new mac user OmniPage verses IRIS Pro

2010-07-13 Thread sister Heather Albright
Hello, I have never used these products and was wondering if someone can tell 
me which might be better for scanning!  I have only used kurwzeil 1000 on my 
windows computer and so far I found the information on both to be equal as far 
as their claims to scan well.  However, I read that Nuance  does not provide 
tec support after the first call.  Do both work well with voiceover?  If this 
question was asked before I apologize. Heather 
"blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap" (Dr. Kennith Jernigan) 
National Federation of The Blind:  

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RE: Receipt Requests in Mail

2010-07-13 Thread Simon F
Exuss the spelling but yeah there is a mail client called onterarge 

 It's the mac office version of outlook. However outlook isn't accessible
for the mac yet.may be different with office 2k11.



[] On Behalf Of sister Heather
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 9:47 a.m.
Subject: Re: Receipt Requests in Mail


I am not exactly sure what it is called but, apparently mac has a windows
mail program that can get message receits.  I believe it is the microsoft
office for mac.  The apple store where you are located maybe able to point
you in the right direction. Heather 

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RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Simon F
Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
left hand and the signal is lost.
 When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Hey Doug,
>>> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
did not happen yet.
>>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products
because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to
identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Doug,
> I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county
provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
data on products being shipped and received, etc.
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Re: Can a really cool Voice Over feature be enhanced?

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Moore
In the VO utility you can set VO to either use speech to warn the user if a 
word is spelt incorrect or you can set VO to beep, or you can set it to simply 
do nothing.
On 13 Jul 2010, at 00:48, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I don't think this is currently possible, though tere are commands to move to 
> the next and previous misspelled word. This assumes that you have the feature 
> to check spelling as you type enabled of course, personally I keep this 
> disabled since I find it annoying, but it's a personal preference.
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> One of the things I love about Voice Over is the way that it alerts us when 
>> a mis-spelled word is encountered while reading.  While this is really cool, 
>> I am wondering if it is possible to take advantage of this feature while 
>> typing.  Whenever I type, my keyboard is silent, the way I like it.  
>> However, I'd love it if, while typing and a word is mis-spelled, you'd get a 
>> beep as soon as you hit the spacebar or any punctuation character.  Is this 
>> actually possible right now, or do I need to drop a note to the 
>> accessibility group?
>> Mike
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Re: navigating images o websites

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Moore
Some web designers are lazy and use the name of a file as a alt description 
too. This is why Voice Over reads out these images as .gif .jpg etc even when 
navigating by image with description is set.  My advice is to email the 
webmaster of the offending website and let them know that the alt descriptions 
on their site are not useful and if the image is there for purely decorative 
reasons then the alt  tag should be left empty i.e. alt+="" 

I must admit though I do find it annoying that VO reads out vertical line, it 
is a shame we can't get VO to ignore this character whilst reading HTML pages.
On 13 Jul 2010, at 04:52, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you know, in the voice over utility, in the "web" section, there is a pop 
> up button that gives access to choices having to do with when to navigate 
> images. the choices are never, always or with descriptions. I had mine set to 
> "with descriptions", but I found that at this setting, I would still see 
> links that clearly didn't have alt text descriptions, such as those you hear 
> that say xxx.gif or xxx.png where xxx is the name of the file. So  that made 
> me wonder what is meant by "navigate" images. Today, on a website 
>, which is managed by a friend of mine, while reading all 
> from top with vo plus a, I heard vo say "vertical line" 2 or 3 times as it 
> read through links. So I set navigate images to never, and still, I hear vo 
> say "vertical line". I asked my friend, and she told me that she has the 
> empty alt text associated with these images, in accordance with the 508 
> guidelines. And when I read this site on a pc using a screen reader, the 
> vertical lines are nowhere to be heard.
> So with that long explanation, can somebody please clarify for me what the 
> image navigation in vo is all about?
> mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: zoom on the IPhone Camera

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Moore

Simply bring up the camera; double tap on the viewfinder and then flick to the 
right, three times. YOu’ll now see the zoom control.
Flicking up or down on this control with a single finger will increment or 
decrement the value by ten percent respectively. the highest value is 100 and 
the lowest value is 0.
NOTE: Each time you flick once your focus will be moved to the viewfinder 
again, so you’ll need to flick right three times to get to the zoom control.
Enjoy! and happy shooting!

On 12 Jul 2010, at 21:02, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Isn't there a way to zoom in a picture on the IPhone camera that is 
> accessible?
> Kev
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Episode P55: Mark On iCal With VoiceOver

2010-07-13 Thread M. Taylor
Now posted on CANDLE SHORE:


Hello Everyone,  


I hope you enjoy this approximately 20 minute episode of the CANDLE SHORE
PODCAST in which I demonstrate Apple's calendar application (iCal) in
conjunction with VoiceOver, a software screen reading solution for the blind
and low vision.


 Click Here To Go To The Post that Links to the episode.



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Re: new mac user OmniPage verses IRIS Pro

2010-07-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Forget Omnipage on the Mac.  Nuence tells me it isn't accessible.  Iris is 
better, but, has a fifty page per session limit.  Abby Fine reader is by far 
better and has no page limit.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 13, 2010, at 2:05 AM, sister Heather Albright wrote:

> Hello, I have never used these products and was wondering if someone can tell 
> me which might be better for scanning!  I have only used kurwzeil 1000 on my 
> windows computer and so far I found the information on both to be equal as 
> far as their claims to scan well.  However, I read that Nuance  does not 
> provide tec support after the first call.  Do both work well with voiceover?  
> If this question was asked before I apologize. Heather
> "blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap" (Dr. Kennith Jernigan) 
> National Federation of The Blind: 
> -- 
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Re: pc gaming on the mac

2010-07-13 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
I assume that before you disided to clutter up a mac list with what is
more or less a windows question you made sure that his games worked in
windows 7 on a pc?

Just saying.

On 13/07/2010, Josh Kennedy  wrote:
> Hi
> Ok with running windows7 in bootcamp I have been trying all day long and
> windows7 professional 64bit in bootcamp refuses to run jim kitchen's games.
> I wonder if I should download that windows xp mode from microsoft and try
> that? I even tried compatibility mode still, isn't working. System access
> and screen readers are working fine it seems its just certain applications
> are refusing to run and giving me trouble. For example revo uninstaller is
> another program that's not running at all. I'm gunna ask voc rehab to buy me
> vmware fusion I think. if they don't I'll just go ahead and buy it at the
> end of the month.
> Josh Kennedy
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accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread chad baker
Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
I burned it as mp3.

