Enter will--or should--focus you on the body of the message. It may take a 
second, but it should do it. That was made much better in 10.11, so I have to 
first ask if you're running the latest macOS version? If so, is cursor tracking 
on? Press vo-shift-f3 to make sure it is; if you hear "cursor tracking on", 
awesome! If you hear that it is now off, press the command again to turn it 
back on. You nearly always want this on.

If pressing enter absolutely will NOT work, many people like to use the preview 
pane. On a message, hit vo-j and VO will read the message as it focuses on the 
text in the preview pane. If you've closed that pane in the past, vo-j will 
instead jump you to the mailboxes table, or perhaps go nowhere if you have your 
mailboxes hidden. If that happens, let us know which macOS version you have so 
we can advise on how to open the panel. The main problem I have with this 
method is that any message you arrow past will be marked as "read", even if you 
didn't read it. Mail shows any focused message in the preview pane, and 
considers it read if that happens. Since VO focuses on a message as you arrow 
to it, that causes the message to be displayed and thus read, even if you 
arrowed right past it and didn't truly read it at all.
> On Aug 13, 2016, at 06:45, Sandra E. Finley <finleykn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have never been able to efficiently read the body of an email message and 
> it is very annoying. 
> The only way I can read the text is to  down arrow  a couple of times and 
> then swipe down  or continue down arrowing.  Here is what I have tried:
> . 
> I open email messages with either enter or command o. In both cases VO says, 
> "message headers."  Then I attempt to read the message in several ways:
> swipe down with two fingers:  VO says "message headers." 
> VO a (read contents of 
> VO b (read from beginning)  same result   b: ((read from beginning): I get 
> the little "bong" error message.
> Because I have a lap top with no control key on the right, I have set up 
> keyboard commanders  with right option:
> option v read contents of vo cursor and 
> option b read from beginning, and I get the same result.
> Any ideas what the problem is? Thanks.
> Sandy Finley
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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