RE: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread
How much is this one on one training?


[] On Behalf Of Sarah May
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:11 PM
Subject: will be starting my first mac class


Hi List,


If the guy at the Apple store in my area gets back to me this evening; I
will be starting my first Mac with voice over classes.  I will have
one-on-one instruction and am really looking forward to it.  Also my niece's
birthday is coming up.  She'll be receiving an I-Pod touch.  So Aunt Sarah
is going to purchase an I-tunes gift card for her.  I never had the kind of
technology that is around today for music at her age.  She'll be nine years
old.  I guess times are changing aren't they? *smile*



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RE: looking for an external hard drive compatible for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread
So is it safe to assume that it will erase all data, and does this take away
from the drives capacity?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

No, you can do this in windows by connecting it and opening the context menu
in the computer window, choose format and choose fat32 for the format type.
You can do this on a mac using the disk utility, although it calls it
erasing the drive instead of formatting.
On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Sarah May wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the information.  Now is it difficult to format the drive 
> to the Fat 32?
> Sarah
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both 
> mac and pc
> A USB hard drive will work with the PC and the mac, just format it 
> with the
> fat32 file system, this way, both platforms will be able to read and 
> write to it.
> On Apr 6, 2011, at 12:52 PM, Sarah May wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them 
>> all in
> one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have been using 
> compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory sticks, but they 
> don't provide enough space where I can fit everything all at once.  I 
> don't want to have to keep purchasing expensive compact flash cards or 
> memory sticks.  A family member of mine suggested that I should 
> purchase an external hard drive.  I told her "that was a great idea!"  
> Now if I do this, which one should I purchase that will be compatable 
> with both the Mac, PC, and my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days 
> a week at dialysis where I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and
watch movies and TV shows while dialyizing.
> Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the Macbook, I'll bring 
> that as well.  I want an external hard drive that will be compatable 
> with all these devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me 
> a fortune either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.
>> Thanks,
>> Sarah
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RE: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread
Wow!  I also live in Minneapolis Minnesota.  What apple store did you go in


Kliphton Senior

(face book)

(Marriage Blog)


(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog)




[] On Behalf Of Sarah May
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:21 PM
Subject: RE: will be starting my first mac class



Hi Chris,


I'm located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I am very surprised and excited
about how willing the people at my Apple store are willing to work with me
and how friendly and accommodating they seem to be.  This past December I
went into the Apple store near my home and looked at voice over on the
Macbook.  The sales person I worked with, who worked with me for two hours
and I made an appointment to come in, was so helpful and friendly.  I
learned a lot in those two hours.  If it wasn't for the cost I would have
purchased a Macbook right there and then.  Luckily, my family purchased one
for me a little over a month ago for my birthday.  I hope my first session
will go well tomorrow and I'll tell everyone how it went.




[] On Behalf Of Christopher Peppel
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: will be starting my first mac class


Hi Sara,


I hope you enjoy your Mac class.  I took them at the Apple store here in
Burlington, MA and enjoyed it very much.  I have to give them all the praise
in the world.  The fact that they don't know VO and yet were willing to work
with me says a lot about Apple.  Good luck.



On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Sarah May wrote:


Hi List,


If the guy at the Apple store in my area gets back to me this evening; I
will be starting my first Mac with voice over classes.  I will have
one-on-one instruction and am really looking forward to it.  Also my niece's
birthday is coming up.  She'll be receiving an I-Pod touch.  So Aunt Sarah
is going to purchase an I-tunes gift card for her.  I never had the kind of
technology that is around today for music at her age.  She'll be nine years
old.  I guess times are changing aren't they? *smile*




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Re: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread Charlie Doremus
The training is called "One to One" and cost $99 a year and you can take as
many training sessions as are available as the location of your choice.
Enjoy, I'm sure your trainer will teach other.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Kliph&Sharrie <> wrote:

> How much is this one on one training?
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Sarah May
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:11 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* will be starting my first mac class
> Hi List,
> If the guy at the Apple store in my area gets back to me this evening; I
> will be starting my first Mac with voice over classes.  I will have
> one-on-one instruction and am really looking forward to it.  Also my niece’s
> birthday is coming up.  She’ll be receiving an I-Pod touch.  So Aunt Sarah
> is going to purchase an I-tunes gift card for her.  I never had the kind of
> technology that is around today for music at her age.  She’ll be nine years
> old.  I guess times are changing aren’t they? **smile**
> Sarah
> --
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Check out our web site,

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Re: Tables in Safari Question

2011-04-08 Thread William Windels
Hello Sarai,
I don't know what you exactly mean but:
like you shave suggested, in group mode , it's mostly more easy to navigate 
tables in safari.
And what about the checkboxes: there is a way in voiceover to search for: or 
the same elementtype like the active element (control+option+command+s) or just 
not the same (control+option+command+d).
Perhaps this can help.

Good luck,
Op 8-apr-2011, om 02:43 heeft Sarai Bucciarelli het volgende geschreven:

> All:
> I could use help. I do these survays, and they are layed out in tables. You 
> have a table with several columns, and you have to select your answers. For 
> example: 
> How often do you use the following products? Then you have a table with 
> several columns. Column 1 will have a list of products in each row, I.E. 
> tooth brush would be row 1, column 1. Makeup would be row 2, column 1, 
> dogfood row 3, column 1. The other columns would have titles like daily, once 
> a week, once a month, never. Each row in these columns would have check boxes 
> or radio buttons, and you check the box corosponding to each product.
> With Jaws, I'd press alt control right arrow, and alt control up and down to 
> navigate by columns and rows. I could check the appropriat check boxes. 
> I'm having problems on the Mac. I've tried this in DOM, and Group navigation 
> mode. I can navigate the tables, read each column and row header; however I 
> cannot check the checkboxes/radio buttons. The other rows appear blank; 
> however if I press vo u to bring up a list of input controls, I see a bunch 
> of check boxes, or radio buttons, so they are on the page. Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> -- 
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Re: VO and tables in Lion

2011-04-08 Thread William Windels
Hello Jürgen and others,

I have mailed to accessibility about this but then can't/won't handle questions 
about products in development.
I am not subscribed to the development team so I don't know that I can do more.

Below is the response of accessibility:

Thank you for your email. While we do appreciate your feedback, you will need 
to provide any feedback and feature requests through the Developer Connection 
in regard to issues or bugs you discover while using the Developer Preview of 
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As the software is still not available to the general 
public we cannot comment on unreleased software. 

Op 7-apr-2011, om 13:35 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:

> Hi William,
> thanks for your responds.
> I don't think that it's very likely that VO will recognize tables in iWorks 
> 11. Also: VoiceOver should work with tables in all accessible editors. I want 
> to use all accessible programed editors with VO, also the free ones like Bean.
> Thank you for your report to Apple.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 07.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb William Windels:
>> Hello Jürgen,
>> Thanx for this announcement.
>> I'll report this for shore because this seems simply unacceptable in 2011.
>> I hope a lot of others will do so.
>> But also a litle remark:
>> It isn't perhaps macosx that needs this feature but the particular programs 
>> like textedit and pages.
>> I mean, perhaps they will add this functionality in iworks 11, (the next 
>> major version).
>> So, for all, pls , report  what you think about it to accessibility.
>> Best regards,
>> William   
>> Op 6-apr-2011, om 22:40 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi All,
>>> a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in 
>>> Lion beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in text 
>>> documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.
>>> I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great 
>>> screen reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen reader 
>>> doesn't work with tables. 
>>> So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to 
>>> to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to recognize 
>>> tables in text documents.
>>> In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize 
>>> tables in text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."
>>> But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people 
>>> write an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see 
>>> that it is really important to us.
>>> Thanks and
>>> all the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> -- 
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RE: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread Sarah May

Hi Cliff,


I will be going to the Apple store in the Uptown area.  I believe it's on
Hennepin Ave.  I can't remember the address off the top of my head.  So you
too live in Minneapolis?  Wow, it's rare to find anybody else on lists that
I subscribe to from Minnesota let alone Minneapolis.




[] On Behalf Of Kliph&Sharrie
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 2:22 AM
Subject: RE: will be starting my first mac class


Wow!  I also live in Minneapolis Minnesota.  What apple store did you go in


Kliphton Senior

(face book)

(Marriage Blog)


(for text only) 7633029020

(Family Blog)




[] On Behalf Of Sarah May
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:21 PM
Subject: RE: will be starting my first mac class



Hi Chris,


I'm located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I am very surprised and excited
about how willing the people at my Apple store are willing to work with me
and how friendly and accommodating they seem to be.  This past December I
went into the Apple store near my home and looked at voice over on the
Macbook.  The sales person I worked with, who worked with me for two hours
and I made an appointment to come in, was so helpful and friendly.  I
learned a lot in those two hours.  If it wasn't for the cost I would have
purchased a Macbook right there and then.  Luckily, my family purchased one
for me a little over a month ago for my birthday.  I hope my first session
will go well tomorrow and I'll tell everyone how it went.




[] On Behalf Of Christopher Peppel
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: will be starting my first mac class


Hi Sara,


I hope you enjoy your Mac class.  I took them at the Apple store here in
Burlington, MA and enjoyed it very much.  I have to give them all the praise
in the world.  The fact that they don't know VO and yet were willing to work
with me says a lot about Apple.  Good luck.



On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Sarah May wrote:


Hi List,


If the guy at the Apple store in my area gets back to me this evening; I
will be starting my first Mac with voice over classes.  I will have
one-on-one instruction and am really looking forward to it.  Also my niece's
birthday is coming up.  She'll be receiving an I-Pod touch.  So Aunt Sarah
is going to purchase an I-tunes gift card for her.  I never had the kind of
technology that is around today for music at her age.  She'll be nine years
old.  I guess times are changing aren't they? *smile*




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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
they're using wd in the iMacs and mac pros, and I think toshiba in the 
latest macbooks. Dad's macbook pro has a wd in it.
my mac mini had an hitachi drive which I upgraded when I started to get 
the click of death. NOt all their drives are bad, just the deskstar ones 
as far as I know.

On 07/04/2011 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:

That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all of 
their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac notebook I 
own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using them in the 
iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.

On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:

get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid hitatchi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably argue 
that one.
samsung seams relyable also.

On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Big Boy,

My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatable with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the

Macbook, I'll bring that as well.

I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

well then maybe people have had better luck
just after 6 replacements, i'm never recommending them.


On 08/04/2011 02:26, Colin M wrote:

Hi There!
In my Imac is a Hitachi hd!
I got it in 2009!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 7 Apr 2011, at 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:

That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all of 
their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac notebook I 
own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using them in the 
iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.

On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:

get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid Hitachi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably argue 
that one.
samsung seams reliable also.

On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Big Boy,

My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatible for both mac and

Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...

Ashley Cox wrote:

Any usb drive should do.


On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatible with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the

Macbook, I'll bring that as well.

I want an external hard drive that will be compatible with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
greatly appreciate it.



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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatible for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

It will erase all data, and you cannot store files larger than 2 GB on fat32

On 08/04/2011 08:15, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So is it safe to assume that it will erase all data, and does this take away
from the drives capacity?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and

No, you can do this in windows by connecting it and opening the context menu
in the computer window, choose format and choose fat32 for the format type.
You can do this on a mac using the disk utility, although it calls it
erasing the drive instead of formatting.
On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Sarah May wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the information.  Now is it difficult to format the drive
to the Fat 32?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both
mac and pc

A USB hard drive will work with the PC and the mac, just format it
with the
fat32 file system, this way, both platforms will be able to read and
write to it.
On Apr 6, 2011, at 12:52 PM, Sarah May wrote:

Hi List,

I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
all in

one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have been using
compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory sticks, but they
don't provide enough space where I can fit everything all at once.  I
don't want to have to keep purchasing expensive compact flash cards or
memory sticks.  A family member of mine suggested that I should
purchase an external hard drive.  I told her "that was a great idea!"
Now if I do this, which one should I purchase that will be compatable
with both the Mac, PC, and my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days
a week at dialysis where I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and

watch movies and TV shows while dialyizing.

Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the Macbook, I'll bring
that as well.  I want an external hard drive that will be compatable
with all these devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me
a fortune either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would

grately appreciate it.