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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Moore
You could try Toast by Roxio, some CD burning tasks can also be done directly 
within OS X and dISK Utility too 
On 13 Jul 2010, at 12:12, chad baker wrote:

> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
> I burned it as mp3.
> thanks
> -- 
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Fwd: Application Issues

2010-07-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
I found a really nice pedometer app for using on the treadmill to calculate 
your distances. There are some unlabled buttons, and I wrote to the developer. 
Here is his response. A very good detailed description of the application 
layout. I can definitely recommend this app. 

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ricky Amano 
> Date: July 13, 2010 5:43:53 AM CDT
> To: Sarai Bucciarelli 
> Subject: Re: Application Issues
> Hi Sarai,
> Thank you so much for using iTreadmill and for taking the time to email us.  
> I am so sorry for the VoiceOver issues.  I will look into this and see what I 
> can do to make this work in future versions.  For now, please allow me to 
> explain and describe what is on the main treadmill screen:
> There are 5 large rectangular shaped buttons which display all of your 
> desired parameters, such as distance, step count, calories, and so on.  There 
> is one very large one centered near the top of the screen, then there are two 
> more side by side on a row just below the large one.  In the row below those 
> two buttons are the start, pause, and stop controls.  The row below that has 
> two more side by side buttons for a total of 5 buttons.  These buttons are 
> called buttons 1 thru 5 in my code, but those names are not visually seen by 
> the user.  Each button has a parameter name and value displayed on it, such 
> as Distance 3.5 miles, or Speed 2.3 miles per hour.  While these are used to 
> display parameters, they are really buttons that you can tap.  When you tap 
> them, they will change the parameter that is displayed.  Each time you tap 
> them, they will change to display the next of 9 different parameters, which 
> appear in alphabetical order.  Below is a list of the parameters that you can 
> select from in alphabetical order:
> 1.  Avg Pace.  This is the average pace in minutes per mile over your entire 
> walk or run so far.
> 2. Avg Speed.  This is the average speed in miles per hour over your entire 
> walk or run.
> 3. Calories.  This the amount of calories that you have burned so far in your 
> workout.
> 4. Distance.  This is the distance that you have traveled so far.
> 5.  Pace.  This is your current pace, which is measured over the past 20-30 
> seconds or so.
> 6. Speed.  This is you current speed, which is measured over the past 20-30 
> seconds or so.
> 7.  Step Count.  This is simply the number of steps you have taken since you 
> started your workout.
> 8. Strike Rate.  This is the average steps per minute of your entire workout.
> 9. Time.  This is the time spent walking or running since you started your 
> workout.
> By tapping on the buttons, you are able to display any 5 of the above 9 
> parameters on your screen, but you can also change your display on the fly, 
> as all 9 parameter are constantly being updated, even if you are not on your 
> screen at the moment.
> I hope that this helps you to understand what the buttons are and how they 
> are laid out on the screen.  If you need further clarification, please let me 
> know.
> Let me now explain a little bit about the start and pause button.  As you may 
> already know, start and pause share the same button.  When iTreadmill is 
> running, it is a pause button.  When iTreadmill is paused or stopped, it is a 
> start button.  This does make it difficult for you to know what it is if you 
> are using VoiceOver.  One way to tell is that the sound is slightly different 
> whether you have activated a start or a pause.  When you press the button, 
> you will hear 2 beeps.  the second of the two will raise in pitch if you 
> pressed Start, and lower in pitch if you pressed pause.  It is the same 
> sounds that you hear when iTreadmill auto pauses or auto resumes.  This may 
> be too late for you, since you have to activate the button before you will 
> hear the sound and realize what it is doing, so maybe I need to change 
> something there.
> There are 3 other items on the main part of the screen.  To the left of the 
> large button is a screen lock.  You may not need to use it, but it is an 
> image of a padlock the you can slide down to lock the screen and slide up to 
> unlock it.  This will not shut off the screen, but it will disable all of the 
> buttons, tabs and sliders from accidental touches.   Note that with the 
> iPhone in your pocket, the screen is automatically disabled and shut off, so 
> it's not necessary to do the screen lock.  You can test the auto screen blank 
> by placing your finger over the proximity sensor, which is located on the 
> face of the phone just to the left of the earpiece slot.  The screen will now 
> be blanked and you will not be able to have voice over read any buttons on 
> the screen.  Now move your finger away from the sensor, and you will be able 
> to listen to voice over read the screen again.  This may also be important 
> for you to know bec

Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi, Chad,
There's Simply Burns, it's a great software, it's very easy to use.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
> I burned it as mp3.
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: use of the iphone and voice over

2010-07-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I get 
great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case and 
this isn with the new phone.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:

> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
> correcting 
> The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
> left hand and the signal is lost.
> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
>> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 Hey Doug,
 We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
> did not happen yet.
 On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products
> because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to
> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
> product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
> of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
> determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
> full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot
> radius? 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Doug,
>> I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
> we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county
> provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
> from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
> chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
> data on products being shipped and received, etc.
>> --
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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I also saw a program that looked accessible called Dragon burn. I think this 
has been mentioned way, way back. Also, to anyone who knows weren't there 
accessibility issues with Toast?
13 jul 2010 kl. 16.32 skrev Courtney Curran:

> Hi, Chad,
> There's Simply Burns, it's a great software, it's very easy to use.
> Courtney
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
>> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
>> I burned it as mp3.
>> thanks
>> -- 
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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
How about Simply burns?

