using xcode?

2009-10-20 Thread Tyler Littlefield

Hello all, I was wondering if people had any tips for customizing  
xcode. There are a ton ofideas for accessible apps I have, I just  
haven't managed to figure out this ide. How do you all navigate? I got  
to the resource editor... once, but I couldn't drag and drop   
controls; is there another way to do this? Is there some sort of  
accessible documentation for the API around anywhere?
Tyler Littlefield

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Re: Does the Ipod touch 3g 8 gb talk?

2009-10-20 Thread Esther
Hi Kevin and Chris,

I've actually used the screen capture mode when traveling with someone  
who could read maps.  While I had a connection to the internet, I used  
the "AroundMe" app to look for a restaurant.  Now the Maps app gives  
you route information, but, only while you have a wireless  
connection.  After reviewing the directions and saving the address and  
contact information in the AroundMe favorites on my iPod Touch, I took  
a screen shot of the map.  Then, when we went to the restaurant (at an  
unfamiliar location, since this was on a trip), I was able to pull up  
the screen capture of the map from the Photos section.

So Chris is entirely correct that you can press the power button and  
the home key to take a picture of the screen on the iPod Touch, even  
though there is no built in camera.



chris polk wrote:

> b/c it is in the manual, and I've used it to have someone look at  
> something on my screen.
> Chris
> Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> How do you know?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: On Behalf Of chris polk
>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:09 PM
>> it is actually taking a snap shot of the screen when you hear this  
>> noise.
>> hth
>> Chris
>> Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>>> I forgot to ask.   Do you hear that camera noise by holding power  
>>> and pressing the home key when the touch is already on, or does it  
>>> have to be off before you execute this sequence?
>>> K.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [ 
>>> ] On Behalf Of Blake Sinnett
>>> The FM radio is rumored to be coming. I've noticed that pressing  
>>> and holding power and pressing the home key on my iPod touch  
>>> produces a camera noise. I'm not sure if images are taken or what.  
>>> But if someone could check this out, that'd be great.
>>> > From: Esther
>>> >
>>> > Hi Hank,
>>> >
>>> > hank smith wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > what ipod touch models have voice over and can you run all  
>>> iphone
>>> > > apps on
>>> > > it?
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > The 32GB and 64GB iPod Touch 3G models have VoiceOver. There is no
>>> > iPod Touch model on which you can run all the iPhone apps, since
>>> > clearly the apps that support phone functions, or that rely on 3G
>>> > network connectivity or GPS or built-in compass will not find  
>>> these
>>> > properties built into an iPod Touch. Nor will the apps that use  
>>> the
>>> > camera. In principle, you could run a GPS app that uses a dock-
>>> > mounted GPS unit plugged into the base of the iPod Touch. I was
>>> > interested in the TomTom app for that reason, because the holder  
>>> that
>>> > they sell for mounting the iPhone for car use contains a GPS  
>>> signal in
>>> > the dock connector that plugs into the base of the iPhone to boost
>>> > signal. This means that it can also supply GPS functionality to an
>>> > iPod Touch. In principal, any GPS app could then be used with the
>>> > iPod touch. Other tear-down reports tell of the iPod Touch  
>>> containing
>>> > a later-generation Broadcomm chip than is in the iPhone 3GS.  
>>> This is
>>> > capable of supporting the faster 802.11N wireless connections,  
>>> and FM
>>> > reception, although neither of these functions is currently  
>>> active in
>>> > the iPod Touch 3G. It's possibile these features could be  
>>> activated
>>> > in a later software release by Apple.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> >
>>> > Esther
>>> > hank smith wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > - Original Message -
>>> > >
>>> > > From: "Esther" 
>>> > > To: 
>>> > > Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 10:11 AM
>>> > > Subject: Re: Does the Ipod touch 3g 8 gb talk?
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > Hi Søren,
>>> > >
>>> > > The iPod Touch 3G in the 8GB version was introduced to fill  
>>> the $99
>>> > > price point offering. It does not have the same CPU that  
>>> qualifies it
>>> > > for the "3GS" designation with the speed and capacity to support
>>> > > VoiceOver. Here are a couple more of the features of the Third
>>> > > Generation iPod Touch excerpted from the recent iLounge review:
>>> > >
>>> > > 
>>> > > For the new iPod touch, Apple has promised only two specific  
>>> hardware
>>> > > changes: “up to 50 percent faster performance” and “support  
>>> for even
>>> > > better graphics with OpenGL ES 2.0.” Though the company doesn’t
>>> > > discuss the specifics of its components in iPod or iPhone  
>>> devices,
>>> > > this has been accomplished by a replacement of the prior  
>>> model’s CPU
>>> > > and graphics processor with newer, faster parts, upping the  
>>> device’s
>>> > > clock speed to approximately 800MHz and adding new special  
>>> effects to
>>> > > its graphics arsenal.
>>> > >
>>> > > 
>>> > > The iPod touch and iPhone 3GS both include Nike + iPod  
>>> support, while
>>> > > the iPhone 3G does not. In terms of raw processing horsepower,  
>>> the
>>> > > iPod touch bests both the iPhone 3GS and the iPhone 3G, a  
>>> di

Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread Justin Kauflin

I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used as a
catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
Just my thoughts.

Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> JPR,
> Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility with
> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to make
> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took years.
> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will take even
> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes accessible just
> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe Rykiel
> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: logic
> Hi all,
> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few efforts to
> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple doesn't it.
> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding accessibility, but
> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for a good
> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility improvements,
> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the number of
> potential blind users into account.
> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still usable
> for starters, has accessibility problems.
> What is the logic in all this?
> Cheers,
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Re: Need help from someone who have a Canon scanner

2009-10-20 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi assistive computing is selling the lide200 which ships with very  
nice mac drivers.

My Lide90 works as well if not as nicely but I had to scrounge drivers  
for it from the cannon website.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-10-19, at 9:08 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've tried for very long time to use my Canon lite scanner on my Mac.
> I've searched for some drivers for Mac on Google, but each time I find
> a driver, it doesn't work with Vue scan. It's a pretty old scanner,
> and I've lost my cd...
> If someone have a Canon lite scanner which works on a Mac, could you
> please contact me off the list? I won't buy a new scanner if it's
> possible to find the right driver and software for my scanner.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> >

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installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread May McDonald

Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this afternoon  
and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to  
backup anything?  Thanks.

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi May,  If you have anything important that you want to keep, you  
should back it up regularly.  If you are a caution to the wind type  
like me though and never keep a backup, you can still install snow  
leopard and you won't lose anything.

I've done 3 or 4 of these now, and they all went without a hitch.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-10-20, at 9:34 AM, May McDonald wrote:

> Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this afternoon
> and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to
> backup anything?  Thanks.
> >

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Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Is Logic at least sort of accessible?  Or totally not at all?
On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
> Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
> It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
> all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
> progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used as a
> catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
> blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
> will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
> Just my thoughts.
> Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> JPR,
>>Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility  
>> with
>> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to  
>> make
>> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took  
>> years.
>> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will  
>> take even
>> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes  
>> accessible just
>> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
>> Kevin
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe  
>> Rykiel
>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: logic
>> Hi all,
>> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few  
>> efforts to
>> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple  
>> doesn't it.
>> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding  
>> accessibility, but
>> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for  
>> a good
>> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility  
>> improvements,
>> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the  
>> number of
>> potential blind users into account.
>> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still  
>> usable
>> for starters, has accessibility problems.
>> What is the logic in all this?
>> Cheers,
>> JPR
> >

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Howard Dupuis

Here's what someone I trust to know such things once told me when I
asked him a similar question: "You don't *need* to have backed up,
unless something goes wrong, of course." I got his point.

On Oct 20, 9:34 am, May McDonald  wrote:
> Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this afternoon  
> and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to  
> backup anything?  Thanks.
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Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread erik burggraaf

Logic is useable, and accessibility improvements are supposed to be  
imminant.  I'd suspect that if protools is bout to vont accessibility  
then logic will have to step up even if it isn't prepared to do so,  
which I believe it is.

Logic 8 has over 1000 pre-assigned keybord shortcuts and an accessible  
menu bar.  You could also further simplify logic by adding a surface  
controller to make mixing and EQ'ing easier.  It's far from perfect,  
but there's good potential there.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-10-20, at 9:57 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Is Logic at least sort of accessible?  Or totally not at all?
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>> I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
>> Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
>> It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
>> all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
>> progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used  
>> as a
>> catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
>> blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
>> will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
>> Just my thoughts.
>> Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>>> JPR,
>>>   Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility
>>> with
>>> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to
>>> make
>>> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took
>>> years.
>>> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will
>>> take even
>>> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes
>>> accessible just
>>> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
>>> Kevin
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe
>>> Rykiel
>>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: logic
>>> Hi all,
>>> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few
>>> efforts to
>>> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple
>>> doesn't it.
>>> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding
>>> accessibility, but
>>> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for
>>> a good
>>> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility
>>> improvements,
>>> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the
>>> number of
>>> potential blind users into account.
>>> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still
>>> usable
>>> for starters, has accessibility problems.
>>> What is the logic in all this?
>>> Cheers,
>>> JPR
> >

