Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
I guess but, what if you lose a CD?  Or if it gets damaged or scratched.  You 
would need to go out and get another copy.  So I think the making a copy of a 
copy is a bit over blown.  It the same as buying a CD, then burning a copy of 
that just in case.  About the family car, like I said earlier, when they stop 
making cars with CD players and replace them with USB ports and internet 
connectivity which is already happening, your CDs won't play in new cars anyway.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:09 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I hope they won't go out, if so, what will we listen to in the family car 
> that doesn't have  a line-in cable or a USB port thingy? I like stereo 
> systems with CD players. I also agree with the point of having a backup of a 
> backup. Although I do listen to most of my music on my Ipod, I still use 
> CD's, mainly when I'm riding in the car with my relatives.
> Courtney
> On 13/11/2010, at 4:47 in the Afternoon, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
>> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
>> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
>> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
>> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
>> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you have 
>> to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  have 
>> relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player age. so 
>> when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to etc...
>> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
>> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have saved 
>> some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of it as of 
>> yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Chris Snyder
Personally, I use Hulu and other sites to watch the tv shows I like. It works 
well enough for my taste. I've already made the switch. I also use a program 
called Rip it to change my dvds into mp4 files. They work wherever I need them 
on the mac or iPhone.


On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you 
> like all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
> Courtney
> Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 
> 08:00 UTC on
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>>  I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
>> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
>> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
>> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Allison,

On 14 Nov 2010, at 08:18, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Yes you are correct, but you still have to buy the American voices if you do 
> not have them already installed. Heather does come in the bundle, but unless 
> you have the American voices installed, the British ones will not work. I 
> learned this  from experience.
I don't know how this can have happened to you. I have the British voices as 
well as the French and French Canadian voices but not the American voices and 
everything works fine. I've never heard of anyone having to buy the American 
voices for other voices to work. You should take this up with David Niemeijer 
of AssistiveWare.

And for those interested in getting Infovox iVox voices, I strongly recommend 
adding GhostReader to your purchase as it will cost you very little more and is 
a very useful document reader.



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saving as mp3

2010-11-14 Thread Ahmed Alomran
i am writing to ask whether there is a way to save text files as mp3 with alex 
kind regards.

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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread Esther

Hi Allison,

I'm a bit confused about the statement that you need to have the  
American Infovox voices installed in order for the British voices to  
work.  Are you sure this is a necessity and not a function of the kind  
of license your purchased?  I thought that could purchase any voice  
pack, including a British voice pack which had the Heather voice.   
However, the way that the pricing and licensing works, you're charged  
at one rate for the first language license pack that you purchase, and  
then the price drops substantially for the second language pack that  
you buy.  But if you asked to purchase the British voices using the  
add-on pack license pricing, then you're correct, that type of license  
requires that you have an original single user license.

So for a U.S. user, I think your first license (for a non-Scandinavian  
voice) would cost $99, and a language update pack license (for a non- 
Scandinavian voice) would cost $49.50.  If you bought your first  
license for British voices as a language update pack license (at  
$49.50), then it's true that license won't work unless you also have  
an initial license at the $99 price, but I don't think the $99 license  
has to be for the U.S. English voices.  If Ray is trying to buy the  
Infovox voices in the U.S. or Canada, then I would just either call or  
email the people at Origin Instruments in Texas to ask what license he  
needs to get for the voices he wants.  I'll paste in the contact info:

Origin Instruments Corporation
854 Greenview Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

Voice: 972-606-8740
FAX: 972-606-8741


I would recommend getting the bundle of Infovox voices with  
GhostReader for $10 more ($109 for non-Scandinavian language) -- it  
has a nice feature to record to audio, and you can switch voices in  
text that's being read through the use of an undocumented feature.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 13, 2010, at 21:18, Allison Manzino wrote:

Yes you are correct, but you still have to buy the American voices  
if you do not have them already installed. Heather does come in the  
bundle, but unless you have the American voices installed, the  
British ones will not work. I learned this  from experience.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:16 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:

My understanding is that if you buy the british voices, you get  
Heather in the bundle.

On 14/11/2010, at 11:20 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Ah yes,  I've just now installed the US and British voices.  If I  
wanted to purchase just the US and British voices, how can you be  
sure you're not paying for voices you're not going to use?  When I  
went to the infovox app, I saw the button where it says "purchase  
online".  From what I could tell, I need one license for the US  
voices and a second license for the British Voices.  IS that  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi Chenelle Ray and all,

I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin  
instruments but obviously can't remember the link. Here is where  
you can download a demo:

I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a  
wonderful evening.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't  
open the page.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi Chenelle,
I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my  
Mac. You go to

I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have  
British English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from  
the Infovox platform before you can add more. I found that out  
the hard way. I have Heather, Laura and Ryan which are the  
American voices. They are good as well. I hope that helps. Have  
a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info about the Bletooth  
Apple Wireless keyboard.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

hi all:
i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get  
international  voices such an austraillian voice, an e  
brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: See FinanceInstallation

2010-11-14 Thread Les Kriegler

I'm attempting to install this package for trial purposes.  I moved the disk 
image to the applications folder, I open the image and choose the associated 
.app file.  I must do this every time I wish to run this program.  It does not 
show up in the list of available applications.  I'm assuming I'm missing a step?


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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread Ruud Bemelmans
All the language bundles are standalone as far as I know. That said, at 
one point I'm going to get the Dutch voices to cover surfing Dutch 
websites without having to decipher what exactly is being said by an 
English voice (which can be done, but not very efficiently).

As I'll be switching quite a lot between Dutch and English voices, does 
anyone know if I could move the voices within voiceOver utility so I can 
switch easily with VO-command-arrows? I haven't messed around with that 
yet, but the VO-Command-Arrows only let you switch between 5 or 6 voices 
as far as I know.

And I'll bare in mind about picking up ghost reader with the voices.

-- Ruud

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Re: See FinanceInstallation

2010-11-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yeah,  you got it a little backwards.  You just copy the .app file from the 
disk image and paste it into the applications folder.  Then you can just erase 
the .dmg file.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 14, 2010, at 4:02 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm attempting to install this package for trial purposes.  I moved the disk 
> image to the applications folder, I open the image and choose the associated 
> .app file.  I must do this every time I wish to run this program.  It does 
> not show up in the list of available applications.  I'm assuming I'm missing 
> a step?
> Les   
> -- 
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Re: Been away too long from Yurufukuru - a couple of stupid questions

2010-11-14 Thread Dan Eickmeier
I've also disabled auto complete, as I found it to get in the way, rather than 
help me to use the client the way I wanted.  .  
On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. contact the dev about the auto complete issue. As far as your first 
> question I hit cmd n and hit follow @username. Oh and I turn auto complete 
> off btw. I also can't get that sucker to work. lol!
> S
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Here comes the second stupid question. This time, it's about the Twitter 
>> client Yurufukuru. I was playing with it a while a couple days ago and i had 
>> a hard time, or rather a struggle to make it do what i wanted. I couldn't 
>> for the life of me figure out how to follow a user. No matter where i 
>> looked, there didn't seem to be a way to follow a user.
>> Secondly i had a really hard time with the auto completion feature. No 
>> matter how i did it, i could not get it to accept that i wanted to DM a user 
>> not in the list, i had to give up alltogether, because the autocompletion 
>> put the cursor where i didn't want it and i couldn't find a way to actually 
>> place the cursor where i wanted it, so that i could complete the name of the 
>> user i wished to DM. Once i managed to convinse the auto completion that i 
>> would write to a person not in the auto completion list, but that was only 
>> once, and Lord knows how i did it, so if anyone has some hints about how one 
>> goes about to make working with Yurufukuru less of a battle and more of a 
>> pleasure, i'd be ever so greatful.
>> /Krister
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alternative e mail clients

2010-11-14 Thread chad baker
Hi has anyone tried any alternative e mail clients?
i know apple mail is the main one just wondering if there's any other 
accessible ones

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RE: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread RvR
Hi Ruud,
I use the Dutch voices as well and can switch with VO command arrow keys
between all available voices. No limits whatsoever.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Ruud Bemelmans
Verzonden: zondag 14 november 2010 10:40
Onderwerp: Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

All the language bundles are standalone as far as I know. That said, at 
one point I'm going to get the Dutch voices to cover surfing Dutch 
websites without having to decipher what exactly is being said by an 
English voice (which can be done, but not very efficiently).

As I'll be switching quite a lot between Dutch and English voices, does 
anyone know if I could move the voices within voiceOver utility so I can 
switch easily with VO-command-arrows? I haven't messed around with that 
yet, but the VO-Command-Arrows only let you switch between 5 or 6 voices 
as far as I know.

And I'll bare in mind about picking up ghost reader with the voices.

-- Ruud

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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread Ruud Bemelmans

Cool, thanks.

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Vaughn Bennison
Internet tv hasn't yet taken off in Australia, and I don't know if it will.

On 14/11/2010, at 6:14 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Personally, I use Hulu and other sites to watch the tv shows I like. It works 
> well enough for my taste. I've already made the switch. I also use a program 
> called Rip it to change my dvds into mp4 files. They work wherever I need 
> them on the mac or iPhone.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you 
>> like all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
>> Courtney
>> Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays 
>> at 08:00 UTC on
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
>>> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
>>> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
>>> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
>>> Scott
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
>>> Hi all,
>>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
>>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
>>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
>>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
Don't you have ridiculous volume capping measures in Australia?  Last I heard 
it was really hard to find internet service there where they didn't squeeze the 
crap out of customers.  It's pretty bad here.  Video junkies and gamers feel a 
bit of a pinch but if you absolutely have to go for a big name provider you can 
make do.  Or you can get around the capping by shopping smart and going with 
some one who doesn't cap.  It's been a while, but if the useage situation there 
is still what I remember then it's really not surprising that tv over the net 
hasn't really taken off.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-14, at 7:09 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:

> Internet tv hasn't yet taken off in Australia, and I don't know if it will.
> Vaughn.
> On 14/11/2010, at 6:14 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Personally, I use Hulu and other sites to watch the tv shows I like. It 
>> works well enough for my taste. I've already made the switch. I also use a 
>> program called Rip it to change my dvds into mp4 files. They work wherever I 
>> need them on the mac or iPhone.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you 
>>> like all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
>>> Courtney
>>> Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays 
>>> at 08:00 UTC on
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
 Hi Donna,
I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
 really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
 track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for 
 purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
 Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
 Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
 Hi all,
 tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
 entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
 Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
 be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
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>>> -- 
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importing contacts from google to addressbook?

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
Well,  I have finally bullied my mobile phone into surrendering it's calendar 
and contact info up to google exchange.  Now my calendar is in ICal and it's 
s pretty.

The question is, How do I get my google contacts into addressbook?

I open addressbook.
Press command comma for the preferences.
Press the accounts tab.
Check the box that says import from google.
Press the configure button.
Fill in my gmail address and password and it the OK button.

After a minute the box goes away, and all appears to be set.
So I close preferences and re-open addressbook to pull down my google 
contacts...  Nothing.
Bemused I go back to preferences, and discover the import contacts from google 
box is unchecked.

I did a google search and found out that OS 10.6 only imports contacts that are 
in the MY Contacts group, but I checked a few and they seem to be in that group.

What am I missing here?


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

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emusic download manager?

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, is any one still fighting with emusic download manager?  Have they done 
anything with it in the last year or so to make it compatible with voiceover?

I'm shopping around for audiobook subscriptions and emusic unfortunately has 
the best one now that kitabe is no longer with us.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Massimo
In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 4.01.27, Donna Goodin 
 ha scritto:

tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a Mac.  
Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this be 
imported into iTunes?

