off in
>>> Windows.  If you can disable it in Windows then you should be able to
>>> disable it on the Mac.  If it?s not there, those who are doing beta
>>> testing, please request that as a feature.
>>> Many thanks.
>>> Kawal.
>>>> On 23 Jul 2016, at 03:06, M. Taylor >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>> When I begin typing in a URL in the Safari location bar (Command+L),
>>>> the auto-complete kicks in; I really don't like this feature.
>>>> How can I disable this feature?
>>>> I looked in Safari preferences but cannot seem to find the necessary
>>>> option.
>>>> Could this, perhaps, be a system-wide setting?
>>>> All replies greatly appreciated.
>>>> mark

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

Did you try QuickTime?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 25, 2016, at 09:17, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

OK guys,
Hopefully one of you can help me with getting around this.
So, here's the situation.  I have an mp3 file which I want to burn on to an 
audio CD.
Burning the CD isn't the issue.  I have several applications I can use like 
Anyburn, Simplyburns, etc. for doing that task.
The problem however is, this mp3 file is over 2 hours long in length.  
Obviusly, an audio CD is only going to hold 80 minutes.  OK, there is the 
concept of overburning, but I'm not even touching that one.  LOL!  Even then, I 
couldn't do it to the extreme this would have to be done, so there went that 
idea out the window.
Basically, what I'm therefore seeking is an easy way to take this file, and 
split it into 2 mp3 files both of which would be less than 80 minutes.  
Ideally, I'd like the first disc to be around 78 minutes.  I know I have up to 
80, but I'd rather leave just a bit of wiggle room to insure no disc writing 
errors along the way.  Then, what ever is left over could go on the 2nd CD.
I know I could do this with ProTools, but then I have to create a whole 
session, take that mp3 import it into the session, edit it down, bounce it out, 
take the same mp3, make another session, import the mp3 again, edit it to the 
second half, bounce it out... you get the idea... it's tedious, and annoying.
One may say, that's just part of audio engineering.  Yeah, you're right.  It 
is.  I'll give that one to ya, but is there not maybe a program that could 
split it at a marker point a bit more quickly and easily?  I don't have Amadeus 
Pro, but I suppose I could buy it, if you all think it would help.  I'm a 
little low this month, but if I've gotta do it, I've gotta do it.
I also do have Logic Pro X, but I'd really really rather not go that route, as 
to me, Logic is very confusing.  It's doable, but it's definitely not for the 
faint of heart.
Before anyone asks, why not use Garageband, I guess I could, but again, that 
would involve a lot of importing, bouncing, reimporting, rebouncing, etc.  I 
just want something open the original file, jump to 78 mins even, select from 
there to the end of the file, and delete, savbe that file with a different 
name, reopen the original file, go to 78 mins even, select from there to the 
beginning of the file, delete, save the file with another name for the second 
half, and boom.  Mission accomplished.
Is there not something that would make it that easy?

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Re: Accessible online banking

2016-07-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

For which country?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 26, 2016, at 08:49, Chris Moore  wrote:

I'm looking for recommendations on accessible online banking website with 

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Re: Accessible online banking

2016-07-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, the Royal Bank has both an accessible web-site and accessible iOS app.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 26, 2016, at 09:25, Jeff Berwick  wrote:

I use the Royal Bank for my online banking and find it accessible with 


> On Jul 26, 2016, at 10:49 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
> I'm looking for recommendations on accessible online banking website with 
> voiceover.
> Chris
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Re: FileMaker, or other database?

2016-07-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

FileMaker used to have a product called Bento which was more of a personal 
database app na it was quite accessible.  They discontinued it at the end of 
2013.  The accessibility of FileMaker itself in the past was not particularly 
stellar, although I really can't comment on it anymore as I've not touched a 
database for about 5 years or so.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 26, 2016, at 11:25, John JD Denning  wrote:

Wow, I'm a bit surprised. Nobody here has any experience with any database 
program on the Mac? I'd really like to know about FileMaker, but any database 
you might be using with success.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 23, 2016, at 15:15, John JD Denning  wrote:
> Hello all, does anybody have any experience using FileMaker, or another 
> database on the Mac? Are you still use FileMaker a lot. But not for the last 
> several years and not at all with voiceover. Curious to know if it plays well 
> with voiceover.
> Thanks
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Two iphone questions.

2016-07-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Regarding your first question, this is a relatively new feature introduced 
either late in iOS 8 or in iOS 9, I can't remember off the top of my head.  I 
don't believe that it is configurable.  It usually brings up the audio controls 
for music or iBooks, whichever you were listening to last.  It sometimes will 
also focus on other streaming services if you've used them lately.

To stop music from being able to stream, this will depend on how restrictive 
you wish to be.  If you only want it to stop streaming when you're on Cellular 
Data, then go into Settings, Music and turn off Cellular Data for streaming.  
If you wish it to be totally disabled, you'll also need to turn off your iCloud 
Music Library which is similarly found in Settings, Music.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 27, 2016, at 07:51, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

Hi all.
Each time I plug in my headphones to my iPhone six, music wants to play. Is 
there a way to stop this?
Finally, is there a way to tell my phone not to stream music that is in the 

Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.

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Re: Music and iPhone six.

2016-07-28 Thread Tim Kilburn

In settings, music on the iPhone, try logging out of your Apple ID. This should 
stop the streaming music. If you have Apple Music or iTunes match, this may be 
a problem though.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 28, 2016, at 8:54 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
> I can’t figure out how to set my phone so that music in the cloud won’t show 
> up.
> I want to be able to purchase music with my phone but I don’t want the icloud 
> stuff to show up.
> Step by step instructions are appreciated.
> Peace,
> Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.
> -- 
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Re: Music and iPhone six.

