Its kind of remind me that One goes to get a burger from McDonalds, and One 
asking the so call order assistant as to where the beef from, what farm, and 
what sort of farming practice McDonalds have, and how to become one of 
McDonalds' farmer...  grins,.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 20 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Buddy Brannan <> wrote:
> Not to mention, at least some of their work, if they're like any other large 
> company that has call centers, outsources some of these things to other 
> companies who specialize in tech support call center type things for support 
> and customer service. Then there are the temps. Microsoft had, probably still 
> has, lots of those...I was one in a previous life. And if you were to be 
> transferred to a company like Stream or Kean or one of the others whose names 
> I'm forgetting, you'd never know it, and they'd never tell you. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: 814-860-3194 
> Mobile: 814-431-0962
> Email:
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 5:50 PM, Littlefield, Tyler <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I have a few comments on this.
>> First, you seem to only want to hear what you want to hear. Joanne's
>> response was right on and I'm fully behind that. Bashing her and then
>> one-upping her by telling her she should take it off list (so your
>> reply gets the last response, basically) is kind of pointless.
>> Second, for someone so corporate oriented, I'd expect you to know how
>> to write. I didn't understand parts of your message because you were
>> using weird punctuation all over the place to try to get weird
>> inflections out and show how frustrated you are. Please, let your
>> words speak for you. If you're bothered, find some word choice to
>> explain that, but don't bombard me with punctuation ment to change the
>> way my speech reads to get the point across. I find that irritating,
>> pointless and usually degrades from the value of the message.
>> Now, on to the actual content of your message:
>> The apple employee should never have even went this far with you. The
>> problem was that he probably couldn't just hang up on you and wasn't
>> really sure how to handle the call. If you want to speak to people
>> about employment, find the right department. Apple call-center
>> employees do not need to know where all the call centers are, nor do
>> they need to know exactly how you would get employed. Chances are
>> there are various routes of progression up to senior advisor.
>> Secondly, one does not just become a leader at any company. You need
>> to demostrate proper leadership skills and have the experience to back
>> it. I can't say whether or not you have those, but just expecting to
>> be up higher because -you- feel like you'd be a good fit is insane at
>> best.
>> Finally, as much as you may not want to hear this, Apple really
>> doesn't care if you're going to relocate and neither should the call
>> center employee. If you find a job opening and apply for it, you can
>> start talking about relocation; sometimes companies will help you. But
>> to assume that you could provide so much to apple that they should
>> just elevate you to someone who wants to hire you when you call the
>> accessibility line is a bit out there. There are just as many people
>> as qualified as you and more people more qualified than you. While you
>> might do well at Apple, you need to get the job just as anyone else would.
>> I would not expect any company to be able to tell you how to get
>> employed and what you need to do; after all, this is not their job. I
>> would not expect a call center technission to be able to tell you who
>> you should even talk to to become employed, because again this is not
>> their field. If you wanted to call with a technical question, that's
>> their job. Anything outside their department is not really their job.
>> I would not expect a call center representative to know anything about
>> pbx or whether or not you could work from home. Finally, asuming that
>> the call center was indeed authorized to transfer you to whatever
>> department you wish, many times they do not know how to get in touch
>> with the hr department, exactly where in the hr department they should
>> send some inquiring lunatic looking for a job and they aren't required
>> to know this. Apple is a huge company and they are able to transfer
>> you to the places where you need to go, nothing more.
>> Thanks,
>>> On 3/19/2015 4:31 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> Joanne, you make so many points in this e-mail that I'm going to 
>>> literally address them one by one.  If you choose to not read my 
>>> comments, that's your loss.
>>> If One  has been  on the employment/business/corporate  field long 
>>> enough, one will know that there are some things that are just,
>>> simply confidential, and not to share with anyone, internally or
>>> externally.
>>> OK, well, first of all, how do you know that I have been in the 
>>> "Corporate field" for a long time?  You don't.
>>> It seems to me that, you just rang up someone at apple and started 
>>> to ask questions about employment.
>>> Yeah?  So?  Is this a problem, and if so, why?
>>> To be honest, even employees from Google or Microsoft would not 
>>> entertain you or give you any desire answers about it.
>>> Site your bibliography please, as I beg to differ.  We're not 
>>> talking a government/military agency here.
>>> It is no different if i ramdomly ring up Google playstore customer 
>>> centre,   and start asking them how much they earn a year, what
>>> sort of things they do in a daily bases, and finally, can they send
>>> me their employment contract...
>>> Excuse me?  When in God's heaven did I say that I would ask such 
>>> rude questions which are absolutely none of my business?!
>>> I called Apple Accessibility.  How do you ascertain that this was 
>>> random, in your words?  I wanted to know about how to get hierred 
>>> as an Accessibility Specialist.  Who better would know than the 
>>> specialists themselves?  Therefore, I completely resent your 
>>> question...  I'm sorry to say, that I don't have an idea where you 
>>> get that this was random.  Perhaps you can enlighten me, because
>>> I'm missing something which should be apparently obvious here!
>>> Like it or not, it is a level of confidentiality and yes, if you 
>>> like, secrecy within the job itself. That happens with most levels 
>>> of employment, especially in an international company.
>>> I confess, I've never dealt with the level of seeking this type
>>> info from an  international business; they have to hier someone
>>> somehow. If they don't present even the most basics of the
>>> procedure, then how is anyone expected to learn and become
>>> employed?  OK, Joanne, I'm working for Apple.  I'm just going to in
>>> your words, randomly call you out of my hat, Hi!  Is this Joanne?
>>> Yes!  My name is chris, and I work with Apple.  Would you like to
>>> work for us?  We're hierring.  Yeah? freaking right!  Let me know
>>> how that phone call goes for ya!  Would you?
>>> In fact, if i'm the person that is on the other line, and that 
>>> doesn't matter what company or department it is from, i would have 
>>> labeled that phone call is a spam, and i won't spend any of my
>>> time entertaining that caller.
>>> OK? Then prepare to get fired for hanging up on me.  If I were
>>> your supervisor, I'd walk your butt out the minute you clicked off
>>> that call, and did so intentionally.  that is totally unacceptable 
>>> business etiquette!
>>> It also suggests some level of immaturity from the caller to just 
>>> randomly call up, and ask ramdom questions that have nothing to do 
>>> with what my call of service is about,
>>> Matom? we already had this discussion a minute ago.  Therefore,
>>> your above comment is irrelavent.  This was totally legitimate, and
>>> there was no random nature to what I did whatsoever.
>>> in fact, asking me questions that have nothing related with my 
>>> service of duty may be considered insulting.
>>> And that is because you quite bluntly speaking, take things way
>>> way way way way! too personally.
>>> Joanne, if you want to take this up with me further, don't do so 
>>> with me on list please.
>>> My private e-mail address is:
>>> <>
>>> I welcome your comments, but only if they are done privately off 
>>> list, and! if they are done constructively with no annomosity.
>>> Chris.
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>> Take care,
>> Ty
>> twitter: @sorressean
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