Re: VO Drag and Drop

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
You will then need ot make the playlists manually on the iphone if you want to 
do it that way. I'm really tired so can't write clearly but perhaps someone 
who's more awake then I can help at the moment. Sorry for beeing brisk.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 23, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> Okay, I know what to do, it's just not cooperating. LOL. Here is what I have. 
> When I hook up my iPhone 4, or Nano 6th gen, I have the following settings:
> Under iTunes preferences, under devices, I have, prevent ipad, iPhone, ipod 
> from syncing audomatically. 
> On the phone, or iPod section of iTunes, under summery, I have:  Sync only 
> select songs and videos checked, manually manage music and videos checked.
> Under the music tab I have  Sync selected playlists, albums, goneras, etc. 
> checked.  Include memos and videos is checked.  Remember, I can paste entire 
> albums of music by selecting all album tracks by interacting w/ table, 
> pressing command a, command c, stop interacting w/ table, vo left arrow back 
> to source list, interact, vo down arrow to iphone, command v, and everything 
> pastes. 
> As for playlists, find the playlist, copy it to clip board, go to phone, or 
> iPod, paste, and nothing happens.
> According to all documentation I've read, I'm suppost to be able to copy and 
> paste playlists to and from my iOS device, I.E. iPod, or iPhone. 
> I get nothing in regards to playlists. 
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Right,
>> After you have those checked, navigate to the table with your playlists and 
>> interact.  Now check the the playlists you want synced.  I can make a quick 
>> audio of me doing it if you'd like.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 9:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I don't want to use thismethod, however my playlists will not copy over 
>>> using copy and paste to my Nano, or my iPhone. I can copy over albums of 
>>> music without a problem, but not playlists. I have manually manage music 
>>> checked, and I have sync specific files checked, or what ever that second 
>>> choice in preferences is called.
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 11:48 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 I'm confused as to why you are going about things in this method.  If you 
 wish to sync specific playlists to your iPod, you can do this without drag 
 and drop.  You simply choose the playlists from within the Music pane of 
 the iPod's device settings through iTunes.  Dragging and dropping is 
 cumbersome at best with VO and often doesn't do exactly what you want 
 anyway.  The only way I've got Drag and Drop to work well for moving files 
 is by using VO gestures but I still wouldn't use this method for 
 transferring music within iTunes.
 On 2011-02-21, at 6:19 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> All:
> I'm trying to manually drag and drop my iTunes playlists to my 
> iPod/iPhone b/c copying and pasting won't work. Here is what I'm doing, 
> and I'll outline where the problem is occurring.
> Duplication Steps:
> 1.Using VO navigation commands, I move to the iTem I want to drag.
> 2. I press VO Command F5 to move the mouse cursor to the VO location. 
> When I press VO F5 to varify what is under the mouse, It says nothing is 
> under the mouse, even though when I moved the mouse, it said I was on my 
> playlist.
> 3. I press VO command shift space to start the drag. I hear the 
> appropriate mouse click sound.
> 4. VO Shift F3 turns off curser tracking.
> 5. Move to my ipod.
> 6. Press VO command F5 to move the mouse cursor to vo curser. When I 
> press vo F5 to hear what is under curser, it says nothing is under cursor.
> 7. Pressing vo command shift space releases the mouse. I hear the 
> appropriate mouse click sound.
> 8. Turn off cursor tracking by pressing vo shift f3.
> So basically I'm being told nothing is under my mouse. 
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 You received 

Re: Response from Dropbox Support regarding my inquiry

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah ou actually did. actually what they told me was we're working on the issue 
and we know about it. thanks. that was it. and I emailed 

Take care all. i'ts off to bed with me maybe.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 23, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> You got a smigen more than the rest of us got.  Thanks for sharing this.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>> I submitted a ticket to Dropbox Support using the simple form at this URL:
>> Pasted below is the initial response I've received. Is this the same 
>> response other folks are getting? I'd be interested to know exactly what 
>> your response was, what further communication occurred between you and 
>> Dropbox, and where your ticket stands at this point.
>> Please Note: I've read enough flames and am just interested in hearing the 
>> dialog you've had with Dropbox.
>> Begin Forwarded Message:
>>> Marshall, Feb-22 05:32 pm (PST):
>>> Bryan-
>>> Thank you for writing to us.
>>> Our development team recently discovered that changes in the most recent 
>>> version of the Dropbox client may have inadvertently caused VoiceOver to 
>>> work improperly for some users. We're working to resolve those issues, but 
>>> we'd appreciate any specific feedback you may have about specific parts of 
>>> the client that are not accessible using this technology so that we can 
>>> address those areas. If you could provide us with that feedback, that would 
>>> be much appreciated.
>>> If you have any additional questions or feedback, please let us know.
>>> Best,
>>> Marshall
>>> opensesame, Feb-22 02:33 pm (PST):
>>> Blind Mac User considering Dropbox, but I am told it has become inaccessible
>>> Dear Dropbox Team,
>>> I am a blind Mac User and am considering using Dropbox. Unfortunately, I've 
>>> been informed by a number of my fellow blind Mac Users that your product 
>>> has recently become almost unusable for blind Mac folks due to its lack of 
>>> access with Apple's built-in VoiceOver screen reader. Before I make the 
>>> decision to go with a Dropbox competitor I wanted to ask if you have plans 
>>> to add VoiceOver accessibility back into your Mac OSX application. My 
>>> research has shown Dropbox to be highly regarded and I'd prefer to use it 
>>> instead of another product, but full accessibility is a requirement for me.
>>> Thank you very much for your consideration,
>>> Bryan Jones
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: itunes and podcasts question

2011-02-24 Thread Denise Avant
thank you for this great information. you're right, i did post to the viphone 
list, but since i'm in digest mode, may have missed your answer.
again, thanks. i will try all of these. this started because i did not find 
main menu, but i did not do it the way you suggested below.

On Feb 23, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Denise,
> ACB Main Menu is in the iTunes Store; just go to "Search" in the File menu on 
> the menu bar to do an iTunes Power Search, navigate to what is normally the 
> HTML area of the Store and change the pop up button (VO-Space) from "All 
> Results" to "Podcasts", then VO-Right arrow and type in your search in the 
> text box.  This method of using the power search is also the fastest way to 
> find something within the iTunes Store, and has a much lower overhead if you 
> want to avoid the "VoiceOver, busy" messages -- it's much more efficient than 
> simply pointing to the iTunes Store in your sources table and typing 
> something in the general search text box for iTunes, since it keeps the HTML 
> pages with images from loading, it automatically sets you to the iTunes store 
> in a text-based search page, and it focuses your search to the specific 
> category you want (Podcasts, Music, Movies, Apps, etc.) with additional 
> textbox search criteria (e.g., name keywords, artist, author, etc.). Here's 
> the iTunes Store link to the entry for ACB Radios's Main Menu (which you 
> could get to by typing "main menu" using the above procedure):   
> Blind Cool Tech used to be in the iTunes Store, but I think it's unusual feed 
> structure of having links to all the episodes since it started on a single 
> web page produced problems, and back around July 2009 the feed started 
> behaving very oddly in the iTunes Store.  I also avoid visiting the main web 
> site so that VoiceOver does not have to deal with several years worth of 
> program links on a single page, but instead just visit the RSS feed address:
> To add this feed to your iTunes podcast subscriptions, navigate to the 
> "Advanced" menu on your iTunes Menu Bar (VO-M, then press "a") and arrow down 
> to "Subscribe to Podcast…".  Paste the feed address into the dialog window 
> and press return.  The feed will be added to your subscriptions.
> I think you asked a very similar question a month ago on the viphone list.  
> I'll paste in the part of my response that gave the feed addresses for the 
> other Podcasts you asked about (including Main Menu and Accessible World Tek 
> Talk).  Note that the feeds only go back for a certain time, and that you may 
> have to manually select and download older episodes from within your iTunes 
> directory:
> Hi Denise,
> Here are the podcast feeds you asked about, listed on the line following the 
> name of each program. Type or paste them into the Podcaster iPhone app by 
> double tapping the "Directory" button (4th of 5 from the left,  on the bottom 
> of the main Podcaster screen), then flick to "Import", which is the last of 
> the listed "Podcast Directory" options, and double tap.  On the resulting 
> page, these feed entries should be entered into the text field where VO 
> prompts you to "Enter feed URL or OPML URL".  Note that all the feed entries 
> should be typed as a continuous string with no spaces, on a single line.  If 
> mail wraps these to a second line and introduces a break or space between 
> characters on the long entries (e.g. for Mac-cessibility or Accessible World 
> Tek Talk), make sure that you copy the entire feed entry URL and remove any 
> spaces or line breaks. 
> • Main Menu:
> feed://
> • Mac-cessibility:
> • Accessible World Tek Talk:
> feed://
> Here are another few feed URLs for podcast subscriptions that I added by 
> hand.  I'll add these because some of these feeds were hard to find:
> • All with my iPhone:
> feed://
> • Serotalk:
> • Tech Doctor Blog and Podcast:
> • App Store Pundit:
> In general, the easiest way I've found to add podcast subscriptions to 
> Podcaster is to search for the podcasts and subscribe to them in iTunes by 
> using the power search menu of the iTunes Store. Navigate (VO-M, then press 
> "s" or "s t") to the "Store" menu on your iTunes menu bar, arrow down and 
> press "s" again to go to the "Search…" menu option. This will simultaneously 
> select the "iTunes Store" in your source list, and take you to the Power 
> Search page in the store.  Navigate to the Power Search area and  press 
> (VO-Space) the "All Results" pop up button and change this to "Podcasts".  
> Then type in you

Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Michael Thurman
yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
and is disghusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
developers didn't care abot s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think apple 
does realise that alot of us are trning to the mac for accessibility and I hope 
they understand that we will turn as quickly away and sell our expensive pretty 
machies if they become inaccessible
On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
> list I was writing to.
> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
> money from it.
> Jim
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
>> app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
>> tantamount to saying that every app must be availble in, insert
>> obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
>> store.
>> So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
>> negotiating with.
>> Jim
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
>>> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
>>> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say now.
>>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class action 
 lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust them over 
 the head with a 2x4 lol  most buisness people I uspect are abotu as 
 stubborn as mules
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Sounds typically militant.
> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two years 
>> that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  Every 
>> single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, "We're 
>> aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or maybe a 
>> bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
>> "
>> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the accessibility 
>> problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear from you is, 
>> ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  Where's the 
>> evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are aware, yet, we see 
>> no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to wonder wheterh or 
>> not you really actually care; even if you are aware.  What do we have to 
>> do to make you understand that, if we're going to use your service, 
>> (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd better be able to use 
>> it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least one of us; or, as I 
>> said before, a number of us, ought to just put it out on the table just 
>> like that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We need to do this on a daily 
>> basis until they realize that we WILL, NOT, BE, IGNORED!!!
>> Thoughts?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> O can set it up fine. But you have a point there. 
>>> On 22/02/2011, at 0:31, Jes Smith  wrote:
 Hi all.
 As far as I'm concerned, the complete inaccessibility of Drop Box on 
 the Mac is inexcusable. And, I tell you this, if I was the CEO of 
 Apple, developers would either write their code based on Apple's 
 accessibility guidelines, or, there programs would just be rejected. 
 IT's a black and white issue as far as I'm concerned.
 I mean, mercy! IT's bad enough that we couldn't access the drop box 
 menu, but now that we can't even set the client up without sighted 
 help? And honestly, I don't think petitions would do a lot for our 
 cause. Individual complaints have been sent to drop box for over two 
 years, and they've done nothing to show us that they hear our cries 
 for accessibility. I'd sign the petition, but don't think it will help 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 

Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
As someone else said it is not Apples place to make dev's add accessibility!
But [ and I do not know how this would work] could the apps star rating be 
made, so it would only get 5 stars if it is accessible!
Somehow only people who use accessibility could put a rating that no one else 
can put!
And without it an app would never reach 5 stars!
Oh well its just a thought!
And back to the protest a lot of us have Skype and some of you are good at 
podcast's and can record Skype!
So if a lot of us could put our issue via Skype and someone could put it 
together and chuck it out on U tube or facebook might that help!
I would not mind speaking for this purpose!
We do not have to be nasty just show our problem!
All the best!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 24 Feb 2011, at 12:25, Michael Thurman wrote:

> yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
> and is disgusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
> developers didn't care about s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
> apple does realise that a lot of us are turning to the mac for accessibility 
> and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away and sell our 
> expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
>> list I was writing to.
>> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
>> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
>> money from it.
>> Jim
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
>>> app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
>>> tantamount to saying that every app must be available in, insert
>>> obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
>>> store.
>>> So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
>>> negotiating with.
>>> Jim
>>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
 Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
 Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
 On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class action 
> lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust them over 
> the head with a 2x4 lol  most business people I uspect are abotu as 
> stubborn as mules
> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Sounds typically militant.
>> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
>> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two years 
>>> that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  Every 
>>> single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, "We're 
>>> aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or maybe a 
>>> bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
>>> "
>>> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
>>> accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
>>> from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
>>> Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are aware, 
>>> yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to wonder 
>>> wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are aware.  What 
>>> do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're going to use 
>>> your service, (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd better be 
>>> able to use it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least one of us; 
>>> or, as I said before, a number of us, ought to just put it out on the 
>>> table just like that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We need to do this 
>>> on a daily basis until they realize that we WILL, NOT, BE, IGNORED!!!
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 O can set it up fine. But you have a point there. 
 On 22/02/2011, at 0:31, Jes Smith  wrote:
> Hi all.
> As far as I'm concerned, the complete inaccessibility of Drop Box on 
> the Mac is inexcusable. And, I tell you this, if I was the CEO of 
> Apple, developers would either write their code

Re: Mac and PC accessibility: more similar or more different?

2011-02-24 Thread erik burggraaf
Hum, I'm not really sure this is a relevant question.  When it comes to 
features, mac is solid.  Not every need is met at this point and there is still 
loads of room for improvement, but day to day I venture to say most computer 
users would never miss jaws.

Let's take your case in point for example.  Jaws doesn't support UIA yet.  That 
means it doesn't work with IE9.  Window-eyes and nvda both do.  So, if you are 
running the latest mac OS which has nothing what-so-ever to do with UIA, then 
you might see a webpage beautifully.  But it might be designed in html 5 geared 
towards the very latest browsing capabilities.  So if you try it in IE8 it may 
not work as nicely, but if you are a jaws user and you upgrade to IE9, then no 
pages will work at all.  But if you are an NVDA or window-eyes user then you 
may have no trouble.   OR, the page may only have been tested in firefox.  
Maybe it's wonderful in firefox, but not nice at all in Safari or flavours of 
internet explorer.  This is why no one is really doing what you're asking here. 
 It just doesn't make sense to split hairs this way.  You could second-guess 
yourself in circles all day at that rate.

As far as web browsing goes, Voiceover and safari has features such as web 
element navigation, place markers and text search, but it also has features 
that no other system has, such as the item chooser, or the article reader which 
is part of safari, not voiceover.  Then again, I really can't think of a single 
feature that window-eyes, jaws, or NVDA offers that voiceover doesn't.  Not on 
the web at least.  I'm sure there must be some, but I simply can't think of 
one, except for multi-browser support.  With voiceover you get safari and 
webkit and that's about it.

It comes down to what you want to do with a screen reader and a computer and 
only you can make those decisions.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-24, at 2:29 AM, Pommette wrote:

> Has anyone been systematically comparing how well access works between
> VO and Windows-based programs like JAWS? Do the same accessibility
> tests apply to both platforms, or will one be better for some things
> than the other? I'm not raising this question as a contest - I'm
> simply trying to understand how things work, and what assumptions I
> can make.  For example, if someone says that a site or program works
> well with JAWS, can I be pretty sure that VO will also be happy? And
> if something doesn't play well with VO, can I be indignant on behalf
> of all who use screen readers? I know there are some huge contrasts as
> with MS Word.  But is this an exception?  Thanks!
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Colin:
Excellent idea!  Anyone can wine and complain about a product or write a 
nasty-gram.  A well-put together constructive criticism might actually do some 
Carolyn H
On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi all!
> As someone else said it is not Apples place to make dev's add accessibility!
> But [ and I do not know how this would work] could the apps star rating be 
> made, so it would only get 5 stars if it is accessible!
> Somehow only people who use accessibility could put a rating that no one else 
> can put!
> And without it an app would never reach 5 stars!
> Oh well its just a thought!
> And back to the protest a lot of us have Skype and some of you are good at 
> podcast's and can record Skype!
> So if a lot of us could put our issue via Skype and someone could put it 
> together and chuck it out on U tube or facebook might that help!
> I would not mind speaking for this purpose!
> We do not have to be nasty just show our problem!
> All the best!
> Colin!
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 24 Feb 2011, at 12:25, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
>> and is disgusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
>> developers didn't care about s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
>> apple does realise that a lot of us are turning to the mac for accessibility 
>> and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away and sell our 
>> expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
>>> list I was writing to.
>>> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
>>> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
>>> money from it.
>>> Jim
>>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
 Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
 app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
 tantamount to saying that every app must be available in, insert
 obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
 So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
 negotiating with.
 On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
> now.
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class 
>> action lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust 
>> them over the head with a 2x4 lol  most business people I uspect are 
>> abotu as stubborn as mules
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Sounds typically militant.
>>> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
>>> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two 
 years that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  
 Every single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, 
 "We're aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or 
 maybe a bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
 "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
 accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
 from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
 Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are 
 aware, yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to 
 wonder wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are aware. 
  What do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're going to 
 use your service, (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd 
 better be able to use it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least 
 one of us; or, as I said before, a number of us, ought to just put it 
 out on the table just like that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We 
 need to do this on a daily basis until they realize that we WILL, NOT, 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Re: demand for yet another podcast?