2016-07-28 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, it should.  Your Apple ID should still be signed in in the iTunes & 
Appstore area of settings.  What it should do is make it so that you either 
download music directly to your iPhone, or use iTunes to purchase the music and 
transfer it over via iTunes as well.  That's what I'd expect to happen.  Let me 
know if something different occurs, and I'll dig deeper.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 28, 2016, at 10:06, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

Will this still allow me to purchase music with my phone?
Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.

> On Jul 28, 2016, at 10:27 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> In settings, music on the iPhone, try logging out of your Apple ID. This 
> should stop the streaming music. If you have Apple Music or iTunes match, 
> this may be a problem though.
> Later...
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 28, 2016, at 8:54 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> I can’t figure out how to set my phone so that music in the cloud won’t show 
>> up.
>> I want to be able to purchase music with my phone but I don’t want the 
>> icloud stuff to show up.
>> Step by step instructions are appreciated.
>> Peace,
>> Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.
>> -- 
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Re: events in an email

2016-07-30 Thread Tim Kilburn

I'm wondering if the contact didn't really get added.  There is a feature in 
Contacts that reads something to the effect of "Found in Mail".  So, if 
Contacts finds a reference to a specific contact in a Mail message, it will be 
listed in the Contacts app when you do a search.  These contact references that 
have been found in Mail are read only references.  Check in your search results 
to see if there's another result that is the actual contact card for them.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 30, 2016, at 13:38, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Today, I added someone to my contacts from this list using the method that 
Chris described.  However, I wanted to delete a mobile number in the contacts 
afterwards.  So I go to the contacts and find the contact, and then interact 
with the information area and try to press Command L to edit the contact.  For 
some reason this contact is an image so Voice Over won’t let me edit it.  Has 
anyone seen this before and if there is a fix, please tell me how to fix it 


> On 30 Jul 2016, at 18:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland  <>> wrote:
> Sure thing!
> As far as I know, I've never actually done this, believe it or not, but I 
> think, if memory serves correctly, you should be able to VO+navigate over to 
> the event, where you hear event detected, then hit VO+Shift+M.  I'll betcha 
> that one of the options in that context menu that pops up will be to add it 
> to the calendar.
> Again, don't quote me on this, but I'm 95% sure you can do it like that.  If 
> that doesn't work, let me know, and I'll figure it out for ya.
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> <>
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message - From: "Marie Lyons" 
> To: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 12:05 PM
> Subject: events in an email
> I received an email from someone listing some dates I needed to put on my 
> calendar. vo said “event detected”. Is there a way to have events in an email 
> put in your calendar; otherwise than handwriting them in?
> Marie Lyons
> -- 
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Re: backing up and doing a clean install

2016-08-01 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Erik,

When you look at the contents of the Home folder in your backup location, is 
the Library folder present?  It usually isn't that large, but it's possible.  
If the Library is not present, then it likely was hidden in your Home folder on 
your Mac, thus didn't get copied over.  If "Library" is hidden in the Home 
folder on your   Mac, go to your Finder, then press cmd-shift-h to open the 
Home folder and press cmd-j to bring up the View options.  Down near the bottom 
of that View options window, there will be a checkbox for showing the Library 
folder.  Make sure it is checked.

It is relatively simple to do the clean install of Yosemite, if that's what 
you'd prefer.  As long as Yosemite is the system currently running on your 
machine, you'd start up from the Recovery HD, erase the Macintosh HD using Disk 
Utility, then quit out of the Disk Utility and select Re-Install MacOS X.  This 
will usually install the version of MacOS that you currently have on your Mac.  
Of course, you need to make sure that your backup is good first, but after 
installation is complete, you're able to use the Set-up Assistant to bring that 
Home folder back over.

A Time Machine backup would be a safer solution, but if you're really set on 
the clean install, then Time Machine kind of defeats the purpose of that.  I've 
done more or less the same as you.  That is, simply installing one new system 
over the previous with no ill effects.  I don't believe that it's an issue to 
proceed through MacOS versions in this manner.  Apple expects that this is one 
of the stable methods to accomplish system upgrades.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 1, 2016, at 18:05, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi all,  I have a couple of questions.

I just rsynced my home folder off to another drive.  The trackpad and keyboard 
are going in this mackbook aftern nearly five years and I'm leaning towards 
mobile for everything.First question.  After Rsync, the backup home folder 
was just over 100 gig while the original was about 195 gig.  I have checked, 
and based on the sizes, documents, downloads, music, and all of the other 
folders I regularly use copied in tact.  I combed through pretty carefully, but 
was unable to determine where the space discrepancy occurred.  On the other 
hand, my home folder is reporting 195 gb in size, my free disk space seems to 
be around 100 gb, and my apps and other system files haven't been taken into 
account.  So, Either something is wrong with my file system, or my 250 gb ssd 
has been visited by the space fairy.  Disk utility says the disk is OK though 
there were over 1100 permission errors which I am now fixing.  Should I be 
worried about this?  ...especially in lite of my second question.

