MBP vs MBA VS...

2012-05-23 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

After been friend with IMac and trial on older generalation of MBP for
a while, and the fact that my 5.5 year old Dell laptop is slowly
giving up due to overheating, i think i'm quite ready to slowly but
surely move in to the Apple Mac family completely.

Can i have some general fit back as to the performance for both MBP and MBA?

I am thinking of either get the MBA 13 inch with 1.8GHZ or MBP 13inch
with 2.8GHZ.

I'm a university student and also someone  who's part time employ that
do alot of multitasking on my computer. So, features like capability
of multitasking, will definitely a must  for me. however, i don't
necessary need to access to CD drive although having it could be a

At the moment, i have a 22inch secondhand IMac, and also the
possibility of having a 24Inch second hand IMac in the near future.

I also have extensive experience with IPhone and IPad2.

My question is, what is the different from MBA with 1.8GHZ to MBP with
2.8GHZ in terms of speed, capability, and multitasking ability?

Also, if i go down the path of havine an ipad3, will it be sort of
wasting the vallue of having MBA, and should go directly for MBP

I am well aware, and do realize that the physical size and weight of
MBA and MBP are different. But if we put the size and weight aside,
what are the plus and miness to having MBA compare to MBP?

Your advice and opinion is very much appreciated.



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accessible photo edditing software

2012-06-15 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

I'm a voiceover low vision user and looking for an accessible photo
edditing software.

I have a play with Adobe Photoshop CS4, it is pretty much not
accessible in all front and back.

Will anyone know of any voiceover friendly photo edditing software?

Thanks in advance


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good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
as i bringing this out every so often...
I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
specs performance?
As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.

i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
and basic photo edditing as well.

The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my

All of your advice is very much appreciated.



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[no subject]

2012-06-30 Thread Joanne Chua

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can you upgreat your MBA2012?

2012-06-30 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

As subject above suggest, can you upgreat your MBA e.g. ram, SSD after
perchase? I know they are upgreatable in a way that you must upgreat
when you order it, but can you upgreat it down the track?

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accessing new window with VO

2012-07-05 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

May i know, what is the vo command for nevigating to new window?

For example, if i've choose a wifi network, and i've click on "join
network", another window pop up for passwords or security code. How
can i using Voiceover, nevigate to the dialog box?

Any help very appreciated.

Thanks very much


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Converting EPub

2011-11-17 Thread Joanne Chua
forwarded message:

Hi all,

Just wondering whether anyone has had any experience converting Adobi
Digital Editions Epub books on a Mac?

I have the tools, , but I'm afraid I'm having trouble figuring out the
conversion process.

If anyone has any helpful advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

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2011-12-31 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

First at all, wish you all happy 2012, may 2012 will be a prosperity
year in life, accissibility, and also in the Apple world.

There're two issues i wish to clearify with some of you here. any good
voice over friendly writing program for writers beside iworks or
gmail users who have your mail set up on iphone, have you found any
issue connecting to the server since friday? if you do, how do you
solve it?

Thanks very much

Best Regards
Joanne (Australia)

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Re: enquiries

2012-01-01 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi moses,

on that particular message, simply double tap on reply,.. there are 3
options there, which is reply, forward and print, and also cancil :)

Thanks guys for the help. i think i must have bugger my mail setting
up, gotta reset it :(



On 02/01/2012, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
> On iphone press the reply button and you will have a list of options among
> these also reply.
> hth
> Ioana
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 11:50 AM, "Moses Choo"  wrote:
>> Hi Joanne,
>> I have had no problem at all.You can write to me using
>> mosesn...@gmail.com.
>> I have found it to be good, however, my only problem is I don't seem to be
>> able to find the button to forward a mail to someone else.
>> Regards,
>> Moses.
>> -Original Message-----
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Joanne Chua
>> Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 8:37 AM
>> To: macvisionaries
>> Cc: macvoiceover
>> Subject: enquiries
>> Hi All,
>> First at all, wish you all happy 2012, may 2012 will be a prosperity
>> year in life, accissibility, and also in the Apple world.
>> There're two issues i wish to clearify with some of you here. any good
>> voice over friendly writing program for writers beside iworks or
>> office?
>> gmail users who have your mail set up on iphone, have you found any
>> issue connecting to the server since friday? if you do, how do you
>> solve it?
>> Thanks very much
>> Best Regards
>> Joanne (Australia)
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Re: FaceBook iphone replacement app

2012-01-01 Thread Joanne Chua

Been using facebook for iphone app since i got my iphone which is end
of 2010 and found it pretty accessible. Yes, it can be better, but i'm
not aware of any inaccessible issue at all. sometime it plays up,
particularly when we upgreat from IOS4 to IOS5. but soon after,
facebook did another update on their app, now its all right. not 100%
perhaps, but i would say i can do 90% of the tasks without any major



On 02/01/2012, CHUCK REICHEL  wrote:
> Hi David,
> Happy New Year Also!
> Its Probably that "inaccessible" "Garget Note Feature" they are talking
> about! ;)
> Talk soon
> 954-742-0019
> www.SoundPictureRecording.com
> In GOD I Trust
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 6:27 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hi, happy New Year. I've been using the Facebook app on the iPhone for
>> over a week now with no problems. What is inaccessible about it?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 31 Dec 2011, at 19:20, Ed Worrell  wrote:
>>> Hello listers, I have found a really great app to replace the Facebook
>>> crap of an app. The app is called Facedekk it is made by Taknology, you
>>> can search for either of these and find it in the app store. I don't know
>>> if it is in all the app stores I live in the United States. It is a great
>>> app the developers have made it fully accessible with VO, not sure if
>>> this was intentional but it is great anyway, It does everything the
>>> Facebook app is supposed to do. The only thing that I have found that
>>> doesn't work is the settings section of the app, I did send a email to
>>> the developer to see if they would fix this issue, and to see if they
>>> would add push notifications to the app. The app even uses the Vo
>>> gestures to back to the previous page which I missed greatly on the
>>> Facebook app. It is a all around well done app. There is two versions of
>>> the app one that is $.99 and that is free, I have purchesed the paid
>>> version.
>>> Enjoy,
>>> Ed
>>> --
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> 954-742-0019
> www.SoundPictureRecording.com
> In GOD I Trust
> --
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Re: Switching to a Mac from PC

2012-01-04 Thread Joanne Chua

As a newish user of mac, and someone who rely heavily on PDFs for
research and work purposes, i haven't come across any pdf issue. i
suppose something we need to understand, the issue is not with
screenreader itself, is with the image of the pdf itself. If you have
a scann image pdf file, regardless you use jaws, windoweyes, nvda,
system access or voiceover, unless you have an OCR, otherwise the
problem will still exist. However, i must say, from my pass months
experience, voiceover and include the IOS Voiceover, seems to be the
best screen reader when dealing with pdf.
It is not fair to compare Jaws or NVDA with Voiceover. you are kind of
comparing orrange and lemon, deciding what is better for you.
Regardless of what the arguements are, Jaws does slow things down
rapitly. You won't realize until you have a sighted person uses the
same computer as you do, turn your screenreader off, and have a go on
that. Even in some case, NVDA is more faster and supirial compare to
Same with any other screen reader, it does slow things down, just
depends on if its in 0.001 second for voiceover or 1.00 second for

Just my 0.2 sense of thoughts


On 05/01/2012, matthew Dyer  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using my mac mini full time for quite some time now and I fimnd
> it to be useful for what I do even though there times I still wish I had a
> pc for things like sauving captches in firefox since ff is not accessible on
> the mac and never will be I gather.  I am still try to get dropbox to work
> on this machine here and have not been secessful so far.  it would also be
> nice to have a pc around for playing around with vinux, but that is a small
> thing since i can not afford vmware fusion at the moment.Just my
> thoughts.
> Matthew
> On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Very well said. I've had my mac since may, and although I've recently
>> become far more fond of Itunes than my bank account is
>> comfortable with, I just don't use it for daily tasks. I just can't get
>> comfortable with any of the word processing options,
>> and since I've been using a PC for close to 25 years, I'm always going to
>> be more comfortable on a windows platform. One of
>> my favorite activities, especially while I'm unemployed, is playing games,
>> and while I'm thrilled that the RS games client
>> works on the mac, there aren't any other options. I'm still hoping for a
>> truly accessible mud client; if atlantis is
>> accessible, I sure haven't figured out how to make it speak automatically.
>> My other major task is writing/editing a story I've been working on for
>> several years now. I just can't get comfortable
>> working on my files using the mac, so just keep using good old wordpad on
>> the PC.
>> Since it cost me so much money, I have chosen to use the mac for things
>> that either don't work or I don't want to mess with
>> on my PC: adium, skype, itunes, and a couple of other similar things that
>> I can't remember at the moment. I figure that the
>> mac is a lot easier to fix if something goes wrong, and that's definitely
>> something I'll give Apple credit for; you can
>> install the operating system without any sighted assistance, and with
>> carbon copy cloner and time machine, it's easy to
>> restore your machine on the off chance that something catastrophic
>> happens. Another thing that I really love about the mac is
>> Growl. It essensially reads things that happen in the system tray: changes
>> in dropbox files for example. That's 1 thing my PC
>> can't do, or if it can, I don't know how to set it up, so the mac is
>> really awesome in that respect.
>> With all that being said, however, while I certainly like my mac a lot
>> more than I did when I first bought it, to be
>> perfectly honest, there's still a rather big part of me that regrets the
>> purchase. I eventually hope to get bootcamp and/or
>> VM fusion up and running, but so far, that just hasn't happened.
>> I hope this makes at least a little sense and that it helps you in your
>> decision. Sadly, I can't comment on the large print
>> side of things, but I've become moderately comfortable with using
>> Voiceover. Good luck in whatever decision you make, and I
>> hope this helps you out at least a little.
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 8:01 PM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Switching to a Mac from PC
>> I got a Mini after hearing nothing but great things about the Mac and
>> VoiceOver. I can honestly say that I regret the
>> decision. I never understood editing, my system seemed sluggish compared
>> to NVDA with Windows, and web browsing is slow on
>> the Mac when using vo. Also, a lot of what I do on the pc is audio gaming,
>> and not so much as a good, accessible version of
>> Solitaire is available on the Mac, let alone s

Re: Switching to a Mac from PC

2012-01-04 Thread Joanne Chua
I'm somewhat doubtful about jaws13 OCR capability. Have not heard any
good news on their beta so far. But doesn't matter, knowing Freedom
scintific, they will soon relist some sort of upgreat so people will
pay for it, and if its not working, relist another upgreat. that is
just the way they work.
For those who have experience, do you see any major improvement from
jaws10, 11, and 12? hardly. beside the 64bids and window7 business.
and i have more problem with jaws12 than ever.

On 05/01/2012, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I feel it is only fair to mention that jaws13 and the development versions
> of nvda both include OCR, so a scanned image can be read for the most part.
> VO does not have this feature, and I think it would be a good idea for those
> who would find it useful to email accessibil...@apple.com to point out this
> shortcoming.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from my iPod)
> mehg...@gmail.com; //facebook.com/mehgcap
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 19:57, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As a newish user of mac, and someone who rely heavily on PDFs for
>> research and work purposes, i haven't come across any pdf issue. i
>> suppose something we need to understand, the issue is not with
>> screenreader itself, is with the image of the pdf itself. If you have
>> a scann image pdf file, regardless you use jaws, windoweyes, nvda,
>> system access or voiceover, unless you have an OCR, otherwise the
>> problem will still exist. However, i must say, from my pass months
>> experience, voiceover and include the IOS Voiceover, seems to be the
>> best screen reader when dealing with pdf.
>> It is not fair to compare Jaws or NVDA with Voiceover. you are kind of
>> comparing orrange and lemon, deciding what is better for you.
>> Regardless of what the arguements are, Jaws does slow things down
>> rapitly. You won't realize until you have a sighted person uses the
>> same computer as you do, turn your screenreader off, and have a go on
>> that. Even in some case, NVDA is more faster and supirial compare to
>> jaws.
>> Same with any other screen reader, it does slow things down, just
>> depends on if its in 0.001 second for voiceover or 1.00 second for
>> jaws.
>> Just my 0.2 sense of thoughts
>> Cheers
>> Joanne
>> On 05/01/2012, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been using my mac mini full time for quite some time now and I
>>> fimnd
>>> it to be useful for what I do even though there times I still wish I had
>>> a
>>> pc for things like sauving captches in firefox since ff is not accessible
>>> on
>>> the mac and never will be I gather.  I am still try to get dropbox to
>>> work
>>> on this machine here and have not been secessful so far.  it would also
>>> be
>>> nice to have a pc around for playing around with vinux, but that is a
>>> small
>>> thing since i can not afford vmware fusion at the moment.Just my
>>> thoughts.
>>> Matthew
>>> On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>>> Very well said. I've had my mac since may, and although I've recently
>>>> become far more fond of Itunes than my bank account is
>>>> comfortable with, I just don't use it for daily tasks. I just can't get
>>>> comfortable with any of the word processing options,
>>>> and since I've been using a PC for close to 25 years, I'm always going
>>>> to
>>>> be more comfortable on a windows platform. One of
>>>> my favorite activities, especially while I'm unemployed, is playing
>>>> games,
>>>> and while I'm thrilled that the RS games client
>>>> works on the mac, there aren't any other options. I'm still hoping for a
>>>> truly accessible mud client; if atlantis is
>>>> accessible, I sure haven't figured out how to make it speak
>>>> automatically.
>>>> My other major task is writing/editing a story I've been working on for
>>>> several years now. I just can't get comfortable
>>>> working on my files using the mac, so just keep using good old wordpad
>>>> on
>>>> the PC.
>>>> Since it cost me so much money, I have chosen to use the mac for things
>>>> that either don't work or I don't want to mess with
>>>> on my PC: adium, skype, itunes, and a couple of other similar things
>>>> that
>>>> I can't remember at the momen

remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
and drop".
May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the doc?
Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?

many thanks

Joanne (Australia)

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Re: remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all

Thanks very much for the reply.

It works very well. :)

On 13/01/2012, Red.Falcon  wrote:
> Hi again!
> Also you can get to the doc with!
> Control+f4
> And the main menu control+f2 and status bar control+f8
> hth Colin
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 22:36, André Nuno Soares wrote:
>> Hello,
>> To remove an item from the dock:
>> 1. go to the dock with VO D
>> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to
>> remove
>> 3. press VO Shift M for the context menu
>> 4. select "Options", "remove from dock"
>> To move an item on the dock:
>> 1. go to the dock with VO D
>> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to
>> remove
>> 3. press Option Command left or right arrow keys to move to the left or
>> right
>> HTH,
>> André
>> On 12/01/2012, at 21:53, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
>>> how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
>>> answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
>>> and drop".
>>> May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the
>>> doc?
>>> Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?
>>> many thanks
>>> Cheers
>>> Joanne (Australia)
>>> --
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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another few questions

2012-01-14 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

Is there a way i can turn the rota on the Mac? Also, how can i
activate the compack/not compack voice?

On another note, i do know voiceover have the webspot and all that,
but beside that, is that a way where i can jump from table to table or
heading to heading?

as always, i appreciate all the help.

Thanks very much


Joanne (Australia)

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Re: another few questions

2012-01-15 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

Thanks alot for the tips.
I do know about the vo keys but not as absolutely familiarise with it just yet.

I'm not 100% sure about the rotor. That question come from my friend
who try to set up her new Mac with Lion. As i'm using snow leppert,
some of the things she come across seems not exist for me.

I guess her issue is not knowing how to turn on the additional voices,
and how to access them on the vo + command + arrow key, and how she
can change the voices from one to another.

I guess when she talk about rotor, she tries to treate the rotor as in
ipad or iphone where you can change it quickly from one voice to
another and so on?

Again, i'm not using Lion, so i'm not really sure what exactly she's
talking about the rotor but i thought i ask around here for those who
may have experience with Lion.


On 15/01/2012, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I suggest pressing VO K for keyboard help to familiarize yourself with some
> of the voiceover commands.  Navigating by table is control option command T.
>  I'm not sure if you know but, control and option pressed together are
> called VO keys so, moving by table would be called VO command T.  Moving by
> heading is VO command H.
> When you talk about the rotor.  Are you referring to the rotor gesture
> performed on the trackpad?
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jan 15, 2012, at 12:53 AM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Is there a way i can turn the rota on the Mac? Also, how can i
>> activate the compack/not compack voice?
>> On another note, i do know voiceover have the webspot and all that,
>> but beside that, is that a way where i can jump from table to table or
>> heading to heading?
>> as always, i appreciate all the help.
>> Thanks very much
>> Cheers
>> Joanne (Australia)
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Amadeus tutorial and alternative

2012-01-19 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

as subject above suggest,

I'm looking for some accesible audio editing software that is Mac
comparable and hopefully Window comparable too. I do know that some of
you here uses Amadeus for Audio editing purposes.

What is the plus and miness for this software? and, any tutorial
available for amadeus with voiceover?

Also, what will be the alternatives for Amadeus?

i've downloaded the trial version of Adobe Audition. unfortunately the
window version is not accesible and i've have the chance to download
the trial for mac just yet.

Any advice will be much appreciated



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voices on Lion

2012-01-24 Thread Joanne Chua

sorry for being a pain,
I've upgreated to Lion yesterday, however, How can i activate
different voices on Lion?
on on the voiceover uterlities, it just allow me to choose between
Alex and Leigh.

any help will be much appreciated.


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Re: Hi

2012-02-05 Thread Joanne Chua
Welcome Chris.

I'm pretty new Mac user myself, and i'm glad i make the switch. It
wasn't as bad as i thought when i started, ones you get the logic of
Mac OS and the way it works, its definitely way more advantage than

I have the question tto the group though, what is the advantage of
getting a MBA compare to MBP beside liter and doesn't have a optic
drive, and how the two  in compare in terms of speed?


