Questions regarding using the Apple keyboard with the IPhone

2012-03-04 Thread David Eagle
Hello all, I am using the Apple Keyboard with the IPHone 4s and it
works very well. There are however a few things I am unsure about.
Firstly, selecting text: I used someone's IPad with an apple keyboard
and selecting text was the same as with the Mac; you pressed VO enter,
then selected your text and then VO enter again. This does not seem to
work on the IPhone. Any ideas how to easily select a block of text
using the Apple Keyboard on the IPHone?

Secondly, I can't work out how to do a spell check. I am informed when
a word is misspelt but I cannot find a list of corrections. This is
the situation whether I am in a text or pages. Any ideas on that one?

Thirdly and finally, I don't know how to do the equivolent of a double
tap and hold. I can do a double tap but not double tap and hold on the
second tap using the keyboard. Any ideas regarding that?

Thank you friends.


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Re: wordpress pages question

2012-06-15 Thread David Eagle
Hi, I use Wordpress and have multiple pages on my website.

I would have told you yesterday that I have found the latest version
inaccessible, but I discovered the issue and so can now report that I
am finding using Wordpress, with JAWS, SATOGO, NVDA on windows, and
Voice-Over on the Mac and IPhone, very accessible.

I haven't quite managed to get subpages working yet. For instance,
when you click on a page you get a new set of links on that page. But
I have managed to create multiple pages and add nearly 100 blog posts.

I am happy to help, and Wordpress are keen to hear from people using
screen readers about accessibility.

On 14/06/2012, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
> hello group;  my new webmaster is strongly encouraging me to make the switch
> from my static webpage to a wordpress driven site.  she tells me that
> eventually it will be so much easier, but i'm not sure.  does anyone here
> have a tutorial on creating and editing pages in wordpress?  i think i'm
> going to stay with my photo gallery, but i'm at least open to the
> possibility of moving the rest of the site.  opinions and suggestions are
> both welcome.  thanks, max
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Re: ftp

2012-06-22 Thread David Eagle
FileZilla - The free FTP solution.

I don't know how accessible it is on the Mac. it is fully accessible
in windows. I tried it once on the Mac and ended up just going back to
windows and doing what I needed to do. But I was in a hurry and didn't
have the time to work out how to access it on the Mac.

Let us know how you get on.

On 22/06/2012, Walter Harper  wrote:
> Hello all,
> Does anyone know of a ftp program for the mac to download from a FTp
> server?
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Re: wordpress pages question

2012-06-25 Thread David Eagle

On 24/06/2012, Kimsan  wrote:
> David:
> May I view the website you have using wordpress?
> Thanks.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of David Eagle
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 4:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: wordpress pages question
> Hi, I use Wordpress and have multiple pages on my website.
> I would have told you yesterday that I have found the latest version
> inaccessible, but I discovered the issue and so can now report that I am
> finding using Wordpress, with JAWS, SATOGO, NVDA on windows, and Voice-Over
> on the Mac and IPhone, very accessible.
> I haven't quite managed to get subpages working yet. For instance, when you
> click on a page you get a new set of links on that page. But I have managed
> to create multiple pages and add nearly 100 blog posts.
> I am happy to help, and Wordpress are keen to hear from people using screen
> readers about accessibility.
> On 14/06/2012, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>> hello group;  my new webmaster is strongly encouraging me to make the
>> switch from my static webpage to a wordpress driven site.  she tells
>> me that eventually it will be so much easier, but i'm not sure.  does
>> anyone here have a tutorial on creating and editing pages in
>> wordpress?  i think i'm going to stay with my photo gallery, but i'm
>> at least open to the possibility of moving the rest of the site.
>> opinions and suggestions are both welcome.  thanks, max
>> --
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Re: Spodify app

2012-07-06 Thread David Eagle
I use spotty fly on the iPhone all the time. I have never had any access issues.

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Jul 2012, at 10:16, David Hole  wrote:

> Hi.
> For me the Spotify app on iPhone works excellent :-)
> There are tho a few weird things here and there, for example when
> clicking on the "now playing" button, the window behind still shows
> up, but it is impossible to click anything there.
> All buttons isn't labelled, but it's not the biggest deal :-)
> -David
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 11:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen
>  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Mot on the mac. Spotify can be used on IPhone, but there are some 
>> accessibility problems too.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jul 5, 2012 kl. 11:24 PM skrev Sarai Bucciarelli:
>>> Hi:
>>> Is the Spodify app accessible? I have a 48 hour demo. Trying to log in, and 
>>> access preferences with no luck.
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Re: Spodify app

2012-07-06 Thread David Eagle
It is worth paying for if you want it on the mobile. The free version is not 
available on a mobile device

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Jul 2012, at 15:23, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:

> Is it worth paying for? I know you can have a free version.
> On Jul 6, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> It is accessible on the IPhone or IDeevices but not on the Mac.
>> Kev
>> On Jul 5, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Is the Spodify app accessible? I have a 48 hour demo. Trying to log in, and 
>>> access preferences with no luck.
>>> -- 
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Re: Mountain Lion Is Awesome!

2012-07-30 Thread David Eagle
The problem with Nuance voices seems to be a lot better in Mountain
Lion. When you press backspace to delete something it talks lower,,
but I think this must be intentional. I've also found the Mac to be
working a lot better since upgrading to Mountain Lion. I've never had
a safari busy message since upgrading.

On 30/07/2012, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
> Hi,
> Go to program uppdate under the Apple menu. Hit vo+space bar on that choise.
> Now, the app store will launch giving you the page with updates of apps on.
> Go to the button that says "update all" and hit vo+space bar on it now a
> dialog should pop up asking for apple id and password. The Apple id text box
> is usually pre populated with your email address so go to the password field
> and type in your password and hit the button that says "log in". Now the
> download should begin.
> If you want to know what things you will be updated, before doing the above
> steps, vo+right arrow a couple times until you encounter a list where the
> apps to be update are stored. Here  you can see the new versions of the apps
> and if you arrow further right with vo+right arrow, you will find
> descriptions of what's new in this version.
> /Krister
> 29 jul 2012 kl. 13:32 skrev Krister Ekstrom :
>> Hi,
>> The nuance issues are indeed fixed, keep in mind though that after
>> installing Mountain Lion, you have to go to the program update and look
>> for new updates. When you do, you will find a bunch of new voices amongst
>> other things. Just update everything and you'll be good to go. All the
>> bugs in the Swedish voice, including issues with how it pronounced certain
>> characters when typing with typing echo set to characters or when reading
>> character by character are gone and so are the pitch issues. Only time the
>> voices actually change pitch is when you delete a character or when you
>> press a character with the shift key helld down.
>> Apple has indeed done a great job with this release. The one thing i wish
>> for is for dictation to support scandinavian languages. I hope it will
>> happen but i highly doubt it, just look at Siri on the IPhone which
>> supports many languages just not Swedish, Norwegean and other scandinavian
>> languages.
>> /Krister
>> 26 jul 2012 kl. 04:22 skrev Mike Arrigo :
>>> I was hoping they fixed the nuance voice issues. Does anyone know if
>>> there is a key stroke to access the notification center? For example, you
>>> can press control+f8 for the status menus, control+F2 for the menu bar,
>>> etc. Is there a keystroke for notifications?
>>> On Jul 25, 2012, at 8:57 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
 Hey guys. I was thinking of using the Siri dictation feature to write
 this message, but after trying to send a message to Kimsan and seeing
 that it entered something that I didn't say, I figured I'd write this
 myself. So with that being said, I must say that Apple did a freaking
 awesome job with Mountain Lion. My favorite features so far have been
 the Siri dictation, even though it hears what it wants to hear
 sometimes, the ability to update more than one App in the App store, and
 yes, the ability to use some third party Apps that weren't accessible to
 us in the past. Now I can use Menuweather, the app that I complained
 that wasn't accessible a few months ago, and change whatever settings I
 need. Also, for Infovox Ivox 3 users, your voices will continue to work.
 You don't need to download any patches or anything.
 I did notice a couple of bugs though. The first one is something that
 this list has talked about when Lion first launched, and that is the
 booting up time. For me, when I came home from work and booted up my
 machine, I pretty much had to wait for about 2-3 minutes before
 Voiceover started talking. Also, in both Lion and Snow Leopard, both
 Adium and Skype launched right away after startup. In Mountain Lion, It
 takes a minute for both apps to launch. These aren't deal breakers
 though, just minor hinderances. As for the Nuance voices, I'm not gonna
 even bother using them with Voiceover if they're still making those
 stupid pitch changes. Why would I if I have Tracy from Acapela?
 Anyway, all in all, this is a fantastic upgrade, better than Lion in my
 opinion. I hope you all have fun with Mountain Lion, as I sure am.

 Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-07-31 Thread David Eagle
For me, mountain Lion is much faster, and much more reliable; says me
who's writing this email on a PC.

Incidentaly, someone said that selecting text is easier now in
Mountain Lion. I have a very hard time selecting text in Safari. How
do people do it? What happens when you want to select a few

And Finally, Brandon: what to you use on the Mac for programming? I am
trying to find a simple programme like Notepad on the Mac so that I
can write HTML and XML files.

On 31/07/2012, Missy Hoppe  wrote:
> Hi! I was trying to refrain from jumpint in on this topic, but I'm genuinely
> baffled by the original post and those who
> supported it. The original post may have reflected my feelings about lion,
> and I remember being tempted to sell my mac last
> year because I found lion to be so hateful, but I just made the best of it,
> knowing that updates would come along and fix the
> problems sooner or later. Sure enough, patience paid off. If I'm ever going
> to enjoy using my mac on a more regular basis,
> Mountain Lion will be the OS that makes that happen. So far as I can tell,
> almost everything I hated about lion has been
> fixed, and for the 1 or 2 very minor issues that still exist, I have my
> external drive that runs snow leopard. Mountain lion
> is significantly faster than Lion was, I haven't had any busies that I can
> recall, and best of all, VO always comes on at
> start-up, something which almost never happened under lion for me. Folks are
> definitely entitled to their opinions, but this
> almost seems like deliberate bashing just to cause drama. Maybe I'm the
> exception to the rule, but I simply can't imagine
> anyone thinking that Lion was better than ML.
> OK. I'm done now. I don't want to contribute too much to the drama, but I
> just had to speak up since for me, Mountain Lion is
> like a night and day improvement over Lion, and I'm genuinely excited about
> using my mac now.
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of David Tanner
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion
> I would definately agree, but if you remember, last year when Lion came out
> we went through this same complaint cycle.   People want all the new stuff,
> but they want it to all work the same and don't want to take the time and
> energy to learn the new stuff.  Some how it should
> just jump into their minds how to do everything.
> Perhaps, people should get the two new books from Bookshare about Mountain
> Lion and study those and learn before complaining.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 3:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion
> Hello All.
> Now what I might say may be something that people may not like but I am one
> for plain speaking and will not mince my words.  However, this is my
> opinion.
> People say that they may be disappointed with one thing or another and it
> is
> their right to do so of course.
> But when anything new is released, there is going to be bugs etc as I have
> been a beta tester and know how hard people work to get a product into
> shape.
> So rather than people complaining as people seem to do, why not just send
> your concerns to Apple Accessibility and rather than bashing a product work
> with them to improve a producct?  It would be so positivve to do that and
> sit and be passive about things as everyone would make a difference.  If
> everything was plain sailing, life would be dull.  So chill and think to do
> something positive.
> Kawal.
> On 31 Jul 2012, at 04:41 AM, James Mannion  wrote:
>> And when the accessible web browsing experience on the mac at least
>> matches windows, I'll buy it. busy busy busy, can't handel large
>> amounts of text, ignores this and that on the page, the entire web
>> thing was why I gave up on the mac thing and sold my mac mini. To do
>> the web on the mac you have to put on those rose colored glasses that
>> view everything from a pro Apple perspective and you can't require
>> that it gets the job done.
>> Jim
>> On 7/30/12, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Been reading all these posts the last few days about how amazed
>>> everyone is with Mountain Lion, and not sure what all the amazement
>>> iss about.
>>> It only took three days as I just had to use the Force Quit for
>>> Safari, and all it took was actually trying to login to my Yahoo
>>> Fantasy Baseball Page. I pulled it up and first the first time ever
>>> got a cookie message that said my safari cookie had expired, after I
>>> got out of that window safari did nothing but Busy Busy Busy for the
>>> better part of ten minutes before I went to force quit.
>>> I already had been very unimpressed with Mountain Lion between the VO
>>> space bar not properly selecting items I clicked on to the feat

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-07-31 Thread David Eagle
pressing shift and the arrow keys does absolutely nothing, and it
never has for me. And Text Edit is too convoluted for what I want it
to do. If I want to to just copy the text in a webpage in windows,
then I will just select what I want and then paste it into notepad. If
I do this in Text Edit then it inserts all the formatting of the page
including links, making it impossible to just save as a text file.
Also, when you choose View Source for a website in windows, it is
accessible, but seemingly this is not the case on a Mac. This is one
of the reasons I don't think I'll ever fully use a Mac.

I am currently struggling to download a file, because when I VO Space
on it, it opens the MP3 file and starts playing it. If I VO Shift and
M, then it doesn't give me a download option; it only gives me options
like 'print page'. And to think I was being  complimentary about the
mac earlier. Then again I was on a PC at the time.

Right I'm off to try and find out the keyboard shortcut for forcing
errant Macs to download a file.

On 31/07/2012, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
> I use primarily vim to program. Just regular vim (I don't like macvim as
> much). If I want to do something real quickly, I use TextEdit. Sometimes
> I'll write something in TextEdit and then reformat it for indenting and such
> in vim. In vim you can reformat an entire file with: gg=G - and I find that
> immensely useful. Also the jump to closing brackets/parentheses, and a lot
> of other features, are indispensable.
> Brandon
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:09 AM, David Eagle 
> wrote:
>> For me, mountain Lion is much faster, and much more reliable; says me
>> who's writing this email on a PC.
>> Incidentaly, someone said that selecting text is easier now in
>> Mountain Lion. I have a very hard time selecting text in Safari. How
>> do people do it? What happens when you want to select a few
>> paragraphs?
>> And Finally, Brandon: what to you use on the Mac for programming? I am
>> trying to find a simple programme like Notepad on the Mac so that I
>> can write HTML and XML files.
>> On 31/07/2012, Missy Hoppe  wrote:
>>> Hi! I was trying to refrain from jumpint in on this topic, but I'm
>>> genuinely
>>> baffled by the original post and those who
>>> supported it. The original post may have reflected my feelings about
>>> lion,
>>> and I remember being tempted to sell my mac last
>>> year because I found lion to be so hateful, but I just made the best of
>>> it,
>>> knowing that updates would come along and fix the
>>> problems sooner or later. Sure enough, patience paid off. If I'm ever
>>> going
>>> to enjoy using my mac on a more regular basis,
>>> Mountain Lion will be the OS that makes that happen. So far as I can
>>> tell,
>>> almost everything I hated about lion has been
>>> fixed, and for the 1 or 2 very minor issues that still exist, I have my
>>> external drive that runs snow leopard. Mountain lion
>>> is significantly faster than Lion was, I haven't had any busies that I
>>> can
>>> recall, and best of all, VO always comes on at
>>> start-up, something which almost never happened under lion for me. Folks
>>> are
>>> definitely entitled to their opinions, but this
>>> almost seems like deliberate bashing just to cause drama. Maybe I'm the
>>> exception to the rule, but I simply can't imagine
>>> anyone thinking that Lion was better than ML.
>>> OK. I'm done now. I don't want to contribute too much to the drama, but
>>> I
>>> just had to speak up since for me, Mountain Lion is
>>> like a night and day improvement over Lion, and I'm genuinely excited
>>> about
>>> using my mac now.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of David Tanner
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:17 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion
>>> I would definately agree, but if you remember, last year when Lion came
>>> out
>>> we went through this same complaint cycle.   People want all the new
>>> stuff,
>>> but they want it to all work the same and don't want to take the time
>>> and
>>> energy to learn the new stuff.  Some how it should
>>> just jump into their minds how to do everything.
>>> Perhaps, people should get the two 

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-07-31 Thread David Eagle
Hi, thanks for that. I've now turned quicknav off but when I use shift
and  down, or Shift Option left or right, nothing happens. It does
work if I interact with the text, but then what if I want to select a
few paragraphs? I tried selecting a line of your reply, and it
wouldn't do it. Also, I don't mind the file opening rather than
downloading when I VO Space, but I do mind the fact that it then
refuses to select the options for a link when I press VO Shift M, and
instead brings the menu up for the page. I think that is definitely a
bug, and not a preference.

And finally, I just entered on the Selecting Text option in VO help,
and it opened Safari, and there was no page.

I think I might start a commune for distressed Mac users with Brian (I
think his name was); I can't remember now, I've been mentally worn
down by Mac issues0.