I am pretty terrified of elcap, but if this system is on it's way out, I want 
to scrub this ssd clean and install a brand new instalation of elcap.  I don't 
want to use the latest and greatest myself, but I don't want my personal data 
going out with the computer.  Does apple let ordinary people do such a thing?  
My current instalation is 5 or 7 years old.  No word of a lie.  It started at 
snow leopard I thinkg.  That was the last instalation disk I got from apple 
ever, and since then I've siply installed any upgrades I wanted right over top 
of the old stuff.  I've even transfered this install between several macs that 
I owned at various times.  Since I'm preparing for the worst, it would be worth 
it to me to scrub this system if I can do that and keep yosemity.

I'm hoping there's some option in recovery manager or somewhere that will let 
me whipe everything and make a clean install.

Thanks for any info and suggestions.

Erik Burggraaf
Freelance jack of many trades!  Visit my website: <>
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Re: Where are screen recordings saved.

2016-08-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

I'm not positive, but I'd look either on the Desktop or in your Movies folder 
in your Home directory.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 4, 2016, at 10:02, Anders Holmberg  wrote:

I am beta testing my Mac mini mid 2011 and can’t go into ditails here but have 
to do a screen recording with quicktime player.
Now this is done but where is it saved?
I can not for my life find it.

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Re: Who's playing at Arthur's Tavern tonight?

2016-08-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

I went to the site which I'm assuming you're speaking of.  Arthur's Tavern in 
New York City.  Rather far away for me, but the web-site's close.  With Safari 
and VO web navigation set to Group mode, I was able to press VO-cmd-t to find 
the table, then VO-shift-down to interact with the table.  Once inside the 
table, I could navigate with VO-left/right/up/down through the various cells in 
the table telling me who played on each day of the wee.  I believe that it was 
the Grove Street something-or-other on Mondays.  It's possible that this site 
is more difficult using DOM or tab navigation, but It seemed very accessible to 
me using Group navigation and VO keys.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 5, 2016, at 14:11, Antonio Guimaraes  wrote:

Now now. 

This is completely on topic.

I am trying to get this information from a table on their website. 

I can't figure out how to read said table with VoiceOver.

Any help is appreciated.



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Re: iTunes question

2016-08-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

When interacting with the Music table, press VO-shift-back slash to bring focus 
up to the Headers.  Navigate right or left until you find the Artist header.  
Press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to lock the mouse down.  VO-left until you focus on 
the Song name, then press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to toggle off the mouse-down 
lock.  Use VO-left/right to confirm things are in the correct order.  If they 
are, press VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header area and back into your 
main list of songs.  You can also tell iTunes to sort according to these 
headers by pressing VO-shift-back slash to go up into the Header area, 
VO-left/right to find the column heading you wish things sorted by, press 
VO-space on that heading, then VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header 
area.  Note that you can press VO-space in this situation multiple times, the 
first time will usually sort them ascending according to that header, and the 
second will sort them descending by that same header.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 12, 2016, at 15:31, zoe fiogkos  wrote:

Hi guys,
Before I ask my question thank you all very much for helping me today with
my other inquiries.
In iTunes I go into my music and I interact with the table and I can go up
and down my list and view all my songs.
Is there anyway for itunes to show my music by artist first?  Right now I
see the title of each song first, and if I vo right arrow I hear the artists
name, is it possible to switch that around?
Thanks again so much.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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Re: iTunes question

2016-08-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

to add to what Simon mentioned, you actually don't even need to stop the song 
to change the items within the Get Info window.  Most of the tagging you're 
wanting to change is in the Details tab, which is the default tab when opening 
the Get Info dialog.  Since it is the default, you are also able to just hit 
your tab key a number of times to move through the various Title, Artist, 
Composer etc fields.  Press return when you're done.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 12, 2016, at 16:38, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Hi Zoe,

Yes under get info will be all the meta data fields under different tabs of 

And for playing / pausing music I think from memory it's just a case of tapping 
the space bar 

Good luck.

Simon f

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: iTunes question

Thank you so much tim for the step by step instructions, they worked like a 
charm. I have one more question for you. To rename a track do I use the get 
info? If yes, also to listen to a track to confirm who sings it and what song 
it is, how do I stop it to edit the info and move on to another song?


by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: August 12, 2016 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: iTunes question


When interacting with the Music table, press VO-shift-back slash to bring focus 
up to the Headers.  Navigate right or left until you find the Artist header.  
Press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to lock the mouse down.  VO-left until you focus on 
the Song name, then press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to toggle off the mouse-down 
lock.  Use VO-left/right to confirm things are in the correct order.  If they 
are, press VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header area and back into your 
main list of songs.  You can also tell iTunes to sort according to these 
headers by pressing VO-shift-back slash to go up into the Header area, 
VO-left/right to find the column heading you wish things sorted by, press 
VO-space on that heading, then VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header 
area.  Note that you can press VO-space in this situation multiple times, the 
first time will usually sort them ascending according to that header, and the 
second will sort them descending by that same header.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 12, 2016, at 15:31, zoe fiogkos  wrote:

Hi guys,
Before I ask my question thank you all very much for helping me today with my 
other inquiries.
In iTunes I go into my music and I interact with the table and I can go up and 
down my list and view all my songs.
Is there anyway for itunes to show my music by artist first?  Right now I see 
the title of each song first, and if I vo right arrow I hear the artists name, 
is it possible to switch that around?
Thanks again so much.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won't be too late..  