2011-02-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

You got a new Mac when they are being updated today?  Thats pretty bad timing.  
I would send it back.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Feb 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Sometime in the next few days a new macbook is arriving here.  It's a custom 
> built with 8 gb ram and solid state drive...  the works.
> Is there demand for yet another podcast series?  Another person taking a new 
> mac out of the box and demonstrating mac basics, mail, safari, other mac 
> applications, and consepts, third party software and so on?
> I'd be willing to do this in my own unique stammering style, but I'd like to 
> see some demand.  It will be duplicating much of other people's work in some 
> areas.  Plus it will be a great sacrifice on my part since I'll have to slow 
> down and take it easy on my new macbook, adding things one at a time and 
> recording and documenting, smiles.  I won't be able to marathon the setup and 
> run away with my new macbook.  I'd be more than happy to do it though if it 
> really will be useful.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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speech recognition with Voiceover

2011-02-24 Thread Adam
Hi All,
I'm a completely blind voiceover user in search of the most accessible
speech recognition software out there.  Is there a clear cut favorite
on the market?

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Re: demand for yet another podcast?

2011-02-24 Thread erik burggraaf
I know,  but it's on funding so I'm stuck.  I'm not complaining though.  This 
is going to be a pretty sweet mac.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-24, at 9:51 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Lol,
> You got a new Mac when they are being updated today?  Thats pretty bad 
> timing.  I would send it back.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Sometime in the next few days a new macbook is arriving here.  It's a custom 
>> built with 8 gb ram and solid state drive...  the works.
>> Is there demand for yet another podcast series?  Another person taking a new 
>> mac out of the box and demonstrating mac basics, mail, safari, other mac 
>> applications, and consepts, third party software and so on?
>> I'd be willing to do this in my own unique stammering style, but I'd like to 
>> see some demand.  It will be duplicating much of other people's work in some 
>> areas.  Plus it will be a great sacrifice on my part since I'll have to slow 
>> down and take it easy on my new macbook, adding things one at a time and 
>> recording and documenting, smiles.  I won't be able to marathon the setup 
>> and run away with my new macbook.  I'd be more than happy to do it though if 
>> it really will be useful.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Jim Barbour
We've had several discussions on the viphone list about this.
People's opinions vary on this subject, mine is below.

There is currently no "bar" that is well defined about what it means
to be accessible using VO.

We've talked about just allowing users to rate a product based on
accessibility or something like "VO friendliness"

I think it would be very hard to regulate in a reliable way.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 01:24:14PM +, Colin M wrote:
> Hi all!
> As someone else said it is not Apples place to make dev's add accessibility!
> But [ and I do not know how this would work] could the apps star rating be 
> made, so it would only get 5 stars if it is accessible!
> Somehow only people who use accessibility could put a rating that no one else 
> can put!
> And without it an app would never reach 5 stars!
> Oh well its just a thought!
> And back to the protest a lot of us have Skype and some of you are good at 
> podcast's and can record Skype!
> So if a lot of us could put our issue via Skype and someone could put it 
> together and chuck it out on U tube or facebook might that help!
> I would not mind speaking for this purpose!
> We do not have to be nasty just show our problem!
> All the best!
> Colin!
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 24 Feb 2011, at 12:25, Michael Thurman wrote:
> > yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
> > and is disgusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
> > developers didn't care about s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
> > apple does realise that a lot of us are turning to the mac for 
> > accessibility and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away 
> > and sell our expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
> > On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
> > 
> >> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
> >> list I was writing to.
> >> 
> >> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
> >> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
> >> money from it.
> >> 
> >> Jim
> >> 
> >> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
> >>> Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
> >>> app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
> >>> tantamount to saying that every app must be available in, insert
> >>> obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
> >>> store.
> >>> 
> >>> So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
> >>> negotiating with.
> >>> 
> >>> Jim
> >>> 
> >>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
>  Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
>  Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
>  now.
>  On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> > well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class 
> > action lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust 
> > them over the head with a 2x4 lol  most business people I uspect are 
> > abotu as stubborn as mules
> > 
> > On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> > 
> >> Sounds typically militant.
> >> 
> >> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
> >> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two 
> >>> years that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  
> >>> Every single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back 
> >>> is, "We're aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us 
> >>> or maybe a bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like 
> >>> this:
> >>> 
> >>> "
> >>> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
> >>> accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
> >>> from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
> >>> Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are 
> >>> aware, yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  
> >>> to wonder wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are 
> >>> aware.  What do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're 
> >>> going to use your service, (especially if we're going to pay for it), 
> >>> we'd better be able to use it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at 
> >>> least one of us; or, as I said before, a number of us, ought to just 
> >>> put it out on the table just like that.  Just one of us isn't enough. 
> >>>  We need to do this on a daily basis until they realize that we WILL, 
> >>> NOT, BE, IGNORED!!!
> >>> 
> >>> Thoughts?
> >>>

Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Yeah, but the thing is, we're such a tiny piece of the market that our money 
doesn't do anything here nor there. Just think for a while, how many are blind 
in the world, and i mean all of the world? How many of the blind are using an 
Apple product? How many of those Apple product users are on this list? How many 
lurkers do we have? How many are active? Let's just imagine that we are 10 
active, and i mean that write to this list at least once a week, How much would 
that do for a program developer that has 15 sighties?
Not much i should say, so to demand that accessibility should be considered as 
criminal is ridiculous at least to my ears. I'm not saying we shouldn't make 
the developers aware of our needs, because we should, and often they listen and 
do good stuff, but maybe we shouldn't get our expectations up to high either.


24 feb 2011 kl. 13.25 skrev Michael Thurman:

> yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
> and is disghusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
> developers didn't care abot s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
> apple does realise that alot of us are trning to the mac for accessibility 
> and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away and sell our 
> expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
>> list I was writing to.
>> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
>> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
>> money from it.
>> Jim
>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
>>> app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
>>> tantamount to saying that every app must be availble in, insert
>>> obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
>>> store.
>>> So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
>>> negotiating with.
>>> Jim
>>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
 Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
 Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
 On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class action 
> lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust them over 
> the head with a 2x4 lol  most buisness people I uspect are abotu as 
> stubborn as mules
> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Sounds typically militant.
>> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
>> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two years 
>>> that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  Every 
>>> single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, "We're 
>>> aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or maybe a 
>>> bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
>>> "
>>> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
>>> accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
>>> from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
>>> Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are aware, 
>>> yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to wonder 
>>> wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are aware.  What 
>>> do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're going to use 
>>> your service, (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd better be 
>>> able to use it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least one of us; 
>>> or, as I said before, a number of us, ought to just put it out on the 
>>> table just like that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We need to do this 
>>> on a daily basis until they realize that we WILL, NOT, BE, IGNORED!!!
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 O can set it up fine. But you have a point there. 
 On 22/02/2011, at 0:31, Jes Smith  wrote:
> Hi all.
> As far as I'm concerned, the complete inaccessibility of Drop Box on 
> the Mac is inexcusable. And, I tell you this, if I

New to the list and have a few questions

2011-02-24 Thread T wood
Hey everyone,

My name is Tyler. Picked myself a macbook pro 15" core i7 about 6 months ago. 
Have had nothing but good luck with it, and now that I finally have gotten used 
to the thing I have a few questions.

1. How do you use dropbox? Or actually, how can't we use it? I thought there 
was a way around that with the window chooser, but am I wrong now? I have it 
set up on my virtual machine as of right now, though it keeps telling me it 
cannot access dropbox folder even though things are being uploaded and 

2. This is more my main question because I'm really not happy. I bought audio 
highjack pro, and was able to highjack system audio, which was really my goal 
all along - so I could broadcast said audio to skype. I installed soundflower, 
which is required to go along with it. I eventually bought it, and soon after 
that things went a bit haywire...