>From what I hear, that one's supposed to be very easy and accessible and free.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 13, 2010, at 11:03 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> I also saw a program that looked accessible called Dragon burn. I think this 
> has been mentioned way, way back. Also, to anyone who knows weren't there 
> accessibility issues with Toast?
> /Krister
> 13 jul 2010 kl. 16.32 skrev Courtney Curran:
>> Hi, Chad,
>> There's Simply Burns, it's a great software, it's very easy to use.
>> Courtney
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:12 AM, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
>>> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
>>> I burned it as mp3.
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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Re: Receipt Requests in Mail

2010-07-13 Thread Michael Busboom
Actually, I hate them, but my place of employment practically insist on them.  
For me personally, they are useless, and I don't blame Apple for never having 
implemented the feature.  Nevertheless, I am stuck.
On 12,Jul,2010, at 10:09 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Not to turn this into an endless discussion, but I really am curious if 
> people really respond to all of these return receipts or is it something that 
> happens and they have to take no action. I never respond to these because in 
> nearly every case I have to respond to the message, so it would be like 
> replying twice. It would seem that if there was sufficient demand, APple 
> would have implemented this facility into Mail, but apparently its use is not 
> significant.
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Normally, receipt requests aren't important to me, but they are to the 
>> organization for which I work. I'm afraid that if I don't find something, 
>> I'll have to do all my mail under Windows which, in my case, is very doable 
>> but not desirable.
>> I guess I will need to look for new e-mail clients under Mac OS that work 
>> with VO and have the receipt request feature.
>> Mike
>> On 12,Jul,2010, at 8:24 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> I suspect my Mail program sends *something* back to the sender 
>>> sometimes--when I land on some messages, it says "Mail has new window," as 
>>> if it's done some activity very quickly--which I assumed was 
>>> return-receipt-sending.  I'd rather like it to stop doing this, actually, 
>>> as I believe it's sending messages to spammers to let them know the 
>>> account's still active for sending spam to...
>>> -- 
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Re: Can a really cool Voice Over feature be enhanced?

2010-07-13 Thread Michael Busboom
Anne, yes.  Mine plays a tone when it encounters a mis-spelled word.  I am so 
excited about the idea of seeing this implemented that I will write a note to 
the Apple accessibility people right away.



On 12,Jul,2010, at 11:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Mike,
> Have you set it to play a tone when encountering a misspelled word? I have 
> mine set that way and it alerts me to misspelled words when typing. However, 
> I have typing echo set to words.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Can a really cool Voice Over feature be enhanced?

2010-07-13 Thread Michael Busboom
Hi. I agree.  I believe that just hearing the tone would do the trick.  
Besides, if you waited for your Mac to say the word that was mis-pronounced, 
you might be opening up a whole can of worms if you are working in a 
multilingual context.  What I like about the voices I have is that when writing 
in German, they alert me to mis-spelled words.  I am not sure if they would do 
this if I weren't running Voice Over.
On 13,Jul,2010, at 12:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Not so sure this would be as easy. First the one problem might be in how a 
> word is pronounced vs how it is spelled. SO, what I mean is sometimes a word 
> is spelled correctly, but not pronounced correctly. So, even if you hear the 
> word, the "buzz" is more likely to grab your attention then just hearing the 
> word. Not a bad idea, just tossing out there the possible con of implementing 
> the feature.
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 4:28 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On the pc side of things there once was a little known office suite called 
>> Easy office. It wasn't very accessible but it had a very cool feature in its 
>> word processor: If you typed a word that the spell checker thought was 
>> misspelled, it actually sent this misspelled word to the sapi speech synth 
>> so that it read the misspelled word aloud. My suggestion would thus be to 
>> write to the 
>> apple a11y team but not to tell VO to do one neat trick or other, but to 
>> have this feature i talked about above incorporated into the speel checker. 
>> That way many programs could benefit from that feature. What do y'all think 
>> about that?
>> /Krister
>> 12 jul 2010 kl. 21.53 skrev Michael Busboom:
>>> Hello Nic,
>>> Before responding to what you wrote, I need to thank you once again for 
>>> your assistance with the multilingual issue I was having earlier.  You and 
>>> Anne were extremely helpful!  Now, I am happily writing texts in German and 
>>> actually understanding what I write, using high-quality German 
>>> text-to-speech software, instead of trying to guess what Alex is saying as 
>>> he abysmally pronounces every word in the language that Mark Twain loved so 
>>> much.
>>> As far as what you write, it makes sense that words mis-spelled would be 
>>> both voiced and "beeped."  I will write to the accessibility people and ask 
>>> them to consider including an option where the keyboard remains silent, but 
>>> a beep is issued if a word is mis-spelled.
>>> Thanks and good night,
>>> Mike
>>> On 12,Jul,2010, at 9:42 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 When I set it to words, this happens just the way you describe it. Of 
 course, that requires VoiceOver says the word, of course.
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 On Jul 12, 2010, at 9:12 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
> One of the things I love about Voice Over is the way that it alerts us 
> when a mis-spelled word is encountered while reading.  While this is 
> really cool, I am wondering if it is possible to take advantage of this 
> feature while typing.  Whenever I type, my keyboard is silent, the way I 
> like it.  However, I'd love it if, while typing and a word is 
> mis-spelled, you'd get a beep as soon as you hit the spacebar or any 
> punctuation character.  Is this actually possible right now, or do I need 
> to drop a note to the accessibility group?
> Mike
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iPod touch or iPhone iOS4& accented letters

2010-07-13 Thread Jean-Philippe Rykiel
Dear all,
I know that few of you will be concerned with my problem as you, Lucky English 
speaking folks, don't have to use these à or â or é characters.
But I'm having problems accessing these characters with the new touch type mode 
on my iPod touch. These characters are usually linked to their corresponding 
letter so that what you would normally do is double tap and hold a letter and 
slide your finger to get all the alternatives to this particular letter.
With the new touch type mode, it gets a little bit harder , but it still should 
work if you select a letter by hitting  it very briefly and double tap and hold 
anywhere on the screen. The problem is that it works sometimes but not always 
and I think it's a bug.
I sent a mail to Apple access ability, but all I got was this automated reply 
saying that they thanked me for my feedback and blah blah blah.
Is there anyone I could send this bug report to, who  would give me a more 
constructive answer?
all the best,

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Re: Can a really cool Voice Over feature be enhanced?

2010-07-13 Thread Chris McCausland
I think the tone is more than sufficient to alert you to a spelling mistake.  
Extra speech would just be confusing.

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Re: new mac user OmniPage verses IRIS Pro

2010-07-13 Thread sister Heather Albright
Hello Ray, thanks for the info!  I will endeavor to purchase the last two 
programs.  I gather something was up with Nuance just by calling their customer 
service department, not a company I want to deal with; reminds me way to much 
of Microsoft.  Heather 

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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Strange. When you click the Burn Disk button the popup should have three 
options: Audio CD (default), MP3 CD or DataCD. Sounds like you somehow 
got the second option selected.


chad baker wrote:

Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
I burned it as mp3.


