Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Geoff Shang

On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I think you meant Command V and command option V

I did.  Sorry about that, not sure where my brain was.


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2011-09-08 Thread Austin Seraphin
Hey everyone. Scrivener rocks! I just posted a review. Enjoy.

 - Austin

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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Paul Henrichsen,
Amadeus costs a lot more than a free program, because it can do so many 
beautiful things with sound. However, you don't need those amadeus features if 
it is only batch conversion that you want, so the comparison is not entirely 
fair. Neither max nor amadeus is just a batch converter. Hope you can find you 
way in max. By the way, something called adapter is another piece of free 
software you might like in this regard.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:45 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Thanks. I did download Max, but had to make sure I had the latest stable 
> version.
> Too bad Amadeus costs so much just to have the batch conversion feature.
> On Sep 6, 2011, at 12:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Paul Henrichsen,
>> Amadeus costs. Max is free. Max, however, is a cd ripper in the first place, 
>> but it can convert audio as well. It's very accessible.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 6, 2011, at 6:38 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Hi. I was looking for the audio converter called Max in the app store, but 
>>> I don't see it there.
>>> Is this the one which sells for $60 or is Amadeus the one which sells for 
>>> $60. I know that one does, but I can't tell from the below message if he is 
>>> talking about Max or Amadeus when he talks about the $60 and a trial 
>>> version.
>>> I downloaded Max from their site making sure I had the stable version.
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Sep 5, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Hi Paul Henrichsen,
 As I think it was Eric Caron pointed out, max could be a good choice. Max 
 is free.
 On Sep 1, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
> Hi, Esther. I thought of Amadeus pro, but $60 is a bit more than I want 
> to pay since I am just converting files; not editing them.
> Will Max allow batch conversion?
> Thanks.
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> If you're looking for simple conversion of ogg to mp3 on the Mac, Erik's 
>> suggestion of Max will probably work for you:
>> Max is donationware.  But Eric Caron is correct that Amadeus Pro or its 
>> Lite version has a powerful batch processor that will also handle many 
>> functions besides simple conversions (e.g., fades, adding/trimming 
>> silence, conversion of sound quality, normalization, and lots more). 
>> This shareware audio editing program had a recent major upgrade, so the 
>> price is now $60.  If you want to try the trial version, just Google the 
>> name together with macupdate, which will give you the link to the 
>> program and the web site.  (It's also sold on the Mac App Store, but 
>> trial downloads are not supported in the App Store).  The Blind Cool 
>> Tech podcast on batch processing with Amadeus Pro is Dane's podcast from 
>> two years earlier. 
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 03:51, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great 
>>> job with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app 
>>> store.  
>>> You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a 
>>> tutorial on Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with 
>>> Amadeus Pro. 
>>> eRic Caron
>>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert 
 ogg files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than 
 intuitive to use.
 For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its 
 subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also 
 can't tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the 
 original folder.
 Anything better out there?
 I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
 However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
 reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
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Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread james Walton
this has been discussed
sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
the base or the upgraded mac mini
with the better video card?

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Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Rachel,
There's a script called movefile.scpt to move files in snow leopard, and there 
is also an accessible program called move addict. Depending on how long you 
want to stick with snow leopard, you could consider these. The move file script 
is free, but I've never used it. Move addict is something I bought for 5 
dollars or so, and it worked great under snow leopard. However, the preference 
panel in move addict, is not accessible if you download the program from the 
app store. If afterwards, you go to the move addict website, you can download 
the accessible preferences panel there.
I don't have the resources at hand for move file dot scpt and move addict, but 
I'm sure you can find them on google.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Thanks Colin,
> I am guessing Snowy Kitty is snow leopard, right? If that  is so, I am using 
> Snowy Kitty! The hard way will have to be then! :) 
> Thanks for letting me know. I was starting to doubt my abilities to figure 
> things out! ;)
> Cheers,
> Rachel
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Rachel!
>> Well if your running Snowy Kitty that option/command/v will not work!
>> So you'll have to do it the hard way!
>> Copy then paste then go back to the original and delete!
>> If your running Lion then I'm stuck!
>> And someone using Lion will hopefully help!
>> Colin
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 02:03, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> I often wondered how to cut a file from one folder and paste  it to 
>>> another. But command option v is not working for me.
>>> Any ideas why?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Rachel
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I think you meant Command V and command option V
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote:
>> I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my 
>> script is already inside the other library folder.  I cannot figure out 
>> how to move it.
> find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you want 
> to put it and use command option p to move it.  A regular command p would 
> just copy it without removing the original.
> HTH,
> Geoff.
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2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Rachel,
The finder can be used to connect to an ftp site. Just use the ftp:// prefix, 
that is f t p colon slash slash, and then enter the ftp site url in the box, 
that comes up with command k in finder. Command k is connect to server and you 
can fill in the details there. Only problem I'm still having, is that I cannot 
write or upload to the server, but as long as you just want to grab stuff 
finder is okay. Command k, then fill in the details.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Hi guys,
> What Ftp client is accessible with the mac? I would like one that I can see 
> the FPT folders easily.
> Thanks.
> Rachel
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2011-09-08 Thread Geoff Shang


cyberduck looks pretty good for FTP access.  I've not used it much and 
haven't tried it under Lion, but it looked promising.

Only thing is that the progress indications aren't accessible.


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Re: -- SPAM --Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Rachel,

I found Sharp keys thanks to a earlier post but I have not successfully 
mapped a key in Windows 7.  I put Insert in the first column and Grave in the 
second then pressed the write to registry button but it didn't seem to take.  I 
did restart as recommended.  Is it possible I have the order wrong?  

It seems like many listers have gotten this to work but it has thrown me.  I 
plan to give it another try so any tips would be welcome.

I'm really pleased to hear you have it working with Windows 7 as that was a 
concern of mine as well.
Anyone starting out on VM Fusion and following this thread would certainly have 
a big head start! 

I can relate to your first experience on the Mac.  The learning curve is steep 
in the beginning.  Luckily for many of us we stumble onto a list like this one. 
 Only a few weeks into using my Mac I met a list member here and he contacted 
me with Skype.  We now not only exchange Mac tips but both of us are learning 
French so part of my Mac success has been in both languages! 

Again, if you have  simple clear directions on remapping keys in using Sharp 
Keys, that would help a lot to have VM Fusion work best. 

I saved Paul's directions on Using the VM Fusion option.  they were excellent 
directions and I can repost them for anyone who wants them.  But, they sounded 
a bit beyond my skill level at this moment. 

Eric Caron 

On Sep 8, 2011, at 12:12 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Eric, thanks for the welcome! I have been using Mac for a while and very much 
> discovering things on my own. I used to follow a list called I can work this 
> thing when I bought my first mac. But I sold it 3 months after I bought since 
> I could not get to far. Last year  in my last job mac was the only computers 
> around, so I had to learn! :) I am really glad I found this list and it is so 
> active and the people really nice.
> About changing keys: I am not sure what Paul said, since I did not find the 
> post. But I just used sharp keys a small software for windows that let you 
> map your key board as you like and it is pretty easy and straightforward. I 
> was afradi it was not going to work with windows 7 since it is an old 
> program, but it works just fine. Installit on your windows side and then just 
> open and you will have 2 areas one for the key you have and what you want 
> that key to be.
> For example my right option key is my incert key in my windows side. Let me 
> know if you want to know more about, I'll make a email just for that.
> With this program  I also created my application key that helps me to right 
> click on things when I am in windows. Therefore creating a shortcut to open 
> jaws was very easy, just go to your programs, find jaws, right click  or 
> press the application key then click on properties and make your shortcut to 
> open jaws.
> Thanks again,
> Rachel
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:06 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Rachel, 
>>  This support list is really a big part of why I love using my Mac.  I 
>> have become a much more productive user because of the help of many people 
>> here.  I've even made some great off list connections. 
>>  Your tips here are a good addition to what people have offered.  I've 
>> saved many of these messages in a special VM mail box.  I think I will 
>> follow your example and eventually start over with a new installation.  I'm 
>> going to get a 64 bit version of Windows 7 and see if I notice a difference 
>> in performance. 
>>  Your comment about short cuts is helpful.  I've saved a  a description 
>> from Paul on how to use VM Fusion to change keys but I must admit it seemed 
>> like a real challenge. 
>> VM Fusion seems like it should be so easy but it is pretty complicated.  I 
>> suspect these threads will be helpful to many listers.
>> By the way Parallels is known for not being accessible to blind users.  I'm 
>> amazed you had success at all. 
>> Welcome to the list! 
>> Eric Caron 
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 8:46 PM, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> Hi Eric, I am new in the list and I see you got lots of tips already. But 
>>> for me, I just had to delete all my virtual machines, reinstall from 
>>> scratch and configured my setting only after I had the full license of jaws 
>>> running. And insure my fusion had the vmware tools installed and running. 
>>> I also have full sharing setting between both systems. Every thing works 
>>> well now. But I also made a shortcut to start jaws in case something goes 
>>> wrong.
>>> My only big trouble is the keyboard, because a lot of my jaws short cuts 
>>> conflicts with some of my mac ones. I hardly use jaws any more though.
>>> It was a freedom support person who helped me decided to finally switch to 
>>> a MAC, but unfortunately every time I have called after, they always tell 
>>> me jaws does not work in the virtual machine, since first I had parallels 
>>> and I had lots of issues until I switch to fusion. I


2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I'ts a bit of money out of pocket, but I've never regretted buying transmit 
from Panic software.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-08, at 12:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Hi guys,
> What Ftp client is accessible with the mac? I would like one that I can see 
> the FPT folders easily.
> Thanks.
> Rachel
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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Hmm, is lion working pretty well so far? I was afraid to up grade and lose some 
of my productivity since I am right in the tornado of my thesis. 
Thanks for the info! Much appreciate it.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:21 AM, Oriol Gómez wrote:

> You need to go to system preferences and click on customize, on the
> system voice popup menu. There you will find a table of voices taht
> you can download, but only if you are using lion. If you're on snow
> leopard you're goign to have to either upgrade or buy voices.
> Then on voice over you, once you have donwloaded the voices, control
> option command right and left arrow until you find voice and then down
> arrow. When you change a voice, the next time you hit ctrl option
> command down you will get the last voice you used.
> hth
> On 9/8/11, Rachel magario  wrote:
>> Hello every one, but more in specific multiple language users.
>> I am struggling a lot to figure out how to have other languages added to my
>> mac.
>> Do I just by a voice and install?
>> Where do I buy that voice?
>> Anyone using VisioVoice? I tried, but I did not see how it works and what
>> advantages is there to it.
>> Also, how to change the languages in the fly. Sometimes I read one document
>> with more than one language on it and it is quite complicated having to go
>> to preferences to change it.
>> Anyone using languages such as Chinese, or arabic that requires different
>> character typing?
>> Would appreciate any information you can give me and clarifications of how
>> to go about installing voices.
>> ah also, I have been using my touch for different languages, but is also
>> complicated to switch from one language to another, is there a way to do it
>> on the fly?
>> Thank you in advance for any help!
>> Rachel
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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Rachel,

Lion has its little problems, but on the whole, it's working OK.

For multilingual users, Lion is great! It includes languages such as Chinese, 
Russian and Greek that don't use the Latin alphabet.

Upgrading to Lion is much cheaper than buying additional language packs.



On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:49, Rachel magario wrote:

> Hmm, is lion working pretty well so far? I was afraid to up grade and lose 
> some of my productivity since I am right in the tornado of my thesis. 
> Thanks for the info! Much appreciate it.
> RM

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Re: -- SPAM --Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Eric, for sharp keys to work it requires 2 registrations per each key, you want 
to map.
For example, if you want the right option key to be the insert, you would do 
two entries.
The right option in windows would be the right windows key, therefore:
1. you make the right windows key go to insert and register.
Then the sharp keys  wonders: "hey where do i put this right windows key now? I 
cannot evict this guest and leave it on the streets!" :) Also sharp keys is not 
that sharp, because it says I have this room hanging open where insert used to 
be. It does not know insert never existed in the first place on the mac key 
So then you have to do a second entry.
2. if your sharp keys is still open just go to add key. and now make the 
opposite entry, now  insert to right windows key and register. Then you can 
In your case you just have to make a new entry for grave in the first column 
and insert in the second column, and register then restart and see if that does 
the trick for you.
sharp keys really believes life is a give and take! :)
Hope it made some sense and you can manage to make it work this time.
Also, do you mind sending it just to me or posting in this thread Paul's 
instructions. I like to know more than one way of doing things, we never know 
when it can come on handy.
I am glad French is working well for you. I was learning japanese and I had 
lots of trouble to find any thing on PC that was compatible with jaws and I did 
not wanted to buy a $1200 japanese jaws, plus a computer installed with 
japanese windows  and all that jess. 
I am using windows 7, but to say the true I would have sticked with xp, just 
because I have to learn how to use windows in a new key board and it has some 
new features  that I am not used to it and since my mac does most every thing, 
I feel lazy to learn all tips and treks of windows 7.


