Re: Two Factor Authentication Not an Option?

2016-07-08 Thread Alex Hall
You must first go to > security and turn off two step 
verification, if you have it on. Then, after you've made three security 
questions (part of disabling two step verification), go to your iPhone > 
settings > iCloud. Tap the button named for your account username, enter the 
password, and tap two factor authentication. That's if you can find it.
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 06:49, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> My iPHone has two factor authentication?
> Where abouts is it I shoud be looking for this?
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Friday, 8 July 2016 2:36 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Two Factor Authentication Not an Option?
> Hi all,
> My sister had to turn off two step verification on her ID months ago so she 
> could sign into the Apple TV 3. However, she went to turn on two factor 
> authentication today, at my urging, but it's not anywhere. She has El Cap, 
> iOS9, and watchOS2. Yet neither on the Mac, web, or iPhone is 2FA an option 
> at all. It's not that it's dimmed, it's literally not there in any way. I 
> enabled it on my account with no trouble, although I'm on iOS10. Still, all 
> the articles I've read--including Apple's own--say to do exactly what I did. 
> Why hers isn't working is beyond me. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> <>
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-08 Thread Alex Hall
l that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: Two Factor Authentication Not an Option?

2016-07-09 Thread Alex Hall
No, the website is Then, on your iOS device, open Settings, 
go to iCloud, tap on your account name, and proceed from there as described.
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 05:42, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Iclouds accessible? Last time I looked at it the accessibility was poo
> But thanks I”ll give that a look
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Saturday, 9 July 2016 2:16 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Re: Two Factor Authentication Not an Option?
> You must first go to <> > security 
> and turn off two step verification, if you have it on. Then, after you've 
> made three security questions (part of disabling two step verification), go 
> to your iPhone > settings > iCloud. Tap the button named for your account 
> username, enter the password, and tap two factor authentication. That's if 
> you can find it.
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 06:49, Simon Fogarty  <>> wrote:
> My iPHone has two factor authentication?
> Where abouts is it I shoud be looking for this?
> From: 
> <> 
> [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Friday, 8 July 2016 2:36 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries  <>>
> Subject: Two Factor Authentication Not an Option?
> Hi all,
> My sister had to turn off two step verification on her ID months ago so she 
> could sign into the Apple TV 3. However, she went to turn on two factor 
> authentication today, at my urging, but it's not anywhere. She has El Cap, 
> iOS9, and watchOS2. Yet neither on the Mac, web, or iPhone is 2FA an option 
> at all. It's not that it's dimmed, it's literally not there in any way. I 
> enabled it on my account with no trouble, although I'm on iOS10. Still, all 
> the articles I've read--including Apple's own--say to do exactly what I did. 
> Why hers isn't working is beyond me. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> <>
> -- 
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Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Alex Hall
There's also the updates to consider, Rumors have it that Apple will announce a 
new Pro, and maybe a new 12-inch retina MacBook, sometime this fall. At that 
time, you can get the new one, or take advantage of deals on the older ones 
(what is now the current model). In other words, the iPads likely won't be 
updated for a while, but the MacBooks could be updated soon. If you're thinking 
of a Mac, I'd wait until the end of the year to see what changes.

I, too, don't really see the advantage of the Pro over the Air2 for a blind 
user. The Pro has a more powerful CPU and better graphics performance, 
certainly, but other than that it has little the Air2 doesn't. It comes in the 
larger screen size, which I suppose could work out for those needing a good 
deal of screen enlargement. As to Macs, people have already described the 
differences. For a more thorough and (maybe overly) detailed breakdown, see my 
guide to all of Apple's Mac computers:
> On Jul 9, 2016, at 05:55, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Max,
> The air is either 11 or 13 inch screan size,
> With a less powerfull I5 or I7 processor range,
> Starting at 128 gb hard drive up to 512 gb drive space, both use PCE flash 
> storage
>   And up to 8gb ram.
> Note the up to is considered a custom build and has to be ordered as they 
> only have sertain machines as general builds.
> The 11 inch has 2 usb 3 ports and 1 thunderbolt where as the 13 inch has the 
> same plus an sd card slot on the right edge.
> They are thiner around 1.1 KG approx. 2 pounds,
> And a great battery life
> The pros are more powerfull processors, coming in 13, 15 & 17 inch screan 
> sizes,
>  And the other specs like ram and harddrive space go up in stages also.
> As do the prices.
> I have a 11inch air which has full specs of I7 processor, 8gb ram and 512gb 
> hard drive space and it’s great I get approx. 7 hours of life out of it when 
> using windows and more than that if using the mac osx  unless I’m watching tv 
> or movies in which case things drop by about 25%
> The air is really an entry level product but has guts to work hard.
> The pro is for the power user and slightly heavier at around 2Kg in weight.
> Depending on what your doing most people can get away with the air but as I 
> said it depends on your kind of usage.
> From: 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> [] 
> Sent: Saturday, 9 July 2016 2:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?
> i think a mac book is still right for me. next question is what are the 
> differences between the pro and air. thanks, max 
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 9:23 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> The iPad Pro is 12.9 inches. It comes with a maximum of 256gb, I believe, 
> which is a lot, but far less than you can get for MacBooks. Plus, it lacks 
> the expansion ports of a Mac.
> As to which is better, that depends on your use case. iOS still lacks many 
> keyboard shortcuts found in macOS, and honestly, an Air or a 12-inch MacBook 
> isn't much larger or heavier than the Pro. Plus, if you need Windows, you 
> can't run that on iOS like you can on macOS. I haven't used an iPad Pro, but 
> I do have an iPhone 6s Plus, and the OS will be the same on both. Personally, 
> I'd rather save up a little more money and get a good MacBook. The iPad Pro 
> is a fine device, but I've never understood having an iPad if I already have 
> an iPhone. Aside from the braille screen input and battery, what can an iPad 
> do for me, as a blind person, that my (much more portable) iPhone can't? JMO, 
> obviously. :)
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 22:15, 'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries 
> wrote:
> sorry just assumed the air came in a 13 or close to that. what is the max 
> hard drive for the iPad pro? does it assume the user will keep a lot of stuff 
> on their cloud drive? thanks, max 
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 8:59 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I'd definitely go with the Macbook Pro, but all that said, I have the 12 inch 
> IPad Pro 128 GB and I freaking swear by the thing!
> I've never heard of an Air let alone any IPad model that is a 13 inch.  Did I 
> miss something obvious?
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> <>
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message - From: "'Maxwell Ivey' via MacVisionaries"

Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-09 Thread Alex Hall
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: Mail - Strategies for finding messages

2016-07-15 Thread Alex Hall
I find cmd-option-f works far better. As you type, it auto-completes with 
suggested contact names, mailbox names, "subject contains", and more. You can 
then press enter, or down arrow to choose another option and press enter. Left 
arrow back onto the term to choose the search type (contains, from, to, etc) if 
you don't like the default. Simply move to the end of the field and type again 
to add more search terms. Finally, press enter, then vo-cmd-t to jump to the 
table, or use Window Spots with vo-u. Cmd-option-f jumps back to the search 
box. Just delete everything out of it when you're done to return to normal.
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 06:55, Anatoliy Popko  wrote:
> Hello!
> What's my best step-by-step strategy if I want to find a particular message 
> in the selected folder? (talking about Mail using El Capitan).
> I go to folder, focus on message list, press Command+f, type a search term - 
> what's next?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Anatoliy Popko
> Skype ID: ADPopko
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Alex Hall
Hey list,
Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me a 
table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one for 
each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's correct. 
When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive that she 
wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know to use the 
right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry in the disks 
table to choose. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: Reformatting drives on Mac: which entry in the table?

2016-07-16 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. To be sure I have it right, that would be the first, collapsable entry 
in the disks table? What would happen if I reformatted the volume and not the 
physical disk? Would that leave it using NTFS, not letting me partition it but 
with a Mac FS partition?
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 15:06, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> If changing it from NTFS to an Apple File System, I'd use the physical disk, 
> not the volume label.  In most cases, it just matters what you plan on using 
> the disk for.  The physical disk maps out what volumes etc are present, and 
> the items in the sub-list are the volumes present on the physical disk.  So, 
> if it's only going to be used for a Mac, especially if it's possible that you 
> wish it to be used for Time Machine as well., then it's best to format it as 
> MacOS Extended (Journaled).
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Jul 16, 2016, at 12:36, Alex Hall  <>> wrote:
> Hey list,
> Something I've wondered for a long time but never bothered to check out is 
> this. When reformatting a drive in OS X--sorry, macOS--Disk Utility shows me 
> a table of disks. Most have two entries, one for the physical device and one 
> for each volume on that device, I presume. I'm not even sure if that's 
> correct. When reformatting, which do I choose? My mother has a 1TB NTFS drive 
> that she wants me to reformat for use on a Mac. I've backed it up, and know 
> to use the right file system and all that. What I'm wondering is which entry 
> in the disks table to choose. Thanks.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> <>
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: swift playgroupnd

2016-07-19 Thread Alex Hall
The app will be available for everyone, for free, but it can only run on an 
iPad running iOS10. Right now, it's available for those running iOS10 betas as 
part of their testing.
> On Jul 19, 2016, at 06:46, Ben J. Bloomgren  wrote:
> Simon,
> As far as I can tell, it'll be available for everybody, being that it's 
> supposed to be a helper for people who want to learn to program for Apple's 
> apps.
> Ben
> On 7/19/2016 2:28, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I was just wondering about the swift Playground  dev app that is to be 
>> released some time this year.
>> Is that to be available for everyone or only available for Developers?
>> Does anyone know if its available yet or is it only currently in a dev or 
>> beta state
>> Thanks for any information re this.
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: swift playgroupnd

2016-07-21 Thread Alex Hall
Again, all, this will be a free app when released. However, it is not yet 
available unless you are testing iOS10 on an iPad. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2016, at 04:59, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> I didn’t know it was available yet.
> I’m keen to know how accessible it is before I go getting it.
> But very interested.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2016 1:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> I was actually hoping to buy it.  So I hope it does work on the iPhone, 
> because I don't have an iPad.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 2:21 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Donna I was just wondering that myself.
> My iPhone 6s+ is not much smaller than my iPad mini 4.
> Go figure.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2016 11:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> Hi Alex,
> Does that mean that it cannot be run on an iPhone?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Jul 19, 2016, at 5:50 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> The app will be available for everyone, for free, but it can only run on an 
> iPad running iOS10. Right now, it's available for those running iOS10 betas 
> as part of their testing.
> On Jul 19, 2016, at 06:46, Ben J. Bloomgren  wrote:
> Simon,
> As far as I can tell, it'll be available for everybody, being that it's 
> supposed to be a helper for people who want to learn to program for Apple's 
> apps.
> Ben
> On 7/19/2016 2:28, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Hi List,
> I was just wondering about the swift Playground  dev app that is to be 
> released some time this year.
> Is that to be available for everyone or only available for Developers?
> Does anyone know if its available yet or is it only currently in a dev or 
> beta state
> Thanks for any information re this.
> -- 
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> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visio

Re: Help with an Audio Hijack Session and other ideas re. NiceCast

2016-07-21 Thread Alex Hall
I've never tried this, but could you not just record Fusion directly? Add an 
application block from the sources list, vo-space on it and choose Fusion from 
the menu, then hook it up to whatever recording device you want. Since, to the 
Mac, Fusion is just an app, this should work like any other app and let you 
record any sound Fusion outputs. It may not, but it's worth a try. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2016, at 01:05, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to make a session in Audio Hijack where I can record VMware 
> Fusion VM, my microphone, as well as being able to hear both.
> I have the following:
> A VMware Fusion application block.
> An MP3 recording block.
> Microphone input capture that is connected to the recording block.
> Added another mic input, which in theory I am trying to connect to the Fusion 
> block so I can hear Windows while session is recording.
> So, here is where I am at now:
> After moving stuff around and messed the session up, I have my mic input 
> connected to the recording block at 1, 1.. The recording block, then, is at 
> 3, 1. Successful connection there. The other mic input, which should probably 
> go to Fusion, is connected to the recording block since it is at coordinates 
> 1, 2. I’m trying to figure out a way to get these inputs, app, and recording 
> block connected the way I want. One mic input to MP3, one mic to Fusion, and 
> Fusion to mp3. In theory that should work. I realize I may have to move a few 
> of these to decimals, how do I do that again?
> Furthermore, I have Loopback. Could I just make a device with a mic input and 
> VmWare Fusion, make a session with this Loopback device, recording block, and 
> a mic input connecting it so I can hear it and call it a day?
> also, is there a way I could possibly stream using NiceCast the stuff Audio 
> Hijack is recording via these sessions? So I can record streams and archive 
> them as a podcast.
> Maybe I could make a Loopback device and set it as my NiceCast source, but 
> whoops, I won’t be able to hear anything.
> -- 
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> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Help with an Audio Hijack Session and other ideas re. NiceCast

2016-07-21 Thread Alex Hall
I'm not sure I follow. The type of input has nothing to do with whether you can 
hear it or not. That depends on connecting the input to a speaker output.