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BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread sister Heather Albright
I found a braille manual from the light house addaptations site out of ca.  I 
could not see any reviews, does anyone have an experiences of how well the 
manual is helpful?  Heather 

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Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi Heather,
I believe there're several manuals. I have the Snow Leopard one with verson ten 
point six. It's two volumvs and it costs $15 and ten bucks for shipping. It 
describes the voiceOver commands. You can get the same manual in zipped format 
off the Apple website as well for free.
  - Original Message - 
  From: sister Heather Albright 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:13 PM
  Subject: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

  I found a braille manual from the light house addaptations site out of ca.  I 
could not see any reviews, does anyone have an experiences of how well the 
manual is helpful?  Heather 

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Re: new mac user OmniPage verses IRIS Pro

2010-07-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Quite right Heather.  They can get rather touchy can't they?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:51 PM, sister Heather Albright wrote:

> Hello Ray, thanks for the info!  I will endeavor to purchase the last two 
> programs.  I gather something was up with Nuance just by calling their 
> customer service department, not a company I want to deal with; reminds me 
> way to much of Microsoft.  Heather
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Re: Receipt Requests in Mail

2010-07-13 Thread Scott Howell
Mike, I understand that, but how do they use them? Do they send them with every 
message or expect you to send them with each message? Sounds a little overkill, 
but I am sure there is a reason.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Actually, I hate them, but my place of employment practically insist on them. 
>  For me personally, they are useless, and I don't blame Apple for never 
> having implemented the feature.  Nevertheless, I am stuck.
> On 12,Jul,2010, at 10:09 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Not to turn this into an endless discussion, but I really am curious if 
>> people really respond to all of these return receipts or is it something 
>> that happens and they have to take no action. I never respond to these 
>> because in nearly every case I have to respond to the message, so it would 
>> be like replying twice. It would seem that if there was sufficient demand, 
>> APple would have implemented this facility into Mail, but apparently its use 
>> is not significant.
>> On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Normally, receipt requests aren't important to me, but they are to the 
>>> organization for which I work. I'm afraid that if I don't find something, 
>>> I'll have to do all my mail under Windows which, in my case, is very doable 
>>> but not desirable.
>>> I guess I will need to look for new e-mail clients under Mac OS that work 
>>> with VO and have the receipt request feature.
>>> Mike
>>> On 12,Jul,2010, at 8:24 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
 I suspect my Mail program sends *something* back to the sender 
 sometimes--when I land on some messages, it says "Mail has new window," as 
 if it's done some activity very quickly--which I assumed was 
 return-receipt-sending.  I'd rather like it to stop doing this, actually, 
 as I believe it's sending messages to spammers to let them know the 
 account's still active for sending spam to...
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Re: iPod touch or iPhone iOS4& accented letters

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Moore
You could try the feedback part on Apple's website, and 
select iPhone 
On 13 Jul 2010, at 18:48, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

> Dear all,
> I know that few of you will be concerned with my problem as you, Lucky 
> English speaking folks, don't have to use these à or â or é characters.
> But I'm having problems accessing these characters with the new touch type 
> mode on my iPod touch. These characters are usually linked to their 
> corresponding letter so that what you would normally do is double tap and 
> hold a letter and slide your finger to get all the alternatives to this 
> particular letter.
> With the new touch type mode, it gets a little bit harder , but it still 
> should work if you select a letter by hitting  it very briefly and double tap 
> and hold anywhere on the screen. The problem is that it works sometimes but 
> not always and I think it's a bug.
> I sent a mail to Apple access ability, but all I got was this automated reply 
> saying that they thanked me for my feedback and blah blah blah.
> Is there anyone I could send this bug report to, who  would give me a more 
> constructive answer?
> all the best,
> -- 
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Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread sister Heather Albright
Ten dollars for shipping, woe! Guess they never heard of free matter for the 
blind.  I am a braille reader so I was just thinking I can keep hard copy at 
home but, forget the ten dollars for shipping!  I guess I will do the zip file. 
 Thanks for the info Isaac!  
"blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap" (Dr. Kennith Jernigan) 
National Federation of The Blind:   

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Time Machine and Boot camp

2010-07-13 Thread Kevin Gibbs
While I don't yet have a Mac, I'm threatening to buy one.   Because I'm
a musician who uses Sonar, I'll have to use Boot camp until Logic, or
something else becomes accessible.  My questions are these:
1.  Is it possible to install all of one's drivers and system settings from
a backup that was done on a real XP machine into a Outcome partition?  
2.  Whatever the answer to question 1, does Time Machine back up stuff in
the Windows partition in such a way as to make it recoverable without having
any impact on the OSX partition?  In other words, can one restore an
historic version of a file in the Windows partition as a one-off without
having any effect on anything in the OSX partition?

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Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Allison Manzino

Hi all,

I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had 
suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via 
quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if 
you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so 
this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but only 
plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any feedback would 
be grately appreciated. Thank you again.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays 
fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is youtube 
or me.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had 
> suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via 
> quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if 
> you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so 
> this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but 
> only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any feedback 
> would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> -- 
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Re: Time Machine and Boot camp

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't use bootcamp but I do know that Time Machine backs up files, not 
partitions, blocks or whatever underlying structure of a storage device. 
Soo, if the Windows partition shows up as a folder of files on the Mac 
side then I would think Time Machine will back it up. Of course you'll 
have to be running in 'mac mode' for Time Machine to run. I use VMWare 
for my Windows needs so that just shows up as a giant single file that 
TM backs up. Only bad part is that if I do little more than sneeze in 
Windows the whole multi-GB virtual disk gets stored again in the next 
incremental backup because it has 'changed'.


Kevin Gibbs wrote:

While I don't yet have a Mac, I'm threatening to buy one.   
Because I'm a musician who uses Sonar, I'll have to use Boot camp 
until Logic, or something else becomes accessible.  My questions are 
1.  Is it possible to install all of one's drivers and system settings 
from a backup that was done on a real XP machine into a Outcome 
2.  Whatever the answer to question 1, does Time Machine back up stuff 
in the Windows partition in such a way as to make it recoverable 
without having any impact on the OSX partition?  In other words, can 
one restore an historic version of a file in the Windows partition as 
a one-off without having any effect on anything in the OSX partition?

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Re: Reading the Status Bar in Various Applications

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
In Open Office, are you sure that the line number/location is shown or 
do you have to turn that on in some preference. You should be able to 
stop interacting with the main edit window (scroll area) and then 
navigate to the status bar which says things like Page 1/2 or whatever.