On Sep 8, 2011, a, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
>   I found Sharp keys thanks to a earlier post but I have not successfully 
> mapped a key in Windows 7.  I put Insert in the first column and Grave in the 
> second then pressed the write to registry button but it didn't seem to take.  
> I did restart as recommended.  Is it possible I have the order wrong?  
> It seems like many listers have gotten this to work but it has thrown me.  I 
> plan to give it another try so any tips would be welcome.
> I'm really pleased to hear you have it working with Windows 7 as that was a 
> concern of mine as well.
> Anyone starting out on VM Fusion and following this thread would certainly 
> have a big head start! 
> I can relate to your first experience on the Mac.  The learning curve is 
> steep in the beginning.  Luckily for many of us we stumble onto a list like 
> this one.  Only a few weeks into using my Mac I met a list member here and he 
> contacted me with Skype.  We now not only exchange Mac tips but both of us 
> are learning French so part of my Mac success has been in both languages! 
> Again, if you have  simple clear directions on remapping keys in using Sharp 
> Keys, that would help a lot to have VM Fusion work best. 
> I saved Paul's directions on Using the VM Fusion option.  they were excellent 
> directions and I can repost them for anyone who wants them.  But, they 
> sounded a bit beyond my skill level at this moment. 
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 12:12 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Eric, thanks for the welcome! I have been using Mac for a while and very 
>> much discovering things on my own. I used to follow a list called I can work 
>> this thing when I bought my first mac. But I sold it 3 months after I bought 
>> since I could not get to far. Last year  in my last job mac was the only 
>> computers around, so I had to learn! :) I am really glad I found this list 
>> and it is so active and the people really nice.
>> About changing keys: I am not sure what Paul said, since I did not find the 
>> post. But I just used sharp keys a small software for windows that let you 
>> map your key board as you like and it is pretty easy and straightforward. I 
>> was afraid it was not going to work with windows 7 since it is an old 
>> program, but it works just fine. Install on your windows side and then just 
>> open and you will have 2 areas one for the key you have and what you want 
>> that key to be.
>> For example my right option key is my insert key in my windows side. Let me 
>> know if you want to know more about, I'll make a email just for that.
>> With this program  I also created my application key that helps me to right 
>> click on things when I am in windows. Therefore creating a shortcut to open 
>> jaws was very easy, just go to your programs, find jaws, right click  or 
>> press the application key then click on properties and make your shortcut to 
>> open jaws.
>> Thanks again,
>> Rachel
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:06 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel, 
>>> This support 


2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Awesome, thanks. I'll see if they have a trial at least to check it out before 
I get it!
On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:55 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, I'ts a bit of money out of pocket, but I've never regretted buying 
> transmit from Panic software.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-08, at 12:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> What Ftp client is accessible with the mac? I would like one that I can see 
>> the FPT folders easily.
>> Thanks.
>> Rachel
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Question about Audio Pass-through

2011-09-08 Thread Bill Holton
This is one of the sale items today at  Can someone tell me
what they mean by audio passthrough?  Thanks.
Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter with Audio Support for Apple MacBook Pro
and iMac,
Now with Audio Pass-Through on 2010 and Newer Models MacBook(195-129) And 6
High Speed HDMI Cable Male to Male Digital A/V Cable (193-350)
(More Details)
SKU: 195-168-001
  (49 customer reviews)
Coupon Code: MLCK9E8GNL1 limit 600 uses
Regular Price:
Final Price:

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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
thanks Anne,

Right now I am actully pressing for portuguese and spanish. I have not being 
doing much with chinese and arabic right now. but I have loads of stuff to read 
in portuguese and spanish at the moment.
If I did want to buy a couple of voices, where would I go for that?
thanks again.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Rachel,
> Lion has its little problems, but on the whole, it's working OK.
> For multilingual users, Lion is great! It includes languages such as Chinese, 
> Russian and Greek that don't use the Latin alphabet.
> Upgrading to Lion is much cheaper than buying additional language packs.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:49, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Hmm, is lion working pretty well so far? I was afraid to up grade and lose 
>> some of my productivity since I am right in the tornado of my thesis. 
>> Thanks for the info! Much appreciate it.
>> RM
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2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
thanks, will try.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Geoff Shang wrote:

> Hi,
> cyberduck looks pretty good for FTP access.  I've not used it much and 
> haven't tried it under Lion, but it looked promising.
> Only thing is that the progress indications aren't accessible.
> Cheers,
> Geoff.
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2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Awesome, that is exactly what I want. I just want to grab stuff from my server 
and not up load I can do that on the web through my server host. But grabbing 
from there is quite difficult.
thanks! :)

On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> The finder can be used to connect to an ftp site. Just use the ftp:// prefix, 
> that is f t p colon slash slash, and then enter the ftp site url in the box, 
> that comes up with command k in finder. Command k is connect to server and 
> you can fill in the details there. Only problem I'm still having, is that I 
> cannot write or upload to the server, but as long as you just want to grab 
> stuff finder is okay. Command k, then fill in the details.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> What Ftp client is accessible with the mac? I would like one that I can see 
>> the FPT folders easily.
>> Thanks.
>> Rachel
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RE: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Bill Holton
My  experience with my new Mac Mini Server edition is it will work fine, but
it won't change any settings you change and the next time you restart it
will revert to previous settings.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anouk Radix
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 2:22 AM
Subject: new mac mini, monitor problem?

Hello everyone,
I was wondering if, when you get the new gen mac mini, if you still need to
connect an external monitor when working with voiceover for everything to
work smoothly?
A friend of mine might be interested in one but only if you can use it
without monitor because he is blind and lives alone.
Thanks in advance for the information,
Greetings, Anouk,

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Introduction along with a first question

2011-09-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
I just got my Mac on July 17, so I hope you guys will forgive elementary 
questions and maybe some you talked about before. Although I am new to the Mac, 
I am not new to computers, my first having been an Apple 2 E. I'm far enough 
along that the good folks at Apple with whom I have been working can't answer 
them. By the way, some of the nervy ones that like to play with computers on 
with days off anyway are loving working with VoiceOver. 

Here's my first question. I got this PDF file that was filled in. It's a form. 
What's the best way read one of these things? I selected all the text and put 
it into TextEdit, but it kept telling me had imbedded things in there. I 
suspect that's the information she filled in, and if that's so, how can you 
read that?


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Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Great. I'll look for it. Do you know if this problem gets solved in lion?
On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> There's a script called movefile.scpt to move files in snow leopard, and 
> there is also an accessible program called move addict. Depending on how long 
> you want to stick with snow leopard, you could consider these. The move file 
> script is free, but I've never used it. Move addict is something I bought for 
> 5 dollars or so, and it worked great under snow leopard. However, the 
> preference panel in move addict, is not accessible if you download the 
> program from the app store. If afterwards, you go to the move addict website, 
> you can download the accessible preferences panel there.
> I don't have the resources at hand for move file dot scpt and move addict, 
> but I'm sure you can find them on google.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Thanks Colin,
>> I am guessing Snowy Kitty is snow leopard, right? If that  is so, I am using 
>> Snowy Kitty! The hard way will have to be then! :) 
>> Thanks for letting me know. I was starting to doubt my abilities to figure 
>> things out! ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Rachel
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel!
>>> Well if your running Snowy Kitty that option/command/v will not work!
>>> So you'll have to do it the hard way!
>>> Copy then paste then go back to the original and delete!
>>> If your running Lion then I'm stuck!
>>> And someone using Lion will hopefully help!
>>> Colin
>>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 02:03, Rachel magario wrote:
 I often wondered how to cut a file from one folder and paste  it to 
 another. But command option v is not working for me.
 Any ideas why?
 Thanks in advance.
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you meant Command V and command option V
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
>> On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote:
>>> I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my 
>>> script is already inside the other library folder.  I cannot figure out 
>>> how to move it.
>> find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you want 
>> to put it and use command option p to move it.  A regular command p 
>> would just copy it without removing the original.
>> HTH,
>> Geoff.
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RE: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Bill Holton
Sounds like they're afraid eventually you will give up the PC for the Mac
and stop buying their updates.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 5:26 PM
Cc: Kawal Gucukoglu
Subject: Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

I rang up Freedom Scientific last year as I wanted a reset of my activation.
I told them that I was running Jaws on my Mac under Fusion and as soon as
the representative heard that he said he would not support me by giving me a
new activation unless I wanted it for a native windows PC.  This year I went
to Site Village (an exhibition for all access Technology) and Eric Damerie
was there and I told him that I was running Jaws on a Mac and he simply did
not approve.

Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):




On 7 Sep 2011, at 21:20, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Kawal,
>   Freedom Scientific would not be happy to hear this but at least
three of the tech reps I talked to were very supportive of my Mac use.  Two
years ago I was uncertain about buying a mac and mentioned that when working
on a unrelated JAWS problem.  The Rep told me to get the Mac and I would
love it.  He was correct!  The other day I had another issue and before I
knew it the rep was asking me questions as she said she loved her iPhone and
was considering getting a Mac.  Most recently I called for help with my work
PC and Jaws.  I mentioned my problem with Jaws not starting in my VM and
told him I didn't expect him to answer that question as it was not
supported.  In fact, he gave me a good idea to try and seemed familiar with
the Mac.  The Mac seems to, in my experience, be becoming popular with at
least some of these reps.  It really was one of these reps that was the
final straw resulting in my purchase of my Mac.  I've never looked back!
> In all fairness I was dealing with real JAWS issues when I called, but in
all these cases the reps were supportive and either all ready knowledgeable
about the Mac or curious about them.
> Even though I don't have all the bugs worked out of my VM yet I am
convinced that the over all experience with Windows on my Mac will be better
then my experience on a native PC. 
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Bood job you did not tell the Freedom Scientific representative that you
were planning to install Jaws on a Mac as they do not support this.
>> Kawal.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 7 Sep 2011, at 12:57 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> Last week, a friend of mine bumped into someone who had the same problem
as you seem to experience, in that settings you make in jaws, don't hold
from shutdown to next run of jaws. And it is now resolved. We, that is my
friend and his friend, and I, have all been looking into the problem. We
have checked the permissions on the mac hd volume. We have checked inside
windows, to see if somewhere in documents and settings, where jaws stores
its configuration data, a rights problem was sitting. Why, would jaws, on
other systems, retain its settings, while on the vm it would not. We were
starting to think that this was a fusion problem. Even one of the Belgian
freedom scientific workers helped debugging the problem one entire
afternoon, but no luck. Until my friend's friend, came up with the solution,
found by accident.
>>> What you need to do, and this as worked for 2 people already that I know
of, is that you reset jaws to its factory default, thereby destroying all
your user settings. But, when you reconfigure jaws afterwards, you may find
that from then on, jaws will remember its settings. Albeit spelling,
autostart, and whatever. Please try that and report back on it, because it
seems that this is a nasty jaws bug, but so difficult to trace. To be clear,
my friend's friend encountered this same problem on a native windows pc. He
passed it on, and now it works for my friend as well. 
>>> Hth,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
 Hi Kawal and Paul,
  thanks for this added info.
  My imported Boot Camp partition seemed to be working ok until I
deleted the real Boot Camp.  now each time I start the virtual machine I get
a strange message that says something like can not connect file
User/ecaron/library/application support/VM Fusion/Vertual machine/BootCamp/
Boot Camp.vvmwarevm//auto Detect as a CD rOM image Can not find the file.
Vertual Device IDE 1 will start disconnected.  I then press OK and things
seem to work all right.  this error message made me concerned so I decided
to create a new virtual machine with my windows 7 disk and instal JAWS
directly.  That went ok until I decided to set up JAWS, still in 40 minute
mode.  It seems to work except it won't hold the check box setting to start

Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Rachel,

For Snow Leopard and below, the only voices that work properly without crashing 
the system are the Infovox iVox voices made by Acapela and sold by 
Assistiveware. They cost €99 for the first language pack and €49.50 for 
subsequent packs. That's why I said you'd be better off upgrading to Lion where 
you can get as many voices as you like for no extra cost. I've been enjoying 
being able to add German, Spanish and Italian to my collection of voices. 
Previously, I just had English and French.

I still prefer the Acapela voices, but probably wouldn't have bothered getting 
them had French voices been available from Apple.

I remember you asked about VisioVoice. This is software for low vision users. 
I'm afraid I don't understand it very well, being totally blind myself. But my 
husband helps low vision users set up VisioVoice to their liking.



On 8 Sep 2011, at 15:03, Rachel magario wrote:

> thanks Anne,
> Right now I am actully pressing for portuguese and spanish. I have not being 
> doing much with chinese and arabic right now. but I have loads of stuff to 
> read in portuguese and spanish at the moment.
> If I did want to buy a couple of voices, where would I go for that?
> thanks again.
> Rachel.