In your case, you'd likely want an app input and a mic input, both going to a 
record block. After that record block should be a sound output block, so that 
you can hear the sound recorded in the record block and thus hear all your 
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2016, at 15:23, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
> Well, I am trying to do that, but when I add just one mic input, I can’t hear 
> Fusion. Therefore, I have to add a second one and connect it to Fusion. What 
> is the best way to go about doing that?
>> On Jul 21, 2016, at 10:46 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've never tried this, but could you not just record Fusion directly? Add an 
>> application block from the sources list, vo-space on it and choose Fusion 
>> from the menu, then hook it up to whatever recording device you want. Since, 
>> to the Mac, Fusion is just an app, this should work like any other app and 
>> let you record any sound Fusion outputs. It may not, but it's worth a try. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 21, 2016, at 01:05, Joshua Tubbs  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am trying to make a session in Audio Hijack where I can record VMware 
>>> Fusion VM, my microphone, as well as being able to hear both.
>>> I have the following:
>>> A VMware Fusion application block.
>>> An MP3 recording block.
>>> Microphone input capture that is connected to the recording block.
>>> Added another mic input, which in theory I am trying to connect to the 
>>> Fusion block so I can hear Windows while session is recording.
>>> So, here is where I am at now:
>>> After moving stuff around and messed the session up, I have my mic input 
>>> connected to the recording block at 1, 1.. The recording block, then, is at 
>>> 3, 1. Successful connection there. The other mic input, which should 
>>> probably go to Fusion, is connected to the recording block since it is at 
>>> coordinates 1, 2. I’m trying to figure out a way to get these inputs, app, 
>>> and recording block connected the way I want. One mic input to MP3, one mic 
>>> to Fusion, and Fusion to mp3. In theory that should work. I realize I may 
>>> have to move a few of these to decimals, how do I do that again?
>>> Furthermore, I have Loopback. Could I just make a device with a mic input 
>>> and VmWare Fusion, make a session with this Loopback device, recording 
>>> block, and a mic input connecting it so I can hear it and call it a day?
>>> also, is there a way I could possibly stream using NiceCast the stuff Audio 
>>> Hijack is recording via these sessions? So I can record streams and archive 
>>> them as a podcast.
>>> Maybe I could make a Loopback device and set it as my NiceCast source, but 
>>> whoops, I won’t be able to hear anything.
>>> -- 
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Re: swift playgroupnd

2016-07-24 Thread Alex Hall
As I recall, it's a download you can find in the App Store.
> On Jul 24, 2016, at 04:25, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi,
> As I’m  running the IOS 10 Beta  on my iPad where would I find the Swift 
> Playground beta?
> Or is it because my iPad is a mini 4 I’m not actually running a ful iPad 
> therefore don’t have the ability to run the swift playground software.
> Cheer.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
> Sent: Sunday, 24 July 2016 5:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> Playground  is iPad iOS 10-only and is 100% VoiceoVer accessible.
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 2:48 AM Simon Fogarty  <>> wrote:
> Avid,
> Thanks for that, Might hve to install the beta to my iPad.
> From: 
> <> 
> [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
> Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2016 10:03 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> According to a blind programmer who is on the Swift Playground team, Swift 
> Playground is fully accessible.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: <>
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 21 Jul 2016, at 20:59, Simon Fogarty  <>> wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> I didn’t know it was available yet.
> I’m keen to know how accessible it is before I go getting it.
> But very interested.
> From: 
> <> 
> [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2016 1:46 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> I was actually hoping to buy it.  So I hope it does work on the iPhone, 
> because I don't have an iPad.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 2:21 AM, Simon Fogarty  <>> wrote:
> Donna I was just wondering that myself.
> My iPhone 6s+ is not much smaller than my iPad mini 4.
> Go figure.
> From: 
> <> 
> [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2016 11:36 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: swift playgroupnd
> Hi Alex,
> Does that mean that it cannot be run on an iPhone?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Jul 19, 2016, at 5:50 AM, Alex Hall  <>> wrote:
> The app will be available for everyone, for free, but it can only run on an 
> iPad running iOS10. Right now, it's available for those running iOS10 betas 
> as part of their testing.
> On Jul 19, 2016, at 06:46, Ben J. Bloomgren  <>> wrote:
> Simon,
> As far as I can tell, it'll be available for everybody, being that it's 
> supposed to be a helper for people who want to learn to program for Apple's 
> apps.
> Ben
> On 7/19/2016 2:28, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Hi List,
> I was just wondering about the swift Playground dev app that is to be 
> released some time this year.
> Is that to be available for everyone or only available for Developers?
> Does anyone know if its available yet or is it only currently in a dev or 
> beta state
> Thanks for any information re this.
> --
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara 
> <>
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> <>
> ---

OT: custom sound works for Mail, not Messages

2016-07-24 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I just saved an AIFF file for use with audio alerts on my Mac. I've assigned it 
to Mail with no problem, but I really wanted it for messages. However, it 
doesn't appear in Messages > Preferences > sound. Is there more I need to do 
than just adding it to ~/library/sounds, or can I not make custom message 
arrival sounds? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: OT: custom sound works for Mail, not Messages

2016-07-25 Thread Alex Hall
Oddly, I don't seem to have a Private Frameworks under either /library or 
~/library. But then, I'm on the Sierra beta, so maybe these files have moved.
> On Jul 24, 2016, at 22:45, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:
> It looks like the file type should be core audio file 
> I found the Bamboo sound in the Modern directory under:
> Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneLibrary.framework/Resources/AlertTones
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 7:16 PM, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just saved an AIFF file for use with audio alerts on my Mac. I've assigned 
>> it to Mail with no problem, but I really wanted it for messages. However, it 
>> doesn't appear in Messages > Preferences > sound. Is there more I need to do 
>> than just adding it to ~/library/sounds, or can I not make custom message 
>> arrival sounds? Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> <>
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Alex Hall
Here's the link. Remember that, for reasons I've never discovered, the 
time/date script fails, as does the ram script. Ram I'm not worried about, as 
changes in the way 10.9 and newer manage it render the numbers not very useful. 
Time/date is oddly broken and I don't yet know why. The rest *should* work.
> On Jul 25, 2016, at 13:27, Caitlyn Furness  wrote:
> If that somebody could also post that file here, it’d be great!
> thanks!
> Caitlyn
>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:34 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>  I don’t remember who did the scripts for all the cool things for Apple 
>> script for Vo.  But does anyone have a zipped copy they could send to me I 
>> need some of those scripts.
>> -- 
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-26 Thread Alex Hall
The Readme file has full instructions. If anyone has questions after that, feel 
free to ask. I'll also say that the list archives contain messages I've written 
in the past, so may be of some help as well.
> On Jul 26, 2016, at 13:52, Caitlyn Furness  wrote:
> thanks Alex!
> Caitlyn
>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:19 PM, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Here's the link. Remember that, for reasons I've never discovered, the 
>> time/date script fails, as does the ram script. Ram I'm not worried about, 
>> as changes in the way 10.9 and newer manage it render the numbers not very 
>> useful. Time/date is oddly broken and I don't yet know why. The rest 
>> *should* work.
>> <>
>>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 13:27, Caitlyn Furness >> <>> wrote:
>>> If that somebody could also post that file here, it’d be great!
>>> thanks!
>>> Caitlyn
>>>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:34 AM, Scott Berry >>> <>> wrote:
>>>>I don’t remember who did the scripts for all the cool things for Apple 
>>>> script for Vo.  But does anyone have a zipped copy they could send to me I 
>>>> need some of those scripts.
>>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> <>
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Re: OT: custom sound works for Mail, not Messages

2016-07-27 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried putting the cap file in 
~/library/sounds, ~/library/audio/sounds/alerts, and 
/library/audio/sounds/alerts. I couldn't get it to show up as an option in 
Messages in any location. Ah well.
> On Jul 25, 2016, at 08:10, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> My primary idea was to let you know to try core audio instead of an AIFF for 
> the file type.
> ghe location. 
> I used the find commad in termibal.  To get
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan Cohn 
> On Jul 25, 2016, at 7:18 AM, Alex Hall  <>> wrote:
>> Oddly, I don't seem to have a Private Frameworks under either /library or 
>> ~/library. But then, I'm on the Sierra beta, so maybe these files have moved.
>>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 22:45, Jonathan Cohn >> <>> wrote:
>>> It looks like the file type should be core audio file 
>>> I found the Bamboo sound in the Modern directory under:
>>> Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneLibrary.framework/Resources/AlertTones
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jonathan
>>>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 7:16 PM, Alex Hall >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I just saved an AIFF file for use with audio alerts on my Mac. I've 
>>>> assigned it to Mail with no problem, but I really wanted it for messages. 
>>>> However, it doesn't appear in Messages > Preferences > sound. Is there 
>>>> more I need to do than just adding it to ~/library/sounds, or can I not 
>>>> make custom message arrival sounds? Thanks.
>>>> --
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex Hall
>>>> <>
>>>> -- 
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>>>> Visionaries list.
>>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
>>>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>>>> <>
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>>>> <>
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Re: Notifications

2016-07-27 Thread Alex Hall
To toggle Do Not Disturb, open the Notification Center and choose the 'today' 
radio button. Interact with the widgets, then with the Do Not Disturb widget 
(should be the first one). In there, uncheck the only checkbox.
> On Jul 24, 2016, at 08:39, Saqib Hussain  wrote:
> Hi. For some reason I’m not getting my notification sounds anymore on my Mac. 
> I think Do Not Disturb is turned on and I can’t find a way of turning it on 
> as It’s not in the notification centre. 
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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- you can reach Cara at

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Re: help with voice memos

2016-07-27 Thread Alex Hall
My first thought is to sync via iTunes, which will put all your voice memos 
into iTunes and from there let you access them in the iTunes media folder. You 
could also try Airdropping the file over to the Mac, assuming your Mac is new 
enough (2011 or 2012 for most machines).
> On Jul 27, 2016, at 13:00, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> Hey everyone, hope you can help.
> I attended a lexure wich was about 2 and a half hours. I used my voice memos
> app on my iPhone 6 plus to record this talk. So now I want to transfer it to
> my mac. After I do so I want to convert it to mp3.
> Any ideas how I do this.
> Thanks for any help in advanced 
> Regards
> Zoe
> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
> hope is that it won't be too late..  
> -- 
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> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: help with voice memos

2016-07-27 Thread Alex Hall
Not off the top of my head, but I'm sure Google has tons of solutions. My first 
thought would be to hit vo-shift-m on the file, find and expand the Services 
submenu, and choose convert. From there, find a file format that works (this 
may be limited to AAC, not MP3, I'm not sure).
> On Jul 27, 2016, at 21:22, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> I think I like the air drop solution. Do you know how I can convert this file 
> to mp3? <>
> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
> when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
> many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is 
> that it won’t be too late.. 
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: July 27, 2016 8:58 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Subject: Re: help with voice memos
> My first thought is to sync via iTunes, which will put all your voice memos 
> into iTunes and from there let you access them in the iTunes media folder. 
> You could also try Airdropping the file over to the Mac, assuming your Mac is 
> new enough (2011 or 2012 for most machines).
>> On Jul 27, 2016, at 13:00, zoe fiogkos > <>> wrote:
>> Hey everyone, hope you can help.
>> I attended a lexure wich was about 2 and a half hours. I used my voice memos
>> app on my iPhone 6 plus to record this talk. So now I want to transfer it to
>> my mac. After I do so I want to convert it to mp3.
>> Any ideas how I do this.
>> Thanks for any help in advanced 
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
>> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
>> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
>> hope is that it won't be too late..  
>> -- 
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>> <>
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>> <>
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> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> <>
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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> <>
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Re: Buying a copy of Windows 10?

2016-08-09 Thread Alex Hall
Just for the record, the price is $129, not $1.29. I likely missed a joke in 
the thread, but I wanted to make sure people knew the full price is, well, full 
price. Makes those yearly Mac and iOS updates look pretty cheap by comparison…
> On Aug 9, 2016, at 18:32, E.T.  wrote:
>   $1.30? Now that is dirt cheap even for Windows 10..
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 8/9/2016 3:28 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> Scott, is a buck thirty in your price range? Amazon link is:
>> Frank
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 1:45 PM
>> To: MacVisionaries 'Chris Blouch' via 
>> Subject: Buying a copy of Windows 10?
>> Hi, suppose I want to create a VM from scratch with a windows 10 ISO or some 
>> sort of media and key, what’s the best way to legally purchase a key? I’d 
>> like to run 64 bit pro.  I know how to buy IOS but not Windows.  Is there a 
>> trick to get the best price or what do you all do for your licenses?
>> Thank you
>> Scott
> -- 
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> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: Searching for sanity

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
Have you considered widening the search until you get all, or more than all, 
your files? You can then narrow it bit by bit and see where you and the Mac are 
not on the same page. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 12, 2016, at 23:18, Larry Thacker Jr.  
> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  I found the instructions for rebuilding the index, and 
> you can get it to do one folder by adding and removing it from Spotlight’s 
> excluded folders.  I did that and observed the files disappearing and 
> reappearing in the saved search.  Trouble is, it is the same set of files.  I 
> even tried modifying the search so that it only looks for “Larry.”  Still the 
> same set of files.  Learning AppleScript is on my to-do list, but I would not 
> have expected to need it for something as simple as this.  A little 
> disappointed with my shiny new toy.  Perhaps a bit more Googling is in order.
> Larry
>> On Aug 12, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Jonathan Cohn  wrote:
>> Larry,
>> I don't think anybody answered you on this. One possibility is that the 
>> database that is used to support search services like spotlight somehow 
>> missed those files. You can do a Google search on how to re-build the 
>> Spotlight database. If you have a hard disk Macintosh (not solid state), 
>> then it could take overnight to rebuild the index database.
>> Another approach you could take is to learn AppleScript something close to :
>> tell finder 
>> set mmfiles to every media file whose Name contains "Sean" 
>> I am not sure this is the way to grab media files as it has been several 
>> months since I did any Finder Applescripts.
>> Take care,
>> Jonathan
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>>> On Aug 1, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Larry Thacker Jr.  
>>> wrote:
>>> I’m relatively new to the Mac, but this seems straightforward enough, 
>>> except it doesn’t seem to be.  I have a subfolder in my home folder called 
>>> Podcasts.  I want to work with a subset of the files in this folder, 
>>> specifically, those featuring yours truly.  So I created a saved search 
>>> that simply says kind is any, name contains Message by Larry.  This search 
>>> should return more than 60 files, but it returns 9.  I looked at one of the 
>>> file names that is not turning up and it matches case and all.  What am I 
>>> missing?
>>> Larry Thacker Jr.
>>> -- 
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>>> Visionaries list.
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>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner 

Re: Difficulty Accessing Body of Incoming Messages

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
Enter will--or should--focus you on the body of the message. It may take a 
second, but it should do it. That was made much better in 10.11, so I have to 
first ask if you're running the latest macOS version? If so, is cursor tracking 
on? Press vo-shift-f3 to make sure it is; if you hear "cursor tracking on", 
awesome! If you hear that it is now off, press the command again to turn it 
back on. You nearly always want this on.