I updated it, (probably a bad mistake) and it told me to instal the extra 
"instant on". Well ok, I figured this must be some new king of thing. Suddenly, 
highjack doesn't work. If I highjack system audio I get nothing, and the person 
I'm trying to demonstrate on skype isn't hearing a thing iether. Ok, fine. I 
tried highjacking just one application - vlc, to be exact - and I also got 
nothing. So ok. I downgraded to my previous version, and from then on have had 
nothing but problems with the thing. If I try and highjack system audio now, I 
lose all sounds including voiceover. If I navigate out of the window to see if 
it worked (I did this multiple times, ugh) and I couldn't get back to the 
highjack checkbox, all sounds were lost and when I hard booted the thing, I got 
nothing until I went to system preferences, interacted with the preferenace 
pain and hit so quick. Then hoped like heck I could find internal 
speakers/headphones. All of this done with no speech.

I tried uninstalling audio highjack pro and soundflower completely, going as 
far as removing them from etc. So now I'm lost...what do I do from 
here? Can I access soundflower somehow, did I do something wrong? I just want 
this to be able to work, but I can't highjack anything, including other 

3. Ok, I saw some chat about this in the archives but I'm still unclear. How 
exactly do you use caffeine? I heard there were multiple ways to go about it, 
but I'm still unclear on how exactly this is accomplished. I got told I could 
use insomnia x by hitting vo m three times, using the trackpad to find the menu 
bar for it. That, however, failed. I couldn't find anything and still can't to 
this day when I open it. So this is getting rather annoying - all I want to do 
is close the lid of this thing when I'm chatting on skype so I don't bash it 
into something one of these days and scratch it's beautiful finish...

I would also like to take the time here to thank Rick Harmon and Mike Arrigo. 
They were the main reason I made the purchas and I don't regret it in the 
slightest, $2150 or not. Probably the most stable peace of technology I've ever 
owned, and my windows laptop and windows netbook have a lot of dust on them. 
Also, the battery life, for being a core i7, is finominal. I have a few other 
questions, but I think I've rambled on enough.

thanks in advance - by the way, am always up for a chat - my contact info is 
skype: the_conman283
msn is the same - just with at the end.

- Tyler

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Re: testing brailledisplays for mac and iphone4

2011-02-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
I can pair my Focus 40 Blue with my IPod Touch, but the pairing becomes 
disabled from time to time. In that case, I go into the Voiceover Braille 
settings and it comes up with the pin dialog successfully.

On Feb 23, 2011, at 9:48 PM, David Tanner wrote:

> You are not going to the right place to setup a Braille display.  After 
> turning on bluetooth you go back to the general settings menu then go to the 
> choice for accessability, go in there and then go to the VoiceOver button and 
> click in there, then go to the Braille button and click in there.  Under the 
> BBraille settings you will find the area for choosing a Braille display. Once 
> the phone discovers the display you click on the display and you will be 
> prompted for the pin code.  Put in the pin and click the pear button to get 
> the display peared with the phone.
> - Original Message - From: "William Windels" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 7:55 AM
> Subject: testing brailledisplays for mac and iphone4
>> Hello all,
>> I have tested some brailledisplays with iphone4 and macbook (last versions 
>> of the os).
>> I am interested in one of the following displays:
>> Eurobraille ESYS40
>> Papenmeier Trio
>> focus 40 blue
>> I was able to connect the esys40 with my macbook with bluetooth and usb.
>> The bluetooth was only working when I put out the sd-card.
>> With the iphone4 , I had no success at all.
>> The iPhone was searching for a display but it wasn't possible for the 
>> iphone4 to see that display.
>> The strange thing is that it has worked after some trial and errors with the 
>> iphone4 of another person.
>> The only thing you can do for searching bluetooth devices with the iphone is 
>> in settings/global/bluetooth?
>> The focus40 was working with the macbook but we haven't tested it with the 
>> iphone4.
>> The Papenmeier Trio wasn't in the company to test this morning but any 
>> comments about this device for the iphone4 and the macbook are also very 
>> welcome.
>> Also, is there an option on the iphone4 to set some options for the code 
>> that you need to use for pairing?
>> On the macbook, there are some options to specify but, it seems , not on the 
>> iphone4.
>> Thanx alot for your answers,
>> best regards,
>> William Windels
>> -- 
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Re: speech recognition with Voiceover

2011-02-24 Thread Robert Nelson
Native to the Mac is Speakable Items.  Speakable Items is accessible to Voice 
Over.  There are some work arounds required if  you want to define a new speech 
command, but other  than that, there is no problem with it.

Basically any command that can be executed through a  keyboard shortcut can be 
made into  a verbal command.

You cannot  use it to type text in a word processing document for that you have 
to purchase third party software.  

I have no experience with these  products so I do not know how they work with  
Voice Over..  I hope this helps.
sincerely Yours,
robert Nelson

On Feb 24, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Adam wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm a completely blind voiceover user in search of the most accessible
> speech recognition software out there.  Is there a clear cut favorite
> on the market?
> -- 
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Re: Mac and PC accessibility: more similar or more different?

2011-02-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
As far as web browsing is concerned, flash doesn't work well at all with VO, 
whereas some Windows screen-readers have support to flash pages with built-in 
accessibility elements. Other than saying this, though, I kind of shy away from 
comparisons. If I really wanted to use Windows because I'm used to it, I'd 
probably go the Bootcamp or Fusion route. I've left Windows behind for a year 
now, so it's kind of a moot topic for me personally.

On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:12 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hum, I'm not really sure this is a relevant question.  When it comes to 
> features, mac is solid.  Not every need is met at this point and there is 
> still loads of room for improvement, but day to day I venture to say most 
> computer users would never miss jaws.
> Let's take your case in point for example.  Jaws doesn't support UIA yet.  
> That means it doesn't work with IE9.  Window-eyes and nvda both do.  So, if 
> you are running the latest mac OS which has nothing what-so-ever to do with 
> UIA, then you might see a webpage beautifully.  But it might be designed in 
> html 5 geared towards the very latest browsing capabilities.  So if you try 
> it in IE8 it may not work as nicely, but if you are a jaws user and you 
> upgrade to IE9, then no pages will work at all.  But if you are an NVDA or 
> window-eyes user then you may have no trouble.   OR, the page may only have 
> been tested in firefox.  Maybe it's wonderful in firefox, but not nice at all 
> in Safari or flavours of internet explorer.  This is why no one is really 
> doing what you're asking here.  It just doesn't make sense to split hairs 
> this way.  You could second-guess yourself in circles all day at that rate.
> As far as web browsing goes, Voiceover and safari has features such as web 
> element navigation, place markers and text search, but it also has features 
> that no other system has, such as the item chooser, or the article reader 
> which is part of safari, not voiceover.  Then again, I really can't think of 
> a single feature that window-eyes, jaws, or NVDA offers that voiceover 
> doesn't.  Not on the web at least.  I'm sure there must be some, but I simply 
> can't think of one, except for multi-browser support.  With voiceover you get 
> safari and webkit and that's about it.
> It comes down to what you want to do with a screen reader and a computer and 
> only you can make those decisions.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-02-24, at 2:29 AM, Pommette wrote:
>> Has anyone been systematically comparing how well access works between
>> VO and Windows-based programs like JAWS? Do the same accessibility
>> tests apply to both platforms, or will one be better for some things
>> than the other? I'm not raising this question as a contest - I'm
>> simply trying to understand how things work, and what assumptions I
>> can make.  For example, if someone says that a site or program works
>> well with JAWS, can I be pretty sure that VO will also be happy? And
>> if something doesn't play well with VO, can I be indignant on behalf
>> of all who use screen readers? I know there are some huge contrasts as
>> with MS Word.  But is this an exception?  Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: speech recognition with Voiceover

2011-02-24 Thread Chris Moore
You would need to purchase Nuance Dragon Dictate which is now accessible with 
On 24 Feb 2011, at 17:31, Robert Nelson wrote:

> Native to the Mac is Speakable Items.  Speakable Items is accessible to Voice 
> Over.  There are some work arounds required if  you want to define a new 
> speech command, but other  than that, there is no problem with it.
> Basically any command that can be executed through a  keyboard shortcut can 
> be made into  a verbal command.
> You cannot  use it to type text in a word processing document for that you 
> have to purchase third party software.  
> I have no experience with these  products so I do not know how they work with 
>  Voice Over..  I hope this helps.
> sincerely Yours,
> robert Nelson
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Adam wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm a completely blind voiceover user in search of the most accessible
>> speech recognition software out there.  Is there a clear cut favorite
>> on the market?
>> -- 
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Re: speech recognition with Voiceover

2011-02-24 Thread louie
How much does it cost?
How well will it run on a Mac mini?