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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Thanks Anne!
I am totally blind my self too, maybe this is why I did not see much of a 
change when I installed visiovoice.
I am thinking I will have to be courageous and up grade to lion here very soon. 
But, I'll see if my awesome mother let me test drive lion on her mac before I 
bring it on mine. If things go crazy on my computer during thesis, it would be 
horrible! But if lion behaves well, it might actually be a blessing, and things 
might run even better and somewhat more  organized.
Thanks! :)

On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:14 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Rachel,
> For Snow Leopard and below, the only voices that work properly without 
> crashing the system are the Infovox iVox voices made by Acapela and sold by 
> Assistiveware. They cost €99 for the first language pack and €49.50 for 
> subsequent packs. That's why I said you'd be better off upgrading to Lion 
> where you can get as many voices as you like for no extra cost. I've been 
> enjoying being able to add German, Spanish and Italian to my collection of 
> voices. Previously, I just had English and French.
> I still prefer the Acapela voices, but probably wouldn't have bothered 
> getting them had French voices been available from Apple.
> I remember you asked about VisioVoice. This is software for low vision users. 
> I'm afraid I don't understand it very well, being totally blind myself. But 
> my husband helps low vision users set up VisioVoice to their liking.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 15:03, Rachel magario wrote:
>> thanks Anne,
>> Right now I am actully pressing for portuguese and spanish. I have not being 
>> doing much with chinese and arabic right now. but I have loads of stuff to 
>> read in portuguese and spanish at the moment.
>> If I did want to buy a couple of voices, where would I go for that?
>> thanks again.
>> Rachel.
> -- 
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Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
No kidding! I think I am already in that boat. I did not bothered to up grade 
to 12.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Sounds like they're afraid eventually you will give up the PC for the Mac
> and stop buying their updates.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 5:26 PM
> To:
> Cc: Kawal Gucukoglu
> Subject: Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?
> I rang up Freedom Scientific last year as I wanted a reset of my activation.
> I told them that I was running Jaws on my Mac under Fusion and as soon as
> the representative heard that he said he would not support me by giving me a
> new activation unless I wanted it for a native windows PC.  This year I went
> to Site Village (an exhibition for all access Technology) and Eric Damerie
> was there and I told him that I was running Jaws on a Mac and he simply did
> not approve.
> Kawal.
> ___
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> On 7 Sep 2011, at 21:20, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,
>>  Freedom Scientific would not be happy to hear this but at least
> three of the tech reps I talked to were very supportive of my Mac use.  Two
> years ago I was uncertain about buying a mac and mentioned that when working
> on a unrelated JAWS problem.  The Rep told me to get the Mac and I would
> love it.  He was correct!  The other day I had another issue and before I
> knew it the rep was asking me questions as she said she loved her iPhone and
> was considering getting a Mac.  Most recently I called for help with my work
> PC and Jaws.  I mentioned my problem with Jaws not starting in my VM and
> told him I didn't expect him to answer that question as it was not
> supported.  In fact, he gave me a good idea to try and seemed familiar with
> the Mac.  The Mac seems to, in my experience, be becoming popular with at
> least some of these reps.  It really was one of these reps that was the
> final straw resulting in my purchase of my Mac.  I've never looked back!
>> In all fairness I was dealing with real JAWS issues when I called, but in
> all these cases the reps were supportive and either all ready knowledgeable
> about the Mac or curious about them.
>> Even though I don't have all the bugs worked out of my VM yet I am
> convinced that the over all experience with Windows on my Mac will be better
> then my experience on a native PC. 
>> Eric Caron 
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Bood job you did not tell the Freedom Scientific representative that you
> were planning to install Jaws on a Mac as they do not support this.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 7 Sep 2011, at 12:57 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
 Hi Eric,
 Last week, a friend of mine bumped into someone who had the same problem
> as you seem to experience, in that settings you make in jaws, don't hold
> from shutdown to next run of jaws. And it is now resolved. We, that is my
> friend and his friend, and I, have all been looking into the problem. We
> have checked the permissions on the mac hd volume. We have checked inside
> windows, to see if somewhere in documents and settings, where jaws stores
> its configuration data, a rights problem was sitting. Why, would jaws, on
> other systems, retain its settings, while on the vm it would not. We were
> starting to think that this was a fusion problem. Even one of the Belgian
> freedom scientific workers helped debugging the problem one entire
> afternoon, but no luck. Until my friend's friend, came up with the solution,
> found by accident.
 What you need to do, and this as worked for 2 people already that I know
> of, is that you reset jaws to its factory default, thereby destroying all
> your user settings. But, when you reconfigure jaws afterwards, you may find
> that from then on, jaws will remember its settings. Albeit spelling,
> autostart, and whatever. Please try that and report back on it, because it
> seems that this is a nasty jaws bug, but so difficult to trace. To be clear,
> my friend's friend encountered this same problem on a native windows pc. He
> passed it on, and now it works for my friend as well. 
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi Kawal and Paul,
> thanks for this added info.
> My imported Boot Camp partition seemed to be working ok until I
> deleted the real Boot Camp.  now each time I start the virtual machine I get
> a strange message that says something like can not connect file
> User/ecaron/library/application support/VM Fusion/Vertual machine/BootCamp/
> Boot Camp.vvmwarevm//auto Detect as a CD rOM image Can not find the file.
> Vertual Device IDE 1 will start disconnected. 

searching for programs like win7 start menu?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I have come to realize that I really miss the start menu in win7.  
Ever since Vista, I stopped using keyboard shortcuts and desktop 
icons and would just go to the start menu and type in what I 
wanted.  After a few letters, the program would come up and I 
would just hit enter.  Does the mac have anything like this, 
whether built in or as an app? If it has this functionality built 
in, what is it and how do I access and use it? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: searching for programs like win7 start menu?

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Alex, use spot light. there are two ways to get to it.
1. command plus space bar
2. vo keys plus m 3 times
You can configure to search in the whole computer, or you can get more specific 
about what you want and how you want to display the results. You configure that 
on spot light preferences.
depend upon how your mac is configured to open items, when you find what you 
want in the results you either open by:
command plus o
or just vo space bar


On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have come to realize that I really miss the start menu in win7.  Ever since 
> Vista, I stopped using keyboard shortcuts and desktop icons and would just go 
> to the start menu and type in what I wanted.  After a few letters, the 
> program would come up and I would just hit enter.  Does the mac have anything 
> like this, whether built in or as an app? If it has this functionality built 
> in, what is it and how do I access and use it? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just do a time machine backup before upgrading and you shouldn't have anything 
to worry about.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Thanks Anne!
> I am totally blind my self too, maybe this is why I did not see much of a 
> change when I installed visiovoice.
> I am thinking I will have to be courageous and up grade to lion here very 
> soon. But, I'll see if my awesome mother let me test drive lion on her mac 
> before I bring it on mine. If things go crazy on my computer during thesis, 
> it would be horrible! But if lion behaves well, it might actually be a 
> blessing, and things might run even better and somewhat more  organized.
> Thanks! :)
> Rachel
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:14 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Rachel,
>> For Snow Leopard and below, the only voices that work properly without 
>> crashing the system are the Infovox iVox voices made by Acapela and sold by 
>> Assistiveware. They cost €99 for the first language pack and €49.50 for 
>> subsequent packs. That's why I said you'd be better off upgrading to Lion 
>> where you can get as many voices as you like for no extra cost. I've been 
>> enjoying being able to add German, Spanish and Italian to my collection of 
>> voices. Previously, I just had English and French.
>> I still prefer the Acapela voices, but probably wouldn't have bothered 
>> getting them had French voices been available from Apple.
>> I remember you asked about VisioVoice. This is software for low vision 
>> users. I'm afraid I don't understand it very well, being totally blind 
>> myself. But my husband helps low vision users set up VisioVoice to their 
>> liking.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 15:03, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> thanks Anne,
>>> Right now I am actully pressing for portuguese and spanish. I have not 
>>> being doing much with chinese and arabic right now. but I have loads of 
>>> stuff to read in portuguese and spanish at the moment.
>>> If I did want to buy a couple of voices, where would I go for that?
>>> thanks again.
>>> Rachel.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: searching for programs like win7 start menu?

2011-09-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

sure.  The dock  does this.  Its pretty much like the start menu on windows.  
You put the apps, files and folders you use the most in there and you can 
access them quickly.  You can get to the dock by pressing VO D.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have come to realize that I really miss the start menu in win7.  Ever since 
> Vista, I stopped using keyboard shortcuts and desktop icons and would just go 
> to the start menu and type in what I wanted.  After a few letters, the 
> program would come up and I would just hit enter.  Does the mac have anything 
> like this, whether built in or as an app? If it has this functionality built 
> in, what is it and how do I access and use it? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
I did that. my question is how do I put every thing back later? 
On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Just do a time machine backup before upgrading and you shouldn't have 
> anything to worry about.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Thanks Anne!
>> I am totally blind my self too, maybe this is why I did not see much of a 
>> change when I installed visiovoice.
>> I am thinking I will have to be courageous and up grade to lion here very 
>> soon. But, I'll see if my awesome mother let me test drive lion on her mac 
>> before I bring it on mine. If things go crazy on my computer during thesis, 
>> it would be horrible! But if lion behaves well, it might actually be a 
>> blessing, and things might run even better and somewhat more  organized.
>> Thanks! :)
>> Rachel
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:14 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Rachel,
>>> For Snow Leopard and below, the only voices that work properly without 
>>> crashing the system are the Infovox iVox voices made by Acapela and sold by 
>>> Assistiveware. They cost €99 for the first language pack and €49.50 for 
>>> subsequent packs. That's why I said you'd be better off upgrading to Lion 
>>> where you can get as many voices as you like for no extra cost. I've been 
>>> enjoying being able to add German, Spanish and Italian to my collection of 
>>> voices. Previously, I just had English and French.
>>> I still prefer the Acapela voices, but probably wouldn't have bothered 
>>> getting them had French voices been available from Apple.
>>> I remember you asked about VisioVoice. This is software for low vision 
>>> users. I'm afraid I don't understand it very well, being totally blind 
>>> myself. But my husband helps low vision users set up VisioVoice to their 
>>> liking.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 15:03, Rachel magario wrote:
 thanks Anne,
 Right now I am actully pressing for portuguese and spanish. I have not 
 being doing much with chinese and arabic right now. but I have loads of 
 stuff to read in portuguese and spanish at the moment.
 If I did want to buy a couple of voices, where would I go for that?
 thanks again.
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twiter client on the mac

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
Hi everyone,

I know this topic has been talked about, but I could not read the whole thread 
online, so please bear with me
I am looking for a twitter client that will work well with the mac. I need to 
be able to read and reply to DM, tweets and menssionds
If someone used quitter, my dream is to have something similar, but if not the 
requirements above is what I need.
I am using mactweet right now, but all I can do there is to post tweets, but I 
can read or reply to any thing.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: twiter client on the mac

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
Ive heard that Yourofukurou is good, and it is right in the app store. It is 
free and should do what you are talking about.
On 8 Sep 2011, at 10:54, Rachel magario wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I know this topic has been talked about, but I could not read the whole 
> thread online, so please bear with me
> I am looking for a twitter client that will work well with the mac. I need to 
> be able to read and reply to DM, tweets and menssionds
> If someone used quitter, my dream is to have something similar, but if not 
> the requirements above is what I need.
> I am using mactweet right now, but all I can do there is to post tweets, but 
> I can read or reply to any thing.
> Thanks for any help.
> Rachel.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: searching for programs like win7 start menu?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
It is a bit confusing now, but I think Spotlight is what I was looking for. 
On 8 Sep 2011, at 10:41, Rachel magario wrote:

> Alex, use spot light. there are two ways to get to it.
> 1. command plus space bar
> 2. vo keys plus m 3 times
> You can configure to search in the whole computer, or you can get more 
> specific about what you want and how you want to display the results. You 
> configure that on spot light preferences.
> depend upon how your mac is configured to open items, when you find what you 
> want in the results you either open by:
> command plus o
> or just vo space bar
> HTH,
> Rachel
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have come to realize that I really miss the start menu in win7.  Ever 
>> since Vista, I stopped using keyboard shortcuts and desktop icons and would 
>> just go to the start menu and type in what I wanted.  After a few letters, 
>> the program would come up and I would just hit enter.  Does the mac have 
>> anything like this, whether built in or as an app? If it has this 
>> functionality built in, what is it and how do I access and use it? Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: twiter client on the mac

2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Alex,
I downloaded and installed yorufukuru, but I still don't understand its 
interface. If any of you have more success than me with it, please share some 
howto's and info on the list here. Very interested.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Ive heard that Yourofukurou is good, and it is right in the app store. It is 
> free and should do what you are talking about.
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 10:54, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I know this topic has been talked about, but I could not read the whole 
>> thread online, so please bear with me
>> I am looking for a twitter client that will work well with the mac. I need 
>> to be able to read and reply to DM, tweets and menssionds
>> If someone used quitter, my dream is to have something similar, but if not 
>> the requirements above is what I need.
>> I am using mactweet right now, but all I can do there is to post tweets, but 
>> I can read or reply to any thing.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Rachel.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, like in 
Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I should know, aside 
from arrowing? Thanks!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Rachel,

You asked: do you know if this problem gets solved in Lion? If you mean: the 
problem of not being able to move files using the keyboard, then yes. It is now 
solved. Here's how it works.
1. Go to the file or folder you want to copy or move.
2. Press command c, no matter if you are going to move or copy.
3. Navigate to the location where you want to have the files.
4. Here, if you want to copy them, hit command plus v as usual. If you want to 
move instead of copy though, hit option command v to paste.
command v is paste copy, and option command v is paste move.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Great. I'll look for it. Do you know if this problem gets solved in lion?
> RM
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Rachel,
>> There's a script called movefile.scpt to move files in snow leopard, and 
>> there is also an accessible program called move addict. Depending on how 
>> long you want to stick with snow leopard, you could consider these. The move 
>> file script is free, but I've never used it. Move addict is something I 
>> bought for 5 dollars or so, and it worked great under snow leopard. However, 
>> the preference panel in move addict, is not accessible if you download the 
>> program from the app store. If afterwards, you go to the move addict 
>> website, you can download the accessible preferences panel there.
>> I don't have the resources at hand for move file dot scpt and move addict, 
>> but I'm sure you can find them on google.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> Thanks Colin,
>>> I am guessing Snowy Kitty is snow leopard, right? If that  is so, I am 
>>> using Snowy Kitty! The hard way will have to be then! :) 
>>> Thanks for letting me know. I was starting to doubt my abilities to figure 
>>> things out! ;)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rachel
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Rachel!
 Well if your running Snowy Kitty that option/command/v will not work!
 So you'll have to do it the hard way!
 Copy then paste then go back to the original and delete!
 If your running Lion then I'm stuck!
 And someone using Lion will hopefully help!
 On 8 Sep 2011, at 02:03, Rachel magario wrote:
> I often wondered how to cut a file from one folder and paste  it to 
> another. But command option v is not working for me.
> Any ideas why?
> Thanks in advance.
> Rachel
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think you meant Command V and command option V
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
>>> On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote:
 I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my 
 script is already inside the other library folder.  I cannot figure 
 out how to move it.
>>> find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you want 
>>> to put it and use command option p to move it.  A regular command p 
>>> would just copy it without removing the original.
>>> HTH,
>>> Geoff.
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Reading in computer braille

2011-09-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
I have another question. Is there a way to read braille foes on the Mac since I 
can't find not option for computer braille in VoiceOver? I have one for braille 
translation, but as far as I can see, it doesn't offer the reading of braille 
files without translation. I have a lot of brf files that under some conditions 
I will need to read without translation. 