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Re: VO and tables in Lion

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
Yeah, I got that too. I sent one back stating that I was commenting on 
snow leopard, not lion

I said that it woudl be nice to see it fixed in lion.
that's also word for word the response I got.

On 08/04/2011 08:44, William Windels wrote:

Hello Jürgen and others,

I have mailed to accessibility about this but then can't/won't handle questions 
about products in development.
I am not subscribed to the development team so I don't know that I can do more.

Below is the response of accessibility:

Thank you for your email. While we do appreciate your feedback, you will need 
to provide any feedback and feature requests through the Developer Connection 
in regard to issues or bugs you discover while using the Developer Preview of 
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As the software is still not available to the general 
public we cannot comment on unreleased software.

Op 7-apr-2011, om 13:35 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:

Hi William,

thanks for your responds.

I don't think that it's very likely that VO will recognize tables in iWorks 11. 
Also: VoiceOver should work with tables in all accessible editors. I want to 
use all accessible programed editors with VO, also the free ones like Bean.

Thank you for your report to Apple.

All the best

Am 07.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb William Windels:

Hello Jürgen,
Thanx for this announcement.
I'll report this for shore because this seems simply unacceptable in 2011.
I hope a lot of others will do so.
But also a litle remark:
It isn't perhaps macosx that needs this feature but the particular programs 
like textedit and pages.
I mean, perhaps they will add this functionality in iworks 11, (the next major 

So, for all, pls , report  what you think about it to accessibility.

Best regards,
Op 6-apr-2011, om 22:40 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in Lion 
beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in text 
documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.

I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great screen 
reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen reader doesn't 
work with tables.

So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to
to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to recognize 
tables in text documents.

In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize tables in 
text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."

But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people write 
an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see that it is 
really important to us.

Thanks and
all the best

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Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Charlie Bates
Hello list

I am wondering whether it is possible to control the volume in itunes
but not touch the volume at which voiceover is heard? I would like to
be able listen to music whilst i am on the internet but i dont want it
to drown out voiceover - which is my issue at the moment.

Can anyone shed some light?

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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Ash, the Deskstar was an IBM product at one point as I recall. THose drives 
were initially quite good, but turned out to be complete garbage, but this was 
over 10 years ago and the 3.5 formfactor.
I know APple selects drives that are quiet and run as cool as possible. I have 
not kept up with the drive manufacturers lately. I am still thinking about 
getting a SSD, pull the optical drive from my MBP, and move the mechanical 
drive to that position. Don't know if I will actually do it, but sure giving it 
some thought. :)


On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:47 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

> they're using wd in the iMacs and mac pros, and I think toshiba in the latest 
> macbooks. Dad's macbook pro has a wd in it.
> my mac mini had an hitachi drive which I upgraded when I started to get the 
> click of death. NOt all their drives are bad, just the deskstar ones as far 
> as I know.
> ash
> On 07/04/2011 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:
>> That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all 
>> of their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac 
>> notebook I own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using 
>> them in the iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.
>> On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:
>>> get one of the wd elements drives.
>>> avoid hitatchi or whaterver it's called.
>>> i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably 
>>> argue that one.
>>> samsung seams relyable also.
>>> On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:
 Hi Big Boy,
 My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
 off.  I know that all of these devices have USB ports though.  So what
 external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
 of memory, and not cost a lot?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of bigboy529
 Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
 To: MacVisionaries
 Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and
 Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
 transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
 have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
 both a firewire and usb port...
 Ashley Cox wrote:
> Any usb drive should do.
> ash
> On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I download a lot of books, movies, and music.  I want to keep them
>> all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC.  I have
>> been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
>> sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
>> everything all at once.  I don't want to have to keep purchasing
>> expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks.  A family member of
>> mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive.  I
>> told her "that was a great idea!"  Now if I do this, which one
>> should I purchase that will be compatable with both the Mac, PC, and
>> my Braille Sense Plus?  I spend three days a week at dialysis where
>> I bring my Braille Sense Plus.  I read books and watch movies and TV
>> shows while dialyizing.  Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the
 Macbook, I'll bring that as well.
>> I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
>> devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
>> either.  If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
>> grately appreciate it.
>> Thanks,
>> Sarah
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Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Yeah, this is really easy.  I do it all the time!  When you're in ITunes, 
hit your command up arrow, or command down arrow respectedly, to ajust the 
volume.  That won't effect anything but ITunes.  You also can vo+right arrow 
over to the volume slider, interact with it, then vo up and down arrow to 
move it, although personally, in my opinion, why do all that when you have a 
direct command.

Make sure ITunes is in the foreground when you do this, or it won't work.

Also, one other little neet thing for ya about ITunes:  If you hit command 
left and right arrows, that will go from prev song, or next song.


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Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Colin M
Hi Charlie!
OK when in Itunes use command+up or down arrows to adjust the music volume!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 8 Apr 2011, at 11:04, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hello list
> I am wondering whether it is possible to control the volume in itunes
> but not touch the volume at which voiceover is heard? I would like to
> be able listen to music whilst i am on the internet but i don't want it
> to drown out voiceover - which is my issue at the moment.
> Can anyone shed some light?
> -- 
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Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, we got two really strange things going on here.

When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set it up for the 
first time, I noticed something.  There were no icons on my desktop.  Macintosh 
HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse gone into the finder preferences and set it 
to show hard disks, external hard disks, CD and DVD's, IPods... ya know, pretty 
much everythiing except for servers, as at this time at least, I dont' see that 
being necessary.

Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to follow the 
keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have it said for the keyboard 
cursor to follow the voice over cursor.  I don't think I have the mouse 
following the voiceover cursor.  In fact, I know I don't.

Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up there, like, say I 
have my portible external USB hard drive mounted to the desktop, as well as my 
Macintosh HD.  Well, what I find is happening, which is so! wstrange! is that 
say I am on Macintosh HD, and right below it is my Portible drive, and yes, 
that is literally the name of its volume... Portible...

So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go between the 
two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down arrow, or vo+down arrow, 
either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on my portible volume, but other times it 
will either bwonk at me, and do nothing, or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the 
next icon down, which is this example would be my portible volume, but then if 
I hit command+o to open it, it's openning my macintosh HD instead of Portible 
like it should be.  I'm just so not getting this!  I've never! ever! on anyone 
elses Mac seen this issue.  It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out why it's 
doing that!  One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks DVD in the drive, 
which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the desktop.  I wound up 
hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it out, then sliding it back in, again, 
at which point, it mounted properly.  Is that? not the oddest thing?

So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go into a finder 
window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets itself to icon view.  I dono 
why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab, suh, lootly? hate it!  Again, I don't know 
why, but I do.  I prefer collumn view.  Well, yeah, I can always just do 
command+3, no issues, but, why won't it remember my settings across the whole 
system.  Heck, it's not even remembering it within one folder.  Like, if I go 
to my home folder from the desktop, hit command+3, then command+w to close that 
folder, if I then do command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back 
to icon view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.

I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've played with, so 
it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other issue? I haven't seen on any 
other Mac, however, reinstalling SL did no good.  I had a totally unrelated 
issue that due to my! stupidity, I had to redo my system, but even before I 
redid it, the desktop was acting really funny.

I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a finder window to 
computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is nice to have the desktop, if I 
can use it.


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Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Charlie Bates
Thanks so much for the info Chris! I really appreciate it

On 08/04/2011, at 8:33 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Yeah, this is really easy.  I do it all the time!  When you're in ITunes, hit 
> your command up arrow, or command down arrow respectedly, to ajust the 
> volume.  That won't effect anything but ITunes.  You also can vo+right arrow 
> over to the volume slider, interact with it, then vo up and down arrow to 
> move it, although personally, in my opinion, why do all that when you have a 
> direct command.
> Make sure ITunes is in the foreground when you do this, or it won't work.
> Also, one other little neet thing for ya about ITunes:  If you hit command 
> left and right arrows, that will go from prev song, or next song.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

command +up/down arrows when in iTunes.

On 08/04/2011 11:04, Charlie Bates wrote:

Hello list

I am wondering whether it is possible to control the volume in itunes
but not touch the volume at which voiceover is heard? I would like to
be able listen to music whilst i am on the internet but i dont want it
to drown out voiceover - which is my issue at the moment.

Can anyone shed some light?

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Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and pc

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox
yeah. don't know if that woudl work, having upgraded the mbp the optical 
drive slot is completely difference, and so are the posissions of th 
econnectors. I'd get a hybrid drive, one of the seagate ones.


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Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

your fist problem... yes. i've noticed this too.
It's a issue, that Is fixed in lion.

the fix for your second problem: go into the macintosh HD, and se the 
view you wish to use.

It should then work on all folders


On 08/04/2011 11:52, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, we got two really strange things going on here.
When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set it up 
for the first time, I noticed something.  There were no icons on my 
desktop.  Macintosh HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse gone into the 
finder preferences and set it to show hard disks, external hard disks, 
CD and DVD's, IPods... ya know, pretty much everythiing except for 
servers, as at this time at least, I dont' see that being necessary.
Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to follow 
the keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have it said for 
the keyboard cursor to follow the voice over cursor.  I don't think I 
have the mouse following the voiceover cursor.  In fact, I know I don't.
Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up there, 
like, say I have my portible external USB hard drive mounted to the 
desktop, as well as my Macintosh HD.  Well, what I find is happening, 
which is so! wstrange! is that say I am on Macintosh HD, and right 
below it is my Portible drive, and yes, that is literally the name of 
its volume... Portible...
So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go 
between the two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down arrow, or 
vo+down arrow, either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on my portible 
volume, but other times it will either bwonk at me, and do nothing, 
or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the next icon down, which is this 
example would be my portible volume, but then if I hit command+o to 
open it, it's openning my macintosh HD instead of Portible like it 
should be.  I'm just so not getting this!  I've never! ever! on anyone 
elses Mac seen this issue.  It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out 
why it's doing that!  One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks 
DVD in the drive, which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the 
desktop.  I wound up hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it out, 
then sliding it back in, again, at which point, it mounted properly.  
Is that? not the oddest thing?
So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go into a 
finder window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets itself to icon 
view.  I dono why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab, suh, lootly? hate it!  
Again, I don't know why, but I do.  I prefer collumn view.  Well, 
yeah, I can always just do command+3, no issues, but, why won't it 
remember my settings across the whole system.  Heck, it's not even 
remembering it within one folder.  Like, if I go to my home folder 
from the desktop, hit command+3, then command+w to close that folder, 
if I then do command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back 
to icon view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.
I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've played 
with, so it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other issue? I 
haven't seen on any other Mac, however, reinstalling SL did no good.  
I had a totally unrelated issue that due to my! stupidity, I had to 
redo my system, but even before I redid it, the desktop was acting 
really funny.
I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a finder 
window to computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is nice to 
have the desktop, if I can use it.

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Re: has a twitter!

2011-04-08 Thread Rose Morales
My site's address  is in the subject line of this message, but here it is in 
the body. The site is

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:29 AM, Sarah May wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> Could you give us the link to your web site where you have the accessible
> aps for the Mac?  Most appreciated.
> Sarah
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rose Morales
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: has a twitter!
> Hi all,
> Just a note inviting you all to follow @chicksdigmacs. I will be posting
> site updates here, communicating with people in regards to the site, and
> notifying others of blog updates when I put my blog up. If you don't know
> about my site, I provide links to useful and accessible Mac apps. Most of
> them are free. I also provide jailbreaking resources and advice.
> See you all on twitter!
> Rose
> -- 
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Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, I'll give that a try.  Any word on when Lion's supposed to be released?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ashley Cox 
  Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 7:27 AM
  Subject: Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

  your fist problem... yes. i've noticed this too.
  It's a issue, that Is fixed in lion.

  the fix for your second problem: go into the macintosh HD, and se the view 
you wish to use. 
  It should then work on all folders


  On 08/04/2011 11:52, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: 
OK, we got two really strange things going on here.

When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set it up for 
the first time, I noticed something.  There were no icons on my desktop.  
Macintosh HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse gone into the finder preferences 
and set it to show hard disks, external hard disks, CD and DVD's, IPods... ya 
know, pretty much everythiing except for servers, as at this time at least, I 
dont' see that being necessary.

Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to follow the 
keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have it said for the keyboard 
cursor to follow the voice over cursor.  I don't think I have the mouse 
following the voiceover cursor.  In fact, I know I don't.

Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up there, like, 
say I have my portible external USB hard drive mounted to the desktop, as well 
as my Macintosh HD.  Well, what I find is happening, which is so! wstrange! is 
that say I am on Macintosh HD, and right below it is my Portible drive, and 
yes, that is literally the name of its volume... Portible...

So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go between the 
two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down arrow, or vo+down arrow, 
either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on my portible volume, but other times it 
will either bwonk at me, and do nothing, or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the 
next icon down, which is this example would be my portible volume, but then if 
I hit command+o to open it, it's openning my macintosh HD instead of Portible 
like it should be.  I'm just so not getting this!  I've never! ever! on anyone 
elses Mac seen this issue.  It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out why it's 
doing that!  One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks DVD in the drive, 
which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the desktop.  I wound up 
hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it out, then sliding it back in, again, 
at which point, it mounted properly.  Is that? not the oddest thing?

So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go into a finder 
window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets itself to icon view.  I dono 
why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab, suh, lootly? hate it!  Again, I don't know 
why, but I do.  I prefer collumn view.  Well, yeah, I can always just do 
command+3, no issues, but, why won't it remember my settings across the whole 
system.  Heck, it's not even remembering it within one folder.  Like, if I go 
to my home folder from the desktop, hit command+3, then command+w to close that 
folder, if I then do command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back 
to icon view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.

I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've played with, 
so it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other issue? I haven't seen on any 
other Mac, however, reinstalling SL did no good.  I had a totally unrelated 
issue that due to my! stupidity, I had to redo my system, but even before I 
redid it, the desktop was acting really funny.

I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a finder 
window to computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is nice to have the 
desktop, if I can use it.


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Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to put a 
web site down in my dock for easy later access?

I know it can be done, question's just how.


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Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-08 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Let us know how it goes. Getting a hackintosh up and running feels
really good once its working, but it might take a couple of days
before your 100% happy with it. I find that thinking of how much money
I'm saving through out this time gives me enough drive to continue.

On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
> Hi
> Yes, the legacy kernel is designed specifically for people who's CPUs aren't
> support on snow leopard's retail install. The OSX86 boot cd that I'm
> thinking of using will in essence allow me to install snow leopard on an MBR
> partition. By default, the retail dvd doesn't allow that; I'd have to
> reformat my entire hard drive, wiping out this windows install and change my
> partitioning scheme to GPT. Also, if in the future I decide to say install
> vinux on my hard drive next to windows 7 and snow leopard, using MBR will
> make future installation of other OSes easier.
> Once I've found some time to experiment with this, I'll do an image backup
> of my windows partition, including the MBR using shadowprotect, in the event
> that something goes catastrophically wrong during my attempted snow leopard
> install. In theory, using the OSX86 mod cd in conjunction with the snow
> leopard retail dvd should give me sound during the installation, though I
> can't be sure since this is the first time that I'm attempting this sort of
> thing.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
> As you said, the latest update to snow leopard does support sandybridge, but
> since that won't be the same version that your DVD has, you still have to
> find a way of installing it. At the end of the day, if snow leopard doesn't
> have the correct audio drivers by default, you won't get speech in install.
> I know theres some curnel hack for people that want to run it on AMD CPU's,
> but the DVD's that incorporate it ahhem aren't exactly retail.
> I sware I've scene people add leopard at least to existing os installs so
> snow leopard should be possible. If I remember correctly, gparted can do
> stuff to the partitioning so perhaps that might be worth a look?
> On 07/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
>> Good point. Perhaps I would need to use the OSX86 mod cd, which
>> includes legacy colonel. I'm holding off on doing that for now, since
>> I haven't really seen instructions of installing snow leopard
>> alongside an existing windows installation using the OSX86 mod cd and the
> snow leopard retail dvd.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:47 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
>> Standard retail snowy won't though because it won't support sandybridge.
>> On 07/04/2011, Ashley Cox  wrote:
>>> it will run on that machine.
>>> jestures won't though.
>>> ash
>>> On 07/04/2011 08:44, Dickson Tan wrote:

 Hmm seems that an accessible install of snow leopard under VMWare
 isn't a viable way for me to try out snow leopard and voice over.
 I'll give virtualbox a try and hope that I get better results.

 I would only try a duel-boot install of snow leopard using something
 like IHazard (which includes voice over) as a last resort; I haven't
 found out either way whether Snow Leopard would install on an Acer
 Aspire 4750G. I'm not sure how well snow leopard would react to the
 fact that I'm using a core
 I7 quad-core sandybridge processor, which includes an integrated
 intel HD Graphics 3000 chip. I wouldn't expect things like gestures
 to work even if I successfully get mac installed.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Ben
 Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

 This is against apples eula, even *if* you have purchased snow leopard.
 To get the dvd to boot, you'll first have to boot the vm using
 boot132, wait for some text to appear on the screen, eject the disk,
 insert snowy, complete the install potentially without voice over
 and then get audio plus some other things working post install. Its
 not something you'll be able to do on your own.

 It would probably be easier (But still not accessible) if you were
 to set up a duelboot depending on what computer you have at the moment.

 On 06/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
> Hello All
> I've been thinking of trying out a mac lately, so I

Re: Volume of iTunes and voiceover

2011-04-08 Thread Tim Kilburn

To do this you simply need to Interact With the Volume slider located two items 
to the right of the Next button in your iTunes window.  After you Interact With 
the slider, use your arrow keys to bring the volume down.  Otherwise, you 
should also be able to press cmd-down arrow while in iTunes to bring the iTunes 
volume down.


On 2011-04-08, at 4:04 AM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hello list
> I am wondering whether it is possible to control the volume in itunes
> but not touch the volume at which voiceover is heard? I would like to
> be able listen to music whilst i am on the internet but i dont want it
> to drown out voiceover - which is my issue at the moment.
> Can anyone shed some light?
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

2011-04-08 Thread Ashley Cox

summer 2011 some time.

On 08/04/2011 13:21, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
OK, I'll give that a try.  Any word on when Lion's supposed to be 


- Original Message -
*From:* Ashley Cox 

*Sent:* Friday, April 08, 2011 7:27 AM
*Subject:* Re: Two Incredibly bazaar problems with my Finder

your fist problem... yes. i've noticed this too.
It's a issue, that Is fixed in lion.

the fix for your second problem: go into the macintosh HD, and se
the view you wish to use.
It should then work on all folders


On 08/04/2011 11:52, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, we got two really strange things going on here.
When I got my Macbook last Wednesday, and booted it up, and set
it up for the first time, I noticed something.  There were no
icons on my desktop.  Macintosh HD wasn't even there.  I've sinse
gone into the finder preferences and set it to show hard disks,
external hard disks, CD and DVD's, IPods... ya know, pretty much
everythiing except for servers, as at this time at least, I dont'
see that being necessary.
Anyway, what I am finding is I have the voiceover cursor set to
follow the keyboard kursor.  Same goes vice versa.  I also have
it said for the keyboard cursor to follow the voice over cursor. 
I don't think I have the mouse following the voiceover cursor. 
In fact, I know I don't.

Anyway, when on my desktop, if I have more than one item up
there, like, say I have my portible external USB hard drive
mounted to the desktop, as well as my Macintosh HD.  Well, what I
find is happening, which is so! wstrange! is that say I am on
Macintosh HD, and right below it is my Portible drive, and yes,
that is literally the name of its volume... Portible...
So what I see happens is it's really quirky about letting me go
between the two.  If I'm on Macintosh HD, and I either down
arrow, or vo+down arrow, either/or, sometimes it'll focus me on
my portible volume, but other times it will either bwonk at me,
and do nothing, or, sometimes it'll clame! it's on the next icon
down, which is this example would be my portible volume, but then
if I hit command+o to open it, it's openning my macintosh HD
instead of Portible like it should be.  I'm just so not getting
this!  I've never! ever! on anyone elses Mac seen this issue. 
It's driving me nuts! trying to figure out why it's doing that! 
One time, I even went as far as to put my IWorks DVD in the

drive, which is saw no problem, but it didn't mount to the
desktop.  I wound up hitting eject on the keyboard, popping it
out, then sliding it back in, again, at which point, it mounted
properly.  Is that? not the oddest thing?
So, that's my first problem.  My second problem is, when I go
into a finder window, I am finding it always! regardless! sets
itself to icon view.  I dono why, but I? hate! icon view.  Ab,
suh, lootly? hate it!  Again, I don't know why, but I do.  I
prefer collumn view.  Well, yeah, I can always just do command+3,
no issues, but, why won't it remember my settings across the
whole system.  Heck, it's not even remembering it within one
folder.  Like, if I go to my home folder from the desktop, hit
command+3, then command+w to close that folder, if I then do
command+shift+h to bring it up again, it goes right? back to icon
view, making me all? over again, have to do command+3.
I've noticed this problem pretty much on every Mac I ever've
played with, so it's not an issue with my OS.  Now, the other
issue? I haven't seen on any other Mac, however, reinstalling SL
did no good.  I had a totally unrelated issue that due to my!
stupidity, I had to redo my system, but even before I redid it,
the desktop was acting really funny.
I dono, it's not that big of a deal, seeing I can go through a
finder window to computer, then browse to what I need, but, it is
nice to have the desktop, if I can use it.
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RE: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-08 Thread Dickson Tan
Have you personally ever attemptet an accessible hackintosh install before?
If so, how did it go and what did you use?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

Let us know how it goes. Getting a hackintosh up and running feels really
good once its working, but it might take a couple of days before your 100%
happy with it. I find that thinking of how much money I'm saving through out
this time gives me enough drive to continue.

On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
> Hi
> Yes, the legacy kernel is designed specifically for people who's CPUs 
> aren't support on snow leopard's retail install. The OSX86 boot cd 
> that I'm thinking of using will in essence allow me to install snow 
> leopard on an MBR partition. By default, the retail dvd doesn't allow 
> that; I'd have to reformat my entire hard drive, wiping out this 
> windows install and change my partitioning scheme to GPT. Also, if in 
> the future I decide to say install vinux on my hard drive next to 
> windows 7 and snow leopard, using MBR will make future installation of
other OSes easier.
> Once I've found some time to experiment with this, I'll do an image 
> backup of my windows partition, including the MBR using shadowprotect, 
> in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong during my 
> attempted snow leopard install. In theory, using the OSX86 mod cd in 
> conjunction with the snow leopard retail dvd should give me sound 
> during the installation, though I can't be sure since this is the 
> first time that I'm attempting this sort of thing.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
> As you said, the latest update to snow leopard does support 
> sandybridge, but since that won't be the same version that your DVD 
> has, you still have to find a way of installing it. At the end of the 
> day, if snow leopard doesn't have the correct audio drivers by default,
you won't get speech in install.
> I know theres some curnel hack for people that want to run it on AMD 
> CPU's, but the DVD's that incorporate it ahhem aren't exactly retail.
> I sware I've scene people add leopard at least to existing os installs 
> so snow leopard should be possible. If I remember correctly, gparted 
> can do stuff to the partitioning so perhaps that might be worth a look?
> On 07/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
>> Good point. Perhaps I would need to use the OSX86 mod cd, which 
>> includes legacy colonel. I'm holding off on doing that for now, since 
>> I haven't really seen instructions of installing snow leopard 
>> alongside an existing windows installation using the OSX86 mod cd and 
>> the
> snow leopard retail dvd.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ben 
>> Mustill-Rose
>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:47 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
>> Standard retail snowy won't though because it won't support sandybridge.
>> On 07/04/2011, Ashley Cox  wrote:
>>> it will run on that machine.
>>> jestures won't though.
>>> ash
>>> On 07/04/2011 08:44, Dickson Tan wrote:

 Hmm seems that an accessible install of snow leopard under VMWare 
 isn't a viable way for me to try out snow leopard and voice over.
 I'll give virtualbox a try and hope that I get better results.