Hi Donna,

there are several ways to do what you want. If you want not to loose DVD 
quality, you may copy them onto your HDD. What you need is: VLC 
FireMount  and, 
if you wish, an external HD, or NAS or some external storage solution.

What you have to do is:

  1. Download VLC  and firemount;
  2. Install and run firemount;
  3. Insert your DVD into your Mac;
  4. Open the DVD via finder;
  5. Select the DVD contents;
  6. Copy them with cmd+c;
  7. Open the location in wich you want to store the DVD;
  8. Create a new cfolder;
  9. Paste the DVD to the newly created folder;
 10. Rename the folder adding to it the .dvdmedia extension.

And  here we are. You may open the folder with DVD Player or even frontrow.

HTH and sorry for my english... just an italian mac user!

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infovox license and language packs question

2010-11-14 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I see where to buy the infovox single user license and other language packs.  
When you get to the actual shopping page, it's quite easy; however, I just sent 
them a question.  Since I now have the american English and british English 
voices installed as a trial setup, is it necessary for me to pay $99.00 for the 
American voices and then add the British voices for $50.00?  Why not just 
purchase the language packs for the american English and British English voices 
at $50.00 each?  Could it be that you have to pay $99.00 for the initial 
activation code and then you can add what ever voice language packs you want on 
top of that?  It seems to me that I could save money if I just bought the two 
language packs at $50.00.  Unless there's something about the individual 
language packs activation codes which relies on an initial valid single user 
license already being used.  In other words, might it be the case that unless 
you've activated the Infovox single user license which you buy for $99.00 for 
the first language pack, you cannot use the individual language pack codes 
because those $50.00 codes look for the original $99.00 codes as a form of 
validation before they will activate.


Could it be perhaps that Allison did it one way by using the individual packs 
and some others went about it another way by buying the $99.00 First and then 
added on?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: importing contacts from google to addressbook?

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
Scratch that.  I posted it a couple of days ago and it's just now showing up.  
I haven't done or changed anything, but my contacts are now in addressbook 
where they are supposed to be without any further intervention on my part.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-12, at 9:45 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Well,  I have finally bullied my mobile phone into surrendering it's calendar 
> and contact info up to google exchange.  Now my calendar is in ICal and it's 
> s pretty.
> The question is, How do I get my google contacts into addressbook?
> I open addressbook.
> Press command comma for the preferences.
> Press the accounts tab.
> Check the box that says import from google.
> Press the configure button.
> Fill in my gmail address and password and it the OK button.
> After a minute the box goes away, and all appears to be set.
> So I close preferences and re-open addressbook to pull down my google 
> contacts...  Nothing.
> Bemused I go back to preferences, and discover the import contacts from 
> google box is unchecked.
> I did a google search and found out that OS 10.6 only imports contacts that 
> are in the MY Contacts group, but I checked a few and they seem to be in that 
> group.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Today's optical drive is yesterday's floppy.  Remember, it was painful at first 
to not have a floppy especially if you were a technical professional but after 
a while that requirement went away for the most part (few exceptions) and it's 
jus natural now not to have a floppy.

Same with CD and DVD drives.  You can do anything over the network anyway so 
what's the point.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical drive. 
>  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. :).  I 
> mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications so what 
> purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple has just 
> beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical drive.  You 
> will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised if the new 
> MBPs don't have them either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not 
>>> echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter 
>>> that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
 Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
 up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
 ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
 had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
 gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
 that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
 mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
 pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
 bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
 for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
 shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
 would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
 Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which 
> I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot 
> of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a 
> week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing 
> is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant 
> windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
>> key differences:
>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>> are a bit reduced, though.
>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>> sacrificed.
>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>> powerup.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alaw

Re: infovox license and language packs question

2010-11-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Ray,

Since you currently only have the trial, you will need to buy your original 
language such as the first language you would like to use. This gives you an 
activation code to activate Infovox iVox itself, allowing you to activate other 
languages with additional language packs. You cannot get the activation code 
without buying a lgnauge first, but this cannot be an additional pack.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I see where to buy the infovox single user license and other language packs.  
> When you get to the actual shopping page, it's quite easy; however, I just 
> sent them a question.  Since I now have the american English and british 
> English voices installed as a trial setup, is it necessary for me to pay 
> $99.00 for the American voices and then add the British voices for $50.00?  
> Why not just purchase the language packs for the american English and British 
> English voices at $50.00 each?  Could it be that you have to pay $99.00 for 
> the initial activation code and then you can add what ever voice language 
> packs you want on top of that?  It seems to me that I could save money if I 
> just bought the two language packs at $50.00.  Unless there's something about 
> the individual language packs activation codes which relies on an initial 
> valid single user license already being used.  In other words, might it be 
> the case that unless you've activated the Infovox single user license which 
> you buy for $99.00 for the first language pack, you cannot use the individual 
> language pack codes because those $50.00 codes look for the original $99.00 
> codes as a form of validation before they will activate.
> Thoughts?
> Could it be perhaps that Allison did it one way by using the individual packs 
> and some others went about it another way by buying the $99.00 First and then 
> added on?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Over the network.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Yeah, but how will you install software, I.E. iLife upgrade. It comes on CD.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>>> sacrificed.
>>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>>> powerup.
>>> --
>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Ala

Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think they 
won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that was a life 
changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 600+ for the 
phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all inclusive.  That's a 
bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of time how useful this stuff 
is, you have to actually use it and get used to it in your life.  It really 
does put you on the same footing as your sited counterparts.  In my 
professional life especially having a good accessible phone was critical 
especially after I got used to having one.  Everything from small note taking, 
appointment management, texting and the ability to have google everywhere.  
Texting alone and the ability to have that accessible to you is huge.  
Everything from monitoring equipment at work and receiving a text when 
something is down, texting and exchanging numbers with that potential new girl 
/ boy friend depenting on your situation, texting with coworkers and 
participating fully, quick communication with employees or friends, it's all 
there.  That's just a simple act of texting, add in web browsing, good 
calendaring, on and on people underestimate the importance.

Just my $.02

On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi sara, scott and other list member 
> I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has used 
> cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using the 
> i-phone 3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high level 
> of accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely elated  to 
> get my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the i-phone 4 within 
> the next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that if someone wants to 
> be  in the dark ages about wanting to purchase a accessible  phone for their  
> personal needs is to be to much money then they should go back to the  non 
> accessible phones with no speech  features included  in the phone. you pay 
> for what you get.  if you want junk for a phone then that is what you will 
> get. but if you want something that might  want something that is  totally 
> accessible and you do not have to worry about anything really then go for the 
> i-phone 3 gs or the i-phone 4. you will never regret it i promise you that 
> much.
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: emusic download manager?

2010-11-14 Thread Martin Kirchner
I'm sorry to say that EMusic download manager for Mac completely ignores VO. I 
had sent an inquiry concerning that behavior to EMusic tow month ago or so but 
I didn't got any Reply.


Am 12.11.2010 um 18:12 schrieb erik burggraaf:

> Hi, is any one still fighting with emusic download manager?  Have they done 
> anything with it in the last year or so to make it compatible with voiceover?
> I'm shopping around for audiobook subscriptions and emusic unfortunately has 
> the best one now that kitabe is no longer with us.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
I just did a major deployment of aerohive access points for our company and 
Apple is a little flakey with the WiFi and all things radio.

When they work they work well but they have difficulties in some settings 
staying connected or working in congested environments.  (remember the famous 
WiFi problems Steve Jobs had during his keynote)  I think Apple wants you to go 
Apple from soup to nuts so you should have an airport router that goes with 
your airport card in your mac with your IPod and IPhone etc.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I have never had radio issues with apple so in my mine yeah I am a bit 
> surprised but as i said on this or another list, I'd rather have a woring 
> update not one with a major bug like that.
> S
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Anyone suprised Apple is having radio issues?  :)
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it 
>>> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
>>> -- 
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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
The roommer is that Sprint will be supporting the IPhone next year some time 
after verizon lights up that service in January.

If Verizon has a CDMA IPhone and doesn't jumpt to LTE you aught to be able to 
sweet talk Sprint in to adding that assuming you can get someone to add it to 
their database for you.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:00 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Yes, I wish sprint would get an iphone, my q9c is dying but I keep giving it 
> pet talks to make it work,  smiles!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: infovox license and language packs question

2010-11-14 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah,  Thanks.  So, I'd pay $99.00 for the initial activation for the American 
voices and then $50.00 for the British voices on top of that.  Thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Ray,
> Since you currently only have the trial, you will need to buy your original 
> language such as the first language you would like to use. This gives you an 
> activation code to activate Infovox iVox itself, allowing you to activate 
> other languages with additional language packs. You cannot get the activation 
> code without buying a lgnauge first, but this cannot be an additional pack.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> I see where to buy the infovox single user license and other language packs. 
>>  When you get to the actual shopping page, it's quite easy; however, I just 
>> sent them a question.  Since I now have the american English and british 
>> English voices installed as a trial setup, is it necessary for me to pay 
>> $99.00 for the American voices and then add the British voices for $50.00?  
>> Why not just purchase the language packs for the american English and 
>> British English voices at $50.00 each?  Could it be that you have to pay 
>> $99.00 for the initial activation code and then you can add what ever voice 
>> language packs you want on top of that?  It seems to me that I could save 
>> money if I just bought the two language packs at $50.00.  Unless there's 
>> something about the individual language packs activation codes which relies 
>> on an initial valid single user license already being used.  In other words, 
>> might it be the case that unless you've activated the Infovox single user 
>> license which you buy for $99.00 for the first language pack, you cannot use 
>> the individual language pack codes because those $50.00 codes look for the 
>> original $99.00 codes as a form of validation before they will activate.
>> Thoughts?
>> Could it be perhaps that Allison did it one way by using the individual 
>> packs and some others went about it another way by buying the $99.00 First 
>> and then added on?
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Rewritable cds work in many cd players, especially new ones.  I have an old 
original cd player in my classic Porsche 944A  (1985 early) and that thing even 
plays rewritable disks so it's not a given.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
> will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
>> them. :)
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. 
>>> they will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds 
>>> so in a way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
 drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
 floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
 applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
 think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
 the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't 
 be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>> spoken.  
>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
 every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
 about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
 am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
 sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
 words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
 see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
 So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
 have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
 time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had 
 a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
 macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
> netbook thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form 
> factor and size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there 
> are a couple of key differences:
> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the 

Re: infovox license and language packs question

2010-11-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Yes, that's absolutely correct. That's all you have to do.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:08 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Ah,  Thanks.  So, I'd pay $99.00 for the initial activation for the American 
> voices and then $50.00 for the British voices on top of that.  Thanks.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Ray,
>> Since you currently only have the trial, you will need to buy your original 
>> language such as the first language you would like to use. This gives you an 
>> activation code to activate Infovox iVox itself, allowing you to activate 
>> other languages with additional language packs. You cannot get the 
>> activation code without buying a lgnauge first, but this cannot be an 
>> additional pack.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> I see where to buy the infovox single user license and other language 
>>> packs.  When you get to the actual shopping page, it's quite easy; however, 
>>> I just sent them a question.  Since I now have the american English and 
>>> british English voices installed as a trial setup, is it necessary for me 
>>> to pay $99.00 for the American voices and then add the British voices for 
>>> $50.00?  Why not just purchase the language packs for the american English 
>>> and British English voices at $50.00 each?  Could it be that you have to 
>>> pay $99.00 for the initial activation code and then you can add what ever 
>>> voice language packs you want on top of that?  It seems to me that I could 
>>> save money if I just bought the two language packs at $50.00.  Unless 
>>> there's something about the individual language packs activation codes 
>>> which relies on an initial valid single user license already being used.  
>>> In other words, might it be the case that unless you've activated the 
>>> Infovox single user license which you buy for $99.00 for the first language 
>>> pack, you cannot use the individual language pack codes because those 
>>> $50.00 codes look for the original $99.00 codes as a form of validation 
>>> before they will activate.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Could it be perhaps that Allison did it one way by using the individual 
>>> packs and some others went about it another way by buying the $99.00 First 
>>> and then added on?
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Most new cars have IPod interfaces.  Even the new Ferrari lower end cars that 
still include stereos, the Phantom and the Bentley Continental have IPod 
interfaces.  It's pretty much being addopted across the whole auto line from 
low end mass produced general production cars up in to the exotics.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope apple 
> corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Why is that a bad thing, you need access to your device.  I don't want my 
driver to have to mash that buttons, that's something I as the car owner and 
user want access to and don't want to have to use a 3rd party.  I'm actually 
shopping for a new ride and am going to get one with the whole entertainment 
system interface in the back seat so I don't have to use a remote or have the 
driver make the adjustments.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh yeah mine has an ipod doc. bad thing is vo would probably come over it if 
> I put my iphone there. 
> Take care all.
> S
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:08 PM, louie wrote:
>> Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
>> Check out Ford.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>>> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
>>> apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
>>> -- 
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>> louie
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Donna, how fancy do you want to go.  Mac and Apple TV may be a good way but you 
should also check out myth TV under Linux.