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Re: Reading in computer braille

2011-09-08 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Go to the voice over utility, under the Braille category. There is a checkbox 
there to allow contracted or uncontructed Braille. 


On Sep 8, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> I have another question. Is there a way to read braille foes on the Mac since 
> I can't find not option for computer braille in VoiceOver? I have one for 
> braille translation, but as far as I can see, it doesn't offer the reading of 
> braille files without translation. I have a lot of brf files that under some 
> conditions I will need to read without translation. 
> Gigi 
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Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
awesome, thanks a lot!

On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> You asked: do you know if this problem gets solved in Lion? If you mean: the 
> problem of not being able to move files using the keyboard, then yes. It is 
> now solved. Here's how it works.
> 1. Go to the file or folder you want to copy or move.
> 2. Press command c, no matter if you are going to move or copy.
> 3. Navigate to the location where you want to have the files.
> 4. Here, if you want to copy them, hit command plus v as usual. If you want 
> to move instead of copy though, hit option command v to paste.
> command v is paste copy, and option command v is paste move.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Great. I'll look for it. Do you know if this problem gets solved in lion?
>> RM
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel,
>>> There's a script called movefile.scpt to move files in snow leopard, and 
>>> there is also an accessible program called move addict. Depending on how 
>>> long you want to stick with snow leopard, you could consider these. The 
>>> move file script is free, but I've never used it. Move addict is something 
>>> I bought for 5 dollars or so, and it worked great under snow leopard. 
>>> However, the preference panel in move addict, is not accessible if you 
>>> download the program from the app store. If afterwards, you go to the move 
>>> addict website, you can download the accessible preferences panel there.
>>> I don't have the resources at hand for move file dot scpt and move addict, 
>>> but I'm sure you can find them on google.
>>> Hth,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
 Thanks Colin,
 I am guessing Snowy Kitty is snow leopard, right? If that  is so, I am 
 using Snowy Kitty! The hard way will have to be then! :) 
 Thanks for letting me know. I was starting to doubt my abilities to figure 
 things out! ;)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Rachel!
> Well if your running Snowy Kitty that option/command/v will not work!
> So you'll have to do it the hard way!
> Copy then paste then go back to the original and delete!
> If your running Lion then I'm stuck!
> And someone using Lion will hopefully help!
> Colin
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 02:03, Rachel magario wrote:
>> I often wondered how to cut a file from one folder and paste  it to 
>> another. But command option v is not working for me.
>> Any ideas why?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Rachel
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think you meant Command V and command option V
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote:
> I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my 
> script is already inside the other library folder.  I cannot figure 
> out how to move it.
 find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you 
 want to put it and use command option p to move it.  A regular command 
 p would just copy it without removing the original.
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Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Alex!
Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like the 
subject column in mail!
Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already know 
how to set a shortcut!
1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the allow 
vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which option 
key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all shortcuts] the right 
one might already be selected, but you could pick the left one if you prefer!
If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some already 
Like say time or open safari!
3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of choice 
for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the next bit]
5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the jump 
section and arrow into that!
6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it and 
your done!
>From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option and 
>number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad or if 
you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, like 
> in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I should know, 
> aside from arrowing? Thanks!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: This has brought up library questions

2011-09-08 Thread Traci

Hi, yes using Lion.

For the home library, I was sitting on my desktop, I hit vo-m, went over to 
go, then vo-down to library.  There is home library.

For the hd library, I was on my desktop again, I hit command-shift-C, opened 
my hd, then down to library.

Lol, I'm still very new to all of this, what are your thoughts?

Also, where would I drop those sound files to add to the system sound 

PS. I found my battery script from the chicks dig mac website.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: This has brought up library questions

Hi Traci,

I'm surprised you can even see the library folder in your home folder. 
Its hidden in Lion.  You are using Lion right?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 7, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Traci wrote:

Ok, so I've overcome the downloading and installing my simple battery 
script, however this has now brought up library questions for me.

Do I always want to put items in the hd library instead of the home 
library?  For example, I plan on adding custom system sounds.  Would I 
put these inside the sounds folder of the hd library, not the home 

Why are there two?  A bit confusing.  :)

Thank you,

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Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Traci
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right option-w 
and here my current tempature?


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Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks, I'll look into that. I thought there would already be a key combo 
defined for this prupose...
On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:16, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Alex!
> Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like the 
> subject column in mail!
> Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already know 
> how to set a shortcut!
> 1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the 
> allow vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
> And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
> 2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
> Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which option 
> key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all shortcuts] the 
> right one might already be selected, but you could pick the left one if you 
> prefer!
> If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some 
> already there!
> Like say time or open safari!
> 3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
> 4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of 
> choice for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the next 
> bit]
> 5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the jump 
> section and arrow into that!
> 6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it and 
> your done!
> From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option and 
> number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
> There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad or 
> if you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, like 
>> in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I should know, 
>> aside from arrowing? Thanks!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
where is the system voice pup up?
I don't see that, I only see language and text or speech.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:21 AM, Oriol Gómez wrote:

> You need to go to system preferences and click on customize, on the
> system voice popup menu. There you will find a table of voices taht
> you can download, but only if you are using lion. If you're on snow
> leopard you're goign to have to either upgrade or buy voices.
> Then on voice over you, once you have donwloaded the voices, control
> option command right and left arrow until you find voice and then down
> arrow. When you change a voice, the next time you hit ctrl option
> command down you will get the last voice you used.
> hth
> On 9/8/11, Rachel magario  wrote:
>> Hello every one, but more in specific multiple language users.
>> I am struggling a lot to figure out how to have other languages added to my
>> mac.
>> Do I just by a voice and install?
>> Where do I buy that voice?
>> Anyone using VisioVoice? I tried, but I did not see how it works and what
>> advantages is there to it.
>> Also, how to change the languages in the fly. Sometimes I read one document
>> with more than one language on it and it is quite complicated having to go
>> to preferences to change it.
>> Anyone using languages such as Chinese, or arabic that requires different
>> character typing?
>> Would appreciate any information you can give me and clarifications of how
>> to go about installing voices.
>> ah also, I have been using my touch for different languages, but is also
>> complicated to switch from one language to another, is there a way to do it
>> on the fly?
>> Thank you in advance for any help!
>> Rachel
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Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Alex!
Well there is!
In snow leopard you have two choices you can try the option key and up or down 
arrow this will make a sound to say that's wrong [but it works ] if you hold 
the key down for a sec!
The other option is to first press vo+shift+J then vo+shift+either up or down 
arrow [ of course without the vo/shift/J that command will either interact or 
stop interacting!
This suggestion is to stay in the same column there is one to go to the 
beginning and end!
hth Colin
On 8 Sep 2011, at 18:26, Alex Hall wrote:

> Thanks, I'll look into that. I thought there would already be a key combo 
> defined for this purpose...
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:16, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Alex!
>> Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like the 
>> subject column in mail!
>> Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already 
>> know how to set a shortcut!
>> 1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the 
>> allow vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
>> And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
>> 2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
>> Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which 
>> option key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all shortcuts] 
>> the right one might already be selected, but you could pick the left one if 
>> you prefer!
>> If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some 
>> already there!
>> Like say time or open safari!
>> 3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
>> 4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of 
>> choice for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the 
>> next bit]
>> 5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the jump 
>> section and arrow into that!
>> 6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it and 
>> your done!
>> From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option and 
>> number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
>> There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad or 
>> if you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, like 
>>> in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I should know, 
>>> aside from arrowing? Thanks!
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Tracy,

Why not use the dashboard weather widget.  Just press F12, and select the 
weather widget from the dashboard menu.  If you arrow to the right, you can 
click on Info, and set the region to your city.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right option-w 
> and here my current tempature?
> Thanks,
> Traci
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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
How do you select the widget? I can't get past the calculator; it just says 
"entering application" when I try to arrow.
On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:38, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Tracy,
> Why not use the dashboard weather widget.  Just press F12, and select the 
> weather widget from the dashboard menu.  If you arrow to the right, you can 
> click on Info, and set the region to your city.
> HTH,
> Donna 
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right 
>> option-w and here my current tempature?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Closest I could come up with was adding the weather widget in Safari, 
showing the widgets bar and then setting a hotspot to the current 
weather. As long as there is a Safari window open then the hotspot will 
read the current weather. I can give more details if you want to try it.


On 9/8/11 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:

Hi all,
Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right 
option-w and here my current tempature?

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Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
I'm using Lion, unfortunately.
On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:37, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Alex!
> Well there is!
> In snow leopard you have two choices you can try the option key and up or 
> down arrow this will make a sound to say that's wrong [but it works ] if you 
> hold the key down for a sec!
> The other option is to first press vo+shift+J then vo+shift+either up or down 
> arrow [ of course without the vo/shift/J that command will either interact or 
> stop interacting!
> This suggestion is to stay in the same column there is one to go to the 
> beginning and end!
> hth Colin
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 18:26, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Thanks, I'll look into that. I thought there would already be a key combo 
>> defined for this purpose...
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:16, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Alex!
>>> Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like 
>>> the subject column in mail!
>>> Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already 
>>> know how to set a shortcut!
>>> 1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the 
>>> allow vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
>>> And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
>>> 2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
>>> Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which 
>>> option key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all shortcuts] 
>>> the right one might already be selected, but you could pick the left one if 
>>> you prefer!
>>> If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some 
>>> already there!
>>> Like say time or open safari!
>>> 3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
>>> 4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of 
>>> choice for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the 
>>> next bit]
>>> 5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the 
>>> jump section and arrow into that!
>>> 6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it 
>>> and your done!
>>> From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option and 
>>> number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
>>> There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad or 
>>> if you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
>>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, 
 like in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I should 
 know, aside from arrowing? Thanks!
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
As previously mentioned, you can also use the rigged up VGA to NTSC/PAL 
converter box to trick the Mac into thinking a real monitor is hooked 
up. Check the mail archive for details or post back if you can't find 
them and want to go that route.


On 9/8/11 5:09 AM, james Walton wrote:

this has been discussed
sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
the base or the upgraded mac mini
with the better video card?

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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Traci
Alex, when I'm in dash board, I hit VO-F2 twice, this brings up the list of 
widgets.  I then VO arrow down to select the one I want.

Chris thank you, I'll look into this further.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Closest I could come up with was adding the weather widget in Safari, showing 
> the widgets bar and then setting a hotspot to the current weather. As long as 
> there is a Safari window open then the hotspot will read the current weather. 
> I can give more details if you want to try it.
> CB
> On 9/8/11 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right 
>> option-w and here my current tempature?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> -- 
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RE: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Bill Holton
Hey there.
Any thoughts on this?
I had my Mini connected to a high res HDMI Dell monitor for awhile, and it
worked fine.  I connected it to a KVM switch and now though the PC works
fine when I switch to the Mini all I get is a monitor setup prompt.  And now
if I connect the Mini directly, I get the same error.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

As previously mentioned, you can also use the rigged up VGA to NTSC/PAL 
converter box to trick the Mac into thinking a real monitor is hooked 
up. Check the mail archive for details or post back if you can't find 
them and want to go that route.


On 9/8/11 5:09 AM, james Walton wrote:
> hello
> this has been discussed
> sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
> could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
> the base or the upgraded mac mini
> with the better video card?
> thanks

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Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch
The Mac usually detects displays on waking up or restarting so if you 
didn't have the switch turned to the mac so it could detect the monitor 
it might be stuck in a weird state. You might be able to correct things 
by going to the Preferences->Displays and select the Detect Displays 
button which is supposed to re-run the hardware detection process. 
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but more often than not it 
gets things straightened out.


On 9/8/11 2:06 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

Hey there.
Any thoughts on this?
I had my Mini connected to a high res HDMI Dell monitor for awhile, and it
worked fine.  I connected it to a KVM switch and now though the PC works
fine when I switch to the Mini all I get is a monitor setup prompt.  And now
if I connect the Mini directly, I get the same error.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

As previously mentioned, you can also use the rigged up VGA to NTSC/PAL
converter box to trick the Mac into thinking a real monitor is hooked
up. Check the mail archive for details or post back if you can't find
them and want to go that route.


On 9/8/11 5:09 AM, james Walton wrote:

this has been discussed
sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
the base or the upgraded mac mini
with the better video card?

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Re: ftp in finder is read only

2011-09-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chris Blouche,

Thanks a lot for this piece of knowledge Chris. I tried it. I installed mac 
fuse, and mac fusion. Mac fusion seems to have a lot of issues though. I'll 
mention a few for the knowledge of the list and for the archives. In case 
someone googled this message: mac fusion is not VmWare fusion. Mac fusion is 
used to mount filesystems on remote machines, accessible via a protocol like 
ftp, on to your own mac as a regular volume. This allows editing directly etc.

As of now, september 2011, attempting to connect to a server of which I have 
login credentials gave: process quit unexpectedly. When attempting to delete 
the entry in the main window where I try to connect to a server, mac fusion 
asks: are you sure you want to delete the file system, and then the name of the 
server I'm trying to connect to. This action cannot be undone. Okay button. I 
clicked okay and it keeps you waiting forever. Fortunately you can command q 
out of mac fusion. Lastly, when I try to click on the support item in the mac 
fusion help menu, I get a page does not exist.

So for now, I don't think mac fusion is usable for an average user, but it is 
great that some folks stumbled on this great idea and are trying to make this 
work. Sorry to have no support page.

