they're using wd in the iMacs and mac pros, and I think toshiba in the
latest macbooks. Dad's macbook pro has a wd in it.
my mac mini had an hitachi drive which I upgraded when I started to get
the click of death. NOt all their drives are bad, just the deskstar ones
as far as I know.
On 07/04/2011 23:15, Scott Howell wrote:
That is funny Ashley, APple uses as far as I can tell Hitachi drives in all of
their notebooks. So far I have not had any problems with either Mac notebook I
own and my employer provided. I am not sure if they are using them in the
iMacs, but pretty sure my wife's iMac has a WD.
On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:02 PM, ashley cox wrote:
get one of the wd elements drives.
avoid hitatchi or whaterver it's called.
i've not had good luck with seagate iether, though other will probably argue
that one.
samsung seams relyable also.
On 06/04/2011 21:35, Sarah May wrote:
Hi Big Boy,
My PC, Mac, and Braille Sense Plus don't have fire wire ports that I know
off. I know that all of these devices have USB ports though. So what
external hard drive should I go for then that will give me fast spped, lots
of memory, and not cost a lot?
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of bigboy529
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:52 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: looking for an external hard drive compatable for both mac and
Hi I would rather go for a firewire drive as this would give you faster
transfer rates, go for a firewire drive if your mac, pc and other devices
have firewire ports. If not you also get hard drive enclosures which have
both a firewire and usb port...
Ashley Cox wrote:
Any usb drive should do.
On 06/04/2011 18:52, Sarah May wrote:
Hi List,
I download a lot of books, movies, and music. I want to keep them
all in one place besides my hard drive on the Mac or PC. I have
been using compact flash cards and junk drives, known as memory
sticks, but they don't provide enough space where I can fit
everything all at once. I don't want to have to keep purchasing
expensive compact flash cards or memory sticks. A family member of
mine suggested that I should purchase an external hard drive. I
told her "that was a great idea!" Now if I do this, which one
should I purchase that will be compatable with both the Mac, PC, and
my Braille Sense Plus? I spend three days a week at dialysis where
I bring my Braille Sense Plus. I read books and watch movies and TV
shows while dialyizing. Hopefully, once I am more comfortable with the
Macbook, I'll bring that as well.
I want an external hard drive that will be compatable with all these
devices, have a lot of memory as well, but not cost me a fortune
either. If anyone has any great advice on this matter, I would
grately appreciate it.
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