You can also get mas network attached storage devices like the readynas to 
store your content.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
Donna, how about keeping a blog or somehow keep track of your PC based 
adventure.  Many of us would like to follow along and learn from what you learn.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:

> In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under 
> windows.  The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is that 
> TV is very difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be only 
> one aplication for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely useless 
> with voiceover, although from all accounts it's a cool programme!  Apart from 
> that, the mac is a good option.
> Vaughn.
> On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
I agree, this was my exact experience.  When I moved to the city and started 
trying to find work, I made a lot of contacts, but even though I had a basic 
sell phone, I couldn't use any of it's features.  It's a little different for 
me than for most because I'm a technologist of sorts.  I wanted jobs in 
computer hardware support and so on.  The expectation was that I would be able 
to use the cell phone in my pocket.  I disappointed a fare few people when they 
found out they couldn't text me or add themselves to my phone contacts.  It 
started to happen on a fairly regular basis.  I don't want to see people cheep 
out on their handheld, and then be disappointed when it doesn't allow them the 
flexibility they didn't think they wanted, but really do want.

Unfortunately there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it.  Looking 
for work is a full time job, but it doesn't really pay all that well in the 
short term.  I was nowhere near as pioneering as Scott.  The prices had started 
to come down, but we were still looking at around a  grand to make it all 
happen and it just wasn't going to work out.  I don't know where we got the 
$299 price tag for the iphone.  Here it's about $749 I think.  That's still 
pretty competitive.  Not the  cheapest solution money can by, but not the most 
expensive either.  Money's tight.  Most of us  have been there at one time or 
another.  But having information in hand makes a world of difference, and when 
you can't see, you need every edge you can get.  

My apple care runs out in February, and I get a new laptop.  Based on the 
research I'm doing now, my thought is that it might be the last personal 
computer I ever own.  No one can say for sure what the state of computing will 
be in 3 years, but my guess is that palm sized computers will be at the point 
of replacing desktop and laptop computers as an option.  So, I'll get a nas for 
my file storage needs, and use my palmtop via wireless for everything.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think they 
> won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that was a life 
> changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 600+ for the 
> phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all inclusive.  That's 
> a bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of time how useful this 
> stuff is, you have to actually use it and get used to it in your life.  It 
> really does put you on the same footing as your sited counterparts.  In my 
> professional life especially having a good accessible phone was critical 
> especially after I got used to having one.  Everything from small note 
> taking, appointment management, texting and the ability to have google 
> everywhere.  Texting alone and the ability to have that accessible to you is 
> huge.  Everything from monitoring equipment at work and receiving a text when 
> something is down, texting and exchanging numbers with that potential new 
> girl / boy friend depenting on your situation, texting with coworkers and 
> participating fully, quick communication with employees or friends, it's all 
> there.  That's just a simple act of texting, add in web browsing, good 
> calendaring, on and on people underestimate the importance.
> Just my $.02
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi sara, scott and other list member 
>> I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has used 
>> cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using the 
>> i-phone 3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high level 
>> of accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely elated  
>> to get my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the i-phone 4 
>> within the next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that if someone 
>> wants to be  in the dark ages about wanting to purchase a accessible  phone 
>> for their  personal needs is to be to much money then they should go back to 
>> the  non accessible phones with no speech  features included  in the phone. 
>> you pay for what you get.  if you want junk for a phone then that is what 
>> you will get. but if you want something that might  want something that is  
>> totally accessible and you do not have to worry about anything really then 
>> go for the i-phone 3 gs or the i-phone 4. you will never regret it i promise 
>> you that much.
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: emusic download manager?

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
I was afraid of that.  I sent them two or three messages last year.  Then I 
threatened to cancel.  Then I cancelled.  Nothing made any impression.  I might 
call and gripe, but doubtful that will do any good either.

It's all very annoying.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Martin Kirchner wrote:

> †Eric,
> I'm sorry to say that EMusic download manager for Mac completely ignores VO. 
> I had sent an inquiry concerning that behavior to EMusic tow month ago or so 
> but I didn't got any Reply.
> Regards
> Martin
> Am 12.11.2010 um 18:12 schrieb erik burggraaf:
>> Hi, is any one still fighting with emusic download manager?  Have they done 
>> anything with it in the last year or so to make it compatible with voiceover?
>> I'm shopping around for audiobook subscriptions and emusic unfortunately has 
>> the best one now that kitabe is no longer with us.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-14 Thread Chris G

I forget the channel numbers, but if I change the channels on my netgear
router, every wifi product in the house connects to the network but the

On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 05:07:18 -0800
Scott Granados  wrote:

> I just did a major deployment of aerohive access points for our company and 
> Apple is a little flakey with the WiFi and all things radio.
> When they work they work well but they have difficulties in some settings 
> staying connected or working in congested environments.  (remember the famous 
> WiFi problems Steve Jobs had during his keynote)  I think Apple wants you to 
> go Apple from soup to nuts so you should have an airport router that goes 
> with your airport card in your mac with your IPod and IPhone etc.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> > I have never had radio issues with apple so in my mine yeah I am a bit 
> > surprised but as i said on this or another list, I'd rather have a woring 
> > update not one with a major bug like that.
> > 
> > S
> > On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> > 
> >> Anyone suprised Apple is having radio issues?  :)
> >> 
> >> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it 
> >>> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
> >>> 
> >>> -- 
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Chris G 

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey, that's good to hear.  We had a PC that was supposed to be a media center 
computer, but like all things Windows, it was a headache from an accessibility 
standpoint. thanks for the tip re handbreak.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:12 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes you can import your DVDs using Handbrake.  It is accessible and works 
> great.  Some DVDs have copy protection that causes the scenes to get all 
> mixed up but there is a trick on the Handbrake web-site that gets around that 
> issue, you'll just need sighted assistance for that one.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-13, at 8:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Scott.  I keep hearing that iTv isn't accessible.  Are you saying that 
it is accessible?

I'll check out the podcast, too.
On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Donna,
>   I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Well, I'm really hoping it won't be pc-based. lol  but it might be fun to 
chronicle it with a blog..  It'd be really cool if this works.  We have tons of 
CDs, a huge entertainment center that hold the stereo, it'd be great to get rid 
of a lot of that.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:24 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Donna, how about keeping a blog or somehow keep track of your PC based 
> adventure.  Many of us would like to follow along and learn from what you 
> learn.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:
>> In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under 
>> windows.  The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is 
>> that TV is very difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be 
>> only one aplication for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely 
>> useless with voiceover, although from all accounts it's a cool programme!  
>> Apart from that, the mac is a good option.
>> Vaughn.
>> On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
>>> this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have 
>>> done.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Scott,

What makes you suggest Myth Tv over Apple?  Just curious.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Donna, how fancy do you want to go.  Mac and Apple TV may be a good way but 
> you should also check out myth TV under Linux.
> You can also get mas network attached storage devices like the readynas to 
> store your content.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
I have a very good friend who's using it successfully.  He pipes everything 
through including his gaming systems and loves it. Haven't used it myself 
though.  This is a project I've been thinking of taking on myself so I'm 
interested in following your progress.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hey Scott,
> What makes you suggest Myth Tv over Apple?  Just curious.
> Donna
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Donna, how fancy do you want to go.  Mac and Apple TV may be a good way but 
>> you should also check out myth TV under Linux.
>> You can also get mas network attached storage devices like the readynas to 
>> store your content.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
>>> this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have 
>>> done.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Ciao, massimo,

Mile grazie per l'aiuta, e per spiegare come fare questo.  I'd go on in 
Italian, but my Italian is much worse than your English. :)

Anyway, thanks for sending such detailed instructions.  I'm definitely going to 
play around with this.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 7:30 AM, Massimo wrote:

> In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 4.01.27, Donna Goodin  ha 
> scritto:
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?
> Hi Donna,
> there are several ways to do what you want. If you want not to loose DVD 
> quality, you may copy them onto your HDD. What you need is: VLC Medyaplayer, 
> FireMount and, if you wish, an external HD, or NAS or some external storage 
> solution.
> What you have to do is:
> Download VLC  and firemount;
> Install and run firemount;
> Insert your DVD into your Mac;
> Open the DVD via finder;
> Select the DVD contents;
> Copy them with cmd+c;
> Open the location in wich you want to store the DVD;
> Create a new cfolder;
> Paste the DVD to the newly created folder;
> Rename the folder adding to it the .dvdmedia extension.
> And  here we are. You may open the folder with DVD Player or even frontrow.
> HTH and sorry for my english... just an italian mac user!
> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
What's he doing re a screen-reader?
On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I have a very good friend who's using it successfully.  He pipes everything 
> through including his gaming systems and loves it. Haven't used it myself 
> though.  This is a project I've been thinking of taking on myself so I'm 
> interested in following your progress.
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> What makes you suggest Myth Tv over Apple?  Just curious.
>> Donna
>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Donna, how fancy do you want to go.  Mac and Apple TV may be a good way but 
>>> you should also check out myth TV under Linux.
>>> You can also get mas network attached storage devices like the readynas to 
>>> store your content.
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a 
 computer-based entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media 
 computer to be a Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD 
 collection?  Can this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know 
 what others have done.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Massimo
In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 14.52.40, Donna Goodin 
 ha scritto:
Anyway, thanks for sending such detailed instructions.  I'm definitely 
going to play around with this.

If you need more help about this topic, feel free ctocontact me.

Have a good sunday.

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Re: See FinanceInstallation

2010-11-14 Thread Les Kriegler
Yes, I was on the right track, but a little off.
That makes installing applications a breeze.  Thanks.