On 06/02/2012, Mr. L. Alexander  wrote:
> hey and good to hear from you.
> depending on whether you need a machine that's going to travel with you or a
> desktop solution, for me, I'd always recommend a macbook pro. I have the 15"
> model which is about to take a serious upgrade shortly. about to install 8gb
> ram and a 1tb drive for data storage, etc. so the macbook pro in my opinion
> is a solid choice. it's built like a tank, very comfortable and the keyboard
> feels like a dream unlike windows based systems. mind you I've grown up with
> laptops mainly as well as working with desktops both windows and mac.
> the mac mini is a really nice system to go for but there are a few slight
> disadvantages here as a few users have noticed.  one issue is that the mac
> mini when using voiceover needs access to a monitor. this is a hardware and
> software issue but the cheat from what I notice is getting the apple DVI or
> VGA adaptor and connecting it, that way it finds a monitor port as a
> reference.
> if you want a machine that has a really warm sound to the speakers, I would
> also recommend the iMac. the speakers really do offer a nice balanced and
> warm tone.
> best thing to do is go into your nearest apple store and get a feel for each
> machine. be aware that apple store staff are not trained in voiceover and
> accessibility requirements other than basics.
> are you in the UK?
> if so, drop me a line off list at freemacsforthebl...@mac-access.net and I'd
> be happy to help where possible.
> lew
> On 5 Feb 2012, at 13:19, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> Thanks Lu, that sounds interesting your job. Well done on that. Keep it
>> up. While the mac technology is so expensive, you can see just why. Apple
>> both designs and makes the equipment, instead of hiring out contractors to
>> do the work themselves. Also, unlike the PC, you don't get any crapware,
>> excuse the explicits, on a mac. So again, you can see just why they are so
>> expensive.
>> Christopher H
>> On 05/02/2012 10:34, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> Hi chris, welcome aboard.
>>> you'll find the mac an easy OS to handle, voiceover as intuitive as
>>> windows and stable. If you need any help, feel free to ask whatever
>>> questions re the mac, voiceover, etc and we're all here to help.
>>> I'm a mac systems engineer and founder of a charity here in the UK
>>> called Free Macs For The Blind which caters for supply of working older
>>> macs for blind users who can't afford new technology. so have a
>>> background in system repairs and advanced maintenance / instalations.
>>> I use a macbook pro 2010 edition for all my contract needs from
>>> diagnostics to recovery work and love voiceover to bits. couldn't be
>>> without it.
>>> I'm using windows though on a separate system to run some tools of the
>>> trade but hey, computers are computers.
>>> lew
>>> On 5 Feb 2012, at 10:29, chris hallsworth wrote:
 Hello all.
 I have just joined this list. Thanks to the owners for approving my
 membership. Much appreciated.
 I am here because I am thinking of getting a mac, purely for a change,
 as my next computer. I have been using Windows since 1997, and I am
 willing to take the challenge. If I can operate an iPod Touch or an
 iPhone, surely I can operate a mac. That's my philosophy anyway.
 So thought I would come here.

 Christopher H

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>>> Founder: Mr. L. Alexander.
>>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>>> E-Mail: freemacsforthebl...@mac-access.net
>>> Direct Contact: 07936 877500.
>>> WEBSITE: http://freemacsfortheblind.wordpress.com.
>>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind.
>>> Skype: freemacsfortheblind
>>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working
>>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR
>>> FREE!
>>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc
>>> or a copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? pl

Re: does any one know if whats app is on the i pad minnni? can any one suggust a app that wil allow me to talk to my cousins?that is free and accesssible.I am running ios 702 on a i pad minni first ge

2014-07-01 Thread Joanne Chua
No, wasapp only available for phone only

On 01/07/2014, adrian  wrote:
> ```Sent from my iPad
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Re: does any one know if whats app is on the i pad minnni? can any one suggust a app that wil allow me to talk to my cousins?that is free and accesssible.I am running ios 702 on a i pad minni first ge

2014-07-01 Thread Joanne Chua
watsapp works on phone number not on email address. Hens, that is also one of 
the reason why it is not available on any tabs.

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 2 Jul 2014, at 13:06, Mike  wrote:
> If they all have Google accounts you could use the Google Hangouts App. I've 
> been using it all day and it works really well.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 1, 2014, at 19:12, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> No, wasapp only available for phone only
>>> On 01/07/2014, adrian  wrote:
>>> ```Sent from my iPad
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Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-13 Thread Joanne Chua
So Erik, what you are saying is that, when your kid performing very,
very  well at school, always gets 90 points in every exams,   while
the rest is hobbing around 30 points, rarely pass the test, is okay
for the school principle to point your kid out in public, and punish
your kid by asking him to perform 100% better, and is okay for the
rest of the school kids staying behind on 30 points mark?

Or, we got double standard because its NFB, and because its Apple, so,
hey, who cares about other company, other organization, or even other
blind people that is not even in America, but could pretty well effect
by what so call big brother NFB does or doesn't in their policy making

Jees, if i'm one of the school kid, i'm very happy to stay on 30%
points mark, and not performing well, because, look what happen when
you are on 90%? you got name, you got shame, you got single it out.

I wonder, is this the pressure and the fear from other company, say
Freedom Scientific to NFB. When Apple products weren't accessible,
people rely on conventional screen reader, conventional braille note
taker to have a life. But now, because of Apple, thanks for Apple,
blind people have this sudden choice, not rely on an external screen
reader, and still able to have a life, a well inform life, a better
life than ever before in the history. Which also means, blind people
are more than likely to rely on their own, starting to do self
advocacy more than ever before, and left those organizations like NFB
behind in the future.

On 14/07/2014, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Naming a company does not necessarily imply targeting them.  There are sound
> economic reasons for starting with apple.
> 1, they are the lear in the field of mobile accessibility right now.  Lots
> of players, only one leader, ...apple,  a p p l e.
> 2, Apple products are used daily in classrooms from at least grade two right
> through university.  They are prominat  in government.  This isn't true of
> any other company.  Blackberry has a lot of government market share but
> nothing in education, and almost nothing in employment.  Android may be
> bigger in employment over all than apple, but androide started much later
> than apple and has only one truely comparable accessibility feature namely
> talkback A lot of disabled people who would get an android for work as a
> matter of course are getting apple because the accessibility suite is
> frankly more robust than that on android.
> OK, I think the discussions should include android.  I also think they
> should include disability advocacy groups besides the blind.  But I don't
> see any one targeting anyone else here.  Past experience not-with-standing,
> this idea that the NFB will somehow bombard apple into enforcing
> accessibility standards is ludacris.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> The great amazon gift card giveaway begins friday june eleventh at 5 pm!
> The more who donate, the more chances there will be to win!  Click here for
> detales.
> http://www.fundme.com/en/projects/6287-Orientation-and-mobility-training-for-the-blind
> On 2014-07-13, at 6:12 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> When a resolution singles out one specific company by name, this means
>> that one specific company is being targeted! If the resolution was about
>> multiple companies being approached for increasing accessibility, it would
>> have said so.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 10:03, Marianne Denning 
>>> wrote:
>>> I also think it makes sense to push the one that is most accessible.
>>> Some of the others make it very clear they just don't care.  Apple
>>> believes we are a market.  Apple, like all other companies, is about
>>> making a profit.
>>> We give them our loyalty but ask them to do more.  They have chosen to
>>> tightly control all apps by requiring us to get them from the app
>>> store so they need to work to be as accessible as possible.  I believe
>>> more pressure needs to be put on other companies too so come up with a
>>> resolution to address that in whatever organization you are active
>>> with. We, as individuals, benefit from working together as a group.
>>> The viphone list is a great example of working together as a group and
>>> this group has gotten out good information to developers who create
>>> accessible apps.  Many members of this group are members of a national
>>> organization too so work through that organization to influence
>>> companies.
 On 7/13/14, erik burggraaf  wrote:
 I didn't read anything about targetting in the resolution.  Show me
 that line is please?
 Apple has the broadest user base in the access technology market when
 comes to mobile.  Apple is also well recognized in education,
 and employment sectors.  Samsung is a great accessibility company.  I
 see why this resolution shou

Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-13 Thread Joanne Chua
It is still doesn't discount the fact that NFB is picking Apple from
the rest o the bunsh. If NFB is so interested in promoting
accessibility across all platform, why not Microsoft? Why not Google?
Why target purely at Apple?

So, yes, is that a punishment for Apple from NFB because Apple has
been doing so much for the blind community? Or, is that because NFB
got some other deals with some other company, like Microsoft or
Freedom Scientific that may favouring them financially by
promoting/selling their products, so, is okay to target the single
company that they might not able to gain something from?

If NFB is really looking at the interest of blind people, and their
family, won't it be more useful to target other company like Google,
with their less than desirable Androy platform than with Apple?

My point still stand, why single out and targeting a company, when
there are numbers of company that doesn't do as well as Apple.

Also, i think NFB have no rights to be the big man, to say, "oh,
because we do this, look now, we are doing the world hell lots of
favour for the blind." They have no rights, and shouldn't be givin
such rights as well.

I'm sure VO happen is not because some NFB big guy went to make deals
with Apple, and make Apple have that sense of responsibility to have
VO available on their products. If NFB is that influencial in the
globally,  the "world" will be much more accessible than what it is

On 14/07/2014, Marianne Denning  wrote:
> You do bring up an interesting point.  I don't think your analogy is
> too good but Apple is doing a great job.  I don't believe NFB is
> punishing Apple.  According to what I read, NFB is trying to work with
> Apple to increase the number of accessible apps.  One example is the
> Microsoft suite of products.  There may be times when we need to or
> want to use a Microsoft product on the Mac but cannot since Microsoft
> doesn't have an accessible app.  Apple puts the information out there
> on how to make apps voiceover friendly and many companies don't want
> to or don't understand the importance of voiceover accessibility.  The
> president of NFB wants to work with Apple.  He is not against Apple
> products in any way and is pleased with their level of commitment.
> Does that mean we need to be happy with what we have even though there
> are still many apps that are not accessible?  If it improves
> accessibility to voiceover users in the U.S., it is accessible to
> voiceover users around the world.  Please read the blog he posted on
> this subject.
> If you don't know anything about NFB or ACB, they are both
> organizations of blind people and their families.  They want to
> promote independence for people who are blind and visually impaired.
> Both organizations take positions I don't agree with but when we work
> together as a group it improves independence for all blind and
> visually impaired people.  I hope there are similar organizations in
> other countries.
> On 7/13/14, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> So Erik, what you are saying is that, when your kid performing very,
>> very  well at school, always gets 90 points in every exams,   while
>> the rest is hobbing around 30 points, rarely pass the test, is okay
>> for the school principle to point your kid out in public, and punish
>> your kid by asking him to perform 100% better, and is okay for the
>> rest of the school kids staying behind on 30 points mark?
>> Or, we got double standard because its NFB, and because its Apple, so,
>> hey, who cares about other company, other organization, or even other
>> blind people that is not even in America, but could pretty well effect
>> by what so call big brother NFB does or doesn't in their policy making
>> process?
>> Jees, if i'm one of the school kid, i'm very happy to stay on 30%
>> points mark, and not performing well, because, look what happen when
>> you are on 90%? you got name, you got shame, you got single it out.
>> I wonder, is this the pressure and the fear from other company, say
>> Freedom Scientific to NFB. When Apple products weren't accessible,
>> people rely on conventional screen reader, conventional braille note
>> taker to have a life. But now, because of Apple, thanks for Apple,
>> blind people have this sudden choice, not rely on an external screen
>> reader, and still able to have a life, a well inform life, a better
>> life than ever before in the history. Which also means, blind people
>> are more than likely to rely on their own, starting to do self
>> advocacy more than ever before, and left those organizations like NFB
>> behind in the future.
>> On 14/07/201

Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread Joanne Chua
This issue is actually very important issue for Apple VO users. It
could have the potential could kill Apple's effert on accessibility,
specially with VO.
So, it is, related to the group, and the objective of what this group is for.
Of course, we can go on and on about it, having our disagreement with
NFB etc, but i urge people to discuss this in a rational manor, not in
a political and emotional manor.

On 15/07/2014, Cheree Heppe  wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> What? The blind don't have the right to be cavalier?
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
> On 14 Jul 2014, at 16:42, Robert C  wrote:
>   Such a cavalier attitude we do not need here.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> Never raise your hand to your children -- it leaves your midsection
> unprotected.
> --Robert Orben
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-mail-
> gone.to.da...@gmail.com
>> On 7/14/2014 4:01 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Simple solution then, no? Don't like, don't read!
>> Stop complaining.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> Macintosh Trainer
>> Blind Access Training
>> www.blindaccesstraining.com
>> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 3
>> matt...@blindaccesstraining.com
>> Introduction to the Macintosh Operating system and voiceover course
>> available now.
>> Spots are limited, sign up here
>> http://blindaccesstraining.com/training-courses/
>>> On Jul 14, 2014, at 6:42 PM, Robert C  wrote:
>>> Pam,
>>>   I could have weighed in too but at the end of the day, no one and I
>>> mean, no one, scores any points. All I have seen is repeats of repeats on
>>> top of repeats. I am all for debates but this is not the right place, and
>>> yes there are hundreds of better choices to take these things to. But
>>> some people are just too damn lazy and too damn inconsiderate to bother,
>>> they just fling the mud around and we all get plastered.
>>>   Over 100 posts just this week alone. Who knows how many last week.
>>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>>> A solid home base builds a sense of self.
>>> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
>>> E-mail-
>>> gone.to.da...@gmail.com
 On 7/14/2014 2:48 PM, Pamela Francis wrote:
 Amen to that!!
 This type of crap is what Terrace lists and people apart even though the
 mission is to help people.
 I pray I did not open a can of worms when I initially responded to the
 original post. If in fact I  did to the list,  I deeply apologize. This
 is a forum used to help people. Those who are experts, those who are
 beginners; gladly give of their time to be a resource. Maybe these types
 of issues within our Mac community need to have a forum of their own.
 Does anyone know if there is a group that can be used to debate these
 types of issues? I want to continue to learn from anyone and everyone
 willing to participate on this list. However if it turns political, I'm
 going to have to unsubscribe. That would be a shame.

 Pam Francis

 On Jul 14, 2014, at 4:25 PM, Robert C  wrote:

   Enough already! Give it a rest. This is NOT the place to bring up
 political issues.

 Quote of the nanosecond . . .
 When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of
 --Will Rogers
 Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn

> On 7/14/2014 2:16 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
> Really?
> It seems to me that regulation is a bit like law enforcement these
> days.  Sure, they can catch the average citizen.  But, they never seem
> to catch the big fish.  In other words, just as NFB is trying to police
> a company that is already doing a pretty good job of doing what they
> define as morally right & socially responsible; the law & regulations
> can really only police those who choose to be governed by them.  The
> others will always find a way around laws that get in the way.
> CJ
>> On Jul 13, 2014, at 11:24 PM, Jason White  wrote:
>> David Taylor  wrote:
>>> I wonder how anybody thinks national legislation can have any serious
>>> impact
>>> on the internet given that the internet is global, and most
>>> corporations can
>>> site their sites wherever they like?
>> What matters is not the jurisdiction in which the site is hosted, but
>> the
>> jurisdiction in which the corporation operates; and the latter cannot
>> be
>> changed so easily in most cases. Regulation works.
>> --
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Re: Something that majorly bothers me about Apple

2015-03-19 Thread Joanne Chua
If One  has been  on the employment/business/coperate  field long enough, one 
will know that there are some thing that is just, simply confidential, and not 
to share with anyone, internally or externally.
It seems to me that, you just ring up someone on apple and start to ask 
question about the employment.  To be honest, even employees from Google or 
Microsoft would not entertain you or give you any desire answers about it.
It is no different if i ramdomly ring up Google playstore customer centre,   
and start asking them how much they earn a year, what sort of things they do in 
a daily bases, and finally, can they send me their employment contract...
 Like it or not, it is a level of confidentiality and yes, if you like, secrecy 
within the job itself. And, that happen to most level of employment, especially 
in an international company. 

In fact, if i'm the person that is on the other line, and that doesn't matter 
what company or department it is from, i would have labeled that phonoe call is 
a spam, and i won't spend any of my time entertaining that caller.
It also suggest a rather some level of immaturity for the caller to just 
randomly call up, and ask ramdom questions that have nothing to do with what my 
call of service is about, in fact, asking me questions that have nothing 
related with my service of duty may consider insulting, in some case...

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 20 Mar 2015, at 5:53, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hello. Well if they are so seecret about how to get a job i wouldn't even 
> bother with them. 
>> 19 mar 2015 kl. 20:01 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland :
>> First off, this isn't a complaint, nor is it a drama rant, as much as it's 
>> just something that really has me a bit unsettled.  So don't worry.  If 
>> you're not for reading, excuse the language, bitch session mail, then don't 
>> worry!  I promise that is not at all the nature of the following message.  I 
>> cross my heart, so please just hear me out on this.
>> I was eating breakfast this morning with both my grandmother and a very very 
>> dear friend of mine who is a next door neighbor.  We all three got to 
>> talking about the job industry and how with my expertees, and with my level 
>> of technical skills when it comes to Apple products both from an 
>> accessibility standpoint as well as just in general, how I really probably 
>> could be a major benefit to the Apple user consumer market.
>> I confess that I have considered employment through Apple several times 
>> before, but I guess I never really took it all that seriously.  I mean, I 
>> did, but I didn't.  Anyway, long story short, I got to thinking about our 
>> discussion once I got back home.  the more I thought about it, the more I 
>> realized that they are right.  I really could! make a difference, most 
>> likely.
>> So, I started brainstorming what department would I probably do the best at, 
>> and do I feel needs a team leader as myself.  Naturally, the more I thought 
>> about it, the more I kept coming back to the Accessibility department.
>> So, I finally said, ok, I'm going to give Apple Accessibility a call, and 
>> just see what exactly the criteria would be.  Obviously, I'd have to move 
>> either to Austin or somewhere in Calafornia.  That goes without saying.  I'd 
>> very much be willing to do either, if it meant me getting hiered.
>> So, I called and, ironically, got another gentlemen named Chris... go 
>> figure.  Anyway, this is what bothers me big time!  I asked him what the 
>> criteria is.  He was incredibly, and I do mean incredibly! cryptic.  He 
>> really wouldn't go into even the slightest bit of detail.  He basically 
>> said, I'm not authorized to tell you this information.  I'm like, ok, I'm 
>> not asking for you to give me the whole novel rundown.  I'm only asking from 
>> a very general standpoint.  Obviously, I'd have to transfer my geographic 
>> location to where one of the call centers are... that's inevitable.  He's 
>> just like, well, yeah?  You would...  I'm like, ow'w'w, kayyy?  and... what 
>> about training?  I presume that I'd be required to get several weeks worth 
>> of training, wouldn't I?  He's like, that, I cannot go into.  I told him, 
>> OK, sir?  I live in North Carolina.  If it wind up being Calafornia that I 
>> have to move to, that is almost all the way on the other side of the 
>> country.  Granted, I wouldn't move until I knew if I'd get the job, but 
>> still... that would be quite a huge lifechang