On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> You would need to purchase Nuance Dragon Dictate which is now accessible with 
> VoiceOver.
> On 24 Feb 2011, at 17:31, Robert Nelson wrote:
>> Native to the Mac is Speakable Items.  Speakable Items is accessible to 
>> Voice Over.  There are some work arounds required if  you want to define a 
>> new speech command, but other  than that, there is no problem with it.
>> Basically any command that can be executed through a  keyboard shortcut can 
>> be made into  a verbal command.
>> You cannot  use it to type text in a word processing document for that you 
>> have to purchase third party software.  
>> I have no experience with these  products so I do not know how they work 
>> with  Voice Over..  I hope this helps.
>> sincerely Yours,
>> robert Nelson
>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 9:51 AM, Adam wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm a completely blind voiceover user in search of the most accessible
>>> speech recognition software out there.  Is there a clear cut favorite
>>> on the market?
>>> -- 
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Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the

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Re: demand for yet another podcast?

2011-02-24 Thread Michael Thurman
regardless of who got it fo ryou  you can take it to the apple store and say 
look the new ones came out today  either you can be nice and just swap it out 
for me, or I'll return it   it should still be in your name  if it is not then 
good luck ever getting service that's one thing apple is strict about  is it 
YOUR mac  if not they will assume it's stolen and either refuse service or call 
the police
On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:11 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> I know,  but it's on funding so I'm stuck.  I'm not complaining though.  This 
> is going to be a pretty sweet mac.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-02-24, at 9:51 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Lol,
>> You got a new Mac when they are being updated today?  Thats pretty bad 
>> timing.  I would send it back.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Sometime in the next few days a new macbook is arriving here.  It's a 
>>> custom built with 8 gb ram and solid state drive...  the works.
>>> Is there demand for yet another podcast series?  Another person taking a 
>>> new mac out of the box and demonstrating mac basics, mail, safari, other 
>>> mac applications, and consepts, third party software and so on?
>>> I'd be willing to do this in my own unique stammering style, but I'd like 
>>> to see some demand.  It will be duplicating much of other people's work in 
>>> some areas.  Plus it will be a great sacrifice on my part since I'll have 
>>> to slow down and take it easy on my new macbook, adding things one at a 
>>> time and recording and documenting, smiles.  I won't be able to marathon 
>>> the setup and run away with my new macbook.  I'd be more than happy to do 
>>> it though if it really will be useful.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> -- 
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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Jim Barbour
When you say "I should be able to", you really mean "windows allows me to"

I'm afraid the mac doesn't have menu keys like windows does.  It does
have short cut keys for individual menu items.

If you want to navigate around the menus, you need to type VO+M and
then use the arrow keys and VO+space to find and select an item.

Take Care,


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:27:16AM -0800, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> Guys,
> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
> answer?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
I already did  a youtube vid. just go to my youtube link in my sig and click 
the dropbox ink. itis short but it should prove a point.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 24, 2011, at 5:24 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi all!
> As someone else said it is not Apples place to make dev's add accessibility!
> But [ and I do not know how this would work] could the apps star rating be 
> made, so it would only get 5 stars if it is accessible!
> Somehow only people who use accessibility could put a rating that no one else 
> can put!
> And without it an app would never reach 5 stars!
> Oh well its just a thought!
> And back to the protest a lot of us have Skype and some of you are good at 
> podcast's and can record Skype!
> So if a lot of us could put our issue via Skype and someone could put it 
> together and chuck it out on U tube or facebook might that help!
> I would not mind speaking for this purpose!
> We do not have to be nasty just show our problem!
> All the best!
> Colin!
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 24 Feb 2011, at 12:25, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
>> and is disgusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
>> developers didn't care about s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
>> apple does realise that a lot of us are turning to the mac for accessibility 
>> and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away and sell our 
>> expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
>>> list I was writing to.
>>> My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
>>> application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
>>> money from it.
>>> Jim
>>> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
 Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
 app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
 tantamount to saying that every app must be available in, insert
 obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
 So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
 negotiating with.
 On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
> now.
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class 
>> action lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust 
>> them over the head with a 2x4 lol  most business people I uspect are 
>> abotu as stubborn as mules
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Sounds typically militant.
>>> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
>>> way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two 
 years that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  
 Every single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, 
 "We're aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or 
 maybe a bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
 "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
 accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
 from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
 Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are 
 aware, yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to 
 wonder wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are aware. 
  What do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're going to 
 use your service, (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd 
 better be able to use it?  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least 
 one of us; or, as I said before, a number of us, ought to just put it 
 out on the table just like that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We 
 need to do this on a daily basis until they realize that we WILL, NOT, 
 The Constantly Barefo

Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
I pointed the dropbox devs to my youtube vid but they didn't even seem to look 
at it. at least I don't think so based on there response. so maybe the one who 
got the more detailed response can point them to what I did to demonstrate and 
see if that helps them at all as it is a screenshot vid.

Take care all.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:15 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Colin:
> Excellent idea!  Anyone can wine and complain about a product or write a 
> nasty-gram.  A well-put together constructive criticism might actually do 
> some good.  
> Carolyn H
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> As someone else said it is not Apples place to make dev's add accessibility!
>> But [ and I do not know how this would work] could the apps star rating be 
>> made, so it would only get 5 stars if it is accessible!
>> Somehow only people who use accessibility could put a rating that no one 
>> else can put!
>> And without it an app would never reach 5 stars!
>> Oh well its just a thought!
>> And back to the protest a lot of us have Skype and some of you are good at 
>> podcast's and can record Skype!
>> So if a lot of us could put our issue via Skype and someone could put it 
>> together and chuck it out on U tube or facebook might that help!
>> I would not mind speaking for this purpose!
>> We do not have to be nasty just show our problem!
>> All the best!
>> Colin!
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 24 Feb 2011, at 12:25, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> yes but when an ap WAS accessible and no longer is that should be criminal
>>> and is disgusting  let's hope that they give a damn and fix it  if all 
>>> developers didn't care about s we wouldn't have the mac at all and i think 
>>> apple does realise that a lot of us are turning to the mac for 
>>> accessibility and I hope they understand that we will turn as quickly away 
>>> and sell our expensive pretty machies if they become inaccessible
>>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jim Barbour wrote:
 Er, apologies for the reference to the iTunes store.  I forgot which
 list I was writing to.
 My point stands though.  It is not realistic to assume that every Mac
 application should be voiceover friendly before the developer can make
 money from it.
 On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:39:40PM -0800, Jim Barbour wrote:
> Are you suggesting that every developer should make sure that every
> app is VO accessible before the app store carries it?  That wuld be
> tantamount to saying that every app must be available in, insert
> obscure written language here, before it could be sold in the iTunes
> store.
> So, I say to pick your battles and try to be nice to the folks you're
> negotiating with.
> Jim
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 04:27:51PM -0800, louie wrote:
>> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
>> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say 
>> now.
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class 
>>> action lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust 
>>> them over the head with a 2x4 lol  most business people I uspect are 
>>> abotu as stubborn as mules
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Sounds typically militant.
 You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest 
 way to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two 
> years that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  
> Every single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back 
> is, "We're aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us 
> or maybe a bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like 
> this:
> "
> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the 
> accessibility problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear 
> from you is, ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  
> Where's the evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are 
> aware, yet, we see no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  
> to wonder wheterh or not you really actually care; even if you are 
> aware.  What do we have to do to make you understand that, if we're 

Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
or down arrow or enter to open a menu.

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jim Barbour wrote:

> When you say "I should be able to", you really mean "windows allows me to"
> I'm afraid the mac doesn't have menu keys like windows does.  It does
> have short cut keys for individual menu items.
> If you want to navigate around the menus, you need to type VO+M and
> then use the arrow keys and VO+space to find and select an item.
> Take Care,
> Jim
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:27:16AM -0800, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
>> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
>> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
>> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
>> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
>> answer?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
>> -- 
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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Greg Aikens
Or after hitting VO+M to get to the menu, hit f for file, e for edit, etc. and 
hit down arrow to open the menu.  Just start typing the one you want and it 
should move you there quickly.  Not quite as streamline as alt+f at first, but 
its not a major inconvenience.  