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Re: Music Notation software

2010-11-14 Thread David Hole

Hi folks.
I asked the same question a little month ago, but I didn't get any response.
Maybe anyone have tried Sibelius 6 on the Mac?
Btw, Sarah, which kind of choir music are you into? (You can mail me 
off-list if ye wish :) )


Den 14.11.2010 03:58, skrev Sarah Alawami:

I would also like ot know that. I want to get writing choir music again. I've 
got so much in my head I want to get out there.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:49 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

Hello my fellow Mac loving musicians,
What options, if any, are there for music notation software on the Mac? I know 
a lot of sighted people who use Finale, but I haven't messed with it, and I 
haven't touched music notation since I lost my sight, with the exception of a 
very basic primer in braille music. I know that Dancing Dots has some solutions 
on the Windows side, but I would really prefer to keep things Mac centric 
around here.


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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

Here in the U.S., an iPhone subsidized by AT&T costs $199 for the 16GB and $299 
for the 32GB model.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:33 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> I agree, this was my exact experience.  When I moved to the city and started 
> trying to find work, I made a lot of contacts, but even though I had a basic 
> sell phone, I couldn't use any of it's features.  It's a little different for 
> me than for most because I'm a technologist of sorts.  I wanted jobs in 
> computer hardware support and so on.  The expectation was that I would be 
> able to use the cell phone in my pocket.  I disappointed a fare few people 
> when they found out they couldn't text me or add themselves to my phone 
> contacts.  It started to happen on a fairly regular basis.  I don't want to 
> see people cheep out on their handheld, and then be disappointed when it 
> doesn't allow them the flexibility they didn't think they wanted, but really 
> do want.
> Unfortunately there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it.  Looking 
> for work is a full time job, but it doesn't really pay all that well in the 
> short term.  I was nowhere near as pioneering as Scott.  The prices had 
> started to come down, but we were still looking at around a  grand to make it 
> all happen and it just wasn't going to work out.  I don't know where we got 
> the $299 price tag for the iphone.  Here it's about $749 I think.  That's 
> still pretty competitive.  Not the  cheapest solution money can by, but not 
> the most expensive either.  Money's tight.  Most of us  have been there at 
> one time or another.  But having information in hand makes a world of 
> difference, and when you can't see, you need every edge you can get.  
> My apple care runs out in February, and I get a new laptop.  Based on the 
> research I'm doing now, my thought is that it might be the last personal 
> computer I ever own.  No one can say for sure what the state of computing 
> will be in 3 years, but my guess is that palm sized computers will be at the 
> point of replacing desktop and laptop computers as an option.  So, I'll get a 
> nas for my file storage needs, and use my palmtop via wireless for everything.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think they 
>> won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that was a 
>> life changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 600+ for 
>> the phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all inclusive.  
>> That's a bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of time how useful 
>> this stuff is, you have to actually use it and get used to it in your life.  
>> It really does put you on the same footing as your sited counterparts.  In 
>> my professional life especially having a good accessible phone was critical 
>> especially after I got used to having one.  Everything from small note 
>> taking, appointment management, texting and the ability to have google 
>> everywhere.  Texting alone and the ability to have that accessible to you is 
>> huge.  Everything from monitoring equipment at work and receiving a text 
>> when something is down, texting and exchanging numbers with that potential 
>> new girl / boy friend depenting on your situation, texting with coworkers 
>> and participating fully, quick communication with employees or friends, it's 
>> all there.  That's just a simple act of texting, add in web browsing, good 
>> calendaring, on and on people underestimate the importance.
>> Just my $.02
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>>> hi sara, scott and other list member 
>>> I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has used 
>>> cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using the 
>>> i-phone 3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high level 
>>> of accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely elated  
>>> to get my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the i-phone 4 
>>> within the next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that if someone 
>>> wants to be  in the dark ages about wanting to purchase a accessible  phone 
>>> for their  personal needs is to be to much money then they should go back 
>>> to the  non accessible phones with no speech  features included  in the 
>>> phone. you pay for what you get.  if you want junk for a phone then that is 
>>> what you will get. but if you want something that might  want something 
>>> that is  totally accessible and you do not have to worry about anything 
>>> really then go for the i-ph

Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Massimo
In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 14.44.36, Donna Goodin 
 ha scritto:

We have tons of CDs, a huge entertainment center that hold the stereo, it'd be 
great to get rid of a lot of that.
If you want to grab your audio CDs, you may want to try out MAX 
. It's a very very interesting application that 
allow you cd grabbing,  format conversions and you may also set it to 
add automatically your grabbings to iTunes library. It's freeware, 
little, VO fully accessible, it has good documentation... You can set 
different compression profiles and many many other interesting options.


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Re: alternative e mail clients

2010-11-14 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Chad, I am not sure if there are any other. email clients. I believe Apple mail 
is the only one. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. 
On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:25 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi has anyone tried any alternative e mail clients?
> i know apple mail is the main one just wondering if there's any other 
> accessible ones
> -- 
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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
That's got to be on a term.  Doesn't count if that's the case.  No one in their 
right mind would want a cellphone contract.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-14, at 9:20 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Here in the U.S., an iPhone subsidized by AT&T costs $199 for the 16GB and 
> $299 for the 32GB model.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:33 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> I agree, this was my exact experience.  When I moved to the city and started 
>> trying to find work, I made a lot of contacts, but even though I had a basic 
>> sell phone, I couldn't use any of it's features.  It's a little different 
>> for me than for most because I'm a technologist of sorts.  I wanted jobs in 
>> computer hardware support and so on.  The expectation was that I would be 
>> able to use the cell phone in my pocket.  I disappointed a fare few people 
>> when they found out they couldn't text me or add themselves to my phone 
>> contacts.  It started to happen on a fairly regular basis.  I don't want to 
>> see people cheep out on their handheld, and then be disappointed when it 
>> doesn't allow them the flexibility they didn't think they wanted, but really 
>> do want.
>> Unfortunately there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it.  Looking 
>> for work is a full time job, but it doesn't really pay all that well in the 
>> short term.  I was nowhere near as pioneering as Scott.  The prices had 
>> started to come down, but we were still looking at around a  grand to make 
>> it all happen and it just wasn't going to work out.  I don't know where we 
>> got the $299 price tag for the iphone.  Here it's about $749 I think.  
>> That's still pretty competitive.  Not the  cheapest solution money can by, 
>> but not the most expensive either.  Money's tight.  Most of us  have been 
>> there at one time or another.  But having information in hand makes a world 
>> of difference, and when you can't see, you need every edge you can get.  
>> My apple care runs out in February, and I get a new laptop.  Based on the 
>> research I'm doing now, my thought is that it might be the last personal 
>> computer I ever own.  No one can say for sure what the state of computing 
>> will be in 3 years, but my guess is that palm sized computers will be at the 
>> point of replacing desktop and laptop computers as an option.  So, I'll get 
>> a nas for my file storage needs, and use my palmtop via wireless for 
>> everything.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think 
>>> they won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that was 
>>> a life changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 600+ 
>>> for the phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all 
>>> inclusive.  That's a bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of time 
>>> how useful this stuff is, you have to actually use it and get used to it in 
>>> your life.  It really does put you on the same footing as your sited 
>>> counterparts.  In my professional life especially having a good accessible 
>>> phone was critical especially after I got used to having one.  Everything 
>>> from small note taking, appointment management, texting and the ability to 
>>> have google everywhere.  Texting alone and the ability to have that 
>>> accessible to you is huge.  Everything from monitoring equipment at work 
>>> and receiving a text when something is down, texting and exchanging numbers 
>>> with that potential new girl / boy friend depenting on your situation, 
>>> texting with coworkers and participating fully, quick communication with 
>>> employees or friends, it's all there.  That's just a simple act of texting, 
>>> add in web browsing, good calendaring, on and on people underestimate the 
>>> importance.
>>> Just my $.02
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
 hi sara, scott and other list member 
 I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has 
 used cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using 
 the i-phone 3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high 
 level of accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely 
 elated  to get my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the 
 i-phone 4 within the next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that 
 if someone wants to be  in the dark ages abo

Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread heather kd5cbl
I am thankful we don't have that problem here in the US, yet!  Congress is 
trying to tax the internet and charge you for the amount of time your 
online, woe!  Heather 

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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread heather kd5cbl
They better, I already left voicemail messages that if they did not, I am 
switching!  Heather 

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Re: alternative e mail clients

2010-11-14 Thread Krister Ekstrom
There's actually an email client called Gyazmail, you'll find it if you google 
for it. As i recall it has the same set of features as Apples mail, possibly 
some more, but the interface wasn't so nice, i seem to remember it took time 
for me to work through it. It was accessible though.

14 nov 2010 kl. 15.34 skrev Chantel Cuddemi:

> Chad, I am not sure if there are any other. email clients. I believe Apple 
> mail is the only one. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. 
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:25 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi has anyone tried any alternative e mail clients?
>> i know apple mail is the main one just wondering if there's any other 
>> accessible ones
>> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread heather kd5cbl
Ah yes, I did that this year woe.  It took a lot of time.  Now, smiles, mom 
wants me to do it with her stuff, sheesh.  I have to figure out how to get 
the media off the records, vhs and tapes without braking the bank. I figure 
it will take the whole year with my busy schedule.  So any ideas how to git 
media off the old 45s and 8 tracks that are in the garage closet?  I don't 
even have a record player so should I take them somewhere?  Heather 

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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread Ricardo Walker

The majority of people in the United States are.  Contracts aren't as bad here 
as in Canada.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:45 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> That's got to be on a term.  Doesn't count if that's the case.  No one in 
> their right mind would want a cellphone contract.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-11-14, at 9:20 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here in the U.S., an iPhone subsidized by AT&T costs $199 for the 16GB and 
>> $299 for the 32GB model.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:33 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> I agree, this was my exact experience.  When I moved to the city and 
>>> started trying to find work, I made a lot of contacts, but even though I 
>>> had a basic sell phone, I couldn't use any of it's features.  It's a little 
>>> different for me than for most because I'm a technologist of sorts.  I 
>>> wanted jobs in computer hardware support and so on.  The expectation was 
>>> that I would be able to use the cell phone in my pocket.  I disappointed a 
>>> fare few people when they found out they couldn't text me or add themselves 
>>> to my phone contacts.  It started to happen on a fairly regular basis.  I 
>>> don't want to see people cheep out on their handheld, and then be 
>>> disappointed when it doesn't allow them the flexibility they didn't think 
>>> they wanted, but really do want.
>>> Unfortunately there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it.  
>>> Looking for work is a full time job, but it doesn't really pay all that 
>>> well in the short term.  I was nowhere near as pioneering as Scott.  The 
>>> prices had started to come down, but we were still looking at around a  
>>> grand to make it all happen and it just wasn't going to work out.  I don't 
>>> know where we got the $299 price tag for the iphone.  Here it's about $749 
>>> I think.  That's still pretty competitive.  Not the  cheapest solution 
>>> money can by, but not the most expensive either.  Money's tight.  Most of 
>>> us  have been there at one time or another.  But having information in hand 
>>> makes a world of difference, and when you can't see, you need every edge 
>>> you can get.  
>>> My apple care runs out in February, and I get a new laptop.  Based on the 
>>> research I'm doing now, my thought is that it might be the last personal 
>>> computer I ever own.  No one can say for sure what the state of computing 
>>> will be in 3 years, but my guess is that palm sized computers will be at 
>>> the point of replacing desktop and laptop computers as an option.  So, I'll 
>>> get a nas for my file storage needs, and use my palmtop via wireless for 
>>> everything.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>>> person,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think 
 they won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that 
 was a life changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 
 600+ for the phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all 
 inclusive.  That's a bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of 
 time how useful this stuff is, you have to actually use it and get used to 
 it in your life.  It really does put you on the same footing as your sited 
 counterparts.  In my professional life especially having a good accessible 
 phone was critical especially after I got used to having one.  Everything 
 from small note taking, appointment management, texting and the ability to 
 have google everywhere.  Texting alone and the ability to have that 
 accessible to you is huge.  Everything from monitoring equipment at work 
 and receiving a text when something is down, texting and exchanging 
 numbers with that potential new girl / boy friend depenting on your 
 situation, texting with coworkers and participating fully, quick 
 communication with employees or friends, it's all there.  That's just a 
 simple act of texting, add in web browsing, good calendaring, on and on 
 people underestimate the importance.
 Just my $.02
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
> hi sara, scott and other list member 
> I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has 
> used cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I fi

Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-14 Thread erik burggraaf
The majority of people in Canada are on term as well.  Anyone can be an idiot 
if you simply overwhelm them with useless information and fail to mention the 
exact terms of the contract.  