On 31/07/2012, Alex Hall  wrote:
> My responses are below. Sorry I can't be more specific.
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:14 PM, David Eagle 
> wrote:
>> pressing shift and the arrow keys does absolutely nothing, and it
>> never has for me. And Text Edit is too convoluted for what I want it
>> to do. If I want to to just copy the text in a webpage in windows,
>> then I will just select what I want and then paste it into notepad. If
>> I do this in Text Edit then it inserts all the formatting of the page
>> including links, making it impossible to just save as a text file.
> First, try turning quicknav off. To copy a line, use shift-down. A word,
> would be shift-option-right (or left), and so on, just like when you are
> editing. Quicknav really might be your problem here, and that's why I almost
> always leave it off.
> Second, try turning smart paste off. I believe you can vo-shift-m and go
> down to the substitutions menu. This may help your pasting problem.
>> Also, when you choose View Source for a website in windows, it is
>> accessible, but seemingly this is not the case on a Mac. This is one
>> of the reasons I don't think I'll ever fully use a Mac.
> I have never tried this, so can't comment.
>> I am currently struggling to download a file, because when I VO Space
>> on it, it opens the MP3 file and starts playing it. If I VO Shift and
>> M, then it doesn't give me a download option; it only gives me options
>> like 'print page'. And to think I was being  complimentary about the
>> mac earlier. Then again I was on a PC at the time.
> IE and Firefox do the same thing. Try going into preferences, or just google
> "download mp3 file in safari" and see what others have done to solve this. I
> bet it is a setting, not a bug at all.
>> Right I'm off to try and find out the keyboard shortcut for forcing
>> errant Macs to download a file.
>> On 31/07/2012, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>>> I use primarily vim to program. Just regular vim (I don't like macvim as
>>> much). If I want to do something real quickly, I use TextEdit. Sometimes
>>> I'll write something in TextEdit and then reformat it for indenting and
>>> such
>>> in vim. In vim you can reformat an entire file with: gg=G - and I find
>>> that
>>> immensely useful. Also the jump to closing brackets/parentheses, and a
>>> lot
>>> of other features, are indispensable.
>>> Brandon
>>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:09 AM, David Eagle 
>>> wrote:
>>>> For me, mountain Lion is much faster, and much more reliable; says me
>>>> who's writing this email on a PC.
>>>> Incidentaly, someone said that selecting text is easier now in
>>>> Mountain Lion. I have a very hard time selecting text in Safari. How
>>>> do people do it? What happens when you want to select a few
>>>> paragraphs?
>>>> And Finally, Brandon: what to you use on the Mac for programming? I am
>>>> trying to find a simple programme like Notepad on the Mac so that I
>>>> can write HTML and XML files.
>>>> On 31/07/2012, Missy Hoppe  wrote:
>>>>> Hi! I was trying to refrain from jumpint in on this topic, but I'm
>>>>> genuinely
>>>>> baffled by the original post and those who
>>>>> supported it. The original post may have reflected my feelings about
>>>>> lion,
>>>>> and I remember being tempted to sell my mac last
>>>>> year because I found lion to be so hateful, but I just made the best
>>>>> of
>>>>> it,
>>>>> knowing that up

Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-07-31 Thread David Eagle
Thanks, I was told about this shortcut before, but I couldn't remember
it. I've checked the help files but I can't see anything about that
shortcut mentioned.

On 31/07/2012, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello David,
> To force a file to download rather than play, hold down the Option key and
> press Return.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion

2012-08-01 Thread David Eagle
Well thank you very much for all those responses. I will try them
later when I am back on a Mack. I am sure I had all the plain text
options selected in Text Edit but I'll try again and check. I did
spend a few hours getting frustrated with these problems yesterday. I
have a list full of things I aim to get achieved by the end of the day
and nearly everyone of those (including some additional tasks) seemed
impossible to achieve on the Mac. However, I consent that I have been
using Windows a lot longer and so have learnt a lot more on Windows
than a Mac. I'll report on my findings later this evening.

On 01/08/2012, Chris Moore  wrote:
> You don't have to do all that press return stuff, just simply use the arrow
> keys and shift, that is how it is done in mountain lion.  You can also do a
> special paste in text edit by pressing command option shift and v which will
> match the current style.
> On 1 Aug 2012, at 00:13, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> For selecting text, try interacting with said text first. then pressing
>> vo+enter and it will say: "start selecting." You can navigate word by
>> word, or however you choose to do it, and press vo+enter when you've
>> finished selecting, and vo will say: "Stop selecting." Press command+C to
>> copy the text, and paste it where you would like with command+V.
>> Rachel
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:14 AM, David Eagle 
>> wrote:
>>> pressing shift and the arrow keys does absolutely nothing, and it
>>> never has for me. And Text Edit is too convoluted for what I want it
>>> to do. If I want to to just copy the text in a webpage in windows,
>>> then I will just select what I want and then paste it into notepad. If
>>> I do this in Text Edit then it inserts all the formatting of the page
>>> including links, making it impossible to just save as a text file.
>>> Also, when you choose View Source for a website in windows, it is
>>> accessible, but seemingly this is not the case on a Mac. This is one
>>> of the reasons I don't think I'll ever fully use a Mac.
>>> I am currently struggling to download a file, because when I VO Space
>>> on it, it opens the MP3 file and starts playing it. If I VO Shift and
>>> M, then it doesn't give me a download option; it only gives me options
>>> like 'print page'. And to think I was being  complimentary about the
>>> mac earlier. Then again I was on a PC at the time.
>>> Right I'm off to try and find out the keyboard shortcut for forcing
>>> errant Macs to download a file.
>>> On 31/07/2012, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>>>> I use primarily vim to program. Just regular vim (I don't like macvim
>>>> as
>>>> much). If I want to do something real quickly, I use TextEdit.
>>>> Sometimes
>>>> I'll write something in TextEdit and then reformat it for indenting and
>>>> such
>>>> in vim. In vim you can reformat an entire file with: gg=G - and I find
>>>> that
>>>> immensely useful. Also the jump to closing brackets/parentheses, and a
>>>> lot
>>>> of other features, are indispensable.
>>>> Brandon
>>>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:09 AM, David Eagle 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> For me, mountain Lion is much faster, and much more reliable; says me
>>>>> who's writing this email on a PC.
>>>>> Incidentaly, someone said that selecting text is easier now in
>>>>> Mountain Lion. I have a very hard time selecting text in Safari. How
>>>>> do people do it? What happens when you want to select a few
>>>>> paragraphs?
>>>>> And Finally, Brandon: what to you use on the Mac for programming? I am
>>>>> trying to find a simple programme like Notepad on the Mac so that I
>>>>> can write HTML and XML files.
>>>>> On 31/07/2012, Missy Hoppe  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi! I was trying to refrain from jumpint in on this topic, but I'm
>>>>>> genuinely
>>>>>> baffled by the original post and those who
>>>>>> supported it. The original post may have reflected my feelings about
>>>>>> lion,
>>>>>> and I remember being tempted to sell my mac last
>>>>>> year because I found lion to be so hateful, but I just made the best
>>>>>> of

Re: Fleksy

2012-08-18 Thread David Eagle
Fleksy is brilliant. It should be built into ios. For the first time since 
getting my iPhone, I feel happy about sending lots of text messages and longer 
emails. I can also now text when I am walking or out in busy environments. It 
is so much quicker and takes much less concentration than the standard on 
screen method. 
It cost me e£10. 48 when I bought it from within the app. Well worth it though. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Aug 2012, at 03:52, "Christina C."  wrote:

> I just purchased it for $4.99.  Yay!  At least, that' what I think.  When I 
> went through the in app purchase process it asked me if I was sure I wanted 
> to buy it for $4.99.  I was passing this along in case someone one was 
> wondering if it  is still $4.99 through the in app purchase.
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Tammy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Oh I forgot about that.  I haven't seen the app since I bought it awhile 
>> back.  Nice they have a demo now.  It's a great app!
>> Tammy
>> -Original Message- From: Taylor Scott
>> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:09 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Fleksy
>> Yes, you can now test the app for free, and if you want the full
>> version it is now an in app purchase.
>> On 8/17/12, wayne coles  wrote:
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Shen
>>> Sent: 17 August 2012 22:49
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Fleksy
>>> FYI,
>>> Fleksy is in the App Store for $4.99. Don't know how long this will last.
>>> --
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How to delete messages in my mail on my iPhone

2011-11-15 Thread David Eagle
Hello everyone, I have recently purchased an iPhone and I must say things are 
going very well. I find it all very intuitive, in fact I'm dictating this 
message to Siri so hopefully there are not too many errors. Anyway, one thing 
that I haven't worked out how to do yet is how to delete messages in mail. Any 
ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: How to delete messages in my mail on my iPhone

2011-11-15 Thread David Eagle
Thank you Greg, that was very helpful. And very easy to do. However, there was 
not a delete option but by selecting the move I could then send the message or 
messages to the deleted items folder. Thanks again

Sent from my iPhone

On 15 Nov 2011, at 16:15, Greg Aikens  wrote:

> There is an edit button towards the top right of the mail display.  Double 
> tap Edit and then double tap the messages you want to delete.  You will 
> notice that as you move through your messages they will be read as selected 
> or unselected.  When you are done selecting everything you want to delete, go 
> to the bottom of the screen.  There are several choices, such as move etc. 
> but the one you want is delete.  Hope this helps.  
> -Greg
> On Nov 15, 2011, at 9:53 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I have recently purchased an iPhone and I must say things 
>> are going very well. I find it all very intuitive, in fact I'm dictating 
>> this message to Siri so hopefully there are not too many errors. Anyway, one 
>> thing that I haven't worked out how to do yet is how to delete messages in 
>> mail. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Facebook

2011-11-15 Thread David Eagle
Facebook mobile works fine on my windows computer so for some reason it's to do 
with the using Facebook on the Mac. Very strange.

I've tried contacting face book before and it was very challenging. 

The mobile site was working on my Mac a couple of months ago, but I haven't 
used it since then.

On 15 Nov 2011, at 16:56, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> Yes, the mobile version of Facebook is very accessible.
> Even the main site used to work very well until Facebook decided to change 
> its interface.
> The problem with the main site is that they constantly keep making 
> unnecessary changes to it.
> Even sighted people don't like most of those ridiculous changes. 
> So, I mostly use the mobile site.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Re: FaceBook iphone replacement app

2012-01-01 Thread David Eagle
Hi, happy New Year. I've been using the Facebook app on the iPhone for over a 
week now with no problems. What is inaccessible about it?

Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Dec 2011, at 19:20, Ed Worrell  wrote:

> Hello listers, I have found a really great app to replace the Facebook crap 
> of an app. The app is called Facedekk it is made by Taknology, you can search 
> for either of these and find it in the app store. I don't know if it is in 
> all the app stores I live in the United States. It is a great app the 
> developers have made it fully accessible with VO, not sure if this was 
> intentional but it is great anyway, It does everything the Facebook app is 
> supposed to do. The only thing that I have found that doesn't work is the 
> settings section of the app, I did send a email to the developer to see if 
> they would fix this issue, and to see if they would add push notifications to 
> the app. The app even uses the Vo gestures to back to the previous page which 
> I missed greatly on the Facebook app. It is a all around well done app. There 
> is two versions of the app one that is $.99 and that is free, I have 
> purchesed the paid version. 
> Enjoy,
> Ed
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Re: FaceBook iphone replacement app

2012-01-03 Thread David Eagle
Hi, I downloaded the Facebook App from the Ap store on December 23rd
and it worksfine. I'm using an IPhone 4S with IOS5 andVoice Over.

On 02/01/2012, Paul Hunt  wrote:
> I don't understand how items are sorted in Newsfeed in the app. I would like
> them sorted by date most recent first. How can I make this happen?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Been using facebook for iphone app since i got my iphone which is end
>> of 2010 and found it pretty accessible. Yes, it can be better, but i'm
>> not aware of any inaccessible issue at all. sometime it plays up,
>> particularly when we upgreat from IOS4 to IOS5. but soon after,
>> facebook did another update on their app, now its all right. not 100%
>> perhaps, but i would say i can do 90% of the tasks without any major
>> issue.
>> Cheers
>> J
>> On 02/01/2012, CHUCK REICHEL  wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> Happy New Year Also!
>>> Its Probably that "inaccessible" "Garget Note Feature" they are talking
>>> about! ;)
>>> Talk soon
>>> 954-742-0019
>>> In GOD I Trust
>>> On Jan 1, 2012, at 6:27 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>>>> Hi, happy New Year. I've been using the Facebook app on the iPhone for
>>>> over a week now with no problems. What is inaccessible about it?
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 31 Dec 2011, at 19:20, Ed Worrell  wrote:
>>>>> Hello listers, I have found a really great app to replace the Facebook
>>>>> crap of an app. The app is called Facedekk it is made by Taknology, you
>>>>> can search for either of these and find it in the app store. I don't
>>>>> know
>>>>> if it is in all the app stores I live in the United States. It is a
>>>>> great
>>>>> app the developers have made it fully accessible with VO, not sure if
>>>>> this was intentional but it is great anyway, It does everything the
>>>>> Facebook app is supposed to do. The only thing that I have found that
>>>>> doesn't work is the settings section of the app, I did send a email to
>>>>> the developer to see if they would fix this issue, and to see if they
>>>>> would add push notifications to the app. The app even uses the Vo
>>>>> gestures to back to the previous page which I missed greatly on the
>>>>> Facebook app. It is a all around well done app. There is two versions
>>>>> of
>>>>> the app one that is $.99 and that is free, I have purchesed the paid
>>>>> version.
>>>>> Enjoy,
>>>>> Ed
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>>> In GOD I Trust
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Re: website builders?

2012-02-24 Thread David Eagle
I use Joomla! at work which is a free open source Content management
system. It should be pretty easy to create a simple website for your
needs using that. I'd be happy to help you out if you want to talk
about it over Skype. We can arrange a time to talk if you want any

On 24/02/2012, Philippa Woodcraft  wrote:
> i gather iWeb is not around now. does anyone have a reckomendation of an
> accessible web design/building ap? i'm trying to build a site for my parents
> holiday home with info, price list, dates booked etc. i no hardly anything
> about HTML etc. many thanks.
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Re: website builders?

2012-02-25 Thread David Eagle
My skype ID is deagle912

Email me privately if you like with any questions.

I am by no means an expert, but I'm sure I can offer some useful pointers. It 
is very accessible.

Good luck.
Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Feb 2012, at 19:34, Philippa Woodcraft  

> thank you so much! i'll take you up on that if i get stuck, and i'm
> sure i will :-)
> On Feb 24, 2:51 pm, David Eagle  wrote:
>> I use Joomla! at work which is a free open source Content management
>> system. It should be pretty easy to create a simple website for your
>> needs using that. I'd be happy to help you out if you want to talk
>> about it over Skype. We can arrange a time to talk if you want any
>> help.
>> On 24/02/2012, Philippa Woodcraft  wrote:
>>> i gather iWeb is not around now. does anyone have a reckomendation of an
>>> accessible web design/building ap? i'm trying to build a site for my parents
>>> holiday home with info, price list, dates booked etc. i no hardly anything
>>> about HTML etc. many thanks.
>>> --
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Re: ciberduck

2014-09-24 Thread David Eagle
Hi John, I haven't found the clunky at all. To open the folder you want 
interact with it using Control option shift down arrow and then control option 
space to open the folder. Voice over will announce that the folder is expanded 
you can then stop interacting with it, using control option shift up arrow and 
then down arrow through the files in that folder. The only thing I find a bit 
clunky is that you don't get a list of folders at the top, and then files 
underneath, but this is a standard Mac thing rather than the way cyber duck 
works. I suppose you could probably change the option in view. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 23 Sep 2014, at 22:33, Jean  wrote:
> Hi:
> I downloaded ciber duck.  So far, everything is doable although clunky.  The 
> main thing I can't figure out is looking inside of folders on the remote 
> site.  So, I can see the name of the folder but not the files one layer below.
> Any suggestions?
> Jean
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Re: VO and lag on Yosemite

2014-10-19 Thread David Eagle
Well I'm not getting any lag whatsoever. If nything, it seems more responsive. 
I'm using the Daniel Nuance voice. I'm running a 2011 MacBook Pro. However, I 
do have 8 gig of ram I think. 
> On 20 Oct 2014, at 01:25, David Griffith  wrote:
> What is  the spec of your machine with this lag?
> So far observing posts on list  the people who have reported lag and specs 
> appear to have 4GB machines. I have a 2011 iMac but 16 GB so am hoping that 
> the lag will not be so much of an issue if I make the leap.
> David Griffith   
> On 20 Oct 2014, at 01:02, Vic>> 
> wrote:
>> I clean-installed Yosemite and this seems to have improved VoiceOver 
>> response somewhat, but there's still the feeling of pushing the stone up the 
>> mountain when typing or navigating with VoiceOver. Interestingly enough, 
>> with a Braille display connected, you definitely see how much faster the 
>> text appears there as compared to Alex speaking it.
>> On Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:26:43 AM UTC-7, Christopher Hallsworth 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all 
>> I can tell you that during the developer previews and public betas the 
>> lag has been always there somewhat. I did both a clean install and an 
>> update on a secondary partition on my internal disk with the same 
>> results. This was on a late 2011 Macbook Pro 13 with 4 GB of RAM. It's 
>> tolerable but do sympathize with those having a more severe lag than I am. 
>> Sent from my laptop 
>> On 18/10/2014 14:10, Alex Hall wrote: 
>> > I've heard one or two reports of a clean install making the lag 
>> > considerably worse, which is something I've never heard of a clean install 
>> > doing. For my part, the lag with Alex is there but tolerable, while the 
>> > lag with Nuance voices is ridiculous. I have no activities, and I'm on a 
>> > 2012 MacBook Air, 4GB ram, 1.7GhZ I5 processor. 
>> >> On Oct 18, 2014, at 7:40 AM, David Griffith > >> > wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> When  I moved from Mountain Lion to Mavericks I noticed a big improvement 
>> >> once I had made a clean install 
>> >> . This may assist you as well this time and also you may want to look to 
>> >> make sure you do not have activities running just in case this is an 
>> >> issue for Yosemite as well. 
>> >> When I move to Yosemite I will probably attempt an upgrade but will then 
>> >> probably do a clean install  later if there are any performance issue.   
>> >> That  process appeared to work well then with all my apps etc being taken 
>> >> across from myTime Machine. 
>> >> 
>> >> David Griffith 
>> >> On 18 Oct 2014, at 00:32, Faisal  
>> >> > wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >>> yes, i did it but nothing happens 
>>  On 18 Oct 2014, at 08:22, Maria and Joe Chapman >   > wrote: 
>>  Hi.  have you tried repairing permissions and has this made any 
>>  difference? 
>>  thanks ? 
>>  Blessings! 
>>  maria and Joe chapman 
>>  >  > 
>>  On 18 Oct 2014, at 12:28 pm, Dionipher Herrera >   > wrote: 
>> > yes me too, and i hate it. 
>> >> On 18 Oct 2014, at 01:32, Faisal  
>> >> > wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> Hi all, 
>> >> so I took the plunge and installed Yosemite. I'm noticing a definite 
>> >> lag with voice over. Is anyone else noticing this as well? 
>> >> I'm using Alex 
>> >> Thanks 
>> >> 
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Re: osx 10.10

2014-10-19 Thread David Eagle
I'm confused. I'm having no problems whatsoever using the new operating system. 
Everything is responsive, and I've noticed no bugs so far. I'm not sure why 
poor Pam is having such a rough time with this update, because everything is 
working flawlessly for me. Sorry to rub it in Pam. 
> On 20 Oct 2014, at 01:53, Pamela Francis  wrote:
> I don't make a statement like that unless I can back it up. I will write you 
> off list. Will not be tonight, I have to get my ducks in a row before I can 
> send them to you.
> I guarantee you, it won't matter. As much as we would like to think they do 
> they truly don't care anymore. Why can't something be bug free if someone is 
> concerned about quality over quantity? Apple has always been known for being 
> a premium piece of equipment with excellent service and few flaws. That is no 
> longer the case.
> Pam Francis
>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 7:40 PM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:
>> waited
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Re: BBC Iplayer and Voiceover

2011-07-10 Thread David Eagle
I can't see how anyone can access the Iplayer since it relies on Flash
which seems to be undetectable by Voice-Over. I always use my windows
computer for the IPlayer. I contacted the bBC about this and their
email didn't suggest that they would be moving from Flash any time
soon although there are experiments taking place with HTML5 which
works fine with VO.