On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> or down arrow or enter to open a menu.
> Take care.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM:
> website:
> Podcast:
> youtube:
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>> When you say "I should be able to", you really mean "windows allows me to"
>> I'm afraid the mac doesn't have menu keys like windows does.  It does
>> have short cut keys for individual menu items.
>> If you want to navigate around the menus, you need to type VO+M and
>> then use the arrow keys and VO+space to find and select an item.
>> Take Care,
>> Jim
>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:27:16AM -0800, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
>>> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
>>> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
>>> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
>>> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
>>> answer?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
You could probably set those keyboard shortcuts up under keyboard but that 
would be a major pain! lol!

Take care all.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Feb 24, 2011, at 11:34 AM, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Or after hitting VO+M to get to the menu, hit f for file, e for edit, etc. 
> and hit down arrow to open the menu.  Just start typing the one you want and 
> it should move you there quickly.  Not quite as streamline as alt+f at first, 
> but its not a major inconvenience.  
> Greg
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> or down arrow or enter to open a menu.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM:
>> website:
>> Podcast:
>> youtube:
>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jim Barbour wrote:
>>> When you say "I should be able to", you really mean "windows allows me to"
>>> I'm afraid the mac doesn't have menu keys like windows does.  It does
>>> have short cut keys for individual menu items.
>>> If you want to navigate around the menus, you need to type VO+M and
>>> then use the arrow keys and VO+space to find and select an item.
>>> Take Care,
>>> Jim
>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:27:16AM -0800, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
 I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
 What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
 for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
 right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
 like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Esther
Hi Kevin,

If you want to move to the "File" menu or the "Edit" menu on your menu bar, 
after you use VO-M to move to the menu bar, just type the first letter of the 
menu item (e.g., VO-M, and then press "f" and you will be at the "File" menu).  
This works quite generally in Mac OS X, and is independent of VoiceOver use.  
Actually, I generally use the OS X default shortcuts in place of the VoiceOver 
specific shortcuts where they are available, and instead of using VO-M to move 
to the menu bar, I use Control-F2.  To move to the status menu bar I use 
Control-F8 instead of VO-M twice.  And to move to the Dock, I use Control-F3, 
instead of VO-D.

In each of these areas (menu bar, status menu bar, dock, and the individual 
menu and submenu items), and also in Finder, tables in iTunes and other apps, 
playlists. etc., you can move to items either by using your arrow keys or by 
quickly pressing keys for the first few letters of the item name.  You can also 
combine moving by using arrow keys and moving by pressing the first few letters 
of an item name.  For example, let's say that I'm in TextEdit and want to open 
a recently used file.  I can press Control-F2 (or VO-M, if you like) to move to 
the menu bar, press "f" to move to the "File" menu, press down arrow to move 
into the "File menu", press "o" to move to "Open Recent" (which will be 
announced as "sub-menu"), press right arrow to move into the submenu, and then 
arrow down to find the recent file I want to use.  I then press either "Return" 
(or the "Enter" key from Windows parlance), or VO-Space to select that item, 
and I'm moved to the that file in TextEdit.

Incidentally, VO-Space is a general command for "perform the default action".  
This can be selecting an item, checking a check box, pressing a button, etc.   
Also, the rule for pressing the first few letters of an item moves you to the 
first item that matches what you type, so on the "Mail" menu bar, where 
arrowing through gives you multiple menu items beginning with "m", such as 
"Mail", "Mailbox", and "Message", pressing "m" takes you to the first match 
(e.g. "Mail"), and to move directly to "Message" I would have had to press "m 
e".  Hope this makes sense.  It actually takes longer to type the explanations 
than it does to navigate.  Also, in using item chooser menu (say on a web 
page), if I want to go to a link with a particular name, after using VO-I, I 
might press "l i n" in quick succession to get a list of links, and then press 
the first few letters for the name of the link on the filtered list of results 
that I want to go to, in order to filter the matches even further.  I can also 
use my arrow keys to more through these entries.

In other words, if you think you're doing too much work to navigate in 
VoiceOver, you probably are, but the equivalent way of shortening this won't 
necessarily be the same as what you're used to using with JAWS and Windows.  We 
also use shortcut key sequences for frequently used menu items.


On Feb 24, 2011, at 08:37, Jim Barbour wrote:

> When you say "I should be able to", you really mean "windows allows me to"
> I'm afraid the mac doesn't have menu keys like windows does.  It does
> have short cut keys for individual menu items.
> If you want to navigate around the menus, you need to type VO+M and
> then use the arrow keys and VO+space to find and select an item.
> Take Care,
> Jim
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:27:16AM -0800, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
>> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
>> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
>> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
>> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
>> answer?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin

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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Robert Nelson
Dear kevin,
I am sorry .  There are no standard keyboard commands to open these menus.

Sincerely Yours,
robert Nelson

On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:27 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Guys,
> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
> answer?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: accessible radio apps

2011-02-24 Thread Html-man
But iTunes doesn't have many international stations 

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Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
What a strange post.

I have to say the same thing I did then.  So what?  Just because they choose to 
ignore you, doesn't mean you should just give up.  I will draw a parallel but 
off course this was a much bigger deal.  When African Americans marched and 
petitioned for civil rights, I'm sure many people ignored them.  But they kept 
on.  And many people are better off because they did.  You feel it is a 
hopeless cause and thats fine.  But that doesn't mean people who don't are out 
of touch with reality or something.  I really have know idea what your 
statement was suppose to mean.  It's not like you said the Earth was round and 
everyone else was saying it was flat and you just proved us wrong so know you 
need a pat on the back or something.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:27 PM, louie wrote:

> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say now.
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class action 
>> lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust them over the 
>> head with a 2x4 lol  most buisness people I uspect are abotu as stubborn as 
>> mules
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Sounds typically militant.
>>> You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest way 
>>> to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two years 
 that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  Every 
 single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, "We're 
 aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or maybe a bunch 
 of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
 "Every single time any one of us has written you about the accessibility 
 problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear from you is, ""We're 
 aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  Where's the evidence of 
 your work?  You keep saying that you are aware, yet, we see no results.  
 To speak frankly, we are beginning  to wonder wheterh or not you really 
 actually care; even if you are aware.  What do we have to do to make you 
 understand that, if we're going to use your service, (especially if we're 
 going to pay for it), we'd better be able to use it?  What will it take?". 
  Yes, I think at least one of us; or, as I said before, a number of us, 
 ought to just put it out on the table just like that.  Just one of us 
 isn't enough.  We need to do this on a daily basis until they realize that 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> O can set it up fine. But you have a point there. 
> On 22/02/2011, at 0:31, Jes Smith  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> As far as I'm concerned, the complete inaccessibility of Drop Box on the 
>> Mac is inexcusable. And, I tell you this, if I was the CEO of Apple, 
>> developers would either write their code based on Apple's accessibility 
>> guidelines, or, there programs would just be rejected. IT's a black and 
>> white issue as far as I'm concerned.
>> I mean, mercy! IT's bad enough that we couldn't access the drop box 
>> menu, but now that we can't even set the client up without sighted help? 
>> And honestly, I don't think petitions would do a lot for our cause. 
>> Individual complaints have been sent to drop box for over two years, and 
>> they've done nothing to show us that they hear our cries for 
>> accessibility. I'd sign the petition, but don't think it will help much.
>> -- 
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Re: [Bulk] Re: My 2 cents about the inaccessibility of the set up of drop box