Rajesh wrote:

Hello everyone,

I would like to gain access, using VO, to the Status Bar in TextEdit
as well as in the Open Office applications to determine page and line
locations.  So far I have not been successful in carrying this out.  I
can get to the Status Bar, but it shows me only System information.
Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.  Thank you.



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Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Sarah,

I will try that. I didn't try uploading by hand, but it does play fully in 
Quicktime so I don't understand why the videos are cutting out. Well, I'm off 
to try it.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 13, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays 
> fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is 
> youtube or me.
> S
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had 
>> suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via 
>> quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if 
>> you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so 
>> this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but 
>> only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any 
>> feedback would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> -- 
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Re: Receipt Requests in Mail

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't know how accessible they are but you might want to check out 
these other Mac mail clients. Since Thunderbird shares its codebase with 
Firefox I know it won't work with voiceover, but maybe some of these 
others will. Outlook, as part of Mac office, is also not accessible 
since the entire Microsoft suite is not accessible.

Eudora - old but might still work

Opera Mail - their browser is accessible so this has a good chance of 
being ok

Mulberry Mail - Dunno much about this one

Mailsmith - From the makers of BBEdit, which has been a Mac staple for ages

GNUMail - Kind of old so I'm not so sure about this one


Michael Busboom wrote:

Actually, I hate them, but my place of employment practically insist on them.  
For me personally, they are useless, and I don't blame Apple for never having 
implemented the feature.  Nevertheless, I am stuck.
On 12,Jul,2010, at 10:09 PM, Scott Howell wrote:


Not to turn this into an endless discussion, but I really am curious if people 
really respond to all of these return receipts or is it something that happens 
and they have to take no action. I never respond to these because in nearly 
every case I have to respond to the message, so it would be like replying 
twice. It would seem that if there was sufficient demand, APple would have 
implemented this facility into Mail, but apparently its use is not significant.
On Jul 12, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

Normally, receipt requests aren't important to me, but they are to the 
organization for which I work. I'm afraid that if I don't find something, I'll 
have to do all my mail under Windows which, in my case, is very doable but not 

I guess I will need to look for new e-mail clients under Mac OS that work with 
VO and have the receipt request feature.

On 12,Jul,2010, at 8:24 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:


I suspect my Mail program sends *something* back to the sender sometimes--when I land on 
some messages, it says "Mail has new window," as if it's done some activity 
very quickly--which I assumed was return-receipt-sending.  I'd rather like it to stop 
doing this, actually, as I believe it's sending messages to spammers to let them know the 
account's still active for sending spam to...

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Re: Converting text to MP3 with Automator

2010-07-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Not sure exactly how they did it but from the unix shell you could use 
the say command. So, for example, you could do

say -o testfile "Now is the time"

and you should get an audio file in aiff format with spoken words in the 
current voiceover settings. To pull the text to speak from a file called 
text you can redirect it into the command

say -o testfile < textfile

There is probably some shell way to convert that aiff to mp3 but it 
probably requires installing something like LAME. You could just open it 
in itunes and convert it there. You might also be able to set up a 
folder event which triggers on a new file addition to fire up iTunes and 
import it, but I've never done anything like that.


Victor Tsaran wrote:

Hello all,
From the old Leopard days I remember there was an Automator action 
that allowed one to convert from text to Mp3. I recently attempted to 
perform the same on Snow Leopard but found several problems.
1. Automator was tremendously slow going through the list of available 
actions (with Voiceover saying "busy" etc).
2. I could not locate anything similar to the text-to-mp3 conversion 
action that I used in Leopard.

Can anyone please share the light on what's going on here? Is 
Automator slow for everyone? Where is the text-to-mp3 functionality?


Check out my new album on iTunes at

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Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hey, if you do get it to work, let me know just how you recorded it and so on 
will yuh?


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 13, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> I will try that. I didn't try uploading by hand, but it does play fully in 
> Quicktime so I don't understand why the videos are cutting out. Well, I'm off 
> to try it.
> Allie
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays 
>> fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is 
>> youtube or me.
>> S
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had 
>>> suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via 
>>> quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if 
>>> you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so 
>>> this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but 
>>> only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any 
>>> feedback would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> -- 
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Re: modifying the bootcamp partition?

2010-07-13 Thread clarence griffin
I suggest using something like NVDA to have speech on the windows side, then 
just using that to get you to the point where you can delete what you need to 
delete from with in windows.


On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Josh Kennedy wrote:

> Hi
> I'm having a problem with my windows bootcamp partition and would like to 
> delete a folder on that partition from the mac side. But it opens in the 
> image browser and I cannot delete the folder I want to delete with command 
> shift backspace or command shift delete. How can I modify files on the 
> bootcamp partition and delete them? A windows screen reader, system access is 
> freezing up for some reason just after I log into windows so I want to delete 
> and reinstall it.
> Josh Kennedy
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Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ray and Sarah and all,

Thank you so much. I submitted the video to Youtube by hand and it seems to 
work now. I don't know why, but the sharing feature on Quicktime doesn't work 
with Youtube anymore. To record a screen shot, just go in to quicktime and 
under the file  enter on new screen shot. It will ask if you want to start 
recording the screen. You press VO space on yes. Then you will see a popup menu 
with audio recording settings. To prove that this does work, here's a link to a 
video I just recorded of Bury Me Beneath the Willow on banjo.

I hope that helps.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hey, if you do get it to work, let me know just how you recorded it and so on 
> will yuh?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Sarah,
>> I will try that. I didn't try uploading by hand, but it does play fully in 
>> Quicktime so I don't understand why the videos are cutting out. Well, I'm 
>> off to try it.
>> Allie
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays 
>>> fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is 
>>> youtube or me.
>>> S
>>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had 
 suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via 
 quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if 
 you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, 
 so this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, 
 but only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any 
 feedback would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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itunes radio is unavailable

2010-07-13 Thread erik burggraaf
honestly, i don't know why i try anymore, but here we go again with itune...

a friend told me about a good radio station that he found in itunes radio, and 
since other friends and clients use itunes radio with no issues, i thought i'd 
brave the elements and try to make it work.  you know what?  when i go into 
preferences under the library options, the check box for radio is greyed out.  
it is the *only* checkbox that is unavailable.  i could get itunes u if i 
wanted to.  no problem, but radio?  forget it.

so, i'm throwing it out there.  anyone know why my radio stations might not be 
available in itunes?  

thank you for your patience as i battle this appalling piece of software.  
You're a very gracious and noble email reader to have tolerated my itunes woes 
over the years, a feet which I have not been able to accomplish by a long shot.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

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RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any problems.

Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my 
$700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that doesn't 
have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and stainless 
steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else, but I like what 
it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides, I can fix its 
construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what you gotta do to 
make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or Windows Mobile, 
where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are dropping accessibility 
support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so much more with my iPhone 
than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can overlook a flaw, particularly if 
it doesn't affect me.

I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on, that 
you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my Nokia E71, 
though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens on iPhone.

If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits you. If 
you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and try one out 
for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if you're not 
satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed problems aren't a 
problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories about people returning 
their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are about 2,000,000 people by now 
that agree with me.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon F
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be 
correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held 
in a left hand and the signal is lost.
 When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I 
think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I 
personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a 
tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, 
> at
2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
>> limited
on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Hey Doug,
>>> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information about 
a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances you refer 
too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not sure if the 
ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other 
than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the 
phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe did 
not happen yet.
>>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying 
because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to 
identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the product 
and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range of RFID is 
quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we determine a product 
when we have a number of products in one area, a covert full of cans and 
bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot radius? 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Doug,
> I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more 
> than
we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county 
provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected 
from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID chips 
are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect data on 
products b

RE: Reading the date and time with Voice Over

2010-07-13 Thread Paul Hunt
Mike, this works for me as well. Thanks so much.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 6:46 PM
Cc: 'Accessibility'
Subject: Re: Reading the date and time with Voice Over

Here's how I do it. Press control f8 to go to the status menus, then press
the left arrow once to get to the clock, after the time is spoken, press
escape to close the menu.
On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello. I would like to read the time and date with Voice Over. I know how
to look at the dashboard but the clock appears to be an analog one. How do I
read the system's date and time using Voice Over commands?
> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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Re: itunes radio is unavailable

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

Try going to iTunes Preferences, selecting the Parental tab and make sure that 
Radio is not checked under the Disable options.  After unchecking it, remember 
to go back to the General tab to make sure that Radio is checked so that it 
will show up.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-07-13, at 5:00 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> honestly, i don't know why i try anymore, but here we go again with itune...
> a friend told me about a good radio station that he found in itunes radio, 
> and since other friends and clients use itunes radio with no issues, i 
> thought i'd brave the elements and try to make it work.  you know what?  when 
> i go into preferences under the library options, the check box for radio is 
> greyed out.  it is the *only* checkbox that is unavailable.  i could get 
> itunes u if i wanted to.  no problem, but radio?  forget it.
> so, i'm throwing it out there.  anyone know why my radio stations might not 
> be available in itunes?  
> thank you for your patience as i battle this appalling piece of software.  
> You're a very gracious and noble email reader to have tolerated my itunes 
> woes over the years, a feet which I have not been able to accomplish by a 
> long shot.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Website:
> Toll-free: 888-255-5194
> -- 
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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

Most home CD players will not play mp3 CDs.  Many home DVD players will.  When 
using iTunes, you should choose Audio CD if you wish the CD to play on most 
home CD players.  I've burned hundreds of CDs using iTunes and they've all 
played on our home CD player as well as in our vehicle's players..  If you'd 
really rather use something else, then Simply burns is probably the easiest one 
for you and it is very accessible.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-07-13, at 5:12 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
> I burned it as mp3.
> thanks
> -- 
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RE: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Paul Hunt
Sarai, it sounds like you have some interesting podcasts out there. Where
are they located?

Thanks so much.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays
fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is
youtube or me.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had
suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via
quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if
you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so
this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but
only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any
feedback would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> -- 
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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
Your cd player probably can't play the mp3 disks, there are a few options on 
the mac. One is called simply burns, another is toast by Roxio. The last one, 
which I don't know much about I think is called di scribe or something like 
On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:12 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
> I burned it as mp3.
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: Time Machine and Boot camp

2010-07-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
I don't think time machine backs up the boot camp partition, you may want to 
consider using fusion instead, in that case, time machine should back up your 
virtual machine file.
On Jul 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Guys,
> While I don't yet have a Mac, I'm threatening to buy one.   Because I'm a 
> musician who uses Sonar, I'll have to use Boot camp until Logic, or something 
> else becomes accessible.  My questions are these:
> 1.  Is it possible to install all of one's drivers and system settings from a 
> backup that was done on a real XP machine into a Outcome partition? 
> 2.  Whatever the answer to question 1, does Time Machine back up stuff in the 
> Windows partition in such a way as to make it recoverable without having any 
> impact on the OSX partition?  In other words, can one restore an historic 
> version of a file in the Windows partition as a one-off without having any 
> effect on anything in the OSX partition?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread David McLean
Just burn it in Itunes as an audio Cd.
On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:49 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Your cd player probably can't play the mp3 disks, there are a few options on 
> the mac. One is called simply burns, another is toast by Roxio. The last one, 
> which I don't know much about I think is called di scribe or something like 
> that.
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:12 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
>> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
>> I burned it as mp3.
>> thanks
>> -- 
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Re: Recording the screen with quicktime

2010-07-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Paul,

Sarah does a wonderful job with the TFFP Podcast. I have been subscribed to 
Sarah's podcast for so long, I forget the feed. But her site is:
 I have a podcast as well which is at:

I hope you are having a wonderful evening.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:14 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Sarai, it sounds like you have some interesting podcasts out there. Where
> are they located?
> Thanks so much.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 4:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Recording the screen with quicktime
> OO not good. Did you try uploading the vid by hand? and make sure it plays
> fully in qt? I had the same issue a few weeks ago so not sure if it is
> youtube or me.
> S
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been trying to record some videos to Youtube using what Sarah had
> suggested durning one of her podcasts. This is recording a screen shot via
> quicktime, so you get the audio bt nothing inappropriate being recorded if
> you're not familiar with your camera angles. I'm not familiar with mine, so
> this is where I'm coming from. Whenever I try and record, it records, but
> only plays for a few seconds on youtube. What am I  doing wrong? Any
> feedback would be grately appreciated. Thank you again.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> -- 
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RE: Bluetooth serial port profile on iOS 4.

2010-07-13 Thread Bryan Smart
Because of the Braille display support, I also thought that this was possible.  
However, I can't tract down any information about SPP in iOS 4.