Re: Something that majorly bothers me about Apple

2015-03-19 Thread Joanne Chua
I have at least 3 or 4 friends that work in Apple. Every now and then they will 
have some job vacancy open, and advertise through the proper job network.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 20 Mar 2015, at 6:07, Lorie McCloud  wrote:
> I have a nephew (sighted) who works at his local Apple store. I have no idea 
> how he got on there but I could ask him about it.
> My Youtube Channel: “www.youtube.com/LorieMcCloud 
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 2:23 PM, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
>> Hello. Well if they are so seecret about how to get a job i wouldn't even 
>> bother with them. 
>>> 19 mar 2015 kl. 20:01 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> :
>>> First off, this isn't a complaint, nor is it a drama rant, as much as it's 
>>> just something that really has me a bit unsettled.  So don't worry.  If 
>>> you're not for reading, excuse the language, bitch session mail, then don't 
>>> worry!  I promise that is not at all the nature of the following message.  
>>> I cross my heart, so please just hear me out on this.
>>> I was eating breakfast this morning with both my grandmother and a very 
>>> very dear friend of mine who is a next door neighbor.  We all three got to 
>>> talking about the job industry and how with my expertees, and with my level 
>>> of technical skills when it comes to Apple products both from an 
>>> accessibility standpoint as well as just in general, how I really probably 
>>> could be a major benefit to the Apple user consumer market.
>>> I confess that I have considered employment through Apple several times 
>>> before, but I guess I never really took it all that seriously.  I mean, I 
>>> did, but I didn't.  Anyway, long story short, I got to thinking about our 
>>> discussion once I got back home.  the more I thought about it, the more I 
>>> realized that they are right.  I really could! make a difference, most 
>>> likely.
>>> So, I started brainstorming what department would I probably do the best 
>>> at, and do I feel needs a team leader as myself.  Naturally, the more I 
>>> thought about it, the more I kept coming back to the Accessibility 
>>> department.
>>> So, I finally said, ok, I'm going to give Apple Accessibility a call, and 
>>> just see what exactly the criteria would be.  Obviously, I'd have to move 
>>> either to Austin or somewhere in Calafornia.  That goes without saying.  
>>> I'd very much be willing to do either, if it meant me getting hiered.
>>> So, I called and, ironically, got another gentlemen named Chris... go 
>>> figure.  Anyway, this is what bothers me big time!  I asked him what the 
>>> criteria is.  He was incredibly, and I do mean incredibly! cryptic.  He 
>>> really wouldn't go into even the slightest bit of detail.  He basically 
>>> said, I'm not authorized to tell you this information.  I'm like, ok, I'm 
>>> not asking for you to give me the whole novel rundown.  I'm only asking 
>>> from a very general standpoint.  Obviously, I'd have to transfer my 
>>> geographic location to where one of the call centers are... that's 
>>> inevitable.  He's just like, well, yeah?  You would...  I'm like, ow'w'w, 
>>> kayyy?  and... what about training?  I presume that I'd be required to get 
>>> several weeks worth of training, wouldn't I?  He's like, that, I cannot go 
>>> into.  I told him, OK, sir?  I live in North Carolina.  If it wind up being 
>>> Calafornia that I have to move to, that is almost all the way on the other 
>>> side of the country.  Granted, I wouldn't move until I knew if I'd get the 
>>> job, but still... that would be quite a huge lifechanging commitment.  
>>> Especially moving away from all of my family loved ones, etc.  He's like, 
>>> OK, well, sir, I can't tell ya.  I'm sorry.  I asked him, then, who can.  
>>> He said, I dunno.  I'm not at liberty to say.  I asked him why such the 
>>> discrete nature.  All I'm asking is generally how to start the process, no 
>>> more no less.  If he cannot tell me, then please tell me someone who can.
>>> He continued to be extremely vague.  Finally, after a little bit of sweet 
>>> talking, he finally ever so slightly mellowed up and told me, OK, look.  
>>> You have to first be employed through Apple as 

Re: Something that majorly bothers me about Apple

2015-03-19 Thread Joanne Chua
Its kind of remind me that One goes to get a burger from McDonalds, and One 
asking the so call order assistant as to where the beef from, what farm, and 
what sort of farming practice McDonalds have, and how to become one of 
McDonalds' farmer...  grins,.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 20 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Buddy Brannan  wrote:
> Not to mention, at least some of their work, if they're like any other large 
> company that has call centers, outsources some of these things to other 
> companies who specialize in tech support call center type things for support 
> and customer service. Then there are the temps. Microsoft had, probably still 
> has, lots of those...I was one in a previous life. And if you were to be 
> transferred to a company like Stream or Kean or one of the others whose names 
> I'm forgetting, you'd never know it, and they'd never tell you. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: 814-860-3194 
> Mobile: 814-431-0962
> Email: bu...@brannan.name
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 5:50 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I have a few comments on this.
>> First, you seem to only want to hear what you want to hear. Joanne's
>> response was right on and I'm fully behind that. Bashing her and then
>> one-upping her by telling her she should take it off list (so your
>> reply gets the last response, basically) is kind of pointless.
>> Second, for someone so corporate oriented, I'd expect you to know how
>> to write. I didn't understand parts of your message because you were
>> using weird punctuation all over the place to try to get weird
>> inflections out and show how frustrated you are. Please, let your
>> words speak for you. If you're bothered, find some word choice to
>> explain that, but don't bombard me with punctuation ment to change the
>> way my speech reads to get the point across. I find that irritating,
>> pointless and usually degrades from the value of the message.
>> Now, on to the actual content of your message:
>> The apple employee should never have even went this far with you. The
>> problem was that he probably couldn't just hang up on you and wasn't
>> really sure how to handle the call. If you want to speak to people
>> about employment, find the right department. Apple call-center
>> employees do not need to know where all the call centers are, nor do
>> they need to know exactly how you would get employed. Chances are
>> there are various routes of progression up to senior advisor.
>> Secondly, one does not just become a leader at any company. You need
>> to demostrate proper leadership skills and have the experience to back
>> it. I can't say whether or not you have those, but just expecting to
>> be up higher because -you- feel like you'd be a good fit is insane at
>> best.
>> Finally, as much as you may not want to hear this, Apple really
>> doesn't care if you're going to relocate and neither should the call
>> center employee. If you find a job opening and apply for it, you can
>> start talking about relocation; sometimes companies will help you. But
>> to assume that you could provide so much to apple that they should
>> just elevate you to someone who wants to hire you when you call the
>> accessibility line is a bit out there. There are just as many people
>> as qualified as you and more people more qualified than you. While you
>> might do well at Apple, you need to get the job just as anyone else would.
>> I would not expect any company to be able to tell you how to get
>> employed and what you need to do; after all, this is not their job. I
>> would not expect a call center technission to be able to tell you who
>> you should even talk to to become employed, because again this is not
>> their field. If you wanted to call with a technical question, that's
>> their job. Anything outside their department is not really their job.
>> I would not expect a call center representative to know anything about
>> pbx or whether or not you could work from home. Finally, asuming that
>> the call center was indeed authorized to transfer you to whatever
>> department you wish, many times they do not know how to get in touch
>> with the hr department, exactly where in the hr department they should
>> send some inquiring lunatic looking for a job and they aren't required
>> to know this. Apple is a huge company and they are able to transfer
>> you to the places where you need to go, nothing more.

Re: One more question regarding the mods.

2015-03-29 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, there are one or two mods that might be the same for both list,
but generally i think they are different people.
Any level of insults sholdn't be tolerate, but then, if no one playing
in to his game, he wouldn't have able to play the game by himself...
After all, it takes two, or in this case, more than two people to have
a mouthing party...

On 29/03/2015, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hello.
> If this list is not moderated, then this is so for the Viphone list? As I am
> not on that list, I don't know. Just curious.
> If anyone is on that list, and it is moderated, please send a message to
> them.
> --
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Re: Moderation of the list

2015-03-29 Thread Joanne Chua
Thanks so much Chris for sorting this out rather quickly and also give us some 
clarification as to the possibility of hacker on the email address.
This list never fails me when come to anything Mac, and i think, generally, the 
listers have a mutural respect to each other and their personal space.
It is rather, interesting, when, something like this happen, how many of the 
people will jump up and down and request some changes to the list.
Since i join from some years ago, i never see such problem within the list 
before, and definitely not personal abuses towards anyone on list.
I hope, now, since that unfortunate incident now been done and dusted, the 
listers can calm down and have a normal and meaningful discussion.
If, something like that happen to any list, and the only action to take for 
some is to create other list, sooner or later, the internet will be full of 
abendent list. After all, there is no universal rules to say that we must all 
get along with each other.

Ones again, thanks very much, and also, thanks for the mods and the admins of 
this list.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 30 Mar 2015, at 16:43, David Griffith  wrote:
> Many thanks.
> Clearly this is an important list with many resourceful people and it appears 
> that there are some good folk who would be prepared to help out with 
> moderation if necessary to help maintain it. Is there a point that they 
> should contact/volunteer?
> David Griffith
>> On 30/03/2015 05:20, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries wrote:
>> Wanted to let you all know that the account in question is now blocked from 
>> the list. I should point out a couple things:
>> 1. I'm not the moderator, I just help out with registering new users, as 
>> many of you already know. By nature of that role I can also help folks out 
>> by fiddling with their accounts. While I may be overstepping my role, it was 
>> obvious to me that this cup of sewage was spoiling our barrel of wine.
>> 2. I went through the history of postings from when the account was added in 
>> 2011 and the screeds of late do not seem to be of the same person. I suspect 
>> the account somehow got hacked and the new owner decided to have some 'fun' 
>> by trolling our list. The original poster was usually on-topic up through 
>> December of last year and then went silent. Suddenly he pops up on the list 
>> with 27 posts in two days of a most unpleasant nature.
>> 3. I'm not familiar enough with how this system works to know if we can 
>> delete the messages. I'll poke around and find out. That won't help your 
>> inbox but it might be some solace to the real owner of the account whose 
>> name is now associated with the recent unpleasantness.
>> Sorry for not pulling the plug sooner. I'm not on my email as often on 
>> weekends.
>> CB
>> -- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Facebook for I O S: Is anyone else seeing this same issue?

2015-03-31 Thread Joanne Chua
I have this problem with my iPad mini, 1st gen, running iOS 7.12, and the 
latest native facebook app.
No problem with my iphone6+, running iOS8.12, and latest native facebook app.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 1 Apr 2015, at 8:04, Feliciano Godoy  wrote:
> Facebook version 27 works fine on my yphone5 with the latest ios.
>   Regards,
> Feliciano
> For tech tips and updates Like my Facebook page: 
> www.facebook.com/theblindman12v
> Follow me on Twitter: Www.twitter.com/theblindman12v
> Sent from the Super-iPhone
>> On Mar 31, 2015, at 2:27 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>  wrote:
>> OK, has my Facebook just crapped out, or is this a known issue?  It seems 
>> like since the latest update, you no longer can flick around the screen.  
>> Everything has to now be completely done with touch exploration.  You can't 
>> even flick through your news feed.  If you touch one of the tabs at the 
>> bottom of the screen, I can't seem to flick between them either.  I can 
>> sometimes get flicking to kind of work, but not reliably, and definitely not 
>> enough to make it be worthwhile.
>> If others are having this issue as well, then what are you all using on I O 
>> S in the mingtime?
>> Chris.
>> ---
>> Check out my web site at:
>> http://www.clgproductions.net
>> -- 
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Re: Just had my hands on an apple watch today

2015-04-10 Thread Joanne Chua
FFor those that complain about how heavy the watch is, have you guys honestly 
ever see a real man watch in your life?
Not talking about those cheapies that you might pick up on wall mart, or Cosco, 
but a real watch that is cost $300 and above?
Have you guys, also, ever see other smart watch to compare with?
Cause, as far as i'm concern, comparing a smart watch to a braille watch, or 
even to a talking watch is like comparing banana and lemon, and decideing which 
will be more benifitial for you, or simply comparing braille book and talking 
book, and deciding which you like the best...
Oh, by the way, Swiss Seiko braille watch for women cost about $300USD, and of 
course, you can picked up a RNIB braille watch for around $30USD or even less 
And, like i mention before, a Swiss Rolex watch, ordinary watch for not 
ordinary people starting price is at least four figures...
So, what do you compare the Appple Watch against? Against your $50 wall mart 
watch, your $10 talking watch, your $100 braille watch, your $300 EOne, or 
something else?
And, what you compare the top edition watch with, the one that cost $17,000? 
Apple is not stupid, they market that to the people that might own 4 BMW, 
sitting at their carport, collecting dusts, people that buying a house with 
full loads of cash, peple that never need to do a single thing, and have $$$ 
simple flowing in to their back account every minisecond.
As much as it is hard to believe, such population exist.
And, i recall it very well, when the ipad came out, everyone have the same 
thing, whining ad complaining about how ipad is just the giant ipod, its 
useless and all that. Well, oh well, how many among us in this list alone, own 
an ipad, iphone, and the ipod?

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:30, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hi.
> I go to the Apple store tomorrow afternoon for an appointment to look at an 
> Apple Watch.  I've one in my basket but I'm interested in Voice Over plus I 
> have other questions.  Once I've seen it, I'll report back.  I want it for 
> the heart monitor as I explained before, I walk two hours a day.
> Kawal.
> On 10 Apr 2015, at 21:50, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> Yu make me Laugh.
> I have never understood the meaning of the apple watch nor other smart 
> watches.
> I’ve touched a peble but was not impressed.
> I could actually by me an ipod nano and use that instead.
> /A
>> 10 apr 2015 kl. 16:37 skrev Yuma Antoine Decaux :
>> Hi All,
>> Just wanted to tell you guys what my first impression of an apple watch, as 
>> a design cue, on the instant the apple sales girl handed it to me. It almost 
>> felt as though she was unsure whether to hand it over after talking market 
>> stuff about it, and after a few tos and fros, I had the suspicion she had 
>> the same idea.
>> It’s thick. Imagine a large toffee. with a button and a digital crown on the 
>> side. I was first handed the links bracelet model. And the truth is, I will 
>> wait for a way slimmer version. No matter the functionalities of this thing. 
>> The demo it gave, as we couldn’t test it out there and then, gave some 
>> impressions on the haptic. Sure, it gives you a very discreet tick on the 
>> wrist. Wow. Really? Amazing technology. Feel the sarcasm. But what still is 
>> stamped with hot iron in my mind is not this tick, but how ugly it felt in 
>> my hand with its thickness. Imagine thick enough so that you have a space on 
>> the sides of your wrist with both links and sports bands. You can fit a 
>> cigarette on either side. You just can’t find a position that leaves the 
>> bracelet flat over your wrist all around. Even that fancy metal mesh 
>> bracelet had a space. What struck me was that I when I said “This thing is 
>> rather thick”, the sales girl replied with a “Yeah, I was really surprised 
>> too”. I think this must have been a deal breaker for a lot of people going 
>> in there to see it. I couldn’t hear any oos or aahs anywhere. Checking both 
>> sizes of this thing, there’s not much difference and both just feel like fat 
>> unattractive toffees that come with diferent bands which don’t add anything 
>> to the watch culture. Having had watches before in my time, I much preffer 
>> having nothing on my wrist than this hunk of technology that seems to have a 
>> fatal bullimic inclination due to battery restrictions.
>> The second shocker for me was that this little piece of thing which is 
>> useless without an iphone actually costs more than an iphone 6 here in 
>> Australia. Not only is it a second deal breaker, it’s a total insult to 
>> australian consumers. From 500 something mentioned during the presen

Hands on Apple Watch

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
Hands on Apple Watch

The following is my personal opinion and my first hands on impression
and review on the watch.

It is unusual for me to look in to the Apple Store on the second day
of the product launge. Since Apple Store exist on my local area, i
usually will be there the first thing in the morning, of the launge
day. However, i was too busy on doing other things to even remember it
yesterday, and when i finally remember the day, it was a little too

Anyway, i went in to the store today, and thankfully, those staff
knows me well enough to get me on to the front of the cue, and have
someone helping me almost immidiately to show me the watch. i have the
privilege to touch and feel on two models of the Apple Watch, the
Apple Watch Sport model, and the Apple Watch stainless steel model.
with two different sizer, the 38MM and 42MM model.

Note: i was massuring some of the following findings against my 1990+
BabyG sport watch, with fabrick material, a late 2000+ Swatch Watch,
with the plustic bend, and also a RNIB basic braille watch that is
about 15PS. The BabyG and the Swatch watch were in the high $200USD
mart, while the braille watch was about 15 to 20 pounds.

Weight wise, the apple sport model were the second lightest, and yes,
it is even lightter than the BabyG Sport watch, and also the braille
watch. It is pretty similar to the Swatch watch. I would consider tthe
watch as one of the lighter watch in general, compare to most
expensive watch that i come across. It is very sollert build, and very
classy finished, as i would have expect from Apple. However, the Apple
Stainless Steel model were heavier than the RNIB Watch, but it is,
similar weight to the BabyG sport watch. Please note, the BabyG watch
is just a digital watch that able to tell time and date, and alarm.
After all, we are talking about the 1990+ era.

When the apple watch specialist show me the watch, she pretty much go
through the basic function briefly, but unfortunately, they are not
allow to pare with any devises, or show with any function beside the
demo loop that is already on the watch. This could be something that
voiceover people might want to be aware. Maybe different in different
store, but in the Apple Store in Adelaide, they are not allow to pare
with any devise, or activate any functions, beside what is already in
the watch itself. It might change in the next weeks, but they are not

The watch face itself in square, the 38mm or 42mm square, and The
vibration patton was strong, much more significant than the Fitbit and
the up fitness wriskban.

it has two buttons, one round and one long button on the right side of
the watch face for on and off, and also, getting in to settings,
volumes,  and all sorts of different things. Of course, you can also
use the fancy taps to activate different functions and activities as
 On the back of the watch, there is a roundish face on top of the
square. From my understand, and how the specialist explain to me, this
is where your fitness stuff build in, and also, the charging dock. The
way to charge the watch is by some sort of magnetic macanism, or, in
her word "works like an induction cooktop". You put your watch, or the
watch face on this charging dock and that it goes. There is no any
physical jack, so, i assume that the only way to use with voiceover is
either via the speaker, or using with bluetooth headphone.

The apple specialist clame that the watch can lost for 18 hours on
normal average user usage. She also clame that it is voiceover enable,
and for those that need such set up, they can do it for you at the
store, when you purchase it, or you c an bring your watch to the store
for initial setup.

I like the feel and touch and how it sit nicely on my hand, and how it
snuggle up on my wrisk. although the wrise band on the sport model is
plustic, and you ccan change the bands with different colours, it is
very soft, comfortable, and soothing. In fact, in all honesty, i
prefer the sport model more so than the stainless steel model. Not to
say that, i have most of my previous watch on stainless steel model,
if i can help it.

The black sport model is all in black, even the watch face is in black
too. The other colours got the silver face with different colour bans.
>From memory, she told me it comes in White, Green, Pink, Blue, Yellow
and black. Out of all colours, the one that attract me the most will
be either white and Silver, or black on black.