If pressing enter absolutely will NOT work, many people like to use the preview 
pane. On a message, hit vo-j and VO will read the message as it focuses on the 
text in the preview pane. If you've closed that pane in the past, vo-j will 
instead jump you to the mailboxes table, or perhaps go nowhere if you have your 
mailboxes hidden. If that happens, let us know which macOS version you have so 
we can advise on how to open the panel. The main problem I have with this 
method is that any message you arrow past will be marked as "read", even if you 
didn't read it. Mail shows any focused message in the preview pane, and 
considers it read if that happens. Since VO focuses on a message as you arrow 
to it, that causes the message to be displayed and thus read, even if you 
arrowed right past it and didn't truly read it at all.
> On Aug 13, 2016, at 06:45, Sandra E. Finley  wrote:
> I have never been able to efficiently read the body of an email message and 
> it is very annoying. 
> The only way I can read the text is to  down arrow  a couple of times and 
> then swipe down  or continue down arrowing.  Here is what I have tried:
> . 
> I open email messages with either enter or command o. In both cases VO says, 
> "message headers."  Then I attempt to read the message in several ways:
> swipe down with two fingers:  VO says "message headers." 
> VO a (read contents of 
> VO b (read from beginning)  same result   b: ((read from beginning): I get 
> the little "bong" error message.
> Because I have a lap top with no control key on the right, I have set up 
> keyboard commanders  with right option:
> option v read contents of vo cursor and 
> option b read from beginning, and I get the same result.
> Any ideas what the problem is? Thanks.
> Sandy Finley
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Speeding up Youtube videos on iOS?

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Is there a way in the Youtube app, or a separate app, to speed up Youtube 
videos? I often listen to long ones, like presentations or debates, and would 
love a way to make them go faster like I do podcasts. I'd be okay with an app 
as simple as accepting just a URL, with no additional Youtube functionality, 
though a more full-featured one would be great if it exists. Thanks for any 

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Travel bluetooth keyboard recommendations?

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
Hi list,
I'll be going on a short trip in a couple weeks and plan to bring only my 
iPhone. BSI is great, but for longer messages, I'd like to have something 
better. What is a good keyboard for use with iOS that can travel well? I'm not 
the biggest fan of folding keyboards, as the one I've used was cramped and 
unsteady while typing. I don't want a pocket-sized one, but I do need something 
that won't take up a ton of room in a backpack and that will stand up to the 
rigors of travel without losing key caps or having its internals damaged. 
Obviously, key placement for easy VO control is a huge plus, but with the caps 
lock option in iOS9 that's not as big of a concern as it used to be.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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Re: Travel bluetooth keyboard recommendations?

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. I've been told the Logitech series in general is good, with some able 
to switch between devices. I've also gotten recommendations for the standard 
Apple keyboard, and the iClever folding keyboard.

I know I said I'm not a fan of folding ones, but the more I read about this 
iClever, the more I find myself swaying in its direction. It's aluminum, a 
trip-fold design, can be recharged, and has very good reviews on Amazon. The 
more I consider my use case, the more I think something able to fold down small 
will be better for plane and car travel than would a full-sized, if slim, 
keyboard. But by all means, if people have other suggestions, do please let me 
know. Thanks.
> On Aug 13, 2016, at 14:10, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> Alex, short of the Apple bluetooth keyboard, I use the Logitech K480. It can 
> pair with 3 devices, which I like, and is fairly sturdy. I’ve had no issues 
> with mine and have dropped it at least once on a tile floor. the cover 
> doesn’t feel particularly sturdy but it’s better than it feels. The key 
> action is awesome as well and the way the spaces between keys are covered 
> makes it hard to get stuff down in between keys. It also has a little stand 
> area along the back top for iPad/iPhone if not in an Otterbox case. It’s 
> about 11.5 inches wide, 8 inches long and about half an inch thick. It takes 
> 2 Double A batteries, which last a ridiculously long time. 
> Jenine Stanley
> <>
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 7:24 AM, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'll be going on a short trip in a couple weeks and plan to bring only my 
>> iPhone. BSI is great, but for longer messages, I'd like to have something 
>> better. What is a good keyboard for use with iOS that can travel well? I'm 
>> not the biggest fan of folding keyboards, as the one I've used was cramped 
>> and unsteady while typing. I don't want a pocket-sized one, but I do need 
>> something that won't take up a ton of room in a backpack and that will stand 
>> up to the rigors of travel without losing key caps or having its internals 
>> damaged. Obviously, key placement for easy VO control is a huge plus, but 
>> with the caps lock option in iOS9 that's not as big of a concern as it used 
>> to be.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> <>
>> -- 
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>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>> <>
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>> <>
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> --- 
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Re: Searching for sanity

2016-08-13 Thread Alex Hall
I mean, expand your criteria. That is, start with "name contains l", or "kind 
is media", targeting only your main folder. You'll get more than you want, but 
this is just to see if things are working. Slowly add more to your search 
(remember that it's live, so you need only adjust text or parameters to have 
the search run again). Hopefully, you can narrow it down and find where the 
search stops finding too much and starts finding not enough. I haven't used 
searches often, but when I do, they work well and are very convenient.
> On Aug 13, 2016, at 15:30, Larry Thacker Jr.  
> wrote:
> It can’t be much simpler than only consisting of Name contains Larry.  
> I even tried moving all the files into a fresh folder and rebuilding the 
> search on that folder.  I get the same results.  I’m mystified.  I can live 
> without the convenience of the search, but why something so utterly simple is 
> not working is puzzling.  Plain old MS DOS can do better than that, albeit 
> without the ability to save the search.
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 4:54 AM, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Have you considered widening the search until you get all, or more than all, 
>> your files? You can then narrow it bit by bit and see where you and the Mac 
>> are not on the same page. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 12, 2016, at 23:18, Larry Thacker Jr. > <>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the reply.  I found the instructions for rebuilding the index, 
>>> and you can get it to do one folder by adding and removing it from 
>>> Spotlight’s excluded folders.  I did that and observed the files 
>>> disappearing and reappearing in the saved search.  Trouble is, it is the 
>>> same set of files.  I even tried modifying the search so that it only looks 
>>> for “Larry.”  Still the same set of files.  Learning AppleScript is on my 
>>> to-do list, but I would not have expected to need it for something as 
>>> simple as this.  A little disappointed with my shiny new toy.  Perhaps a 
>>> bit more Googling is in order.
>>> Larry
>>>> On Aug 12, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Jonathan Cohn >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Larry,
>>>> I don't think anybody answered you on this. One possibility is that the 
>>>> database that is used to support search services like spotlight somehow 
>>>> missed those files. You can do a Google search on how to re-build the 
>>>> Spotlight database. If you have a hard disk Macintosh (not solid state), 
>>>> then it could take overnight to rebuild the index database.
>>>> Another approach you could take is to learn AppleScript something close to 
>>>> :
>>>> tell finder 
>>>> set mmfiles to every media file whose Name contains "Sean" 
>>>> I am not sure this is the way to grab media files as it has been several 
>>>> months since I did any Finder Applescripts.
>>>> Take care,
>>>> Jonathan
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Jonathan
>>>>> On Aug 1, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Larry Thacker Jr. >>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> I’m relatively new to the Mac, but this seems straightforward enough, 
>>>>> except it doesn’t seem to be.  I have a subfolder in my home folder 
>>>>> called Podcasts.  I want to work with a subset of the files in this 
>>>>> folder, specifically, those featuring yours truly.  So I created a saved 
>>>>> search that simply says kind is any, name contains Message by Larry.  
>>>>> This search should return more than 60 files, but it returns 9.  I looked 
>>>>> at one of the file names that is not turning up and it matches case and 
>>>>> all.  What am I missing?
>>>>> Larry Thacker Jr.
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> The following information is important for all memb

Re: Travel bluetooth keyboard recommendations?

2016-08-14 Thread Alex Hall
Here's the link to the Magic accessory line, including the keyboard, mouse, and 
> On Aug 14, 2016, at 16:21, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
> Where can I learn more about this keyboard?
> Peace,
> Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.
> <>
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 10:34 PM, Simon Fogarty > <>> wrote:
>> Janine,
>> You should have a look at the new apple magic keyboard,
>> It’s great and has a switch on the back righthand edge to power on / off.
>> From: 
>> <>[
>>  <>] On Behalf Of Jenine Stanley
>> Sent: Sunday, 14 August 2016 11:20 AM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Re: Travel bluetooth keyboard recommendations?
>> The Logitech keyboard I mentioned has a mechanical, and very tactile, on-off 
>> switch on the back. It also can pair with iOS or Windows devices by way of a 
>> switch on the front. 
>> I love my Apple keyboard but it’s hard to tell sometimes when it’s on or off.
>> Jenine Stanley
>> <>
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 4:23 PM, Stacey Robinson > <>> wrote:
>> Jenine,
>> What type of on off switch does it have?
>> I have the apple bluetooth keyboard and can’t tell when it’s off.
>> Peace,  
>> Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.
>> <>
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Jenine Stanley > <>> wrote:
>> Alex, short of the Apple bluetooth keyboard, I use the Logitech K480. It can 
>> pair with 3 devices, which I like, and is fairly sturdy. I’ve had no issues 
>> with mine and have dropped it at least once on a tile floor. the cover 
>> doesn’t feel particularly sturdy but it’s better than it feels. The key 
>> action is awesome as well and the way the spaces between keys are covered 
>> makes it hard to get stuff down in between keys. It also has a little stand 
>> area along the back top for iPad/iPhone if not in an Otterbox case. It’s 
>> about 11.5 inches wide, 8 inches long and about half an inch thick. It takes 
>> 2 Double A batteries, which last a ridiculously long time. 
>> Jenine Stanley
>> <>
>> On Aug 13, 2016, at 7:24 AM, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'll be going on a short trip in a couple weeks and plan to bring only my 
>> iPhone. BSI is great, but for longer messages, I'd like to have something 
>> better. What is a good keyboard for use with iOS that can travel well? I'm 
>> not the biggest fan of folding keyboards, as the one I've used was cramped 
>> and unsteady while typing. I don't want a pocket-sized one, but I do need 
>> something that won't take up a ton of room in a backpack and that will stand 
>> up to the rigors of travel without losing key caps or having its internals 
>> damaged. Obviously, key placement for easy VO control is a huge plus, but 
>> with the caps lock option in iOS9 that's not as big of a concern as it used 
>> to be.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> <>
>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara 
>> <>
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> <

Re: How to download and install files on Mac?

2016-08-14 Thread Alex Hall
There are a few possibilities for how Mac software can come packaged. In your 
case, you simply interact with the image browser, hit cmd-c on the Audacity 
folder, press cmd-shift-a, and cmd-v to paste. Once the copy is complete, 
that's it. Launch Audacity from Spotlight, or go into the Audacity folder and 
find the app file, optionally adding it to your Dock. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 14, 2016, at 19:42, Sharon Hooley  wrote:
> hi,
> I want to be able to install downloaded software from independent sites using 
> Mac Air and OS 10, Audacity, to be specific.  It appears that I downloaded 
> it, but now I don't know exactly how to install and then run it.  I can type 
> command plus O to open, but I see an image browser, as well as the name of 
> the file and Applications.  What is the image browser, and do I need to use 
> it?  I would appreciate some input,  or direction to where I can find it, 
> please.
> Thanks,
> Sharon H.
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how to type network path on macOS

2016-08-20 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I just got my hard drive connecte to my router, and yes, the drive is formatted 
to work with Macs. I can see the drive contents, but to do that, I have to open 
the network item in Finder, then the router, then the drive. If I wan to type 
the path to some folder on this drive, how would I do it? I'm used to Windows, 
where I might do \\someComputerName\folder\subfolder. On the Mac, though, I 
imagine things are quite differen.
On a related note, is there anything else about using network drives on the Mac 
that I houl kno? I've never done it before, so want to make sure there are no 
problems or things to watch for. Thanks for any suggestions.