Plus, who wants a phone that's tied to a carrier?  When I went to Ireland in 
the summer, fido wanted $1.25 a minute for all calls incoming and outgoing 
while I was in the UK.  So because I have an off the shelf phone, I just took 
my sim out and put one of theirs in.  That gave me 11 P a minute to canada and 
unlimited incoming calls internationally.  That never would'a flew if I was 
using a phone that was locked to fido.  I could by myself a whole new phone 
with the money I saved just on that three weeks alone.

I could see maybe going on a 1 year term to get a huge discount on a monthly 
plan...  Maybe, but not to get any sort of a discount on a handset.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-14, at 10:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Lol,
> The majority of people in the United States are.  Contracts aren't as bad 
> here as in Canada.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:45 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> That's got to be on a term.  Doesn't count if that's the case.  No one in 
>> their right mind would want a cellphone contract.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-11-14, at 9:20 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here in the U.S., an iPhone subsidized by AT&T costs $199 for the 16GB and 
>>> $299 for the 32GB model.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:33 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 I agree, this was my exact experience.  When I moved to the city and 
 started trying to find work, I made a lot of contacts, but even though I 
 had a basic sell phone, I couldn't use any of it's features.  It's a 
 little different for me than for most because I'm a technologist of sorts. 
  I wanted jobs in computer hardware support and so on.  The expectation 
 was that I would be able to use the cell phone in my pocket.  I 
 disappointed a fare few people when they found out they couldn't text me 
 or add themselves to my phone contacts.  It started to happen on a fairly 
 regular basis.  I don't want to see people cheep out on their handheld, 
 and then be disappointed when it doesn't allow them the flexibility they 
 didn't think they wanted, but really do want.
 Unfortunately there didn't seem to be anything I could do about it.  
 Looking for work is a full time job, but it doesn't really pay all that 
 well in the short term.  I was nowhere near as pioneering as Scott.  The 
 prices had started to come down, but we were still looking at around a  
 grand to make it all happen and it just wasn't going to work out.  I don't 
 know where we got the $299 price tag for the iphone.  Here it's about $749 
 I think.  That's still pretty competitive.  Not the  cheapest solution 
 money can by, but not the most expensive either.  Money's tight.  Most of 
 us  have been there at one time or another.  But having information in 
 hand makes a world of difference, and when you can't see, you need every 
 edge you can get.  
 My apple care runs out in February, and I get a new laptop.  Based on the 
 research I'm doing now, my thought is that it might be the last personal 
 computer I ever own.  No one can say for sure what the state of computing 
 will be in 3 years, but my guess is that palm sized computers will be at 
 the point of replacing desktop and laptop computers as an option.  So, 
 I'll get a nas for my file storage needs, and use my palmtop via wireless 
 for everything.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
 On 2010-11-14, at 8:02 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> I can't stress this enough.  People seem to hide from features or think 
> they won't need them etc.  When I first got mobile speak installed that 
> was a life changing event.  Well worth the $695 for the program and the 
> 600+ for the phone.  Now you have this IPhone option for 299 or 399 all 
> inclusive.  That's a bargain and honestly you just don't know ahead of 
> time how useful this stuff is, you have to actually use it and get used 
> to

Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Tim Kilburn
You could also use the Apple TV for streaming all your media to your 
entertainment system.  The newest model is fairly inexpensive, connects to your 
entertainment system using HDMI and runs on IOS4.  I have the older model which 
on the Mac side, through itunes is totally accessible but at the TV side is not 
at all.  A bit of memorizing what and where menus are allows me to use it quite 
well but not accessible by any stretch.  I'm wondering if Apple will be making 
VO a part of the newest model with the change to IOS4.

Just another option for you.


On 2010-11-14, at 12:13 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:

> In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under 
> windows.  The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is that 
> TV is very difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be only 
> one aplication for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely useless 
> with voiceover, although from all accounts it's a cool programme!  Apart from 
> that, the mac is a good option.
> Vaughn.
> On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I use a Tivo with my Mac.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you 
> like all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
> Courtney
> Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 
> 08:00 UTC on
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>>  I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
>> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
>> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
>> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
>> Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
That's the only bit left that I need--an Express card, I believe it's called 
the Apple TV, whose software is accessible with VO.  Then I'd have that 
computer-based entertainment system, out of a Macbook no less.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-14 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Standard people don't have servers.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Over the network.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Yeah, but how will you install software, I.E. iLife upgrade. It comes on CD.
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
>>> applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
>>> think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the 
>>> optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be 
>>> surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
 over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken. 
> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with 
>>> missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word 
>>> have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will 
>>> either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even 
>>> had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from 
>>> that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all 
>>> the attendant windows issues, smile.
>>> Marlaina
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
 Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
 Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
 thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
 size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
 of key differences:
 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
 full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function 
 keys are a bit reduced, though.
 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
 using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock 
 speed than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core 
 processor, not one optimized for low power consumption wi

Re: Been away too long from Yurufukuru - a couple of stupid questions

2010-11-14 Thread Courtney Curran
In Yurufukuru, can't you search for users too, I can't figure out how to do 
this. I've also disabled autocomplete. 

On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> I've also disabled auto complete, as I found it to get in the way, rather 
> than help me to use the client the way I wanted.  .  
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. contact the dev about the auto complete issue. As far as your first 
>> question I hit cmd n and hit follow @username. Oh and I turn auto complete 
>> off btw. I also can't get that sucker to work. lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Here comes the second stupid question. This time, it's about the Twitter 
>>> client Yurufukuru. I was playing with it a while a couple days ago and i 
>>> had a hard time, or rather a struggle to make it do what i wanted. I 
>>> couldn't for the life of me figure out how to follow a user. No matter 
>>> where i looked, there didn't seem to be a way to follow a user.
>>> Secondly i had a really hard time with the auto completion feature. No 
>>> matter how i did it, i could not get it to accept that i wanted to DM a 
>>> user not in the list, i had to give up alltogether, because the 
>>> autocompletion put the cursor where i didn't want it and i couldn't find a 
>>> way to actually place the cursor where i wanted it, so that i could 
>>> complete the name of the user i wished to DM. Once i managed to convinse 
>>> the auto completion that i would write to a person not in the auto 
>>> completion list, but that was only once, and Lord knows how i did it, so if 
>>> anyone has some hints about how one goes about to make working with 
>>> Yurufukuru less of a battle and more of a pleasure, i'd be ever so greatful.
>>> /Krister
>>> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Courtney Curran
I'm always in the front seat of the  2006 model year car, which unfortunately 
doesn't have a dock to charge and play the Ipod,  so I have access to the CD 

On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Why is that a bad thing, you need access to your device.  I don't want my 
> driver to have to mash that buttons, that's something I as the car owner and 
> user want access to and don't want to have to use a 3rd party.  I'm actually 
> shopping for a new ride and am going to get one with the whole entertainment 
> system interface in the back seat so I don't have to use a remote or have the 
> driver make the adjustments.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Oh yeah mine has an ipod doc. bad thing is vo would probably come over it if 
>> I put my iphone there. 
>> Take care all.
>> S
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:08 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
>>> Check out Ford.
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
 Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
 apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
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>>> louie
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Re: saving as mp3

2010-11-14 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Ahmed,

This functionality is built right into the Mac.  Simply open the document, 
select the text you wish read into an mp3 then go under the application menu, 
choose Services and "Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track".

Note the following:

• If you wish to record the entire document, simply press cmd-a to Select All.
• This script will create a playlist in itunes called Spoken Text and place the 
file in it.
• If you use this option a lot, I suggest that you make a Keyboard Shortcut for 

To make a Keyboard shortcut:

• Go to system Preferences.
• Select the Keyboard System Pref.
• Select the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
• Interact With the Keyboard Categories table.
• Slect Services from the second column.
• Stop Interacting With the Keyboard Categories table.
• Navigate right once and Interact With the Keyboard Shortcuts table.
• Select the Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track item.
• Navigate right once to the text field.
• Press VO-space to activate.
• Press the key combination you'd like.  Be careful to not pick one 
already used by the OS.
• close the System Prefs.
• If the shortcut does not appear, restart your Mac.



On 2010-11-14, at 1:49 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote:

> hi
> i am writing to ask whether there is a way to save text files as mp3 with 
> alex voice?
> kind regards.
> Ahmed.
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Wow, that sounds cool!  I'll definitely take a look at that.  Nice to have an 
alternative that doesn't require me to add everything to my iTunes library.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Massimo wrote:

> In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 14.44.36, Donna Goodin  
> ha scritto:
>> We have tons of CDs, a huge entertainment center that hold the stereo, it'd 
>> be great to get rid of a lot of that.
> If you want to grab your audio CDs, you may want to try out MAX. It's a very 
> very interesting application that allow you cd grabbing,  format conversions 
> and you may also set it to add automatically your grabbings to iTunes 
> library. It's freeware, little, VO fully accessible, it has good 
> documentation... You can set different compression profiles and many many 
> other interesting options.
> Saluti.
> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Donna Goodin
Hmmm, sounds like I may need a trip to the Apple store.  Well, this'll give me 
a chance to peak at the Macbook Air.  Oh woe is me! :)
On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> You could also use the Apple TV for streaming all your media to your 
> entertainment system.  The newest model is fairly inexpensive, connects to 
> your entertainment system using HDMI and runs on IOS4.  I have the older 
> model which on the Mac side, through itunes is totally accessible but at the 
> TV side is not at all.  A bit of memorizing what and where menus are allows 
> me to use it quite well but not accessible by any stretch.  I'm wondering if 
> Apple will be making VO a part of the newest model with the change to IOS4.
> Just another option for you.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-14, at 12:13 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:
>> In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under 
>> windows.  The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is 
>> that TV is very difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be 
>> only one aplication for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely 
>> useless with voiceover, although from all accounts it's a cool programme!  
>> Apart from that, the mac is a good option.
>> Vaughn.
>> On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
>>> this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have 
>>> done.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados
They do if they have desktops and Apple will offer content over the network 

On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Standard people don't have servers.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Over the network.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Yeah, but how will you install software, I.E. iLife upgrade. It comes on CD.
>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
 drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
 floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
 applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
 think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
 the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't 
 be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>> spoken.  
>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
 every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
 about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
 am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
 sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
 words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
 see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
 So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
 have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
 time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had 
 a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
 macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
> netbook thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form 
> factor and size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there 
> are a couple of key differences:
> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function 
> keys are a bit reduced, though.
> 2) The Air isn't using anything like th

Re: saving as mp3

2010-11-14 Thread Ahmed Alomran
dear Tim
Many thanks for your help.
kind regards.
On 14 Nov 2010, at 16:47, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Ahmed,
> This functionality is built right into the Mac.  Simply open the document, 
> select the text you wish read into an mp3 then go under the application menu, 
> choose Services and "Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track".
> Note the following:
> • If you wish to record the entire document, simply press cmd-a to Select All.
> • This script will create a playlist in itunes called Spoken Text and place 
> the file in it.
> • If you use this option a lot, I suggest that you make a Keyboard Shortcut 
> for it.
> To make a Keyboard shortcut:
>   • Go to system Preferences.
>   • Select the Keyboard System Pref.
>   • Select the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
>   • Interact With the Keyboard Categories table.
>   • Slect Services from the second column.
>   • Stop Interacting With the Keyboard Categories table.
>   • Navigate right once and Interact With the Keyboard Shortcuts table.
>   • Select the Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track item.
>   • Navigate right once to the text field.
>   • Press VO-space to activate.
>   • Press the key combination you'd like.  Be careful to not pick one 
> already used by the OS.
>   • close the System Prefs.
>   • If the shortcut does not appear, restart your Mac.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-14, at 1:49 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote:
>> hi
>> i am writing to ask whether there is a way to save text files as mp3 with 
>> alex voice?
>> kind regards.
>> Ahmed.
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Doug Lawlor
I know the questions i am asking are way off topic for this list but here goes. 