On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Not sure why Apple did it this way but the normal Finder connection to an FTP 
> server is read only. Apparently if you install Google's MacFUSE, which is a 
> framework for mounting all kinds of different volumes, you can then add 
> Macfusion which lets you mount an FTP server as read/write. I haven't tried 
> it but it sounded straightforward enough. Give it a whirl since both packages 
> are free.
> MacFUSE framework
> Macfusion FTP plugin
> CB
> On 9/6/11 5:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> When opening an ftp server on the internet from within finder in Lion, it is 
>> perfectly possible to download stuff. Command k to input the server name 
>> like, and I'm asked for my credentials. Using an ftp 
>> client, I have read and write permissions there. However, from the finder, I 
>> can only read. Attempting to delete a file won't work. Hitting command i for 
>> info on the file, says I can only read, in the permissions field. What is 
>> going on here? Why can't I write, or command c commanc v upload, into the 
>> server, even though the server itself allows me to do it using a normal ftp 
>> client?
>> In an attempt to collect information for trouble shooting,
>> If I connect through smb to another computer on my home network, I can write 
>> without problems. If I approach the same home networked computer using ftp, 
>> I can't write either. So my own ftp or somewhere on the internet, even if I 
>> have write permissions, using finder ftp, I cannot write. Any ideas?
>> Paul.
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Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
I know I'm probably going to get some heat for this, I know different strokes 
for different folks but, is owning a monitor that much of an inconvenience?  
I've seen this Mac mini monitor saga go on for years now.  Literally.  lol.  I 
just don't get it.  monitors are so cheap, and you can just use HDMI to hook it 
up to televisions as well.  I mean, why try to reinvent the wheel here.  Like, 
what if there is something going on on your Mac that requires sighted help.  
Your going to invite a sighted person over to assist and say " oh!  Do you mind 
lugging your monitor over to my place?  I seem to have misplaced mine.". :).  
Just my 2 cents.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> As previously mentioned, you can also use the rigged up VGA to NTSC/PAL 
> converter box to trick the Mac into thinking a real monitor is hooked up. 
> Check the mail archive for details or post back if you can't find them and 
> want to go that route.
> CB
> On 9/8/11 5:09 AM, james Walton wrote:
>> hello
>> this has been discussed
>> sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
>> could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
>> the base or the upgraded mac mini
>> with the better video card?
>> thanks
> -- 
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Re: new mac mini, monitor problem?

2011-09-08 Thread Esther
Hi Anouk, James, Bill, Chris, Ricardo, and Others,

To shortcut the Mac Mini without a monitor thread, and to save Chris from 
having to reproduce his earlier forum post from the archives, may I suggest 
that those of you interested in running one of the new model Minis without a 
monitor check John Panarese's blog post on his macfortheblind site?  Here's the 

However, if you lose the link, you can just do a Google search for 
"macfortheblind Mac Mini".  The article is titled "Adventures With My Mac Mini" 
and it describes the experience of setting up a recent Mac Mini for the first 
time.  It also describes the solution Chris Blouch mentioned, of using an Apple 
mini display port VGA adaptor and hooking this to a VGA to NTSC converter, and 
gives the link to the source for this device that Chris originally supplied in 
an earlier list post (along with credits and thanks to Chris.)

This would seem to be the fastest and most effective way to find out about this 
solution for running without a monitor with recent generation Macs. 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 8, 2011, at 08:40, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> I know I'm probably going to get some heat for this, I know different strokes 
> for different folks but, is owning a monitor that much of an inconvenience?  
> I've seen this Mac mini monitor saga go on for years now.  Literally.  lol.  
> I just don't get it.  monitors are so cheap, and you can just use HDMI to 
> hook it up to televisions as well.  I mean, why try to reinvent the wheel 
> here.  Like, what if there is something going on on your Mac that requires 
> sighted help.  Your going to invite a sighted person over to assist and say " 
> oh!  Do you mind lugging your monitor over to my place?  I seem to have 
> misplaced mine.". :).  Just my 2 cents.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> As previously mentioned, you can also use the rigged up VGA to NTSC/PAL 
>> converter box to trick the Mac into thinking a real monitor is hooked up. 
>> Check the mail archive for details or post back if you can't find them and 
>> want to go that route.
>> CB
>> On 9/8/11 5:09 AM, james Walton wrote:
>>> hello
>>> this has been discussed
>>> sadly you do but, and i stress the word "might" i may have a theory
>>> could you tell me which mac mini he will be getting?
>>> the base or the upgraded mac mini
>>> with the better video card?
>>> thanks

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Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Kristyn Leigh
In Mail and Numbers, I use VO+shift+function key+left arrow to get to the top.  
Substitue the right arrow to get to the last cell in a table.  I have a laptop 
keyboard, but if you have a desktop keyboard, you could substitute function 
key+left arrow with the home key.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> I'm using Lion, unfortunately.
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:37, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Alex!
>> Well there is!
>> In snow leopard you have two choices you can try the option key and up or 
>> down arrow this will make a sound to say that's wrong [but it works ] if you 
>> hold the key down for a sec!
>> The other option is to first press vo+shift+J then vo+shift+either up or 
>> down arrow [ of course without the vo/shift/J that command will either 
>> interact or stop interacting!
>> This suggestion is to stay in the same column there is one to go to the 
>> beginning and end!
>> hth Colin
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 18:26, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Thanks, I'll look into that. I thought there would already be a key combo 
>>> defined for this purpose...
>>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:16, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Alex!
 Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like 
 the subject column in mail!
 Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already 
 know how to set a shortcut!
 1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the 
 allow vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
 And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
 2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
 Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which 
 option key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all 
 shortcuts] the right one might already be selected, but you could pick the 
 left one if you prefer!
 If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some 
 already there!
 Like say time or open safari!
 3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
 4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of 
 choice for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the 
 next bit]
 5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the 
 jump section and arrow into that!
 6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it 
 and your done!
 From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option 
 and number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
 There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad 
 or if you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
 On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, 
> like in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I 
> should know, aside from arrowing? Thanks!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> --

Re: top of table?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall

On 8 Sep 2011, at 15:41, Kristyn Leigh wrote:
Yes, that did it! vo-shift-home or end is exactly what I was looking for. 
> In Mail and Numbers, I use VO+shift+function key+left arrow to get to the 
> top.  Substitue the right arrow to get to the last cell in a table.  I have a 
> laptop keyboard, but if you have a desktop keyboard, you could substitute 
> function key+left arrow with the home key.
> Kristyn
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I'm using Lion, unfortunately.
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:37, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Alex!
>>> Well there is!
>>> In snow leopard you have two choices you can try the option key and up or 
>>> down arrow this will make a sound to say that's wrong [but it works ] if 
>>> you hold the key down for a sec!
>>> The other option is to first press vo+shift+J then vo+shift+either up or 
>>> down arrow [ of course without the vo/shift/J that command will either 
>>> interact or stop interacting!
>>> This suggestion is to stay in the same column there is one to go to the 
>>> beginning and end!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 18:26, Alex Hall wrote:
 Thanks, I'll look into that. I thought there would already be a key combo 
 defined for this purpose...
 On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:16, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Alex!
> Well I use a keyboard commander shortcut to stay in the same column like 
> the subject column in mail!
> Just in case you might like to set one up and also if you do not already 
> know how to set a shortcut!
> 1. open vo utility with vo+f8 you will be on general scroll across to the 
> allow vo to be controlled by applescripts and check it!
> And then press command 8 to take you to commanders!
> 2. if you already have set up a shortcut before go to next number!
> Scroll to the enable keyboard commander and check it then choose which 
> option key you would like to use [you can only pick one  for all 
> shortcuts] the right one might already be selected, but you could pick 
> the left one if you prefer!
> If this is the first time in shortcuts in the table you will find some 
> already there!
> Like say time or open safari!
> 3. Go passed the table and press the add button!
> 4. The first item is the field in which you put the letter or number of 
> choice for your shortcut [you must put the choice in before going to the 
> next bit]
> 5. Arrow to the commands menu button and open it and scroll down to the 
> jump section and arrow into that!
> 6. Find the jump to top most item or bottom most item and vo space on it 
> and your done!
> From now on [for me ] To go to the top of a column I press right option 
> and number 1 and 2 for the bottom!
> There is a lot of options to set and not just the keyboard the track pad 
> or if you like and have one a numpad as well!hth Colin
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 16:06, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Quick question: how do I quickly move to the top or bottom of a table, 
>> like in Yourofukurou or Mail? Are there other navigation commands I 
>> should know, aside from arrowing? Thanks!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Traci

*smile,* I like the weather widget, and what I'd really like is a script that 
will read out the current temp with 1 keystroke.  Somehow, I could connect a 
keyboard commander, such as right option-W to read me the current temp from the 
weather widget.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Donna Goodin 
  Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 10:38 AM
  Subject: Re: Weather Script

  Hi Tracy,

  Why not use the dashboard weather widget.  Just press F12, and select the 
weather widget from the dashboard menu.  If you arrow to the right, you can 
click on Info, and set the region to your city.

  On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right 
option-w and here my current tempature?


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question about saving attachments

2011-09-08 Thread Denise Barajas
Hello all, I'm wondering how do you save attachments you get in the mail client 
for Lion in an easy manner? I thought there was something in a toolbar in Snow 
Leopard that let me do that sort of thing. But I just don't see anything 
anymore. If anyone could please answer this one for me, I'd appreciate it. I've 
got way too many of these things to save, butI've not ahd time, for I've been 
busy with other things. Thanks.

Denise barajas

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commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were 
supposed to work do not.  How do I move by character, word, 
sentence, line, and paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not 
make a mistake while writing on my mac because I know I can't go 
back and fix it, and emails with articles in them (such as those 
from PC World) are not
easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have 
not even tried anything like scripting or writing documents 
because I can't move around text at all.  At least the suggestion 
I got a couple days ago has stopped the dashboard from constantly 
popping up when I try to review text...

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Kestrell

I'm using this document
and Chapter 4
is all about working with text.

What I did was use a braille labeler to make labels of the commands, then I 
stuck the labels on PostIt notes and stuck those no the top lid of my 
laptop. Whenever I can't remember a command, I flip the lid down and check 
the braille notes.


- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

To: "MacVisionaries list" 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 4:48 PM
Subject: commands for editing and reviewing text?

Hi all,
I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed 
to work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing 
on my mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with 
articles in them (such as those from PC World) are not
easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move 
around text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has 
stopped the dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Move left one character: left arrow,
move right one character: right arrow,
Move left one word: option left arrow,
Move right one word: option right arrow,
Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
Note that sometimes this is flakey but command left and right arrows also do 
this function.
Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
Move to top of document: command up arrow,
Move to end of document: command down arrow,

To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move right 
one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right press 
option shift uparrow.
Select all: command A,
Undo: command Z,
Cut: command X,
Copy: command C,
Paste: command V,
Backspace: backspace,
Delete: fn Backspace,

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-08, at 4:48 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed to 
> work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
> paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing on 
> my mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with articles in 
> them (such as those from PC World) are not
> easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
> tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move 
> around text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has 
> stopped the dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review text...
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Kestrell
Those are the basic Mac commands, but there are also the VoiceOver commands, 
which I find to often be more intuitive, such as
VO-l read line
VO-S read sentence
VO-w read word
VO-P read paragraph


  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 5:14 PM
  Subject: Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

  Move left one character: left arrow,
  move right one character: right arrow,
  Move left one word: option left arrow,
  Move right one word: option right arrow,
  Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
  Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
  Note that sometimes this is flakey but command left and right arrows also do 
this function.
  Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
  Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
  Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
  Move to top of document: command up arrow,
  Move to end of document: command down arrow,

  To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move 
right one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right press 
option shift uparrow.
  Select all: command A,
  Undo: command Z,
  Cut: command X,
  Copy: command C,
  Paste: command V,
  Backspace: backspace,
  Delete: fn Backspace,

  Hope this helps,

  Erik Burggraaf
  This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. 
To read more and subscribe, Visit:
  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
  or on the web at

  On 2011-09-08, at 4:48 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed 
to work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing on my 
mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with articles in them 
(such as those from PC World) are not
easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move around 
text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has stopped the 
dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review text...
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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2011-09-08 Thread james walton
I was just wondering if you schedule a backup is there a way to tell
the progress of the backup?

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Re: -- SPAM --Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Rachel, Kliph, and others,

I would never have figured out how to do Sharp Keys without these tips. 
 I'm sure once I follow the directions and do the reverse in each column it 
will work. 

If I get stuck though I'm taking Kliph up on the offer of a Skype contact! 

Below are the amazingly detailed directions Paul sent for using VM fusion to re 
map keys. 

Hi Eric Caron,

Your first question, what to do about a non-existent insert key inside a 
virtual machine, is quite a story if you want to know the ins and outs. Along 
the way, we will get there. Here you go.

First off, it is true that you have no insert key on the mac, while you often 
do need one in windows. You can create a key mapping for yourself in 1 of 2 
ways. Either using fusion itself, and there is no real down side as far as I'm 
aware, but it is a little trickey to set up because of an interface issue in 
fusion. The other way to get an insert key is to use the sharp keys program. 
Sharp keys lets you remap a few more keys than fusion will allow. For example, 
using sharp keys, you can even remap your right command, or your right option 
key, to the windows insert.

If you do it via fusion, then all your virtual machines willl get an insert 
key. If you have windows 7 and xp like I do, creating the insert key using the 
fusion keyboard remapper creates it for all virtual machines because fusion 
only allows you to do it inside its global preferences, command comma, and not 
on a per machine basis, command e.

If you create your insert key using sharp keys, then it is going to be a local 
setting for that windows installation only, because sharp keys modifies the 
windows registry to do the trick. Both methods will give you the same result: 
an insert key that is not just insert, but that can be held down as if it were 
a modifier key for other keys.

