Rewritable cds work in many cd players, especially new ones.  I have an old 
original cd player in my classic Porsche 944A  (1985 early) and that thing even 
plays rewritable disks so it's not a given.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
> will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
>> them. :)
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. 
>>> they will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds 
>>> so in a way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>>>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
>>>> floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
>>>> applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
>>>> think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
>>>> the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't 
>>>> be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
>>>>> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>>>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>>>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>>>>>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>>>>>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>>>>>> spoken.  
>>>>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>>>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>>>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>>>>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>>>>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>>>>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>>>>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>>>>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>>>>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>>>>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>>>>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>>>>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>>>>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>>>>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>>>>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>>>>>>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
>>>>>>>> every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
>>>>>>>> about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
>>>>>>>> am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
>>>>>>>> sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
>>>>>>>> words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
>>>>>>>> see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
>>>>>>>> So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
>>>>>>>> have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
>>>>>>>> time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had 
>>>>>>>> a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
>>>>>>>> Marlaina
>>>>>>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>>>>>>>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>>>>>>>> S
>>>>>>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>>>>>>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
>>>>>>>>> netbook thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form 
>>>>>>>>> factor and size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there 
>>>>>>>>> are a couple of key differences:
>>>>>>>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>>>>>>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function 
>>>>>>>>> keys are a bit reduced, though.
>>>>>>>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>>>>>>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock 
>>>>>>>>> speed than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core 
>>>>>>>>> processor, not one optimized for low power consumption with 
>>>>>>>>> processing power sacrificed.
>>>>>>>>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>>>>>>>>> powerup.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>>>>>>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc 
>>>>>>>>>> netbook the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 
>>>>>>>>>> the macbook air is about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to 
>>>>>>>>>>  try one one day. They sound cool for quick things like note taking 
>>>>>>>>>> in class o what not.
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from 
>>>>>>>>>>> Reno, NV where yesterday, I used that same MacBook Air to take 9 
>>>>>>>>>>> hours worth of minutes during the American Council of the Blind 
>>>>>>>>>>> Board Meeting.  I am ACB Secretary, and this machine performs just 
>>>>>>>>>>> like my MacBook Pro but without all the weight.  I got the 11 inch 
>>>>>>>>>>> size and it is absolutely wonderful.
>>>>>>>>>>> Marlaina Lieberg
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The Macbook Air runs OS X Snow Leopard. It should be just as 
>>>>>>>>>>> accessible as any other Macbook.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
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