I'm interested in a new ride as well. What cars come with back seat 
entertainment systems? What do people do about hiring a driver? Are there any 
web sites, email lists or what ever that discuss the topic of driver hiring? 



Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-11-14, at 9:48 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:

> Why is that a bad thing, you need access to your device.  I don't want my 
> driver to have to mash that buttons, that's something I as the car owner and 
> user want access to and don't want to have to use a 3rd party.  I'm actually 
> shopping for a new ride and am going to get one with the whole entertainment 
> system interface in the back seat so I don't have to use a remote or have the 
> driver make the adjustments.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Oh yeah mine has an ipod doc. bad thing is vo would probably come over it if 
>> I put my iphone there. 
>> Take care all.
>> S
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:08 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
>>> Check out Ford.
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
 Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
 apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
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>>> louie
>>> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Granados


I'm looking at a BMW 760LI and having after market work done to put some of the 
electronics package in the back.  A lot can't be moved because of the driver 
controls etc.

The Phantom I believe has that option available although I have to complete the 
sale of my recent web project before I think about dropping half a mil on a car 
so that's probably out of my budget.  I think Mercedes has one option as well 
but in most cases this owuld be custom one off work you'd have to have a 
specialized installer do.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:05 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I know the questions i am asking are way off topic for this list but here 
> goes. 
> I'm interested in a new ride as well. What cars come with back seat 
> entertainment systems? What do people do about hiring a driver? Are there any 
> web sites, email lists or what ever that discuss the topic of driver hiring? 
> Thanks, 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-11-14, at 9:48 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Why is that a bad thing, you need access to your device.  I don't want my 
>> driver to have to mash that buttons, that's something I as the car owner and 
>> user want access to and don't want to have to use a 3rd party.  I'm actually 
>> shopping for a new ride and am going to get one with the whole entertainment 
>> system interface in the back seat so I don't have to use a remote or have 
>> the driver make the adjustments.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Oh yeah mine has an ipod doc. bad thing is vo would probably come over it 
>>> if I put my iphone there. 
>>> Take care all.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:08 PM, louie wrote:
 Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
 Check out Ford.
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
> apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread louie
You can get music on a SD card now from a music store.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to 
> find a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The majority 
> of people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, will pass 
> albums sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling to the CD 
> like they clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop building the 
> hardware to play them, people will have no choice but to move on.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
>> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
>> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
>> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
>> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
>> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you have 
>> to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  have 
>> relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player age. so 
>> when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to etc...
>> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
>> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have saved 
>> some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of it as of 
>> yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
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help with bookmarks

2010-11-14 Thread Laura Bratton
Hi All,
I pressed the delete key on a folder in my bookmarks which I didn't mean to do! 
I went to my trash folder and it is not there. How  do I recover the folder to 
my bookmarks?

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Re: saving as mp3

2010-11-14 Thread Ahmed Alomran
dear Tim
I am just wondering whether you mean the application menu  which has the list 
of programs installed in to my mac. if you mean this one, i can't find services 
where i can choose to add my sellected text to itunes.
your help is really appretiated.
kind regards.

On 14 Nov 2010, at 16:47, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Ahmed,
> This functionality is built right into the Mac.  Simply open the document, 
> select the text you wish read into an mp3 then go under the application menu, 
> choose Services and "Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track".
> Note the following:
> • If you wish to record the entire document, simply press cmd-a to Select All.
> • This script will create a playlist in itunes called Spoken Text and place 
> the file in it.
> • If you use this option a lot, I suggest that you make a Keyboard Shortcut 
> for it.
> To make a Keyboard shortcut:
>   • Go to system Preferences.
>   • Select the Keyboard System Pref.
>   • Select the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.
>   • Interact With the Keyboard Categories table.
>   • Slect Services from the second column.
>   • Stop Interacting With the Keyboard Categories table.
>   • Navigate right once and Interact With the Keyboard Shortcuts table.
>   • Select the Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track item.
>   • Navigate right once to the text field.
>   • Press VO-space to activate.
>   • Press the key combination you'd like.  Be careful to not pick one 
> already used by the OS.
>   • close the System Prefs.
>   • If the shortcut does not appear, restart your Mac.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-14, at 1:49 AM, Ahmed Alomran wrote:
>> hi
>> i am writing to ask whether there is a way to save text files as mp3 with 
>> alex voice?
>> kind regards.
>> Ahmed.
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Undo not working consistently

2010-11-14 Thread Eric Caron
Hello List,

Ever since I changed to iMap I have noticed that sometimes after I 
delete a message I can use command Z to bring it back and sometimes I can't. 

Does anyone know why sometimes when I try to bring back a accidentally 
deleted message I can press Command Z and it comes back and other times I just 
hear a unhappy bleep and nothing happens? 

Eric Caron 

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Re: help with bookmarks

2010-11-14 Thread Esther

Hi Laura,

Try using Command+Z to undo your last action in the Safari Bookmarks  
menu.  (These are options in the Edit menu of the Safari menu bar:  
Command+Z is undo, and Command+Shift+Z will redo, reversing the  
undo.)  You should be able to undo your delete.



On Nov 14, 2010, Laura Bratton wrote:

Hi All,
I pressed the delete key on a folder in my bookmarks which I didn't  
mean to do! I went to my trash folder and it is not there. How  do I  
recover the folder to my bookmarks?


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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Courtney Curran
I've never heard that before, that's kind of cool.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:14 PM, louie wrote:

> You can get music on a SD card now from a music store.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to 
>> find a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The 
>> majority of people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, 
>> will pass albums sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling 
>> to the CD like they clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop 
>> building the hardware to play them, people will have no choice but to move 
>> on.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>>> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
>>> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
>>> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
>>> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
>>> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
>>> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you 
>>> have to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  
>>> have relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player 
>>> age. so when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to 
>>> etc...
>>> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
>>> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have 
>>> saved some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of 
>>> it as of yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
>>> chenelle
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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> louie
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Massimo
In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 17.54.56, Donna Goodin 
 ha scritto:
Wow, that sounds cool!  I'll definitely take a look at that.  Nice to 
have an alternative that doesn't require me to add everything to my 
iTunes library.
The installation proces for MAX is a little bit different. The 
application comes in a zipped file containing 3 or 4 files. All .app 
files are important to have MAX working, but having all of them into 
Applications system folder make it a little bit chaotic. So, you may 
want to create a new folder for MAX files, copy them there and create an 
alias pointing to into your applications folder.

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infobox question:

2010-11-14 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi nick and ray,
i wanted to know just how much was enfo box to purchase?
i would like to purchase the american and brittish voices for my mb pro and 
wanted to know where do i go to  check out the website and how much it may cost 
for me to purchase it.
thanks again nick and ray.

Sent from my iPhone

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Star Breed, an interactive story for the iPhone/iPod

2010-11-14 Thread Orin
Hi all,

VO users should try this. It apparently is an epic scifi story where you're a 
commanding officer in an original setting etc, so what you're doing I don't 
know as of yet.

However it apparently does have sounds and music, you have to read it so it's 
text, which I'm assuming VO may be able to read.

You can search for Star Breed in the app store or go to

Enjoy and it'd be awesome if it's accessible.

Skype: orin1112

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Vaughn Bennison
We do still have download caps, although they're improving.  For example I now 
pay $69 for 400gb of data, supposedly at a speed of up to 22MB/s.  I get about 
12mb/s.  As far as I know, there isn't anywhere we can get Australian tv 
content (for what it's worth) on the internet, so we're still stuck with 
terrestrial RF reception, albiet digital.  That is, unless we pay $50 per month 
for "cable" which gives us about 100 channels or fewer.  I think we have a 
total of about 27 RF channels, but a lot of them are copies of each other, in 
HD or other ormats.

On 14/11/2010, at 10:23 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Don't you have ridiculous volume capping measures in Australia?  Last I heard 
> it was really hard to find internet service there where they didn't squeeze 
> the crap out of customers.  It's pretty bad here.  Video junkies and gamers 
> feel a bit of a pinch but if you absolutely have to go for a big name 
> provider you can make do.  Or you can get around the capping by shopping 
> smart and going with some one who doesn't cap.  It's been a while, but if the 
> useage situation there is still what I remember then it's really not 
> surprising that tv over the net hasn't really taken off.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-11-14, at 7:09 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:
>> Internet tv hasn't yet taken off in Australia, and I don't know if it will.
>> Vaughn.
>> On 14/11/2010, at 6:14 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Personally, I use Hulu and other sites to watch the tv shows I like. It 
>>> works well enough for my taste. I've already made the switch. I also use a 
>>> program called Rip it to change my dvds into mp4 files. They work wherever 
>>> I need them on the mac or iPhone.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
 Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you 
 like all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
 Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays 
 at 08:00 UTC on
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
> Hi Donna,
>   I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for 
> that
> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a 
> computer-based
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
> this
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have 
> done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: Star Breed, an interactive story for the iPhone/iPod

2010-11-14 Thread Rafaela Freundt

But have you tried it. does it work?
I wouldn't wanna buy it if it isn't accessible.

El 14/11/2010, a las 15:03, Orin escribió:

> Hi all,
> VO users should try this. It apparently is an epic scifi story where you're a 
> commanding officer in an original setting etc, so what you're doing I don't 
> know as of yet.
> However it apparently does have sounds and music, you have to read it so it's 
> text, which I'm assuming VO may be able to read.
> You can search for Star Breed in the app store or go to
> Enjoy and it'd be awesome if it's accessible.
> Orin
> Twitter:
> Skype: orin1112
> -- 
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Re: infobox question:

2010-11-14 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Chenelle,

BUying an activation key for Infovox iVox itself will activate the language you 
purchase when buying for the first time. I'll explain the procedure to make it 
more clear, and I will include the prices.

When buying Infovox iVox, you have to exit out of evaluation mode. You do this 
by urchasing a language pack. Not an additional language pack, as that requires 
your copy of Infovox iVox to be activated already. However, when buying an 
activation code for the application itself, you will also unlock the language 
you purchased.

Let me provide an example with the voices you want to have  below.

If you want to buy the American English voices as an activation package, that 
makes it US$ /  €99 depending on where you are from. Scandinavian languages 
(non-aditional language pack) costs US$ / Euro 219. If you then want to buy an 
additional language pack (British in this case), it is US$ / Euro 59.50. For 
Scandinavian languages, however, it is US$ / Euro 109.50.

These are all single user licenses. You can also obtain classroom, household 
and educational licenses for  these packages. I will stress this 
want the Infovox iVox, but not the one that says additional language pack. You 
can only use additional language packs when your copy of Infovox iVox has been 
activated, and you do this by purchasing the Infovox iVox including one 
language of choice.

You can see more on this webpage.

I hope this helped you out.

Good luck. :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:00 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi nick and ray,
> i wanted to know just how much was enfo box to purchase?
> i would like to purchase the american and brittish voices for my mb pro and 
> wanted to know where do i go to  check out the website and how much it may 
> cost for me to purchase it.
> thanks again nick and ray.
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Star Breed, an interactive story for the iPhone/iPod

2010-11-14 Thread Orin
I can't try it, I don't have an iOS device. If I did I would.
Skype: orin1112

On Nov 14, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> Hi,
> But have you tried it. does it work?
> I wouldn't wanna buy it if it isn't accessible.
> thanks,
> Rafaela
> El 14/11/2010, a las 15:03, Orin escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> VO users should try this. It apparently is an epic scifi story where you're 
>> a commanding officer in an original setting etc, so what you're doing I 
>> don't know as of yet.
>> However it apparently does have sounds and music, you have to read it so 
>> it's text, which I'm assuming VO may be able to read.
>> You can search for Star Breed in the app store or go to
>> Enjoy and it'd be awesome if it's accessible.
>> Orin
>> Twitter:
>> Skype: orin1112
>> -- 
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RE: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Scott Ford
Hello everyone,
I am using an eye tv and the primary parts of the application are
more than 100 times more accessible than a TiVo.  The program guide and the
preferences are not accessible, however all of the controls for manipulating
the TV is.  I can use the Bluetooth keyboard as my remote and it is really
awesome.  Backing up is a touch of the left arrow key.  I have not saved any
programs yet so I cannot comment yet.  So far it is pretty cool. I plan on
having two displays for those who can see so that they can multi task.  I am
also looking at home automation equipment to connect to the mini as well.
The sky is the limit with this little bugger.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vaughn Bennison
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 2:13 AM
Subject: Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under
windows.  The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is
that TV is very difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be
only one aplication for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely
useless with voiceover, although from all accounts it's a cool programme!
Apart from that, the mac is a good option.

On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a
computer-based entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media
computer to be a Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD
collection?  Can this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know
what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I don't find ITV on the Apple site after a quick search; where may I read about 
and possibly buy one?
Thanks. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: infobox question:

2010-11-14 Thread Esther

Hi Nic and Chenelle,

I have to say that I really only use the Heather voice from the U.S.  
English Infovox voices.  Since you get the U.S. English Heather voice  
as a part of every language activation pack, you could just get the  
British English Infovox voices as an activation pack for $99 if that's  
the only voice you use, because you'll get all the British voices plus  
the U.S. Heather voice.   Now, I actually have the U.S. English  
Infovox activation pack because it was part of a special promotion to  
get Visiovoice that David Niemeijer of Assistiveware offered to this  
list soon after it started, and at that time, Visiovoice was the only  
way you could run French voices integrated with Tiger.  However, if I  
were to buy this today, I'd just buy the British voices as my basic  
Infovox language activation pack for $99, and I'd get the Heather  
voice as part of the package along with all the British English voices.

Or, if I were just starting with the French voices as my activation  
pack, or the Russian voices (both of which were purchased as add-ons)  
I'd also get the Heather voice as part of the activation license.   
And, as Anne recommended, I'd personally pay the extra $10 to add  
GhostReader to my basic activation pack bundle, but that's just  
personal preference.



On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:30, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

Hello Chenelle,

BUying an activation key for Infovox iVox itself will activate the  
language you purchase when buying for the first time. I'll explain  
the procedure to make it more clear, and I will include the prices.

When buying Infovox iVox, you have to exit out of evaluation mode.  
You do this by urchasing a language pack. Not an additional language  
pack, as that requires your copy of Infovox iVox to be activated  
already. However, when buying an activation code for the application  
itself, you will also unlock the language you purchased.

Let me provide an example with the voices you want to have  below.

If you want to buy the American English voices as an activation  
package, that makes it US$ /  €99 depending on where you are from.  
Scandinavian languages (non-aditional language pack) costs US$ /  
Euro 219. If you then want to buy an additional language pack  
(British in this case), it is US$ / Euro 59.50. For Scandinavian  
languages, however, it is US$ / Euro 109.50.

These are all single user licenses. You can also obtain classroom,  
household and educational licenses for  these packages. I will  
stress this want the Infovox iVox, but not the one that  
says additional language pack. You can only use additional language  
packs when your copy of Infovox iVox has been activated, and you do  
this by purchasing the Infovox iVox including one language of choice.

You can see more on this webpage.

I hope this helped you out.

Good luck. :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:00 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

hi nick and ray,
i wanted to know just how much was enfo box to purchase?
i would like to purchase the american and brittish voices for my mb  
pro and wanted to know where do i go to  check out the website and  
how much it may cost for me to purchase it.

thanks again nick and ray.

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Re: infobox question:

2010-11-14 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Nic,

Thank you for writing such a susinct and explanitory message  to explain what I 
was trying to say earlier. I think the way I wrote my message about Infovox 
licenses. I had to purchase the American voices before i could use the British 
english voices. I E-mailed Origin Instruments about this and they said that in 
order for the British English voices to work, I had to purchase the American 
voices first. Once that occurred, I was able to use the British voices with no 
problem. Your description is amazing! THank you for providing such great 
information. Have a wonderful day.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 14, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Chenelle,
> BUying an activation key for Infovox iVox itself will activate the language 
> you purchase when buying for the first time. I'll explain the procedure to 
> make it more clear, and I will include the prices.
> When buying Infovox iVox, you have to exit out of evaluation mode. You do 
> this by urchasing a language pack. Not an additional language pack, as that 
> requires your copy of Infovox iVox to be activated already. However, when 
> buying an activation code for the application itself, you will also unlock 
> the language you purchased.
> Let me provide an example with the voices you want to have  below.
> If you want to buy the American English voices as an activation package, that 
> makes it US$ /  €99 depending on where you are from. Scandinavian languages 
> (non-aditional language pack) costs US$ / Euro 219. If you then want to buy 
> an additional language pack (British in this case), it is US$ / Euro 59.50. 
> For Scandinavian languages, however, it is US$ / Euro 109.50.
> These are all single user licenses. You can also obtain classroom, household 
> and educational licenses for  these packages. I will stress this 
> want the Infovox iVox, but not the one that says additional language pack. 
> You can only use additional language packs when your copy of Infovox iVox has 
> been activated, and you do this by purchasing the Infovox iVox including one 
> language of choice.
> You can see more on this webpage.
> I hope this helped you out.
> Good luck. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 9:00 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi nick and ray,
>> i wanted to know just how much was enfo box to purchase?
>> i would like to purchase the american and brittish voices for my mb pro and 
>> wanted to know where do i go to  check out the website and how much it may 
>> cost for me to purchase it.
>> thanks again nick and ray.
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-14 Thread Mike Arrigo
Check out the acapela voices,
On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi all:
> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Mike Arrigo
If you get something like the mac mini, or really any mac for that matter, 
there's no need even to import anything. Just use the dvd player app that the 
mac provides.
On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: feature suggestion for braille key assignments.

2010-11-14 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Erik and all,

I finally figured out that in order to read E-mail with the Braille display, I 
have to interact with the keyboard and the Braille display. The choices for the 
Braillino are good, and I can interact with text without having to touch the 
keyboard, but not as much as I'd like. I know what you mean about having the 
Braille display's keyboard perform  standard keyboard commands. It took ,e a 
bit to understand this concept until I started using my Braillino to read all 
my E-mail messages. I don't use it on websites as much as i do if i'm writing 
in Pages or an E-mail. THank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

Have a great Sunday.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Alison,  This is my entire thing, you can't use the display to perform 
> standard keyboard commands.  Multitudenous voiceover commands yes, but no 
> standard mac os keyboard commands.
> Unfortunately, I don't have a braillino to test on here, so I can't see what 
> you are seeing.
> If you go to voiceover utility then braille then displays tab, you can press 
> the assign commands button and see all the ones that are predefined for your 
> braille display.  You can also add more by pressing command B and then 
> pressing the button combination you want to add.  Press space bar on it in 
> the table and you can choose from literally hundreds of functions.  That 
> display should also allow you to write  braille on your mac since it has an 
> input keyboard.
> I wish I could give you better info, but as I said, I don't have one here for 
> demo.  Unfortunately they aren't funded here and no one sells them, or I 
> would have access to one.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-11-11, at 4:00 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> I understand what you mean now. The only thing I'm still confused about is 
>> how you assign commands. I cannot find a command for skimming through a 
>> message by paratraphs. I have the next and previous commands, pan left and 
>> right commands. But I don't see a command to go next and previous 
>> paragraphs. I'm sure I'm missing something. I apologize for my ignorance on 
>> this matter. I never realized that you could use the Braille display to also 
>> perform keyboard functions on the Mac. I hope  you are having a wonderful 
>> day. Thanks again for answering all my questions.
>> Happily,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:02 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hum, well you're right I'm super confused, but I think I can clarify.
>>> Actually, I was wrong in my original post which merks things up even more.
>>> To understand what I'm doing, I'll give you a brief description of the 
>>> braille connect.
>>> The front edge is cut out on a slant and has the following controls left to 
>>> right.
>>> function keys 1 and 2, left space, joystick, right space, and function keys 
>>> 3 and 4.  The function keys are called f1 through f4 on the mac.
>>> on the top face the braille display and it's router keys are at the front.  
>>> On each side of the braille display are three round keys running front to 
>>> back along the ends of the display.  The mac calls these d1 through d6.
>>> behind the router keys is a set of 8 braille input keys which are square 
>>> and laid out in an ergonomic braille keyboard style.  Mac calls these dot1 
>>> through dot8.When I was talking about d1+d2+d3, I actually meant 
>>> dot1+dot2+dot3.
>>> What I eventualy hope to accomplish is to force my mac to emulate the 
>>> conventions of a standard note taker, such as the braille note, braille 
>>> sense, or packmate.
>>> You have some experience with these, so just nod along here.
>>> In the notetaker convention, space+1 = previous letter, space+4 = next 
>>> letter.
>>> space+2 = previous word, space+5 = next word.
>>> Space+3 = previous sentence, space+6 = next sentence.
>>> Space+2+3 equals previous paragraph, space+5+6 = next paragraph.
>>> Space+1+2+3 = go to top, space+4+5+6 = go to end.
>>> add the word dot before all those numbers if you want to be mackish about 
>>> it.
>>> OK, so with the braille connect, we're breaking the convention already, 
>>> because next and previous letter are joystick left and right, but that's OK.
>>> Here's what I'd like to do for the bc.  I'll make a nice little table here.
>>> Function, mac OS command, braille connect command,
>>> Previous word, option left arrow, space+dot1,
>>> next word, option right arrow, space+dot4,
>>> Previous paragraph, option up arrow, space+dot2,
>>> next paragraph, option down arrow, space+dot5,
>>> beginning of line, control right arrow, space+dot3,
>>> end of line, control

Re: feature suggestion for braille key assignments.

2010-11-14 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have suggested apple to let us setup standard commands, so we can perform 
them from our braille displays. If you do the same, they will maybe listen, and 
make that possible.