 I would only try a duel-boot install of snow leopard using 
 something like IHazard (which includes voice over) as a last 
 resort; I haven't found out either way whether Snow Leopard would 
 install on an Acer Aspire 4750G. I'm not sure how well snow leopard 
 would react to the fact that I'm using a core
 I7 quad-core sandybridge processor, which includes an integrated 
 intel HD Graphics 3000 chip. I wouldn't expect things like gestures 
 to work even if I successfully get mac installed.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Ben 
 Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

 This is against apples eula, even *if* you have purchased snow leopard.
 To get the dvd to boot, you'll first have to boot the vm using 
 boot132, wait for some text to appear on the screen, eject the 
 disk, insert snowy, complete the install potentia

Re: Tables in Safari Question

2011-04-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do you tell which checkbox corresponds with which column or row?
On Apr 7, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:

> Dear Sara,
> I have encountered these tables taking customer surveys for Chase's online  
> banking system.  It is cumbersome.  What I have found helpful is the FIND 
> NEXT CONTROL command vo-command-j.  this takes me to all the check boxes one 
> at a time.  The other command is vo-F3.  this command describes the   item in 
> the voice over cursor.  In this case  whether or not the check box is checked 
> or not.  I hope this helps.
> Sincerely Yours,
> robert Nelson
> -- 
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Re: Two really annoying problems with Skype version 5.0

2011-04-08 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Søren,

Unfortunately, the Video button very, very, very, very, rarely pops up during a 
call and believe me, for reasons I can't go into on the list, this is a real 
show stopper for me.

If you ever figure out how to make this button "visible," please let me know.  

Best regards from Vienna,


On 7,Apr,2011, at 4:36 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> For enableing the cam while in a call, you can just press the video button. 
> It won't always pop up here. Don't know why.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den 07/04/2011 kl. 15.27 skrev Colin M:
>> Hi there!
>> Well Courtney when you've got a call running, you should be in a window with 
>> that contacts name and stuff!
>> If you vo left arrow you should pass a splitter and come to the source field 
>> that way!
>> And Chris in the same name field when you've got a call running, if you 
>> scroll right you should come across the end call button!
>> If it is not there and you come to a splitter first you might have to move 
>> it to reveal the button!
>> Interact with the splitter and right arrow so it says something like 60% or 
>> more!
>> Then stop interacting and you should now find that button!
>> As for switching on the cam whilst in a call I'm not sure that can be done!
>> Although trying to find out!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 7 Apr 2011, at 13:57, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I also have a question about that same version of Skype, how do you see 
>>> your source list when you're in a call with someone? 
>>> On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:57 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:
 Hey guys,
 I'm having one of the most bazaar situations with Skype on my new macbook. 
  Yes, for those who remember me from way back when, yes! I finally got a 
 macbook!  Snow leo and all!
 Anyway, this isn't the old skype 2.x we're dealing with.  I have the 
 newest 5.0, I think it is.  It's definitely 5.something.  
 Anyway, when in a Skype call, how in the cotton picken hell! parden the 
 language, do you get to the end call button?
 The only way I'm seeing to hang up is to hit command w, then when it says 
 there is an active call, I can do vo+end, and hit the close button, which 
 of course will do the trick, but I figure there has got! to be an easier 
 Finally, if I call someone, or they call me, and my eyesight camera is not 
 on, and I want to turn it on, how do I do that?  I know once it's on, 
 there's an accessibility problem with turning it back off without hanging 
 up, but that's fine, I don't mind that problewm.  I just need to know how 
 to at least, turn it on.
 Thanks in advance for any help with these two questions.
 Absolutely loving! this macbook!
 Apple rocks!
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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RE: has a twitter!

2011-04-08 Thread Sarah May

Hi Rose,

Thanks for the address.  I don't know if you said in your previous message
if the web address was in the subject line or nit.  If you hadn't, you might
do so in the future.  Just thought it might help people out.  If you did,
and I don't remember, I'll be quiet and go along my merry way.

Thanks again,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rose Morales
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: has a twitter!

My site's address  is in the subject line of this message, but here it is in
the body. The site is

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:29 AM, Sarah May wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> Could you give us the link to your web site where you have the 
> accessible aps for the Mac?  Most appreciated.
> Sarah
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rose Morales
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 4:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: has a twitter!
> Hi all,
> Just a note inviting you all to follow @chicksdigmacs. I will be 
> posting site updates here, communicating with people in regards to the 
> site, and notifying others of blog updates when I put my blog up. If 
> you don't know about my site, I provide links to useful and accessible 
> Mac apps. Most of them are free. I also provide jailbreaking resources and
> See you all on twitter!
> Rose
> --
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Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Chris,

If you already have an application open, find it in your dock. It should say 
the name of the application, then "running". While you're focussed on it, go to 
the contextual menu by pressing VO-shift-m and choose options. Right arrow into 
this submenu and choose "keep in dock".

To add a folder to your dock, go to the folder in the finder and press 
command-shift-t. This will add it to the dock.

I have no idea if there's a way to add a specific website to the dock.

On Apr 8, 2011, at 5:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to put 
> a web site down in my dock for easy later access?
> I know it can be done, question's just how.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Mail Freeze in IOS4

2011-04-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

Does anyone else have a problem with Mail locking up in IOS4? I use an IPod 
Touch, and receive about 150 messages at a time. I've waited ten minutes to 
receive this mail sometimes before giving up. Sometimes I have to do a hard 
reset on the IPod, as it doesn't react to keypresses or the home button in this 


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Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-08 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose

I've done quite a few hackintoshes in my time, all of which from
memory have needed sighted help to get up and running.
I mainly make hackintoshes on desktops that have been built for that
exact purpose - E.G. picking a compatible motherboard and CPU. this
has made things much easier. The basic method is:
Build a box with components that other people have got to work.
Usually, ahci needs to be disabled in the bios.
Boot the box using boot132.
Once boot132 has booted, insert snow leopard.
Cary out the snow leopard install with sighted help and restart the machine.
Boot to boot132.
Boot into the osx install.
Install a bunch of packages from places like ihackintosh to get stuff
working such as audio, ethernet and propper video. Also install
something that allows osx to boot without boot132.

Thats pretty much it. When ever I do them, I always try and base the
install from a retail dvd for maximum stability. The one exception was
when I installed snow leopard on my Samsung NC10 which required a
modified version which had been created for the MSI Wind line of

Like I say, its not really something that you would want to be doing
every day and its not really for the faint hearted. Having said this,
if you plan ahead and make sure your hardware is supported, you get a
great hackintosh that runs just like a normal mac.

On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
> Have you personally ever attemptet an accessible hackintosh install before?
> If so, how did it go and what did you use?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
> Let us know how it goes. Getting a hackintosh up and running feels really
> good once its working, but it might take a couple of days before your 100%
> happy with it. I find that thinking of how much money I'm saving through out
> this time gives me enough drive to continue.
> On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Yes, the legacy kernel is designed specifically for people who's CPUs
>> aren't support on snow leopard's retail install. The OSX86 boot cd
>> that I'm thinking of using will in essence allow me to install snow
>> leopard on an MBR partition. By default, the retail dvd doesn't allow
>> that; I'd have to reformat my entire hard drive, wiping out this
>> windows install and change my partitioning scheme to GPT. Also, if in
>> the future I decide to say install vinux on my hard drive next to
>> windows 7 and snow leopard, using MBR will make future installation of
> other OSes easier.
>> Once I've found some time to experiment with this, I'll do an image
>> backup of my windows partition, including the MBR using shadowprotect,
>> in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong during my
>> attempted snow leopard install. In theory, using the OSX86 mod cd in
>> conjunction with the snow leopard retail dvd should give me sound
>> during the installation, though I can't be sure since this is the
>> first time that I'm attempting this sort of thing.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:01 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
>> As you said, the latest update to snow leopard does support
>> sandybridge, but since that won't be the same version that your DVD
>> has, you still have to find a way of installing it. At the end of the
>> day, if snow leopard doesn't have the correct audio drivers by default,
> you won't get speech in install.
>> I know theres some curnel hack for people that want to run it on AMD
>> CPU's, but the DVD's that incorporate it ahhem aren't exactly retail.
>> I sware I've scene people add leopard at least to existing os installs
>> so snow leopard should be possible. If I remember correctly, gparted
>> can do stuff to the partitioning so perhaps that might be worth a look?
>> On 07/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
>>> Good point. Perhaps I would need to use the OSX86 mod cd, which
>>> includes legacy colonel. I'm holding off on doing that for now, since
>>> I haven't really seen instructions of installing snow leopard
>>> alongside an existing windows installation using the OSX86 mod cd and
>>> the
>> snow leopard retail dvd.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ben
>>> Mustill-Rose
>>> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:47 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player
>>> Standard retail snowy won't though because it won't support sandybridge.
>>> On 07/04/2011, Ashley Cox  wrote:
 it will run on that 

Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

2011-04-08 Thread brandt
I have an HP probook 4510s, I'd love to actually have a "cheep" mac. If 
there's a way to install an updatable OSX snow leopard on the laptop I'd be 

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Mustill-Rose" 

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player


I've done quite a few hackintoshes in my time, all of which from
memory have needed sighted help to get up and running.
I mainly make hackintoshes on desktops that have been built for that
exact purpose - E.G. picking a compatible motherboard and CPU. this
has made things much easier. The basic method is:
Build a box with components that other people have got to work.
Usually, ahci needs to be disabled in the bios.
Boot the box using boot132.
Once boot132 has booted, insert snow leopard.
Cary out the snow leopard install with sighted help and restart the 

Boot to boot132.
Boot into the osx install.
Install a bunch of packages from places like ihackintosh to get stuff
working such as audio, ethernet and propper video. Also install
something that allows osx to boot without boot132.

Thats pretty much it. When ever I do them, I always try and base the
install from a retail dvd for maximum stability. The one exception was
when I installed snow leopard on my Samsung NC10 which required a
modified version which had been created for the MSI Wind line of

Like I say, its not really something that you would want to be doing
every day and its not really for the faint hearted. Having said this,
if you plan ahead and make sure your hardware is supported, you get a
great hackintosh that runs just like a normal mac.

On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:
Have you personally ever attemptet an accessible hackintosh install 

If so, how did it go and what did you use?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

Let us know how it goes. Getting a hackintosh up and running feels really
good once its working, but it might take a couple of days before your 
happy with it. I find that thinking of how much money I'm saving through 

this time gives me enough drive to continue.

On 08/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:


Yes, the legacy kernel is designed specifically for people who's CPUs
aren't support on snow leopard's retail install. The OSX86 boot cd
that I'm thinking of using will in essence allow me to install snow
leopard on an MBR partition. By default, the retail dvd doesn't allow
that; I'd have to reformat my entire hard drive, wiping out this
windows install and change my partitioning scheme to GPT. Also, if in
the future I decide to say install vinux on my hard drive next to
windows 7 and snow leopard, using MBR will make future installation of

other OSes easier.

Once I've found some time to experiment with this, I'll do an image
backup of my windows partition, including the MBR using shadowprotect,
in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong during my
attempted snow leopard install. In theory, using the OSX86 mod cd in
conjunction with the snow leopard retail dvd should give me sound
during the installation, though I can't be sure since this is the
first time that I'm attempting this sort of thing.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: accessible install of snow leopard in VMWare Player

As you said, the latest update to snow leopard does support
sandybridge, but since that won't be the same version that your DVD
has, you still have to find a way of installing it. At the end of the
day, if snow leopard doesn't have the correct audio drivers by default,

you won't get speech in install.

I know theres some curnel hack for people that want to run it on AMD
CPU's, but the DVD's that incorporate it ahhem aren't exactly retail.
I sware I've scene people add leopard at least to existing os installs
so snow leopard should be possible. If I remember correctly, gparted
can do stuff to the partitioning so perhaps that might be worth a look?

On 07/04/2011, Dickson Tan  wrote:

Good point. Perhaps I would need to use the OSX86 mod cd, which
includes legacy colonel. I'm holding off on doing that for now, since
I haven't really seen instructions of installing snow leopard
alongside an existing windows installation using the OSX86 mod cd and

snow leopard retail dvd.


Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Brianna Snyder

Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an existing 
call. Any help would be appreciated. 