Besides Braille displays (which are supported), there are GPS receivers that 
work, too. They have to be using a serial connection. There doesn't seem to be 
any public way to do it, unless...

iOS is really OS X stripped down, which is BSD. It's possible that there isn't 
a high level IOKit sort of way to get at the serial port, but it may be as 
simpple as read/write with a TTY device. There are lots of people on the web 
that think so, but I can't find any success stories.

This is very surprising. The iPhone is great in a lot of ways, but I'm 
occasionally brought up short by how locked down it is in a particular area.

It seems that the iPhone might be too technically limited at the moment to do 
what we want.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Aman Singer
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:33 AM
Subject: RE: Bluetooth serial port profile on iOS 4.

Hi, Mike.
I  can confirm that this didn't work on any  3.x version of the 
software. I did try it with a Touch and Phone running 3.x, and the results were 
the same, they seemed not even to see the receiver. Now, however, we know the 
underlying code is there because the Braille displays are using it.
If you have a few minutes to give it a shot, I, for one, would be most 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Bluetooth serial port profile on iOS 4.

I may give this another try, perhaps it's changed in version 4, it didn't work 
in version 3 with a gps receiver, apple does keep pretty tight control over 
what you can use and what you can't, sometimes too much in my opinion.
On Jul 11, 2010, at 11:04 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, all.
>   Recently, in an interesting discussion about bar code reading 
> solutions for the iPhone, Brian mentioned that bar code scanners use 
> the Bluetooth serial port profile as, of course, do braille displays.
> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried an external GPS receiver on the 
> iPhone. I'm sure that the iPhone does support the profile, simply 
> because braille displays use it, but is this support available to 
> other applications? I do not currently have access to the phone to try 
> it
> Thanks.
> Aman
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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hey Brian,

I'm told by an Apple guy that, while the iPhone is made of glass, it's not your 
ordinary garden variety glass, but the glass like the kind of glass in 
helicopter windshields. I don't think that will shatter with normal handling 
and dropping and things. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any 
> problems.
> Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my 
> $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that doesn't 
> have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and stainless 
> steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else, but I like 
> what it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides, I can fix 
> its construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what you gotta do 
> to make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or Windows 
> Mobile, where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are dropping 
> accessibility support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so much more 
> with my iPhone than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can overlook a flaw, 
> particularly if it doesn't affect me.
> I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on, that 
> you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my Nokia 
> E71, though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens on 
> iPhone.
> If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits you. 
> If you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and try one 
> out for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if you're not 
> satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed problems aren't 
> a problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories about people 
> returning their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are about 2,000,000 
> people by now that agree with me.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Simon F
> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be 
> correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is 
> held in a left hand and the signal is lost.
> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I 
> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I 
> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a 
> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
>> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, 
>> at
> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
>>> limited
> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 Hey Doug,
 We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information 
> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances 
> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not 
> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other 
> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the 
> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe 
> did not happen yet.
 On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying 
> products
> because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to 
> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the product 
> and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range of RFID 
> is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we determine a 
> product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert full of cans 
> and bottles, each presenti

a download manager

2010-07-13 Thread sister Heather Albright
Hello, I am currently using Internet Download Manager 5.1.  Is iGetter  the 
same thing for the mac as internet download manager apparently does not support 
mac drivers.  Heather 

"blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap" (Dr. Kennith Jernigan) 
National Federation of The Blind:   

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Nancy Miracle
The iPhone does not use ordinary glass.  The surfaces are a product that is 
called 'gorilla glass' that is made by Corning.  The glass is probably tougher 
than the steel.  For an example, look at the YouTube feature titled 'will it 
blend' in which a 4 is put in a blender.  The glass is one of the last pieces 
to go...

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:

> Hey Brian,
> I'm told by an Apple guy that, while the iPhone is made of glass, it's not 
> your ordinary garden variety glass, but the glass like the kind of glass in 
> helicopter windshields. I don't think that will shatter with normal handling 
> and dropping and things. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any 
>> problems.
>> Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my 
>> $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that 
>> doesn't have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and 
>> stainless steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else, 
>> but I like what it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides, 
>> I can fix its construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what 
>> you gotta do to make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or 
>> Windows Mobile, where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are 
>> dropping accessibility support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so 
>> much more with my iPhone than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can 
>> overlook a flaw, particularly if it doesn't affect me.
>> I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on, that 
>> you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my Nokia 
>> E71, though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens on 
>> iPhone.
>> If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits you. 
>> If you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and try one 
>> out for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if you're not 
>> satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed problems 
>> aren't a problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories about people 
>> returning their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are about 2,000,000 
>> people by now that agree with me.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Simon F
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be 
>> correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is 
>> held in a left hand and the signal is lost.
>> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I 
>> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I 
>> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a 
>> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
>> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
>>> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, 
>>> at
>> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
>> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Hey Doug,
> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information 
>> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances 
>> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not 
>> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
>> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other 
>> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the 
>> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe 
>> did not happen yet.
> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote

Re: iphone use

2010-07-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
but it is still a goof idea to get a case. It helps distungish yoru iphone from 
someone elses. lol!

On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:

> Hey Brian,
> I'm told by an Apple guy that, while the iPhone is made of glass, it's not 
> your ordinary garden variety glass, but the glass like the kind of glass in 
> helicopter windshields. I don't think that will shatter with normal handling 
> and dropping and things. 
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any 
>> problems.
>> Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my 
>> $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that 
>> doesn't have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and 
>> stainless steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else, 
>> but I like what it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides, 
>> I can fix its construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what 
>> you gotta do to make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or 
>> Windows Mobile, where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are 
>> dropping accessibility support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so 
>> much more with my iPhone than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can 
>> overlook a flaw, particularly if it doesn't affect me.
>> I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on, that 
>> you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my Nokia 
>> E71, though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens on 
>> iPhone.
>> If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits you. 
>> If you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and try one 
>> out for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if you're not 
>> satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed problems 
>> aren't a problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories about people 
>> returning their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are about 2,000,000 
>> people by now that agree with me.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Simon F
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be 
>> correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is 
>> held in a left hand and the signal is lost.
>> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I 
>> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I 
>> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a 
>> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
>> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
>>> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, 
>>> at
>> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
>> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Hey Doug,
> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information 
>> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances 
>> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not 
>> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
>> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other 
>> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the 
>> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe 
>> did not happen yet.
> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying 
>> products
>> because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to 
>> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the 

Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
OO is that channel still up! I'll hav e to look and laugh. I need it today!