Best regards Annie.
On Nov 11, 2010, at 10:52 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Alison,  This is my entire thing, you can't use the display to perform 
> standard keyboard commands.  Multitudenous voiceover commands yes, but no 
> standard mac os keyboard commands.
> Unfortunately, I don't have a braillino to test on here, so I can't see what 
> you are seeing.
> If you go to voiceover utility then braille then displays tab, you can press 
> the assign commands button and see all the ones that are predefined for your 
> braille display.  You can also add more by pressing command B and then 
> pressing the button combination you want to add.  Press space bar on it in 
> the table and you can choose from literally hundreds of functions.  That 
> display should also allow you to write  braille on your mac since it has an 
> input keyboard.
> I wish I could give you better info, but as I said, I don't have one here for 
> demo.  Unfortunately they aren't funded here and no one sells them, or I 
> would have access to one.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-11-11, at 4:00 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> I understand what you mean now. The only thing I'm still confused about is 
>> how you assign commands. I cannot find a command for skimming through a 
>> message by paratraphs. I have the next and previous commands, pan left and 
>> right commands. But I don't see a command to go next and previous 
>> paragraphs. I'm sure I'm missing something. I apologize for my ignorance on 
>> this matter. I never realized that you could use the Braille display to also 
>> perform keyboard functions on the Mac. I hope  you are having a wonderful 
>> day. Thanks again for answering all my questions.
>> Happily,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:02 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hum, well you're right I'm super confused, but I think I can clarify.
>>> Actually, I was wrong in my original post which merks things up even more.
>>> To understand what I'm doing, I'll give you a brief description of the 
>>> braille connect.
>>> The front edge is cut out on a slant and has the following controls left to 
>>> right.
>>> function keys 1 and 2, left space, joystick, right space, and function keys 
>>> 3 and 4.  The function keys are called f1 through f4 on the mac.
>>> on the top face the braille display and it's router keys are at the front.  
>>> On each side of the braille display are three round keys running front to 
>>> back along the ends of the display.  The mac calls these d1 through d6.
>>> behind the router keys is a set of 8 braille input keys which are square 
>>> and laid out in an ergonomic braille keyboard style.  Mac calls these dot1 
>>> through dot8.When I was talking about d1+d2+d3, I actually meant 
>>> dot1+dot2+dot3.
>>> What I eventualy hope to accomplish is to force my mac to emulate the 
>>> conventions of a standard note taker, such as the braille note, braille 
>>> sense, or packmate.
>>> You have some experience with these, so just nod along here.
>>> In the notetaker convention, space+1 = previous letter, space+4 = next 
>>> letter.
>>> space+2 = previous word, space+5 = next word.
>>> Space+3 = previous sentence, space+6 = next sentence.
>>> Space+2+3 equals previous paragraph, space+5+6 = next paragraph.
>>> Space+1+2+3 = go to top, space+4+5+6 = go to end.
>>> add the word dot before all those numbers if you want to be mackish about 
>>> it.
>>> OK, so with the braille connect, we're breaking the convention already, 
>>> because next and previous letter are joystick left and right, but that's OK.
>>> Here's what I'd like to do for the bc.  I'll make a nice little table here.
>>> Function, mac OS command, braille connect command,
>>> Previous word, option left arrow, space+dot1,
>>> next word, option right arrow, space+dot4,
>>> Previous paragraph, option up arrow, space+dot2,
>>> next paragraph, option down arrow, space+dot5,
>>> beginning of line, control right arrow, space+dot3,
>>> end of line, control right arrow, space+dot6,
>>> go to top, command up arrow, space+1+2+3, 
>>> go to bottom, command down arrow, space+dot4+dot5+dot6.
>>> I don't know anything about the brailleno control surface, but it wouldn't 
>>> be hard to put previous and next letter on dots 1 and 4, then move 
>>> everything else outward and put next and previous paragraph on dots 23 and 
>>> 56.
>>> If you don't normally use these commands, make yourself a reply to this 
>>> message, type some text and then practice going word by word, paragra

Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
but how then do you get around the menus in the dvd you are watching? I've 
never used that app so dunno.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> If you get something like the mac mini, or really any mac for that matter, 
> there's no need even to import anything. Just use the dvd player app that the 
> mac provides.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
>> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
lol. I'll actually be carrying 1000 cds with me on my tour, when it happens so 
for me cds are not going out of style that quickly. lol! That should be fun! 
and hopefully people will be able to import them in to there itunes libraries. 
On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:14 AM, louie wrote:

> You can get music on a SD card now from a music store.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to 
>> find a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The 
>> majority of people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, 
>> will pass albums sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling 
>> to the CD like they clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop 
>> building the hardware to play them, people will have no choice but to move 
>> on.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>>> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
>>> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
>>> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
>>> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
>>> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
>>> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you 
>>> have to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  
>>> have relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player 
>>> age. so when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to 
>>> etc...
>>> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
>>> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have 
>>> saved some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of 
>>> it as of yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
>>> chenelle
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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> louie
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Re: Been away too long from Yurufukuru - a couple of stupid questions

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have never figured out how to search for users but if you contact the dev at or you hopefully will get a 
responce and they fix the problems rather quickly.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> In Yurufukuru, can't you search for users too, I can't figure out how to do 
> this. I've also disabled autocomplete. 
> Thanks,
> Courtney
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> I've also disabled auto complete, as I found it to get in the way, rather 
>> than help me to use the client the way I wanted.  .  
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello. contact the dev about the auto complete issue. As far as your first 
>>> question I hit cmd n and hit follow @username. Oh and I turn auto complete 
>>> off btw. I also can't get that sucker to work. lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 Here comes the second stupid question. This time, it's about the Twitter 
 client Yurufukuru. I was playing with it a while a couple days ago and i 
 had a hard time, or rather a struggle to make it do what i wanted. I 
 couldn't for the life of me figure out how to follow a user. No matter 
 where i looked, there didn't seem to be a way to follow a user.
 Secondly i had a really hard time with the auto completion feature. No 
 matter how i did it, i could not get it to accept that i wanted to DM a 
 user not in the list, i had to give up alltogether, because the 
 autocompletion put the cursor where i didn't want it and i couldn't find a 
 way to actually place the cursor where i wanted it, so that i could 
 complete the name of the user i wished to DM. Once i managed to convinse 
 the auto completion that i would write to a person not in the auto 
 completion list, but that was only once, and Lord knows how i did it, so 
 if anyone has some hints about how one goes about to make working with 
 Yurufukuru less of a battle and more of a pleasure, i'd be ever so 
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Re: Music Notation software

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
I've also asked the midi mag list and no one can come up with a solution. You 
can't be telling me I have to go back to windows to write especially since I 
lost my midi drives for my old oxygen keyboard.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:20 AM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I asked the same question a little month ago, but I didn't get any response.
> Maybe anyone have tried Sibelius 6 on the Mac?
> Btw, Sarah, which kind of choir music are you into? (You can mail me off-list 
> if ye wish :) )
> -David
> Den 14.11.2010 03:58, skrev Sarah Alawami:
>> I would also like ot know that. I want to get writing choir music again. 
>> I've got so much in my head I want to get out there.
>> S
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:49 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>>> Hello my fellow Mac loving musicians,
>>> What options, if any, are there for music notation software on the Mac? I 
>>> know a lot of sighted people who use Finale, but I haven't messed with it, 
>>> and I haven't touched music notation since I lost my sight, with the 
>>> exception of a very basic primer in braille music. I know that Dancing Dots 
>>> has some solutions on the Windows side, but I would really prefer to keep 
>>> things Mac centric around here.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joshua
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Sarah,

THe ap on the mac DVD player is cool. You just hit VO M and g to chapter, 
audio, etc whatever menu you want. It's pretty easy once you've done it a few 
times. I had trouble at first. But it's very cool.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:11 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> but how then do you get around the menus in the dvd you are watching? I've 
> never used that app so dunno.
> S
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> If you get something like the mac mini, or really any mac for that matter, 
>> there's no need even to import anything. Just use the dvd player app that 
>> the mac provides.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
>>> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
>>> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can 
>>> this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have 
>>> done.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Sorry Sarah, I'm curious, what tour are you going to do?
On 14 Nov 2010, at 22:13, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> lol. I'll actually be carrying 1000 cds with me on my tour, when it happens 
> so for me cds are not going out of style that quickly. lol! That should be 
> fun! and hopefully people will be able to import them in to there itunes 
> libraries. lol!
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:14 AM, louie wrote:
>> You can get music on a SD card now from a music store.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to 
>>> find a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The 
>>> majority of people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, 
>>> will pass albums sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling 
>>> to the CD like they clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop 
>>> building the hardware to play them, people will have no choice but to move 
>>> on.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
 hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
 I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  
 as my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight 
 months or so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring 
 my music library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all 
 though. due to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at 
 anytime and you have to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i 
 mean.  also i  have relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  
 system/ cd player age. so when we have party's we often  use someof my 
 cd's to listen to etc...
 i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in 
 the late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have 
 saved some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of 
 it as of yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> louie
>> -- 
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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Re: help with bookmarks

2010-11-14 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I did that. I ended up using MobleMe to sync again.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 14, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi All,
> I pressed the delete key on a folder in my bookmarks which I didn't mean to 
> do! I went to my trash folder and it is not there. How  do I recover the 
> folder to my bookmarks?
> Thanks,
> Laura 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'll contact you off list about that later. lol!

Take care.

On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Sorry Sarah, I'm curious, what tour are you going to do?
> On 14 Nov 2010, at 22:13, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. I'll actually be carrying 1000 cds with me on my tour, when it happens 
>> so for me cds are not going out of style that quickly. lol! That should be 
>> fun! and hopefully people will be able to import them in to there itunes 
>> libraries. lol!
>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 10:14 AM, louie wrote:
>>> You can get music on a SD card now from a music store.
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to 
 find a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The 
 majority of people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, 
 will pass albums sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling 
 to the CD like they clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop 
 building the hardware to play them, people will have no choice but to move 
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  
> as my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight 
> months or so that i have getting my music through  itunes and 
> transferring my music library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still 
> have them all though. due to the fact i still infer that  technology can 
> crash at anytime and you have to have a back up to your back up. if you 
> know what i mean.  also i  have relatives  who are still in the age of 
> the stereo  system/ cd player age. so when we have party's we often  use 
> someof my cd's to listen to etc...
> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in 
> the late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i 
> have saved some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored 
> all of it as of yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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>>> louie
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
> -- 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah the only thing it won't work on is an 85 gig dvd. it  crashes the crap out 
of it. lol! I know this from experience. lol!

On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> THe ap on the mac DVD player is cool. You just hit VO M and g to chapter, 
> audio, etc whatever menu you want. It's pretty easy once you've done it a few 
> times. I had trouble at first. But it's very cool.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 14, 2010, at 5:11 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> but how then do you get around the menus in the dvd you are watching? I've 
>> never used that app so dunno.
>> S
>> On Nov 14, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> If you get something like the mac mini, or really any mac for that matter, 
>>> there's no need even to import anything. Just use the dvd player app that 
>>> the mac provides.
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a 
 computer-based entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media 
 computer to be a Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD 
 collection?  Can this be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know 
 what others have done.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-14 Thread Massimo
In data Domenica 14 Novembre 2010 22.16.25, Mike Arrigo 
 ha scritto:

If you get something like the mac mini, or really any mac for that matter, 
there's no need even to import anything. Just use the dvd player app that the 
mac provides.
Importing DVD or CDA is a good way to preserve the original media from 
damages and browse  trough filesystem is much faster then looking for 
the cd or dvd you want to play. Just my opinion.

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