2011-02-24 Thread T wood
I agree with this 100 %.
On 2011-02-24, at 4:11 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> What a strange post.
> I have to say the same thing I did then.  So what?  Just because they choose 
> to ignore you, doesn't mean you should just give up.  I will draw a parallel 
> but off course this was a much bigger deal.  When African Americans marched 
> and petitioned for civil rights, I'm sure many people ignored them.  But they 
> kept on.  And many people are better off because they did.  You feel it is a 
> hopeless cause and thats fine.  But that doesn't mean people who don't are 
> out of touch with reality or something.  I really have know idea what your 
> statement was suppose to mean.  It's not like you said the Earth was round 
> and everyone else was saying it was flat and you just proved us wrong so know 
> you need a pat on the back or something.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:27 PM, louie wrote:
>> Like I said they don't care and they don't have to.
>> Every one that put me down for saying the above what do you have to say now.
>> On Feb 23, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> well honestly I don't think it matters what we do short of a class action 
>>> lawsuit because like most things  noone cares unless you bust them over the 
>>> head with a 2x4 lol  most buisness people I uspect are abotu as stubborn as 
>>> mules
>>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Sounds typically militant.
 You won't get any results with a message like this.  It's the quickest way 
 to get your requests sent to /dev/null.
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Look, here's how I see it.  They've been telling us for about two years 
> that they know about the accessibility issues witth Drop Box.  Every 
> single time one of us writes them about it, all we hear back is, "We're 
> aware of the problem".  I reckon it's high time one of us or maybe a 
> bunch of us wrote them and frankly said something like this:
> "
> "Every single time any one of us has written you about the accessibility 
> problems we've been having with Drop Box, all we hear from you is, 
> ""We're aware of it and are working on it."".  Really?  Where's the 
> evidence of your work?  You keep saying that you are aware, yet, we see 
> no results.  To speak frankly, we are beginning  to wonder wheterh or not 
> you really actually care; even if you are aware.  What do we have to do 
> to make you understand that, if we're going to use your service, 
> (especially if we're going to pay for it), we'd better be able to use it? 
>  What will it take?".  Yes, I think at least one of us; or, as I said 
> before, a number of us, ought to just put it out on the table just like 
> that.  Just one of us isn't enough.  We need to do this on a daily basis 
> until they realize that we WILL, NOT, BE, IGNORED!!!
> Thoughts?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> O can set it up fine. But you have a point there. 
>> On 22/02/2011, at 0:31, Jes Smith  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> As far as I'm concerned, the complete inaccessibility of Drop Box on 
>>> the Mac is inexcusable. And, I tell you this, if I was the CEO of 
>>> Apple, developers would either write their code based on Apple's 
>>> accessibility guidelines, or, there programs would just be rejected. 
>>> IT's a black and white issue as far as I'm concerned.
>>> I mean, mercy! IT's bad enough that we couldn't access the drop box 
>>> menu, but now that we can't even set the client up without sighted 
>>> help? And honestly, I don't think petitions would do a lot for our 
>>> cause. Individual complaints have been sent to drop box for over two 
>>> years, and they've done nothing to show us that they hear our cries for 
>>> accessibility. I'd sign the petition, but don't think it will help much.
>>> -- 
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Re: Mac and PC accessibility: more similar or more different?

2011-02-24 Thread T wood
This is why I snicker. Diehard windows fans say how good jaws works. Works? 
Yeah, for the $1300 Canadian we pay here, it should! Imho, instead of adding 
useless features, fs needs to get with the program and get rid of bugs that 
have been evident since, oh, 7.0.  I use fusion and NVDA. Jaws has seen the 
last bit of money from me and apple will see plenty more - and a year ago, I 
would have been saying it the other way around!

Just my thoughts, though...

On 2011-02-24, at 11:33 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> As far as web browsing is concerned, flash doesn't work well at all with VO, 
> whereas some Windows screen-readers have support to flash pages with built-in 
> accessibility elements. Other than saying this, though, I kind of shy away 
> from comparisons. If I really wanted to use Windows because I'm used to it, 
> I'd probably go the Bootcamp or Fusion route. I've left Windows behind for a 
> year now, so it's kind of a moot topic for me personally.
> Tee
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:12 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hum, I'm not really sure this is a relevant question.  When it comes to 
>> features, mac is solid.  Not every need is met at this point and there is 
>> still loads of room for improvement, but day to day I venture to say most 
>> computer users would never miss jaws.
>> Let's take your case in point for example.  Jaws doesn't support UIA yet.  
>> That means it doesn't work with IE9.  Window-eyes and nvda both do.  So, if 
>> you are running the latest mac OS which has nothing what-so-ever to do with 
>> UIA, then you might see a webpage beautifully.  But it might be designed in 
>> html 5 geared towards the very latest browsing capabilities.  So if you try 
>> it in IE8 it may not work as nicely, but if you are a jaws user and you 
>> upgrade to IE9, then no pages will work at all.  But if you are an NVDA or 
>> window-eyes user then you may have no trouble.   OR, the page may only have 
>> been tested in firefox.  Maybe it's wonderful in firefox, but not nice at 
>> all in Safari or flavours of internet explorer.  This is why no one is 
>> really doing what you're asking here.  It just doesn't make sense to split 
>> hairs this way.  You could second-guess yourself in circles all day at that 
>> rate.
>> As far as web browsing goes, Voiceover and safari has features such as web 
>> element navigation, place markers and text search, but it also has features 
>> that no other system has, such as the item chooser, or the article reader 
>> which is part of safari, not voiceover.  Then again, I really can't think of 
>> a single feature that window-eyes, jaws, or NVDA offers that voiceover 
>> doesn't.  Not on the web at least.  I'm sure there must be some, but I 
>> simply can't think of one, except for multi-browser support.  With voiceover 
>> you get safari and webkit and that's about it.
>> It comes down to what you want to do with a screen reader and a computer and 
>> only you can make those decisions.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-02-24, at 2:29 AM, Pommette wrote:
>>> Has anyone been systematically comparing how well access works between
>>> VO and Windows-based programs like JAWS? Do the same accessibility
>>> tests apply to both platforms, or will one be better for some things
>>> than the other? I'm not raising this question as a contest - I'm
>>> simply trying to understand how things work, and what assumptions I
>>> can make.  For example, if someone says that a site or program works
>>> well with JAWS, can I be pretty sure that VO will also be happy? And
>>> if something doesn't play well with VO, can I be indignant on behalf
>>> of all who use screen readers? I know there are some huge contrasts as
>>> with MS Word.  But is this an exception?  Thanks!
>>> -- 
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Re: Looking for keyboard commands for file, edit, view etc.

2011-02-24 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Kevin,

There is not such a thing.  There is though the ability to type the first few 
letters of menus and menu options.  That is, VO-m to bring focus to the 
menubar, "-e-s" to go to the Messages menu, down arrow to open the menu, then 
either arrow or type the first few letters of the menu option you wish to 
access.  Alternatively, you have keyboard shortcuts like in Windows such as 
cmd-o to open, cmd-w to close etc.  Many of the keyboard shortcuts are more or 
less the same as in Windows, just use the Command key instead of Control.


On 2011-02-24, at 11:27 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Guys,
> I'm still learning to move from JAWS to VO, and from Windows to Mac.
> What I'm looking for is the equivalent  of Alt F for file menu, Alt E
> for edit menu and so on.  I don't want to always type VO M and then
> right arrow tot he menu I want.  I should be able to type something
> like Command F for file, Command E for edit and so on.  What's the
> answer?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Kevin Chao
Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: i works

2011-02-24 Thread Kevin Chao
For a detailed  and comprehensive  look at Mac OS X iWork with VOiceOver, 
please see VoiceOver On podcast:

On Feb 23, 2011, at 4:26 AM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> Is i works accessi?
> If not, what alternatives are there?
> Steph
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Re: iWork Numbers Detailed Look

2011-02-24 Thread Kevin Chao
Hi Jon,

Aside from   TIm Kilburn, who VOiceOver On Team had do demo; you are only one 
who has a knowledge of how spreadsheets work and  provided anything useful.

I wonder if you have experience  with  iWOrk Pages and/or KeyNote. VoiceOver On 
Team had ANne RObertson on to show those two applications.

It would be great to have  your thoughts on other aspects of iWork. 

I'll provide my comments inline.
> I believe this was a more complete look. I had wished to see that changes 
> made would stick.  
> - THanks for listening, glad you found it to be complete, and you find iWOrk 
> Numbers accessibility to be lacking. 
> Some thoughts ffrom somebody that has used Numbers for about one hour...
- It doesn't take that much time to figure out, knowledge of spreadsheets 
certainly  helps. 
> 1.  Mouse clicking on cells is important.
- Yes, it is, especially for selecting adjacent and non-adjacent cells, and 
other functions. VoiceOver does not have proper support here. 
> 2. It appears that Numbers likes most of the page style to be outside the 
> spreadsheet area.  If one brings up one of the templates provided by Apple, 
> There are usually text and graphic boxes around the table / tables within the 
> layout area.
- Other templates may result in VOiceOver accessibility  issues when working 
with  spreadsheet. 
> 4. Kevin appeared to be trying to do several things with styles.  Header 1, 
> Header 2, Header 3. are inherited from HTML Where there are several header 
> levels.  Since Tables (and actually Excel 2007 orgreater) want the user to 
> actually select rows as headers of a table this functionality is probably 
> better done that way.  The other styles that were mentioned appered  to be at 
> the format style of the numbers which Numbers calls something quite different 
> than Style.
- styles attempted  include: title, total, heading 1, heading 2, accent 20% 
etc. These are functional   styles, not astetic   ones, such as ones found in 
Numbers. These are not HTML styles.  
> I would be curious if a blind person could create a text box centered over 
> the top of  a table .
- VoiceOver isn't able to see or work   with  objects of any kind in Numbers. 
> One other point...  Numbers seems to not be fixed with the idea that the 
> fifth column is "E"  This was something I first saw on the NeXT Operating 
> System under a Lotus product.  Can anybody explain how this works  when 
> starting a new sheet or table?
- There are many things Numbers and VOiceOver  does not understand about 
> Jon
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Feb 20, 2011, at 3:50 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Apple iWork Numbers detailed look:  selection, formulas, fills, styles
>> and more.
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Re: testing brailledisplays for mac and iphone4

2011-02-24 Thread Dan Roy

can you input from the keyboard on the focus in to your iPhone and Macbook?

I have an old pacmate 40 display that only works with USB. I can get it to 
display braille fine, but, I can't get any of the routing buttons to work on 
the display, they do absolutely nothing.

The Focus 40 blue is much more advanced and has a braille keyboard.  If that 
all works, it might be worth me looking in to it.

On Feb 23, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote:

> hi all
> i use my braille focus 40 blue connected to my mac book, iphone 3 G S, Ipod 
> touch and Ipad. I haven't experienced any problems in connecting the focus 40 
> blue with all these devices.
> kind regards.
> Ahmed.
> On 23 Feb 2011, at 14:45, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> The reason for it won't work might be because you don't search for the 
>> Bluetooth displays from Settings, general, accessibility, VOiceover and 
>> Braille.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 23/02/2011 kl. 14.55 skrev William Windels:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have tested some brailledisplays with iphone4 and macbook (last versions 
>>> of the os).
>>> I am interested in one of the following displays:
>>> Eurobraille ESYS40
>>> Papenmeier Trio
>>> focus 40 blue 
>>> I was able to connect the esys40 with my macbook with bluetooth and usb.
>>> The bluetooth was only working when I put out the sd-card.
>>> With the iphone4 , I had no success at all.
>>> The iPhone was searching for a display but it wasn't possible for the 
>>> iphone4 to see that display.
>>> The strange thing is that it has worked after some trial and errors with 
>>> the iphone4 of another person.
>>> The only thing you can do for searching bluetooth devices with the iphone 
>>> is in settings/global/bluetooth?
>>> The focus40 was working with the macbook but we haven't tested it with the 
>>> iphone4.
>>> The Papenmeier Trio wasn't in the company to test this morning but any 
>>> comments about this device for the iphone4 and the macbook are also very 
>>> welcome.
>>> Also, is there an option on the iphone4 to set some options for the code 
>>> that you need to use for pairing?
>>> On the macbook, there are some options to specify but, it seems , not on 
>>> the iphone4.
>>> Thanx alot for your answers,
>>> best regards,
>>> William Windels
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Buddy Brannan
If there are, you very likely will never hear about them. NDA's and all that. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: 27 inch iMac Firewire chipset question

2011-02-24 Thread Justin Kauflin
Very well put Esther, and thanks so much for the info.  Very handy stuff.

In addition to the points you made, I use Boot Camp to run a number of audio 
recording programs, and when running under Windows 7, I've encountered  issues 
with the non Texas Instruments Firewire port with a number of audio interfaces. 
 Texas Instruments chipsets just tend not to have any  of these issues.

On Feb 23, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> With the newer chipset for the Firewire port, there is more latency in the 
> recording process.  This was a big factor in the decision by professional 
> musicians of which computer to get, going all the way back to the initial 
> MacBook Pro releases (pre-Unibody design).  Justin, or someone who is using 
> their Mac for professional music recording could doubtless give you a better 
> answer.  Also, when there is only one Firewire port, you need to think very 
> carefully about the order of your devices in the chain.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 23, 2011, at 13:18, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> why does the chipset matter? just curious as i have never used firewire
>> On Feb 22, 2011, at 6:59 PM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>>> I'm thinking about purchasing the 27 inch iMac but had one question before 
>>> making the leap.  Does anyone have any idea whether the newest models have 
>>> a Texas Instruments chipset for the Firewire port?
>>>   I called Apple, and  they wouldn't say.  This was a real bummer, as the 
>>> chipset on this thing is going to be a deal breaker for me.
>>>   If anyone has one of these models and isn't sure how to find out what the 
>>> chipset is, as far as I know, you can  find it out if you have boot camp 
>>> running.  The device manager in Windows tells you the manufacturer of the 
>>> chipset..
>>> Thanks to anyone who might be able to hook me up with this info.
>>> Justin
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread carolyn Haas
What are you talking about?  Who wonders?  How did Lion come up?  I'd beta test 
if they need people.  But, I haven't heard word one about any of this.  

Carolyn H
On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Oyen
I'd like to be one. I just don't have the hardware to dedicate to the task. :(


On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Brandon Misch
i just hope the ram requirements aren't higher this time. 

On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I'd like to be one. I just don't have the hardware to dedicate to the task. :(
> -Eric
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
>> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
>> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
>> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Carolyn,


um, I think he wonders?  Let me try to clear it up a little.  Today Apple 
released a OSX 10.7 Lion developer preview.  So Kevin was just wondering if we 
are being represented among the testers.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:07 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Kevin:
> What are you talking about?  Who wonders?  How did Lion come up?  I'd beta 
> test if they need people.  But, I haven't heard word one about any of this.  
> Carolyn H
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
>> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
>> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
>> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Well it does not take a whole lot to be able to test...  You need to have a 
machine that you can live with if it does not work, and you need to register as 
an Apple developer.  I believe indivduals can become developers for $100.  
Check the Apple developers web site for more details.  

Also of interest, Tidbits says that the Lion Preview is installed via the 

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
how can you become one?  I've got a MBP15 with 4M RAM and lots of space left on 
my internal. Whose finger do I pull? :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Oyen
I am unwilling to take my one working mac and install a beta OS on it. I don't 
want to lose what I have now. I seriously need to find a used mac mini to do 
this with. my old core 2 duo imac is getting a little long in the tooth for 


On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Well it does not take a whole lot to be able to test...  You need to have a 
> machine that you can live with if it does not work, and you need to register 
> as an Apple developer.  I believe indivduals can become developers for $100.  
> Check the Apple developers web site for more details.  
> Also of interest, Tidbits says that the Lion Preview is installed via the 
> Appstore.
> Jonathan 
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This is 
>> very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to be 
>> tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm not 
>> sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Go to
and click on the "lion" link.  I am not currently registered so I could not get 
past the sign on page.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> how can you become one?  I've got a MBP15 with 4M RAM and lots of space left 
> on my internal. Whose finger do I pull? :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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when i launch mac scan "voice over has no windows"

2011-02-24 Thread trahern culver
hey all i red on this list that mac scan was accsessable but every
time i launch it voice over sais "voice over has no windows" and just
dings at me!! does any  one know how to solv this problem?

your help with problem would be most welcom!!

kind regards trahern.

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RE: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-24 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Do you think my mac will run it? I have a regular mac book with two gigs of

Skype: leogirl48

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion

i just hope the ram requirements aren't higher this time. 

On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I'd like to be one. I just don't have the hardware to dedicate to the
task. :(
> -Eric
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers? This
is very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs to
be tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc, I'm
not sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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music notation and the mac?

2011-02-24 Thread Karen Lewellen

Let me ask this with care so you follow what I mean.
Is there a voiceover friendly mac program for creating music notation, say 
for sheet music and arrangements?
For example, in Linux  there is a program called Lilypond, which is 
totally command line  so speech friendly.
I am not so much thinking about composing, although that answer is fine 
too.  Instead I am thinking of creating printed music for other musicians 
to read.

site for Lilypond is:
In case you want a peek.
thanks, Kare

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Re: music notation and the mac?

2011-02-24 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope not that I'm aware of if you want something like sibaelius or how ever you 
spell it there is nothing that I"m aware of that is accessibil for the mac as 
far as I'm aware. I also arange and write music so I too am interested in this
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

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On Feb 24, 2011, at 9:37 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Hi,
> Let me ask this with care so you follow what I mean.
> Is there a voiceover friendly mac program for creating music notation, say 
> for sheet music and arrangements?
> For example, in Linux  there is a program called Lilypond, which is totally 
> command line  so speech friendly.
> I am not so much thinking about composing, although that answer is fine too.  
> Instead I am thinking of creating printed music for other musicians to read.
> site for Lilypond is:
> In case you want a peek.
> thanks, Kare
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