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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Colin M
Hi Brianna!
The way I understand it to work is!
There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that does the 
There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do it!
But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go to 
there name and just call them!
So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and just 
call them!
It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to add 
[ and once again] just call them!:]
Well I hth's
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
> Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an existing 
> call. Any help would be appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Brianna 
> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Zachary Kline
I've had good success using the add people command myself.  You need to click 
the mouse with vo-shift-space on the name you want to add, and then just hit 
the Add button.  It works nicely for existing calls.  I've not yet tried 
setting up a conference from the get go, though calling one back after you've 
hung up is a piece of cake.
On Apr 8, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Brianna!
> The way I understand it to work is!
> There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that does 
> the trick!
> There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do it!
> But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go to 
> there name and just call them!
> So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and 
> just call them!
> It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to 
> add [ and once again] just call them!:]
> Well I hth's
> Colin
> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
> On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
>> Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
>> existing call. Any help would be appreciated. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Brianna 
>> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Brianna Snyder
I saw the add people button, but I thought that that was just to look for a 
contact. I'm not sure. But how do I click the mouse on their name, so that that 
add button comes up? Just the regular option control shift, and space? Sorry 
for the questions, but I don't know all of the ways to click the mouse yet. 

Thanks for your help, 

On Apr 8, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had good success using the add people command myself.  You need to click 
> the mouse with vo-shift-space on the name you want to add, and then just hit 
> the Add button.  It works nicely for existing calls.  I've not yet tried 
> setting up a conference from the get go, though calling one back after you've 
> hung up is a piece of cake.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Brianna!
>> The way I understand it to work is!
>> There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that does 
>> the trick!
>> There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do it!
>> But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go to 
>> there name and just call them!
>> So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and 
>> just call them!
>> It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to 
>> add [ and once again] just call them!:]
>> Well I hth's
>> Colin
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference 
>>> in Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
>>> existing call. Any help would be appreciated. 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Brianna 
>>> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Brianna Snyder
Lol sorry, disregard my last message, this is whyat happens when I only read 
things halfway. I will definitely try this. 

Thanks again, and sorry for the double posting, 
On Apr 8, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had good success using the add people command myself.  You need to click 
> the mouse with vo-shift-space on the name you want to add, and then just hit 
> the Add button.  It works nicely for existing calls.  I've not yet tried 
> setting up a conference from the get go, though calling one back after you've 
> hung up is a piece of cake.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Brianna!
>> The way I understand it to work is!
>> There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that does 
>> the trick!
>> There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do it!
>> But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go to 
>> there name and just call them!
>> So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and 
>> just call them!
>> It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to 
>> add [ and once again] just call them!:]
>> Well I hth's
>> Colin
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference 
>>> in Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
>>> existing call. Any help would be appreciated. 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Brianna 
>>> -- 
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Kindle app

2011-04-08 Thread Ronald McEwan
Hi all,

I am a new Mac user, bought the air a little over a month ago.

Is the kindle app for the Mac accessible? 

In the Journey, 


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Re: VO and tables in Lion

2011-04-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
I got the same answer. I answered back I didn't know a developer so I hope they 
could forward it to the appropriate people.

Am 08.04.2011 um 11:01 schrieb Ashley Cox:

> Yeah, I got that too. I sent one back stating that I was commenting on snow 
> leopard, not lion
> I said that it woudl be nice to see it fixed in lion.
> that's also word for word the response I got.
> ash
> On 08/04/2011 08:44, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello Jürgen and others,
>> I have mailed to accessibility about this but then can't/won't handle 
>> questions about products in development.
>> I am not subscribed to the development team so I don't know that I can do 
>> more.
>> Below is the response of accessibility:
>> Thank you for your email. While we do appreciate your feedback, you will 
>> need to provide any feedback and feature requests through the Developer 
>> Connection in regard to issues or bugs you discover while using the 
>> Developer Preview of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As the software is still not 
>> available to the general public we cannot comment on unreleased software.
>> Op 7-apr-2011, om 13:35 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi William,
>>> thanks for your responds.
>>> I don't think that it's very likely that VO will recognize tables in iWorks 
>>> 11. Also: VoiceOver should work with tables in all accessible editors. I 
>>> want to use all accessible programed editors with VO, also the free ones 
>>> like Bean.
>>> Thank you for your report to Apple.
>>> All the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 07.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb William Windels:
 Hello Jürgen,
 Thanx for this announcement.
 I'll report this for shore because this seems simply unacceptable in 2011.
 I hope a lot of others will do so.
 But also a litle remark:
 It isn't perhaps macosx that needs this feature but the particular 
 programs like textedit and pages.
 I mean, perhaps they will add this functionality in iworks 11, (the next 
 major version).
 So, for all, pls , report  what you think about it to accessibility.
 Best regards,
 Op 6-apr-2011, om 22:40 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
> Hi All,
> a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in 
> Lion beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in 
> text documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.
> I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great 
> screen reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen 
> reader doesn't work with tables.
> So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to
> to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to 
> recognize tables in text documents.
> In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize 
> tables in text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."
> But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people 
> write an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see 
> that it is really important to us.
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Jürgen
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To p

Re: Kindle app

2011-04-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Sorry,  but it is inaccessible on the Mac.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Ronald McEwan wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am a new Mac user, bought the air a little over a month ago.
> Is the kindle app for the Mac accessible? 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> -- 
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Re: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
One to one is $100.  They say you have to sign up for it when you buy your Mac. 
 However, ever, they have been known to make acceptions with people having to 
learn voiceover.
Honestly, I'm really pretty much blown away with how decent I've been treated 
by my Apple store.
(Now, having dropped my  iPhone, guess I'll have to throw myself on their mercy 
and see if I can finagle at least a referb for less than a new replacement.:)

Bad move dropping an iPhone.  :)

On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:09 AM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> How much is this one on one training?
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah May
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: will be starting my first mac class
> Hi List,
> If the guy at the Apple store in my area gets back to me this evening; I will 
> be starting my first Mac with voice over classes.  I will have one-on-one 
> instruction and am really looking forward to it.  Also my niece’s birthday is 
> coming up.  She’ll be receiving an I-Pod touch.  So Aunt Sarah is going to 
> purchase an I-tunes gift card for her.  I never had the kind of technology 
> that is around today for music at her age.  She’ll be nine years old.  I 
> guess times are changing aren’t they? *smile*
> Sarah
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Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris:
You can copy and paste apps into the doc. I'm not sure you can do so wht 
documents and folders, as I've never tried this.  Here's just a thought that 
comes to mind as I read through today's posts.  It might be worth it to check 
into one to one if there's an apple store nearby.  There are lots of really 
helpful people here, and I've learned most of what I know between the list and 
my one to one.  But, that training in particular helped me to move a lot more 
quickly in my understanding of how things Mac ork.  Anyhow, enjoy the Mac 


On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to put 
> a web site down in my dock for easy later access?
> I know it can be done, question's just how.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Re: Terminal emulators and the mac

2011-04-08 Thread Barry Hadder

You can use minicom.  The easiest way to get is through macports:

On Apr 7, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Bart Bunting wrote:

> -- Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a terminal program to use with VO and the mac?  I
> am looking for something that will work  like putty or minicom for
> connecting to devices with serial ports.
> Any pointers or advice would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Bart
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Re: Two really annoying problems with Skype version 5.0

2011-04-08 Thread Courtney Curran
Sometimes my source list doesn't show up, and this only happens on one 
computer, which happens to be the computer I use most often for skype. On the 
other time, the source list shows up regularly when I vo leftarrow over.
On Apr 8, 2011, at 5:16 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Søren,
> Unfortunately, the Video button very, very, very, very, rarely pops up during 
> a call and believe me, for reasons I can't go into on the list, this is a 
> real show stopper for me.
> If you ever figure out how to make this button "visible," please let me know. 
> Best regards from Vienna,
> Mike
> On 7,Apr,2011, at 4:36 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> For enableing the cam while in a call, you can just press the video button. 
>> It won't always pop up here. Don't know why.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 07/04/2011 kl. 15.27 skrev Colin M:
>>> Hi there!
>>> Well Courtney when you've got a call running, you should be in a window 
>>> with that contacts name and stuff!
>>> If you vo left arrow you should pass a splitter and come to the source 
>>> field that way!
>>> And Chris in the same name field when you've got a call running, if you 
>>> scroll right you should come across the end call button!
>>> If it is not there and you come to a splitter first you might have to move 
>>> it to reveal the button!
>>> Interact with the splitter and right arrow so it says something like 60% or 
>>> more!
>>> Then stop interacting and you should now find that button!
>>> As for switching on the cam whilst in a call I'm not sure that can be done!
>>> Although trying to find out!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>>> On 7 Apr 2011, at 13:57, Courtney Curran wrote:
 I also have a question about that same version of Skype, how do you see 
 your source list when you're in a call with someone? 
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:57 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm having one of the most bazaar situations with Skype on my new 
> macbook.  Yes, for those who remember me from way back when, yes! I 
> finally got a macbook!  Snow leo and all!
> Anyway, this isn't the old skype 2.x we're dealing with.  I have the 
> newest 5.0, I think it is.  It's definitely 5.something.  
> Anyway, when in a Skype call, how in the cotton picken hell! parden the 
> language, do you get to the end call button?
> The only way I'm seeing to hang up is to hit command w, then when it says 
> there is an active call, I can do vo+end, and hit the close button, which 
> of course will do the trick, but I figure there has got! to be an easier 
> way.
> Finally, if I call someone, or they call me, and my eyesight camera is 
> not on, and I want to turn it on, how do I do that?  I know once it's on, 
> there's an accessibility problem with turning it back off without hanging 
> up, but that's fine, I don't mind that problewm.  I just need to know how 
> to at least, turn it on.
> Thanks in advance for any help with these two questions.
> Absolutely loving! this macbook!
> Apple rocks!
> Chris.
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Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just press command shift T on the app, file, or folder you wish to add to the 


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 8, 2011, at 3:17 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Chris:
> You can copy and paste apps into the doc. I'm not sure you can do so wht 
> documents and folders, as I've never tried this.  Here's just a thought that 
> comes to mind as I read through today's posts.  It might be worth it to check 
> into one to one if there's an apple store nearby.  There are lots of really 
> helpful people here, and I've learned most of what I know between the list 
> and my one to one.  But, that training in particular helped me to move a lot 
> more quickly in my understanding of how things Mac ork.  Anyhow, enjoy the 
> Mac journey.
> Carolyn
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to 
>> put a web site down in my dock for easy later access?
>> I know it can be done, question's just how.
>> Chris.
>> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Yeah, but then how do you hang up on one person in the call individually 
without cutting everyone?


- Original Message - 
From: "Colin M" 

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

Hi Brianna!
The way I understand it to work is!
There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that 
does the trick!
There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do 
But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go 
to there name and just call them!
So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and 
just call them!
It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to 
add [ and once again] just call them!:]

Well I hth's
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:


Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference 
in Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
existing call. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris:
I'm guessing you'd put one call on hold to call a second one.  But, how to 
bring them both up then is a mystery to me.:)

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Yeah, but then how do you hang up on one person in the call individually 
> without cutting everyone?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Colin M" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?
>> Hi Brianna!
>> The way I understand it to work is!
>> There is a add people button in the call window, I do not know if that does 
>> the trick!
>> There is also a add people command [command+shift+a ] that might also do it!
>> But I also red on the Skype help [they said] to add someone to a call go to 
>> there name and just call them!
>> So I suppose if you can get to your contacts get to the name you want and 
>> just call them!
>> It might be that those other options give you a choice of your contacts to 
>> add [ and once again] just call them!:]
>> Well I hth's
>> Colin
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 8 Apr 2011, at 17:17, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference 
>>> in Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
>>> existing call. Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brianna
>>> -- 
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Re: Two really annoying problems with Skype version 5.0

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I guess I am getting myself confused.  When I am in an active call, I am not 
understanding what all is in this window as I still can't find the end call 
button.  I keep hearing about the source list and also about some sort of a 
scroll area.  Parden me being so ignorant.  I know I should get this, but I 
really don't.  This skype window actually is confusing me more and more 
every time I look at it.

Can someone possibly just give me a general overview of the skype window 
once in an active call and what's under what if I interact?  I'm sorry, but 
I'm just getting myself more and more confused, which isn't good.


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Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, but I still don't know how to add a web site to the dock, which was 
another thing I wanted to do.  I know you can, I just don't know how.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?


