
The ability to disable Auto-Complete has been deprecated.  There used to be an 
option to do this, but it no longer is available.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 23, 2016, at 04:52, Kawal Gucukoglu <kgli...@icloud.com> wrote:

Thank you very much Mark for asking this question as Auto complete drives me 
insane.  Like you I hate it.  I also have turned it off in Windows.  If you can 
disable it in Windows then you should be able to disable it on the Mac.  If 
it’s not there, those who are doing beta testing, please request that as a 

Many thanks.

> On 23 Jul 2016, at 03:06, M. Taylor <mk...@ucla.edu <mailto:mk...@ucla.edu>> 
> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> When I begin typing in a URL in the Safari location bar (Command+L), the
> auto-complete kicks in; I really don't like this feature.  
> How can I disable this feature?  
> I looked in Safari preferences but cannot seem to find the necessary option.
> Could this, perhaps, be a system-wide setting?
> All replies greatly appreciated.
> mark
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