I just googled this. To get a delete button:
1. Go to settings, then mail, contacts, calendars, and double tap your
gmail account.
2. Find the switch button called "archive messages". Double tap it to
turn it off.
3. Now, in mail, that archive button will be delete, and messages you
select for deletion will go to the trash folder.
4. While you're in here, check out the other options. Use the "check
for mail" to select when mail gets updated, and so on. There is a mail
preview option, which shows part of the message on the screen. It
isn't accessible (vo just skips it) so turn this off if you want to
fit more messages on each page.

I'm really glad you asked this, because I never knew about it. I no
longer have to go through three steps to trash messages, it's a quick
double tap! Thanks.

On 3/2/12, Jessica <stevies...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh wow, thanx so much for those, I thought I was going to lose it if this
> kept up lol.  I love my IPhone, but some of the layout's are hard to get
> used to at the same time, especially considering the fact that there aren't
> any context menu's like the Windows mobile phones I've been used to using
> for years, which in most cases, I actually like a lot better, because
> everything I need is in plain view and easier to find, but wasn't so easy
> this time.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Eric Caron
>   To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>   Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:20 PM
>   Subject: Re: managing mail on the IPhone.
>   Hi Jessica,
>   this is not a area I   use a lot, as once I got it working I never touched
> the settings again.  But, I can offer a few general tips and hopefully
> others can provide you more detailed help.
>   First, I remember when I first started using my Google account on the
> iPhone there was no delete button.  You have a archive button instead.  Use
> that as you would delete and don't move things to trash.  Someone else will
> need to chime in on how to get the delete button to show up, that is if you
> want it to.  some people prefer the Archive button.
>   In settings you can change the mail behavior for downloading messages.  I
> have mine set up to only download when I open Mail.  this will give you the
> behavior you want.  Again a better expert can walk you through the settings
> but if you look under settings then mail, you should find it.
>   Hope this info helps a little.
>   eric Caron
>   On Mar 2, 2012, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:
>     I just tried using my Gmail acount on my IPhone, and everything seemed
> to be going fairly well, until I started realizing that first of all, I
> wasn't sure if the "move," command was actually deleting my messages, sense
> I don't see a button to delete them, so I just told it to move them to my
> trash folder.  Then next thing I knew, it was downloading them faster than I
> could move them, and I can't find an option to make this stop, which is
> eating away at my battery and cluttering up my phone, and I don't want my
> mail to automaticly download anyway, sense my e-mail isn't my whole life
> lol.
>       So with that being said, can anyone help with this?
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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