Some people on some lists have been criticizing about how Apple
forcing consumers to buy the watch, and so on and so on. The way i see
it is that, it is a smart watch that will do most things that you may,
or may not need or want. You can talk to the watch when you are
answering phonecalls, instead of some people might have imagine, to
put your hand near your ear, you can simply do it by placing your hand
in front of you, as if you are staring the watch itself.
It will take your heartbeats, your fitness level and send it 

Re: Apple concept would require users to input health data to keep using their iPhone

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
If this is consider arrogance, giving the user the option is consider
arrogance, that could be say for some religion, that command and
demand their followers to do certain things, practice certain things,
what to eat and what not to eat too. Why people doesn't consider
religion as arrogance, but would consider Apple, when they giving you
option as arrogance?
And, if you do go to a PT (personal training) session, that is what
they exactly they will ask you to do anyway. So, what is the
different? If you going to pay hundrets and hundrets of $$$ for a PT
or some sort of dietry experts telling you to do, why not using the
health functions on the devise?
And again, the key word here is "option", not "force to". Last i
check, 'option' and 'force' got totally different defination.

On 11/04/2015, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> As far as I'm concerned, this is the height of arrogance on the part of
> Apple, trying to tell us what's healthy and what isn't. As if anyone had all
> the answers. They seem to be trying to turn us all into
> obsessive-compulsives!
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 11 Apr 2015, at 05:49, The Believer  wrote:
>>   Careful reading of this article suggests that it in fact would be a user
>> option. The "required" bit does not mean if you do not comply, you do not
>> get to use your iPhone. It means, if you set this up, your iPhone acts as
>> a coach ensuring you follow your regimen.
>> From The Believer. . .
>>   By way of the Chariots of the
>> Gods cameth the Aliens who
>> dwelt amongst the humans,
>> and bringeth much knowledge.
>> On 4/10/2015 8:32 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> I don't think something like that would ever fly in this country.
>>> Americans do not like being told what to do with respect to their
>>> personal lives and habits. I can't imagine anybody in Apple marketing
>>> letting this one slipped through. I'm not going to lose any sleep over
>>> it. Smile.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 10, 2015, at 7:33 PM, Barry Hadder >> > wrote:

> http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/03/26/apple-concept-would-require-users-to-input-health-data-to-keep-using-their-iphone

 Barry Hadder

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Re: Hands on Apple Watch

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
TThe particular email wasnt just send to this list, it was send to all sorts of 
different list and differnet people.
Believe or not, some people will decided to live the Apple family because they 
found out that Cook is actualy gay.
It is hard to believe, but that is the truth. just like, it is hard to believe 
that someone would actually have $1M cash to purchase a house up front.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 19:15, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
> Awesome. you went to the store, checked it out, gave us a neutral this and 
> that effect on the watch, and won’t buy it. It somewhat means that you had 
> the option to choose and chose not to. My exact point. Choice is and should 
> remain up to each and everyone.
> However, I’m not sure what you meant by saying that Tim cook is a gay CEO. If 
> its others who mentioned it, then maybe it still remains a point for some 
> people no matter their level of understanding of those who have these 
> inclinations. On the other hand, it does seem very clear to me that he does 
> give a damn. he appeared across lots of networks saying that he was 
> discriminated and is proud to have these inclinations. And to say that he 
> doesn’t give a damn, are you trying to enflame something here? If he doesn’t 
> give a damn about his sexual preferences, then he wouldn’t talk about it, 
> place an emphasis on gender equality at work, etc etc. I actually commend him 
> for that, but apple is a tech company. Tech companies should do tech not 
> politics. Take your sources the right way Joanne. And if you meant that tim 
> cook doesn’t give a damn about a bunch of loyal customer’s gripes, then 
> that’s another story altogether which I won’t open here as it is your 
> opinion, not mine.
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +61 410732547
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triple7
>> On 11/04/2015, at 7:13 pm, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> Hands on Apple Watch
>> The following is my personal opinion and my first hands on impression
>> and review on the watch.
>> It is unusual for me to look in to the Apple Store on the second day
>> of the product launge. Since Apple Store exist on my local area, i
>> usually will be there the first thing in the morning, of the launge
>> day. However, i was too busy on doing other things to even remember it
>> yesterday, and when i finally remember the day, it was a little too
>> late.
>> Anyway, i went in to the store today, and thankfully, those staff
>> knows me well enough to get me on to the front of the cue, and have
>> someone helping me almost immidiately to show me the watch. i have the
>> privilege to touch and feel on two models of the Apple Watch, the
>> Apple Watch Sport model, and the Apple Watch stainless steel model.
>> with two different sizer, the 38MM and 42MM model.
>> Note: i was massuring some of the following findings against my 1990+
>> BabyG sport watch, with fabrick material, a late 2000+ Swatch Watch,
>> with the plustic bend, and also a RNIB basic braille watch that is
>> about 15PS. The BabyG and the Swatch watch were in the high $200USD
>> mart, while the braille watch was about 15 to 20 pounds.
>> Weight wise, the apple sport model were the second lightest, and yes,
>> it is even lightter than the BabyG Sport watch, and also the braille
>> watch. It is pretty similar to the Swatch watch. I would consider tthe
>> watch as one of the lighter watch in general, compare to most
>> expensive watch that i come across. It is very sollert build, and very
>> classy finished, as i would have expect from Apple. However, the Apple
>> Stainless Steel model were heavier than the RNIB Watch, but it is,
>> similar weight to the BabyG sport watch. Please note, the BabyG watch
>> is just a digital watch that able to tell time and date, and alarm.
>> After all, we are talking about the 1990+ era.
>> When the apple watch specialist show me the watch, she pretty much go
>> through the basic function briefly, but unfortunately, they are not
>> allow to pare with any devises, or show with any function beside the
>> demo loop that is already on the watch. This could be something that
>> voiceover people might want to be aware. Maybe different in different
>> store, but in the Apple Store in Adelaide, they are not allow to pare
>> with any devise, or activate any functions, beside what is already in
>> the watch itself. It might change in the next weeks, but they are not
>> certain.
>> The watch face it

Re: VoiceOver and Word processors

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
What about Libre Office as an option? I heard that Libre office suppose to be 
fairly accessible with voiceover.
Personally i use pages, but i'll still use the pc laptop for any complex 

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 21:23, David Griffith  wrote:
> Nisus is a more expensive option than iText but Nisus Writer Pro is a fully 
> featured Voiceover Accessible Word Processor for the Mac which has an 
> interface which is more familiar to people used to Windows Word processors 
> like Word than Pages. . I must admit I have not done extensive word 
> processing on it and mainly use it as my default PDF viewer which is a nice 
> bonus but many people use it as their preferred Mac app for creating and 
> editing text.
> The main access adjustment is that you will get best Voiceover feedback when 
> in draft view.
> I paid about £40 for it but it appears from time to time at reduced rates 
> from sites such as Mac-Update and has also been bundled with other apps in 
> some of their bargain offers.
> David Griffith
>> On 11/04/2015 12:03, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have tried text edit. But found it a little too simple for my needs.
>> Kind regards,
>> Sadam Mohammed Ahmed
>> Assistive technology blog:
>> SadamAhmed.com
>> LinkedIn profile:
>> linkedin.com/profile/view?id=203Sent from my iPhone
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Re: VoiceOver and Word processors

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
What about Libre Office as an option? I heard that Libre office suppose to be 
fairly accessible with voiceover.
Personally i use pages, but i'll still use the pc laptop for any complex 

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 11 Apr 2015, at 21:23, David Griffith  wrote:
> Nisus is a more expensive option than iText but Nisus Writer Pro is a fully 
> featured Voiceover Accessible Word Processor for the Mac which has an 
> interface which is more familiar to people used to Windows Word processors 
> like Word than Pages. . I must admit I have not done extensive word 
> processing on it and mainly use it as my default PDF viewer which is a nice 
> bonus but many people use it as their preferred Mac app for creating and 
> editing text.
> The main access adjustment is that you will get best Voiceover feedback when 
> in draft view.
> I paid about £40 for it but it appears from time to time at reduced rates 
> from sites such as Mac-Update and has also been bundled with other apps in 
> some of their bargain offers.
> David Griffith
>> On 11/04/2015 12:03, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have tried text edit. But found it a little too simple for my needs.
>> Kind regards,
>> Sadam Mohammed Ahmed
>> Assistive technology blog:
>> SadamAhmed.com
>> LinkedIn profile:
>> linkedin.com/profile/view?id=203Sent from my iPhone
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Re: I'm not disappointed but am looking forward.

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, you are right, that was what i got told too. And you can add ons with 
different straps later.
I too, like how it feel, and indeed, it is one of the lighter, if not similar 
weight as a normal ordinary watch.
I'm still considering getting one, if my budget allow.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 12 Apr 2015, at 8:18, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hello.
> I was told, if I wanted the melanese bracelet, I was to purchase the Sports 
> model first with the strap and then make a separate purchase for the bracelet.
> I did want to see the really expensive one, the one made of gold, but was 
> told that none of the Apple stores would have those for demo purposes.
> One thing I do know though, RNIB here in the UK will make a big thing of this 
> watch as I can imagine they are thinking at last, accessibility comes to the 
> main stream watches.  I wonder.
> Kawal.
> On 11 Apr 2015, at 22:50, Alex Hall  wrote:
> See below. Remember, I haven't seen one, so I'm going off research and 
> others' comments.
>> On Apr 11, 2015, at 4:44 PM, Eileen  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been back from the Apple store for a little bit and trying to digest 
>> all that I have seen. I have a couple of question; that I didn't think of 
>> when I was there. 
>> 1. Is the sapphire glass only on the Apple watch and not on the sports model?
> Yes. The Sport uses regular Gorilla Glass, the other two use sapphire 
> displays.
>> 2. Is the bracelet that you purchased separately the one that has the 
>> magnetic clasp?
> Depends on which band you choose. My understanding is that the leather one 
> has the magnetic clasp, but others may as well. You buy your Watch and band, 
> but you can get more bands if you want to.
>> 3. Does anyone know if one will be able to change the Siri voice?
> No, not for sure.
>> The salesperson that assisted me had little knowledge about VO and which 
>> voices would be on the watch. She stated that the gestures would be the 
>> same, the battery life would be the same between the 38 and 42 mm screens 
>> (which remains to be seen), and that the scrolling speed  with the crown  
>> would be controlled on how fast one moved it. Of course, like everyone else 
>> who has physically gone to a store to try them on, VO couldn't be demo 
>> because these are only demo models and couldn't be paired to a phone. I look 
>> forward to reading others experiences.
> According to apple.com, the 42mm Watch will have slightly better battery life 
> than the smaller model.
>> Cheers,
>> Eileen
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 11, 2015, at 10:16 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Just got back from the Apple store, after a Taxi ride, train ride and a 45 
>>> minute walk.
>>> So the representative took me to the table and bought the selection of 
>>> watches to me.
>>> Before I felt the watches, I asked him if he could enable voice over for 
>>> me.  He told me that all the watches were demos and there was a set demo 
>>> program.  He said that Accessibility was not on these watches.  When I 
>>> asked him why, he said he could not tell me.
>>> So first of all, I took the silver sports watch in my hand.  The watch was 
>>> very light.  In fact, it felt like a normal sighted watch, something that a 
>>> woman would wear.  The 38 Millimetre watches are for women.  I thought it 
>>> very elegant and for the fact that I could remove the straps myself without 
>>> having to go to a jewellers was a plus for me.  If a strap was broken for 
>>> instance, you'd pay at least £3.99 to get another strap.  I also felt the 
>>> melanese bracelet.  I asked if one could buy the bracelet if you had a 
>>> sports watch and they said yes.  I then felt all the straps and the 
>>> stainless steal watch.  That I thought was definitely for a man as it was 
>>> heavier and thicker.  The person told me that it was thicker because of the 
>>> crystal saffire glass.  
>>> My only disappointment was that I could not hear voice over.
>>> The person who said that the steal watch felt like a toffee, I could 
>>> understand that and I'd not go for that model.
>>> I'm going to purchase the Silver sports watch along with the Bracelet.
>>> For those of you who are not in favour of the watches, do not have to buy.  
>>> I know someone who said to me that th

Re: I'm not disappointed but am looking forward.

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
>From my understanding of what the watch specialist told me, yes, it is 
>interchangable. As far as what to what, i'm not sure. But, you can also 
>configure your apple sport watch to the apple watch strap itself.

>From my prospective, i don't see why not. The watch shape itself doesn't 
>change. the 38MM and 42MM have the same shape, just make from different 
>material. If you keep the 38mm size within the 38mm straps, and the 42mm 
>within the 42mm straps, i don't see how it won't work. Especially when we are 
>talking between the watch and the sport and perhaps the edition itself.
Again, that is my understanding, and that is how she put it to me. It could be 
totally wrong, in fact, i think, they have quite a few "unsure"  points, as 
just learn the product themselves within the last 48 or 72 hours, they are 
still pretty much  learning as they go.

Send from my iPad

> On 12 Apr 2015, at 9:08, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> You guys are quite sure that the strap on the Apple Watch Sport can be 
> changed for one that is supplied for the Apple Watch?
> Why doesn’t Apple list those straps alongside the Sport, then?
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Re: I'm not disappointed but am looking forward.

2015-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
>From my understanding of what the watch specialist told me, yes, it is 
>interchangable. As far as what to what, i'm not sure. But, you can also 
>configure your apple sport watch to the apple watch strap itself.

>From my prospective, i don't see why not. The watch shape itself doesn't 
>change. the 38MM and 42MM have the same shape, just make from different 
>material. If you keep the 38mm size within the 38mm straps, and the 42mm 
>within the 42mm straps, i don't see how it won't work. Especially when we are 
>talking between the watch and the sport and perhaps the edition itself.
Again, that is my understanding, and that is how she put it to me. It could be 
totally wrong, in fact, i think, they have quite a few "unsure"  points, as 
just learn the product themselves within the last 48 or 72 hours, they are 
still pretty much  learning as they go.

Send from my iPad

> On 12 Apr 2015, at 9:08, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> You guys are quite sure that the strap on the Apple Watch Sport can be 
> changed for one that is supplied for the Apple Watch?
> Why doesn’t Apple list those straps alongside the Sport, then?
> -- 
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external mic for iPhone/iPad

2015-04-21 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I'm in need of doing some field recording for an audio project that i'm involve 
However, i'm hoping i can uterlise my iphone6+ as much as i can for this 
Just wondering, have anyone come across any external mic and the pro audio 
recordin apps that might work?
I'm trying out the Rode Rec Le app, it is accessible with the main home screen, 
however, when you press 'add button', it freezes the phone with voiceover turn 
on. It can work just fine without vo though.
Any other idea?


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zoom iq6 or iq7?

2015-04-26 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all, 
After much research and advise on the list, i have decided to go with the Zoom 
iq6 or iq7.
i can get both mics for around the same price.
Just wondering, out of the two mics, which is better from those that have 
experience with both?
I'm looking for something that is strate forward plug and record kind of mic, 
with as little post production as i can, as i'm having some pretty tight 
dateline and some time restrain on what i can and need to do.
Also, i'm looking for a mic that best record sound and the  surrounding 
environments, as well as voice, but perhaps not necesarry with music 
production, as i have an Olympus ls100 for the job.
Any suggestion  and sound samples will be very much appreciated as i need to 
order it asap.

many thanks

Joanne Chua
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ot: subscribe to group digest

2015-05-19 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

how can I subscribe this group as a daily digest instead of individual emails?

I went to the googlegroups itself, but didn't seems to find it.


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Advise: Ipad Pro

2016-03-23 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I'm recently in need for an ipad pro for mobile one-to-one or a small
group presentations.

I'm looking on the ipad pro 9.7 and the ipad pro 12.9.

For the screen wise, I do prefer the 12.9" screen, however, I do like
the specification for the ipad pro 9.7".

For those that have both ipad air and ipad pro, what do you find it
advantages and disadvantages between one and another? Is ipad pro 12.9
too bulky for traveling and mobile base presentation?

At the moment, I do have an imac that is my desktop, and a 15.6"
window laptop as mobile computing devise.

I look forward for comments and suggestion.

PS: will be interested on either the 128gb or the 256gb model.

Thanks very much

Joanne (AU)

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Ot: comparing: Openbook vs K1000

2016-03-29 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

In i'm the market of getting an OCR software. I have experience with
both software in the pass, some versions ago.  Just wondering, for
those that may have use both or  have experience with both software,
especially the openbook 9 and k1000 14, what is the advantes and
disadvantages of each other?

What do you like about openbook and k1000?

I can get the Pearl camera with the openbook however, that is not my
first consideration. I need an OCR software that can scan accurate,
fast, and reliable.

I have ABBY Find reader on my IMac, however, i'm looking for some
window os solution.

Thanks for all the suggestions, comments and thoughtss


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re: OT: comparing: Openbook vs K1000

2016-03-30 Thread Joanne Chua

Yes, it will be run on the virtual machine on the Mac as well as on a
window laptop itself.
The reason why I brought up this topic is because i'm rather bias
towards the k1000 has been for years. I just want to get some non-bias
opinion on it.
I think the pearl camera is around $1000US or there about. This is all
going to be funded, and the organization that doing the assessments
favor the openbook/pearl package, which is around $2000US or there
about. Like I said, because i'm bias to k1000, and also somewhat
against Freedom SCientific, i just want some clarification. Thus, I
just want to make sure that i'm not getting something that it is not
useful for me.
Also, there were talks that k1000 will be eventually available for the
MacOS, as far as when and how, is yet to be known.
And lastly, I do put OT = (off topic) on my subject line.

Thanks very much for those who reply off and on list.

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Re: iBooks for MacOS X 10.9 accessibility

2013-10-26 Thread Joanne Chua

I think what Greg trying to say is the different from the visual and what VO 
reads or may not read.

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 26 Oct 2013, at 13:36, Barry Hadder  wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m not understanding many of the issues you brought up.  I also think that 
> you left some things out.
> 1.  I am able to interact with an entire chapter with Voiceover.  I could be 
> wrong, but The number of pages shown seems to be strictly visual in my 
> experience.  I have not had to scroll to read a page.
> 2.  I have not experienced the situation where vo sees the store window when 
> it couldn’t access it.
> 3.  I’m not sure what you are referring to in regards to the book cover 
> information.  I am able to access title, author, etc.
> 4.  I find the unlabeled buttons annoying, but it’s not as big a deal as some 
> people seem to think it is.  
> I don’t understand how you missed the problems in the library window.¬  Maybe 
> you did mention it and I just couldn’t read through all of the inspector junk.
> 1.  vo can’t read any book information in the authors view.
> 2.  Vo can’t read any book information in the collections view.
> 3.  Vo can’t read any book information in the categories view.
> Those last three things in my opinion are the bad things.  I have also 
> reported them when it was still in beta.
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 8:22 PM, Greg Kearney  wrote:
> I am reporting the following accessibility issues about iBook for MacOS. Not 
> that in the case of some unreachable controls I have enclosed the 
> Accessibility Inspector information which should aid in correcting theses 
> issues. I would point out that the Accessibility Inspector is able to quickly 
> tell a developer if a control is accessible or not.
> 1. VoiceOver reading of a book does not turn the pages of the books as they 
> are read.
> 2. Book cover images do not have title/author information. This could be 
> corrected by implementing IPTC captions on the images. A work around is to 
> insure that the Show Titles option is in the view menu is set.
> 3. The bookstore is listed as a window even when it is not reachable with 
> VoiceOver
> 4. The book reading window has a number of unlabeled buttons which are as 
> follows:
> Library button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=291.00 y=68.00
>   AXSizew=16.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Table of Contents button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=177.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=20.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Notes Button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=208.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=20.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Type setting button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=1011.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=29.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Find button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXF

Re: Follow up to Moderator Note yesterday concerning donations for one of our own

2013-10-27 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi Mark,

Just want to say that thinking of you and Amy and the two dogs. 
Hanging there mate, it will be a long recovery for Amy, but she'll make it.

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 27 Oct 2013, at 17:21, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
> wrote:
> If the "him, "in question is me, HOK, we are already friends, and I believe I 
> am also friends with almost everyone here. If I am not online, I am away, and 
> will get back to you as soon as I can.
> The good news, however small, is that Amy did move a very little of both her 
> arms and legs today.
> Thanks again for everyone who showing their support. It is a long road ahead 
> for Amy, she needs all the encouraging she can to get her back to walking and 
> driving again.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page: http://MarkBurningHawk.net
> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markburninghawk.baxter
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:46 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> have him get on Skype. some of us are faster with speech than keyboard 
>> skills. Also, its good to hear a voice on the far end of things offering 
>> support.
>> my Skype: technomage-hawke
>> -eric
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:26 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hello again All,
>>> I just wanted to give you an update on Mark and Amy's story.
>>> Firstly though, please let me offer my sincere and deepest thanks to you 
>>> all who have shown your support and well-wishes. This not only means a 
>>> tremendous amount to Mark and Amy, but also means the world to me that we 
>>> can come together as a community to support each other when we are in need.
>>> Some of you have asked where the donations will go. Any donations will be 
>>> used for expenses associated with this incident and the medical care from 
>>> this. Mark has said that he will keep a record of everything associated 
>>> with this. Already it cost hundreds of dollars for Mark to simply tow Amy's 
>>> car back home. This cost has now been taken care of for them, fortunately. 
>>> So thank you all! :)
>>> You all are making a real difference here so I'm truly grateful to you!…
>>> Now, I'd like to share Mark's email address here so that you may send your 
>>> support to him. If you cannot offer financial support then please do 
>>> consider offering Amy and him your most valuable emotional support. It is 
>>> truly welcome…
>>> Below I'll first share Mark's email address and then a copy of the recent 
>>> article in a local Oregon paper about this incident which also offers an 
>>> update on Amy's condition. If you would like to know more, please do write 
>>> directly to Mark if you would?
>>> Now that this is known here, please let me suggest that we now move this to 
>>> a more personal level off the lists. Feel free to write me or Mark and do 
>>> be assured that any developments, I will share. Otherwise, I'm happy (and 
>>> will now encourage us) to continue this off the lists.
>>> Thanks so very, very much to you all for your support! I cannot express 
>>> enough how much this means to them and to me.
>>> Y'all are AWESOME!!!
>>> Have a wonderful weekend! Info and article follow…
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Cara
>>> ---
>>> Email Mark Baxter markbaxte...@gmail.com
>>> The Article
>>> The Curry Coastal Pilot - Couple survives hiking ordeal
>>> Mark Baxter and his girlfriend Amy Regan with their dogs, who were 
>>> instrumental in efforts to rescue Amy after a hiking accident. Submitted 
>>> photo
>>> Brookings resident Mark Baxter still isn’t sure what to make of what he 
>>> calls his misadventure along Damnation Creek near Klamath last weekend — an 
>>> afternoon jaunt that landed his girlfriend, Amy Regan, in ICU in Portland 
>>> with a broken back and no feeling in her arms and legs.
>>> “There was a bunch of stupid decisions all down the line,” Baxter said 
>>> Wednesday of what was supposed to have been an easy afternoon hike. “I got 
>>> lucky. I got damn lucky.”
>>> The two didn’t bring a survival kit, and were wearing sweatpants and 
>>> T-shirts. A friend 

Re: braille display comands on mac

2013-11-26 Thread Joanne Chua

If you Google it, there are numbers of result come out related to what
you looking for.


On 26/11/2013, Andrew Head  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering, is there a list of commands to use a braille display with a
> mac?
> Kind regards,
> Andrew
> Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
> --
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Re: A Question About Facebook

2013-11-28 Thread Joanne Chua
yes, there is an app for facebook on the mac. I'm not sure how
accessible it is though, as i don't use facebook on my computer

On 29/11/2013, David Taylor  wrote:
> Hi, as I said the other day on here, I use MenuTab Pro for Facebook. This is
> a menubar app that has a keystroke to bring it up, set to control-f by
> default, and lets you see the desktop or mobile interface, and switch
> between them at any time. I prefer the desktop for most things, but love the
> notifications and ease of switching.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 29 Nov 2013, at 01:56, M. Taylor  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am so delighted with the Facebook app for iPhone that I am wondering if
>> there is such an app for Mac.
>> When I searched the Mac App store, I could not find an app by Facebook.
>> How do you all access Facebook on your Macs?  I tried using Safari but
>> had
>> some difficulty navigating comments and such.
>> I will be happy to download any recommended apps.
>> Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
>> Mark
>> --
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Blue Mike Nessie

2013-11-28 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi listers,

Anyone have any experience with this Mike before?


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Re: A Question About Facebook

2013-11-29 Thread Joanne Chua
I got featured on the navericks appstore.

Sent from my iPad

On 29/11/2013, at 6:14 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hello Joanne,
> I searched for Facebook in the app store but did not find any that listed
> Facebook as the seller.  I thought that there must be some kind of app for
> it but then I thought that perhaps people just used Safari for accessing it.
> Facebook is still very new to me and so I don't know exactly how much I
> don't know, if you get my meaning.  
> I will do another search and perhaps come across the Facebook App.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Joanne Chua
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 11:23 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: A Question About Facebook
> yes, there is an app for facebook on the mac. I'm not sure how accessible it
> is though, as i don't use facebook on my computer
> On 29/11/2013, David Taylor  wrote:
>> Hi, as I said the other day on here, I use MenuTab Pro for Facebook. 
>> This is a menubar app that has a keystroke to bring it up, set to 
>> control-f by default, and lets you see the desktop or mobile 
>> interface, and switch between them at any time. I prefer the desktop 
>> for most things, but love the notifications and ease of switching.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 29 Nov 2013, at 01:56, M. Taylor  wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am so delighted with the Facebook app for iPhone that I am 
>>> wondering if there is such an app for Mac.
>>> When I searched the Mac App store, I could not find an app by Facebook.
>>> How do you all access Facebook on your Macs?  I tried using Safari 
>>> but had some difficulty navigating comments and such.
>>> I will be happy to download any recommended apps.
>>> Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
>>> Mark
>>> --
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Re: Going between PC and Mac

2013-12-02 Thread Joanne Chua
try NVDA, its free and reliable. you can read and download it from

On 03/12/2013, Jon Solitro  wrote:
> I'm not sure…I came from using Voiceover. Now I have a PC with Windows 7.
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:00 PM, "Amy Ruell"  wrote:
>> What screen reader do you need to use?
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jon Solitro
>> Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 3:05 PM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Going between PC and Mac
>> I just started a new job and they gave me a PC…I have been using a MAc for
>> the last five years, and have no idea what to expect or how to get up to
>> speed with using a screen reader on a PC. Any suggestions?
>> --
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-02 Thread Joanne Chua
What will be the advantage for this so call "accessible ebook reader" compare 
to say iBooks and such?
It will still going to have the problem of not able to read DRM protected 
EBooks even though its accessible.
it doesn't matter is $3 $30 or $300, whey reinvent something why such similar 
program already exist?

Sent from my iPad

On 03/12/2013, at 11:13 AM, "Dave O."  wrote:

> Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software when his 
> users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or features that he 
> feels aren't important or worth his time.
> And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it 
> doesn't exist.
> But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not ever.
> Ask the users of Qwitter and Hope how they feel.
> -- 
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-02 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, see below copy and pace text from the QRead website. I understand
and see the needs of such reader exist on windows. But honestly, i
have my doubt of it's place on Mac. Again, it does not solve the
problem of not able to read protected ebook or DRM file. It also does
not read BRF or any similar braille format. The only advantage that i
can think of for now is the ability to read Daisy format using QRead.


QRead: The Accessible eBook reader for the blind
QRead is an innovative and powerful eText reader for the Windows
platform. Perfect for students, professionals, and casual readers
alike, QRead provides access to a wide range of e-book formats with
support for bookmarking, searching, and more all in a convenient and
intuitive tabbed interface.

Enjoy the power and freedom to read
Have you read a good book lately? Are you tempted by the thousands of
books online but can't figure out how to read them accessibly?

You've probably heard that the way the world reads books is changing.
EBooks, digital versions of print books, have exploded in popularity.
While people still buy print books, many more buy electronic books
online and read them with devices like computers, tablets, and phones.
EBooks are often more affordable, are more portable, and are easily
searchable, making them ideal for today's lifestyle.

There are hundreds of thousands of eBook titles available in various
formats these days, ranging from fun and lighthearted to serious
scholarly works. There are books for students of all ages from
childrens books to textbooks for postsecondary classes.

There are all kinds of novels, mysteries, romances, as well as
cookbooks, biographies, and self-help books. Many magazines offer
online versions as well.

For the blind, this wealth of new material has offered a mixed
blessing. On one hand the amount of new books and magazines available
for us to read is unprecedented. Until recently, the only ways to read
a print book were to scan it or hope that one of the library services
recorded it. Now that publishers are putting their books into digital
form on the computer, scanning isn't necessary anymore.

However, if you have any experience reading electronic books as a
blind person, you've probably encountered some of the following

•Books are in a variety of formats requiring many different
applications to open.
•Some popular reading applications are difficult to use with a screenreader
•Some reading applications only read with their built-in voice, not
letting a person see how words are spelled or change the voice that
reads the book.
•There is no standard way of keeping your place in a book, especially
if your computer crashes!
•Navigation, particularly by large blocks of text such as pages or
chapters is often impossible.

My name is Christopher Toth, and I wrote QRead to make reading fun and
easy again. I need the software myself, and I want to help other
visually impaired people discover the pleasure of reading e-books.

QRead lets the reader focus on the content of books without worrying
about the mechanics of reading. It has comfort and flexibility at its
core, fading into the background as you reach the climax in a thriller
or romance. Book navigation is easy and uses keystrokes blind readers
already use with their screenreader, so they can focus on what really

QRead Features
QRead is both easy to use and powerful in several ways. Here is a list
of features you'll love in QRead.

•QRead saves your place in each book you read, even if your computer
crashes while reading. No more struggling to find your place if you
need to restart your machine for any reason.
•QRead lets each user use his or her screenreader and the voice they
like best for reading
•Searching for text in a book is easy and fast.
•QRead can open multiple books, so students can move easily between
books while doing research.
•QRead can set multiple bookmarks in each book, helping you move
quickly to important content.
•Readers can navigate by page, heading, chapter, section, or
percentage in a book as long as its format supports the type of
navigation they want to use.
•Books open quickly, and QRead remembers which books have been opened recently.
•Users can copy text from the QRead window to other applications. This
is especially useful if you want to quote a book for a research paper
or speech.
•PDF files open more quickly than in Adobe Reader.
•QRead works with daisy files from Bookshare whether you keep your
files zipped or prefer to extract them to folders.
•QRead's search feature supports using regular expressions for
powerful searches.

Supported formats
QRead currently supports the following formats:
•PDF: QRead has industry leading PDF parsing support for extracting
text streams from PDF.
•EPub: Easy access to all textual content from an unprotected ePub file.
•Bookshare Daisy: Open both zipped and unzipped bookshare Daisy files
with support for requesting the bookshare user password.

Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Joanne Chua

I think its not fair to compare Quitter, which is absolutely free, and a pay 
software like QRead itself.
As some of the listers already said, Quitter, is free, and as most of us know, 
free software got develop from the developer's passion and their voluntry time. 
They can commit as much as they like in to the software, or as little.

>From my understanding, Quitter got discontinue was not cause by irresponsible 
>developer, ok, maybe that, but also cause by other reasons as well.

As i said before on my previous emails, regardless if it is $3 or $30 or $300, 
i need to feel that i can justify my investment to invest in a piece of 

As for now, i can't justify $30 in to the QRead, because, most of the QRead 
features already exist with some existing softwares.


Sent from my iPad

On 04/12/2013, at 7:00 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi all.
> You can't blame a guy for dumping a project that was free. if it
> happened to QRead itself, or Hope, you'd have a valid point, but for
> things that are free, it essentially means you support it out of your
> own free time.
> This seems like a good Kickstarter campaign to me. Since I purchased
> the QRead software for Windows, I'm not sure I'd rebuy it. I'd
> certainly not commit to buying something that doesn't exist yet, and
> would require full braille support of the text before I would consider
> it. IN other words, self voicing is useless to me specifically, so I
> wouldn't support such a venture.
> Just my thoughts,
> Scott
> On 12/3/13, eric oyen  wrote:
>> one thing that a lot of people either don't realize or are ignorant of: you
>> cannot place demands on developer of free software. SInce they are not being
>> paid for their efforts, it ceases being worth their time to deal with the
>> stresses involved. However, a paid developer is beholden to his work (and
>> customers). If there are bugs, he has the responsibility to correct them.
>> Simply taking the money and then abandoning the software project would be
>> considered theft in most places. So, he will do what he can to keep his
>> reputation and have repeat customers.
>> Just something you should know.
>> -eric
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 8:34 PM, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
>>> I have a few points here.
>>> First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter
>>> and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather
>>> than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you
>>> agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it
>>> was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants and
>>> that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the author at
>>> least has some small obligation to the end-users.
>>> My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe
>>> it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you decide
>>> whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of software, I buy
>>> it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I will not pledge
>>> any money toward the future of something that may not even be released or
>>> that I may not even like.
>>> On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats,
 and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has other
 features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't enumerate
 Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems
 beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly,
 it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it
 really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read for
 Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my iPhone)
 but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, iBooks is
 now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good reading
 On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to
> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are
> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in
> principle, but what is it in practice?
> Teresa
> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
>> Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software
>> when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or
>> features that he feels aren't important or worth his time.
>> And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it
>> doesn't exist.
>> But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not
>> ever.

Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Joanne Chua
Again, i can easily read free unprotected ebooks using ibooks, or, if i'm 
really desperet i can always use pages to read txt file, etc. And, i can always 
use one of the braille displays to read daisy books, unprotected epub, pdf, and 
bookshare without needing to turn on the computer at all. 
Anyway, i would have spend 95% of the time reading books using ipad or other 
mobile devices than reading on the computer. So, again, unless the developer 
can justify  in some way, e.g. able to read BRF file, or like another Scott 
said, the ability to use with Braille Displays etc, i still can't justify it 
right now.

Sent from my iPad

On 05/12/2013, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Project Gutenberg has about 42,000 books for free. They are archiving all the 
> books which went out of copyright:
> http://www.gutenberg.org
> CB
> On 12/3/13 4:53 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the Internet 
>> if you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who self publish 
>> our own writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be read with such a 
>> program.
>> I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for this 
>> type of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that do this 
>> that are completely accessible.
>> Scott
>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and 
>>> still would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would be 
>>> it’s only advantage and maybe pdf?
>>> Warm regards and blessings
>>> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
>>> Email:  iMessage:bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>> On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
 I have a few points here.
 First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter 
 and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather 
 than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you 
 agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it 
 was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants and 
 that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the author at 
 least has some small obligation to the end-users.
 My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe 
 it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you decide 
 whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of software, I buy 
 it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I will not pledge 
 any money toward the future of something that may not even be released or 
 that I may not even like.
 On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats, 
> and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has other 
> features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't enumerate 
> them.
> Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems 
> beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly, 
> it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it 
> really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read for 
> Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my iPhone) 
> but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, iBooks is 
> now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good reading 
> experience?
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to 
>> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are 
>> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in 
>> principle, but what is it in practice?
>> Teresa
>> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
>>> Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software 
>>> when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or 
>>> features that he feels aren't important or worth his time.
>>> And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it 
>>> doesn't exist.
>>> But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not 
>>> ever.
>>> Ask the users of Qwitter and Hope how they feel.
>>> -- 
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-05 Thread Joanne Chua
no, by all means i'm not representing the blind community or anyone. and, from 
all of my message, i recall i use "i" on the message, not "we". So, is my 
personal point of view, to pay for what i think is worth the money.
I'm not one that install hundrets of programs available just because they are 
available, or just because they purposely build for the blind while, there are 
some perfect main sstream program out there that work perfectly well.
Also, again, i use "I" in my message, not "We". it doesn't worry me what you 
think of what its worth, but, at this stage, "i" simply can't justify the need 
of QRead for Mac.

Sent from my iPad

On 05/12/2013, at 11:28 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  

> as stated earlier if the programme works well I probably would purchase it.
> Blessings!
> maria and Joe chapman
> Email, iMessage & fb: bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> twitter: bubbygirl
> On 5 Dec 2013, at 2:57 pm, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Lets remember that just because you can’t justify this type of program, that 
>> doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out there that would like to have such 
>> a solution. These are the types of people that I am looking for. I do 
>> however very much appreciate all of your comments on this because it does 
>> give me some ideas about what the potential market for such an application 
>> might be.
>> Have A Great Evening,
>> Scott Rumery
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:37 PM, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>>> Again, i can easily read free unprotected ebooks using ibooks, or, if i'm 
>>> really desperet i can always use pages to read txt file, etc. And, i can 
>>> always use one of the braille displays to read daisy books, unprotected 
>>> epub, pdf, and bookshare without needing to turn on the computer at all. 
>>> Anyway, i would have spend 95% of the time reading books using ipad or 
>>> other mobile devices than reading on the computer. So, again, unless the 
>>> developer can justify  in some way, e.g. able to read BRF file, or like 
>>> another Scott said, the ability to use with Braille Displays etc, i still 
>>> can't justify it right now.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 05/12/2013, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>>> Project Gutenberg has about 42,000 books for free. They are archiving all 
>>>> the books which went out of copyright:
>>>> http://www.gutenberg.org
>>>> CB
>>>> On 12/3/13 4:53 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>>>> Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the 
>>>>> Internet if you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who 
>>>>> self publish our own writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be 
>>>>> read with such a program.
>>>>> I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for 
>>>>> this type of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that 
>>>>> do this that are completely accessible.
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman 
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and 
>>>>>> still would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would 
>>>>>> be it’s only advantage and maybe pdf?
>>>>>> Warm regards and blessings
>>>>>> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
>>>>>> Email:  iMessage:bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>>>>> On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a few points here.
>>>>>>> First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used 
>>>>>>> qwitter and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues 
>>>>>>> and rather than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. 
>>>>>>> Whether or not you agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens 
>>>>>>> all the time. If it was freeware, then by all means the author can do 
>>>>>>> what he or she wants and that's done over and ov

Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Joanne Chua
I think as far as the copyright law is concern, it only covers for educational 
purposes and if you want to scan the entire book out of the educational 
purposes it is still consider illegal. Legally, in common cases, you only allow 
to scan 10% or 1 chapter of a book.
As far as there is no equal access in the library is concern, there are getting 
more libraries using online ELibrary media, e.g. Overdrive media etc. You can 
easily browse, select, hold and borrow EItems from your fingers tip so do speak.
Overdrive media has been around for years. And, if you are active enough to 
request at your local library, there are more likely to have it. If not, keep 
requesting, all the numbers adding up at the end.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 21 Dec 2013, at 1:29, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to read 
> long documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision 
> impairments, he just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to him 
> while driving.
> CB
>> On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> oh but of course.
>> After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been what 
>> two? three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically with apple's 
>> input, , still can with the right equipment, then voiceover. because apple 
>> understood the importance of including speech for many populations.
>> what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists 
>> solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss. The very 
>> idea is a limitation in and of itself.
>> The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more 
>> definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally using, 
>> the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
>> just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of the 
>> thread.
>> Kare
>>> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally 
>>> despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of the 
>>> opinions/comments shared prior to that.
>>> I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X first 
>>> came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training with Apple 
>>> and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the new OS. I had 
>>> been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was interested in 
>>> continuing to use the Mac as it evolved. In normal Apple fashion, no real 
>>> concrete things were said but it certainly was hinted that they were 
>>> working on something of their own instead of having an outside vender 
>>> developing such an animal. My point is here that I don’t believe that it 
>>> was the noise made by the blind community that got Apple on the screen 
>>> reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure that it was in the cards 
>>> for quite a while. I certainly know that magnification and other 
>>> accessibility features were built right in to the MacOS back in the late 
>>> 80s,. I don’t believe for a minute that accessibility is not a priority.
>>> The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap 
>>> comes to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better 
>>> results than ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and asserting 
>>> yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration seldom 
>>> result in positive productivity.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On Dec 18, 2013, at 1:33 PM, David Chittenden  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Wow, such interesting arguments. When eBook readers do not have built-in 
>>>> speakers, speech output is impossible. When the page of the book is a 
>>>> picture of the page, a scanned image, speaking that page is impossible. 
>>>> When the law is written such that the copyright holder has more rights 
>>>> around who can and cannot access the book than the potential reader has, 
>>>> accessing the book may not be legally possible.
>>>> If you want to just flail around ineffectually making lots of noise but 
>>>> not necessarily getting very far, your stated approach can have limited 
>>>> success. However, would it not be better to learn the specifics in any 
>>>> particular situation 

Re: Apple set to unveil new iPhones and wearable device on September 9th

2014-08-28 Thread Joanne Chua
Lots of rumous headed towards iWatch, Apple version of smart watch with extras.

On 29/08/2014, Jessica Moss  wrote:
> Sounds nteresting, I'm curious as to what a wearable device is.
> On Aug 28, 2014, at 2:43 PM, Christopher Hallsworth
>  wrote:
>> Apple set to unveil new iPhones and wearable device on September 9th
>> by MacDailyNews
>> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple Inc. is holding a Sept. 9 event, where
>> the company is said to be preparing to debut new iPhones and a wearable
>> device," Adam Satariano reports for Bloomberg. "The unveiling will be held
>> at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts near Apple's headquarters in
>> Cupertino, California."
>> "Apple is set to introduce two new iPhone models: one with a 4.7-inch
>> screen, and another with a 5.5-inch display, as well as a new wearable
>> device, which would be the company's first new product category since the
>> iPad debuted in 2010, according to people familiar with the plans,"
>> Satariano reports. "The Flint Center, which seats 2,300, has been used
>> before for major Apple events, such as co-founder Steve Jobs's
>> introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Jobs also unveiled the iMac at the
>> theater in 1998. The venue also hosted an event earlier this year
>> celebrating the Mac's 30th anniversary."
>> "Last year's iPhone 5s and 5c also debuted on the second Tuesday of
>> September," Satariano reports. "Anticipation for this event has given
>> Apple's shares a boost. Already the world's largest company by market
>> value, Apple shares reached an intraday record today of $102.78, and are
>> up 28 percent this year.
>> --
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
>> www.hadley.edu
>> --
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transition from pc to mac

2011-06-08 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

i'm Joanne, from Australia whom currently on total transit from PC to
Mac. however, i found that the commands and learning the back takes me
too long, and i'm not really sure where to start.
it sounds stupid i know but, may i ask, is there any tips or ways for
me to fast track my learning curves with using voice over?

any suggestion is deeply appreciated.

many thanks

Joanne :)

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Re: transition from pc to mac

2011-06-08 Thread Joanne Chua
gt;> from finder Windows, to apps, to text edit areas to the internet etc.
>>>>> firstly you need to know that in certain cases you have to turn quick
>>>>> nav
>>>> off and indeed back on again. you enable / disable quick nav using the
>>>> left
>>>> and right arrow keys pressed once at the same time. quite literally left
>>>> and
>>>> right arrow keys press once together.
>>>>> you'll hear Voice Over say, Quick Nav on or off.
>>>>> once its on, you can use individual presses of the right / left arrow
>>>>> to
>>>> move the Voice Over cursor from item to item on the screen...
>>>>> inserted little note here, you need to also understand that whilst PC's
>>>> screen readers use up and down arrows to move you about, the Mac uses
>>>> left /
>>>> right, and thinking about this, it does make sense, as this is how
>>>> sighted
>>>> folk read.
>>>>> so the left / right keys will move item by item, be it a chunk of text
>>>>> on
>>>> the internet, or icons on a desktop etc.
>>>>> the up / down arrow keys again individually pressed will cycle through
>>>>> the
>>>> elements of the item that you are interacting with based on the rotor
>>>> setting, the rotor is a dial or rotory styled switch which adjusts the
>>>> method of moving through elements in a given thing.
>>>>> let me explain, a web-site is made up of headings, links, visited
>>>>> links,
>>>> fields, form fields, tables etc. so when you're in Safari the rotor may
>>>> have, and you can customise this, headings, tables, links, words and
>>>> characters within the rotor. if you want to quickly move between the
>>>> headings on a web page you should make sure that the rotor is set to
>>>> headings, you cchange the roter setting by pressing together the up and
>>>> left
>>>> arrow keys, or the up and right arrow keys.
>>>>> once you're on heading, use the up / down arrow key indivually to jump
>>>> between headings since this is what your roter is now set to.
>>>>> say you find the heading you are looking for, you can now right arrow
>>>> through the content, imagine though you find a word that Voice Over
>>>> doesn't
>>>> quite read right, and you think, what did it say? change the roter to
>>>> word,
>>>> using the up and right or up and left arrows together, now down press
>>>> until
>>>> yu are one word ahead of the word you wish to have spelt, now change the
>>>> roter to charicter, press down arrow and the cursor will move charicter
>>>> by
>>>> charicter.
>>>>> once done simply change the roter bakc to heading or whatever you wish.
>>>>> this is just one example of how the roter works.
>>>>> another amazing thing which gets little press is the Item Chooser,
>>>>> which
>>>> by pressing control, options, I, will bring up a list of every single
>>>> item
>>>> on any page you are on, be it a finder window or safari window etc.
>>>>> this has to be one of my favourite features of Voice Over.
>>>>> with this snazy feature you now have a list of every componant on the
>>>> screen, say you are on Amazon, and you've got an item up in front of
>>>> you,
>>>> you want to find the add to basket button, but can't.
>>>>> press control, options, I, and then type basket, or b, a, s and leave
>>>>> it
>>>> at that... the list of items reduces based on the available options with
>>>> your letter combination. this is fantastic for finding things you are
>>>> having
>>>> trouble with, or where for example you don't quite know if the item is,
>>>> add
>>>> to basket, put in basket, add to cart, etc as you can try a few
>>>> words
>>>> until you find what you want. you don't need to do it in any given
>>>> order, so
>>>> even if the link reads add this dam item to my cart, you could type dam,
>>>> and
>>>> the list will reduce to any option with dam in it.
>>>>> Quick Nav and the Item Chooser have to be my two main features of Voice
>>>> Over and this is how I have successfully last October made the switch to
>>>> Mac
>>>> from being a JAWS PC user for 12 years before that.
>>>>> hope that this has helped.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Neil Barnfather
>>>>> Talks List Administrator
>>>>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>>>>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>>>>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com
>>>>> URL: - www.talknav.com
>>>>> e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
>>>>> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
>>>>> On 8 Jun 2011, at 13:58, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>>>> hi there,
>>>>> i'm Joanne, from Australia whom currently on total transit from PC to
>>>>> Mac. however, i found that the commands and learning the back takes me
>>>>> too long, and i'm not really sure where to start.
>>>>> it sounds stupid i know but, may i ask, is there any tips or ways for
>>>>> me to fast track my learning curves with using voice over?
>>>>> any suggestion is deeply appreciated.
>>>>> many thanks
>>>>> Joanne :)
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Re: Thank you to Joanne for the wonderful post on Quicknav

2011-06-10 Thread Joanne Chua
hi Alison,

i know this group is not for out-topic-message, but however, the
person you really need to thank is Niel and the rest, not me.
i'm new user of Mac, Niel and the rest who have help me particular
Niel, is the person that teach me how to use quicknav.

and now, time to have a cup of coffee, and continue to learn how to use Mac :)


On 10/06/2011, Allison Manzino  wrote:
> Hi Joanne,
> I wanted to thank you so much for the hlelpful post on Quicknav. I know
> about the Item Chooser and like you, this has to be one of my favorite
> features in VoiceOver. But I have encountered problems with Quicknav. I have
> accidentally turned it on, cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone
> would want to use it, till I read your post. I'm sure that most of you know
> this already but Quicknav proves very useful with the Iphone. My Mac is well
> .. we won't go there, long story short it's down again. I'm waiting for
> Apple to send a replacement. So I'm religated to the Iphone right now.
> Navigating webpages has proven very frustrating without my item chooser.
> I've tried to  press VO U to bring up links list on the page, but the Iphone
> just sits and does nothing. Needless to say, my time on the net is
> frustrating. After reading Joanne's post, I was able to figure out how to
> get it to switch from headers to links and language too. I just wanted to
> say thank you. While I'm a little frustrated being without my Mac, Joanne's
> post makes using the Iphone to navigate websites much easier. The Iphone
> makes not having the Mac bearable. Can't wait for the Mac to come back.
> Apple has been great in resolving this, they really don't like having
> unhappy customers :) Have a great day everyone.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> --
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copy and pace text from iphone

2011-06-20 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

it might be slightly out of the list discussion however, may i know,
how can i copy and pace a sellected text from one location of the
iphoen to another?

i've try many ways but it dont tseems to work.

any help is much appreciated


Joanne (Australia)

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Voiceover on log in screen

2011-07-04 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

sorry for asking such a simple question, but, how can i keep voice
over on the log in screen?

i try to search for the option on system prefferences and voice over
prefferences, and i end up with no result.

any help is much appreciated


Joanne (Australia)

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multiple user on ipad

2011-08-06 Thread Joanne Chua
hi all,

it sounds like stupid and dump question but, is that a way to create a
multiple user mode on ipad?


Joanne (AU)

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apps and ipad

2011-08-14 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

considering i'm requesting an ipad for study use from my university,
it will means that i'm in loan for that ipad as long as i need it for
the corse.

i'm wondering, for the apps that i might put on the ipad, e.g. pages,
keynote, etc, will it consider as my own apps in the terms of my Apple
account, or, it will go with the ipad?

and, how easy for it to restore to the default setting when i'm no
longer in use?

thanks very much


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Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-15 Thread Joanne Chua
hi Dona,

just a thought, what about keeping the mbp as main computer, and get
an ipad for your travel use?

On 15/08/2011, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> thanks for responding.  What you said was pretty much what I expected, but
> good to have it confirmed.  As for high-resource tasks,I am hoping to do a
> lot more with garage-band once I get a keyboard.  But another option would
> be for me to keep my MBP as my main computer, and just use the Air for
> travel, teaching, and other situations where I need portability, which
> speaks to your suggestion of just getting the standard 11 inch.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 15, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> There is a noticeable difference in sound from a macbook air to a macbook
>> pro.  But this is to be expected on a smaller machine.  Sound is so poor
>> in my opinion, headphones will come in handy a lot.  Especially in noisy
>> public environments.  As far as performance, I don't think you will see
>> any difference at all.  From following your post the last couple years,
>> you don't seem to do many resource intensive tasks like audio production,
>> or anything like that.  I think you could probably even be able to make do
>> with the standard 11 inch air.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> www.mobileaccess.org
>> On Aug 14, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Since I'm going to be schlepping my Mac around a lot for work in the next
>>> several months, and possibly then some, I'm seriously considering
>>> shelling out the $$ for an 11-inch MacBook Air.  I'm looking at one of
>>> the new ones, with all the specs maxed out.  My MBP is two years old,
>>> running a 2.53GHZ processor with 4G of ram.  I'm wondering if there's
>>> anyone on list who can give me an accurate comparison of the user
>>> experience on these two models.  A couple of the things I'm wondering
>>> about are:
>>> 1.  Speed.  How will day-today- use compare.  My MBP has the faster
>>> processor, but the Air has the solid state drive, which I assume will
>>> compensate, at least to some extent.
>>> 2.  Sound quality?  this won't be a deal breaker, but wondering how the
>>> two compare.
>>> If there are any other differences that people have experienced, either
>>> good or bad, I'd love to hear.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> P.S.  I am aware of the connectivity differences, that's something I can
>>> live with.
>>> --
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Re: IOS 7 did I hear something right?

2013-06-10 Thread Joanne Chua
not sure what google voices you talking about, but personally i can't
stand the voices for talkback.

It is overall great news. Hopefully they will also work onn the
international voices as well as the english voices.


On 11/06/2013, Mike  wrote:
> I'm very glad they're finally doing this. This is to compete with Google
> which has a much better voice than Siri and the voice over on iOS.
> Here's to hoping they step up Siri's performance as well. I have been using
> Google for everything except for sending text messages.
> Mike
> On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> I'm not sure. I listen to both of those voices several times (I recorded
>> the entire thing is way file) and to tell the truth, I didn't recognize
>> Tom as the male voice. No. I think this is a completely new set of
>> voices.
>> I am also very hopeful that these new voices (assuming they are you
>> voices) will also be available on the Mac. Now, if that is the case, these
>> are much better voices than anything we have ever used before.
>> To me, that is enough of a reason to get excited about the new iOS 7. And
>> then, of course, there is the new control panel. I would guess that one
>> would access it by swiping three fingers upward on the screen. But, that
>> is only a guess.
>> Sent from my iPhone, the only smart phone with full accessibility for the
>> blind built-in!
>> On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:50 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I thought the male voice sounded like a much nicer version of Tom than I'm
>> use to hearing. They did mention having French and German voices too and
>> demonstrated those briefly. And they said more hq languages were coming.
>> Mary Otten
>> motte...@gmail.com
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Re: Waking up the iPhone with a Braille Device

2013-07-16 Thread Joanne Chua

I don't see why not. i have a logitec bluetooth keyboard for my ipad, and it 
wakes up my ipad with me pressing any key on the keyboard. Same should goes 
with the braille display.
It shouldn't be a security issue at all. I have different braille displays pair 
with different IDevice, e.g. Iphone with Braillesense U2, and Edge with Mac and 
Ipad. All of the devices only work with one active connection, and you can only 
have one active connection for one pair of device in any given time anyway. 
This means, if i have my u2 and edge on at the same time, and only have my mac 
pairing with edge, the u2 won't suddently jump in to have a party with the mac 
as well.
I guess, it is matter of working it out what braille display you have and what 
works with waking up the phone.

Joanne Shuang Chua
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

On 16/07/2013, at 23:14, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> As much as this feature might have added convenience, I'd expect that there 
> may be a security risk. Certainly you'd have to adjust the settings so that 
> the phone wouldn't pair with random nearby Braille displays. I'm not even 
> sure that anything will wake a phone up, except pressing a button on the 
> phone physically.
> Teresa
> On Jul 16, 2013, at 4:12 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Unfortunately it is not possible to wake an IPHone up with a braille display 
>> at the moment. I also whish it would be possible to turn on the 
>> brailledisplay and it will connect, as it is now you will have to lock the 
>> phone and unlock it again.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jul 16, 2013 kl. 9:30 AM skrev Moses Choo :
>>> Dear all,
>>> Anyone here has a braille display that is able to wake up the iphone?
>>> I would very much like to place my iPhone in a bag   while just operating 
>>> it with a Braille Display. Unfortunately, I have not come across one 
>>> braille display  that has a key to wake up the iphone or even lock the 
>>> eyephone. However, the  Rivo keyboard is able to do it.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Moses.
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CMS on Mac

2013-08-04 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I have been ask by several different VO user now. all who are working in a Non 
profit and community service sector.

Are there any CMS )Client Management System) software out there that is 
accessible on the Mac?

These people found that is getting harder to work on their office PC, as they 
keep changing the CMS on the network, and wish to have some other alternative 
way to o so on a Mac.

If so, they would like to persuade their employer to allowing them to use Mac 
at work instead.

Any help is very much appreciated.


The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.Joanne Chua
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

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Re: How Can videos be shared?

2013-08-09 Thread Joanne Chua

You can use IMovie on Mac to send vedeo, or,
IMessage and send it as an attachment or
Mail, as a vedeo attachment or
share it thru dropbox, or
if it is on your phone, you can go to video, and tap on action, and it will 
give you different options to share or
if you go on photos on your phone, when you choose vedio, you can also tap on 
action on specific vedio to share and send as well

hope this help

The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.Joanne Chua
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

On 10/08/2013, at 11:50, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Hello, everyone. My husband took some videos which he wants to send to me and 
> others.  However, after syncing them to his MacBook from his iPhone and 
> attempting to send, he got a message that said you could not sen videos from 
> iPhoto, only photos. How can he send videos? Thanks.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Apple App Store & Refunds for inaccessible Apps

2013-09-12 Thread Joanne Chua
If visual games does not need to be accessible, i wonder how manuy
people will crying over Solara not being accessible then?
Solara is a visual game, with accessibility build in on it.
Perhaps, some foolish thinking that developer develop Solara for only
the vips and the blind community, however, it is not true. In fact, if
you look at the visual elimants of the game, there are activities
around your building each and every moment when you connected, e.g.
people walking around etc.
If blind people have the concept that just because things are visual,
and that does not need to be accessible and if Apple do follow the
concept, i think, iPhone won't be as accessible and successful as it
With Apple AppsStore, you can search voiceover as your keyword search.
The result is quite amazing as to what you can get there. Of course,
like anything, any apps that have voiceover mention on it will appear.
By then, is about each and every individual as to what they look for,
and what they search for.

On 13/09/2013, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Nick does make some good points, but in my email to Apple
> Accessibility and in my phone call, I was sure to mention this. I
> explained that the accessibility would be required where possible, so
> visual games and other apps would not have to be made vo-friendly.
> Apps that use Apple's UI elements, or at least subclass them, would
> have to, though, since that is a matter of the developer not
> ordering/labeling/flagging things appropriately.
> Yes, other disabilities exist than just sight. However, the same
> principle applies: apps need only be made accessible where feasible.
> For instance, MBraille would not work well for someone with one hand,
> and it would not makes sense for that app to change since it would
> lose its ultimate purpose, just as Plants Versus Zombies would lose
> its overall design if it were forced to be vo-accessible.
> Yes, app demos would probably be the very best solution, but Apple has
> not budged on that policy ever since the App Store launched. Pretty
> much every user, not just disabled ones, want demos, and there is no
> technical reason I know of why Apple could not make that happen.
> I worry about an accessibility rating system, since, as others have
> said, "accessibility" is such a subjective thing. What I, as someone
> who has used VO for nearly three years, consider perfectly accessible
> might make no sense to a relativley new user, or even someone with my
> experience but a different mindset. While a systme to rate
> accessibility would be good, I worry that it would be too subjective
> to make a real difference. After all, how many three-star apps have
> you downloaded only to have them be great, or horrible? Even Apple's
> own Apple Store app has just three stars, but it works just fine. I've
> taken to practically ignoring the rating of an app because I don't
> feel it is an accurate reflection of the quality of the app.
> On 9/12/13, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Nick,
>> I didn't think about the process this way but you made some darn good
>> points.  I'd like to see the middle of the road approach you suggest.
>> On 09/12/13 05:40, Nicholas Parsons wrote:
>>> I agree that providing refunds for inaccessible apps would be a good
>>> policy, but I accept that there would have to be some limitations.
>>> Firstly, sometimes what one person says is inaccessible, another person
>>> claims is accessible. Sometimes things are only accessible once you
>>> learn
>>> how to use them. Secondly, accessibility is often a matter of degree,
>>> not
>>> a matter of absolutes. Thirdly, what if a developer makes his or her app
>>> accessible after a user has received a refund, will they then have to
>>> pay
>>> again? Fourthly, Apple doesn't know whether we really are blind or not,
>>> and only takes us at our word. This means that the whole process is
>>> vulnerable to abuse, and I'm not surprised Apple makes these decisions
>>> on
>>> a case-by-case basis, rather than a simple blanket policy that anyone
>>> can
>>> have a refund if they say the app is inaccessible. One thing in
>>> particular
>>> I imagine they look at, and rightly so, is how frequently you request a
>>> refund on this basis. I imagine if it's a one off, or if you buy lots of
>>> apps without asking for refunds, they'll be more happy to refund the
>>> money. If, however, you frequently ask for refunds they might be
>>> reluctant. Especially if it's an expensive app, I think it's probably
>>> prudent to contact the developer first or make some other enquiries to
>>> check whether the app is accessible before purchasing it.
>>> With regard to making accessibility mandatory, I agree with Josh de
>>> Lioncourt from Maccessibility.net that it's not a good idea. Do you want
>>> it to be mandatory that apps are accessible only for people who are
>>> blind
>>> or have low vision, or for anyone with a disability? Clearly it would be
>>> discriminatory to make them accessible 

Re: TypeInBraille: Leaves a lot to be desired

2013-01-05 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

Even with UEB - Unify English Braille also have it's problem. It
suppose to unite all the english braille, but it creates pmore
problem. Like now, even english braile countries have different sort
of UEB floting around the place.

Its a bit like a contract,  i will adapt UEB, in my terms, not in your
UEB code  term. I know ABA, the Australia Braille Authority and the
ICCE works very hard on solving this problem,.

The way i see it, it won't be solve overnight, it could take years if
not longer for all the party to come to some sort of "unify"

I'm holding for the BrailleTouch app, and haven't have the chance to
play with the TypeInBraille just yet. However, as a multi lingual
braille user, i think, we can't expect one coin to use across the
world, as much as we like that to happen.

Even with English Braille itself, different country have different way
of writing and coding English Braille. Yes, we all use grade II
Braille, we all have the same basic, but at the same time, some of the
contraction, specially simbles and signs can be varies from one
country to another. When we talking about computer braille, is even
As a multi lingual and multi english braille user myself, I seriously
hope that the Unify UEB will be unify soon, to solve the problems and
the unnecesity that we have.


On 05/01/2013, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Uh, sir, not UED-rather-UEB.  It sdtands for Unified English Braille.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jan 4, 2013, at 11:25 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
>  wrote:
>> What is u e d anyway?
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> - Original Message - From: "Lisette Wesseling"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: TypeInBraille: Leaves a lot to be desired
>>> Scott
>>> Sorry but UEB won't solve this issue. It only applies to English speaking
>>> countries so the Europeans will keep their braille codes.
>>> Lisette
>>> On 5/01/2013, at 2:15 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:
 And this, folks, is a prime example of why we need UEB. I wish Bana
 wasn't taking their sweet time on the transition. Hopefully the UK
 will be onboard sometime soon as well.


 On 1/4/13, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
> Actually I kind of like typeinbraille but I think I will be much faster
> with
> BrailleTouch.
> --
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 4, 2013, at 6:27 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> wrote:
>> Hi Chris
>> I have this app and never use it because I find the order of having
>> to
>> write in cumbersome.
>> That said, there are actually various braille standards around the
>> world
>> and some of the symbols this app uses are correct for those standards.
>> For
>> example, in many European countries the capital sign is dots 46 and
>> the
>> period is dot 3. I wonder if this app was designed with  them in
>> mind?
>> As far as I know though, semicolon is dots 23 in American  or English
>> braille. I think question mark might be the th sign.
>> It's not an app designed for English grade Two use which is why I
>> never
>> use it. I don't know about the brackets sorry.
>> If I were you, I'd hold off until the braille touch app becomes
>> available
>> in the app store this month.
>> www.brailletouchapp.com is the website I believe.
>> Type in braille is, like many of these braille apps, an interesting
>> idea
>> which doesn't really work in practice.
>> Just my opinion. I haven't read the review but would probably
>> disagree
>> with it from the sound of what you say.
>> Lisette
>> On 5/01/2013, at 12:50 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
>>  wrote:
>>> OK, I was all? most! convinced to buy this app after hearing David's
>>> review on AppleVis.  Before I go any further, let me just say that
>>> I'm
>>> referring to the TypeInBraille I O S app.  So again, this is for I O
>>> S,
>>> not for O S X.
>>> I then heard a few things which really! were deal breakers.  I'm
>>> just
>>> wonderring if someone can answer a few questions, and maybe help me
>>> understand the logic of a few things.
>>> First, the logic side of it:
>>> 1.  dot 3 is a period?  Huh?  I thought that a period would be dots
>>> 2, 5,
>>> 6 in grade 2 braille, or in computer braille, would be dots 4 6.  So
>>> then, how do you make an apostrophy which normally is! dot 3, both
>>> in
>>> grade 2, as well as in computer braille?  OK, this leads me to the
>>> nex

IBooks Author

2013-01-26 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

Have anyone on this list use IBooks Author before? If so, how
accessible and user friendly for voiceover user.



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how to remove user profile and all content on the mac?

2014-11-27 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I'm selling off my old mac book air.
Just wondering, is that a quick and safe way to remove all it's content and 
user profile, ready for the new owner?

All your help is welcome.

Thanks very much

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

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Re: how to remove user profile and all content on the mac?

2014-11-27 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, thanks.
i have nothing of important there.
Just wondering, is there a quicker way to remove content and user profile 
without reformating the harddrive?

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 28 Nov 2014, at 7:55, "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 
>  wrote:
> Depends on how safe you require. Usually just formatting the drive and 
> reinstalling the OS should get you there. Sure, it's possible that with the 
> right forensics software somebody could revive your files but is that really 
> a concern?
> CB
>> On 11/27/14, 3:38 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm selling off my old mac book air.
>> Just wondering, is that a quick and safe way to remove all it's content and 
>> user profile, ready for the new owner?
>> All your help is welcome.
>> Thanks very much
>> Joanne Chua
>> The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
>> Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
>> Send from my iPad
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: how to remove user profile and all content on the mac?

2014-11-27 Thread Joanne Chua
is there a step by step guide on how to reformat?

I also don't have any os disk...


Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 28 Nov 2014, at 8:15, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hi. There is a way of deleting the user account off of the mac, and creating 
> a new user without reformatting.
> Although, if you're giving that mac to someone, reformatting is your easiest 
> and quickest option.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> www.blindaccesstraining.com
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 3
> Work email:matt...@blindaccesstraining.com
> Personal email: matt.dierck...@gmail.com
>> On Nov 27, 2014, at 16:30, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> Hi, thanks.
>> i have nothing of important there.
>> Just wondering, is there a quicker way to remove content and user profile 
>> without reformating the harddrive?
>> Joanne Chua
>> The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
>> Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
>> Send from my iPad
>>> On 28 Nov 2014, at 7:55, "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Depends on how safe you require. Usually just formatting the drive and 
>>> reinstalling the OS should get you there. Sure, it's possible that with the 
>>> right forensics software somebody could revive your files but is that 
>>> really a concern?
>>> CB
>>>> On 11/27/14, 3:38 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm selling off my old mac book air.
>>>> Just wondering, is that a quick and safe way to remove all it's content 
>>>> and user profile, ready for the new owner?
>>>> All your help is welcome.
>>>> Thanks very much
>>>> Joanne Chua
>>>> The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
>>>> Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
>>>> Send from my iPad
>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>> -- 
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Re: how to remove user profile and all content on the mac?

2014-11-29 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, thanks so much for all the reply. I've took the easy solution,
brought it to Apple Store, and have them do it for me. Like Chris
said, it took less than 10 seconds for them to get it done and
reinstall os10.10 on it.
As usual, i'm very happy with the after sales service that i got from Apple.

Thanks so much for all the help and suggestion.


On 28/11/2014, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
> The actual formatting process only takes a few seconds. Generally you'll
> want to boot in recovery mode which runs a separate stripped down
> version of the OS, bring up disk utility, format the drive and then
> install a fresh copy of OSX. You'll find lots of details on each of
> these in the list archives but feel free to ask if you can't dig that up.
> CB
> On 11/27/14, 4:30 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi, thanks.
>> i have nothing of important there.
>> Just wondering, is there a quicker way to remove content and user profile
>> without reformating the harddrive?
>> Joanne Chua
>> The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
>> Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
>> Send from my iPad
>>> On 28 Nov 2014, at 7:55, "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries"
>>>  wrote:
>>> Depends on how safe you require. Usually just formatting the drive and
>>> reinstalling the OS should get you there. Sure, it's possible that with
>>> the right forensics software somebody could revive your files but is that
>>> really a concern?
>>> CB
>>>> On 11/27/14, 3:38 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm selling off my old mac book air.
>>>> Just wondering, is that a quick and safe way to remove all it's content
>>>> and user profile, ready for the new owner?
>>>> All your help is welcome.
>>>> Thanks very much
>>>> Joanne Chua
>>>> The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
>>>> Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
>>>> Send from my iPad
>>> --
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Re: the graphicsless paradigm

2015-01-01 Thread Joanne Chua
What about if we start asking Apple to make some products that is
specificly for voiceover, and don't worry about GPU at all hey? Won't
it be great? Maybe, someone might want to bring this up on this year
NFB convention?

On 02/01/2015, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
> Hi,
> What I'm trying to induce here is the sense that no matter the graphic
> outline, everything starts graphicsless and elements are pulled out of the
> lower layers, such as kernel, login daemons etc. The graphics layer itself
> cannot be omitted since it is also the core of a lot of coco frameworks
> which voice over relies on.
> However, when I say graphcsless, I mean to place to a minimum all of the
> animations and flash and graphics that appear. I would easily visualise a UI
> which borders, buttons and everything else are just placeholders with plain
> black and borders that don't load images. No background image, no transition
> animations, no stupid bouncing apps that go "hey I'm here" etc etc. This can
> free up ressources and reserve them for voice over itself.
> Cheers,
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +612102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triple7
>> On 2/01/2015, at 10:03 am, Jason White  wrote:
>> BobH.  wrote:
>>> I think a lot of us have said for a good while, that modern 'puters are
>>> 99%
>>> eye candy or effects;  and maybe as much as 1% real work, though doubt
>>> it.
>>> DOS worked so well, cos it did none of that.  Boring to the sighted, but
>>> even they were more focussed on getting real info in or out and not just
>>> there to play with it.
>>> So, yes,  a cutToTheQwik system  that took us back to doing the stuff
>>> we're
>>> doing, without all the other overhead, would have some use; can think of
>>> professional areas where it would be saleable for it's simplicity;  but
>>> doubt it's going to happen.
>> It's already happening. If you work primarily from the Linux console
>> (just
>> using the GUI for tasks that require it, e.g., Web browsing), you
>> essentially
>> have what you've described.
>> this can't be done in the same way under OS X, which always loads a
>> graphical
>> desktop environment.
>> I'm writing this message from a Linux virtual terminal.
>> So far as the two operating systems are concerned, there are some
>> applications
>> for which I like to use OS X, but it's my Linux laptop that I'm using
>> most
>> often at home just now, even though the Macbook is newer.
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Re: Some more Questions

2015-01-27 Thread Joanne Chua
What about just install it to bootcam instead?
How often that you need to run Linux and Mac OS side by side...

Just my thoughts


On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil  wrote:
> Hello again,
> FFirst  of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions.  Really
> helped a lot
> I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment
> running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing some
> research, I can see that their is an open source version of the Xorg X11
> Window system that I can install.  Ideally, I would love the greatest and
> latest stuff viable from the GNOME Project which at present, is Gnome
> 3.4.X.  However, I think we have some problems.  If I'm wrong in these
> assumptions, feel free to correct me where necessary.  If memory serves,
> GNOME 3.x has some dependencies on systems, which is Linux-specific.  That
> is, their is at present, no BSD-compatible system implementation. I don't
> believe that system needs to be running, however I do believe that core
> system library functions are now dependencies.  Does it make sense to
> install a copy of VMware Fusion and install a copy of Debian into the guest
> VM?  If I do go this route, is their anything I need to be concerned about
> in Fusion specifically?  Note that I have a license for VMware Workstation.
>  Will I have to purchase an additional license for Fusion?
> Second question
> Does it make sense to install the GNU-specific tools? In my opinion, they
> are simply just better than the implementations provided by BSD.  I could
> install them out of the way, into for example, /usr/local/bin, as that way,
> it won't conflict with software that is under version control via whatever
> package management system that OS X uses to manage updates.
> --
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Re: Some more Questions

2015-01-27 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi, other listers please correct me if i'm wrong. my understanding is
that you can install any OS to bootcam.

On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil  wrote:
> Hello,
> Wondeful suggestion, though with Bootcamp, you'll have to repartition the
> drive, wich IMHO is overkill for this situation.  So, it looks like VMware
> is the easiest way to accomplish this task.  Not to mention, its a lot
> quicker.  That's if Linux is even supported in a Bootcamp environment.  As
> I recall, its designed to aid the installation of Windows, and we don't
> know if it modifies the system EFI partition. Simply too many unknowns.
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Joanne Chua 
> wrote:
>> What about just install it to bootcam instead?
>> How often that you need to run Linux and Mac OS side by side...
>> Just my thoughts
>> Regards
>> Joanne
>> On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil  wrote:
>> > Hello again,
>> > FFirst  of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions.
>> Really
>> >
>> > helped a lot
>> > I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment
>> > running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing
>> some
>> >
>> > research, I can see that their is an open source version of the Xorg
>> > X11
>> > Window system that I can install.  Ideally, I would love the greatest
>> > and
>> > latest stuff viable from the GNOME Project which at present, is Gnome
>> > 3.4.X.  However, I think we have some problems.  If I'm wrong in these
>> > assumptions, feel free to correct me where necessary.  If memory
>> > serves,
>> > GNOME 3.x has some dependencies on systems, which is Linux-specific.
>> That
>> > is, their is at present, no BSD-compatible system implementation. I
>> > don't
>> > believe that system needs to be running, however I do believe that core
>> > system library functions are now dependencies.  Does it make sense to
>> > install a copy of VMware Fusion and install a copy of Debian into the
>> guest
>> >
>> > VM?  If I do go this route, is their anything I need to be concerned
>> about
>> > in Fusion specifically?  Note that I have a license for VMware
>> Workstation.
>> >
>> >  Will I have to purchase an additional license for Fusion?
>> > Second question
>> > Does it make sense to install the GNU-specific tools? In my opinion,
>> > they
>> > are simply just better than the implementations provided by BSD.  I
>> > could
>> > install them out of the way, into for example, /usr/local/bin, as that
>> way,
>> >
>> > it won't conflict with software that is under version control via
>> whatever
>> > package management system that OS X uses to manage updates.
>> >
>> > --
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Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p trainer

2013-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

I'm seriously looking in to doing the Apple professional qualification corse.
Why? First at all, if nothing, it will be for my personal development purposes.
Of course, i believe that will also allow more opportunities my way,
and have a better understanding of Apple products and framework.

Joanne (Australia)

On 12/04/2013, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> hi Brand.
> Yes being able too work outside the house is a good option, but
> sometimes we gotta make compromises.
> Tell me again, because it is not totally clear too me why you need too
> be a professional too help others?
> Okay so as you said your self SA's blind organization may be 10 years
> set back, that is not the same as they wont listen if you start
> talking. I will tell you how i got about it in denmark when i started
> using a mac.
> At this time i do believe i had gotten me a few vista boxes, you know
> the typical hype about how we could install the os our self totally
> free of sighted eyes, yada, yada, yada.
> Of course it turned out, as is always the case with microsoft that it
> did not hold in court. So i got out and got my self a mac book, some
> of you  girls, and guys too for that matter, might remember the mac
> book with its uniformly cutesy plastic body.
> Anyway. I remember my bf at that time was like, you should go and show
> it too www.ibos.dk. And that was basically what i did. They did not go
> all for it too start with, but they have caught up at long last.
> Brand, If you dont have the money or time to be a professional, find a
> few blind friends, give it your best go, show them all you can, but
> what is the most important thing, tell them that you with the mac can
> install it your self should it crash, and what might be more important
> too some if you really need it you could install windows in a virtual
> computer along site the mac.
> I know that i have yet too see my book-scanner work properly in osx,
> and i really need that, so well before that works properly i am not
> getting rid of my last working vista box. But it is a thing i can live
> with happily.
> John D thanks for the mail I may as well take the exams. One question
> though, why would you need a exam on the hardware?
> have a good day yall
> sandi
> On 4/11/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> But couldn't you say the same for everywhere? I mean, after all, most
>> blind
>> people are unemployed.  As far as blind Apple employees, very few,
>> probably.
>>  But, none?  Definitely not.  I know 4 or 5 myself.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> Very few if any people work for Apple at this time.
>>> On 4/10/13 13:14, Jed Barton wrote:
 I'd like to find out about this as well.
 I love my mac, and although, somewhat new, have taught myself an awful
 Do you know if there are a lot of blind people working for apple?

 -Original Message-
 From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandt
 Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 2:10 PM
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Subject: Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p

 Hi there,

 I could do it using Skype, but I would prefer being able to work
 house as well, for example, for one of our local blindness

 Trying to break the Windows stranglehold on our local blind community,
 need qualifications. Generally, over here the blind community is
 approximately 10 years behind the time. That needs rectifying as soon
 possible, and somebody has to do it, why not me?

 Warm regards,

 Brandt Steenkamp

 Sent from my macbook pro

 Contact me:

 Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013

 Email: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

 My ring to Skype:
 California, United States
 Extension 512
 Cape Town, South Africa
 Extension 161
 Johannesburg, South Africa
 Extension 170

 Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007

 SIP: 5500...@spokn.com

 Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

 On 10 Apr 2013, at 2:26 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 

> hi brand.
> Why not just start over skype, as far as i know unless you have other
> rules in sa, you dont need too be certified too help other human
> beings.
> sandi
> On 4/10/13, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> well,
>> if you were in the states, it would be easier. I know of several
>> totally blind people who do such work for apple (generally in apple
>> stores). 2 are in phoenix arizona. If you have a strong local blind
>> organization (like the US NFB) then you might

Re: New Blind Photography list -was- Re: personal photo experience was: Re: taking photos when blind

2013-06-05 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi Cara and all

Wow, what an amezing discussion we have about IOS camera and blind photographe.

Thanks  Cara for creating the group. Just join. :)

I know there are some apps available to help a blind person navigating the 
digital camera or DSLR camera menu using voice over. One was been release 
sometime last year, however, needing to pull out as there are too many errors 
that needing to fix and keeping on trial.

I'll try to find some more information about it and post it to the viphone and 
also the blind photographer list later.

Great discussion from all. :)

Joanne Chua
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate.

On 06/06/2013, at 5:15, Cara Quinn  wrote:

> Hi All,
> For those interested on both lists, I've just started a Blind Photography 
> group at:
> http://groups.google.com/group/blindphotography
> Membership is open right now so y'all can join but I'll be making the group 
> invite-only very shortly so we head-off spammers before they start. :)
> Please feel free to come on  in and continue this great discussion!
> This group is not limited to use of cameras on Macs or iDevices, but is open 
> to all discussion around photography and the blind / visually impaired…
> Enjoy and see y'all there!
> Cara :)
> On Jun 5, 2013, at 11:01 AM, Kay Malmquist  wrote:
> You know,  I find this topic very interesting and wish there were somewhere 
> that those of us interested could talk more about it.  Any tips, thought and 
> discussion would be neat.  I hate to even suggest this, but maybe a list for 
> this subject would be quite popular.
> Kay Malmquist
> kay.malmqu...@gmail.com
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Cara Quinn" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: personal photo experience was: Re: taking photos when blind
> Rob, while some may know that photography is one of the closest things to my 
> heart, having both shot and modeled for some time, alas, the list does not 
> take attachments.
> And, though I find this topic to be one of my absolute favorites every time 
> it comes up, we do need to focus a bit here on iDevices so perhaps we can 
> continue this with an emphasis on how iDevices with cameras have influenced 
> us as photographers…
> For myself, I've always loved shooting images both when I could see and 
> after that changed. Not only was the advent of digital photography a godsend 
> as I could have the complete abandon and confidence of getting great shots 
> and not needing to worry about running out of film, but when the iPhone 
> became accessible and Apple had the amazing quality of insight and inclusion 
> to make the camera app fully accessible, it was (and still is) a very moving 
> experience for me, for which I'm eternally grateful! :)
> So often, because people would assume the question, 'Why on earth would a 
> blind person want to use a camera?' it is still amazingly refreshing to me 
> that Apple completely flew in the face of this wrongly held assumption and 
> by doing so, made it possible for many more of us to either continue the art 
> we love or have the flexibility to become acquainted with a new experience 
> taking photos, perhaps for the first time…
> Though I'd already had quite a bit of experience composing shots both behind 
> and in front of the camera, I decided it would be fun to sit in on a photo 
> class that the Braille Institute offers, here in LA. I liked it so much I 
> ended up enrolling in it and used my iPhone constantly, sharing shots I'd 
> take with the instructor / class.
> I was like the only iPhone user in the class at the time and the quality of 
> the pics really did make an impression on the instructor… There were also 
> class projects similar to the one just discussed in this thread and also an 
> exhibition but I'll refrain from going OT here, no matter how much I'd love 
> to! :)
> Anyway, for those of you whom find that you really do benefit from the 
> iDevices as cameras, would you mind sharing your experiences and how these 
> devices help you? Conversely, for those whom may not feel this way, what 
> improvements could be made that you feel might help you be able to use the 
> cameras on iDevices more easily and creatively?
> Thanks a bunch y'all! Great topics and experiences! thanks so much for 
> sharing!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> On Jun 5, 2013, at 2:54 AM, RobH!  wrote:
> I have to say, I like to try the odd angle, an angle you're never gonna get
> putting the camera to your face.  With on screen images, even the sighted
> don't need to do this any more.
> Can I post a  pic

Subscribe to list

2012-09-08 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

What is the best way to send invite or to rekomend someone to this list?

One of my dear friend has been trying to get on this list for the last
few months without any success. And i'm not able to locate the
membership invitation link for him

Any help is very much appreciated.



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Re: Accessible Widgets

2012-09-09 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi Emilio,

What sort of accessible apps and programs out there for your Mac, is
also sort of like asking how long is a piece of string Smiles.
What about you give us an idea as to what you need to do, hope to
achieve, might able to suggest some programs and apps along the way?


On 10/09/2012, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> the delivery notification was very accessible last time i tried it.
> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> cbrui...@gmail.com
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Emilio Hernandez 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what
>> other accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO
>> compatible?
>> Thank all of you.
>> --
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Re: office software

2012-09-15 Thread Joanne Chua

I use IWorks for all of the office application. I haven't explore
other application however, i know that IWorks accessibility is about
90% compare to some other like ms office for Mac, which, it is pretty


On 16/09/2012, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> what is everybody using for a word processor or spreadsheet application?
> Are there certain reasons why you chose one over the other?
> Thanks.
> Chris
> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> cbrui...@gmail.com
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Re: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread Joanne Chua

We recieve your test messages just fine. I think it was around 5 test
messages from you in the last 10minutes or so. smiles


On 11/10/2012, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
> week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
> lists, including this one.
> I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.
> Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
> and with the correct from address.
> Any ideas?
> I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.
> I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.
> All replies welcomed.
> Truly Perplexed,
> Mark
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2012-10-24 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi There,

I've an enquiry from one of my friend. She's looking at getting a
MacMini but is not sure if it can operates without a mornitor. As
she's totally blind, a mornitor aint gonna help her alot.
I've try to contact Apple yesterday to explain the situation to them,
unfortunately, they insist that "a MacMini can't be operate without a
mornitor because you have no way seeing at  the screen without a
mornitor.". At first, i thought might be the customer cunsultant lack
of knowledge with the capability of there products, then i tried again
a little later with the similar answer.
I'm certain there's some Mac user here that using MacMini on this
list. Can you please share some light on this matter?



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Re: MacMini

2012-10-25 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All

Thanks very much for the input. I'll definitely bring this discussion
with my friend. I guess she's thinking to save couple of hundrets and
also space by having a MacMini rather than a IMac.

I was able to test out a MacMini 2010 server version from a friend's
business. its workable, but indeed, when i plug in a mornitor, or when
i did a share mornitor screen, VO is much happier.

Thanks very much


On 25/10/2012, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
> I wonder why that would be.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "matthew Dyer" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:30 PM
> Subject: Re: MacMini
>> Hi,
>> If you have a moditor, vo will run much better.  If you do not have one
>> then vo acts very strabnge and slowly.  Programs like safari will not work
>> very well without a moditor.
>> Matthew
>> On Oct 24, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>> Hi There,
>>> I've an enquiry from one of my friend. She's looking at getting a
>>> MacMini but is not sure if it can operates without a mornitor. As
>>> she's totally blind, a mornitor aint gonna help her alot.
>>> I've try to contact Apple yesterday to explain the situation to them,
>>> unfortunately, they insist that "a MacMini can't be operate without a
>>> mornitor because you have no way seeing at  the screen without a
>>> mornitor.". At first, i thought might be the customer cunsultant lack
>>> of knowledge with the capability of there products, then i tried again
>>> a little later with the similar answer.
>>> I'm certain there's some Mac user here that using MacMini on this
>>> list. Can you please share some light on this matter?
>>> thanks
>>> Regards
>>> Joanne
>>> --
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Apple order for pre-shipment

2012-10-27 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

Oppologise for a stupid question

After some consideration and some tips and advice i forward to her
from this group, my friend decided to go with IPad4 rather than a
Macmini at this point of time.

What will be the estimate delivery time from the item been shipt from
Apple wharehouse to the customer? I think she's going away in the
second week of November and wanting to know if she will get her ipad4
before hand. Apple told her that the IPad4 will be deliver between 2/8
november, but she's quite nervours as she is going off on the 10th for
2 months worth of holiday. :-)

I've no idea about Apple shiptment as i don't experience pre-order
with Apple before.

your help is very much appreciated

Thanks in advance.


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Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
to have?

i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have perchase that for me,
however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
which will be better for my needs? i do alot of word processing tasks,
also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
one from MS , and one from Apple?

any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.



Joanne (Australia)

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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Joanne Chua
hi all!

thanks alot for the news. i appreciate it alot :)
after read about the emails here, i just made a quick call to my
disability team on campus and just in time for them to change it
before they perchase Office for Mac.

for sure, i'll have plenty of question and problems ahead of me as i'm
migrating to Mac.

any help is very much appreciated.

thanks very much.


On 24/08/2011, Red.Falcon  wrote:
> Hi Joanne!
> ms office is not useable on the Mac unless you set up windows as another
> part of your Mac!
> Look at posts about bootcamp or fusion!
> hth Colin
> On 24 Aug 2011, at 01:47, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processor mac book pro from my
>> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
>> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
>> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
>> to have?
>> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have purchase that for me,
>> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
>> which will be better for my needs? i do a lot of word processing tasks,
>> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
>> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
>> one from MS , and one from Apple?
>> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
>> thanks
>> cheers
>> Joanne (Australia)
>> --
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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Steve Jobs Steps Down As CEO of Apple Inc.

2011-08-24 Thread Joanne Chua
its indeed a sad news of Apple world, but i suppose Steve Jobs knowing
what is the best for him and Apple.
all the best to Steve with his future, and also all the best to Tim
Cook and hopefully he'll prove to be a great accessibility supporter
for Mac and other Apple products

On 25/08/2011, Maccessibility  wrote:
> Steve Jobs Steps Down As CEO of Apple Inc.
> To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:
> I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my
> duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you
> know.
> Unfortunately, that day has come.
> I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like [...]
> You can read the rest of this news item at:
> http://www.lioncourt.com/2011/08/24/steve-jobs-steps-down-as-ceo-of-apple-inc/
> The Mac-cessibility Network
> "...it's all within our reach..."
> http://maccessibility.net
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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-25 Thread Joanne Chua
hi all,

thanks very much for the support  so far.

i got the call from my university today. i thought they asking me to
go and pick up my new MBP however, as the result, they rang to say
that they can't provide me with any kind of Mac product. not MBP, or
MBA, or Ipad even. the reason behind that is, there's no technical
support on campus for any Apple products, and well, with windows or
Jaws or MSOffice, the IT Arguement is they already have onside licence
for it, so, the only problem they need to worry about is getting an
empty laptop and then they can transfer those licence to it.

its a sad news, but thats the best they can do for now.

Since i'm on the committee meeting for our disability committee on
campus, i'm going to suggest that, if student with disability in
future who having deficulty and needing a laptop or such for their
study purposes, the university should able to get them an IPad. i
mean, realisticly, is the most ephysion with cost effectiveness
adductive technology in place, before any laptops or notebooks.

ones again, thanks for all the support regarding my enquiry with
office or iwork. i'll of course, post more problems sooner or later to
the list, as  i have an imac for my home use.


Joanne (Australia)

On 26/08/2011, David Tanner  wrote:
> You will not be able to access MicroSoft Office with VoiceOver.  You can
> access iWork.
> - Original Message -
> From: "anouk radix" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Office VS IWorks
>> Hi, maybe this has already been pointed out but there is also openoffice
>> for the mac that is accessible. I personally prefer Iwork but thats a
>> personal choice.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> Op 24-8-2011 2:52, Kristyn Leigh schreef:
>>> Office for Mac is not accessible with VoiceOver.
>>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
>>>> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
>>>> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
>>>> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
>>>> to have?
>>>> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have perchase that for me,
>>>> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
>>>> which will be better for my needs? i do alot of word processing tasks,
>>>> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
>>>> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
>>>> one from MS , and one from Apple?
>>>> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
>>>> thanks
>>>> cheers
>>>> Joanne (Australia)
>>>> --
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>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>>> Kristyn Leigh
>>> Sent from my mini Mac
>>> krist...@gmail.com
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off topic: text edditing issue with iphone

2011-08-26 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

sorry to be off topic but, how can one eddit a caractor within a text
or a word? e.g. i spell a name wrong and wishes to eddit a middle
caractor, instead of deleting from the end or from the start, is there
any way for me to backtrack myself to the caractor that i want to


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itune cync

2011-08-31 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there

is there a way to un cync something from the phone to itune? in
another word, is ttat a way to delete some playlist or some songs from
iphone but does not effect itune on the desttop?


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Re: Scanners and OCR

2011-09-05 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

depends on what sort of document and how often you using it? the
"ocation" can mean ones a week or ones a month or ones in few months.

i personally suggest you to use ABBY Reader, its accessible,
affordable, and one of the few greatest scanning software i come
across cormertially.

however, if your "ocation" is ones in a few months, you might want to
try with Mac Image Capture before you invest extra money on ABBY

although by saying so, i know some scanners manifecture e.g. Epson
does come with ABBY Reader as part of their software driver itself.

good luck


On 05/09/2011, james Walton  wrote:
> yes
> mac has image capture
> just do a spotlight search for it
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IOS5 and IPhone4

2011-10-20 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

oppologise if someone posted this before and if its not related to Mac...

I have Iphon4 and recently upgrate to ios5. I love IOS5. In some way i
feel like i have a brand new phone with existing hardware.
However, i found some issue with voiceover on IOS5. It seems somehow,
voiceover losing focus on certain thing such as when selecting
something, etc.
Have anyone of us here having the same issue and how to solve the problem?

I asume is something to do with the screen being unlock in one position?

I had it lock screen for a while before ios5, but i prefer it to be
unlock, as its easier when working on something when you need a
lanscape screen e.g. reading a book etc.

All helps will be very much appreciated


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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Joanne Chua

This is a question someone asked me, and now i ask the group on behalf
of my friend, who pretty much a protential Mac and IPad user.
I absolute love my IBooks, and more so today, when i woke up, and the
first thing i realize that i got an email from ITune knowtifying me my
pre-order of Steve Jobs Bio is ready to download. And its absolute
Anyone here know if IBooks is available on Mac or only for IOS Devices?


On 24/10/2011, ezzie bueno  wrote:
> Hello Angie,
> My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is
> excellent and readily accessible.
> I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first,
> it was comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.
> But it's awesome.
> I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can
> listen to music samples of all sorts, research articles on my
> favorite topics, go through timelines in history, etc.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
>  - Original Message -
> From: Angie Giltinan  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:33:28 -0400
> Subject: accessible apps from the mac app store
>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new
> apps, to expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs
> app junky, so I'd like to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource
> of apps that are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app,
> are there any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for
> mac osX, for text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac
> users hav
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Joanne Chua
After reading on my iphone using IBooks, i agree with Scott, its
definitely one of the best experience i ever have reading a book with
fully control. However, i guess it is just some people prefference
reading on the computer. I used to done that quite a lot few years
ago, but now, i'm simply grow bore of it. i mean, i want something
that i can read on the go, not something that i stuck on my chair and
having my headphone , listening to voiceover or jaws or whatever
screen reader read to me. Before discovering how accessible IBooks is,
i use to listen to my daisy player. Now, after discovering IBooks, i
don't think i can ever put down a book again.

A book a day is no longer a dream for me, but its a reality. :)

On 24/10/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not Mary, but I can put in my two cents. I like to read from the
> computer with my Braille display while listening to a sports webcast. I
> suppose I can just as easily do it with my IPod, come to think of it. :) Old
> habits die hard.
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 2:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Mary,
>> I find it interesting that folks would want to read books on the computer.
>> I'm not saying it is right, wrong, or anything like that. It just seems to
>> me that the iOS devices make the most sense as a way to read books. I
>> wonder if sighted people read books on the computer? None I know do. I'm
>> only asking the question because I have read on the list more than once
>> where people want to do this and I find it interesting. So, not a
>> criticism again, just asking the question.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Sorry, but no IBooks on the Mac. I would love it if that would change,
>>> but thus far, no go.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> motte...@gmail.com
>>> --
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