
At the moment, The stock Apple Wallet app does not support as many reward cards 
as we may like.  Therefore, the Stockard app fills in the gap and seems to also 
have Wallet integration for some apps.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 14, 2016, at 08:20, Jonathan Cohn <jon.c.c...@gmail.com> wrote:


I do not have enough reward cards to make this worthwhile, but I thought the 
Wallet app that is part of IOS 9 obsoleted all of the reward card apps. Can you 
give a brief explanation of the advantages of this app over the builtin version?



> On Aug 14, 2016, at 1:35 AM, M. Taylor <mk...@ucla.edu> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am delighted to announce that, with this latest release, StoCard, Rewards
> Cards Wallet app, for iOS, is once again, VoiceOver accessible.
> See below for app description and App Store link.
> Mark
> Stocard - Rewards Cards Wallet
> By Stocard
> Description
> Featured as one of the best apps of the year by Apple in Europe and now
> available in the US!
> Store ALL your rewards cards in one app on your iPhone - with Stocard. Get
> rid of all the plastic cards in your wallet! FREE!
> Wall Street Journal: "a clever way of turning a smartphone into a virtual
> wallet"
> Techcrunch: "a simple but clever take on the mobile
> phone-as-loyalty-card-wallet"
> The built in high-tech-camera scanner enables you to add loyalty cards
> within seconds.
> Have your phone's screen scanned for a faster transaction at properly
> equipped stores*.
> No registration necessary, start using Stocard right after downloading.
> Choose from over 400 preset loyalty cards.
> Add any not preset loyalty card as an "other loyalty card".
> Securely store your cards in the cloud
> Several stores still use outdated scanner technologies (laser or flatbed
> scanners instead of image scanners). These scanners unfortunately cannot
> read smartphone displays. In this case simply ask the cashier to type in
> your loyalty card number manually.
> Add any card in Stocard with a QR code to Wallet.
> For support, feedback and suggestions, please send us an email at:
> supp...@stocardapp.com
> Download from the App Store at:
> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stocard-rewards-cards-wallet/id444578884?mt=
> 8
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