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Re: help with get info please

2016-08-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

In these cases, just keep typing what you want it to be Artist field in the 
manner you wish it to appear.  From then on, that will be one of the choices.  
If you don't want things like Michael Jackson to appear in all caps, you'll 
need to search for Michael Jackson in your Music Library and fix the instances 
of the all caps version.  This will make it so that it does not come up as a 
choice in the future.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 13, 2016, at 09:08, zoe fiogkos  wrote:

Hi guys, something small but very annoying. I'm on a song in itunes and I
hit command I to go to the get info. I go to details, I interact, and I vo
right through the fields. When I come to the artist field and I start to
type it automatically brings up artists matching what I'm typing. That would
be ok accept I don't want to select from those artists. So to understand
better what I mean here's an example. I start to type Michael Jackson and of
course it matches that but the selection it's matching is in all caps and I
don't want it that way, but it won't let me select to type the name the way
I want it.
Maybe a better understanding and example is this.
I'm typing an artists name in Greek which needs to have an accent above a
certain letter, itunes is automatically bringing up suggestions but the one
that matches what I'm typing doesn't have the accent. I want to type it the
way I want not the way it's showing it but it won't let me.
I hope I haven't confused you guys too much.
Hope some one understood what I've described and can help.
Thanks again

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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Re: StoCard, The Rewards Card App, is Back and Better Than Ever!!

2016-08-14 Thread Tim Kilburn

At the moment, The stock Apple Wallet app does not support as many reward cards 
as we may like.  Therefore, the Stockard app fills in the gap and seems to also 
have Wallet integration for some apps.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 14, 2016, at 08:20, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:


I do not have enough reward cards to make this worthwhile, but I thought the 
Wallet app that is part of IOS 9 obsoleted all of the reward card apps. Can you 
give a brief explanation of the advantages of this app over the builtin version?



> On Aug 14, 2016, at 1:35 AM, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am delighted to announce that, with this latest release, StoCard, Rewards
> Cards Wallet app, for iOS, is once again, VoiceOver accessible.
> See below for app description and App Store link.
> Mark
> Stocard - Rewards Cards Wallet
> By Stocard
> Description
> Featured as one of the best apps of the year by Apple in Europe and now
> available in the US!
> Store ALL your rewards cards in one app on your iPhone - with Stocard. Get
> rid of all the plastic cards in your wallet! FREE!
> Wall Street Journal: "a clever way of turning a smartphone into a virtual
> wallet"
> Techcrunch: "a simple but clever take on the mobile
> phone-as-loyalty-card-wallet"
> The built in high-tech-camera scanner enables you to add loyalty cards
> within seconds.
> Have your phone's screen scanned for a faster transaction at properly
> equipped stores*.
> No registration necessary, start using Stocard right after downloading.
> Choose from over 400 preset loyalty cards.
> Add any not preset loyalty card as an "other loyalty card".
> Securely store your cards in the cloud
> Several stores still use outdated scanner technologies (laser or flatbed
> scanners instead of image scanners). These scanners unfortunately cannot
> read smartphone displays. In this case simply ask the cashier to type in
> your loyalty card number manually.
> Add any card in Stocard with a QR code to Wallet.
> For support, feedback and suggestions, please send us an email at:
> Download from the App Store at:
> 8
> -- 
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Re: I hate mouse keys!!!

2016-08-17 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Donna,

Mouse-keys can be toggled on and off by pressing the Option key five times.  If 
your keyboard is getting tired, sometimes the Option key sort of presses 
multiple times when you have it down which will thus turn your mouse-keys on.  
The easiest thing to do to fix this issue is to turn off the five presses of 
the Option key feature.  To turn this feature off, go to System Preferences, 
Accessibility, then select Mouse and racked from the table.  Stop interacting 
with the table and navigate right to the Options button.  In the dialog that 
appears, uncheck the item that talks about toggling Mouse-keys on/off with the 
Option key.  Now, as long as mouse-keys are off, that toggle will not turn them 
on.  The only way you'll be able to turn Mouse-keys on will be to check the box 
in the Accessibility pane.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 17, 2016, at 07:37, Donna Goodin  wrote:

Can somebody please tell me how to turn those stupid things off? And while I'm 
at it, is there a way to permanently disable them?
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: airport express in enterprise

2016-08-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

I've never used it with a Radius server other than Xserve., but according to 
the documentation, it should be totally doable.  From what I can tell, just use 
Airport Utility to access the Express, then in the Wireless tab, in the 
Security area, set it to WPA2 Enterprise.  It should ask you for the IP of the 
Radius server and Airport Utility should do the rest for you.  I can't verify 
this for you, but it sounds like it should work and the configuration is quite 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 25, 2016, at 02:35, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

Hi Listers,
Ok, just contemplating upsetting my employers by saving them money.
I have an airport express version 2 device so that is N wifi able.
What I want to know is if anyone has got experience using the airport express 
in an enterprise environment
and using WPA2 enterprise authentication  
so that is  using a Radius serverwith the 
And if so was it difficult to install / configure?
Realistically this would be using an airport express device connected to a 
network where the enterprise authentication would be through a windows server 
2012r2 radius server.
I know the express will do wpa2 enterprise authentication but this I need to 
get passed a number of people whom wish to spend 1600 NZ dollars on a single 
cisco AP where as the airport express is smaller easier to hide and only 150 nz 
Thanks for any information.
Simon F

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Re: time machine "disc is to small" dialogue

2016-08-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

The format should be MacOS Extended (Journaled), although if you got the 
message wondering if you'd like it to be used as your Time Machine Backup 
drive, then it's likely formatted correctly.  Sounds like something is confused 
in your OS.  Try restarting your Mac and see if things right themselves.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 27, 2016, at 08:39, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