How on earth do you access the iplayer for radio? That's Flash too and
works exactly the same way as the TV IPlayer, unless there's another
IPlayer link that I'm missing from the usual

On 09/07/2011, Scota Bess  wrote:
> Hi all
> I have never been able to work the TV Iplayer, radio no problem. I
> know there's a great big button in the middle of the screen you are
> supposed to click on, but I can't see it and I can't see how I can get
> Voiceover to find it.
> I searched this site and found a reference to someone with a similar
> problem some time ago, but couldn't seem to see if there had been any
> resolution to this. Most replies said they had no problem with it.
> Best
> Adrienne
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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread David Eagle
It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
reason why I still use both Mac and windows.

On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that
> Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
>> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
>> for apple support, you are correct.
>> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
>> US ADA and you might have legal recourse.
>> -Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
>>> major closed door?
>>> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
>>> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
>>> their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
>>> company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
>>> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
>>> that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
>>> thanks,
>>> Karen
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Re: Spotify not accessible on Snow Leopard

2011-07-29 Thread David Eagle
I downloaded spotify for the Mac and foudn it completely inaccessible.
It had been a little accessible on windows . But then I tried it on
windows. Spotify updated itself and became completely inaccessible on
windows. I use Napster using the web interface on the Mac which is
more or less accessible, apart from the volume slider which voice-over
doesn't see.

On 29/07/2011, David Hole  wrote:
> Hi again.
> When I select an artist, and press play, it plays all the songs thats
> listed, so I'm not sure what you're doing wrong.
> One of the purposes of Spotify is playlists. Make a playlist of the
> songs you want, and then ith shall play.
> Hope that helps.
> -David
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 07:04, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> I had the chance to check that out by choosing an artist that I know I
>> don't have any of in my personal collection. And yes, you're right.
>>  Next question is, how do I set it up so that all the tunes that I
>> find under an artist get played in a row instead of one at a time?  I
>> heard one song followed by an ad.  I don't care about the commercials,
>> but I would like to hear several songs in a row commercials are not. I
>> don't want to have to press the play button for each song.
>> --
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Re: Blogging

2013-06-12 Thread David Eagle
Hi, I just use wordpress either the website or IPhone app version. I
don't use Marsedit or anything like that. If you know basic html then
it's really easy to quickly do things like add links, headings and
bullets, even images. As for getting followers, Twitter is more the
thing for doing that. Let me know if you've got any specific
questions. I don't use Audio Boo or Goodreads.

On 12/06/2013, Devin Prater  wrote:
> Isn't marsedit like $40 though?
> Sent from my iPod
> On Jun 12, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Mike  wrote:
>> How come you don't just write the HTML in Mars Edit? Holding control,
>> shift, and pressing T will change between rich text and html.
>> Or is there a benefit to doing it the other way.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 12, 2013, at 6:22 AM, Nicholas Parsons
>>  wrote:
>>> I also like Mars Edit. It's much easier than using the web app in my
>>> opinion. I also use MultiMarkdown Composer II. I write my articles in
>>> MultiMarkdown Composer II and then copy and paste the HTML into Mars
>>> Edit, tweak it and then post to my WordPress blog. Nice and easy.
>>> --
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David Eagle


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Re: Observation about NAVIGON

2013-07-16 Thread David Eagle
 you definitely get turned Byturn instructions when in pedestrian mode. You 
have to activate it in options. Go to options, settings, root, then double tap 
on the pedestrian setting and select the pedestrian with spoken announcements 

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Jul 2013, at 13:13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> I am wondering if anyone else has noticed what I have noticed about Navigon, 
> or maybe someone has said something about this and I missed it back there. 
> Whenever I choose either pedestrian mode or public transportation mode, I 
> don't get turn-by-turn directions. Is this sighted friendly program assuming 
> that because you are not driving that you don't need turn-by-turn directions? 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Re: Observation about NAVIGON

2013-07-17 Thread David Eagle
It is brilliant. I have used it around London, zooming around the centre of the 
city with the phone in my pocket and the instructions being told to me through 
my earphones. Very accurate.

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Jul 2013, at 22:57, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Thanks David
> I changed it, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 16, 2013, at 8:29 AM, David Eagle  wrote:
>> you definitely get turned Byturn instructions when in pedestrian mode. You 
>> have to activate it in options. Go to options, settings, root, then double 
>> tap on the pedestrian setting and select the pedestrian with spoken 
>> announcements option.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 16 Jul 2013, at 13:13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> I am wondering if anyone else has noticed what I have noticed about 
>>> Navigon, or maybe someone has said something about this and I missed it 
>>> back there. Whenever I choose either pedestrian mode or public 
>>> transportation mode, I don't get turn-by-turn directions. Is this sighted 
>>> friendly program assuming that because you are not driving that you don't 
>>> need turn-by-turn directions? 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> -- 
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Re: Review: The Limeade 18000 MAH battery pack: a lot of power for the money

2013-08-16 Thread David Eagle
EBrilliant Scott, coincidentally, I just found out about these things this week 
and have been considering options, so this review was perfect timing. Thanks 
very much. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Aug 2013, at 19:04, Scott Davert  wrote:

> below is a review I wrote concerning the product mentioned in the
> subject. I tried to describe it as best I could for those who cannot
> see pictures of it.
> taken from:
> Introduction
> The Limeade line of products come in many different sizes to suit your
> needs. They have a few packs, ranging in size from the $25 5000 MAH
> battery pack to the $99 18 MAH battery pack. You can look at all the
> different models to compare for yourself by searching Amazon for
> Limeade. This specific review only covers the 18 MAH version. The
> higher the number, the more it costs, but also the larger the device
> and more juice you get to power your devices.
> Description
> The 18000 MAH version of this pack measures 4.9 x 3.1 x 0.9 inches and
> weighs 13 ounces. TO give an idea of how that compares to other
> devices, it's about as long as my iPhone 5, is slightly wider than the
> iPhone 5, and is about 2 times as thick. There is only 1 button on the
> device, which can be found on the side of the battery pack. It is
> located closest to the micro USB port. When you orient the button so
> that it is on the left side and is closest to you, all other functions
> are on the front of the pack. The button you never need to use, as the
> device auto turns on and off when something is connected and
> disconnected from it. Pressing the power button once will cause the
> LED to briefly flash to indicate the amount of power the pack has
> remaining. Pressing it twice rather quickly will turn on the
> flashlight. Pressing it again twice will turn this off. . As indicated
> previously, the micro USB port is located on the left front of the
> unit. next to that, you'll find the LED light, which doubles as a
> flashlight and battery power indicator. To the right of that, you will
> find 2 USB ports which, yes, will allow you to charge 2 devices at the
> same time. Next to the LED light is a 1 AMP USB port, which works fine
> for iPhones and other accessories with smaller batteries, and to the
> right of that is a 2.1 amp USB port. This is most suitable for
> charging tablets and other accessories that have larger batteries. You
> can charge iPhones and other acessories with either port, but you must
> charge tablets with the 2.1 amp port. I didn’t notice much of a
> difference in speed when charging my iPhone 5 with the 2.1 amp port
> versus the 1 amp.
> What's in the box.
> In the box is the battery pack itself, along with a USB cable which
> has a standard USB connector to plug in to the pack, and then the
> other end doubles as a micro USB connector or 30-pin Apple connector,
> which Apple used up until last year for all of its devices. You simply
> move the 30-pin connector out of the way when you wish to use the
> Micro USB cord.
> Operation and impressions
> One of the biggest concerns I had with this pack was the flashlight
> feature. The button seems hard to bump, and would take 2 fairly quick
> bumps to activate, so this doesn't really bother me as I thought it
> would. The lack of an accessible way for me to check the power
> available kind of stinks, but it pretty much comes with the territory,
> unless you want to shell out the same amount of money for a battery
> pack which talks, but only has 1/3 of the capacity. I have charged my
> iPhone with this device 4 times, this includes the case with the
> additional battery, and the Limeade has still not gone dead. From
> reading reviews, it appears as though the battery pack takes about
> 12-14 hours to charge completely, so I'll do that once the pack goes
> dead, which will probably be soon.
> One of the nice things about this pack is that I don't have to worry
> about fiddling with the button on the side. It has an auto turn on and
> turn off feature which works whenever you connect or disconnect a
> device being charged. I've carried this device in my pocket, but it
> was a bit hefty to carry around, as there was no room for anything
> else in that pocket, so I usually kept it at home or in my office in
> my bag.
> One of the draw-back to the Limeade line of products is that they do
> not come with a wall charger, but you can use the included cable to
> charge from your computer, or use a wall power supply of your own to
> charge the device. I wish a wall charger had been included, but I have
> several laying around, so it wasn't a big deal. It also did not come
> with a lightning connector, also not a big deal, as I can simply use
> the USB cable that came with my phone, but it's something the user
> should be aware of when purchasing the product.
> Concluding remarks
> This device seems to work very well. There are a coupl


2013-09-05 Thread David Eagle
Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect,
primarily due to my PC breaking.
I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the experience.
However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work quite a bit with
FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use terminal, but I can't
find a place to enter a password. I can find username and host but no
password field. I have selected ftp in the services list. Any help with
terminal for FTP would be very much appreciated. I tried filezilla, which
works brilliantly on the PC and is fully accessible on the PC, but sadly
this is fully inaccessible on the mac.


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2013-09-06 Thread David Eagle
Thanks everyone, I shall try these suggestions. I have had a little more 
progress in terminal. I have selected FTP from the service browser, type in FTP 
before my domain. And my username. And have now managed to connect, although it 
still does not ask me for a password nor do I get any further instructions 
about how I can actually access the files and folders on the site. Any ideas 
regarding terminal? I shall try these other options also.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Sep 2013, at 18:45, Edward Green  wrote:

> Hi,
> I like Cyberduck, though as Alex says, you're better off finding it online 
> rather than paying for it in the app store.  The online version of the 
> program encourages you to donate when you quit, but obviously you can either 
> ignore this or choose how much you donate.
> Cheers,
> Ed
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 14:20, Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>> Transmit is in the app store as well and its a bit cheeper if you by it from 
>> there.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 5 Sep 2013, at 5:59 am, Mike  wrote:
>>> I use  transit every day and really like it. You get a week long free trial 
>>> or something like that when you first download it but once that expires you 
>>> have to pay around $30.
>>> I know a lot of people cringe at paying $30 for a program but if it's 
>>> something you use a lot it's worth it in my opinion.
>>> Mike m
>>> How to be Blind
>>> Roundtable podcasts, software reviews, accessibility tutorials, and more!
>>> On Sep 5, 2013, at 7:24 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys!
>>>> I do not use them myself but people have talked about Transmit so if you 
>>>> can use the archive's you could maybe find out more!
>>>> HTH Colin
>>>> On 5 Sep 2013, at 12:45, "Jed Barton"  wrote:
>>>>> Hey Dave,
>>>>> I’m looking for something like that as well.  Can you let me know if you 
>>>>> find anything?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jed
>>>>> From: 
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of David Eagle
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:38 AM
>>>>> To: macvisionaries
>>>>> Subject: FTP
>>>>> Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect, 
>>>>> primarily due to my PC breaking. 
>>>>> I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the 
>>>>> experience. However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work 
>>>>> quite a bit with FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use 
>>>>> terminal, but I can't find a place to enter a password. I can find 
>>>>> username and host but no password field. I have selected ftp in the 
>>>>> services list. Any help with terminal for FTP would be very much 
>>>>> appreciated. I tried filezilla, which works brilliantly on the PC and is 
>>>>> fully accessible on the PC, but sadly this is fully inaccessible on the 
>>>>> mac. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> -- 
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2013-09-06 Thread David Eagle
Hi, cyber duck seems to work perfectly. Definitely worth a donnish in. By the 
way, the Mac seems to group files and folders together unlike windows which 
puts the folders first. Is there any way of changing this as it can be a little 
irksome. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Sep 2013, at 18:45, Edward Green  wrote:

> Hi,
> I like Cyberduck, though as Alex says, you're better off finding it online 
> rather than paying for it in the app store.  The online version of the 
> program encourages you to donate when you quit, but obviously you can either 
> ignore this or choose how much you donate.
> Cheers,
> Ed
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 14:20, Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>> Transmit is in the app store as well and its a bit cheeper if you by it from 
>> there.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 5 Sep 2013, at 5:59 am, Mike  wrote:
>>> I use  transit every day and really like it. You get a week long free trial 
>>> or something like that when you first download it but once that expires you 
>>> have to pay around $30.
>>> I know a lot of people cringe at paying $30 for a program but if it's 
>>> something you use a lot it's worth it in my opinion.
>>> Mike m
>>> How to be Blind
>>> Roundtable podcasts, software reviews, accessibility tutorials, and more!
>>> On Sep 5, 2013, at 7:24 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi guys!
>>>> I do not use them myself but people have talked about Transmit so if you 
>>>> can use the archive's you could maybe find out more!
>>>> HTH Colin
>>>> On 5 Sep 2013, at 12:45, "Jed Barton"  wrote:
>>>>> Hey Dave,
>>>>> I’m looking for something like that as well.  Can you let me know if you 
>>>>> find anything?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jed
>>>>> From: 
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of David Eagle
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:38 AM
>>>>> To: macvisionaries
>>>>> Subject: FTP
>>>>> Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect, 
>>>>> primarily due to my PC breaking. 
>>>>> I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the 
>>>>> experience. However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work 
>>>>> quite a bit with FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use 
>>>>> terminal, but I can't find a place to enter a password. I can find 
>>>>> username and host but no password field. I have selected ftp in the 
>>>>> services list. Any help with terminal for FTP would be very much 
>>>>> appreciated. I tried filezilla, which works brilliantly on the PC and is 
>>>>> fully accessible on the PC, but sadly this is fully inaccessible on the 
>>>>> mac. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> -- 
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2013-09-06 Thread David Eagle
Thanks Georgina. I think I'm going to go with cyber duck for the time being. I 
tried to type the password in terminal but it gave me a login failed 
notification. Nevermind, I'm sure I can work it out if I really need to, but 
Cyberduck seems like the way forward for FTP for me. Combine this with FTP 
Sprite on the iPhone and I am now able to access FTP wherever I am. Thanks for 
all your help.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Sep 2013, at 18:55, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello,
> The terminal doesn't provide a password field as you are imagining. 
> Basically, you type text at the command prompt and the machine responds. 
> Scrolling text up the screen. Many programs and commands have man pages. They 
> give all the available options so can look daunting. If you run terminal and 
> type man ftp then press the enter key. The man page for ftp will appear. Use 
> VO + up arrow and down to read the page. Press 'q' to quit the man page. A 
> quick look at it suggests you could type:
> ftp
> This is just one option. Providing you know your username and password, host 
> url and any required port information. You can string it together and get it 
> done. If you use the same site and same activity you can automate the 
> process.  If you get the right structure but not specified the password. It 
> will prompt you to type it. There's no edit field, it's just there at the 
> prompt. Just type your password and press the enter key, so the machine knows 
> that you have finished.
> Be aware, that the flags are case sensitive. Thus -p is different to -P.
> Good luck.
> Gena
> Georgina Joyce
> Applied Psychologist
> Training and Coaching.
> Because individuals of groups matter!
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 11:38, David Eagle  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect, 
>> primarily due to my PC breaking. 
>> I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the experience. 
>> However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work quite a bit with 
>> FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use terminal, but I can't 
>> find a place to enter a password. I can find username and host but no 
>> password field. I have selected ftp in the services list. Any help with 
>> terminal for FTP would be very much appreciated. I tried filezilla, which 
>> works brilliantly on the PC and is fully accessible on the PC, but sadly 
>> this is fully inaccessible on the mac. 
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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2013-09-06 Thread David Eagle
Well I have had a Mac for two years this month, and this week has been an 
revelation. I think I can do more or less everything I used to do on the 
windows machine. Its taken two years, but I think I am becoming a convert of 
sorts. Thanks for all your help friends. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Sep 2013, at 18:55, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello,
> The terminal doesn't provide a password field as you are imagining. 
> Basically, you type text at the command prompt and the machine responds. 
> Scrolling text up the screen. Many programs and commands have man pages. They 
> give all the available options so can look daunting. If you run terminal and 
> type man ftp then press the enter key. The man page for ftp will appear. Use 
> VO + up arrow and down to read the page. Press 'q' to quit the man page. A 
> quick look at it suggests you could type:
> ftp
> This is just one option. Providing you know your username and password, host 
> url and any required port information. You can string it together and get it 
> done. If you use the same site and same activity you can automate the 
> process.  If you get the right structure but not specified the password. It 
> will prompt you to type it. There's no edit field, it's just there at the 
> prompt. Just type your password and press the enter key, so the machine knows 
> that you have finished.
> Be aware, that the flags are case sensitive. Thus -p is different to -P.
> Good luck.
> Gena
> Georgina Joyce
> Applied Psychologist
> Training and Coaching.
> Because individuals of groups matter!
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 11:38, David Eagle  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect, 
>> primarily due to my PC breaking. 
>> I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the experience. 
>> However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work quite a bit with 
>> FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use terminal, but I can't 
>> find a place to enter a password. I can find username and host but no 
>> password field. I have selected ftp in the services list. Any help with 
>> terminal for FTP would be very much appreciated. I tried filezilla, which 
>> works brilliantly on the PC and is fully accessible on the PC, but sadly 
>> this is fully inaccessible on the mac. 
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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2013-09-08 Thread David Eagle
Hi everyone, seeing how I'm on such a roll with the mac at the moment, I
thought I'd try Garageband out. I have got ProTools, but I don't have my
ILok with me at the moment so I thought I'd give Garageband a shot to do
some basic editing. But I am completely clueless about what to do? I'm just
trying to edit some audio, but it's proving impossible. I can't even insert
audio into a track. In fact, I can't even find any tracks to insert audio
into. When I try and create a new track, I only have options to create an
instrument track. But I just want a basic audio track. I can locate the
media browser and find files, but then I can't do anything with the file
apart from play it from within the media browser. So I wondered whether
there was an introduction to Garageband with Voice Over podcast out there.
I found a website with some podcasts from Ricardo Walker, but the domain
was no longer available.

Any ideas would be very welcome. Thanks.

David Eagle


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Re: Garageband

2013-09-09 Thread David Eagle
Brilliant Mike, I'll give these a look.

On 9 September 2013 00:35, Mike  wrote:

> Hi David,
> I have some GarageBand tutorials on the website that I am working on. The
> link is below and I hope the answer your questions.
> Mike m
> How to be Blind
> Roundtable podcasts, software reviews, accessibility tutorials, and more!
> On Sep 8, 2013, at 12:48 PM, David Eagle 
> wrote:
> Hi everyone, seeing how I'm on such a roll with the mac at the moment, I
> thought I'd try Garageband out. I have got ProTools, but I don't have my
> ILok with me at the moment so I thought I'd give Garageband a shot to do
> some basic editing. But I am completely clueless about what to do? I'm just
> trying to edit some audio, but it's proving impossible. I can't even insert
> audio into a track. In fact, I can't even find any tracks to insert audio
> into. When I try and create a new track, I only have options to create an
> instrument track. But I just want a basic audio track. I can locate the
> media browser and find files, but then I can't do anything with the file
> apart from play it from within the media browser. So I wondered whether
> there was an introduction to Garageband with Voice Over podcast out there.
> I found a website with some podcasts from Ricardo Walker, but the domain
> was no longer available.
> Any ideas would be very welcome. Thanks.
> --
> David Eagle
> Website:
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David Eagle


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Word processor

2013-09-14 Thread David Eagle
Hi, what word processors are people using on the mac. I just need something
to allow me to insert headings and hyperlinks. I'm using IAWriter which is
great and allows me to do mark down (although I can't find the number key
on my apple keyboard). What are you all using out there? Thanks.

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Re: Word processor

2013-09-15 Thread David Eagle
Hi Alex, thanks. Yes, I have heard some bad reports about pages for the Mac. 
Text edit does hyperlinks but does not allow me to insert headings. I shall 
explore options today, as I need to send articles off to publishers and 
currently only have my Mac with me.

Sent from my iPhone

On 15 Sep 2013, at 12:07, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I just use Text Edit and save everything as RTF. I don't know if it
> will do headings, but links should work just fine. Pages is also an
> option, though I find it to be very tedious to work with.
> On 9/14/13, David Eagle  wrote:
>> Hi, what word processors are people using on the mac. I just need something
>> to allow me to insert headings and hyperlinks. I'm using IAWriter which is
>> great and allows me to do mark down (although I can't find the number key
>> on my apple keyboard). What are you all using out there? Thanks.
>> --
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Word processor

2013-09-17 Thread David Eagle
Hi Alex, I've used markdown a bit. I'll have to explore it in a bit more
detail. I do use HTML quite a lot on my website. Anyway, I downloaded Pages
and was able to use it, although I was surprised to find that there were
separate areas for header, body and footer. I assumed that it would just
work like Microsoft Word on Windows where you select the text you want to
make a heading and hen apply a heading to it in the menu or with a keyboard
shortcut. I'm a bit confused as to how the headers thing works in Pages?
Any idea?

Thanks for your help.

On 15 September 2013 17:09, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I don't know if this would work in your situation, but have you considered
> Markdown? It lets you basically create basic html but in text format. You
> then render the text and receive an html page. Again, it may not work at
> all, but it might,  I thought I'd mention it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 15, 2013, at 9:49, David  Eagle  wrote:
> > Hi Alex, thanks. Yes, I have heard some bad reports about pages for the
> Mac. Text edit does hyperlinks but does not allow me to insert headings. I
> shall explore options today, as I need to send articles off to publishers
> and currently only have my Mac with me.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On 15 Sep 2013, at 12:07, Alex Hall  wrote:
> >
> >> I just use Text Edit and save everything as RTF. I don't know if it
> >> will do headings, but links should work just fine. Pages is also an
> >> option, though I find it to be very tedious to work with.
> >>
> >> On 9/14/13, David Eagle  wrote:
> >>> Hi, what word processors are people using on the mac. I just need
> something
> >>> to allow me to insert headings and hyperlinks. I'm using IAWriter
> which is
> >>> great and allows me to do mark down (although I can't find the number
> key
> >>> on my apple keyboard). What are you all using out there? Thanks.
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Have a great day,
> >> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> >>
> >>
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David Eagle


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Re: Word processor

2013-09-17 Thread David Eagle
Thanks for that Anne, OK, I've just managed to access the Styles Drawer,
but everything says dimmed and I can't find headings anywhere. Thanks for
helping. I hadn't realised that a header wasn't a heading. Makes sense now
you explain it.

On 17 September 2013 14:07, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello David,
> Headers and Footers in Pages are fields that appear on every printed page
> and should not be confused with headings or footnotes.
> Headings, subheadings, etc are configured in the Styles drawer and you can
> set up to 8 hotkeys for these.
> When you save a template, the configured hotkeys are saved with it.
> I can't explain things with reference to Word as I'm not familiar with
> Word.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 17 Sep 2013, at 14:40, David Eagle  wrote:
> Hi Alex, I've used markdown a bit. I'll have to explore it in a bit more
> detail. I do use HTML quite a lot on my website. Anyway, I downloaded Pages
> and was able to use it, although I was surprised to find that there were
> separate areas for header, body and footer. I assumed that it would just
> work like Microsoft Word on Windows where you select the text you want to
> make a heading and hen apply a heading to it in the menu or with a keyboard
> shortcut. I'm a bit confused as to how the headers thing works in Pages?
> Any idea?
> Thanks for your help.
> On 15 September 2013 17:09, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I don't know if this would work in your situation, but have you
>> considered Markdown? It lets you basically create basic html but in text
>> format. You then render the text and receive an html page. Again, it may
>> not work at all, but it might,  I thought I'd mention it.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 15, 2013, at 9:49, David  Eagle 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Alex, thanks. Yes, I have heard some bad reports about pages for the
>> Mac. Text edit does hyperlinks but does not allow me to insert headings. I
>> shall explore options today, as I need to send articles off to publishers
>> and currently only have my Mac with me.
>> >
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> >
>> > On 15 Sep 2013, at 12:07, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> >
>> >> I just use Text Edit and save everything as RTF. I don't know if it
>> >> will do headings, but links should work just fine. Pages is also an
>> >> option, though I find it to be very tedious to work with.
>> >>
>> >> On 9/14/13, David Eagle  wrote:
>> >>> Hi, what word processors are people using on the mac. I just need
>> something
>> >>> to allow me to insert headings and hyperlinks. I'm using IAWriter
>> which is
>> >>> great and allows me to do mark down (although I can't find the number
>> key
>> >>> on my apple keyboard). What are you all using out there? Thanks.
>> >>>
>> >>> --
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>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Have a great day,
>> >> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> >>
>> >>
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Re: Word processor

2013-09-17 Thread David Eagle
Thanks Anne, that worked great. There only seems to be two heading levels,
but this is fine for me. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be using
a mac for everything, but it's happening. Thanks again for your help.

On 17 September 2013 16:06, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello David,
> First of all, when you open a Pages document, go to the View menu and hide
> everything you can. Also, never use Quick Nav in Pages. Once you have some
> text in your document, press Cmd-Shift-t to show the styles drawer.
> Stop interacting with everything and navigate left past the Toolbar to the
> drawer and interact. Navigate right and interact with the Paragraph styles
> table. There you should find what you're looking for. You set a hotkey by
> getting a contextual menu on the style you want and pressing "h" for
> hotkey. The submenu offers you the available hotkeys which are F1 to F8.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 17 Sep 2013, at 16:47, David Eagle  wrote:
> > Thanks for that Anne, OK, I've just managed to access the Styles Drawer,
> but everything says dimmed and I can't find headings anywhere. Thanks for
> helping. I hadn't realised that a header wasn't a heading. Makes sense now
> you explain it.
> >
> --
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David Eagle


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Re: it's the little things

2013-09-18 Thread David Eagle
The at sign is usually either shift' or shift and the number two

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:43, jean parker  wrote:

> Hello All:
> Just when I think my life in the Applesphere is getting better I encounter a 
> small glitch in operations that leaves me stumped.
> Here are two such befuddlements:
> 1.  If I am in an edit field on the i phone, I am finished typing and want to 
> move on to the next field or whatever, how can I easily extract myself from 
> the field?
> 2.  I have a bluetooth keyboard and can find most of the punctuation.  
> However, try as I might, I cannot find the "@" symbol.  I have the one from 
> Speed Dots, I don't know the name of it but the keyboard functions on these 
> seem to be somewhat standard.  
> Any cures for either of these questions would be much appreciated.
> And, there will be more to come which will also hopefully assist others.
> Many thanks to everyone and I am so grateful for this list!
> Jean
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Re: it's the little things

2013-09-18 Thread David Eagle
The Way to get to the edit field, and away from the keyboard, is to move your 
finger away from the keyboard area, moving it's near the top of the screen. You 
can then flick left or right through the edit fields. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Sep 2013, at 16:43, jean parker  wrote:

> Hello All:
> Just when I think my life in the Applesphere is getting better I encounter a 
> small glitch in operations that leaves me stumped.
> Here are two such befuddlements:
> 1.  If I am in an edit field on the i phone, I am finished typing and want to 
> move on to the next field or whatever, how can I easily extract myself from 
> the field?
> 2.  I have a bluetooth keyboard and can find most of the punctuation.  
> However, try as I might, I cannot find the "@" symbol.  I have the one from 
> Speed Dots, I don't know the name of it but the keyboard functions on these 
> seem to be somewhat standard.  
> Any cures for either of these questions would be much appreciated.
> And, there will be more to come which will also hopefully assist others.
> Many thanks to everyone and I am so grateful for this list!
> Jean
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New IOS and Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

2013-09-19 Thread David Eagle
Hi, is anyone else finding that with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, the control 
key no longer shuts voice over up? I just updated the IOS and not being able to 
shut voice over up and start it talking again is driving me mad. 


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And where on earth have they put the search box in Safari?

2013-09-19 Thread David Eagle
Another thing that's changed seems to be that they've got rid of the search box 
in Safari, so does this mean I now have to access Google by going to 
in the address ifled? Seems a bit of a step backwards.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: And where on earth have they put the search box in Safari?

2013-09-19 Thread David Eagle
Ah, ok. That makes sense. So it's like with the Mac. Maybe it should be labeled 
"address and search button" rather than just "address".

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Sep 2013, at 16:27, Scott Rumery  wrote:
> No you don't. The location bar is now a unified search and url edit field. 
> This means that if you want to perform a web search all that you need to do 
> is type in the location bar and then press Return or Go, I can't remember 
> which one it is. 
> Scott
>> On Sep 19, 2013, at 10:36 AM, David  Eagle  
>> wrote:
>> Another thing that's changed seems to be that they've got rid of the search 
>> box in Safari, so does this mean I now have to access Google by going to 
>> in the address ifled? Seems a bit of a step backwards.
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: New IOS and Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

2013-09-20 Thread David Eagle
Thanks. I looked for it being mentioned on Google, but I didn't see it 
mentioned on any accessibility websites. 
I've mentioned it to apple accessibility and got the usual response about not 
being able to comment on when it can be resolved. But I suppose this is the 
risk you take when you update to the first release of an operating system. 
Still, at least nothing seems to be massively broken in accessibility. H

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Sep 2013, at 20:27, Edward Green  wrote:
> Hi David,
> It's a bug apparently.  Jonathan Mosen mentions it in his "iOS 7 without the 
> Eye" book.
> Cheers,
> Ed
>> On 19 Sep 2013, at 14:57, David  Eagle  wrote:
>> Hi, is anyone else finding that with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard, the 
>> control key no longer shuts voice over up? I just updated the IOS and not 
>> being able to shut voice over up and start it talking again is driving me 
>> mad. 
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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IPhone search in ios7

2013-09-20 Thread David Eagle
Any ideas how we can access the iPhone search now? Obviously the home button no 
longer does it and flicking down with one finger doesn't work for us. Thanks. 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: IPhone search in ios7

2013-09-20 Thread David Eagle
Any ideas how we can access the iPhone search now? Obviously the home button no 
longer does it and flicking down with one finger doesn't work for us. Thanks. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 20 Sep 2013, at 10:46, Lisette  wrote:
> Three finger flick down 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 20/09/2013, at 8:30 pm, David  Eagle  wrote:
>> Any ideas how we can access the iPhone search now? Obviously the home button 
>> no longer does it and flicking down with one finger doesn't work for us. 
>> Thanks. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: spotify accessibility on the mac.

2013-09-25 Thread David Eagle
Sadly not, at least not for the Mac. It is accessible on iPods, iPads and 
iPhones. Contact them using the links provided on the website and let them know 
about inaccessibility on the Mac. I have done this if you times over the last 
few years, and each time their response has been along the lines of: "we are 
always looking to incorporate new features into our service". But the more 
people message them about this, the more likely we are to get a positive 
result. I am going to respond to their email later today.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Sep 2013, at 22:29, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
> Hi list.
> Today, I was very excited to learn that spottify started to be also available 
> here in Greece. 
> So, I signed up, downloaded the spottify client only to discover that it is 
> almost totally inaccessible. 
> Then, I tried the web player, but no matter what I do, I can't get any sound 
> out of it. 
> Is there any work around for blind mac users to access Spotify? 
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Nektarios.
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Re: spotify accessibility on the mac.

2013-09-25 Thread David Eagle
The reason the web player doesn't work by the way, is because it uses flash, 
which isn't directly accessible for with voice-over on the Mac. You might be 
able to get some very basic functionality with playing music on Spotify web 
player, if you download flash. This might just let you play a song, but will 
not let you skip through the song 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Sep 2013, at 22:29, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
> Hi list.
> Today, I was very excited to learn that spottify started to be also available 
> here in Greece. 
> So, I signed up, downloaded the spottify client only to discover that it is 
> almost totally inaccessible. 
> Then, I tried the web player, but no matter what I do, I can't get any sound 
> out of it. 
> Is there any work around for blind mac users to access Spotify? 
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Nektarios.
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Re: CyberDuck FTP Questions

2014-12-19 Thread David Eagle
I've been using it for the last two years, and have found it to be fully 
accessible. Not sure why you need Java. I don't remember ever needing it to 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Dec 2014, at 03:45, David Taylor  wrote:
> A friend and I looked at it last year and gave up on it. We found Transmit to 
> be the only thing we liked, despite its price.
> Cheers
> Dave
>> On 19 Dec 2014, at 03:31 am, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>>  wrote:
>> That is rather bizarre. So I can go to
>> and get the latest 4.6.1 version for free as it's open source or I can go to 
>> the App Store:
>> and pay $24 for the same thing. Granted I'm all for giving money to worthy 
>> open-source projects but they should make that more clear.
>> CB
>>> On 12/18/14 2:29 PM, Christopher Hallsworth wrote:
>>> App Store do not allow apps to be open source; they must be obtained from 
>>> an official website.
 On 18/12/2014 16:47, Rob wrote:
 Dear List, has CyberDuck  for free.
 The App store has it for $23.
 It is now open source. I dont understand why it is so pricey in the app
 But my question is, is this app worth the trouble of installing Java?
 I cant remember if this app was talked about on this list in the past.
 Thanks in advance,
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: spotify or alternative that is VO friendly on ios and possibly mac as well

2013-04-10 Thread David Eagle
Hi Christina. I use Spotify on IOS. It’s brilliant. Fully accessible.
They recently changed something that might be a bit confusing to new
users. In order to access the options like Playlist and Search, you
have to access the Open side Bar menu. But it is fully accessible. As
for the Mac, the last time I checked, it was completely inaccessible;
I couldn’t even get past the welcome screen, but when someone clicked
off it for me, it was still inaccessible. Give it a try on the Mac,
and then get in touch with Spotify and let them know your thoughts.
I’ve done the same before, but didn’t get a response. I intend to do
the same again. Let’s make them aware that we are out there. I only
listen to music on my IPhone now. I connect it to headphones or
speakers. Honestly, it’s amazing. I have added 4900 tracks to my
starred playlist. I often just shuffel play and let Spotify choose
from those tracks.

If you get it, let me know if you need help.

On 10/04/2013, Traci  wrote:
> Hello, I briefly tried Spotify, but funny enough, I like Pandora better.  If
> I remember correctly, Spotify was accessible on IOS just fine.  I think you
> get a 3 day trial, then you need to pay for a subscription.  Sorry, I don't
> remember how it was on my Mac.
> I'm not finding Pandora repetitive.  I like starting a station off with an
> Artist, then adding more artists or songs to that station.  Finally using
> thumb up/down to curtail the station even further.  I've enjoyed Pandora so
> much, I've just subscribed to Pandora1 for $3.99.  BTW, piano pub is very
> voFriendly on the Mac side of things.
> Have you tried as well?  Though I think you need to pay for that IOS
> app subscription.
> HTH,
> Traci
> On Apr 10, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Is spotify vo friendly on ios? Is there anything a blind user can't do
>> with the app? If spotify isn't VO friendly what are the alternatives? I
>> currently use Pandora but I like the idea of making my own playlists and
>> Pandora seems to get very repetitive. Also as a side note, is spotify VO
>> friendly on the mac?
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
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Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-30 Thread David Eagle
Hi, I'm trying to create some reminders on my Iphone manually, without using 
SIRI and it seems really inaccessible. I can't change the day or the time of 
when I wanted to be riminded by. I'm using the default reminders app inside 
IOS.It seems a bit odd for this to be inaccessible. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-30 Thread David Eagle
Hmm, interesting, thanks. I'll have to try again. There's a button that lets 
you toggle the select a fday option on or off. But I just can't work out how to 
change the day and time of the riminder. The calindar is completely fine, but 
the riminders app is vexing me. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 30 May 2013, at 15:03, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> I have no trouble editting a reminder on my iPhone5. I just double tap on the 
> reminder in the reminders list, and then I am in a screen where I can change 
> any field: text, date, etc.
> - Original Message - From: "David Eagle" 
> To: "mac Visionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:48 AM
> Subject: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible
> Hi, I'm trying to create some reminders on my Iphone manually, without using 
> SIRI and it seems really inaccessible. I can't change the day or the time of 
> when I wanted to be riminded by. I'm using the default reminders app inside 
> IOS.It seems a bit odd for this to be inaccessible. Thanks
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-31 Thread David Eagle
Tbilliant, thanks, that works great. I think the reason I was confused
was because I was trying to do it with a bluetooth keyboard. A bit
frustrating that you have to find the picker, but once you know it's
simple to do. Thanks everyone. By teh way, what is speed dots? I'll
have to look it up.

On 31/05/2013, Danny Noonan  wrote:
> Strange. I don't have it on my 4s. I have a show lists button instead.
> Danny.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 31/05/2013, at 1:44 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
>> No, I don't have any reminders at all set up.  I did however figure out, I
>> think, what it is.  It looks like that moves me from completed, active,
>> etc. etc.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible
>> I don't have that but ill hazard a guess. Do you have lots of reminders?
>> If so a multi page switcher may show as an alternate option to the 3
>> finger swipe to scroll through screens of reminders.
>> As I use calendars for most things I only have a few reminders in my
>> lists.
>> Danny.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 31/05/2013, at 11:56 AM, "Chris Gilland" 
>> wrote:
>>> The thing about reminders that I! didn't quite understand is the area
>>> that says page one of 3, or was it 4, something like that.  what the heck
>>> is that used for?  It's near the bottom of the screen.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan"
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:11 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible
>>> It's accessible but you have to feel round the screen for the time and
>>> date pickers rather than swiping.
>>> To save some typing tap means double tap.
>>> Tap add reminder.
>>> Type the reminder name.
>>> Tap edit details which appears to the right of the text field.
>>> Tap  on a day.
>>> Now a date will appear right in the middle of the screen. If you use
>>> speed dots its directly at the center dot.
>>> Tap the date. It should be today's date.
>>> It will now be selected and you now have to feel in the bottom section of
>>> the screen where the time and date pickers have  appeared. It's important
>>> that you touch the picker section of the screen as swiping will deselect
>>> the date option in the middle of the screen and the pickers will go away
>>> until you tap the date again.
>>> You can swipe between day, month, hour, minutes in 5 minute intervals and
>>> am/pm but swipe outside the picker section and again, the pickers
>>> disappear.
>>> Tap the repeat button  for a screen with never, daily, every week, 2
>>> weeks, month or year options.
>>> You can also tap show more to get options to set priority, choose which
>>> reminder list the reminder is in and to add text notes. Tap done when
>>> your finished and that's that. .
>>> Hope this helps and holler with any more questions.
>>> Danny
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 30/05/2013, at 11:48 PM, David  Eagle 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I'm trying to create some reminders on my Iphone manually, without
>>>> using SIRI and it seems really inaccessible. I can't change the day or
>>>> the time of when I wanted to be riminded by. I'm using the default
>>>> reminders app inside IOS.It seems a bit odd for this to be inaccessible.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Facebook on IOS update

2012-08-24 Thread David Eagle
Hi, what IOS update is this?

On 24/08/2012, Wes Smith  wrote:
> WOW!
> It's completely accessible, at least from what I've seen so far…all buttons
> are labeled, friend requests, ETC ETC….you can comment, like on all
> posts…just tap (or in our case double tap), on the post you want to comment
> on or like.
> The newsfeed starts below the "status" button….the status button is used to
> update your status.
> Hope this helps you, it certainly looks to be very usable now….the only
> --
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Re: [Maccessibility] Google Releases Official YouTube App

2012-09-11 Thread David Eagle
A brilliantly written article. I hope that you will be sending that to Google.

On 11/09/2012, Maccessibility  wrote:
> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'Google Releases Official YouTube App'
> With the presumed imminent release of iOS 6, Apple will be retiring the
> YouTube app which has been included on its iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
> devices since their inceptions. As a result, Google Inc. has released an
> official app for its YouTube service.
> Unfortunately, Google’s offering, while somewhat usable for VoiceOver users,
> includes [...]
> You may view the latest post at
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Warnning about the new release of the official Twitter app

2012-09-19 Thread David Eagle
Hi, just to inform you all that the official Twitter app has moved to
a new version and accessibility has been broken somewhat. The app
seems to still be largely accessible, but the number of tweets,
followers and following found on the ‘me’ screen is no longer read out
by VoiceOver. They are just blank spaces. Double tapping these spaces
does nothing, except in one case, when the list of people you’re
following is brought up.

I have notified Twitter.


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Re: Warnning about the new release of the official Twitter app

2012-09-19 Thread David Eagle
Might be worth you contacting them about it too. Otherwise it might
just seem like there's only one person being affected by this.

On 19/09/2012, Joanna West  wrote:
> Yes, my husband and I noticed those changes too. We were not happy at all! I
> hope they fix it very soon!
> Love endures all things.
> On Sep 19, 2012, at 6:51 AM, David Eagle 
> wrote:
>> Hi, just to inform you all that the official Twitter app has moved to
>> a new version and accessibility has been broken somewhat. The app
>> seems to still be largely accessible, but the number of tweets,
>> followers and following found on the ‘me’ screen is no longer read out
>> by VoiceOver. They are just blank spaces. Double tapping these spaces
>> does nothing, except in one case, when the list of people you’re
>> following is brought up.
>> I have notified Twitter.
>> --
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Re: Warnning about the new release of the official Twitter app

2012-09-20 Thread David Eagle
Ah yes, thanks, just got Tweetlist which works very well.

On 20/09/2012, Steve Holmes  wrote:
> Yes, Tweetlist is an excellent app.  I've been using it for almost a year
> now.
> On Sep 19, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Well, the people behind TweetList do care about accessibility, and it
>> seems as they are testing the app before any update release. :)
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 19/09/2012 kl. 15.38 skrev David Eagle :
>>> Might be worth you contacting them about it too. Otherwise it might
>>> just seem like there's only one person being affected by this.
>>> On 19/09/2012, Joanna West  wrote:
>>>> Yes, my husband and I noticed those changes too. We were not happy at
>>>> all! I
>>>> hope they fix it very soon!
>>>> Love endures all things.
>>>> On Sep 19, 2012, at 6:51 AM, David Eagle 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, just to inform you all that the official Twitter app has moved to
>>>>> a new version and accessibility has been broken somewhat. The app
>>>>> seems to still be largely accessible, but the number of tweets,
>>>>> followers and following found on the ‘me’ screen is no longer read out
>>>>> by VoiceOver. They are just blank spaces. Double tapping these spaces
>>>>> does nothing, except in one case, when the list of people you’re
>>>>> following is brought up.
>>>>> I have notified Twitter.
>>>>> --
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Re: Warnning about the new release of the official Twitter app

2012-09-20 Thread David Eagle
Here's Twitter's reply. Bare in mind that I said I was blind and
explained exactly what the accessibility issue was:

To troubleshoot your issue, we recommend you clear cache from the
application settings on your device. To clear your cache go to your
Settings > Safari > Clear Cache.

If this does not resolve the issue, try deleting the app and
reinstalling it. To reinstall the app hold down the app icon and you
will see a "X" appear next to it. Tap on that "X", that will delete
the app. Then visit to download the
app. Please note that this will affect your app settings.

If you're are troubleshooting an issue with a Twitter account that has
been integrated into your iOS 5-powered device, try removing your
account and signing in again. To remove your account:
1.Go to your phone’s System Settings
2. Tap on Twitter
3. Tap on the account that needs to be removed
4. Select Delete Account


brilliant, I will see an X appear will I? I've responded,
non-sarcasticly of course, reiterating the issue. Good news is that
TweetList is great.

On 20/09/2012, David Eagle  wrote:
> Ah yes, thanks, just got Tweetlist which works very well.
> On 20/09/2012, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> Yes, Tweetlist is an excellent app.  I've been using it for almost a year
>> now.
>> On Sep 19, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>>> Well, the people behind TweetList do care about accessibility, and it
>>> seems as they are testing the app before any update release. :)
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den 19/09/2012 kl. 15.38 skrev David Eagle :
>>>> Might be worth you contacting them about it too. Otherwise it might
>>>> just seem like there's only one person being affected by this.
>>>> On 19/09/2012, Joanna West  wrote:
>>>>> Yes, my husband and I noticed those changes too. We were not happy at
>>>>> all! I
>>>>> hope they fix it very soon!
>>>>> Love endures all things.
>>>>> On Sep 19, 2012, at 6:51 AM, David Eagle 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, just to inform you all that the official Twitter app has moved to
>>>>>> a new version and accessibility has been broken somewhat. The app
>>>>>> seems to still be largely accessible, but the number of tweets,
>>>>>> followers and following found on the ‘me’ screen is no longer read
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> by VoiceOver. They are just blank spaces. Double tapping these spaces
>>>>>> does nothing, except in one case, when the list of people you’re
>>>>>> following is brought up.
>>>>>> I have notified Twitter.
>>>>>> --
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Re: Hosting with Wordpress.orgq

2012-10-05 Thread David Eagle
Hi Alison, I use hostgator to host my website, which is £4.99 a month
and offers unlimited space (apparently). I use on my Mac
and PC. I also use the Wordpress app on my IPhone. I don't use any
podcast provider for my podcasts. I make the rss files in notepad on
the PC. I then just use my hosting on hostgator to store the podcasts.
I don't use MarsEdit; I do everything through the Wordpress website or
the IPhone app.

On 05/10/2012, Robert Carter  wrote:
> Hi Allison,
> I use Wordpress on the Mac and I host the Tech Doctor podcast with a company
> called Blue Host. I have been with them for two or three years and like them
> a lot.
> If you think I can help further, feel free to email me off list.
> Robert Carter
> On Oct 5, 2012, at 4:15 AM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thank you for your helpful replies. I do know about Marsedit and use it to
>> edit my blog with google apps. But what I want to do with is
>> a little more in the way of pages, and static text. I want to be able to
>> upload audio, post a link to a video on youtube, or maybe use VideoPress,
>> and create a feed for my podcast using powerpress. I have read some things
>> about how some users have had trouble switching to I have
>> two more questions, do you have to pay a fee to remove the adds from your
>> blog if you host with Also, if you create multiple
>> websites, do you have to pay to register each domain separately?
>> Currently, I paid for the 10GB of storage on my account to
>> upload audio. This is as far as I have gotten. I'm confused about where to
>> go next. Should I host with or some other company. I'm
>> looking in to a company called Westhost, they give you 200GB, multiple
>> databases with Wordpress which allows you to create multiple sitesfor $8 a
>> month. I'm not affiliated with this company in any way, just trying to
>> explain my dilemma a little clearer. I've never used Wordpress with the
>> Mac, so I'm wondering if what I want to do is even possible with
>> VoiceOver. I'm also still running Lion, need to upgrade to Mountain Lion.
>> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If I have offended the
>> moderators, and not posted a Mac-related topic, I apologize in advance. If
>> this is the case, anyone with comments/suggestions please feel free to
>> e-mail me off-list.
>> Sincerely,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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David Eagle


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Re: ftp sites in finder and read write mode

2012-10-10 Thread David Eagle
I've tried FileZiller, which I use on the PC, but it doesn't seem to
be accessible on the Mac. I've never used the Mac for FTP; I always
end up switching on my PC unfortunately.

Sorry I can't help Paul, but how do you use Terminal for FTP?

On 10/10/2012, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I once heard of something called "Transmit" which I seem to recall was
> fairly popular among blind Mac users for a while.  It came at a nomila cost;
> but, many seemed to like it pretty well.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 5:28 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> I often mount an ftp site using the finder, by hitting command k, then
>> typing ftp://, that is f t p colon slash slash, then the address of the
>> ftp server and then enter. If you need to connect to an alternative port
>> on the ftp server, that is also possible, by adding a colon, and then the
>> port number before hitting enter.
>> This mounts the ftp site, as if it were an external disk, which is
>> fantastic. You can download entire folder structures on an ftp site to
>> your mac, by simply hitting command c on the item to get, even a big
>> folder structure, then going into downloads and command v ing it there.
>> But, we cannot upload. Only download.
>> There used to be software, called mac fuse, that allowed us to mount an
>> ftp site in read write mode, rather than in read-only mode, which is what
>> the finder always does. I experimented with mac fuse under snow leopard
>> and there I had that working as far as I remember, but to my knowledge,
>> mac fuse has not been updated for lion, nor for mountain lion.
>> Is there another way to easily mount an ftp site in finder as read/write,
>> or alternatively, what are you using to upload stuff into an ftp site
>> using your mac? If it's just a zip file or another single thing, then I
>> can help myself with the terminal command line ftp client, but I'd rather
>> find an easier solution. Any ideas?
>> Paul.
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David Eagle


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Re: Midi controllers with Djay 4

2012-11-08 Thread David Eagle
Hi, would anyone be kind enough to have a Skype conversation with me
about using DJay on IPhone and Mac with controllers? My Skype ID is
deagle912. Let me know a good time for you and we'll arrange


On 19/01/2012, Emrah  wrote:
> Thanks a bunch for this, and congrats for the set up! Sounds like you have
> quite a bit of experience in there.
> If you have any mix you would be willing to share, I'd be more than happy to
> listen to it.
> Best,
> E
> On Jan 20, 2012, at 12:00 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It's 4 channels, not turntables. Routing is required for the extra
>> channels to work but you can have any setup you want.
>> Mine is as such:
>> Channel 1  ipad with dj on it
>> Channel 2 turntable 1 on dj for mac
>> Channel 3 turntable 2 on dj for mac
>> Channel 4 BC8 mkII analog synth patched in biscuit 8-bit crusher effects
>> module
>> This effectively gives me 4 turntables as the ipad is hooked to the numark
>> idj live, itself very cheap 90USD but works great, better than vci 100
>> series.
>> And since dj has cloud integration, i know what track goes where, and the
>> ipad turntables are mainly used for fillers and hooks
>> Cheers
>> Yuma
>> On 20/01/2012, at 11:34 AM, Emrah wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> I was the one with the Mixtrack pro. I personally have everything I need
>>> on the controller, but since I do not use the Vestax you have, I cannot
>>> tell whether I have more option on the Numark or not.
>>> Yuma, are all 4 channels recognized and usable on DJay 4? And are you
>>> referring to 4 turntables, or 4 channels?
>>> What can you use the channels for?
>>> The Numark Mixtrack Pro has 4 audio outputs and a stereo out for
>>> monitoring, but nothing super fancy.
>>> I am planning to get the Pioneer DDJ S1 soon.
>>> Regards,
>>> E
>>> On Jan 19, 2012, at 9:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>>> I have the NS6 which has 4 channels for extra devices, lots of knobs
>>>> buttons rotaries and tape sliders. Very very nice hardware. All triggers
>>>> accessible via dj 4
>>>> On 20/01/2012, at 9:26 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> A while back, someone on this list mentioned that they had DJay 4 and i
>>>>> think a Numark Mixtrack pro. I just wondered how that controler is
>>>>> accessibility wise, are there good knobs and buttons on it? Also how
>>>>> big is it? By that i mean that i have a Vestax Spin Dj control and i
>>>>> find that there are way more options in the DJay app than can fit on
>>>>> the knobs and sliders of the spin so i wonder if there are more sliders
>>>>> and knobs on the Numark one?
>>>>> Thanks for any answer.
>>>>> /Krister
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Re: Facebook Issues

2011-09-11 Thread David Eagle
I am unable to use Facebook since they mysteriously locked me out of
my account and then asked me to prove that I was myself by identifying
photos of my friends so as to unlock my account. I can't see the
photos nor do I know what my friends look like. I cannot find a way to
contact Facebook, so I now have an account that I can't use or even
delete. I know three other blind people who have the same problem.

On 11/09/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Well, I pretty much use the regular FB. I just do a comand-VO-J a few times
> to find the correct form field, type in my status and a link if I have one,
> and hit return.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Sep 10, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> I can no longer post on a couple of my Facebook pages using
>> and safari. I have to use the regular fb sie. This happened since Monday
>> night. Any thoughts?
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Re: Facebook Issues

2011-09-11 Thread David Eagle
Thank you, apparently this photos system has been in place since
summer 2010. Even sighted people are struggling with it because they
might have friends they added just for gaming purposes, so they don't
know what they look like. Also apparently the photos could be of
anything. There just taken from a person's profile and so some people
have been asked to identify inanimate objects as friends. Very odd.
Goodness knows why Facebook can't verify who people are by asking the
secret questions that you set up when you first sign up.

On 11/09/2011, Rachel magario  wrote:
> I'll report that for you. And let you know if I hear any thing back.
> Rm
> On Sep 11, 2011, at 3:16 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> I am unable to use Facebook since they mysteriously locked me out of
>> my account and then asked me to prove that I was myself by identifying
>> photos of my friends so as to unlock my account. I can't see the
>> photos nor do I know what my friends look like. I cannot find a way to
>> contact Facebook, so I now have an account that I can't use or even
>> delete. I know three other blind people who have the same problem.
>> On 11/09/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Well, I pretty much use the regular FB. I just do a comand-VO-J a few
>>> times
>>> to find the correct form field, type in my status and a link if I have
>>> one,
>>> and hit return.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Sep 10, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>> All:
>>>> I can no longer post on a couple of my Facebook pages using
>>>> and safari. I have to use the regular fb sie. This happened since Monday
>>>> night. Any thoughts?
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Face Time and Voice Over

2011-10-01 Thread David Eagle
Hi, does anyone else find that Voice Over stops responding when Face
Time is on a call?


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Re: Facebook accessibility using safari on mac os10 lion

2011-10-01 Thread David Eagle
You could use This is the mobile Facebook site. I
don't use Facebook a lot but I find this so much more accessible.
You're notifications and everything is present on that site too.

On 01/10/2011, Israel  wrote:
> Venkatesh,
> About ten days ago, Facebook rolled out a new looking home/newsfeed page
> where recent news and top news are now part of one stream.  You can now also
> see up to the second updates on what friends are commenting/posting in a new
> ticker.
> A while back, FB replaced the friend request, messages, and notifications
> list with just numbers which are located above the search edit field.
> From what FB blog states, as part of the new home page/newsfeed design,
> one's friend requests are now hidden within a list which doesn't appear on
> the home page.  I have not yet discovered how to locate it.
> There is a list on FB home page which contains update status, add photo, and
> ask question.  When you activate the clickable for update status, the
> "What's On Your Mind" edit box then appears so you can update status.
> FB chat still seems to be accessible but since the new layout intorduction,
> FB now combines your chat and your messages together.
> I hope that helps a bit.
> Sexy Isra
> Israel Antonio
> On Oct 1, 2011, at 6:18 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
>> Hello listers!
>> I accessed Facebook using safari on my mac. I was wondering if the
>> Facebook home page and other page layouts have changed. I was not able
>> to view my notifications, new requests, messages, post status updates,
>> write on friends walls, etc.
>> How well accessible is the Facebook chat? I would also like to know
>> how to go offline and online for chat. Is Facebook not accessible or
>> am I not navigating properly?
>> Please share your opinion regarding this.
>> Any additional tips for using Facebook will be of great help.
>> Thank you.
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: click to flash verses click to plug

2011-10-01 Thread David Eagle
I thought FLASH was completely inaccessible with Voice Over?

On 01/10/2011, Justin Ekis  wrote:
> Hi ray,
> I prefer ClickToPlugin, since it does everything that ClickToFlash does and
> more. If it's audible you are concerned about, you will have exactly the
> same experience with either one, since audible uses flash. The benefit of
> ClickToPlugin is that it also helps with sites that have embedded
> silverlight or windows media content. The setup and usage are the same for
> both, and I think I've previously posted tips for getting the best results.
> Hope this helps.
> Justin
> On Oct 1, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay.  I really want to know this.  For those of y'all who have tried both
> click to flash and click to plug under Lion, which do y'all prefer and why?
>  Very particularly when it comes to samles and eas of set up and
> use.
> thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> --
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Re: unzip programs

2011-10-01 Thread David Eagle
I've been using Rar Expander. Very accessible and free.

On 28/09/2011, Shannon Dyer  wrote:
> I use keka to unarchive .rar files. It works really well.
> Shannon
> Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until
> three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point
> your media player to:
> or
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
>> Anybody know if The Unarchiver can handle rar files?  I've been using s
>> archiver, but the demo is about to run out.  I don't mind paying for it,
>> but I might have to find something else for a little while until the money
>> tree sprouts.
>> Thanks,
>> Caitlyn
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Re: Quick way to get to my dropbox folder?

2011-10-02 Thread David Eagle
You could go to the dropbox really quickly by pressing command shift
H. Then type d r. That should take you to the dropbox folder. Press
command O to open and you're there. I can do this in less than a
second using this method. YOu can also copy the folder to your desktop
then delete it from it's previous location. I don't know how to add
things to the dock or desktop. I'm quite new to the Mac myself.

On 02/10/2011, Traci  wrote:
> Hello all,
> Is there a quick way to get to my Dropbox folder, that I'm unaware of?
> Can I somehow copy it to my desktop or to my dock?
> Lol, what I'd really love is a shortcut key, but I have no idea how to go
> about that one.  It is so nice to hit command-shift-O for documents or
> command-option-l for downloads.  I think I have those correctly.  :)
> Something like that would be great to quickly open dropbox.
> Thanks for continuing to teach a newby.  :)
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
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Re: Facebook accessibility using safari on mac os10 lion

2011-10-02 Thread David Eagle
Hi, what's wrong with just using the mobile site. In case I did't make
it clear, I'm using the mobile site on the Mac not my mobile. Sorry to
suggest the same thing twice if there's a reason you really need the
standard Facebook site. It's just so much easier.

On 02/10/2011, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
> Hi
> the mobile Facebook website is quite accessible.
> In the standard Facebook website, the notifications, requests and
> messages are read as clickable numbers. when i click them and hit the
> right arrow, VO says there is a dimmed button and no notifications are
> read. any idea on how to go about with this issue?
> Thanks a lot for the help :)
> Cheers
> Venkatesh
> On 10/2/11, David Eagle  wrote:
>> You could use This is the mobile Facebook site. I
>> don't use Facebook a lot but I find this so much more accessible.
>> You're notifications and everything is present on that site too.
>> On 01/10/2011, Israel  wrote:
>>> Venkatesh,
>>> About ten days ago, Facebook rolled out a new looking home/newsfeed page
>>> where recent news and top news are now part of one stream.  You can now
>>> also
>>> see up to the second updates on what friends are commenting/posting in a
>>> new
>>> ticker.
>>> A while back, FB replaced the friend request, messages, and notifications
>>> list with just numbers which are located above the search edit field.
>>> From what FB blog states, as part of the new home page/newsfeed design,
>>> one's friend requests are now hidden within a list which doesn't appear
>>> on
>>> the home page.  I have not yet discovered how to locate it.
>>> There is a list on FB home page which contains update status, add photo,
>>> and
>>> ask question.  When you activate the clickable for update status, the
>>> "What's On Your Mind" edit box then appears so you can update status.
>>> FB chat still seems to be accessible but since the new layout
>>> intorduction,
>>> FB now combines your chat and your messages together.
>>> I hope that helps a bit.
>>> Sexy Isra
>>> Israel Antonio
>>> On Oct 1, 2011, at 6:18 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
>>>> Hello listers!
>>>> I accessed Facebook using safari on my mac. I was wondering if the
>>>> Facebook home page and other page layouts have changed. I was not able
>>>> to view my notifications, new requests, messages, post status updates,
>>>> write on friends walls, etc.
>>>> How well accessible is the Facebook chat? I would also like to know
>>>> how to go offline and online for chat. Is Facebook not accessible or
>>>> am I not navigating properly?
>>>> Please share your opinion regarding this.
>>>> Any additional tips for using Facebook will be of great help.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> --
>>>> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: click to flash verses click to plug

2011-10-02 Thread David Eagle
Thanks for the explanation. I will have to uninstall Adobe Flash from
my Mac, since it isn't achieving anything. HTML5 works brilliantly on
the Mac. If only more people were using it.

On 01/10/2011, Esther  wrote:
> Hello David,
> Access to button controls of flash-based content in browsers is not
> accessible with VoiceOver, but you can play content that is flash based
> (such as YouTube videos).  Note that support for playing Flash content no
> longer comes as a default with Mac OS X distributions; you have to
> separately download this.  The original ClickToFlash implementation was a
> Safari Browser plug-in that prevented Flash content from automatically
> loading.  This included annoying advertisements that would take up memory
> resources. You could still load flash content if you added the current web
> page to your white list (by pressing the Option key and Clicking with a
> mouse or trackpad at the same time), or by navigating to the menu and adding
> a site. Alternatively, you could enable Flash content to load and display on
> the current page without adding to the white list by pressing
> Command-Control-F.  The point of this was that you only loaded flash content
> when you wanted it, and performance was much snappier since you weren't
> using up resources for Flash content you didn't want -- like ads.
> This later morphed into a Safari Extension option, and then to plug-ins of
> various levels of refinement. With the advent of HTML5, which is how YouTube
> movies play on iOS devices -- not using Flash -- the ClickToFlash plug-ins
> enabled substitution of accessible, HTML5 versions of Flash content on web
> pages that offer this option.  (The plug-in can do some other things, too,
> but this is what Ray wants in order to gain control of the Sample playing
> controls on the Audible site.)
> Basically, the current information for both the ClickToPlugin and the
> ClickToFlash Safari extensions may be found here:
> More detailed information about setup depends on your operating system.
> Here's a link to one of Justin's older posts about setting up the plugin:
> • Re: Flash to HTML5; Can it be done?
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Oct 1, 2011, at 10:49, David Eagle wrote:
>> I thought FLASH was completely inaccessible with Voice Over?
>> On 01/10/2011, Justin Ekis  wrote:
>>> Hi ray,
>>> I prefer ClickToPlugin, since it does everything that ClickToFlash does
>>> and
>>> more. If it's audible you are concerned about, you will have exactly the
>>> same experience with either one, since audible uses flash. The benefit of
>>> ClickToPlugin is that it also helps with sites that have embedded
>>> silverlight or windows media content. The setup and usage are the same
>>> for
>>> both, and I think I've previously posted tips for getting the best
>>> results.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Justin
>>> On Oct 1, 2011, at 7:50 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay.  I really want to know this.  For those of y'all who have tried
>>> both
>>> click to flash and click to plug under Lion, which do y'all prefer and
>>> why?
>>> Very particularly when it comes to samles and eas of set up
>>> and
>>> use.
>>> thanks.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
> --
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I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-02 Thread David Eagle
It seems as if my relationship with the Mac is one really good
experience followed by one really annoying one. Ive just had a really
successful time subscribing to podcasts in iTunes. I ten went to
download a file from the BBC website. I press VO key shift M like I
would usually do to get to the list of options where I can download
the file. But I don't get that. I get "forward, back, reload page"
etc. If I press the link then it opens and starts plain so it's
definitely a download. Where did my ability to get into the menu that
says "copy link, download linked file" etc go to? I know this will be
sacrilege to a lot of you but I find myself having to go back to my
sluggish windows machine just to get something done because the Mac
breaks things randomly like this. O and now just to top it all off,
real speak Daniel is sounding like he's on steroids. What the hell are
you doing to me Apple? O my god and now Safari keeps saying Busy then
ready then busy then ready. Why can't you make your mind up? are you
busy or ready? Sorry for the rant, but I get very frustrated by the
Mac sometimes, especially since it costs a lot more and seems to just
do the most quirky things. And now it's making silly plopping noises
at me as if I've misspelt a word; but I haven't. I might start writing
some words that will cause you to make plopping noises at me
Macintosh, but they won't be misspelt words; it's just your database
will not have the kind of words I'll be using. I suppose on the plus
side the Mac does run incredibly fast, although that generally means
it has more time to fit more annoying things in to a shorter space of
time. OK, I'm off to check my date and time settings in case the Mac
thinks it's April the first.


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Re: I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-03 Thread David Eagle
Thanks but sadly not. The stupid thing about this is it only does it
on one website. There's nothing wrong with the site though because it
is a BbC podcasts page and the links are definitely active because
they play when you click on them. . None of the links work when I
voiceOver shift M them. If I go to another podcast page then it works.
I think it happened when I was using the trackpad. I tried to do the
gesture equivalent to the VO shift M key and must have done the wrong
gesture. From then on it's gone wrong. I've tried deleting history and
that hasn't solved anything. I can't understand what this thing is
doing sometimes.

On 02/10/2011, Ed Worrell  wrote:
> I too  have had this problem. What I did to get around this was do VO shift
> M, if it doesn't work the first time. Press esc, and do it again and that
> seems to fix the issue, not sure why. It seems to work though.
> hth
> ED
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Re: I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-03 Thread David Eagle
This is ridiculous. And now the first download link on the page works
but the rest don't. It works on windows fine. It makes no sense..

On 03/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
> Thanks but sadly not. The stupid thing about this is it only does it
> on one website. There's nothing wrong with the site though because it
> is a BbC podcasts page and the links are definitely active because
> they play when you click on them. . None of the links work when I
> voiceOver shift M them. If I go to another podcast page then it works.
> I think it happened when I was using the trackpad. I tried to do the
> gesture equivalent to the VO shift M key and must have done the wrong
> gesture. From then on it's gone wrong. I've tried deleting history and
> that hasn't solved anything. I can't understand what this thing is
> doing sometimes.
> On 02/10/2011, Ed Worrell  wrote:
>> I too  have had this problem. What I did to get around this was do VO
>> shift
>> M, if it doesn't work the first time. Press esc, and do it again and that
>> seems to fix the issue, not sure why. It seems to work though.
>> hth
>> ED
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Re: I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-03 Thread David Eagle
On the "Reset
> Safari" menu pane there are various boxes you can check, including "Remove
> all webpage preview images", "Empty the cache", and "Remove all webpage
> icons".   I always get ride of preview images, since they take up memory and
> I don't use them.
> For general system maintenance tools, a good freeware product is OnyX, which
> is accessible, and which has versions for all Mac OS systems: Lion, Snow
> Leopard, Leopard, and Tiger.  (Make sure to download the one for your
> operating system).  I usually look for programs that are not at the App
> Store by Googling for them at the MacUpdate site, which uses a standard
> format for brief description, download link, and information about the date
> and version of the latest release, along with links to the developer's web
> site.  It also lets me read user comments and ratings about the current
> version.  Googling "OnyX Macupdate" gives:
> and the description:
> OnyX is a multifunction utility for Mac OS X. It allows you to verify the
> Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run miscellaneous
> tasks of system maintenance, to configure the hidden parameters of the
> Finder, Dock and of some of Apple's own applications, to delete caches, to
> remove a certain number of files and folders that may become cumbersome and
> more.
> You can also check which processes are using most of your system resources
> by using the Activity Monitor application in your Utilities folder
> (Command-Shift-U to navigate there in FInder; press "a" or "a c" to go to
> "Activity Monitor" and press Command-Down arrow to launch).  You may not
> want to get into this unless you have unusual problems, but you can monitor
> memory, disk, and CPU usage, as well as quit processes.  This all works with
> VoiceOver.
> Since you mention visiting the BBC web site, you might want to join the
> mac-access list.  That mailing list is hosted out of the UK, and the list
> owners run their mail servers on Macs.  Gordon Smith did the first extensive
> podcast on setting up VMWare Fusion for ACB's Main Menu several years back.
> While it's an international list, with several of this list's members on it,
> there are a number of list members who discuss using the BBC iPlayer app,
> and there were recent discussion of the free app "Get iPlayer Automator"
> working under Lion on that list.  Since some of the content to BBC web pages
> is not available to users outside of the UK, you may find a better audience
> for your questions about the BBC web pages on that list.
> I think the information about subscribing to the mac-access list may be
> found at:
> The posts are now archived at the Mail Archive web site, and can be searched
> there:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Oct 2, 2011, at 12:21, David Eagle wrote:
>> It seems as if my relationship with the Mac is one really good
>> experience followed by one really annoying one. Ive just had a really
>> successful time subscribing to podcasts in iTunes. I ten went to
>> download a file from the BBC website. I press VO key shift M like I
>> would usually do to get to the list of options where I can download
>> the file. But I don't get that. I get "forward, back, reload page"
>> etc. If I press the link then it opens and starts plain so it's
>> definitely a download. Where did my ability to get into the menu that
>> says "copy link, download linked file" etc go to? I know this will be
>> sacrilege to a lot of you but I find myself having to go back to my
>> sluggish windows machine just to get something done because the Mac
>> breaks things randomly like this. O and now just to top it all off,
>> real speak Daniel is sounding like he's on steroids. What the hell are
>> you doing to me Apple? O my god and now Safari keeps saying Busy then
>> ready then busy then ready. Why can't you make your mind up? are you
>> busy or ready? Sorry for the rant, but I get very frustrated by the
>> Mac sometimes, especially since it costs a lot more and seems to just
>> do the most quirky things. And now it's making silly plopping noises
>> at me as if I've misspelt a word; but I haven't. I might start writing
>> some words that will cause you to make plopping noises at me
>> Macintosh, but they won't be misspelt words; it's just your database
>> will not have the kind of words I&#

The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-04 Thread David Eagle
Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep
breath. I think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these
computers and assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a
really positive experience. Today’s task was uploading something to
sendspace. Things started off so well. loaded no
problem; I found the select file button no problem/ when I clicked on
it, I got a window opening for me to choose my file. I’m not saying
this is the fault of the Mac; it’s probably me and my stubbornness
after years of using windows, but it took me ages to find the file I
wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar or the thing that was
called list. There was also a popup menu with a folder selected.
Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the
file. The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m
not sure what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much
simpler than the windows way of doing things. In windows I could have
found my file in three seconds, rather than four minutes.

Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn
and practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the
upload button and I got: “Safari busy. Busy. Busy. Busy”. After a half
a minute I eventually heard “safari, ready”. Hurrah, I can finally
check to see if my file is uploading. I pressed VO right arrow and
heard to my dismay “Safari busy. Busy. Busy”. I quit safari and tried
again. But I got the same problem. Yet again I shut down my Mac and
booted up my windows machine. Within two minutes my file was happily
uploading to send space. While it uploaded I checked my emails using
another instance of Internet explorer. The file has now finished
uploading and I am going to email it to my friends. Windows hasn’t
said “busy” at me once. And what really gets me about this is that the
netbook cost £150 and I’m using the free screen reader NVDA.

How is it possible? I really want to know. I’ve got way more am than
my windows machine, and my Mac cost fifteen times more than my
netbook. How come I have to keep turning off my Mac and turning on my
windows machine? The mac looks great; it’s fast; it’s really quiet –
very little fan noise. But it can’t do things. It’s ten times faster
than my windows computer, but that only means it can do much more to
annoy me in a far shorter period of time than my windows computer.

I want to join the Mac party. You all seem so elated by your Macs. Is
there a magic button to press that starts making it behave. I know I’m
ranting again but surely you can see my point. Is my experience so
anomalous? I read about all these people who say they bought a Mac and
now never use windows. But if I didn’t have a windows computer then
I’d achieve nothing.

I know this isn’t’ VO specific. I know it may even annoy some of you.
I know it’s not a particularly productive email. But if you do find
this email to be annoying and unproductive, think of it as a metaphor
for my general experience with the Mac. I feel as if I am the odd one
out, and I am waiting for the day that I am castigated from this list
for being “too PC”. O what irony. I hope you all enjoyed my hilarious
ending joke. I’m so sorry for ranting. I feel like an idiot. Please,
treat me like one. Tell me how I get the Mac to do the fundamental
element of a computer. That is: to compute! Because I am going to end
up not bothering to turn this machine on, which is such a shame
because it should be a great computer? Apparently.

I’m sure I’ll get there, and I promise, if I do, I’ll be singing the
Mac’s praises.
Thanks to everyone for being so patient and understanding.


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Re: I can't download anything all of a sudden

2011-10-04 Thread David Eagle
Thank a lot for that tip.

On 04/10/2011, Shen  wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had the same problems too. I never had this issue with Snow Leopard, so
> this is definitely a VoiceOver and Lion thing.
> Here is my workaround. You can try this too.
> If you don't get the correct menu when pressing VO-Shift-M, then first put
> the mouse on the link by pressing VO-CMD-F5.
> Next, hold down the Control key and click the mouse.
> This performs a control click on the item where the mouse is. This is
> equivalent to opening the shortcut menu.
> Whenever I do this, I always get the menu I need.
> hth
> On Oct 3, 2011, at 3:12 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hi Esther. Thank you so much for that very thorough reply. I am always
>> humbled by the generosity of people on the list, especially after my
>> massive rants. Your option return trick worked a treat. Very strange;
>> I don't know why it didn't recognise the link as a download link, -
>> weirdly the first download link on the page does work, it's just the
>> rest that don't - but at least I have a way round it.
>> Regarding Safari Busy: I don't think I should be low on System
>> resources since I have loads of ram and there shouldn't be anything
>> else running in the background; however Safari hasn't been busy today
>> so that's good.
>> Thanks again for taking the time to respond. It is much appreciated. I
>> am also very Impressed by your knowledge. It's amazing how used to
>> windows I am, since I have used it all my life and still use it at
>> work and a bit at home. I will get there eventually.
>> On 03/10/2011, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hello David,
>>> First of all, I'm not sure from your description what is going on, but
>>> one
>>> way to force the download of linked content such as mp3 files or PDF
>>> files
>>> when you are focused on the link is to press Option+Enter.  (A Mac purist
>>> would call this key combination Option+"Return", which is how VoiceOver
>>> identifies the key that most Windows users call the  "Enter" key when you
>>> press it while you are in Keyboard Help mode (turned on with VO+K and
>>> terminated by pressing the Escape key; VoiceOver announces the pressed
>>> key
>>> combinations and their actions but doesn't  act on the keys in this
>>> mode);
>>> on the older Mac keyboards there was both an "Enter" key which could be
>>> assigned different functions and a "Return" key).  For a few oddly coded
>>> sites like the main Blind Cool Tech web site you have to first interact
>>> with
>>> the link for a podcast before you can use either VO-Shift-M to bring up
>>> the
>>> contextual menu to select your option (copy link, download linked file,
>>> etc.) or press Option+Enter to force a download of the linked file.
>>> If your linked MP3 file has started playing in the browser after you
>>> activated the link (e.g. by pressing VO-Space or pressing the up and down
>>> arrow keys together with QuickNav turned on), then you can get the file
>>> to
>>> download by pressing Command+L to highlight the URL in the address bar
>>> followed by Option+Enter to force the download of your selection.  These
>>> keyboard shortcuts work generally under Mac OS X and do not depend on
>>> VoiceOver. Also, it does not matter if you keep the toolbar of your web
>>> browser hidden.  Command+L will momentarily open the toolbar and
>>> highlight
>>> your current address. Then, after you press your Option+Enter, it will
>>> close
>>> the toolbar. This also works if you want to copy your current URL or go
>>> directly to the Google search field with Command+Option+F to type in
>>> search
>>> terms and press "Return" to execute the search, but still generally keep
>>> your toolbar hidden.  The toolbar will open for your Command+L, Command+C
>>> or
>>> your Command+Option+F and entry of typed search terms, and then close
>>> again
>>> after you press Return or perform your next action.
>>> The switch between Safari busy and Safari ready happens when you're
>>> running
>>> low on system resources.  In some cases this can be due to insufficient
>>> memory, but if you see this behavior associated with certain web pages
>>> it's
>>> more likely that the coding for that page is putting extra stress on your
>>> Safari browser -- eith

Re: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-05 Thread David Eagle
Well everyone, I am so glad that my rant has actually managed to prove
productive. So many great tips, thank you.
To make a short cut to a folder on your desktop: find the file and
press Command L to make an Alius. Then copy the Alius and paste it to
your desktop. YOu can then delete the Alius in the folder you copied
it from if you like.
I am a fan of the column browser which makes searching a lot easier. I
was a bit confused about Command Shift G when I first discovered it
because I thought you could type the first few letters of a folder
somewhere on your computer and it would find the folder. So for
instance to get my Podcasts folder in iTunes I could just press podc
and then enter and it would take me straight there without having to
go into Music, ITunes, ITunes Media, podcasts. Now I know it's for
file paths.

I have used Saphari on a friends IPad and it worked brilliantly, but I
wasn't uploading anything to sends pace. Thank god for my dropbox
which makes sending files so much easier, when it's not full.

Thanks for all the tips and for being so sympathetic towards my ranting.

On 05/10/2011, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
> Hi David
> As another new user to the Mac I can certainly understand your frustration.
> The Safari busy busy thing is seriously annoying. Stronger words would, of
> course, be called for if we weren't in polite company :)
> As for Finder, at first I called it Loser as I couldn't use it to find a
> thing. Now however after about 3 weeks it seems completely fine and I can be
> just as efficient in it as on Win 7 / XP. I pretty much ignore the side bar.
> It can be useful however the key board shortcuts seem quicker to me.  As
> someone else has said try using column view. Command+3 will get you into
> this view. When in this view you can navigate through folders in a standard
> tree structure. You need to make sure you have quick nab off. The up & down
> arrows will take through the folders at a given level and the left and right
> arrows can be used to collapse and expand folders.  Combine this with some
> keyboard shortcuts and all is good, at least in my opinion.
> Command+shift+C will take you to the top computer level where you can see
> the various drives and network.
> Command+shift+H will take you to your home folder, i.e., inside the users
> folder.
> Command+shift+A will take you to your Applications folder.
> Command+Option+L will take you into your downloads folder. I'm not sure but
> maybe this is supposed to be the exception that proves the rule :)
> Command+shift+O will take you to your documents
> Command+shift+D will go to your desktop.
> There are of course others as well.
> anyway I hope this helps a bit. You certainly aren't alone with your
> frustrations. I am still glad I have windows at work where I need to get
> work done.
> So far I haven't found Safari on the Mac as good as it is on IOS, especially
> on the iPad where I think it is fantastic. Then again I got my iPad 1 on the
> day it was first released and I have only been using OSX for a few weeks.
> Good luck
> Garth
> On 05/10/2011, at 6:32 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep
>> breath. I think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these
>> computers and assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a
>> really positive experience. Today’s task was uploading something to
>> sendspace. Things started off so well. loaded no
>> problem; I found the select file button no problem/ when I clicked on
>> it, I got a window opening for me to choose my file. I’m not saying
>> this is the fault of the Mac; it’s probably me and my stubbornness
>> after years of using windows, but it took me ages to find the file I
>> wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar or the thing that was
>> called list. There was also a popup menu with a folder selected.
>> Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the
>> file. The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m
>> not sure what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much
>> simpler than the windows way of doing things. In windows I could have
>> found my file in three seconds, rather than four minutes.
>> Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn
>> and practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the
>> upload button and I got: “Safari busy. Busy. Busy. Busy”. After a half
>> a minute I eventually heard “safari, ready”. Hurrah, I can finally
>> check to see if my file is uploading. I pressed VO right arrow and
>> heard to my dismay “Safari busy. Busy. Busy”. I quit safari and tried

Re: Questions

2011-10-05 Thread David Eagle
When you plug it in it should automatically show something on the
display. Mine said Battery Charging. To get it to show you what's
appearing on your computer though, press one of the cursor routing
buttons. The two rows above your display. This works fine for me.

On 05/10/2011, Becky Knaub  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do Focus 40 Blue braille displays work with the MAC?
> If they do as I think they do Could anyone tell me how to make My MBP detect
> the display when its plugged in the USB port? It won't detect the display
> either way ad I have tried everything I can think of.
> Since I really need the display to work so I can edit my papers for school I
> would appreciate if anyone could help.
> Second Is it possible to play ogg files on the mac and if so what version of
> the software would I need to get for an MBP with Lion on it?
> Thanks ,
> Becky
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>> Selecting in safari [11 Updates]
>> THank you, Esther [1 Update]
>> The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this
>> time it's about Sendspace. [2 Updates]
>> Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou [1 Update]
>> update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion [1 Update]
>> ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store! [1 Update]
>> Voice Over And Safari [2 Updates]
>> Option-click [1 Update]
>> accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype [1 Update]
>> Am I a Member of this group? [3 Updates]
>> I can't download anything all of a sudden [1 Update]
>>  Topic: Selecting in safari
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:06AM -0400 ^
>> Hey all.
>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>> and I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this
>> please let me know. Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:24AM -0400 ^
>> The way I've found to do it is:
>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:33AM -0400 ^
>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:35AM -0400 ^
>> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
>> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
>> copy.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:39AM -0400 ^
>> Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I
>> wanted to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:44AM -0400 ^
>> Once you interact, press vo-enter before selecting, then use normal
>> navigation (not holding down shift) to move to the end and hit
>> vo-enter again.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 08:49AM -0400 ^
>> Hey Matt.
>> One thing that you might want to try is this.
>> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
>> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
>> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
>> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
>> kind of annoying way to do it but...
>> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text i

Re: Questions

2011-10-06 Thread David Eagle
I'm not seeing this with my set up. On my Macbook Pro using Lion it
works fine. I plug it in to the USB port, press a cursor routing
button and it works fine. well at least it works in terms of reading
braille; I have had no joy writing with it. The cursor wheels also
work fine for me. Go into the voiceOver utility, to the braille
category, then in braille displays have a look at the settings.
Perhaps change the primary braille display setting to, use all braille
displays. I haven't got my Mac with me where I am at the moment, so I
can't be more specific.

Let me know how you get on.

On 05/10/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> You might want to use it with Bluetooth only. There is a bug that doesn't
> allow it to utilize the USB properly. I can get the USB to work, but only
> after the display has been idle for about fifteen minutes. Also, in USB
> mode, the whiz wheels do not function.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:47 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>> When you plug it in it should automatically show something on the
>> display. Mine said Battery Charging. To get it to show you what's
>> appearing on your computer though, press one of the cursor routing
>> buttons. The two rows above your display. This works fine for me.
>> On 05/10/2011, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Do Focus 40 Blue braille displays work with the MAC?
>>> If they do as I think they do Could anyone tell me how to make My MBP
>>> detect
>>> the display when its plugged in the USB port? It won't detect the display
>>> either way ad I have tried everything I can think of.
>>> Since I really need the display to work so I can edit my papers for
>>> school I
>>> would appreciate if anyone could help.
>>> Second Is it possible to play ogg files on the mac and if so what version
>>> of
>>> the software would I need to get for an MBP with Lion on it?
>>> Thanks ,
>>> Becky
>>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
>>>>  Today's Topic Summary
>>>> Group:
>>>> Selecting in safari [11 Updates]
>>>> THank you, Esther [1 Update]
>>>> The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer.
>>>> this
>>>> time it's about Sendspace. [2 Updates]
>>>> Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou [1 Update]
>>>> update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion [1 Update]
>>>> ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store! [1 Update]
>>>> Voice Over And Safari [2 Updates]
>>>> Option-click [1 Update]
>>>> accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype [1 Update]
>>>> Am I a Member of this group? [3 Updates]
>>>> I can't download anything all of a sudden [1 Update]
>>>> Topic: Selecting in safari
>>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:06AM -0400 ^
>>>> Hey all.
>>>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>>>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>>>> and I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this
>>>> please let me know. Thanks.
>>>> Matt
>>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:24AM -0400 ^
>>>> The way I've found to do it is:
>>>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired
>>>> selection.
>>>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>>>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the
>>>> selection.
>>>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>>>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>>>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>>>> --
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:33AM -0400 ^
>>>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>>>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>>>> Thanks for the response.
>>>> Matt
>>>> Sent from my macbook pro

Re: Lion 10.72 is now available.

2011-10-13 Thread David Eagle
Voice Over not starting at start up? I'm not finding that on my
machine. It's always started up fine.

On 13/10/2011, Missy Hoppe  wrote:
> Um.. I don't know how that song got attached to my previous post. Am very,
> very confused. If it went through, and you like
> it, I guess that's OK, but I didn't attach anything deliberately. I wonder
> if my computer is possessed! I'm tripple checking
> this message, and there definitely are not any attachments at the time I'm
> hitting send. If another one goes through, then I
> guess I've got problems I need to investigate once I've had sleep. Anyway,
> sorry for any confusion; I'm definitely not trying
> to cause any problems, and even without the song, I stand by my comments
> about lion.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Missy Hoppe
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 2:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Lion 10.72 is now available.
> I agree. I think the thing may have been resolved, but
> VO running at start-up seems to be hit or miss
> now, and I certainly can't find any other improvements that make me want to
> officially switch to Lion. I also noticed that
> Pianopub still isn't read accurately under lion while it reads great in snow
> leopard. In fact, the only thing I like better
> in lion than snow leopard is the way skype contacts are read. I have no clue
> what the difference is; so far as I can tell,
> I'm running the same version of skype under both operating systems, but it
> just reads slightly better under lion; none of
> those favorites checkboxes and stuff. Apart from that, though, I still have
> absolutely no desire to run lion, and will
> continue using Snow Leopard as long as it works and meets my needs.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Lion 10.72 is now available.
> Yeah, it still seems like they're sidestepping a lot of the issues that VO
> has, such as the freaky pitch changes with the
> Nuance voices and the annoying "Safari busy" messages are still there too
> when doing easy tasks like reading forum posts in
> Samnet and such. Speaking of Samnet, I know this is OT but, has anybody with
> Samnet accounts tried using the socializer with
> Chrome? I'm thinking of giving Chrome another chance and I'm not too happy
> that I can't change my screen name with Safari.
> And I say another chance because last time I used Chrome it was completely
> inaccessible. Since this is off topic, just write
> me off list about it please and thanks.
> Shawn
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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Trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail in Lion

2011-10-15 Thread David Eagle
Hi, I'm trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail but it won't
work. I've put in all the right settings, and created my account, but
it hasn't downloaded any messages. I had it working before in Snow
Leopard, and I set it up in Lion using the default settings, but it
didn't work very well with Lion - it kept assaying there was a problem
with the certificate. So I've deleted all the accounts and am trying
to start again but to no avail. Any ideas?


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Re: Trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail in Lion

2011-10-15 Thread David Eagle
O and now all my messages in my inbox have mysteriously disappeared. I
mean they've disappeared in Google Mail altogether, even if I use the
web mail. I have no idea why. Apple Mail has managed to delete three
years of messages. But the good news is that I have new messages
showing up in Apple Mail now. I'm not sure that's much of a
consolation though for deleting three years of messages, but never
mind; I'm sure my computer knows best.

My sent items are all present though; it's just my inbox that's been
deleted. This is annoying since I'm not really interested in what I've
said to other people; it's more the things that other people have said
to me that's interesting. Perhaps my Mac thinks I'm more egotistical
than I actually am.

On 15/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail but it won't
> work. I've put in all the right settings, and created my account, but
> it hasn't downloaded any messages. I had it working before in Snow
> Leopard, and I set it up in Lion using the default settings, but it
> didn't work very well with Lion - it kept assaying there was a problem
> with the certificate. So I've deleted all the accounts and am trying
> to start again but to no avail. Any ideas?
> --


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Re: Trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail in Lion

2011-10-15 Thread David Eagle
OK, I don't know what it's doing. I clicked on a link called
'personal' in Google Mail and it got my messages back. False alarm.

On 15/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
> O and now all my messages in my inbox have mysteriously disappeared. I
> mean they've disappeared in Google Mail altogether, even if I use the
> web mail. I have no idea why. Apple Mail has managed to delete three
> years of messages. But the good news is that I have new messages
> showing up in Apple Mail now. I'm not sure that's much of a
> consolation though for deleting three years of messages, but never
> mind; I'm sure my computer knows best.
> My sent items are all present though; it's just my inbox that's been
> deleted. This is annoying since I'm not really interested in what I've
> said to other people; it's more the things that other people have said
> to me that's interesting. Perhaps my Mac thinks I'm more egotistical
> than I actually am.
> On 15/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail but it won't
>> work. I've put in all the right settings, and created my account, but
>> it hasn't downloaded any messages. I had it working before in Snow
>> Leopard, and I set it up in Lion using the default settings, but it
>> didn't work very well with Lion - it kept assaying there was a problem
>> with the certificate. So I've deleted all the accounts and am trying
>> to start again but to no avail. Any ideas?
>> --
> --


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Re: Trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail in Lion

2011-10-15 Thread David Eagle
Well I seem to be doing OK now. I quite like the googlemail website, but I'm 
finding Apple mail very quick and efficient. If you get this message then I'm 
doing OK; if you don't then obviously I'm not.
On 15 Oct 2011, at 19:23, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, david,
> I've been chuckling reading your adventures and your musings. I've had some 
> weird experiences with Google Mail. I've finally gotten it all set up. You 
> might have to tweak settings for awhile till you have it set according to 
> your preferences.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Oct 15, 2011, at 8:03 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> OK, I don't know what it's doing. I clicked on a link called
>> 'personal' in Google Mail and it got my messages back. False alarm.
>> On 15/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
>>> O and now all my messages in my inbox have mysteriously disappeared. I
>>> mean they've disappeared in Google Mail altogether, even if I use the
>>> web mail. I have no idea why. Apple Mail has managed to delete three
>>> years of messages. But the good news is that I have new messages
>>> showing up in Apple Mail now. I'm not sure that's much of a
>>> consolation though for deleting three years of messages, but never
>>> mind; I'm sure my computer knows best.
>>> My sent items are all present though; it's just my inbox that's been
>>> deleted. This is annoying since I'm not really interested in what I've
>>> said to other people; it's more the things that other people have said
>>> to me that's interesting. Perhaps my Mac thinks I'm more egotistical
>>> than I actually am.
>>> On 15/10/2011, David Eagle  wrote:
>>>> Hi, I'm trying to add my gmail account to Apple Mail but it won't
>>>> work. I've put in all the right settings, and created my account, but
>>>> it hasn't downloaded any messages. I had it working before in Snow
>>>> Leopard, and I set it up in Lion using the default settings, but it
>>>> didn't work very well with Lion - it kept assaying there was a problem
>>>> with the certificate. So I've deleted all the accounts and am trying
>>>> to start again but to no avail. Any ideas?
>>>> --
>>> --
>> -- 
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Re: How do I download something?

2011-10-16 Thread David Eagle
To see the most recent downloads, press enter on your downloads folder in the 
dock. You will see the most recently downloaded items in order of when you 
downloaded them. If pressing enter doesn't illicit the correct result and you 
don't get the list then you might have to change how your downloads present 
themselves when you press enter. Go to the downloads folder in the dock and 
press VO Shift M then press enter on the display as folder option, press VO 
Shift M again and enter on view as 'list'. Also make sure that sort by date 
added is checked. Now in future, when you want to see your most recently 
downloaded items, you can do that by pressing enter on your downloads folder in 
the dock. If you want to have access to Open with and get Info etc, then you 
have to open the downloads folder in the dock by doing a VO shift M and 
pressing O then enter to get the downloads folder open in the finder window. 
then you have access to everything. 

Hope this makes sense.

On 16 Oct 2011, at 02:45, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> Today I tried to download something from a link that just said download.  I 
> pressed it and then checked the menu that has downloads in it and couldn't 
> find anything.  There is a possibility that there was nothing to download.  
> When There is something to download.  Is that where there is the downloads.  
> At the place where you press VO M and find the downloads place and then there 
> will be a list of downloads.  
> If my e-mail is a little screwy, please just e-mail me the proper place that 
> the downloads will be located and also how to delete a no longer needed 
> download please.
> Thanks for your help in advance all.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:44 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a vs  or voice sence which i can connect to my mac using blue tooth 
>> and use the active sync service and was wondering if there is a program for 
>> the mac that would allow me to synce my contacts on the mac and calendar 
>> like activesync on windows?  If so would someone point me in the rite 
>> direction for the program please?  Thanks.
>> matthew Dyer
>> matthew Dyer
>> e-mail/msn:
>> AIM: mattdy1
>> Yahoo: md1616
>> twitter: mdyer1.
>> Facebook:
>> Gtalk,
>> -- 
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Re: Glitch with Nuance Voices In Lion Getting Worse

2011-10-16 Thread David Eagle
Real Speak daniel does it now and again, for me, but not too much. It doesn't 
do it with JAWs I don't think. I wonder what causes it. I'm replying to a lot 
of messages today because I am so impressed with how amazing Apple Mail is. Yes 
people, you heard me right! I am finally coming round to loving my Mac. I used 
to think of my Mac kind of like a young, attractive woman who I'm having an 
affair with. She was exciting, new and invigorating. But she doesn't do any 
jobs around the house, nor could I depend on her in a time of need like I could 
with my wife. My windows machine is my wife; she's a bit boring, she nags me a 
lot, but she's been long-term and she's generally dependable, if a little 
sluggish. So now and again I go trotting off to my fantasy woman (I.E. my Mac 
computer,) but I always come home when I need something from my wife, (my 
windows computer) because I can depend on her. Also my Mac is like a younger 
fantasy woman who I'm having an affair with because she is very expensive in 
comparison to my windows machine. Let's be honest, I had to buy my fantasy 
woman's love. If I didn't splash the cash she wouldn't give me the time of day. 

Shall we stop the metaphor there? I'm starting to get emotional. By the way, I 
don't have a wife, nor am I dating a young attractive woman. Nor do I get up to 
anything sinister with my Mac, nor with my windows machine. Well … nothing much 
anyway. O come on! I'm not the only one! 

Sorry for the long email that didn't really help. I'm just so impressed by th 
speed with which I can use Apple Mail and how easy it is to reply and send 
emails. I will not make a habit of rambling messages that don't answer the 
question, but if you're the kind of person who gets annoyed by that kind of 
thing then let me alleviate any annoyance you might be feeling by alerting you 
to the fact that I am using this lengthy email as a way for you to test how 
many times Real Speak voices fluctuate into different pitches while reading it. 
So yes, this email is a sort of scientific experiment. If you all press VO A to 
read the whole message and report back how many times our real speak voices did 
odd pitch changes and where they happened, then perhaps we will identify some 
kind of trend. I'm sure there's some of you who believe I've just made that 
last bit up to justify my rambling long message, but then you would say that 
wouldn't you. That's just the kind of person you are. 

Incidentaly, I just read the message back with Real Speak Daniel using VO A to 
read all, and it didn't do a random pitch change once. So perhaps it only 
happens when you cursor through things. Is anyone else finding that is true? 

You see, there was a point to my message after all.

The End!

On 16 Oct 2011, at 11:27, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey guys. I don't know if any of you guys noticed but when using the Nuance 
> voices with Voice Over in Lion 10.72, the bug with the freaky pitch changes 
> has gotten worse. I like using Samantha a lot and it would be too bad if I 
> had to use Alex for everything because of this bug. So I'd like to encourage 
> everyone to get on Apple Accessibilities aces and tell them to fix this 
> stupid bug once and for all.
> Shawn
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Re: How do I download something?

2011-10-16 Thread David Eagle
Did you follow my other steps? You need to change a few settings. Press VO 
Shift M and then enter on the options Display as folder and view as list. Then 
when you've made these two changes, press enter on your downloads folder in the 
dock and you get a list of downloaded files and programmes, in the order of 
most recent first. To use open with, get info etc, you need to open the 
downloads folder in the dock with VO shift M, then press O to get to the open 
option, then press enter. Follow the steps in my last email, step by step and 
you should be fine. You've only done step 1 so far. 

I hope you understand and that I've managed to help. Sorry if I've not 
explained it well enough.
On 16 Oct 2011, at 22:54, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> When I press enter on the downloads folder on dock nothing happens and when I 
> press VO space like voiceover says to do nothing happens either.  
> Please go one step at a time.  I'mnew at this.
> Thanks.  
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 16, 2011, at 4:06 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> To see the most recent downloads, press enter on your downloads folder in 
>> the dock. You will see the most recently downloaded items in order of when 
>> you downloaded them. If pressing enter doesn't illicit the correct result 
>> and you don't get the list then you might have to change how your downloads 
>> present themselves when you press enter. Go to the downloads folder in the 
>> dock and press VO Shift M then press enter on the display as folder option, 
>> press VO Shift M again and enter on view as 'list'. Also make sure that sort 
>> by date added is checked. Now in future, when you want to see your most 
>> recently downloaded items, you can do that by pressing enter on your 
>> downloads folder in the dock. If you want to have access to Open with and 
>> get Info etc, then you have to open the downloads folder in the dock by 
>> doing a VO shift M and pressing O then enter to get the downloads folder 
>> open in the finder window. then you have access to everything. 
>> Hope this makes sense.
>> On 16 Oct 2011, at 02:45, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Today I tried to download something from a link that just said download.  I 
>>> pressed it and then checked the menu that has downloads in it and couldn't 
>>> find anything.  There is a possibility that there was nothing to download.  
>>> When There is something to download.  Is that where there is the downloads. 
>>>  At the place where you press VO M and find the downloads place and then 
>>> there will be a list of downloads.  
>>> If my e-mail is a little screwy, please just e-mail me the proper place 
>>> that the downloads will be located and also how to delete a no longer 
>>> needed download please.
>>> Thanks for your help in advance all.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Oct 15, 2011, at 6:44 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have a vs  or voice sence which i can connect to my mac using blue tooth 
>>>> and use the active sync service and was wondering if there is a program 
>>>> for the mac that would allow me to synce my contacts on the mac and 
>>>> calendar like activesync on windows?  If so would someone point me in the 
>>>> rite direction for the program please?  Thanks.
>>>> matthew Dyer
>>>> matthew Dyer
>>>> e-mail/msn:
>>>> AIM: mattdy1
>>>> Yahoo: md1616
>>>> twitter: mdyer1.
>>>> Facebook:
>>>> Gtalk,
>>>> -- 
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Re: How do I download something?

2011-10-17 Thread David Eagle
Yes ignore the enter key as the first step. Follow the other steps. I only 
mentioned the enter thing at first because that is how my downloads folder is 
set up. If pressing enter yields nothing for you then you need to do the other 
steps to set it up so that pressing enter means you can then cursor through 
your downloads in order of most recent. 
I hope this helps. Let us know if you're still unsure. 

> Hi Jennifer!
> When just sitting on the documents do not press enter first!
> Just start with vo+shift+m!
> And the rest of the instructions should be ok!
> Colin
> On 17 Oct 2011, at 00:42, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to change these steps but when I get into the doc and then press 
>> enter and then press VO shift M and then enter it shoots me back to the 
>> finder.  What am I doing wrong please.  
>> Sorry to keep bothering you but I'm missing something.
>> Jenny and my goofy buide Brooks
>> On Oct 16, 2011, at 5:16 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>>> Did you follow my other steps? You need to change a few settings. Press VO 
>>> Shift M and then enter on the options Display as folder and view as list. 
>>> Then when you've made these two changes, press enter on your downloads 
>>> folder in the dock and you get a list of downloaded files and programmes, 
>>> in the order of most recent first. To use open with, get info etc, you need 
>>> to open the downloads folder in the dock with VO shift M, then press O to 
>>> get to the open option, then press enter. Follow the steps in my last 
>>> email, step by step and you should be fine. You've only done step 1 so far. 
>>> I hope you understand and that I've managed to help. Sorry if I've not 
>>> explained it well enough.
>>> On 16 Oct 2011, at 22:54, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> When I press enter on the downloads folder on dock nothing happens and 
>>>> when I press VO space like voiceover says to do nothing happens either.  
>>>> Please go one step at a time.  I'mnew at this.
>>>> Thanks.  
>>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>>> On Oct 16, 2011, at 4:06 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>>>>> To see the most recent downloads, press enter on your downloads folder in 
>>>>> the dock. You will see the most recently downloaded items in order of 
>>>>> when you downloaded them. If pressing enter doesn't illicit the correct 
>>>>> result and you don't get the list then you might have to change how your 
>>>>> downloads present themselves when you press enter. Go to the downloads 
>>>>> folder in the dock and press VO Shift M then press enter on the display 
>>>>> as folder option, press VO Shift M again and enter on view as 'list'. 
>>>>> Also make sure that sort by date added is checked. Now in future, when 
>>>>> you want to see your most recently downloaded items, you can do that by 
>>>>> pressing enter on your downloads folder in the dock. If you want to have 
>>>>> access to Open with and get Info etc, then you have to open the downloads 
>>>>> folder in the dock by doing a VO shift M and pressing O then enter to get 
>>>>> the downloads folder open in the finder window. then you have access to 
>>>>> everything. 
>>>>> Hope this makes sense.
>>>>> On 16 Oct 2011, at 02:45, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Today I tried to download something from a link that just said download. 
>>>>>>  I pressed it and then checked the menu that has downloads in it and 
>>>>>> couldn't find anything.  There is a possibility that there was nothing 
>>>>>> to download.  
>>>>>> When There is something to download.  Is that where there is the 
>>>>>> downloads.  At the place where you press VO M and find the downloads 
>>>>>> place and then there will be a list of downloads.  
>>>>>> If my e-mail is a little screwy, please just e-mail me the proper place 
>>>>>> that the downloads will be located and also how to delete a no longer 
>>>>>> needed download please.

Re: Basic item chooser question

2011-10-20 Thread David Eagle
OUt of interest, could you not just press VO F and type download to get to the 
download link? I've never used the Item Chooser, so I'm just inquisitive about 
why you use it as opposed to VO F which I use all the time.


On 20 Oct 2011, at 04:36, Brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> It now works for me, and I'm using the latest Safari. 
> Brianna 
> On Oct 19, 2011, at 11:35 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> Have you found that item chooser doesn't work as well since Safari 5.1?  I 
>> haven't yet tried it with 5.11 however, it certainly wasn't finding all the 
>> data when using 5.1 as opposed to 5.0.
>> On Oct 18, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> I LOVE Items choosier, but usually use it on web pages where there can be 
>>> hundreds of links.  Once you VO space on an item from the items chooser 
>>> menu, though, yo have to invoke it again with VO I and put in the item you 
>>> looked for again to keep scrolling down its choices.  That's why it's good 
>>> to make sure you have the one you want, or close on the page to where you 
>>> want to be.  For example, on SendSpace, I can do an items chooser search 
>>> for "download," and instantly find out where the download link for a file 
>>> is.  On my bank's website, where there are hundreds of clickable items, I 
>>> can search for "available," and choose the item that places me right above, 
>>> on the screen, where the table showing my current accounts is.  Items 
>>> chooser is totally my BFF!
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
>>> -- 
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Re: Basic item chooser question

2011-10-20 Thread David Eagle
Hi, VO F is Voice Over find. You are not doing a Google search. Pressing VO F 
and typing in characters allows you to find instances of those characters. So 
for instance, if you pressed VO F then typed Download, then enter, you would 
get the first instance of the word download on that page. Press VO G to find 
the next instance. 
I use this all the time to search for links, such as download and find it very 
useful; but if the item chooser works better for you then that's great.

On 20 Oct 2011, at 19:11, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> VO F takes me, at least, to a google search box.  Were I to type Download in 
> the first forms field VO came to after pressing VO F, I would not get the 
> same download link, but would rather be searching for the word "download," 
> throughout the whole web.  The procedures would not yield the same results at 
> all.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Question about e-mail

2011-11-06 Thread David Eagle
A conversation is exactly what we're doing right now. Basically, there are a 
number of people all contributing to the same mail topic. Here's how it works: 
find the conversation you want to read. Press enter on it or VO O to open the 
message. You can scroll left and right through the messages with the cursor 
left and right keys. The furthest right will give you the first message in that 
conversation and you go through the later messages in that conversation by 
pressing cursor left. To close the conversation press Command W.

Hope this helps.

On 3 Nov 2011, at 20:56, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Just downloaded lion all by myself.  Well, if I tell the truth I had  little 
> help :)  Have the new lay out and it said something about conversations.  
> What does that mean.  What are they?  What do I do with them?  Most 
> importantly, what are the commands?
> Thanks for the help in advance.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Nov 3, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Maccessibility wrote:
>> The Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast #18 - Questions Questions Questions
>> In episode 18 of the Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast, the knights answer
>> questions submitted by users via email and Twitter. Topics range from advice 
>> for
>> new switchers, productivity, use of iOS and Mac applications, and more.
>> We'd like to thank everyone who sent in questions. If you have a question 
>> you'd
>> like to have answered on [...]
>> You can read the rest of this news item at:
>> The Mac-cessibility Network
>> "'s all within our reach..."
>> -- 
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Re: Apple VIS Campaign of the month!

2011-11-06 Thread David Eagle
Hi, What on earth is this about?

On 6 Nov 2011, at 19:20, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi all!
> Apple VIS have started to campaign each month!
> This month's is Skype and Apple VIS have made up a short form that you can 
> submit and if you do not like or want to edit the main text field, you can do 
> so!
> Or just send it as it is!
> You will have to register with Apple VIS to send this form and you can also 
> submit suggestions for app's for future campaign's!
> What do people think about doing dropbox!
> Anyway you all have a great day!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> -- 
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Re: Apple VIS Campaign of the month!

2011-11-06 Thread David Eagle
OK, great, sounds good. But what's inaccessible about Skype. I seem to manage 
fine using it? I'd be happy to sign a petition, but as I don't find anything 
wrong with it it would seem a bit silly to do so. Now what about Spotify for 
next month? They've completely ignored my Emails about accessibility on the 

On 6 Nov 2011, at 22:33, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi David!
> The Apple VIS group have decided to take a app once a month and [I suppose ] 
> if a concerted effort might make a difference!
> hth Colin
> On 6 Nov 2011, at 22:23, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hi, What on earth is this about?
>> On 6 Nov 2011, at 19:20, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> Apple VIS have started to campaign each month!
>>> This month's is Skype and Apple VIS have made up a short form that you can 
>>> submit and if you do not like or want to edit the main text field, you can 
>>> do so!
>>> Or just send it as it is!
>>> You will have to register with Apple VIS to send this form and you can also 
>>> submit suggestions for app's for future campaign's!
>>> What do people think about doing dropbox!
>>> Anyway you all have a great day!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> -- 
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Re: Apple VIS Campaign of the month!

2011-11-07 Thread David Eagle
OK, fair enough, I didn't realise that it was IOS. That's very frustrating that 
the Skype mobile app isn't accessible and I shall definitely sign the campaign; 
I am planning on getting an IPhone soon. But I don't understand what's wrong 
with Dropbox on the Mac. I use it all the time. What's the issue? Am I the only 
person ablel to use Dropbox on the Mac or is this just a one off problem that 
someone is having. 

On 6 Nov 2011, at 23:41, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Well, it would certainly be nice to do a large-scale campaign writing to 
> dropbox about accessibility problems with their mac software. However, 
> applevis is a site dealing with iOS apps. Since the DropBox iPhone app is 
> very accessible, they probably wouldn't persue this issue. Good thinking 
> though.
> Justin
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi all!
> Apple VIS have started to campaign each month!
> This month's is Skype and Apple VIS have made up a short form that you can 
> submit and if you do not like or want to edit the main text field, you can do 
> so!
> Or just send it as it is!
> You will have to register with Apple VIS to send this form and you can also 
> submit suggestions for app's for future campaign's!
> What do people think about doing dropbox!
> Anyway you all have a great day!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> -- 
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Re: Good iPhone Scannar app

2011-11-07 Thread David Eagle
So this thing just lets you listen to police conversations? Does it come in 
useful at all in everyday life? It seems a bit random. Sorry if this comes 
across a bit rude; I'm just inquisitive as to what you use it for. I suppose it 
could be interesting, but I'd find it odd if I spent my train journeys to work 
listening to random police conversations rather than a Podcast. 

On 7 Nov 2011, at 20:58, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> I downloaded but didn't see a free version. I saw one with extra feeds for 
> $1.99 and bought it. It is pretty good but here in the Charlotte, NC area not 
> all feeds are available.
> Kev
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> If anyone wants a good police scanner app with feeds from all over the 
>> world, check out the free, and paid versions of 5-0 Radio and 5-0 Radio Pro 
>> apps. Both are accessible, and have lots of good feeds.
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