I've tried FileZiller, which I use on the PC, but it doesn't seem to
be accessible on the Mac. I've never used the Mac for FTP; I always
end up switching on my PC unfortunately.
Sorry I can't help Paul, but how do you use Terminal for FTP?

On 10/10/2012, Ray Foret Jr <rfore...@att.net> wrote:
> I once heard of something called "Transmit" which I seem to recall was
> fairly popular among blind Mac users for a while.  It came at a nomila cost;
> but, many seemed to like it pretty well.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 5:28 AM, Paul Erkens <paul.erk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> I often mount an ftp site using the finder, by hitting command k, then
>> typing ftp://, that is f t p colon slash slash, then the address of the
>> ftp server and then enter. If you need to connect to an alternative port
>> on the ftp server, that is also possible, by adding a colon, and then the
>> port number before hitting enter.
>> This mounts the ftp site, as if it were an external disk, which is
>> fantastic. You can download entire folder structures on an ftp site to
>> your mac, by simply hitting command c on the item to get, even a big
>> folder structure, then going into downloads and command v ing it there.
>> But, we cannot upload. Only download.
>> There used to be software, called mac fuse, that allowed us to mount an
>> ftp site in read write mode, rather than in read-only mode, which is what
>> the finder always does. I experimented with mac fuse under snow leopard
>> and there I had that working as far as I remember, but to my knowledge,
>> mac fuse has not been updated for lion, nor for mountain lion.
>> Is there another way to easily mount an ftp site in finder as read/write,
>> or alternatively, what are you using to upload stuff into an ftp site
>> using your mac? If it's just a zip file or another single thing, then I
>> can help myself with the terminal command line ftp client, but I'd rather
>> find an easier solution. Any ideas?
>> Paul.
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David Eagle

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