Sent from my iPhone

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Moving by page in Text Edit/Pages/etc?

2016-08-25 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm not normally in need of a way to move by page, but I find myself suddenly 
trying to figure it out now. VO's help reports that the command is vo-pageDown, 
but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'm also wondering if there's a macOS 
way, much like vo-right moves by word but you should use option-right instead. 
I'm aware of how to make the page up/down keys on the Mac, I just don't know 
what to pair them with to get them to actually move the cursor by page. Thanks 
in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: Moving by page in Text Edit/Pages/etc?

2016-08-26 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. Interacting was one step I was missing, as I never interact with text 
unless I need vo-a to track my position. I also never knew what wrap to 
page/window in Text Edit do. Are they visual changes only, or is there 
something they do that is helpful to VO users aside from allowing page-level 
movements? For instance, does 'wrap to page' show what your document would look 
like, and where page breaks would be, when printed out on paper?
> On Aug 25, 2016, at 09:22, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> In TextEdit, you need to adjust the window to the page for VO-Page Down to 
> work. The command to change this is Cmd-Shift-w.
> In Pages and in TextEdit, you have to be interacting with the text area for 
> the Page Down command to work.
> The Page Down key only has a visual effect, so it’s actually useless for us.
> The VO-Page Down command works for me in both Pages and TextEdit, but not in 
> Preview.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 25 Aug 2016, at 13:20, Alex Hall > <>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm not normally in need of a way to move by page, but I find myself 
>> suddenly trying to figure it out now. VO's help reports that the command is 
>> vo-pageDown, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'm also wondering if 
>> there's a macOS way, much like vo-right moves by word but you should use 
>> option-right instead. I'm aware of how to make the page up/down keys on the 
>> Mac, I just don't know what to pair them with to get them to actually move 
>> the cursor by page. Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> <>
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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text file editor for iOS?

2016-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
What's a good text editor for iOS these days? I mean that literally--an editor 
for .txt files, with no need to support rtf or any other formats. It needs to 
be able to save to Dropbox. I have Voice Dream Writer, but it can't open and 
save an existing file, making editing files a pain. I have Pages, but have 
hardly used it. Any suggestions?

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: text file editor for iOS?

2016-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
All the time, but I need this for iOS, not macOS.
> On Aug 28, 2016, at 16:24, Michael Babcock  wrote:
> Have you used textedit?
>> On Aug 28, 2016, at 1:21 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What's a good text editor for iOS these days? I mean that literally--an 
>> editor for .txt files, with no need to support rtf or any other formats. It 
>> needs to be able to save to Dropbox. I have Voice Dream Writer, but it can't 
>> open and save an existing file, making editing files a pain. I have Pages, 
>> but have hardly used it. Any suggestions?
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: text file editor for iOS?

2016-08-28 Thread Alex Hall
I like the app too, but it lacks in-place editing. That is, you can't simply 
open it, open a file from a supported source, then edit and save the file. You 
must import a copy, edit that, then be sure to type in the exact same name as 
the file you mean to override, then confirm that you want to replace that file. 
At least, that's how it was last time I used it. Admittedly, that was a year or 
more ago, so the app may be better about that now.
> On Aug 28, 2016, at 19:38, Phil Halton  wrote:
> Actually, any file that you can open with voice dream reader can be exported 
> to voice stream writer. I like voice dream writer for text editing and that's 
> how I get RTF PDF at Cetera files opened in Writer.
> Sent from my IPhone
>> On Aug 28, 2016, at 4:21 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What's a good text editor for iOS these days? I mean that literally--an 
>> editor for .txt files, with no need to support rtf or any other formats. It 
>> needs to be able to save to Dropbox. I have Voice Dream Writer, but it can't 
>> open and save an existing file, making editing files a pain. I have Pages, 
>> but have hardly used it. Any suggestions?
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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Re: apple events

2016-09-07 Thread Alex Hall
No, there's no app. Just visit in Safari on your device, and 
that should do it. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 7, 2016, at 04:47, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> I know it’s not long now till the event tomorrow morning,
> But can anyone tell me if there is an apple events app for the iPhone / iPad
> I can’t find one that appears to be what I want, although there is an apple 
> WWDC app but it seems to be only for WWDC events.
> As the events taking place at 5 am my time tomorrow I’m keen to just stay in 
> bed for a while watching it rather than having to get up and apple tv on turn!
> Thanks for any info.
> Simon f
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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
your apple product is less than a year old.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
> there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
> some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and can't
> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from me.
> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
> tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so could
> really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
> with some other's.
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
Even easier. I still think apple care can help you with this over the
phone. Failing that, find a bored sighted person and have them give
you a hand. I know the point of apple is to not need to do that, but
sometimes it is necessary even today.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
> I already have one, and was trying to sign in with it.  They were wanting my
> creditcard info in case I was wanting to buy aps from them.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.
>> Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
>> sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
>> will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
>> your apple product is less than a year old.
>> On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
>>> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
>>> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
>>> there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
>>> some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>>>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
>>> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
>>> can't
>>> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from
>>> me.
>>> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
>>> tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so
>>> could
>>> really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
>>> with some other's.
>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
>>> good
>>> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then
>>> come
>>> check out Tmi wireless!
>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>> items
>>> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
>>> payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>> Check out
>>> <>
>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>> to learn more, visit:
>>> <>
>>> --
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
How is it with colored objects? Specifically, I am thinking of it as a
way to differentiate between the different colors of dress shirts I
have. The shirts are all the same style, but differ in color, so I
can't tell most of them apart by feel. Will the app know my white
shirt from my green one from my yellow one? What about perspective? If
you walk up to a store from the left and take the picture, then you
approach from the right, will it still work?

On 2/28/12, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> I have been alpha testing this app for a while.  Here are some of the uses
> to which I have put the app:
> 1.  At grocery stores, have someone sighted who may be helping you shop snap
> a picture of each item and record the info associated with the pic; then
> when you get home, scan items with phone so you know what 's what.
> 2.  Same as above for my wine collection.
> 3.  Same as above to recognize CD's, etc.
> 4.  Snap pic of a series of clothes, record descriptions to go with each pic
> and scan clothes with phone.
> 5.  Have somebody snap a pic of signs at the mall identifying this shop or
> that, then use the app as a sort of internal where am I system.
> These are the same folks who brought us the money reader, and without giving
> too much away, they have another cool app on the way.
> Marlaina
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>   This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to
> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all
> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back
> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you
> which one it is.
>   I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
> cautious
> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful.
> Just throwing it out there.
> Mike Malarsie
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
I know how it works, but would it know different colored shirts from
each other if they have the same shape, differing only in color?

On 2/28/12, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> No no you don't understand.  It associates the picture with the voice
> recording you make after each picture is snapped.  So, if the person taking
> the pic records that your shirt is pink but it's really black, it's going to
> say pink.  The pic and the recording are matched.  Does that help?
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> How is it with colored objects? Specifically, I am thinking of it as a
> way to differentiate between the different colors of dress shirts I
> have. The shirts are all the same style, but differ in color, so I
> can't tell most of them apart by feel. Will the app know my white
> shirt from my green one from my yellow one? What about perspective? If
> you walk up to a store from the left and take the picture, then you
> approach from the right, will it still work?
> On 2/28/12, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
>> I have been alpha testing this app for a while.  Here are some of the uses
>> to which I have put the app:
>> 1.  At grocery stores, have someone sighted who may be helping you shop
>> snap
>> a picture of each item and record the info associated with the pic; then
>> when you get home, scan items with phone so you know what 's what.
>> 2.  Same as above for my wine collection.
>> 3.  Same as above to recognize CD's, etc.
>> 4.  Snap pic of a series of clothes, record descriptions to go with each
>> pic
>> and scan clothes with phone.
>> 5.  Have somebody snap a pic of signs at the mall identifying this shop or
>> that, then use the app as a sort of internal where am I system.
>> These are the same folks who brought us the money reader, and without
>> giving
>> too much away, they have another cool app on the way.
>> Marlaina
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>  This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to
>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load
>> all
>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come
>> back
>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you
>> which one it is.
>>  I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always
>> cautious
>> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty
>> helpful.
>> Just throwing it out there.
>> Mike Malarsie
>> --
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Have a great day,
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Re: About My Last Post and Tune-In Radio For The Iphone

2012-02-29 Thread Alex Hall
I second (well, third) this. The app is fully accessible, has a great
deal of content, and even buffers it so you can rewind, pause, or
fastforward (that last, of course, only if you have paused before). It
even works with the two finger double tap to pause and play the radio
station in the background.

On 2/29/12, Cameron Strife  wrote:
> Yes, I use tune in radio on a regular basis and it's fantastic in
> terms of content and accessibility.
> Cameron.
> On 2/29/12, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
>> Hey Guys. In my last post about wanting to know if there was sites I could
>> go to on my Mac to watch NBA Games or listen to them. Well, after writing
>> it, I don't know what hit me, but something told me to check my iPhone
>> because I have an app called Tune In Radio. So anyway, I went into Tune-In
>> Radio, found the sports section, and sure enough the game I wanted to
>> listen
>> was there. This is another reason why I'm beginning to love my iPhone and
>> if
>> you can't find a certain station online, odds are that Tune In Radio will
>> have it and the best part, it's accessible and free. I highly recommend
>> this
>> app.
>> Shawn
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Have a great day,
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Re: Carbonite

2012-03-01 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, but only with jaws and nvda. It is mostly accessible, though
setup may require use of the jaws cursor. Once set up, though, it is

On 3/1/12, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:
> Hi:
> Has anyone ever used Carbonite backup. Is it accessible with VO, and Jaws?
> --
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Re: Carbonite

2012-03-01 Thread Alex Hall
I'm sorry, I was not clear. I have only tried it with windows screen
readers; I have never used it with vo at all. Carbonite offers a
30-day trial, though, so people can play with it to see how it works
and not have to pay. Sorry again for the confusion.

On 3/1/12, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> In short, if you use only VO, forget it.  Would that be fair to say?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:10 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Yes, but only with jaws and nvda. It is mostly accessible, though
>> setup may require use of the jaws cursor. Once set up, though, it is
>> accessible.
>> On 3/1/12, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Has anyone ever used Carbonite backup. Is it accessible with VO, and
>>> Jaws?
>>> --
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
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Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-01 Thread Alex Hall
I just googled this. To get a delete button:
1. Go to settings, then mail, contacts, calendars, and double tap your
gmail account.
2. Find the switch button called "archive messages". Double tap it to
turn it off.
3. Now, in mail, that archive button will be delete, and messages you
select for deletion will go to the trash folder.
4. While you're in here, check out the other options. Use the "check
for mail" to select when mail gets updated, and so on. There is a mail
preview option, which shows part of the message on the screen. It
isn't accessible (vo just skips it) so turn this off if you want to
fit more messages on each page.

I'm really glad you asked this, because I never knew about it. I no
longer have to go through three steps to trash messages, it's a quick
double tap! Thanks.

On 3/2/12, Jessica  wrote:
> Oh wow, thanx so much for those, I thought I was going to lose it if this
> kept up lol.  I love my IPhone, but some of the layout's are hard to get
> used to at the same time, especially considering the fact that there aren't
> any context menu's like the Windows mobile phones I've been used to using
> for years, which in most cases, I actually like a lot better, because
> everything I need is in plain view and easier to find, but wasn't so easy
> this time.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Eric Caron
>   To:
>   Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
>   Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>   Hi Jessica,
>   this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never touched
> the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
> others can provide you more detailed help.
>   First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
> iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.  Use
> that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone else will
> need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that is if you
> want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
>   In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages.  I
> have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you the
> behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the settings
> but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.
>   Hope this info helps a little.
>   eric Caron
>   On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:
> I just tried using my Gmail acount on my IPhone, and everything seemed
> to be going fairly well, until I started realizing that first of all, I
> wasn't sure if the "move," command was actually deleting my messages, sense
> I don't see a button to delete them, so I just told it to move them to my
> trash folder.  Then next thing I knew, it was downloading them faster than I
> could move them, and I can't find an option to make this stop, which is
> eating away at my battery and cluttering up my phone, and I don't want my
> mail to automaticly download anyway, sense my e-mail isn't my whole life
> lol.
>   So with that being said, can anyone help with this?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
> good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then
> come check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
> you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-02 Thread Alex Hall
Push basically gets messages all the time. Turning it off should give
you a "check for mail every" option which you double tap. Once you do,
you can select how often you want mail to check for messages.

On 3/2/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> you can't disable mail from downloading messages upon launch of the app.  It
> just assumes, if your opening mail, you want to read mail.  So, it retreives
> mail from the server without no further prompting.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 6:20 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>> I looked under my mail settings but couldn't find that option.
>> Unfortunately, the only one I could find even remotely close to that, was
>> the preview option, which gave me "every 50, 100, 200 500 or 1000,"
>> messages I think it was, but nothing about changing how many were
>> downloaded, unless I had push enabled, which I don't, sense I don't know
>> what it is, and hear it eats up your battery life.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Eric Caron
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>> Hi Jessica,
>> this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never touched
>> the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
>> others can provide you more detailed help.
>> First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
>> iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.
>> Use that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone else
>> will need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that is
>> if you want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
>> In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages.  I
>> have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you
>> the behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the
>> settings but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.
>> Hope this info helps a little.
>> eric Caron
>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:
>>> I just tried using my Gmail acount on my IPhone, and everything seemed to
>>> be going fairly well, until I started realizing that first of all, I
>>> wasn't sure if the "move," command was actually deleting my messages,
>>> sense I don't see a button to delete them, so I just told it to move them
>>> to my trash folder.  Then next thing I knew, it was downloading them
>>> faster than I could move them, and I can't find an option to make this
>>> stop, which is eating away at my battery and cluttering up my phone, and
>>> I don't want my mail to automaticly download anyway, sense my e-mail
>>> isn't my whole life lol.
>>>   So with that being said, can anyone help with this?
>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
>>> good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case
>>> then come check out Tmi wireless!
>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
>>> you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>> Check out
>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>> to learn more, visit:
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Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-02 Thread Alex Hall
It kept re-downloading the same ones? That's not right. Maybe check
your imap settings on gmail's website?

