I got the same answer. I answered back I didn't know a developer so I hope they 
could forward it to the appropriate people.
Am 08.04.2011 um 11:01 schrieb Ashley Cox:

> Yeah, I got that too. I sent one back stating that I was commenting on snow 
> leopard, not lion
> I said that it woudl be nice to see it fixed in lion.
> that's also word for word the response I got.
> ash
> On 08/04/2011 08:44, William Windels wrote:
>> Hello Jürgen and others,
>> I have mailed to accessibility about this but then can't/won't handle 
>> questions about products in development.
>> I am not subscribed to the development team so I don't know that I can do 
>> more.
>> Below is the response of accessibility:
>> Thank you for your email. While we do appreciate your feedback, you will 
>> need to provide any feedback and feature requests through the Developer 
>> Connection in regard to issues or bugs you discover while using the 
>> Developer Preview of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. As the software is still not 
>> available to the general public we cannot comment on unreleased software.
>> Op 7-apr-2011, om 13:35 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi William,
>>> thanks for your responds.
>>> I don't think that it's very likely that VO will recognize tables in iWorks 
>>> 11. Also: VoiceOver should work with tables in all accessible editors. I 
>>> want to use all accessible programed editors with VO, also the free ones 
>>> like Bean.
>>> Thank you for your report to Apple.
>>> All the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 07.04.2011 um 08:47 schrieb William Windels:
>>>> Hello Jürgen,
>>>> Thanx for this announcement.
>>>> I'll report this for shore because this seems simply unacceptable in 2011.
>>>> I hope a lot of others will do so.
>>>> But also a litle remark:
>>>> It isn't perhaps macosx that needs this feature but the particular 
>>>> programs like textedit and pages.
>>>> I mean, perhaps they will add this functionality in iworks 11, (the next 
>>>> major version).
>>>> So, for all, pls , report  what you think about it to accessibility.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> William
>>>> Op 6-apr-2011, om 22:40 heeft Jürgen Fleger het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> a friend told me VO still doesn't work with tables in text documents in 
>>>>> Lion beta 2 what came out these days. As you all surely know tables in 
>>>>> text documents are a huge issue working with VoiceOver.
>>>>> I think this is awful and unworthy to VoiceOver. VO is really a great 
>>>>> screen reader but it seems not to be tolerable in 2011 that a screen 
>>>>> reader doesn't work with tables.
>>>>> So I'll ask all of you to write an e-mail to
>>>>> accessibil...@apple.com
>>>>> to show that a lot of people are waiting for the ability of VO to 
>>>>> recognize tables in text documents.
>>>>> In lots of discussions people told me "What? VoiceOver doesn't recognize 
>>>>> tables in text documents? So VO might not be a serious screen reader."
>>>>> But that's not true, as we all know. And so my hope is when enough people 
>>>>> write an e-mail to Apple and ask for that functionallity, Apple might see 
>>>>> that it is really important to us.
>>>>> Thanks and
>>>>> all the best
>>>>> Jürgen
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