Just press command shift T on the app, file, or folder you wish to add to 
the dock.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 8, 2011, at 3:17 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Chris:
You can copy and paste apps into the doc. I'm not sure you can do so wht 
documents and folders, as I've never tried this.  Here's just a thought 
that comes to mind as I read through today's posts.  It might be worth it 
to check into one to one if there's an apple store nearby.  There are lots 
of really helpful people here, and I've learned most of what I know 
between the list and my one to one.  But, that training in particular 
helped me to move a lot more quickly in my understanding of how things Mac 
ork.  Anyhow, enjoy the Mac journey.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to 
put a web site down in my dock for easy later access?

I know it can be done, question's just how.


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Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread Charlie Bates
Yes you can add files or folders to your doc. They sit to the right of all of 
your applications, just after the separator (where your stacks are normally 

On 09/04/2011, at 5:17 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Chris:
> You can copy and paste apps into the doc. I'm not sure you can do so wht 
> documents and folders, as I've never tried this.  Here's just a thought that 
> comes to mind as I read through today's posts.  It might be worth it to check 
> into one to one if there's an apple store nearby.  There are lots of really 
> helpful people here, and I've learned most of what I know between the list 
> and my one to one.  But, that training in particular helped me to move a lot 
> more quickly in my understanding of how things Mac ork.  Anyhow, enjoy the 
> Mac journey.
> Carolyn
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Can you guys teach me, please, how to put a file/folder as well as how to 
>> put a web site down in my dock for easy later access?
>> I know it can be done, question's just how.
>> Chris.
>> -- 
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>> at
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding skype 
5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to skype 2 
if anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have it, but I 
need to look.

I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last 
message is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, the 
end call, the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active call.  I 
heard something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 percent or greater. 
this just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a fairly new to voice over so 
this is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I think if someone can explain this 
to me a bit more I can get it, but right now, I'm totally baffled.


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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Settle Down!  Step away from the computer!  Warning Warning! You're trying to 
do everything at once.  When you're in a call, you can hit command shift h, 
which us in theory supposed to hang up the call.  If it doesn't,  press 
command-w to close the window.  This will bring up a dialog asking if you want 
to end the call.  Vo right arrow to end call, and select it with vo space.

If you take your time a little and don't try to do this all in a week, it'll be 
a lot easier and less frustrating for you, imho.

Also, Take some time to explore the various menus.  they'll tell you all kinds 
of good info about how to make things happen.  
Good luck.
Take care

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding skype 
> 5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to skype 2 if 
> anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have it, but I need 
> to look.
> I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last message 
> is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, the end call, 
> the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active call.  I heard 
> something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 percent or greater. this 
> just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a fairly new to voice over so this 
> is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I think if someone can explain this to me a 
> bit more I can get it, but right now, I'm totally baffled.
> Chris. 
> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
that is quite correct.  Here's another thing.  To add someone to a call, just 
press the add button, then, slect your contact from the table and press return 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:


On Apr 8, 2011, at 3:59 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Chris:
> Settle Down!  Step away from the computer!  Warning Warning! You're trying to 
> do everything at once.  When you're in a call, you can hit command shift h, 
> which us in theory supposed to hang up the call.  If it doesn't,  press 
> command-w to close the window.  This will bring up a dialog asking if you 
> want to end the call.  Vo right arrow to end call, and select it with vo 
> space.
> If you take your time a little and don't try to do this all in a week, it'll 
> be a lot easier and less frustrating for you, imho.
> Also, Take some time to explore the various menus.  they'll tell you all 
> kinds of good info about how to make things happen.  
> Good luck.
> Take care
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding skype 
>> 5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to skype 2 
>> if anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have it, but I 
>> need to look.
>> I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last 
>> message is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, the 
>> end call, the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active call.  I 
>> heard something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 percent or greater. 
>> this just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a fairly new to voice over so 
>> this is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I think if someone can explain this 
>> to me a bit more I can get it, but right now, I'm totally baffled.
>> Chris. 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Rose Morales
Wow, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding Skype conferences in 
Skype 5. Recently I've found it necessary to be involved in a lot of them, and 
it gave me a chance to really play around with Skype 5 conferencing. So I 
thought I'd chime in here. To make a new conversation, hit command-n, or go to 
file, new conversation. You will have a blank conversation. Now, hit 
command-shift-a or the add people button in the conversation window. You will 
see an edit field and a table here. Interact with the table to see your entire 
contact list, online contacts first. Hit enter or space on each person you wish 
to add to a conference. Alternatively, in the edit field, type the name of a 
person you wish to add. This can be a display name or a Skype name. So if you 
wanted to add me to a conference, you'd type Rose. The results of your search 
will show up here. So if you have Rose Kline and Rose Morales, you would then 
pick Rose Morales if you were going to invite me to your conference and not 
Rose Kline. Perform the same process for each contact you wish to add. Once a 
contact has been successfully added using the spacebar or enter key, their name 
will show up in the edit field as an embedded image. So if you're not sure 
which names you've selected, just read that edit field back to yourself. 
Anything that identifies itself as an image is a name you've added. Any text 
which is not an image will be something you're searching for in your contact 
list. Or at least Skype will assume so. When you finish selecting contacts and 
hit the done button, Skype will call each of the contacts you've added to a 
conversation. If you simply wish to add a person to a conversation without 
calling them, type /add and then a Skype username into the chat field of your 
conversation. You can separate multiple names with commas. If you wish to hang 
up on an individual person in the conference and you are the conference host, 
find the name of that person in the conversation. It may be before the scroll 
area or inside it. Vo-shift-m on their name and hit hang up. Additionally, 
please bear in mind that if the conference host hangs up, everyone will get 
hung up. A new person can host, but do not try to call each person 
individually. You must call the entire conference or no one at all. Only the 
master of a conference can kick people from a conference if everyone's rank 
remains unmodified. That is to say, if no one receives a promotion by the 
conference master. Helpers can also kick people but only if promoted to said 
level by a master. The master is the person who added people to a conversation, 
from what I gather. This can be different than the creator. Like, say I open up 
a message to Jeff. I'm the conference creator. Jeff adds Cara to the chat. Jeff 
is the master, because he added Cara. Only the master can promote people to the 
master rank level. For more information about the skype ranking system in 
conferences, type /help in any Skype chat window.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
> Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an existing 
> call. Any help would be appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Brianna 
> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Chris Gilland

Maybe I am taking things a bit fast, but I don't feel at all frustrated, which 
by the sound of your e-mail is how you made it sound you thought I felt.  I'm 
more just confused.  I understand how to use voice over enough to look through 
the menus.

With all do respect, I find your comment slightly inappropriate.  Though I see 
where you are coming from, telling someone to slow down when they ask for help 
is not productive, in my opinion.  I think if someone could just explain that 
screen to me when I am in an active call and how to get to the controls like 
ending a call, I know that command shift h will do it.  We've already covered 
that, but everyone tellsm e that I should be also alternatively able to find 
the actual button.  Same goes with muting etc.

If I'm asking to much I'm sorry, but am I gonna be denied help just because I 
am quote: doing too much at once?  Am I grounded from posting to the list?  
LOL!  Just kidding on that last question.  Seriously though...

Sorry for so many questions, but I don't feel for now at my level of skill that 
it's too much to ask someone to describe that main active call window and what 
the sources list is and what the scroll area and skype menu everyone was 
talking about that they were able to vo over to.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:59 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Chris:
> Settle Down!  Step away from the computer!  Warning Warning! You're trying to 
> do everything at once.  When you're in a call, you can hit command shift h, 
> which us in theory supposed to hang up the call.  If it doesn't,  press 
> command-w to close the window.  This will bring up a dialog asking if you 
> want to end the call.  Vo right arrow to end call, and select it with vo 
> space.
> If you take your time a little and don't try to do this all in a week, it'll 
> be a lot easier and less frustrating for you, imho.
> Also, Take some time to explore the various menus.  they'll tell you all 
> kinds of good info about how to make things happen.  
> Good luck.
> Take care
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding skype 
>> 5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to skype 2 
>> if anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have it, but I 
>> need to look.
>> I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last 
>> message is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, the 
>> end call, the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active call.  I 
>> heard something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 percent or greater. 
>> this just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a fairly new to voice over so 
>> this is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I think if someone can explain this 
>> to me a bit more I can get it, but right now, I'm totally baffled.
>> Chris. 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah, thanks for that one for sure.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:


On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:24 PM, Rose Morales wrote:

> Wow, there seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding Skype conferences in 
> Skype 5. Recently I've found it necessary to be involved in a lot of them, 
> and it gave me a chance to really play around with Skype 5 conferencing. So I 
> thought I'd chime in here. To make a new conversation, hit command-n, or go 
> to file, new conversation. You will have a blank conversation. Now, hit 
> command-shift-a or the add people button in the conversation window. You will 
> see an edit field and a table here. Interact with the table to see your 
> entire contact list, online contacts first. Hit enter or space on each person 
> you wish to add to a conference. Alternatively, in the edit field, type the 
> name of a person you wish to add. This can be a display name or a Skype name. 
> So if you wanted to add me to a conference, you'd type Rose. The results of 
> your search will show up here. So if you have Rose Kline and Rose Morales, 
> you would then pick Rose Morales if you were going to invite me to your 
> conference and not Rose Kline. Perform the same process for each contact you 
> wish to add. Once a contact has been successfully added using the spacebar or 
> enter key, their name will show up in the edit field as an embedded image. So 
> if you're not sure which names you've selected, just read that edit field 
> back to yourself. Anything that identifies itself as an image is a name 
> you've added. Any text which is not an image will be something you're 
> searching for in your contact list. Or at least Skype will assume so. When 
> you finish selecting contacts and hit the done button, Skype will call each 
> of the contacts you've added to a conversation. If you simply wish to add a 
> person to a conversation without calling them, type /add and then a Skype 
> username into the chat field of your conversation. You can separate multiple 
> names with commas. If you wish to hang up on an individual person in the 
> conference and you are the conference host, find the name of that person in 
> the conversation. It may be before the scroll area or inside it. Vo-shift-m 
> on their name and hit hang up. Additionally, please bear in mind that if the 
> conference host hangs up, everyone will get hung up. A new person can host, 
> but do not try to call each person individually. You must call the entire 
> conference or no one at all. Only the master of a conference can kick people 
> from a conference if everyone's rank remains unmodified. That is to say, if 
> no one receives a promotion by the conference master. Helpers can also kick 
> people but only if promoted to said level by a master. The master is the 
> person who added people to a conversation, from what I gather. This can be 
> different than the creator. Like, say I open up a message to Jeff. I'm the 
> conference creator. Jeff adds Cara to the chat. Jeff is the master, because 
> he added Cara. Only the master can promote people to the master rank level. 
> For more information about the skype ranking system in conferences, type 
> /help in any Skype chat window.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Just like the subject says, I'd like to know if you can make a conference in 
>> Skype 5. I have not been able to figure out how to add someone to an 
>> existing call. Any help would be appreciated. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Brianna 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Colin M
Hi Chris!
Well no wonder you could be confused!
I've just been in a call with one of my contacts and there was no end call 
But on another contacts call it was there!
So if you've got a little time and the inclination call mi focus_66
And I might help with the window or not depending on how it turns up :] 

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 8 Apr 2011, at 22:39, Chris Gilland wrote:

> Carolyn,
> Maybe I am taking things a bit fast, but I don't feel at all frustrated, 
> which by the sound of your e-mail is how you made it sound you thought I 
> felt.  I'm more just confused.  I understand how to use voice over enough to 
> look through the menus.
> With all do respect, I find your comment slightly inappropriate.  Though I 
> see where you are coming from, telling someone to slow down when they ask for 
> help is not productive, in my opinion.  I think if someone could just explain 
> that screen to me when I am in an active call and how to get to the controls 
> like ending a call, I know that command shift h will do it.  We've already 
> covered that, but everyone tellsm e that I should be also alternatively able 
> to find the actual button.  Same goes with muting etc.
> If I'm asking to much I'm sorry, but am I gonna be denied help just because I 
> am quote: doing too much at once?  Am I grounded from posting to the list?  
> LOL!  Just kidding on that last question.  Seriously though...
> Sorry for so many questions, but I don't feel for now at my level of skill 
> that it's too much to ask someone to describe that main active call window 
> and what the sources list is and what the scroll area and skype menu everyone 
> was talking about that they were able to vo over to.
> Chris.
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:59 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Chris:
>> Settle Down!  Step away from the computer!  Warning Warning! You're trying 
>> to do everything at once.  When you're in a call, you can hit command shift 
>> h, which us in theory supposed to hang up the call.  If it doesn't,  press 
>> command-w to close the window.  This will bring up a dialog asking if you 
>> want to end the call.  Vo right arrow to end call, and select it with vo 
>> space.
>> If you take your time a little and don't try to do this all in a week, it'll 
>> be a lot easier and less frustrating for you, imho.
>> Also, Take some time to explore the various menus.  they'll tell you all 
>> kinds of good info about how to make things happen.  
>> Good luck.
>> Take care
>> On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding 
>>> skype 5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to 
>>> skype 2 if anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have 
>>> it, but I need to look.
>>> I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last 
>>> message is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, the 
>>> end call, the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active call.  I 
>>> heard something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 percent or 
>>> greater. this just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a fairly new to 
>>> voice over so this is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I think if someone can 
>>> explain this to me a bit more I can get it, but right now, I'm totally 
>>> baffled.
>>> Chris. 
>>> -- 
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Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Collin, I just may do that.


- Original Message - 
From: "Colin M" 

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

Hi Chris!
Well no wonder you could be confused!
I've just been in a call with one of my contacts and there was no end call 

But on another contacts call it was there!
So if you've got a little time and the inclination call mi focus_66
And I might help with the window or not depending on how it turns up :] 


Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 8 Apr 2011, at 22:39, Chris Gilland wrote:


Maybe I am taking things a bit fast, but I don't feel at all frustrated, 
which by the sound of your e-mail is how you made it sound you thought I 
felt.  I'm more just confused.  I understand how to use voice over enough 
to look through the menus.

With all do respect, I find your comment slightly inappropriate.  Though I 
see where you are coming from, telling someone to slow down when they ask 
for help is not productive, in my opinion.  I think if someone could just 
explain that screen to me when I am in an active call and how to get to 
the controls like ending a call, I know that command shift h will do it. 
We've already covered that, but everyone tellsm e that I should be also 
alternatively able to find the actual button.  Same goes with muting etc.

If I'm asking to much I'm sorry, but am I gonna be denied help just 
because I am quote: doing too much at once?  Am I grounded from posting to 
the list?  LOL!  Just kidding on that last question.  Seriously though...

Sorry for so many questions, but I don't feel for now at my level of skill 
that it's too much to ask someone to describe that main active call window 
and what the sources list is and what the scroll area and skype menu 
everyone was talking about that they were able to vo over to.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:59 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

Settle Down!  Step away from the computer!  Warning Warning! You're 
trying to do everything at once.  When you're in a call, you can hit 
command shift h, which us in theory supposed to hang up the call.  If it 
doesn't,  press command-w to close the window.  This will bring up a 
dialog asking if you want to end the call.  Vo right arrow to end call, 
and select it with vo space.

If you take your time a little and don't try to do this all in a week, 
it'll be a lot easier and less frustrating for you, imho.

Also, Take some time to explore the various menus.  they'll tell you all 
kinds of good info about how to make things happen.

Good luck.
Take care

On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

I don't know even how to put someone on hold.  As I said, I am finding 
skype 5 to be really confusing.  I am actually thinking of going back to 
skype 2 if anyone has the old dmg.  I think the skype web site may! have 
it, but I need to look.

I think that the main think to be more specific, as I said in my last 
message is I am not understanding how to get to everything like hold, 
the end call, the mute, the video button, etc. when I'm in an active 
call.  I heard something about a scroll area and setting it to 60 
percent or greater. this just is not making sense.  I'm still kind a 
fairly new to voice over so this is all kind a new to me.  Sorry.  I 
think if someone can explain this to me a bit more I can get it, but 
right now, I'm totally baffled.

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Re: Apple TV in the UK & Voice Over

2011-04-08 Thread Jorge Fernandes
Today's AccessWorld from AFB have an article about Apple TV's
accessibility. Take a look at:

Seems me that it isn't working yet with braille display. I also
appreciate if someone had already experienced with close captions in
Apple TV - is it possible to access the subtitles with VO?

--Jorge Fernandes

On Apr 8, 6:18 am, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav 
> All,
> Just a quick note, and sorry, I suspect its been covered before, but am 
> having trouble finding the basics to what I need to know online.
> Does Apple TV offer Voice Over support, and if so in what manner, i.e. can 
> you control Apple TV using just a blue tooth Apple keyboard with Voice Over 
> being physically utilised by the product itself, or is the product purely 
> controlled from something like your iPhone etc, which means that Voice Over 
> is produced by that device enabling you to control it...?
> If this is the case, can the Apple TV initially be setup and configured for 
> the first time by a blind user?
> specifically a UK question, what services and TV options can I get out of an 
> Apple TV here?
> One assumes you can physically browse the internet using Apple TV?
> does anyone know if you can connect Apple TV to, for example; an NAS network 
> attached storage unit which stores an iTunes library, or is it necessary to 
> have a Mac computer always on so that Apple TV can stream using AirPlay etc...
> many thanks for any advice.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries
> URL:
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

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Sharing Movies

2011-04-08 Thread Jane
My husband just bought a movie, and I would like to be able to watch it on my 
own computer or iPad. He has a different iTunes ID than I do. Is this possible? 
If so, how? I'd love to have my own copy even though he bought it.


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Re: Sharing Movies

2011-04-08 Thread Charlie Bates
Hi Jane

I believe you need to be sharing the same itunes account in order to do this. 


On 09/04/2011, at 9:38 AM, Jane wrote:

> My husband just bought a movie, and I would like to be able to watch it on my 
> own computer or iPad. He has a different iTunes ID than I do. Is this 
> possible? If so, how? I'd love to have my own copy even though he bought it.
> Jane
> -- 
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Re: Sharing Movies

2011-04-08 Thread Jane
So I can log into his from my computer, then? Cool.


On Apr 8, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hi Jane
> I believe you need to be sharing the same itunes account in order to do this. 
> Charlie
> On 09/04/2011, at 9:38 AM, Jane wrote:
>> My husband just bought a movie, and I would like to be able to watch it on 
>> my own computer or iPad. He has a different iTunes ID than I do. Is this 
>> possible? If so, how? I'd love to have my own copy even though he bought it.
>> Jane
>> -- 
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just got mad for the first time in a long while

2011-04-08 Thread Yuma Decaux
I downloaded the kindle app, browsed for a best seller, purchased it, and oh 
surprise it doesn't work.

Then i google search kindle and there are several headlines that makes my blood 

Amazon made a kill switch for text to speech

Text to speech hampered by writer's guild

And the list goes on.

I can't believe there still are organizations out there that stop the flow of 
material for blind and visually impaired people, blocking us from so many 
different medias. I am utterly disgusted by all of this. It's a truly sad day 
of reckoning for me here and though i would like to just shop around on torrent 
sites for being greedily shunned from enjoying books i gladly purchase, i'd 
rather see if there are other more clever, legit solutions to get those books 
read, without of course buying the kindle.

Anyone here got any suggestions?



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Re: Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Esther
Hi Rose,

I think there's a reason why we've been seeing a lot of posts about the way 
Skype 5 works recently, including the thread Mike Busboom started about 
accessing the camera.  A lot of people really don't like the new version.  
Here's a link to the recent article at TidBITS:
"Skype 5 for Mac: a Huge Step Backwards" by Lukas Mathis (TidBITS April 2, 

I've linked to the print only version of the page (which includes links to 
images of the screen menus, but is text only).  This is a really long article, 
and I've excerpted some of the main premises (but not all the details).  The 
major premise is that Skype 5 is not only less flexible in its organization, 
layout, and operations for casual users, but it also offers less to advanced 
users, and now requires them to get all the information from a single window.

HTH.  Excerpt begins below my signature.



A while back, when Skype’s group video chat feature was still free, a friend of 
mine sent me a Skype message asking whether it was possible to do video chat 
with more than one person in Skype. “Sure,” I replied, “you can do that, but 
you need to install the new Skype 5 beta.” I sent her the link. A few minutes 
later, she went offline, and came back shortly thereafter, apparently having 
updated to Skype 5. The first message she sent was:

What the hell happened to Skype? Is this some kind of joke?

Apparently, it is not.

At work, we use Skype to communicate. A lot of the people here use Windows 
computers. More than once, a Windows user has walked by my Mac, seen my version 
of Skype, and said something to the effect of “Wow, this looks so much better 
than the horrible mess we have on Windows!” It seems Skype has noticed that 
there is a discrepancy in quality between the two versions, and has decided to 
make the two versions more similar. Unfortunately, instead of making the 
Windows version of Skype better, they’ve decided to fix the discrepancy by 
making the Mac version of Skype more like the Windows version.

…I really don’t like Skype 5. [Editor’s note: And neither do we at TidBITS, 
which is why we’re republishing Lukas’s article. We were planning to write 
something very much along these lines, but he did such a good job that we 
didn’t see any reason to pile on independently. -Adam]

The previous version of Skype was a very good piece of user interface design. 
In its initial state, it was extremely basic. This is what Skype used to look 

[image link] [1]

It had a simple window showing a search field, a counter for unread 
notifications, and a list of your friends, with the ones who were currently 
online at the top. It was easy to understand, didn’t take much space so I could 
always keep it visible, and it showed me all the information I needed to know. 
Who’s online? Did I miss something? Is it okay to contact a friend, or does he 
not want to be disturbed?

With an active chat, Skype used to look like this:

[image link] [2]

Again, simple and easy to understand, but still giving me everything I might 
need. I could add more people to the conversation, go back to earlier messages, 
or call people.

But the previous version of Skype wasn’t just simple; it was also flexible 
enough for advanced users.

Let’s fast-forward to Skype 5. This is what it looks like:

[image link] [4]

The sidebar on the left has a Contacts item and then a list of your chats. 
Clicking Contacts shows all your contacts in the main pane; clicking a past 
chat shows information about the chat (start and end time, and any text 
messages that went back and forth). Clicking a live chat shows the participants 
and any text or video associated with the chat.

Immediately, there are problems with this. And not just problems for advanced 
users, but also problems for casual users.

It’s Too Complicated for Casual Users -- The window no longer looks simple. 
Instead, it’s overwhelming. On the plus side, it’s now easier to add a new 
contact (not something you do that often), and I can decide whether to call 
somebody or start a chat by hovering over a contact.

On the minus side… everything else. Since every Skype feature is crammed into a 
single window, that window feels overloaded. No longer do I see a simple list 
of contacts. Instead, I have a complex multi-paned window whose main pane shows 
entirely different things, depending on the application’s mode.

No longer can I easily see who’s online. Instead, I probably see only the 
people I’ve talked to most recently, regardless of whether they’re online. More 
than once, I’ve waited for a friend to show up in the sidebar, expecting it to 
work like the old buddy list. It doesn’t. Unless you switch to the Contacts 
screen, which then causes Skype to show two lists of contacts next to each 
other (the past chat contacts in the sidebar and the Address Book contacts in 
the main pane), you don’t actually see who’s online. And those two l

Re: just got mad for the first time in a long while

2011-04-08 Thread Alex Hall
Well, there is, or (U.S. only).

On 4/8/11, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> I downloaded the kindle app, browsed for a best seller, purchased it, and oh
> surprise it doesn't work.
> Then i google search kindle and there are several headlines that makes my
> blood boil:
> Amazon made a kill switch for text to speech
> Text to speech hampered by writer's guild
> And the list goes on.
> I can't believe there still are organizations out there that stop the flow
> of material for blind and visually impaired people, blocking us from so many
> different medias. I am utterly disgusted by all of this. It's a truly sad
> day of reckoning for me here and though i would like to just shop around on
> torrent sites for being greedily shunned from enjoying books i gladly
> purchase, i'd rather see if there are other more clever, legit solutions to
> get those books read, without of course buying the kindle.
> Anyone here got any suggestions?
> Cheers
> Yuma
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: just got mad for the first time in a long while

2011-04-08 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:

You've just been spoiled by Apple's universal access approach.

Why not send an article about this or a letter to your Congressperson, or your 
Member of Parliament, or some newspaper?

cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 08/04/2011, at 17:36, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Well, there is, or (U.S. only).
> On 4/8/11, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
>> I downloaded the kindle app, browsed for a best seller, purchased it, and oh
>> surprise it doesn't work.
>> Then i google search kindle and there are several headlines that makes my
>> blood boil:
>> Amazon made a kill switch for text to speech
>> Text to speech hampered by writer's guild
>> And the list goes on.
>> I can't believe there still are organizations out there that stop the flow
>> of material for blind and visually impaired people, blocking us from so many
>> different medias. I am utterly disgusted by all of this. It's a truly sad
>> day of reckoning for me here and though i would like to just shop around on
>> torrent sites for being greedily shunned from enjoying books i gladly
>> purchase, i'd rather see if there are other more clever, legit solutions to
>> get those books read, without of course buying the kindle.
>> Anyone here got any suggestions?
>> Cheers
>> Yuma
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM --just got mad for the first time in a long while

2011-04-08 Thread David McLean
Despite the fact that this is a Mac list... your only viable Kindle option now 
is the Accessible Kindle for Pc app.
There aren't a lot of things I still use Windows for at home but this is one.
On Apr 8, 2011, at 8:03 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> I downloaded the kindle app, browsed for a best seller, purchased it, and oh 
> surprise it doesn't work.
> Then i google search kindle and there are several headlines that makes my 
> blood boil:
> Amazon made a kill switch for text to speech
> Text to speech hampered by writer's guild
> And the list goes on.
> I can't believe there still are organizations out there that stop the flow of 
> material for blind and visually impaired people, blocking us from so many 
> different medias. I am utterly disgusted by all of this. It's a truly sad day 
> of reckoning for me here and though i would like to just shop around on 
> torrent sites for being greedily shunned from enjoying books i gladly 
> purchase, i'd rather see if there are other more clever, legit solutions to 
> get those books read, without of course buying the kindle.
> Anyone here got any suggestions?
> Cheers 
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Black on white to white on black!

2011-04-08 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
Well whilst having a play around, I was looking for the way to change black 
text on white to white text on black!
In universal access under visual tab there is a command to change from one to 
the other!
But it looked familiar so in keyboard help I pressed the command [vo+command+8 
] and vo announced monitor item at hot spot 8!
So for the moment I'll have to go to universal to change this!
I'll send this to Apple!
Just thought some of you might like to know!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

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Re: Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Chris Gilland
Ester, do you know where I may could find a dmg lying around anywhere of the 
old Skype version 2 that was so much better?  If you can point me to it, I'd 
really rather install it.  I mean, someone on list did help me earlier this 
evening on Skype with the layout, and now, it does make a fair amount more 
sense, but still...  I'd really feel more comfortable using the old version I'm 
used to, if you know where to get it.  Someone said it's still on the Skype web 
site, but is ever so slightly berried... not much though.

If you can find it, would you kindly send me a link?


Oh, speaking of which, on another note entirely nonskype related:  once I am in 
the body of an e-mail I'm reading, if it has a link in it like you'd send me 
for the skype dmg, if you find it, how then do I navigate over to the link and 
click it?

On Apr 8, 2011, at 8:06 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> I think there's a reason why we've been seeing a lot of posts about the way 
> Skype 5 works recently, including the thread Mike Busboom started about 
> accessing the camera.  A lot of people really don't like the new version.  
> Here's a link to the recent article at TidBITS:
> "Skype 5 for Mac: a Huge Step Backwards" by Lukas Mathis (TidBITS April 2, 
> 2011):
> I've linked to the print only version of the page (which includes links to 
> images of the screen menus, but is text only).  This is a really long 
> article, and I've excerpted some of the main premises (but not all the 
> details).  The major premise is that Skype 5 is not only less flexible in its 
> organization, layout, and operations for casual users, but it also offers 
> less to advanced users, and now requires them to get all the information from 
> a single window.
> HTH.  Excerpt begins below my signature.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> A while back, when Skype’s group video chat feature was still free, a friend 
> of mine sent me a Skype message asking whether it was possible to do video 
> chat with more than one person in Skype. “Sure,” I replied, “you can do that, 
> but you need to install the new Skype 5 beta.” I sent her the link. A few 
> minutes later, she went offline, and came back shortly thereafter, apparently 
> having updated to Skype 5. The first message she sent was:
> What the hell happened to Skype? Is this some kind of joke?
> Apparently, it is not.
> At work, we use Skype to communicate. A lot of the people here use Windows 
> computers. More than once, a Windows user has walked by my Mac, seen my 
> version of Skype, and said something to the effect of “Wow, this looks so 
> much better than the horrible mess we have on Windows!” It seems Skype has 
> noticed that there is a discrepancy in quality between the two versions, and 
> has decided to make the two versions more similar. Unfortunately, instead of 
> making the Windows version of Skype better, they’ve decided to fix the 
> discrepancy by making the Mac version of Skype more like the Windows version.
> …I really don’t like Skype 5. [Editor’s note: And neither do we at TidBITS, 
> which is why we’re republishing Lukas’s article. We were planning to write 
> something very much along these lines, but he did such a good job that we 
> didn’t see any reason to pile on independently. -Adam]
> The previous version of Skype was a very good piece of user interface design. 
> In its initial state, it was extremely basic. This is what Skype used to look 
> like:
> [image link] [1]
> It had a simple window showing a search field, a counter for unread 
> notifications, and a list of your friends, with the ones who were currently 
> online at the top. It was easy to understand, didn’t take much space so I 
> could always keep it visible, and it showed me all the information I needed 
> to know. Who’s online? Did I miss something? Is it okay to contact a friend, 
> or does he not want to be disturbed?
> With an active chat, Skype used to look like this:
> [image link] [2]
> Again, simple and easy to understand, but still giving me everything I might 
> need. I could add more people to the conversation, go back to earlier 
> messages, or call people.
> But the previous version of Skype wasn’t just simple; it was also flexible 
> enough for advanced users.
> Let’s fast-forward to Skype 5. This is what it looks like:
> [image link] [4]
> The sidebar on the left has a Contacts item and then a list of your chats. 
> Clicking Contacts shows all your contacts in the main pane; clicking a past 
> chat shows information about the chat (start and end time, and any text 
> messages that went back and forth). Clicking a live chat shows the 
> participants and any text or video associated with the chat.
> Immediately, there are problems with this. And not just problems for advanced 
> users, but also problems for casual users.
> It’s Too Complicated for Casual Users -- The window no l

Re: Skype 5 conferencing 101, (was Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?)

2011-04-08 Thread Colin M
Hi Chris!
Well hopefully 2 in 1 for you!
Here is the link for Chicks dig  mac's and I'll put it on its own line!
When on the link just open vo+shift+m and you'll have options the first should 
be open link!

And I think Rose said that she has the old Skype for people to get!

I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 9 Apr 2011, at 02:14, Chris Gilland wrote:

> Ester, do you know where I may could find a dmg lying around anywhere of the 
> old Skype version 2 that was so much better?  If you can point me to it, I'd 
> really rather install it.  I mean, someone on list did help me earlier this 
> evening on Skype with the layout, and now, it does make a fair amount more 
> sense, but still...  I'd really feel more comfortable using the old version 
> I'm used to, if you know where to get it.  Someone said it's still on the 
> Skype web site, but is ever so slightly berried... not much though.
> If you can find it, would you kindly send me a link?
> Thanks.
> Oh, speaking of which, on another note entirely nonskype related:  once I am 
> in the body of an e-mail I'm reading, if it has a link in it like you'd send 
> me for the skype dmg, if you find it, how then do I navigate over to the link 
> and click it?
> Chris.
> On Apr 8, 2011, at 8:06 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Rose,
>> I think there's a reason why we've been seeing a lot of posts about the way 
>> Skype 5 works recently, including the thread Mike Busboom started about 
>> accessing the camera.  A lot of people really don't like the new version.  
>> Here's a link to the recent article at TidBITS:
>> "Skype 5 for Mac: a Huge Step Backwards" by Lukas Mathis (TidBITS April 2, 
>> 2011):
>> I've linked to the print only version of the page (which includes links to 
>> images of the screen menus, but is text only).  This is a really long 
>> article, and I've excerpted some of the main premises (but not all the 
>> details).  The major premise is that Skype 5 is not only less flexible in 
>> its organization, layout, and operations for casual users, but it also 
>> offers less to advanced users, and now requires them to get all the 
>> information from a single window.
>> HTH.  Excerpt begins below my signature.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> A while back, when Skype’s group video chat feature was still free, a friend 
>> of mine sent me a Skype message asking whether it was possible to do video 
>> chat with more than one person in Skype. “Sure,” I replied, “you can do 
>> that, but you need to install the new Skype 5 beta.” I sent her the link. A 
>> few minutes later, she went offline, and came back shortly thereafter, 
>> apparently having updated to Skype 5. The first message she sent was:
>> What the hell happened to Skype? Is this some kind of joke?
>> Apparently, it is not.
>> At work, we use Skype to communicate. A lot of the people here use Windows 
>> computers. More than once, a Windows user has walked by my Mac, seen my 
>> version of Skype, and said something to the effect of “Wow, this looks so 
>> much better than the horrible mess we have on Windows!” It seems Skype has 
>> noticed that there is a discrepancy in quality between the two versions, and 
>> has decided to make the two versions more similar. Unfortunately, instead of 
>> making the Windows version of Skype better, they’ve decided to fix the 
>> discrepancy by making the Mac version of Skype more like the Windows version.
>> …I really don’t like Skype 5. [Editor’s note: And neither do we at TidBITS, 
>> which is why we’re republishing Lukas’s article. We were planning to write 
>> something very much along these lines, but he did such a good job that we 
>> didn’t see any reason to pile on independently. -Adam]
>> The previous version of Skype was a very good piece of user interface 
>> design. In its initial state, it was extremely basic. This is what Skype 
>> used to look like:
>> [image link] [1]
>> It had a simple window showing a search field, a counter for unread 
>> notifications, and a list of your friends, with the ones who were currently 
>> online at the top. It was easy to understand, didn’t take much space so I 
>> could always keep it visible, and it showed me all the information I needed 
>> to know. Who’s online? Did I miss something? Is it okay to contact a friend, 
>> or does he not want to be disturbed?
>> With an active chat, Skype used to look like this:
>> [image link] [2]
>> Again, simple and easy to understand, but still giving me everything I might 
>> need. I could add more people to the conversation, go back to earlier 
>> messages, or call people.
>> But the previous version of Skype wasn’t just simple; it was also flexible 
>> enough for advanced users.
>> Let’s fast-forward to Skype 5. This is what it looks like:
>> [image link] [4]
>> The sidebar on 

sorting music in ITunes by album

2011-04-08 Thread Cam
HI all,

I'm not sure how to sort my music in ITunes by album. Could someone
please let me know how to do this? Sorry  if this is a silly question
but I am a new Mac and ITunes user.
Many thanks, and thanks too for all your help so far

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Re: sorting music in ITunes by album

2011-04-08 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
In the Itunes main window, there is an "album view," option; check the box and 
that should probably do it.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: sorting music in ITunes by album

2011-04-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its pretty simple.  Keep in mind this will work on tables just like that found 
in iTunes.  First, interact with the songs table with control option shift down 
arrow.  Now VO right arrow until you reach the album column.  Press VO shift 
backslash.  Press it again to toggle the way the column is sorted by ascending 
or descending order.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 9, 2011, at 12:23 AM, Cam wrote:

> HI all,
> I'm not sure how to sort my music in ITunes by album. Could someone
> please let me know how to do this? Sorry  if this is a silly question
> but I am a new Mac and ITunes user.
> Many thanks, and thanks too for all your help so far
> Cam
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manually syncing and managing music in ITunes

2011-04-08 Thread Cam
HI All,

Just another quick question if I may.

I would like to manually sync my music as my music library is too full
to fit my 16gb IPhone 4. Can I move albums across to my phone or do I
need to put the album in a playlist first and then sync the playlist?
I hope I am making myself clear ...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to those of you who
have taken the time to help me so far - I don't write back and thank
you as I don't want to clog the list, but just know that your
assistance is very much appreciated.

Take care

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