No, there is no way to stop it from getting mail while you are in the
mail app. After all, you are there to check mail, so it tries to help
out by always getting the newest messages. Once it syncs itself with
the website it should be fine. Maybe just leave it alone for a while
until everything is updated?

On 3/2/12, Jessica  wrote:
> Ok, is there anyway though, to stop it from continuously downloading it
> while it's open?  When it opened it for the first time, it downloaded 50
> messages, then continuously downloaded them as I was deleting them, making
> it impossible to even get rid of them.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 12:49 PM
> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
> Hi,
> you can't disable mail from downloading messages upon launch of the app.  It
> just assumes, if your opening mail, you want to read mail.  So, it retreives
> mail from the server without no further prompting.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 6:20 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>> I looked under my mail settings but couldn't find that option.
>> Unfortunately, the only one I could find even remotely close to that, was
>> the preview option, which gave me "every 50, 100, 200 500 or 1000,"
>> messages I think it was, but nothing about changing how many were
>> downloaded, unless I had push enabled, which I don't, sense I don't know
>> what it is, and hear it eats up your battery life.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Eric Caron
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>> Hi Jessica,
>> this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never touched
>> the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
>> others can provide you more detailed help.
>> First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
>> iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.
>> Use that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone else
>> will need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that is
>> if you want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
>> In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages.  I
>> have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you
>> the behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the
>> settings but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.
>> Hope this info helps a little.
>> eric Caron
>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:
>>> I just tried using my Gmail acount on my IPhone, and everything seemed to
>>> be going fairly well, until I started realizing that first of all, I
>>> wasn't sure if the "move," command was actually deleting my messages,
>>> sense I don't see a button to delete them, so I just told it to move them
>>> to my trash folder.  Then next thing I knew, it was downloading them
>>> faster than I could move them, and I can't find an option to make this
>>> stop, which is eating away at my battery and cluttering up my phone, and
>>> I don't want my mail to automaticly download anyway, sense my e-mail
>>> isn't my whole life lol.
>>>   So with that being said, can anyone help with this?
>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
>>> good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case
>>> then come check out Tmi wireless!
>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>> items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
>>> you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>> Check out
>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>> to learn more, visit:
>>> --
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Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-02 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, while the app is open this happens. The mail fetching (sorry I
gave the wrong label) is for when mail is not actively running. As I
said, try letting it sync completely (I assume you have not yet done
this) and things should calm down. Otherwise, you just get a whole lot
of mail and there is not much that can be done. I usually just select
some messages, delete them, and then if new ones have come in I take
care of those as well. Sometimes the mail app will select the wrong
messages when you have some selected and new ones arrive, so watch for
that. That is the other reason I do this only some messages at a time.

On 3/2/12, Jessica  wrote:
> It's not downloading the same one's continuously, it just continues to
> download new one's what seems like every 5 minuttes, before I've even had a
> chance to delete maybe 15 or so, so I'll have about 30 in my inbox, and next
> thing I know, I'll find 35 of them, then about 5 minuttes later, the cycle
> starts all over again, pretty much reminding me of the song that rapped up
> the show "lamb chop."
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:26 PM
> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>> It kept re-downloading the same ones? That's not right. Maybe check
>> your imap settings on gmail's website?
>> No, there is no way to stop it from getting mail while you are in the
>> mail app. After all, you are there to check mail, so it tries to help
>> out by always getting the newest messages. Once it syncs itself with
>> the website it should be fine. Maybe just leave it alone for a while
>> until everything is updated?
>> On 3/2/12, Jessica  wrote:
>>> Ok, is there anyway though, to stop it from continuously downloading it
>>> while it's open?  When it opened it for the first time, it downloaded 50
>>> messages, then continuously downloaded them as I was deleting them,
>>> making
>>> it impossible to even get rid of them.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Ricardo Walker" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 12:49 PM
>>> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>>> Hi,
>>> you can't disable mail from downloading messages upon launch of the app.
>>> It
>>> just assumes, if your opening mail, you want to read mail.  So, it
>>> retreives
>>> mail from the server without no further prompting.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 6:20 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>>>> I looked under my mail settings but couldn't find that option.
>>>> Unfortunately, the only one I could find even remotely close to that,
>>>> was
>>>> the preview option, which gave me "every 50, 100, 200 500 or 1000,"
>>>> messages I think it was, but nothing about changing how many were
>>>> downloaded, unless I had push enabled, which I don't, sense I don't know
>>>> what it is, and hear it eats up your battery life.
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: Eric Caron
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>>>> Hi Jessica,
>>>> this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never
>>>> touched
>>>> the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
>>>> others can provide you more detailed help.
>>>> First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
>>>> iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.
>>>> Use that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone
>>>> else
>>>> will need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that
>>>> is
>>>> if you want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
>>>> In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages.
>>>> I
>>>> have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you
>>>> the behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the
>>>> settings but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.

Re: Let's hear each other!

2012-03-06 Thread Alex Hall
That could be fun. What about Teamtalk?

On 3/6/12, Emrah  wrote:
> Hey all,
> How about we organize a little group call on Skype and get to hear each
> other's voices?
> I think I can plug us on a little conferencing tool to extend the Skype
> maximum number of simultaneous callers and we can also mix in people that
> want to use a regular phone line.
> Let me know. If you are interested, I will set up an online Doodle
> ( so we can organize this when it suits most of us.
> Emrah
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Let's hear each other!

2012-03-06 Thread Alex Hall
Oh yeah, good point. Disregard.

On 3/6/12, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hi, I'd be up for that, and as far as I know, teamtalk doesn't work with the
> mac.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-03-06, at 5:59 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> That could be fun. What about Teamtalk?
>> On 3/6/12, Emrah  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> How about we organize a little group call on Skype and get to hear each
>>> other's voices?
>>> I think I can plug us on a little conferencing tool to extend the Skype
>>> maximum number of simultaneous callers and we can also mix in people that
>>> want to use a regular phone line.
>>> Let me know. If you are interested, I will set up an online Doodle
>>> ( so we can organize this when it suits most of us.
>>> Emrah
>>> --
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Using your air in public.

2012-03-14 Thread Alex Hall
Well, I don't have an air, but they are so small and light you could
just get a little case to wear across your body. When the laptop is
not in use, toss it in the case; when it is, you will have your hands
on it anyway, so no problem. This way, when you aren't using it, it
will be tucked away in a case that is against your side so you know
what is happening with it. Just my thoughts.

On 3/14/12, Vivianna  wrote:
> Hi all,
> so, i went out and bought myself this super cool, super fast macbook air.
> now, the reason that i bought this fine machine is because of it's small
> size and portability.  well, now that spring is here, i am wanting to take
> it out with me to coffee shops etc.  i live in a city and am concerned about
> the safety of using such a machine in an outdoor public setting.  i went to
> the mac online store and looked up the kensington lock and, alas, it does
> not work with the air.
> so, here's my question to you all.
> do you all take your portable machines out with you?  and, if you do, what
> sort of security measures, if any, do you take?  have any of you had
> problems with having your computers stolen? and, if so, what did you do?
> did you get it back?
> i would be extremely upset if i had my machine stolen on one hand yet, on
> the other hand, i do not want to be restricted to using it only in the
> safety of my own home.  if i wanted to stay at home, i would have purchased
> the less costly mini.
> i look forward to hearing your experiences and suggestions.
> thanks much.
> Vivianna
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Reconnecting a Refreshabraille to an iPod

2012-03-22 Thread Alex Hall
That is why I turned off auto-lock. If I want to lock the device, I
hit the button, otherwise it stays on with the screen off. I find it
easiest this way. Besides, I often use the two together, reading
braille but doing some commands on the screen at the same time.

On 3/22/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> This is normal behaviour.  Unless some one knows other wise?
> Kawal.
> On 22 Mar 2012, at 07:05 PM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> One thing I notice with my Refreshabraille connected via bluetooth to
>> my iPod is whenever the screen locks, The Braille display appears to
>> go off line and show the standard startup message.  If I hit the Home
>> button on the iPod, the display reconnects.  I don't necessarily have
>> any problem with this but wonder if there is any way to force the
>> Refreshabraille to reconnect from the RB instead of having to hit the
>> Home button.  I'm thinking of times where you might have the iThingy
>> tucked away in a bag or something and want to have complete control
>> from the Braille display.  Once the device is active, total control is
>> possible but just don't let the screen time out and lock.  Are there
>> any solutions for this?
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Re: Reconnecting a Refreshabraille to an iPod

2012-03-22 Thread Alex Hall
I didn't know that would work. So you can type in braille or on the
qwerty keyboard? I figured there would be some sort of conflict... iOS
never ceases to amaze me.

On 3/22/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> I use a keyboard and braille display all at the same time as I can use
> whatever I like then.
> On 22 Mar 2012, at 10:11 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> That is why I turned off auto-lock. If I want to lock the device, I
>> hit the button, otherwise it stays on with the screen off. I find it
>> easiest this way. Besides, I often use the two together, reading
>> braille but doing some commands on the screen at the same time.
>> On 3/22/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> This is normal behaviour.  Unless some one knows other wise?
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 22 Mar 2012, at 07:05 PM, Steve Holmes 
>>> wrote:
>>>> One thing I notice with my Refreshabraille connected via bluetooth to
>>>> my iPod is whenever the screen locks, The Braille display appears to
>>>> go off line and show the standard startup message.  If I hit the Home
>>>> button on the iPod, the display reconnects.  I don't necessarily have
>>>> any problem with this but wonder if there is any way to force the
>>>> Refreshabraille to reconnect from the RB instead of having to hit the
>>>> Home button.  I'm thinking of times where you might have the iThingy
>>>> tucked away in a bag or something and want to have complete control
>>>> from the Braille display.  Once the device is active, total control is
>>>> possible but just don't let the screen time out and lock.  Are there
>>>> any solutions for this?
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2012-03-25 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
optional). Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Alex Hall
Interesting idea. Do you get heading navigation for all marked
sections using this method? Is there a program that will let you keep
your place? I'll have to look into this for myself.

I am asking on behalf of someone who is not very used to vo, so
hotspots, finding xml files, and so on might be a bit much. A simple
program to read bookshare's files and keep your place would be
perfect, if such a thing exists.

On 3/25/12, Greg Aikens  wrote:
> I use Safari.  After unzipping the book, open the .xml file and read away.
> -Greg
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:22 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
>> well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
>> talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
>> optional). Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
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Re: a slightly silly ipod question?

2012-03-27 Thread Alex Hall
There are audio editors available. I'm not sure if they can save as
other formats though. Google would be your best bet here.

On 3/27/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Please forgive me if this seems  silly, but I neither have one, nor have I
> actually seen one so.
> does the ipod have an audio editor built in?
> does not really matter if it is vo friendly though that would make the task
> more fun.
> I must copy over two very small audio files confirm they are set at the
> desired levels and save them as mp3 files.
> perhaps .wav or aif if the person getting them can swing that.
> Want to be sure before I ask my friend if this can be done on an ipod,
> since it is what they have.
> logic dictates this should e a no brainer, hey it is an audio player after
> all smiles.  I imagine itunes can do this, but asking to be certain.
> Thanks,
> Karen
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Have a great day,
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Re: a slightly silly ipod question?

2012-03-27 Thread Alex Hall
Nothing like that comes as default. You need to install an app to get
that sort of functionality. You can always remove it, and there is no
money to worry about if you stick to the free apps.

On 3/27/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> My question is what comes default with the ipod?  I know there are
> editors, but I do not wish to install something on  a machine that is not
> my own.
> On Tue, 27 Mar 2012, Alex Hall wrote:
>> There are audio editors available. I'm not sure if they can save as
>> other formats though. Google would be your best bet here.
>> On 3/27/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Please forgive me if this seems  silly, but I neither have one, nor have
>>> I
>>> actually seen one so.
>>> does the ipod have an audio editor built in?
>>> does not really matter if it is vo friendly though that would make the
>>> task
>>> more fun.
>>> I must copy over two very small audio files confirm they are set at the
>>> desired levels and save them as mp3 files.
>>> perhaps .wav or aif if the person getting them can swing that.
>>> Want to be sure before I ask my friend if this can be done on an ipod,
>>> since it is what they have.
>>> logic dictates this should e a no brainer, hey it is an audio player
>>> after
>>> all smiles.  I imagine itunes can do this, but asking to be certain.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Karen
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Bootcamp questions

2012-04-26 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am still lost as to which adapter to get for my vga monitor, and so
I still use Windows 99% of the time. I am using a Mini (summer 2011)
with 2gb of ram and running Windows 7 64 bit. I have two questions
about bootcamp:

1. Windows seems to slow way down, especially operations involving the
hard drive, after a while of use (hours, if that, not days).
Restarting fixes it, but not for long. Does anyone have suggestions as
to what I can try to get things running normally again? I know I
should upgrade my ram, but I never go above 80% ram usage and usually
am in the sixties, so I doubt ram is the problem.

2. Perhaps related to the above: how do I update bootcamp, or at least
ensure I have the latest bootcamp version, or drivers, or whatever
they are? I see a lot of forums that say you should make sure bootcamp
is up to date, but how? The bootcamp control panel has nothing useful
in it that I saw, and I'm not even sure how to see which version I
have or if I need to be in Mac OS or Windows to do this.

Thanks for any suggestions, especially regarding question 1, as my
computer is all but useless some of the time and NVDA often slows down
or crashes, and I'm fairly certain it is related to the overall

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: For Moderator: Re: A question regarding

2012-04-27 Thread Alex Hall
I was also unaware of this. My understanding was that some sort of
loophole allowed legal distribution of the content. I am glad to know

On 4/27/12, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
> Hi Daniel and Kevin,
> Thanks for bringing this to my notice.
> I will refrain from discussing about this site in future.
> I was apparently not aware that their movie vault is run illegally.
> Thanks again for letting me know.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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mail app?

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I finally got a monitor (more on that in another post). Now I'm using the mail 
app again. For reference, I am on a Mac Mini with the latest OS.

1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the bottom of 
the mail list. What happened?
2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but nothing 
happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as though I had just 
read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the "stop interacting" 
keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and interact, but there has to be a 
better way.
3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch to it? 
What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Monitor tip for new Macs

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I finally got a monitor working! Here's a handy tip for anyone looking to do 
this with a Mini or any Mac that has a thunderbolt port: just pick up a Mini 
Display Port to VGA adapter. It turns out that Thunderbolt is 
backwards-compatible with Mini Display Port, so the adapter goes into the 
Thunderbolt port and the monitor starts working. It even works on Windows. So, 
if you have a VGA monitor and can't figure out all the DVI-D versus DVI-I and 
so on, just grab a Mini Display Port to VGA (or, I assume, to DVI) adapter and 
plug it into the Thunderbolt port. Of course, if you are using another 
Thunderbolt device you will have to get creative, but very few devices 
currently use Thunderbolt so it shouldn't be a problem.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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focus randomly changing?

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm trying to use the mac more, now that it seems to run better with the 
monitor. However, I've noticed something very annoying, ealier while in Safari 
and now in VLC. Randomly, focus will change to Yorufkuru (you know what I 
mean). When I cmd-tab out, I'm placed in the application I would have been in 
had I cmd-tabbed out of VLC or Safari, as though the system didn't pikc up the 
focus change and update it's list of running apps accordingly. What could be 
going on here? Is this the fault of... that Twitter client, or a Lion thing?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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update on focus problem

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
It is the twitter client, Yorufokuru, causing the problem. It focuses itself 
whenever a new tweet comes in. Any idea how to stop this from happening?Î

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: mail app?

2012-04-28 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to read the 
message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too elegant, but better 
than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick to the normal view, since 
I get a great deal of messages from mailing lists and i would hate to not have 
things grouped by conversation.
On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:

> Good Day: 
>   I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of 
> them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only used 
> Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional information. At any 
> rate, here goes.
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:
>> 1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the bottom 
>> of the mail list. What happened?
>   Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if you have 
> your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or not, but that might be 
> why you're moved to the bottom of the message list. If you want to make sure 
> that you have actually deleted all the messages you didn't want to keep, you 
> can, of course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a favorites bar at the 
> top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view menu and choose the "show 
> mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but I don't know how you would go 
> about adding a mailbox to the favorites bar, which, as I understand, allows 
> you to switch to a mailbox with a single keystroke. 
>> 2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but nothing 
>> happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as though I had just 
>> read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the "stop interacting" 
>> keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and interact, but there has to be 
>> a better way.
>   The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I think, 
> marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain on that point, since 
> it doesn't show up in the menus to my knowledge.
>> 3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch to it? 
>> What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?
>   The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view of 
> messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is, messages with the same 
> subject are grouped into conversations, which you can expand. The classic 
> view, in contrast, displays all the messages in a larger list, with columns 
> containing the information (date, from, subject, etc.) of the message, rather 
> like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. Both views are accessible, 
> so most people recommend experimenting with them and seeing which one you 
> prefer. The option, as you probably already know, is in the View menu with 
> the name "Organize by Conversation".
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: mail app?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Ok, vo-j works even better, thanks for the correction. Now, let's hope they 
don't break it again as I recall happening in an previous update...
On 29 Apr 2012, at 00:29, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> qQuick commeh
> Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
> stores.
> Sent from my phone
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to read 
>> the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too elegant, but 
>> better than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick to the normal 
>> view, since I get a great deal of messages from mailing lists and i would 
>> hate to not have things grouped by conversation.
>> On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
>>> Good Day: 
>>> I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of 
>>> them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only used 
>>> Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional information. At any 
>>> rate, here goes.
>>> HTH:
>>> Henry
>>> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
>>> last.
>>> Sherlock Homes
>>> On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>> 1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the bottom 
>>>> of the mail list. What happened?
>>> Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if you have 
>>> your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or not, but that might be 
>>> why you're moved to the bottom of the message list. If you want to make 
>>> sure that you have actually deleted all the messages you didn't want to 
>>> keep, you can, of course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a favorites 
>>> bar at the top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view menu and 
>>> choose the "show mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but I don't 
>>> know how you would go about adding a mailbox to the favorites bar, which, 
>>> as I understand, allows you to switch to a mailbox with a single keystroke. 
>>>> 2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but nothing 
>>>> happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as though I had 
>>>> just read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the "stop 
>>>> interacting" keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and interact, but 
>>>> there has to be a better way.
>>> The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I think, 
>>> marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain on that point, 
>>> since it doesn't show up in the menus to my knowledge.
>>>> 3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch to 
>>>> it? What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?
>>> The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view of 
>>> messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is, messages with the 
>>> same subject are grouped into conversations, which you can expand. The 
>>> classic view, in contrast, displays all the messages in a larger list, with 
>>> columns containing the information (date, from, subject, etc.) of the 
>>> message, rather like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. Both 
>>> views are accessible, so most people recommend experimenting with them and 
>>> seeing which one you prefer. The option, as you probably already know, is 
>>> in the View menu with the name "Organize by Conversation".
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about reading 
and navigating web pages.

1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like they do 
in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web rotor as 
redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text navigation way.
Thanks in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at the 
information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you probably 
figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing what a monitor 
will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in some cases, 
re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks. I found that cmd-right oens threads in mail, and cmd-left closes 
them. VO-space brings me to some kind of menu, and left/right alone do nothing 
(though I have Quick Nav on, which likely explains this last). Oh, come to 
think of it, I didn't interact with the message first, only the messages table, 
so that's probably why vo-space failed.
On 29 Apr 2012, at 12:47, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options.  If 
> the disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it 
> is expanded they are displayed.  Press VO+Space to toggle a disclosure 
> triangle.  
> In mail, expanding a disclosure triangle shows the list of messages in a 
> thread.  These can also be expanded and collapsed with the right and left 
> arrow keys.  
> HTH,
> Greg
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
>> 'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at 
>> the information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you 
>> probably figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing 
>> what a monitor will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in 
>> some cases, re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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keystroke to search in Chrome and open in new tab?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
In Chrome, is there a keystroke to jump to the search field? Is there a way to 
have the results of that search open in a new tab? For instance, in Firefox, 
you can tweak a setting to open results in a new tab. Then, to search your 
selected search engine, just hit ctrl-e, type your text, and hit enter, and you 
have a tab with your results. This is a huge time-saver and I really hope there 
is a way to do it in Chrome (I refuse to use Safari). Hopefully that 
VO-friendly Firefox comes out soon, but in the meantime, is this possible in 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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black screen after wake-up?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi again all,
My last post for now, I promise! I have a Mac Mini with a monitor hooked up via 
a Mini Display Port to VGA adapter. It works, but if I leave the mac for a 
while and come back to it, the screen is black. I like that it does this, but 
the problem is that it won't turn the screen back on when I hit a key to wake 
up the mac. The only solution seems to be a restart. The Mac was just updated 
yesterday, so it has all the latest software. Any ideas?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it 
confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it might be 
worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice 
> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without holding 
> down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different for arrows. 
> Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates at a smaller 
> incrment.
> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by word.  
> In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation will  
> navigate by table cell.
> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM mode 
> navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode combines major 
> clusters of information and will navigate as things are layed out on the 
> screen to the most part.  
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about 
>> reading and navigating web pages.
>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
>> better?
>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like they 
>> do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web rotor 
>> as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text navigation 
>> way.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
I have quick nav on. However, the left/right arrows don't seem to
navigate reliably (I ended up at the bottom of a page, and you can't
read by smaller chunks inside, say, a paragraph of text). Say you're
reading an article and aren't sure how an oddly spoken phrase is
spelled. On Windows, or in an edit area on Mac, you'd arrow to the
line, then move word by word to the phrase, then read word by word or
character by character. How would you do this (efficiently, not by
moving the rotor all over the place and hoping you don't hit the wrong
key and jump out of the entire article) in Chrome or Safari? Even the
"lines" setting on the rotor is not very useful - I still have no idea
what it thinks a "line" is, and it never seems to move me anywhere.

On 4/29/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I haven't had much luck with chrome vox.  All it does is crash chrome on my
> machine.  If you want to just navigate with arrows, you should just turn on
> quick nav by pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time.
> JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it
>> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it
>> might be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice
>>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without
>>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different
>>> for arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates
>>> at a smaller incrment.
>>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by
>>> word.  In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation
>>> will  navigate by table cell.
>>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM
>>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode
>>> combines major clusters of information and will navigate as things are
>>> layed out on the screen to the most part.
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about
>>>> reading and navigating web pages.
>>>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which
>>>> is better?
>>>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like
>>>> they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the
>>>> web rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual
>>>> text navigation way.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>>> --
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Perhaps, but, if it was there, I couldn't figure out how to use it
(the tutorial) and couldn't remember everything it threw at me. I know
I managed ot pull up a help file once, but am not sure where that was.
I eventually gave up on it as it was so confusing and didn't work any
better. However, I now have a monitor, making performance immensely
better, and Chromevox has had time to update, so who knows...

On 4/29/12, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> It has its own tutorial builtin right now.  Was that the case when you tried
> it?
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it
>> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it
>> might be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice
>>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without
>>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different
>>> for arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates
>>> at a smaller incrment.
>>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by
>>> word.  In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation
>>> will  navigate by table cell.
>>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM
>>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode
>>> combines major clusters of information and will navigate as things are
>>> layed out on the screen to the most part.
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about
>>>> reading and navigating web pages.
>>>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which
>>>> is better?
>>>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like
>>>> they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the
>>>> web rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual
>>>> text navigation way.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Have a great day,
>>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>>> --
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-30 Thread Alex Hall
How, on both counts? arrowing, even in text areas, never has seemed
very consistent; I find myself guessing until I find what I want.
Maybe quick nav complicates things, I don't know. I didn't know you
could lock the vo keys, that sounds useful. I think I need to find a
complete keyboard reference for vo, as huge as that may be. Does such
a thing exist?

On 4/30/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> Even with Quick Nav on, you can still use the normal VO commands to navigate
> by character, word, line, sentence, etc. You can also lock the VO keys to
> minimise the number of keys to be pressed.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 30 Apr 2012, at 03:15, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I have quick nav on. However, the left/right arrows don't seem to
>> navigate reliably (I ended up at the bottom of a page, and you can't
>> read by smaller chunks inside, say, a paragraph of text). Say you're
>> reading an article and aren't sure how an oddly spoken phrase is
>> spelled. On Windows, or in an edit area on Mac, you'd arrow to the
>> line, then move word by word to the phrase, then read word by word or
>> character by character. How would you do this (efficiently, not by
>> moving the rotor all over the place and hoping you don't hit the wrong
>> key and jump out of the entire article) in Chrome or Safari? Even the
>> "lines" setting on the rotor is not very useful - I still have no idea
>> what it thinks a "line" is, and it never seems to move me anywhere.
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Skype meeting?

2012-04-30 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone who is an experienced mac user might be willing to 
volunteer some time to meet with me on Skype? It seems that every time I get 
something figured out, the mac decides to show me how wrong I am. Example: I 
was writing a tweet just now and moved to the character count box to see how 
many characters I had left. Before I moved, I reviewed my text with the arrow 
keys (quick nav off). When I returned to the tweet input box, the arrow keys 
did nothing and I had no way to review my text to get to the point where I was 
going to edit. Quick nav was on and off, I interacted with the box, but nothing 
happened. Same for web navigation: I rotored to lines to read a forum post line 
by line, but up/down arrows only gave me the boundary sound. Quick nav was on, 
and heading havigation worked, yet moving by line did not. I tried turning 
quick nav off and arrowing around as someone on this list said was possible, 
but nothing at all happened. Another example: my twitter client still randomly 
gets focused on by vo, but not the OS itself. Another: I read that web spots 
were created automatically, yet I see none available. What happened here?

So, bottom line: if you have some time and don't mind explaining these apparent 
basics to me, I'd appreciate it. I have Skype and Facetime available and will 
use the iPod, so you can hear what the computer is doing and we can do anything 
to it, including restart. Thanks in advance!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-04-30 Thread Alex Hall
So, are there any major problems with skype on the mac? I've thought
about downloading it, but it works so well on my iPod, and I had so
many frustrations with it on Windows, that I hesitate to waste the
time. Is it inaccessible, or just harder than it should be, or do only
some features not work?

On 4/30/12, Kevin Chao  wrote:
> I raised this issue wiht Skype beta team a while ago and I was toldwas that
> this is by design. If you wish to not have Skype not start at Home, rather
> your contacts, it's required to purchase Skype Premium.
> FYI: eBay (not Google owned Skype before) and now Microsoft has it
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:16 PM, "Missy Hoppe"  wrote:
>> Hi there! Thank you so much for starting this topic thread. Hopefully,
>> this is the appropriate place to bring up my number 1
>> complaint with skype on the mac.
>> When I first got my mac and installed Skype; I believe this was version
>> 5.1 or so, the program always started in the contacts
>> list. Ever sinve 5.3 or so, when I run the program, it starts me on
>> something that Voiceover tells me is called Skype Home.
>> It basicly looks like a facebook clone. Granted, it's not prohibatively
>> difficult to navigate to a table, interract and find
>> my contacts list and stop interracting, but I personally feel that this is
>> something I shouldn't have to do, and it's just
>> aggravating enough that I avoid using skype as often as possible, and only
>> run it periodically to check for updates in hopes
>> that this issue will some day be fixed. I've checked preferences time and
>> again, and there simply isn't a way to configure
>> how the program starts.
>> To make this even more frustrating, when I ask people about id, they claim
>> that they don't have this problem. I'd be more
>> than happy to disconnect skype from facebook if it would fix the problem,
>> but would rather not if I don't have to. I don't
>> really understand the point of the favorites thing either, and miss the
>> simplicity of the first mac version of skype I ever
>> used. Sorry for the aimless rambling, but I hope it makes sense to
>> someone.
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:07 PM
>> To: macvisionaries
>> Subject: Skype on the Mac made accessible?
>> This message is for Kevin Chow if he is working with Skype on the Mac with
>> Skype Team.
>> Hi Kevin.
>> I have been using Skype on the Mac for a long time and when Google had the
>> program, it worked beautifully with the Mac.
>> However since Microsoft have bought it, it has not been very good on the
>> Mac.
>> The dial pad is inaccessible.  Is there any way of getting Skype for Mac
>> fixed?
>> If there are other issues, feel free any one to say if Kevin is going to
>> get this sorted.
>> Kawal.
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: ColorVisor, color identifier for iPhone

2012-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
May I email you off-list? I am interested in developing iOS apps, but
XCode is confusing (plus I have a few other questions). Thanks in

On 5/1/12, Bejarano, Rafael P.  wrote:
> Hello Jan,
> If you are interested in developing an app with a ready market, I suggest a
> reasonably priced OCR APP for the iPhone.  You may know that Kurzweil has
> developed such an app for the National Federation of the Blind, but it costs
> over $1000 and is not available on the iPhone.
> Just thought you might be interested, as a developer.
> Cordially,
> Rafael Bejarano
> On May 1, 2012, at 9:00 AM, Jan Blüher wrote:
> Hallo MacVisionaries,
> my name is Jan Blueher. I'm a blind developer of iPhone and iPad apps. My
> app ColorVisor is a color identifier that blind people may use for their
> needs. VoiceOver is fully supported.
> You will find the app on the App Store at
> More information about the app can be found on my web site at
> and there is an AppleVis app test at
> Every feedback to the ColorVisor and questions about app development in
> general are very much appreciated.
> Greetings from Dresden (Germany)
> Jan Blueher
> ---
> ColorVisor - The app to identify colors.
> Now available on the iTunes App Store:
> ---
> Dr. Jan Blüher
> visorApps - Accessible apps for iPad & iPhone
> Bayreuther Str. 2
> D-01187 Dresden
> Germany
> phone: +49 (0) 351 16053907
> mobile: +49 (0) 176 34926242
> e-mail:
> web:
> Twitter:
> Facebook:
> tax number: DE281706766
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Question about Bootcamp

2012-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
I think so. I use the Refit boot loader (I may have that name wrong)
to boot Mac OS and Windows. I don't see why I couldn't set up another
partition, though. I'm sure google will have plenty of in-depth
articles and tutorials about this. Note that you will need sighted
help to set up some of this, at least I did.

On 5/1/12, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
> I'm pretty sure the short answer to this question will be technically?...
> yes... The long answer will probably be, yes, and no.
> Technically speaking, Bootcamp is made for either Windows Vista, or Windows
> 7.  Is there a way however that I could set up a bootcamp partition, then
> install UBuntu, Vinux, or F123 Linux?  preferably either the last two of the
> three.
> I know I could do this in VMWare Fusion, ok, fine, that's fair, but that's
> not exactly what I'm wanting to do for various reasons.  For another thing,
> being I'm an audio engineer, I want to keep my mac partition free of pretty
> much anything non audio related for my studio workflow.
> Thanks.
> Chris.
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: web navigation?

2012-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
I've tried both, but I have no idea which is better, or even what the
difference really is. I have read the help for it, and I am very
familiar with what a DOM is, but i can't see a difference between the
functionality of both modes when I'm using either one.
Yes, I have the arrow keys down well enough. However, back to my
original question: if there's a long p element (paragraph), how do I
read line by line, word by word, and so on? Right arrowing will just
skip the whole thing, or jump to the top of it if I move back to it.

On 5/1/12, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> Up / down arrows will move the web rotar selection and left right will move
> by chunks. Do you use Group or Dom navigation?
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I have quick nav on. However, the left/right arrows don't seem to
>> navigate reliably (I ended up at the bottom of a page, and you can't
>> read by smaller chunks inside, say, a paragraph of text). Say you're
>> reading an article and aren't sure how an oddly spoken phrase is
>> spelled. On Windows, or in an edit area on Mac, you'd arrow to the
>> line, then move word by word to the phrase, then read word by word or
>> character by character. How would you do this (efficiently, not by
>> moving the rotor all over the place and hoping you don't hit the wrong
>> key and jump out of the entire article) in Chrome or Safari? Even the
>> "lines" setting on the rotor is not very useful - I still have no idea
>> what it thinks a "line" is, and it never seems to move me anywhere.
>> On 4/29/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I haven't had much luck with chrome vox.  All it does is crash chrome on
>>> my
>>> machine.  If you want to just navigate with arrows, you should just turn
>>> on
>>> quick nav by pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time.
>>> JMO.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>>> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it
>>>> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it
>>>> might be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
>>>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>>>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key
>>>>> twice
>>>>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without
>>>>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit
>>>>> different
>>>>> for arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right
>>>>> navigates
>>>>> at a smaller incrment.
>>>>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by
>>>>> word.  In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object
>>>>> navigation
>>>>> will  navigate by table cell.
>>>>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit,
>>>>> DOM
>>>>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode
>>>>> combines major clusters of information and will navigate as things are
>>>>> layed out on the screen to the most part.
>>>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about
>>>>>> reading and navigating web pages.
>>>>>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping.
>>>>>> Which
>>>>>> is better?
>>>>>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the
>>>>>> web rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual
>>>>>> text navigation way.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.

Re: Question about Bootcamp

2012-05-01 Thread Alex Hall
The boot loader may not be necessary, but it makes life easy: I hit m
to boot mac os or w to boot windows when the machine starts, and it
does its thing. I forgot it used non-standard BIOS. Still, if you use
a live cd of linux to format a partition correctly, I'm not sure why
it wouldn't work. Again, google can answer this one way or the other,
and I recommend doing thorough research before doing anything else.

On 5/1/12, Brent Harding  wrote:
> Boot Camp will go with Windows Natively, no need for the Refit loader, I
> don't think, but for whatever reason, I don't think the system will like
> that partition being turned into a linux one. I mean, I'm not sure how the
> Mac will take to making a Windows partition, booting a Ubuntu Live CD, and
> then turning the partition into the linux type. I thought I read that the
> problem has to do with the EFI firmware on mac's instead of the normal PC
> Bios that it may not boot the linux partition.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 6:54 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about Bootcamp
>>I think so. I use the Refit boot loader (I may have that name wrong)
>> to boot Mac OS and Windows. I don't see why I couldn't set up another
>> partition, though. I'm sure google will have plenty of in-depth
>> articles and tutorials about this. Note that you will need sighted
>> help to set up some of this, at least I did.
>> On 5/1/12, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
>>> I'm pretty sure the short answer to this question will be technically?...
>>> yes... The long answer will probably be, yes, and no.
>>> Technically speaking, Bootcamp is made for either Windows Vista, or
>>> Windows
>>> 7.  Is there a way however that I could set up a bootcamp partition, then
>>> install UBuntu, Vinux, or F123 Linux?  preferably either the last two of
>>> the
>>> three.
>>> I know I could do this in VMWare Fusion, ok, fine, that's fair, but
>>> that's
>>> not exactly what I'm wanting to do for various reasons.  For another
>>> thing,
>>> being I'm an audio engineer, I want to keep my mac partition free of
>>> pretty
>>> much anything non audio related for my studio workflow.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Chris.
>>> --
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: For the attention of All braille Users.

2012-05-02 Thread Alex Hall
I can use popups fine. I double tap (space-3-6 or a cursor key), then
rotor up and down (space-6 or space-3) to find my selection, then
swipe (space-1) to the done button and double tap it.

On 5/2/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> I use the selection button on popup menus instead of the routing buttons.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
> Feynman
> On May 2, 2012, at 7:21 AM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> Do you meam that you must tap the corresponding checkbox on the screen or
>> that once positioned in a checkbox, tapping the screen is required to
>> activate the checkbox?
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 02/05/2012, at 6:46, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I am cross posting just in case I miss some people who have braille
>>> displays.
>>> I was completing a survey which Mike sent using my I phone 4S using my
>>> braille display and each time got to a pop up button or a button that
>>> needed checking, it would not happen until I tapped my I Phone screen.
>>> Would all braille users do the same and tell me if they have this problem
>>> please?
>>> Kawal.
>>> --
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Re: trying to find facetime...

2012-05-02 Thread Alex Hall
It's already there, but not an app. Open the phone app, find your desired 
contact, and hit the Facetime button. I could be wrong and it isn't on the 3GS, 
but I'm not sure.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from my iPod)

On May 2, 2012, at 18:30, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> hello everyone.
> I am having trouble trying to find/install facetime for the iPhone 3GS. the 
> app store has listings that contain facetime, but not the actual app. I would 
> also like to find this app for my OS X Snow Leopard system. anyone have a 
> clue exactly where this app is?
> -eric
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Re: trying to find facetime...

2012-05-02 Thread Alex Hall
Google it before you bow out; Google knows all!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from my iPod)

On May 2, 2012, at 18:39, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> so far, I haven't found it on the 3GS. I have iOS 5.0 on here. that may mean 
> I need a better phone to support. I seriously wish I had the funds to get a 
> proper iPad 4th generation device. have both Wi-Fi and 4G on it. 
> anyway, it looks like I may have to bow out of a paid survey designed to help 
> improve accessibility for the blind on all computing devices. :(
> -eric
> On May 2, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> It's already there, but not an app. Open the phone app, find your desired 
>> contact, and hit the Facetime button. I could be wrong and it isn't on the 
>> 3GS, but I'm not sure.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from my iPod)
>> On May 2, 2012, at 18:30, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> hello everyone.
>>> I am having trouble trying to find/install facetime for the iPhone 3GS. the 
>>> app store has listings that contain facetime, but not the actual app. I 
>>> would also like to find this app for my OS X Snow Leopard system. anyone 
>>> have a clue exactly where this app is?
>>> -eric
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Re: Audio redirection

2012-05-02 Thread Alex Hall
Yes. Open the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
device vo should use.

On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy  wrote:
> Hi all.
> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone and
> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
> Sean
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Have a great day,
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Re: reading in files or web pages

2012-05-03 Thread Alex Hall
Web pages are still a mystery to me and I wonder the same thing. For
documents, though, turn off quick nav and just use up and down arrows.
Read from current position is vo-a, and read from top is either vo-r
or vo-w, I can't remember which.

On 5/3/12, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know that control will stop and start reading something, but say I want to
> read line by line and then start reading continuously from a point. How do I
> do that?
> Also, How do I tell vo to start reading at the top of a file and read all
> the way through?
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley.
> --
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Have a great day,
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Re: Audio redirection

2012-05-03 Thread Alex Hall
Are you in system preferences or vo preferences?

On 5/3/12, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Sean, Alex didn't say to go in to system preferences.  He said to go in to
> Voice Over Utility.  Open this via VO+F8.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On May 3, 2012, at 6:42 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi alex,
>> Yes, that is what I thought. But I don't get a choice between speakers and
>> head phones. I only get ✓ Built-in Output. When I go into sound
>> preferences I get either head phones or build in speakers.
>> Any ideas?
>> Sean
>> On 03/05/2012, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Yes. Open the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
>>> device vo should use.
>>> On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>>>> Hi all.
>>>> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head phone
>>>> and
>>>> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
>>>> Sean
>>>> --
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Have a great day,
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Re: Audio redirection

2012-05-03 Thread Alex Hall
For the original poster: if you don't have a USB sound card for this
purpose, they can be gotten for under $10 (though, of course, the
quality will suffer). Others know more about this than I do, but there
are also virtual options like SoundFlower or Virtual Audio Cable.

On 5/3/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Uh,
> exactly.  I think its more of an educated guess than an assumption.  Thats
> the only reason why another device wouldn't show up in VO utilities or
> system prefs.  After all, the same options are shown in the same place. :)
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On May 3, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Uh, Rick, whether or not you are correct depends upon just one thing.
>> Your assumption is that Sean is not using any sort of other audio device
>> for possible sound routing.  he can do it if he's using something like the
>> griffin Imic such as I use.  It's a USB device which allows you to rout
>> incoming and outgoing sound to it.  Now, on the other hand, let's assume
>> that Sean is not using any such device.  IF indeed this is so, you are in
>> fact quite correct.  this is the case no matter whether he goes in to
>> Voice Over utilities as we directed him or not.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On May 3, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think the problem is your not using another sound card.  You can not
>>> split the audio from the same sound card.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On May 3, 2012, at 7:42 AM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>>>> Hi alex,
>>>> Yes, that is what I thought. But I don't get a choice between speakers
>>>> and head phones. I only get ✓ Built-in Output. When I go into sound
>>>> preferences I get either head phones or build in speakers.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Sean
>>>> On 03/05/2012, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>> Yes. Open the vo utility, select the sound tab, and select the sound
>>>>> device vo should use.
>>>>> On 5/3/12, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>> Is it possible on the Mac to have Voice-over going across the head
>>>>>> phone and
>>>>>> all system sound going across the internal speakers?
>>>>>> Sean
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defining single key for vo keys?

2012-05-05 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I have an odd question. Is it possible to define a single key to act
as the VO keys? So, instead of holding down alt and control (whatever
the mac calls them) you hold down only one? Please don't start saying
that "you just want windows-like control". It's simply that hitting a
single key, be it insert or not, with other keys to input commands is
more streamlined and easier to do, IMHO. So, if it's possible to map
VO comman keys to be something different, could anyone tell me how?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: defining single key for vo keys?

2012-05-05 Thread Alex Hall
True. I don't have a trackpad, but I do have a numpad, I often forget
I set up a commander for it though.

On 5/5/12, Scott Howell  wrote:
> And if you are looking for a way to navigate without having to hold those
> keys down you always have quick nav, trackpad commander, and numpad
> commander assuming you have a numberpad on your keyboard.
> On May 5, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> I know of no way to do this. However, you can use VO-semicolon to lock the
>> VO keys on. It's a toggle, so you can press it again to turn it off.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
>> On May 5, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have an odd question. Is it possible to define a single key to act
>>> as the VO keys? So, instead of holding down alt and control (whatever
>>> the mac calls them) you hold down only one? Please don't start saying
>>> that "you just want windows-like control". It's simply that hitting a
>>> single key, be it insert or not, with other keys to input commands is
>>> more streamlined and easier to do, IMHO. So, if it's possible to map
>>> VO comman keys to be something different, could anyone tell me how?
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: defining single key for vo keys?

2012-05-05 Thread Alex Hall
How'd you define insert as a modifier for the commander? I haven't
looked recently, but I don't remember being able to add keys as well
as keystrokes with a modifier.

On 5/5/12, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> 90% of what I need to do can be done with the numpad commander.  I did add
> two additional keystrokes to the default Lion commander.
> 1.  On the "3" key I added the jump command that gets executed with VO-J
> 2. With the Enter key I have it set to toggle betweenWeb dom and group mode.
> The defaults are
> 1. Item chooser
> 2. down
> 3. Jump
> 4. Left
> 5. Default action (same as vo-space)
> 6. Right
> 7. Interact with item
> 8  up
> 9 . Stop Interacting
> The 3 keys on the top row above 789 are
> Doc, Menu , and window chooser
> The plus key brings up the contextual menu.
> I also use the insert + numpad keys for getting to next/previous
> heading, link, visited link, table, control and hot spot.
> If there is a specific function you need help with, I can probably tell you
> where it is.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On May 5, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> True. I don't have a trackpad, but I do have a numpad, I often forget
>> I set up a commander for it though.
>> On 5/5/12, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> And if you are looking for a way to navigate without having to hold those
>>> keys down you always have quick nav, trackpad commander, and numpad
>>> commander assuming you have a numberpad on your keyboard.
>>> On May 5, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>> I know of no way to do this. However, you can use VO-semicolon to lock
>>>> the
>>>> VO keys on. It's a toggle, so you can press it again to turn it off.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Teresa
>>>> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
>>>> On May 5, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have an odd question. Is it possible to define a single key to act
>>>>> as the VO keys? So, instead of holding down alt and control (whatever
>>>>> the mac calls them) you hold down only one? Please don't start saying
>>>>> that "you just want windows-like control". It's simply that hitting a
>>>>> single key, be it insert or not, with other keys to input commands is
>>>>> more streamlined and easier to do, IMHO. So, if it's possible to map
>>>>> VO comman keys to be something different, could anyone tell me how?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> --

Re: A couple of questions

2012-05-06 Thread Alex Hall
To change voices, go to the language rotor and select the languages
you want, then, at any time, rotor to the language option and swipe up
or down. The double tap and hold is to move the voices so they're in
the order you want; that's why you can drag one atop another, to sort

As to moving the position slider, I'm not sure why it doesn't work.
Swiping up or down should move it, just like you'd use the rotor
anywhere else. Maybe try rotoroing left or right, and then returning
to the "adjust value" item?

On 5/6/12, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a couple of  questions.
> How can I change the VoiceOver voice on my iTouch?
> It asks me to double tap and hold until I hear the sound and then to drag my
> selection.
> But I don't hear any sound  when I double tap and hold the voice that I
> want.
> And, secondly, how can I change the track position of a podcast?
> It asks me to swipe up or down to make the changes, but I can't figure out a
> way to correctly do that.
> So, please help me to deal with these 2 issues.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Re: uninstalling

2012-05-06 Thread Alex Hall
What about those apps that come with an installer. Don't they put
files in other places that you would have to find and delete?

On 5/6/12, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hi,
> You got it. Just find the application you want to remove in your
> applications folder, and press cmd delete.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> msn:
> skype: blindman3221
> On 2012-05-06, at 12:02 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> on the mac how do you remove a program? do you just delete it from the
>> applications list or is there a way to uninstall it?
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Re: Single key navigation.

2012-05-12 Thread Alex Hall
I wouldn't go that far. Sometimes it won't work for me, especially in
safari (chrome works better). I find closing the browser and
re-opening it, and/or toggling vo off and on, usually gets things
working again.

On 5/12/12, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
> Hi.
> You have checked the use single key web navigation option checked, quicknav
> is turned on?
> I'd try restoring default settings and then redoing all of you're VO
> settings.
> On 2012-05-12, at 6:53 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I don't know about you but I like single key navigation when using safari.
>> However, I follow all the steps but am not getting single key navigation
>> such as H for headings, T for tables and so on.
>> Does anyone else have this problem and if not how to fix please?
>> Kawal.
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Have a great day,
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Re: Accessible FruitMachine is available in the App store

2012-05-13 Thread Alex Hall
I got the same thing, though I never saw the English message, only the
Spanish one. By the way, could you include a description of this app
in your reply?

On 5/13/12, Dick  wrote:
> Searching the app store doesn't "produce" such a result.
> On May 13, 2012, at 5:09 PM, Jonathan Chacón Barbero wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just published a new accessible game for iPhone and iPad. It is
> Accessible fruit machine.
> You can get it in
> any feedback will be appreciated.
> I hope you enjoy it.
> Regards
>  Jonathan Chacón
>  Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant
> Accessibility should be a base of the project, it should not be a patch of
> the product
> Phone:
> +34 679953948
> eMail:
> eMail:
> Facetime:
> Skype:
> Tyflos_
> G-Talk:
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Have a great day,
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Re: ColorVisor update to Version 1.1

2012-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
I have a quick question. I don't have this app yet, so can't test
this: how does it work in different light? For instance, will it know
my green shirt from my yellow regardless of whether I am in florecent
or incandescent light? I don't have an iPhone, and my iPod has no
flash, so I can't give it a constant light source.

On 6/13/12, Jan Blüher  wrote:
> Hallo MacVisionaries,
> today, a new version of my color identification app ColorVisor has been
> released. It adds the following new features:
> - support for Italian and French,
> - iCloud support for saved colors,
> - in-App user manual,
> - now also available in Norway and New Zealand.
> VoiceOver is still supported.
> You will find the ColorVisor on the App Store at:
> More information can be found on my web site at:
> Hints, questions, and requests are very appreciated.
> Greetings
> Jan
> ---
> ColorVisor - The app to identify colors.
> Available on the App Store:
> ---
> Dr. Jan Blüher
> visorApps - Accessible apps for iPad & iPhone
> Bayreuther Str. 2
> D-01187 Dresden
> Germany
> phone: +49 (0) 351 16053907
> mobile: +49 (0) 176 34926242
> e-mail:
> web:
> Twitter:
> Facebook:
> tax number: DE281706766
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basic games for mac?

2012-06-20 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Are there any apps, from the app store or otherwise, for basic games?
Nothing like an audio game, but Solitaire, Cribbage, maybe some number
games... anything like that that works with vo?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: basic games for mac?

2012-06-20 Thread Alex Hall
I know RS Games, but nothing beats a nice game (or five) of Solitaire.
Guess I'll have to make some...

On 6/20/12, Maria Chapman  wrote:
> HI.  let me know if you find any. That's about the only thing i miss is
> games.  I can go on the zonebbs and play, and have recently discovered
> shryth. They are both online games, so if the internet doesn't work well,
> there is also rs games there are quite a few different games there like
> monopoly shut the box etc.
> hth.
> Maria Chapman
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 21/06/2012, at 6:56 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Are there any apps, from the app store or otherwise, for basic games?
>> Nothing like an audio game, but Solitaire, Cribbage, maybe some number
>> games... anything like that that works with vo?
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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quick question about mail's messages table

2012-06-23 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Quick question: hy, if messages in mail are in a table, must I interact with a 
message in that table just to arrow around the other columns for that message? 
In other tables, you can left/right arror with no problem, but the messages 
table seems to not like that. I just wondered why that is, and if I can change 
anything to fix it? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: ABBYY fine reader

2012-07-02 Thread Alex Hall
Is this a mac app from the app store, or from a third party? What is
the cost? Will it work with scanners? I didn't realize the  mac had an
OCR option, and I'd love to know more.

On 7/2/12, Kirsten Edmondson  wrote:
> Wow, I can't believe how well this conversion works. Hardly any mistakes,
> and certainly none that hinder understanding!
> I've had experience of FR on Windows but I don't think I ever converted
> JPEG, just PDF, but this is great!
> I love Fine Reader and I love the versitility of the Mac
> Thanks for confirming what I had to do!
> On 1 Jul 2012, at 01:36, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Thank you Ann! I hoped it would be this easy!
>> Thanks.
>> Kirsten
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 30 Jun 2012, at 06:43, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Kirsten,
>>> Just place yourself on the JPG file you want to convert, press VO-Shift-m
>>> to get a contextual menu, go down to Open with, go right and select ABBYY
>>> FineReader and it will do the job.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 30 Jun 2012, at 05:30, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

 I have some JPG files on my computer, e-mailed to me by work. Obviously
 these are inaccessible ordinarily, but I wondered if I open them on my
 Mac, through fine reader, could I convert them?



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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: ABBYY fine reader

2012-07-02 Thread Alex Hall
Great, thanks. Too bad there's no way to demo an app before you
actually buy it. Still, good to know it's there; this is one more
thing Windows no longer has to itself with Open Book or Kurzweil.

On 7/2/12, irid domnori  wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes it works with scanners as well and you can find this application in the
> app store.
> It costs 100$.
> Il giorno 03/lug/2012, alle ore 00:12, Alex Hall  ha
> scritto:
>> Is this a mac app from the app store, or from a third party? What is
>> the cost? Will it work with scanners? I didn't realize the  mac had an
>> OCR option, and I'd love to know more.
>> On 7/2/12, Kirsten Edmondson  wrote:
>>> Wow, I can't believe how well this conversion works. Hardly any
>>> mistakes,
>>> and certainly none that hinder understanding!
>>> I've had experience of FR on Windows but I don't think I ever converted
>>> JPEG, just PDF, but this is great!
>>> I love Fine Reader and I love the versitility of the Mac
>>> Thanks for confirming what I had to do!
>>> On 1 Jul 2012, at 01:36, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>>>> Thank you Ann! I hoped it would be this easy!
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Kirsten
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 30 Jun 2012, at 06:43, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>>>> Hello Kirsten,
>>>>> Just place yourself on the JPG file you want to convert, press
>>>>> VO-Shift-m
>>>>> to get a contextual menu, go down to Open with, go right and select
>>>>> ABBYY
>>>>> FineReader and it will do the job.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anne
>>>>> On 30 Jun 2012, at 05:30, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have some JPG files on my computer, e-mailed to me by work.
>>>>>> Obviously
>>>>>> these are inaccessible ordinarily, but I wondered if I open them on
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> Mac, through fine reader, could I convert them?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Kirsten.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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