If you're backing up 600 GB of information, then one TB Drive would not be 
enough for doing anything with a lot of changes. Perhaps, you want to look into 
using one of the disk cloning software packages. Also, you didn't mention what 
petition that style you used to partition the disk drive.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 

On Aug 27, 2016, at 10:34 AM, CHUCK REICHEL>> wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> yes it was erased and formatted twice once as 2 partitions 1tb each.
>> that didn't work so i erased it again and just left it at 2 tb and got  the 
>> same results!
>> my mac hd that i'm backing up has 621.04 GB on disk 
> I'd rather not use the whole 2 tb drive but at this point i just want to get 
> it done and move on! LOL
> Thanks chuck
> On Aug 26, 2016, at 9:57 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> Is the 2 TB drive a clean disk? Perhaps erasing   the partition might help.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan Cohn 
>> On Aug 26, 2016, at 4:39 PM, CHUCK REICHEL > <>> wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I'm getting a time machine dialogue saying the disc chosen  is to small 
>>> even though its not!
>>> The disc i'm using for the time machine back up, is a glyph 2  tb . in size 
>>> my mac hd that i'm backing up has 621.04 GB on disk 
>>>  theres no way a 2 tb drive can't back up a 621.04 GB!
>>> This is happening on my pro tools  studio work box which is a mac pro with 
>>> snow leopard.
>>> My el capitan box is just fine.
>>> any work arounds?
>>> TIA
>>> Chuck
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Re: How Are "Home Made" Ringtones Installed

2016-08-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

As long as they are m4r Ring-tones, you should be able to put them into the 
Automatically Add to iTunes folder and they'll be put into the proper location 
in iTunes.  You could also use the Add to Library item under the File menu 
while in iTunes.  Once they are imported into iTunes you can transfer them to 
the iPhone using the normal process.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 26, 2016, at 16:54, Bill Gallik  wrote:

I’ve created some “Home Made Ringtones” (via Ringtone Maker Pro) and want to 
install them on my iPhone. When I was using my Windows PC as the support 
computer for my iPhone this was fairly straight-forward - at least with that 
version of iTunes. I am now using my Mac Mini as the support computer for my 
iPhone and iPad II.  But for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get 
those ringtones installed on the iPhone.

Could anyone please offer some suggestions?

- Bill & Leader Dog Holland
- "The problem with people who have no vices is that you can be pretty sure 
they are going to have some pretty  annoying virtues."
- Elizabeth Taylor, 20th Century Screen Actress, (1932-2011)--

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Re: Using Apple TV the fourth generation without a TV

2016-08-29 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Apple TV simply connects with an HDMI cable.  Therefore, it should be no 
problem plugging it into a Samsung or any other TV model for that matter as 
long as it has HDMI input.  It is extremely difficult to plug it into the 
incorrect port on the back of the TV as the HDMI cable will only fit into the 
HDMI port on the TV.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 29, 2016, at 00:46, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Can you play an apple TV for output to be sent to your Mac or Mac mini?  I’d 
get one when I could afford it if that is the case.  I do have a Talking TV 
(one of those Samsung talking TV’s) hence not getting an Apple TV.  I would not 
want to connect it to my Samsung TV as I would not know what socket to put it 
in as if I went to the place where I bought it from (John Lewis) for all you UK 
subscribers, I don’t think they would let me plug in an Apple TV in to one of 
their Samsung models.  Anyway the last time I went there to look at an Apple TV 
it was sealed and they would not unseal it for me to have a feel of.

> On 29 Aug 2016, at 05:14, Kevin Chao  <>> wrote:
> Yep, I can play Netflix, HBO GO, etc. using BLuetooth speakers
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 8:23 PM Mary Otten  <>> wrote:
> Kevin, just to be clear. You were saying that you can just send the audio 
> output from your AppleTV fourth-generation to a pair of Bluetooth speakers, 
> and all video plays fine. Including things like Netflix HBO, all the things 
> that would have some  protection on them. They all play fine. That's really 
> surprising but good.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 28, 2016, at 6:28 PM, Kevin Chao  <>> wrote:
>> I've it connected to Bluetooth speakers and it doesn't require TV to be ON.
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:40 AM Simon Fogarty > <>> wrote:
>> HI Mary,
>>  I know some sound systems now have an HDMI input which you can plug in the 
>> likes of a blueray or I guess apple tv and then have another HDMI output 
>> cable to your tv so that everything goes through the stereo first before the 
>> tv,
>>  Whether you can do this with the tv I can't say
>> My apple tv 4 is only connected to my Samsung tv, where as with the apple tv 
>> 2 I had an optical connector which allowed me to connect to my Logitech 
>> stereo speakers without the tv and I could play videos / tv and music 
>> through the sound system with out the tv screan active.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> <> 
>> [ 
>> <>] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
>> Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2016 12:30 PM
>> To: VIPhone 'RobH. ' via > <>>; 
>> <>; 
>> <>
>> Subject: Using Apple TV the fourth generation without a TV
>> Apple viz. recently published a podcast done by Lisa Sullenger on this 
>> topic. She mentions a specific HDMI to audio converter that she used with 
>> her stereo. The one thing she did not touch upon in her podcast has to do 
>> with an issue that has been raised on these lists before regarding the 
>> usability of this system with video content that is protected. I can't 
>> remember the name of the specification or coding or whenever it is involved 
>> that must be seen in order for the AppleTV to pick up the content. 
>> Generally, if the AppleTV is not connected to an actual video output which 
>> is actually turned on, you can't get a lot of this protected video content. 
>> So I am wondering about this system with this particular converter. Has 
>> anyone used it or any other converter connecting AppleTV fourth-generation 
>> to a stereo with no TV present and still able to receive the full complement 
>> of all the video channels, such as Netflix, HBO etc.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Mail Signatures in iCloud a perplexing situation and extremely frustrating.

2016-08-30 Thread Tim Kilburn

The signatures are likely synced across your machines via iCloud.  So, it will 
propagate to each machine that you have iCloud Mail services enabled.  These 
signatures created on other machines will propagate to the All Signatures 
section but not necessarily to the specific account.  It can be moved to that 
account with some work, but I don't believe that it is an automatic process.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 29, 2016, at 01:04, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:


I made a discovery but am very frustrated with it.

Using my I Mac, I created a signature (as you will have read) so no need for 
detail.  However, when using my Mac Mini which is on the same network as it’s 
in my bed room upstairs, if I go to mail preferences all signatures, I can read 
my signature which is in my all signatures tables.  Please understand that in 
the first instance I made sure the original signature was associated with my 
iCloud account.  But when going back in to the body of my new message, I can’t 
select that signature even though the signature can be read in mail 
preferences.  Does anyone know why this is the case?  I know you must select an 
account for the signature to be associated with but my original signature is 
associated with my I cloud account and I should not be able to read it with my 
Mac Mini but I can.  I hope this is making sense to someone.

Thank you.


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Re: Replacing a local copy of a song in iTunes with the iCloud match?

2016-09-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

As far as I'm aware, no.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Sep 5, 2016, at 07:33, Larry Thacker Jr.  wrote:

I don’t really want Match, but I have considered using it because I have so 
much music that was ripped from CD at lower quality and it would be nice to 
replace it all without having to go through all the CDs again.  One thing I 
wonder though, Is there some DRM component in the downloaded copies that would 
force me to keep Match from then on?

> On Sep 4, 2016, at 9:40 AM, Donna Goodin  <>> wrote:
> Thanks, Cliff.  As I think about it, that may have been how I did it before, 
> it's just been a while.  thanks for the help.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Sep 4, 2016, at 9:16 AM, Kliphton Miller > <>> wrote:
>> The best way I have found to do this, is delete the local copy, and download 
>> it again from iTunes match.
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>>> On Sep 4, 2016, at 9:37 AM, Donna Goodin >> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have some songs that I imported from CDs, and I'd like to replace them 
>>> with the matched versions.  You used to be able to do this by interacting 
>>> with the place where it said download/local, but that doesn't seem to be an 
>>> option in the current version of iTunes.  Anyone know how to do this in the 
>>> current version?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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Re: My command Key sometimes does not work

2016-09-06 Thread Tim Kilburn

Actually, the cmd-option-v requires the Copy (cmd-c) action first.  So, on the 
Mac, you cannot use the Cut command on file actions, you'd need to use the 
Copy, then the Move (cmd-option-v) command as opposed to the Copy and Paste 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Sep 6, 2016, at 12:33, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

To cut is Command+Option+V.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

> On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Ramy Moustafa  wrote:
> On 9/6/16, Ramy Moustafa  wrote:
>> Thanks so much but the command key can work with command W to close
>> and command q, etc, but can not work to copy or paste, is it something
>> tha t I can not recognize?
>> and I have another question:"
>> I put some files on my Mac root, I need to cut them and move to my
>> external HD, I can copy them, but can not cut them, or delete, is
>> there a way to achieve this?
>> Thanks
>> On 9/6/16, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> It’s an inexpensive fix and usually comes with a little straw so you can
>>> get
>>> under the keys easily with out disassembling the keyboard.
>>> Good luck.
>>>> On Sep 6, 2016, at 2:11 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>>>> Compressed air is a good idea and I should get some. It will come in
>>>> handy. Thanks for the reminder.
>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>> Are We Alone in the Universe?
>>>> On 9/6/2016 11:07 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>> I could make a joke about watching to much porn and sticky keys but
>>>>> with
>>>>> the thin skinned nature of some on this list I’ll leave that one alone.
>>>>> If it is shmutz (dirt or dust) under the key you should try some of
>>>>> that
>>>>> compressed air in a can.  It really does work well for cleaning junk
>>>>> out
>>>>> of keyboards.
>>>>>> On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:37 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>>>>>> Possible the key is getting tired. Or dirty under the key. Not sure
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the Apple store can do this kind of maintenance.
>>>>>> The same VO f2 f2 will bring up a menu and you can choose which
>>>>>> window
>>>>>> you want to bring to the front.
>>>>>> Let me clarify the VO commands as they are useful.
>>>>>> Open Application Chooser with VO-F1-F1.
>>>>>> Open Window Chooser with VO-F2-F2.
>>>>>> There may be other methods but I haven't yet settled on how I want to
>>>>>> handle multiple Finder windows.
>>>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>>>> Are We Alone in the Universe?
>>>>>> On 9/6/2016 10:19 AM, Ramy Moustafa wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> the left command do this issue, will see next time if the 2 commands
>>>>>>> miss behave or not.
>>>>>>> Concerning the Keyboard, yes this is an apple keyboard with mac mini.
>>>>>>> THanks for the VOf2 f2.
>>>>>>> but if I need to open more than 1 window, while am on the finder, I
>>>>>>> can press command n to open new window, but I can't find my old
>>>>>>> window, why is this?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> On 9/6/16, E.T.  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Do both command keys misbehave? What keyboard, the built in Mac
>>>>>>>> keyboard?
>>>>>>>> For the "Finder has no window", I do the VO f2 f2 to get the focus
>>>>>>>> back on Finder.
>>>>>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>>>>>> Are We Alone in the Universe?
>>>>>>>> On 9/6/2016 10:04 AM, Ramy Moustafa wrote:

Re: adobe flash player?

2012-03-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

Just press tab to move around and spacebar to activate the button.  Do not add 
the VO keys to this combination and it will update just fine.


On 2012-03-12, at 4:54 AM, Gerry Cook wrote:

> Hi everyone! I've tried to update adobie flash player when it comes up on 
> websites i visit, but no luck with cmd o or vo space bar  or vo  m to 
> possibly open a contextual menu.any help would be appreciated. Thanks and all 
> the best. 
> cheers gerry have a great day
> skype: gerry.cook1
> email:
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: looking for a good temperature monitoring app

2012-03-19 Thread Tim Kilburn

go to and search for Temperature Monitor.  Should be the 
first one in the list. It's free and everything you need to get the temperature 
of is accessible.  There's probably some graphics that aren't visible but 
that's no consequence to you reading all the necessary temperatures of the 


On 2012-03-19, at 6:56 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hi,
> subject line says it all.  anybody know of a good accessible app for 
> monitoring GPU temperature and so on?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: pdf converter

2012-03-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

I'm not sure I totally understand but if you're asking about converting 
documents to pdf format, then you simply need to open the original document, 
press cmd-p to bring up the Print dialog (or choose Print from the File menu).  
Once the Print dialog is up, navigate through it until you locate the PDF menu 
button, activate it with VO-space and select "Save to PDF".  You can then 
choose the filename and location to place it.

Hope this helps.


On 2012-03-23, at 8:27 PM, annelie robledo wrote:

> Hi
> I wanted to find out from the list wheither there is an accessible pdf 
> converter for the macl  Would greatly appreciate any help.
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Off topic from VO, but hoping someone knows

2012-03-25 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi John,

Try this in Terminal, the stuff in brackets is just for your info, it doesn't 
need typed:

cd / (should put you to the root level)
ls (Will list your files at that level.  Just to ensure ther isn't a double of 
the offending file)
chflags hidden /filename (where "filename" is the exact filename of the 
offending file)

You should be able to Quit Terminal and the file should now be hidden.



On 2012-03-25, at 11:27 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> This doesn't relate to VoiceOver, so my apologies to the list.  However, 
> I am baffled and am hoping there is someone who knows the answer.  Since the 
> 10.7.3 update, on my Mac Book Pro, my kernel file, mach_kernel, is now 
> visible in my root directory.  This is, obviously, supposed to be a hidden 
> file, but is now visible.  I don't know if there is a way to easily hide it 
> again or if it is a problem to have it visible.  The system has not seemed to 
> have had any issues, but it is one of those cosmetic things that baffles me.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

It only works at the setup time or if you were to restore it.  As long as the 
ATV is connected to your TV or Stereo with the volume turned up to an 
appropriate level, the ATV will say "English" when it is ready for you to move 
forward with VO on.  At this point, simply press the Play button, lower right, 
three times.  Don't press it too fast or too slow, then VO will come on just 
fine.  If you press the Select button, center of the circle, the setup will 
move on without VO and you'll have to either unplug the ATV and start over or 
get sighted assistance as the triple-click will no longer work after this point.



On 2012-03-26, at 8:02 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi Ed,
> Unfortunately, the way they claim to turn on VoiceOver never worked for me.
> I had to have someone help me turn it on, even though it specifically said I
> could do it by pressing the play/Pause button 3 times quickly.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ed Worrell
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Apple TV questions
> Hello listers, I am here waiting for my Apple Tv to get here this mourning.
> Is there any things that I should know before I crack open the box and start
> setting it up?
> I can't remember what button to press, but wasn't there a way to turn on
> voiceover at start up?
> And how is Airplay used from iPad to Apple Tv?
> Thanks, Ed
> -- 
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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

I tend to leave VO off the majority of the time and use the Remote app on my 
iPhone/iPad to control things.  My family tends to get a little annoyed with 
the ATV talking all the time so I've just found it easier that way.  When VO is 
off and I do wish to use the ATV itself, I've memorized the path to turn it on. 
 It's fairly easy, in my opinion, just to the following:

• Press and hold the menu button for six seconds or so to bring the ATV to the 
Main menu.  (or press the menu button lots of times until it seems like it's at 
the Main menu).  It should bonk at you if sounds are set up properly.
• Press the right arrow until it bonks, which will put you on the Settings 
item.  If yours doesn't bonk for some reason, just press it 7 or 8 times, that 
should get you there.
• Press the Select button twice, not a double press, just two times separated 
by a teeny bit so it will react properly.  This will put you in the General 
settings area.
• Press your down arrow until it bonks, then press the up arrow four times.  
This will place you on the Accessibility item.
• Press the Select button twice.  Same idea as earlier, don't press them so 
fast that it is like a double-press, just press it two times.

VO will now be on.



On 2012-03-26, at 1:05 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, there's no way to mute VO. And as for the issue of starting
> VO during setup, I could never get that to work for me. Perhaps I was
> pressing the wrong button? Maybe I'll restore mine just for grins to test
> that.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 12:22 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Apple TV questions
> Is there any way to mute the Apple TV while playing music? It is very
> annoying to have it announced every song.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 26, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It only works at the setup time or if you were to restore it.  As long as
> the ATV is connected to your TV or Stereo with the volume turned up to an
> appropriate level, the ATV will say "English" when it is ready for you to
> move forward with VO on.  At this point, simply press the Play button, lower
> right, three times.  Don't press it too fast or too slow, then VO will come
> on just fine.  If you press the Select button, center of the circle, the
> setup will move on without VO and you'll have to either unplug the ATV and
> start over or get sighted assistance as the triple-click will no longer work
> after this point.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2012-03-26, at 8:02 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> Unfortunately, the way they claim to turn on VoiceOver never worked for
> me.
>>> I had to have someone help me turn it on, even though it specifically 
>>> said I could do it by pressing the play/Pause button 3 times quickly.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ed Worrell
>>> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:45 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Apple TV questions
>>> Hello listers, I am here waiting for my Apple Tv to get here this
> mourning.
>>> Is there any things that I should know before I crack open the box 
>>> and start setting it up?
>>> I can't remember what button to press, but wasn't there a way to turn 
>>> on voiceover at start up?
>>> And how is Airplay used from iPad to Apple Tv?
>>> Thanks, Ed
>>> --
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Re: Terminal Commands For Hiding and Showing Files?

2012-03-26 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Teresa,

I'll paste in what I sent to John a yesterday.  It should work the same for 
you.  Remember that these items should remain visible:  Applications, Library, 
System, and Users.  There may be other items such as User Guides and 
Information and/or any files you may have purposely or accidentally saved there.

Try this in Terminal, the stuff in brackets is just for your info, it doesn't 
need typed:

cd / (should put you to the root level)
ls (Will list your files at that level.  Just to ensure ther isn't a double of 
the offending file)
chflags hidden /filename (where "filename" is the exact filename of the 
offending file)

You should be able to Quit Terminal and the file should now be hidden.



On 2012-03-26, at 1:05 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I don't remember how I enabled this, but all my hidden files are showing in 
> Finder. I'd like to hide them again, with the exception of the root and user 
> libraries. How can I do this, either with Finder or in Terminal? I'm only a 
> beginning Terminal user, so be gentle, please. :)
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> -- 
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Re: Apple TV questions

2012-03-26 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Les,

There is a known bug in the latest update that affects the listing of items.  
It is especially annoying when in the list of TV Shows from your given 
computer.  It does not appear to arrange them properly.  In fact, if you have a 
large number of TV shows in your Library, it's almost impossible to locate what 
you want whether your sighted or a VO user.  For this bug, I've used my Remote 
app on my iPhone/iPad and everything works as it should using this method.  I 
suggested it as a workaround on the Apple Discussions forum as well.  It 
appears that it has something to do with iTunes 10.6 and the latest ATV 
software.  I assume Apple will fix it soon but in the meantime, my Remote app 
is my best tool.


On 2012-03-26, at 5:04 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> You know, I intensely dislike the latest update to the Apple TV software that 
> I think I'm going to try the Apple TV App.  With MLB TV, I hear so much 
> garbage when I load the day's games that I cannot even listen for the scores 
> or schedules any more.  Also, VO isn't talking when the Main Menu comes up.  
> I've re-installed the update and it's still as bad or worse than it was when 
> I first updated.
> Les
> On Mar 26, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> hi,
>> I tend to leave VO off the majority of the time and use the Remote app on my 
>> iPhone/iPad to control things.  My family tends to get a little annoyed with 
>> the ATV talking all the time so I've just found it easier that way.  When VO 
>> is off and I do wish to use the ATV itself, I've memorized the path to turn 
>> it on.  It's fairly easy, in my opinion, just to the following:
>> • Press and hold the menu button for six seconds or so to bring the ATV to 
>> the Main menu.  (or press the menu button lots of times until it seems like 
>> it's at the Main menu).  It should bonk at you if sounds are set up properly.
>> • Press the right arrow until it bonks, which will put you on the Settings 
>> item.  If yours doesn't bonk for some reason, just press it 7 or 8 times, 
>> that should get you there.
>> • Press the Select button twice, not a double press, just two times 
>> separated by a teeny bit so it will react properly.  This will put you in 
>> the General settings area.
>> • Press your down arrow until it bonks, then press the up arrow four times.  
>> This will place you on the Accessibility item.
>> • Press the Select button twice.  Same idea as earlier, don't press them so 
>> fast that it is like a double-press, just press it two times.
>> VO will now be on.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2012-03-26, at 1:05 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Unfortunately, there's no way to mute VO. And as for the issue of starting
>>> VO during setup, I could never get that to work for me. Perhaps I was
>>> pressing the wrong button? Maybe I'll restore mine just for grins to test
>>> that.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg
>>> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 12:22 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: Apple TV questions
>>> Is there any way to mute the Apple TV while playing music? It is very
>>> annoying to have it announced every song.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 26, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It only works at the setup time or if you were to restore it.  As long as
>>> the ATV is connected to your TV or Stereo with the volume turned up to an
>>> appropriate level, the ATV will say "English" when it is ready for you to
>>> move forward with VO on.  At this point, simply press the Play button, lower
>>> right, three times.  Don't press it too fast or too slow, then VO will come
>>> on just fine.  If you press the Select button, center of the circle, the
>>> setup will move on without VO and you'll have to either unplug the ATV and
>>> start over or get sighted assistance as the triple-click will no longer work
>>> after this point.
>>>> HTH.
>>>> Later...
>>>> On 2012-03-26, at 8:02 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ed,

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >