
Regarding your first question, this is a relatively new feature introduced 
either late in iOS 8 or in iOS 9, I can't remember off the top of my head.  I 
don't believe that it is configurable.  It usually brings up the audio controls 
for music or iBooks, whichever you were listening to last.  It sometimes will 
also focus on other streaming services if you've used them lately.

To stop music from being able to stream, this will depend on how restrictive 
you wish to be.  If you only want it to stop streaming when you're on Cellular 
Data, then go into Settings, Music and turn off Cellular Data for streaming.  
If you wish it to be totally disabled, you'll also need to turn off your iCloud 
Music Library which is similarly found in Settings, Music.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jul 27, 2016, at 07:51, Stacey Robinson <stacey...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

Hi all.
Each time I plug in my headphones to my iPhone six, music wants to play. Is 
there a way to stop this?
Finally, is there a way to tell my phone not to stream music that is in the 

Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.

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