This answers your other issue, where capslock cannot be used inside the virtual 
machine as a modifier. It works as  a caps lock, but you can't hold it down and 
press a letter inside the virtual machine, in order to give commands to your 
screen reader. Sharp keys and fusion itself though, will give you an insert key 
like the one on a normal windows computer. This lets you use insert rather than 
caps lock for your screen reader's commands, so let's concentrate on insert, 
and I will leave caps lock for someone else.

Now, let's look at the way you can do it inside fusion. I'm using fusion 3.1.3, 
which is the latest version as of today. To update, go to the menu bar in 
fusion, vo m, then once right, then down to check for updates, and then follow 
the instructions.

First, fire up fusion and, just to be certain, have your virtual machines shut 
down. Then press command comma to open fusion's global preferences.

At the top of this window is a toolbar. Interact with it and click keyboard and 
mouse. A new window will appear.

The first thing you will encounter is a pop up button where you choose your 
keyboard and mouse profile. The window itself consists of 4 tab sheets, and all 
those settings together are stored in a keyboard and mouse profile. I don't 
think we will ever need a second profile, but that's what the button allows. 
Leave it at its default.

The first tab sheet of this dialog,  named, key mappings, is where you can swap 
your windows logo and alt keys. By default, fusion will map your command key to 
the windows logo key, and your option key to the windows alt key. This is not 
very intuitive for those of us who are used to windows and its keyboard layout, 
but it's easy to swap them. See below. In this window, you will also be able to 
create your insert key inside fusion, and if you want, give yourself a num lock 
toggle as well.

If you look at this table, then many mac keys are mapped to some windows 
counterparts. Personally, I don't think that is necessary at all. For example, 
in windows, you use control plus c to copy an item to the clipboard. On the 
mac, we're used to pressing command plus c to copy. In fusion, there is a 
default key mapping that makes command c the equivalent of control c. In other 
words, pressing control c or command c in windows will do the same thing. This 
is non-standard windows tweaking I don't like, so what I did to begin with, is 
clear this entire list. To the right of this table, you have 2 unlabeled 
buttons. The left one is add, and the right one is delete and entry in this 
table. Just focus on the right button of the 2, and hit vo space until the list 
is empty. You will also delete the undesired alt and windows logo key mappings 
this way.

Now, you must create your own mappings, so that your mac command key will 
become the alt key in windows, and so that your option key can become your 
windows logo key inside windows. Here's how to do it.

First, click add, to add a new mapping to the table. This is the left unlabeled 
button, to the right of the table. A new window appears, that you will later 
close with an ok bu

Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Alex,

If you want the VO commands to work in a text document, you have to interact 
with the text area, otherwise, you can only use the native Mac commands.

You can find all the VO commands by pressing VO-h-h (hold down the VO keys and 
press the letter h twice). The commands are organised into submenus, and each 
one is shown with its key combination if it has one.

You can create your own shortcuts for any VO command using one of the 
commanders, which are to be found in the VoiceOver Utility, category Commanders.



On 8 Sep 2011, at 22:48, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed to 
> work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
> paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing on 
> my mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with articles in 
> them (such as those from PC World) are not
> easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
> tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move 
> around text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has 
> stopped the dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review text...
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
But do those allow you to go there and edit that line or sentence or paragraph? 
 Do they let you select a sentence and copy it?  Unfortunately not, thus while 
it may be handy to have vo read the current sentence, that's not really what 
was asked for.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-08, at 5:20 PM, Kestrell wrote:

> Those are the basic Mac commands, but there are also the VoiceOver commands, 
> which I find to often be more intuitive, such as
> VO-l read line
> VO-S read sentence
> VO-w read word
> VO-P read paragraph
> etc.
> Kes
> - Original Message -
> From: erik burggraaf
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 5:14 PM
> Subject: Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?
> Move left one character: left arrow,
> move right one character: right arrow,
> Move left one word: option left arrow,
> Move right one word: option right arrow,
> Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
> Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
> Note that sometimes this is flakey but command left and right arrows also do 
> this function.
> Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
> Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
> Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
> Move to top of document: command up arrow,
> Move to end of document: command down arrow,
> To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move 
> right one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right 
> press option shift uparrow.
> Select all: command A,
> Undo: command Z,
> Cut: command X,
> Copy: command C,
> Paste: command V,
> Backspace: backspace,
> Delete: fn Backspace,
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-08, at 4:48 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed to 
>> work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
>> paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing on 
>> my mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with articles 
>> in them (such as those from PC World) are not
>> easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
>> tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move 
>> around text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has 
>> stopped the dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review text...
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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VO reading message list?

2011-09-08 Thread Traci
Hi all,

How do I go about changing the way VO reads inside my message list in mail?

I'd like to hear the subject before hearing sender.

Thank you,

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Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Rachel,

I find it easier to download the voices from VoiceOver Utility, category 
Speech. Click the Default Voice menu button and go down to Customise. Press 
Return and navigate right to the search box where you can type in the language 
you want such as Spanish, and the appropriate voices will be shown in the table 
to the right. Interact with it and press VO-Space on the voice you want, then 
navigate right and click on OK. Software Update will be launched.



On 8 Sep 2011, at 19:35, Rachel magario wrote:

> where is the system voice pup up?
> I don't see that, I only see language and text or speech.

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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Erik,

Although the VO commands don't allow you to edit, they do offer more navigation 
options, and they don't prevent you from using the shift key with the arrow 
keys, so you get the best of both worlds.



On 8 Sep 2011, at 23:28, erik burggraaf wrote:

> But do those allow you to go there and edit that line or sentence or 
> paragraph?  Do they let you select a sentence and copy it?  Unfortunately 
> not, thus while it may be handy to have vo read the current sentence, that's 
> not really what was asked for.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf

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Re: ftp in finder is read only

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Blouch

So according to the Google code page

MacFuse hasn't been updated since December 2008. Wow, that's old. I 
found a site that claims to have a forked version called 2.1.9 and has 
an unofficial release for download which supposedly works with 64bit 
OSX. I downloaded his build and installed it. This build was from 
December 2010 so a good bit newer.

Running the installer adds a MacFuse item to my preferences which said 
it was 2.1.9 beta. The docs said I had to reboot for it tow work which I 
did. Then I went and download MacFusion. After unpacking I had an app 
also dated December 2010 which I copied to my Applications folder.

After launching it it said the agent wasn't running so I started it. 
Then I had an empty table with the common button, remove and another 
button. The first button is Add and I had to do a VO-shift-m to get the 
menu to pop up and then down arrowed to FTPFS. I was the presented with 
a form. First blank was a name which I called Bob followed by the 
expected stuff like host, username etc. My table now has one 'unknown' 
row with Edit and mount buttons. I hit Mount and after a bit it showed 
the volume but I couldn't write anything to it. G.


On 9/8/11 2:14 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Chris Blouche,

Thanks a lot for this piece of knowledge Chris. I tried it. I installed mac 
fuse, and mac fusion. Mac fusion seems to have a lot of issues though. I'll 
mention a few for the knowledge of the list and for the archives. In case 
someone googled this message: mac fusion is not VmWare fusion. Mac fusion is 
used to mount filesystems on remote machines, accessible via a protocol like 
ftp, on to your own mac as a regular volume. This allows editing directly etc.

As of now, september 2011, attempting to connect to a server of which I have 
login credentials gave: process quit unexpectedly. When attempting to delete 
the entry in the main window where I try to connect to a server, mac fusion 
asks: are you sure you want to delete the file system, and then the name of the 
server I'm trying to connect to. This action cannot be undone. Okay button. I 
clicked okay and it keeps you waiting forever. Fortunately you can command q 
out of mac fusion. Lastly, when I try to click on the support item in the mac 
fusion help menu, I get a page does not exist.

So for now, I don't think mac fusion is usable for an average user, but it is 
great that some folks stumbled on this great idea and are trying to make this 
work. Sorry to have no support page.

On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Not sure why Apple did it this way but the normal Finder connection to an FTP 
server is read only. Apparently if you install Google's MacFUSE, which is a 
framework for mounting all kinds of different volumes, you can then add 
Macfusion which lets you mount an FTP server as read/write. I haven't tried it 
but it sounded straightforward enough. Give it a whirl since both packages are 

MacFUSE framework

Macfusion FTP plugin


On 9/6/11 5:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi listers,
When opening an ftp server on the internet from within finder in Lion, it is 
perfectly possible to download stuff. Command k to input the server name 
like, and I'm asked for my credentials. Using an ftp 
client, I have read and write permissions there. However, from the finder, I 
can only read. Attempting to delete a file won't work. Hitting command i for 
info on the file, says I can only read, in the permissions field. What is going 
on here? Why can't I write, or command c commanc v upload, into the server, 
even though the server itself allows me to do it using a normal ftp client?

In an attempt to collect information for trouble shooting,
If I connect through smb to another computer on my home network, I can write 
without problems. If I approach the same home networked computer using ftp, I 
can't write either. So my own ftp or somewhere on the internet, even if I have 
write permissions, using finder ftp, I cannot write. Any ideas?


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Re: Weather Script

2011-09-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Alex,

once you are in dashboard go to window chooser and the list of widgets 
are there.  Use your arrow keys to move up and down and select the widget you 

eric Caron 

On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> How do you select the widget? I can't get past the calculator; it just says 
> "entering application" when I try to arrow.
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 13:38, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Tracy,
>> Why not use the dashboard weather widget.  Just press F12, and select the 
>> weather widget from the dashboard menu.  If you arrow to the right, you can 
>> click on Info, and set the region to your city.
>> HTH,
>> Donna 
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Traci wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anyone know of a script, where I could hit something like right 
>>> option-w and here my current tempature?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Traci
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Alex.
I know I'm new, but it sounds like you are having the same problem I had. In my 
case, I had to get backup files, after first having erased the original file. I 
renamed the backup file. Then I shut down the computer and closed all the 
windows. I reported to and they said they would let 
those that needed to know about it. 


On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this has been covered before, but commands I thought were supposed to 
> work do not.  How do I move by character, word, sentence, line, and 
> paragraph? Currently, I have to hope to not make a mistake while writing on 
> my mac because I know I can't go back and fix it, and emails with articles in 
> them (such as those from PC World) are not
> easy to navigate because I can't just move by paragraphs.  I have not even 
> tried anything like scripting or writing documents because I can't move 
> around text at all.  At least the suggestion I got a couple days ago has 
> stopped the dashboard from constantly popping up when I try to review text...
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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pear note for the ipad, is it accessible, pls help

2011-09-08 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
As student, I have used pear note for the mac while taking notes.
This app can record while you write in the editor of pear note and, when you 
jump to a written word in the text, the recorded track is jumping to the moment 
that you where typing that text.
So, for me very usefull.

No, the app for thte ipad is out and it seems accessible but , I can't let it 
work like on the mac.
I can record and play beck, rewind in the record and fast forward but, while 
pearnote is recording, the editfield seems to be ddisabled.
I don't know if the edit-field is the rigtht one but it's the field where 
"untitled document" is written. If someone understands the program for ipad and 
can use it, It would be great to share it.
I can also mail to the developer but, at this moment, I can't explain what is 

Thanx for your help!

best regards,

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

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Re: commands for editing and reviewing text?

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Actually, I have found a use for these.  They are clunky and I don't like them 
as much as the mac Os ones.  But if I interact with something I'm typing they 
will let me navigate on my braille display.  I've set up my braille connect 32 
notetaker style, with the joystick mapped to the up down left and right arrows, 
then the following key bindings:
next and prev letter: space + d4 and space + d1,
Redundant but whatever.
Next and prev word: space + d4, space + d2,
Next and prev sentence: space + d6 and space + d3,
Next and prev paragraph: space +d56 and space plus d23,
Top and bottom: space + D456 and space + d123,

Now I need to make it mark a passage where I tell it to and select that passage 
for copying.


Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. 
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On 2011-09-08, at 5:37 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Erik,
> Although the VO commands don't allow you to edit, they do offer more 
> navigation options, and they don't prevent you from using the shift key with 
> the arrow keys, so you get the best of both worlds.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 23:28, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> But do those allow you to go there and edit that line or sentence or 
>> paragraph?  Do they let you select a sentence and copy it?  Unfortunately 
>> not, thus while it may be handy to have vo read the current sentence, that's 
>> not really what was asked for.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
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Re: -- SPAM --Re: Does VM Fusion work with JAWS?

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
thanks a lot!
Now in another note related to this tic, would you know how to chang the key 
which is assigned as the jaws key in the jaws it self?
I mean I have trouble because in laptop mode sometimes the capslock key works 
as the jaws key and some functions only work with the capslock instead of the 
insert key. I asked freedom a while ago but they would not help. they just said 
if the key was not working it was because it was a virtual machine and jaws 
just does not work. Of course this is not a mac related question directly. But 
I read in version 11 and 12 we can reassign the jaws key to a few different 
options. I just wonder how?
On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Rachel, Kliph, and others,
>   I would never have figured out how to do Sharp Keys without these tips. 
>  I'm sure once I follow the directions and do the reverse in each column it 
> will work. 
> If I get stuck though I'm taking Kliph up on the offer of a Skype contact! 
> Below are the amazingly detailed directions Paul sent for using VM fusion to 
> re map keys. 
> Hi Eric Caron,
> Your first question, what to do about a non-existent insert key inside a 
> virtual machine, is quite a story if you want to know the ins and outs. Along 
> the way, we will get there. Here you go.
> First off, it is true that you have no insert key on the mac, while you often 
> do need one in windows. You can create a key mapping for yourself in 1 of 2 
> ways. Either using fusion itself, and there is no real down side as far as 
> I'm aware, but it is a little trickey to set up because of an interface issue 
> in fusion. The other way to get an insert key is to use the sharp keys 
> program. Sharp keys lets you remap a few more keys than fusion will allow. 
> For example, using sharp keys, you can even remap your right command, or your 
> right option key, to the windows insert.
> If you do it via fusion, then all your virtual machines willl get an insert 
> key. If you have windows 7 and xp like I do, creating the insert key using 
> the fusion keyboard remapper creates it for all virtual machines because 
> fusion only allows you to do it inside its global preferences, command comma, 
> and not on a per machine basis, command e.
> If you create your insert key using sharp keys, then it is going to be a 
> local setting for that windows installation only, because sharp keys modifies 
> the windows registry to do the trick. Both methods will give you the same 
> result: an insert key that is not just insert, but that can be held down as 
> if it were a modifier key for other keys.
> This answers your other issue, where capslock cannot be used inside the 
> virtual machine as a modifier. It works as  a caps lock, but you can't hold 
> it down and press a letter inside the virtual machine, in order to give 
> commands to your screen reader. Sharp keys and fusion itself though, will 
> give you an insert key like the one on a normal windows computer. This lets 
> you use insert rather than caps lock for your screen reader's commands, so 
> let's concentrate on insert, and I will leave caps lock for someone else.
> Now, let's look at the way you can do it inside fusion. I'm using fusion 
> 3.1.3, which is the latest version as of today. To update, go to the menu bar 
> in fusion, vo m, then once right, then down to check for updates, and then 
> follow the instructions.
> First, fire up fusion and, just to be certain, have your virtual machines 
> shut down. Then press command comma to open fusion's global preferences.
> At the top of this window is a toolbar. Interact with it and click keyboard 
> and mouse. A new window will appear.
> The first thing you will encounter is a pop up button where you choose your 
> keyboard and mouse profile. The window itself consists of 4 tab sheets, and 
> all those settings together are stored in a keyboard and mouse profile. I 
> don't think we will ever need a second profile, but that's what the button 
> allows. Leave it at its default.
> The first tab sheet of this dialog,  named, key mappings, is where you can 
> swap your windows logo and alt keys. By default, fusion will map your command 
> key to the windows logo key, and your option key to the windows alt key. This 
> is not very intuitive for those of us who are used to windows and its 
> keyboard layout, but it's easy to swap them. See below. In this window, you 
> will also be able to create your insert key inside fusion, and if you want, 
> give yourself a num lock toggle as well.
> If you look at this table, then many mac keys are mapped to some windows 
> counterparts. Personally, I don't think that is necessary at all. For 
> example, in windows, you use control plus c to copy an item to the clipboard. 
> On the mac, we're used to pressing command plus c to copy. In fusion, there 
> is a default key mapping that makes command c the equivalent of control c. In 
> other words, pressing c

Re: multilingual use

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
great thanks, I did it! works like a charm. Thank you all who helped on this!
You definitely saved my day, and month and year... :)

On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:34 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Rachel,
> I find it easier to download the voices from VoiceOver Utility, category 
> Speech. Click the Default Voice menu button and go down to Customise. Press 
> Return and navigate right to the search box where you can type in the 
> language you want such as Spanish, and the appropriate voices will be shown 
> in the table to the right. Interact with it and press VO-Space on the voice 
> you want, then navigate right and click on OK. Software Update will be 
> launched.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 19:35, Rachel magario wrote:
>> where is the system voice pup up?
>> I don't see that, I only see language and text or speech.
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Re: Scrivener

2011-09-08 Thread Scott Howell

Not sure if I should thank you or curse you. :) Now I did download the trial 
and just have not found enough time to try it out. Now I wil and probably will 
end up purchasing it. I write policy for a living and I find the whole process 
really painful. The problem is trying to put the bits together while developing 
it. I tend to try and hop all over the document stuffing ideas in as I go and 
then play hell trying to ensure I got all my thoughts down. Seems this would be 
more efficient and productive.


On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:23 AM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> Hey everyone. Scrivener rocks! I just posted a review. Enjoy.
> - Austin
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Re: Scrivener

2011-09-08 Thread Scott Howell
Austin, I wonder how accessible this app is for the iPad and if the dev would 
work on that as well. Might have to contact that person and ask the question.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:23 AM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> Hey everyone. Scrivener rocks! I just posted a review. Enjoy.
> - Austin
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Re: downloading & running scripts

2011-09-08 Thread Scott Howell
All, I have to point out that this was never a problem in SNow Leopard. As far 
as I know the move function is new and was introduced with Lion. So, that would 
mean then there was no problem, but instead an enhancement.
On Sep 8, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> You asked: do you know if this problem gets solved in Lion? If you mean: the 
> problem of not being able to move files using the keyboard, then yes. It is 
> now solved. Here's how it works.
> 1. Go to the file or folder you want to copy or move.
> 2. Press command c, no matter if you are going to move or copy.
> 3. Navigate to the location where you want to have the files.
> 4. Here, if you want to copy them, hit command plus v as usual. If you want 
> to move instead of copy though, hit option command v to paste.
> command v is paste copy, and option command v is paste move.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Great. I'll look for it. Do you know if this problem gets solved in lion?
>> RM
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Rachel,
>>> There's a script called movefile.scpt to move files in snow leopard, and 
>>> there is also an accessible program called move addict. Depending on how 
>>> long you want to stick with snow leopard, you could consider these. The 
>>> move file script is free, but I've never used it. Move addict is something 
>>> I bought for 5 dollars or so, and it worked great under snow leopard. 
>>> However, the preference panel in move addict, is not accessible if you 
>>> download the program from the app store. If afterwards, you go to the move 
>>> addict website, you can download the accessible preferences panel there.
>>> I don't have the resources at hand for move file dot scpt and move addict, 
>>> but I'm sure you can find them on google.
>>> Hth,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
 Thanks Colin,
 I am guessing Snowy Kitty is snow leopard, right? If that  is so, I am 
 using Snowy Kitty! The hard way will have to be then! :) 
 Thanks for letting me know. I was starting to doubt my abilities to figure 
 things out! ;)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Rachel!
> Well if your running Snowy Kitty that option/command/v will not work!
> So you'll have to do it the hard way!
> Copy then paste then go back to the original and delete!
> If your running Lion then I'm stuck!
> And someone using Lion will hopefully help!
> Colin
> On 8 Sep 2011, at 02:03, Rachel magario wrote:
>> I often wondered how to cut a file from one folder and paste  it to 
>> another. But command option v is not working for me.
>> Any ideas why?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Rachel
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think you meant Command V and command option V
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Sep 2011, Traci wrote:
> I've figured out how to open the library folder under the hd, but my 
> script is already inside the other library folder.  I cannot figure 
> out how to move it.
 find your script, then use command-c to copy and then go where you 
 want to put it and use command option p to move it.  A regular command 
 p would just copy it without removing the original.
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I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille display 
called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text edit, I can 
start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the nifty navigation 
commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so on.  Then I can delete 
them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy cool stuff.  So my annoyance 
arises when I start typing up a new email and in the message body edit toggle 
selection doesn't work.  What happens?  I get start selection.  I select what I 
want. I get stop selection and when I turn selection off it either deselects 
everything or simply hasn't selected it in the first place.

Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so excited 
when it worked in text edit.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

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Re: twiter client on the mac

2011-09-08 Thread Rachel magario
hi Alex, thanks, it is working great for me!
Paul, I am getting the hang of it. There are a couple of text boxes one changes 
according to what you are doing and the what is search. You also have a drop 
check box for attaching a picture tags and other things to your tweet, reply or 
whatever else you are doing and there is another column with all the people you 
follow. There is a button I am ot sure for what yet.
And there is a way for your to see all the tweets of an specific friend.
For tweeting, just do command n and just type and hit enter it will make a 
sound if it is successful.
to DM just go where all your friends tweet are select the person you want and 
press d or command d, cant remember now. Pretty straight forward I think. 
Let me know if this is helpful. Can explain more once I figure it out well.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I downloaded and installed yorufukuru, but I still don't understand its 
> interface. If any of you have more success than me with it, please share some 
> howto's and info on the list here. Very interested.
> Paul.
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Ive heard that Yourofukurou is good, and it is right in the app store. It is 
>> free and should do what you are talking about.
>> On 8 Sep 2011, at 10:54, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I know this topic has been talked about, but I could not read the whole 
>>> thread online, so please bear with me
>>> I am looking for a twitter client that will work well with the mac. I need 
>>> to be able to read and reply to DM, tweets and menssionds
>>> If someone used quitter, my dream is to have something similar, but if not 
>>> the requirements above is what I need.
>>> I am using mactweet right now, but all I can do there is to post tweets, 
>>> but I can read or reply to any thing.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Rachel.
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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cannot post to facebook

2011-09-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I can no longer post to a page on I cannot post to their wall. 
It works on Windows. Using SN with Safari 5.1.

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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hello Erik.
Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with AppleCare 
drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to keys on my 
Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did. She got the answer 
from someone that this was not going to work and that it would need to be fixed 
in a software update to VoiceOver. 

Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands like 
delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that works with 
some braille displays and not others? 

On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille display 
> called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text edit, I can 
> start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the nifty navigation 
> commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so on.  Then I can 
> delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy cool stuff.  So my 
> annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email and in the message body 
> edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What happens?  I get start selection.  I 
> select what I want. I get stop selection and when I turn selection off it 
> either deselects everything or simply hasn't selected it in the first place.
> Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so excited 
> when it worked in text edit.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
I suspect it is software. My bn apex does the same thing - it refuses
to assign commands.

On 9/8/11, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hello Erik.
> Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with
> AppleCare drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to
> keys on my Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did. She
> got the answer from someone that this was not going to work and that it
> would need to be fixed in a software update to VoiceOver.
> Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands
> like delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that
> works with some braille displays and not others?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> o
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille
>> display called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text
>> edit, I can start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the
>> nifty navigation commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so
>> on.  Then I can delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy
>> cool stuff.  So my annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email and
>> in the message body edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What happens?  I
>> get start selection.  I select what I want. I get stop selection and when
>> I turn selection off it either deselects everything or simply hasn't
>> selected it in the first place.
>> Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so
>> excited when it worked in text edit.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hum,  OK,  for my tests I'm using a braille connect 32.  As far as the delete 
goes, it's not possible in SL to perform a delete or a backspace or a carriage 
return from any braille display.  I was able to assign all the navigation keys 
for paragraphs, words, sentences and such.  There's also an assignable command 
to bring up the context menu.  So, anything that's in the context menu such as 
copy, paste, and spelling suggestions can be accessed directly from the braille 

I was able to assign commands just fine with a focus blue, but I've never tried 
it with the classic focus.

If you email me exactly what you were trying to assign and what steps you took, 
I might be able to spot something.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-08, at 8:15 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hello Erik.
> Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with 
> AppleCare drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to 
> keys on my Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did. She 
> got the answer from someone that this was not going to work and that it would 
> need to be fixed in a software update to VoiceOver. 
> Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands 
> like delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that works 
> with some braille displays and not others? 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> o  
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille display 
>> called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text edit, I can 
>> start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the nifty navigation 
>> commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so on.  Then I can 
>> delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy cool stuff.  So my 
>> annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email and in the message body 
>> edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What happens?  I get start selection.  
>> I select what I want. I get stop selection and when I turn selection off it 
>> either deselects everything or simply hasn't selected it in the first place.
>> Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so excited 
>> when it worked in text edit.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread Alex Hall
The apex problems were confirmed by an hw rep. Basically, I would
select or add a command, then hit cmd-b and hear the sound that
indicates it is time to press the braille keys. When I did, nothing
happened; no assignments, no nothing.

On 9/8/11, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hum,  OK,  for my tests I'm using a braille connect 32.  As far as the
> delete goes, it's not possible in SL to perform a delete or a backspace or a
> carriage return from any braille display.  I was able to assign all the
> navigation keys for paragraphs, words, sentences and such.  There's also an
> assignable command to bring up the context menu.  So, anything that's in the
> context menu such as copy, paste, and spelling suggestions can be accessed
> directly from the braille display.
> I was able to assign commands just fine with a focus blue, but I've never
> tried it with the classic focus.
> If you email me exactly what you were trying to assign and what steps you
> took, I might be able to spot something.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-08, at 8:15 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hello Erik.
>> Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with
>> AppleCare drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to
>> keys on my Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did.
>> She got the answer from someone that this was not going to work and that
>> it would need to be fixed in a software update to VoiceOver.
>> Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands
>> like delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that
>> works with some braille displays and not others?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> o
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille
>>> display called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text
>>> edit, I can start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the
>>> nifty navigation commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so
>>> on.  Then I can delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy
>>> cool stuff.  So my annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email
>>> and in the message body edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What
>>> happens?  I get start selection.  I select what I want. I get stop
>>> selection and when I turn selection off it either deselects everything or
>>> simply hasn't selected it in the first place.
>>> Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so
>>> excited when it worked in text edit.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion
>>> When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility
>>> Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread erik burggraaf
That would irritate me so much.  Too bad it couldn't just go away with either a 
minor OS update or a firmware update.  I'm interested to hear whether this is 
the same on the focus.

Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-08, at 8:32 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> The apex problems were confirmed by an hw rep. Basically, I would
> select or add a command, then hit cmd-b and hear the sound that
> indicates it is time to press the braille keys. When I did, nothing
> happened; no assignments, no nothing.
> On 9/8/11, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hum,  OK,  for my tests I'm using a braille connect 32.  As far as the
>> delete goes, it's not possible in SL to perform a delete or a backspace or a
>> carriage return from any braille display.  I was able to assign all the
>> navigation keys for paragraphs, words, sentences and such.  There's also an
>> assignable command to bring up the context menu.  So, anything that's in the
>> context menu such as copy, paste, and spelling suggestions can be accessed
>> directly from the braille display.
>> I was able to assign commands just fine with a focus blue, but I've never
>> tried it with the classic focus.
>> If you email me exactly what you were trying to assign and what steps you
>> took, I might be able to spot something.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-08, at 8:15 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hello Erik.
>>> Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with
>>> AppleCare drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to
>>> keys on my Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did.
>>> She got the answer from someone that this was not going to work and that
>>> it would need to be fixed in a software update to VoiceOver.
>>> Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands
>>> like delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that
>>> works with some braille displays and not others?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> o
>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille
 display called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text
 edit, I can start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the
 nifty navigation commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so
 on.  Then I can delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy
 cool stuff.  So my annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email
 and in the message body edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What
 happens?  I get start selection.  I select what I want. I get stop
 selection and when I turn selection off it either deselects everything or
 simply hasn't selected it in the first place.
 Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so
 excited when it worked in text edit.
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion
 When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility
 Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: I'm anoy with vo text navvigation

2011-09-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Well, key assignment in Lion for the Focus 40 is now broken, darn it. This is 
the one regret I have on upgrading to the current OS X. I used to be able to 
assign keys, even backspace and delete, and now they are neither listed in the 
default assignments, nor are they or anything else able to be assigned.

On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> The apex problems were confirmed by an hw rep. Basically, I would
> select or add a command, then hit cmd-b and hear the sound that
> indicates it is time to press the braille keys. When I did, nothing
> happened; no assignments, no nothing.
> On 9/8/11, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hum,  OK,  for my tests I'm using a braille connect 32.  As far as the
>> delete goes, it's not possible in SL to perform a delete or a backspace or a
>> carriage return from any braille display.  I was able to assign all the
>> navigation keys for paragraphs, words, sentences and such.  There's also an
>> assignable command to bring up the context menu.  So, anything that's in the
>> context menu such as copy, paste, and spelling suggestions can be accessed
>> directly from the braille display.
>> I was able to assign commands just fine with a focus blue, but I've never
>> tried it with the classic focus.
>> If you email me exactly what you were trying to assign and what steps you
>> took, I might be able to spot something.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-08, at 8:15 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hello Erik.
>>> Ok, this brings up another question. A while back, me and a lady with
>>> AppleCare drove ourselves crazy trying to get assign VoiceOver commands to
>>> keys on my Focus 40. We never did get it to work no matter what we did.
>>> She got the answer from someone that this was not going to work and that
>>> it would need to be fixed in a software update to VoiceOver.
>>> Now it sounds like you got your braille keys mapped to dVoiceOver commands
>>> like delete, etc. How did you get it to work, or is this something that
>>> works with some braille displays and not others?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> o
>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 6:21 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Duh,  What is this?  I discovered I can add a function to my braille
 display called toggle selection.  I added this and now when I am in text
 edit, I can start selecting on my braille display.  Then I can use the
 nifty navigation commands I just set up to select words, sentences and so
 on.  Then I can delete them, cut or copy them, and do all kinds of crazy
 cool stuff.  So my annoyance arises when I start typing up a new email
 and in the message body edit toggle selection doesn't work.  What
 happens?  I get start selection.  I select what I want. I get stop
 selection and when I turn selection off it either deselects everything or
 simply hasn't selected it in the first place.
 Anybody else run into this?  It's really busted my bubble.  I got so
 excited when it worked in text edit.
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion
 When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility
 Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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grade 2 braille files

2011-09-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
I promise this is my last post of the day. However, I just tried a suggestion 
that was given to me earlier today on this list. Unfortunately, it didn't work. 
Luckily, this is not something I meed right now, but I will need it if I ever 
have to send my PacMate in for repair. 

I tried turning off braille translation and putting it on uncontracted braille. 
It is translating into grade 1, so any braille file that is already in grade 2 
will not read on the braille display properly. If anybody finds out how to read 
a grade 2 file on the Mac without translating it into anything else, please let 
me know. I am a braille proofreader, so translating a braille file is not 
something I usually need. I need to see a braille file exactly the way the 
transcriber did it, just like you would in Web braille. 


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Re: question about saving attachments

2011-09-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

just go to the file menu and press enter on save as.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Denise Barajas wrote:

> Hello all, I'm wondering how do you save attachments you get in the mail 
> client for Lion in an easy manner? I thought there was something in a toolbar 
> in Snow Leopard that let me do that sort of thing. But I just don't see 
> anything anymore. If anyone could please answer this one for me, I'd 
> appreciate it. I've got way too many of these things to save, butI've not ahd 
> time, for I've been busy with other things. Thanks.
> Denise barajas
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Re: more system sound feedback?

2011-09-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Paul and others,

I finally got around to playing with Growl.  I followed this thread and 
checked out the applications table in ?Growl.  For me right now all there is in 
the table is Skype and Dropbox.  I saw others mention mail and even getting 
sounds for power being unplugged or for USB mounting.  Can someone give me a 
tip on how to get more of these options. 


Eric Caron 

On Sep 6, 2011, at 3:35 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Jef,
> If you do find out why growl is not entirely awake, please let us know.
> Paul.
> On Sep 5, 2011, at 6:45 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>> Well, now it has started working - sort of.
>> Mail is now identifying a new message for me.  I needed to stop Growl and 
>> then restart it.  Restarting the computer didn't seem to do it.
>> I am still unable to get any sound to play when I switch from battery to 
>> charger or the other way.  NOt sure why but, I continue to investigate.
>> Thx,
>> Jeff
>> On 2011-09-05, at 12:15 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>>> Yes.  I have done all that.  This is why I was wondering if there was a 
>>> hidden trick that I couldn't find or didn't know about.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2011-09-05, at 12:08 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 You can instruct growl to make a sound. Look in the per program 
 configuration, but be ware that you must enable the sound for each 
 application in turn. It involves some repetitive work but I think that's 
 the problem.
 To get into the growl configuration window, go to system preferences and 
 find growl there. You need to click the applications tab, and in the list 
 you find, highlight the program you want to configure sound for, say Skype 
 or something else. Then, click configure and go into the second tab sheet 
 of the configure dialog. The tab is called notifications, and there you 
 enable your sound.
 On Sep 5, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> I have set this all up but, Growl never makes a sound.  I am wondering if 
> there are any hidden tricks I need to do to get this working?
> I realize this may be difficult for you to identify without investigating 
> my system but, perhaps somebody else has had this problem and can 
> identify how they solved it.
> Thx,
> Jeff
> On 2011-09-05, at 11:32 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Tracey,
>> In growl, found via system preferences and then growl, you can set and 
>> further configure a default notification style. One of them is speech. 
>> If you set that as the default, then it will automatically be chosen for 
>> new programs you use growl with, but you can also configure the growl 
>> notification scheme on a per program basis if you want. By the way, any 
>> new program that supports growl notifications, will automatically be 
>> added to the growl window. This is because growl is always running, and 
>> growl sees which program you are launching. If it happens to be one of 
>> those that it recognizes  as being growl compatible,then growl will 
>> automatically add that program name for you in its own window. Which 
>> notification scheme, either one out of the many visual ones, or the 
>> speech one, is chosen, depends on what you set as the default scheme for 
>> new programs.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 5, 2011, at 12:03 AM, Traci wrote:
>>> Holy cow Paul, that was an excellent tutorial.  Thank you very much.
>>> Under Growl display options, should I select speech instead of any 
>>> visual choice?  Does this mean speech will give me notifications?
>>> This is fun to try to figure out.
>>> Traci
>>> On Sep 4, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Let's explain that step by step so you don't get lost.
 First off. A disk image is a normal file on your hard drive. If you 
 click it, os10 will mount it as if it were a normal volume. In other 
 words, just like when you insert a cd, it gets mounted as an icon on 
 your desktop that you can open, browse etc, a dmg, once clicked, will 
 mount a new imaginary disk on to your desktop. 
 First thing to do is Click the dmg. It doesn't matter where you have 
 the dmg. inside downloads is the easiest.  if you're new to images 
 then close everything that pops up till you are in your desktop, and 
 then look around there. You will find the growl volume on the desktop. 
 Just as you dive into macintosh hd, into the contents of a cd or an 
 external usb drive, you open the growl volume the same way. From the 
 desktop, press command down arrow on the growl volume icon. A new 
 window will open, showing the contents of the image file that growl 

Re: more system sound feedback?

2011-09-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Paul and others,

I finally got around to playing with Growl.  I followed this thread and 
checked out the applications table in ?Growl.  For me right now all there is in 
the table is Skype and Dropbox.  I saw others mention mail and even getting 
sounds for power being unplugged or for USB mounting.  Can someone give me a 
tip on how to get more of these options. 


Eric Caron 

On Sep 6, 2011, at 3:35 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Jef,
> If you do find out why growl is not entirely awake, please let us know.
> Paul.
> On Sep 5, 2011, at 6:45 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>> Well, now it has started working - sort of.
>> Mail is now identifying a new message for me.  I needed to stop Growl and 
>> then restart it.  Restarting the computer didn't seem to do it.
>> I am still unable to get any sound to play when I switch from battery to 
>> charger or the other way.  NOt sure why but, I continue to investigate.
>> Thx,
>> Jeff
>> On 2011-09-05, at 12:15 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>>> Yes.  I have done all that.  This is why I was wondering if there was a 
>>> hidden trick that I couldn't find or didn't know about.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2011-09-05, at 12:08 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 You can instruct growl to make a sound. Look in the per program 
 configuration, but be ware that you must enable the sound for each 
 application in turn. It involves some repetitive work but I think that's 
 the problem.
 To get into the growl configuration window, go to system preferences and 
 find growl there. You need to click the applications tab, and in the list 
 you find, highlight the program you want to configure sound for, say Skype 
 or something else. Then, click configure and go into the second tab sheet 
 of the configure dialog. The tab is called notifications, and there you 
 enable your sound.
 On Sep 5, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> I have set this all up but, Growl never makes a sound.  I am wondering if 
> there are any hidden tricks I need to do to get this working?
> I realize this may be difficult for you to identify without investigating 
> my system but, perhaps somebody else has had this problem and can 
> identify how they solved it.
> Thx,
> Jeff
> On 2011-09-05, at 11:32 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Tracey,
>> In growl, found via system preferences and then growl, you can set and 
>> further configure a default notification style. One of them is speech. 
>> If you set that as the default, then it will automatically be chosen for 
>> new programs you use growl with, but you can also configure the growl 
>> notification scheme on a per program basis if you want. By the way, any 
>> new program that supports growl notifications, will automatically be 
>> added to the growl window. This is because growl is always running, and 
>> growl sees which program you are launching. If it happens to be one of 
>> those that it recognizes  as being growl compatible,then growl will 
>> automatically add that program name for you in its own window. Which 
>> notification scheme, either one out of the many visual ones, or the 
>> speech one, is chosen, depends on what you set as the default scheme for 
>> new programs.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 5, 2011, at 12:03 AM, Traci wrote:
>>> Holy cow Paul, that was an excellent tutorial.  Thank you very much.
>>> Under Growl display options, should I select speech instead of any 
>>> visual choice?  Does this mean speech will give me notifications?
>>> This is fun to try to figure out.
>>> Traci
>>> On Sep 4, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Let's explain that step by step so you don't get lost.
 First off. A disk image is a normal file on your hard drive. If you 
 click it, os10 will mount it as if it were a normal volume. In other 
 words, just like when you insert a cd, it gets mounted as an icon on 
 your desktop that you can open, browse etc, a dmg, once clicked, will 
 mount a new imaginary disk on to your desktop. 
 First thing to do is Click the dmg. It doesn't matter where you have 
 the dmg. inside downloads is the easiest.  if you're new to images 
 then close everything that pops up till you are in your desktop, and 
 then look around there. You will find the growl volume on the desktop. 
 Just as you dive into macintosh hd, into the contents of a cd or an 
 external usb drive, you open the growl volume the same way. From the 
 desktop, press command down arrow on the growl volume icon. A new 
 window will open, showing the contents of the image file that growl 

New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi All 

I have a new Mac Book Air 11Inch.  I have my gmail account working well. But 
can't seem to get my windows live account working. I went into Mail,Calendars   
   and Contacts in system preferences and added the account as an exchange 
account however it doesn't seem to appear in mail  or contacts.  There were 
some errors when I first set it up but I think I have fixed these. At least I 
go back into check the account it seems to be there and all the fields seem to 
be filled out. I have ensured that the ticked boxes are ticked to enable Mail 
and Contacts.  Has anyone got any ideas as to what I have done wrong.


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Re: more system sound feedback?

2011-09-08 Thread james Walton
what your looking for is hardware growler
it is located in the dmg when you get growl from the growl website

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Re: New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread james Walton
please explain to me how you got it to work as exchange!
when i tried it it did not work for me. i had to do it as pop
on my iPhone it works well as exchange though

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Re: New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't think you can use a windows live or hotmail account as exchange in Mac 
mail.  Only mobile devices.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:40 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi All 
> I have a new Mac Book Air 11Inch.  I have my gmail account working well. But 
> can't seem to get my windows live account working. I went into Mail,Calendars 
>  and Contacts in system preferences and added the account as an exchange 
> account however it doesn't seem to appear in mail  or contacts.  There were 
> some errors when I first set it up but I think I have fixed these. At least I 
> go back into check the account it seems to be there and all the fields seem 
> to be filled out. I have ensured that the ticked boxes are ticked to enable 
> Mail and Contacts.  Has anyone got any ideas as to what I have done wrong.
> Garth 
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Re: New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread james Walton
agreed because when you set it up the server is

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Re: New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread Garth Humphreys
Can it at least be setup to work as IMAP   
I do not want to have to use the account as POP

Sent from my iPhone

On 09/09/2011, at 3:16 PM, james Walton  wrote:

> agreed because when you set it up the server is
> -- 
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Re: New User Mac Mail Question

2011-09-08 Thread james Walton
live can not be setup as imap
i wish it could

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