On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:15 PM, Nancy Miracle wrote:

> The iPhone does not use ordinary glass.  The surfaces are a product that is 
> called 'gorilla glass' that is made by Corning.  The glass is probably 
> tougher than the steel.  For an example, look at the YouTube feature titled 
> 'will it blend' in which a 4 is put in a blender.  The glass is one of the 
> last pieces to go...
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:
>> Hey Brian,
>> I'm told by an Apple guy that, while the iPhone is made of glass, it's not 
>> your ordinary garden variety glass, but the glass like the kind of glass in 
>> helicopter windshields. I don't think that will shatter with normal handling 
>> and dropping and things. 
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any 
>>> problems.
>>> Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my 
>>> $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that 
>>> doesn't have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and 
>>> stainless steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else, 
>>> but I like what it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides, 
>>> I can fix its construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what 
>>> you gotta do to make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or 
>>> Windows Mobile, where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are 
>>> dropping accessibility support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so 
>>> much more with my iPhone than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can 
>>> overlook a flaw, particularly if it doesn't affect me.
>>> I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on, 
>>> that you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my 
>>> Nokia E71, though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens 
>>> on iPhone.
>>> If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits 
>>> you. If you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and 
>>> try one out for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if 
>>> you're not satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed 
>>> problems aren't a problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories 
>>> about people returning their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are 
>>> about 2,000,000 people by now that agree with me.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Simon F
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>>> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be 
>>> correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is 
>>> held in a left hand and the signal is lost.
>>> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>>> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I 
>>> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I 
>>> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a 
>>> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
>>> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
 do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, 
>>> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
> limited
>>> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Hey Doug,
>> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>>> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information 
>>> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances 
>>> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not 
>>> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
>>> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite

Re: accessible cd burning cd software

2010-07-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep I did thst and it saved my hide when I had to sing.

Good luck to all.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:04 PM, David McLean wrote:

> Just burn it in Itunes as an audio Cd.
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:49 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Your cd player probably can't play the mp3 disks, there are a few options on 
>> the mac. One is called simply burns, another is toast by Roxio. The last 
>> one, which I don't know much about I think is called di scribe or something 
>> like that.
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:12 AM, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi is there any accessible cd burning apps that are accessible?
>>> I tried burning a cd in itunes but my home cd player don't read it.
>>> I burned it as mp3.
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread Carolyn
Heather: I have that braille manual.  What I found is that the manual is only 
useful as a reference tool.  Honestly, the only way I've been able to truly use 
the manual is to have it nearby when trying to do something on the mac.  
Perhaps, I'm just a lazy learner, but you can't really sit down with it and get 
familiar with the mac just by reading.
Having said that, it is an excellent reference tool when you're looking for 
commands or can't remember how to do something.  No magic there at all.:)
Like anything else, the best teacher is time and patience with yourself. I am 
also finding the folks at Apple extremely helpful and responsive and willing to 
meet with me as often as I want.  (generally weekly so I can practice what I 
learn and find new problems to throw to them

  - Original Message - 
  From: sister Heather Albright 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:13 PM
  Subject: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

  I found a braille manual from the light house addaptations site out of ca.  I 
could not see any reviews, does anyone have an experiences of how well the 
manual is helpful?  Heather 

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Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

2010-07-13 Thread Carolyn
Yes, it is strange.  I paid for express shipping, and then they went on 
vacation for two weeks.  No one was interested in my lack of express shipping 

  - Original Message - 
  From: sister Heather Albright 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 2:32 PM
  Subject: Re: BR503, braille key to voiceover and snow lepard

  Ten dollars for shipping, woe! Guess they never heard of free matter for the 
blind.  I am a braille reader so I was just thinking I can keep hard copy at 
home but, forget the ten dollars for shipping!  I guess I will do the zip file. 
 Thanks for the info Isaac!  
  "blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap" (Dr. Kennith Jernigan) 
  National Federation of The Blind:   

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: navigating images o websites

2010-07-13 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
On 13 Jul 2010, at 08:51, Chris Moore wrote:
> I must admit though I do find it annoying that VO reads out vertical line, it 
> is a shame we can't get VO to ignore this character whilst reading HTML pages.

Well, if you go to the VoiceOver Utility, select Speech, then select 
Pronunciation, you can map the vertical line character (|) to a shorter name 
like "pipe", or to similar punctuation like the space character (in which case 
VO reads nothing when it's focused). The mapping can be Safari-specific.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Simon F
Yeah they are a shatter proof glass as stated, like used in helicopter
 They also have a metal band around them that is the cause of the problems
people are experiencing.
  But as you've said a case can help them continue to work without problems.

 The reason for using these amterials is to be able to recycle the materials
if need be.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
Sent: Wednesday, 14 July 2010 1:38 p.m.
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Hey Brian,

I'm told by an Apple guy that, while the iPhone is made of glass, it's not
your ordinary garden variety glass, but the glass like the kind of glass in
helicopter windshields. I don't think that will shatter with normal handling
and dropping and things. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any
> Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect
my $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that
doesn't have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass and
stainless steel. It isn't real durable that way. I'd like something else,
but I like what it can do more than I dislike how it is made. And, besides,
I can fix its construction issues with a case. It's kind of like, do what
you gotta do to make the tech work for you, or else chill out on Symbian or
Windows Mobile, where the accessible apps are few and those OSes are
dropping accessibility support in about a year. As a blind guy, I can do so
much more with my iPhone than I could with any of my Nokias, so I can
overlook a flaw, particularly if it doesn't affect me.
> I know that, if you hold it just in the right way, without the case on,
that you can cause the signal strength to reduce. I could do that with my
Nokia E71, though, so don't know why it is such a big deal that it happens
on iPhone.
> If you don't like the iPhone, then more power to what ever choice suits
you. If you like the idea of the iPhone, then, I suggest that you go and try
one out for yourself. Most places will let you do a 30 day return if you're
not satisfied. You might find out that the majorly hyped supposed problems
aren't a problem for you, either. Since I haven't seen stories about people
returning their iPhones in droves, I'd say that there are about 2,000,000
people by now that agree with me.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Simon F
> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
correcting The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is
held in a left hand and the signal is lost.
> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may 
>> eventually do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 
>> 12, 2010, at
> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is 
>>> limited
> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 Hey Doug,
 We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to 
> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited,
other than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in
the phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I
believe did not happen yet.
 On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote: