Hey everyone,

My name is Tyler. Picked myself a macbook pro 15" core i7 about 6 months ago. 
Have had nothing but good luck with it, and now that I finally have gotten used 
to the thing I have a few questions.

1. How do you use dropbox? Or actually, how can't we use it? I thought there 
was a way around that with the window chooser, but am I wrong now? I have it 
set up on my virtual machine as of right now, though it keeps telling me it 
cannot access dropbox folder even though things are being uploaded and 

2. This is more my main question because I'm really not happy. I bought audio 
highjack pro, and was able to highjack system audio, which was really my goal 
all along - so I could broadcast said audio to skype. I installed soundflower, 
which is required to go along with it. I eventually bought it, and soon after 
that things went a bit haywire...

I updated it, (probably a bad mistake) and it told me to instal the extra 
"instant on". Well ok, I figured this must be some new king of thing. Suddenly, 
highjack doesn't work. If I highjack system audio I get nothing, and the person 
I'm trying to demonstrate on skype isn't hearing a thing iether. Ok, fine. I 
tried highjacking just one application - vlc, to be exact - and I also got 
nothing. So ok. I downgraded to my previous version, and from then on have had 
nothing but problems with the thing. If I try and highjack system audio now, I 
lose all sounds including voiceover. If I navigate out of the window to see if 
it worked (I did this multiple times, ugh) and I couldn't get back to the 
highjack checkbox, all sounds were lost and when I hard booted the thing, I got 
nothing until I went to system preferences, interacted with the preferenace 
pain and hit so quick. Then hoped like heck I could find internal 
speakers/headphones. All of this done with no speech.

I tried uninstalling audio highjack pro and soundflower completely, going as 
far as removing them from .com.apple etc. So now I'm lost...what do I do from 
here? Can I access soundflower somehow, did I do something wrong? I just want 
this to be able to work, but I can't highjack anything, including other 

3. Ok, I saw some chat about this in the archives but I'm still unclear. How 
exactly do you use caffeine? I heard there were multiple ways to go about it, 
but I'm still unclear on how exactly this is accomplished. I got told I could 
use insomnia x by hitting vo m three times, using the trackpad to find the menu 
bar for it. That, however, failed. I couldn't find anything and still can't to 
this day when I open it. So this is getting rather annoying - all I want to do 
is close the lid of this thing when I'm chatting on skype so I don't bash it 
into something one of these days and scratch it's beautiful finish...

I would also like to take the time here to thank Rick Harmon and Mike Arrigo. 
They were the main reason I made the purchas and I don't regret it in the 
slightest, $2150 or not. Probably the most stable peace of technology I've ever 
owned, and my windows laptop and windows netbook have a lot of dust on them. 
Also, the battery life, for being a core i7, is finominal. I have a few other 
questions, but I think I've rambled on enough.

thanks in advance - by the way, am always up for a chat - my contact info is 
skype: the_conman283
msn is the same - just with @hotmail.com at the end.
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wolfman1360

- Tyler

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