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Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread Scott Chesworth

Hey Dan et al,

The most recent version of Logic I've been able to investigate was 9.
Off the top of my head that's still the latest version.  So far as I
could tell there wasn't a single accessibility improvement over the
last update to version 8, which was a bit disheartening.  As things
stand, with a good control surface and a lot of determination, you
could probably survive day to day in Logic, but there's bound to be
things that you'll do without feedback, workarounds for some and plain
no way of doing others.  Personally I wouldn't dare use this sketchy
approach in a professional capacity when I'm working on someone elses
time, hence the only reason my Mac still has Windows on it to fire up
Sonar.  Regardless of whether you'd be using it at a pro level or not
though, paying out the type of money you'd need too for a good control
surface on top of the price of Logic seems like madness currently.

I've discussed the current and hopefully future improvement of
accessibility at length with, and so far it's
been trickier than getting blood out of a stone lol.  They seem to be
classing access to existing features as a new feature in itself, hence
in there view this falls under the usual Apple strategy of saying
nada, nothing, zip.  Purely my oppinion, but my guess is that half of
the reason for this is that they know about as much as we do, IE not
much, about whether and when things will move forward.

For now probably the best any of us can do is to express an interest
to Apple.  While the Digidesign improvements are still at too much of
an early stage for anybody apart from Slau and perhaps a few others to
know much, it probably wouldn't do any harm to slip in a reminder that
a third party company is making a concerted publicised effortt and in
all likelyhood is going to have a usable product with VO first.

Just IMHO again, but access aside, I'd say Digi have the better
product currently.  That's good news for you and I, in spite of how
frustrating the waiting game undoubtedly is.


Dan Eickmeier wrote:
> Is Logic at least sort of accessible?  Or totally not at all?
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
> >
> > I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
> > Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
> > It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
> > all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
> > progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used as a
> > catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
> > blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
> > will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
> > Just my thoughts.
> >
> > Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> >> JPR,
> >>Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility
> >> with
> >> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to
> >> make
> >> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took
> >> years.
> >> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will
> >> take even
> >> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes
> >> accessible just
> >> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
> >> Kevin
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From:
> >> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe
> >> Rykiel
> >> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: logic
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few
> >> efforts to
> >> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple
> >> doesn't it.
> >> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding
> >> accessibility, but
> >> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for
> >> a good
> >> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility
> >> improvements,
> >> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the
> >> number of
> >> potential blind users into account.
> >> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still
> >> usable
> >> for starters, has accessibility problems.
> >> What is the logic in all this?
> >> Cheers,
> >> JPR
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > >
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Been playing with groups mode, and ...

2009-10-20 Thread Howard Dupuis

I've been trying out groups mode on the Web, and have found that while
I quite like it on some sites, it can be astonishingly annoying and
difficult on others. Have folks here had similar experiences? Do you
find yourself switching back and forth between groups and DOM modes,
depending on the site or page you are viewing, or do you generally
stick with just one or the other?
-- Howard
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Re: Been playing with groups mode, and ...

2009-10-20 Thread Krister Ekstrom

I feel that i'm only using groups mode because it's so much faster for  
me. The only thing i can find anoying is in tables when items are  
grouped together, sometimes to reach a link, for example, you'll have  
to interact many times. While i understand the logic behind the table  
approach i don't like it at times, but this is just a personal  

20 okt 2009 kl. 17.06 skrev Howard Dupuis:

> I've been trying out groups mode on the Web, and have found that while
> I quite like it on some sites, it can be astonishingly annoying and
> difficult on others. Have folks here had similar experiences? Do you
> find yourself switching back and forth between groups and DOM modes,
> depending on the site or page you are viewing, or do you generally
> stick with just one or the other?
> Thanks.
> -- Howard
> >

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Hi May,

In case you haven't installed yet, I would recommend personally not to  
upgrade it. It's the easiest way if you do prefer to keep all your  
settings and so-forth, but if you reformat by using Disk Utility from  
the Snow Leopard DVD, you can at least be sure you won't get any  
strange effects. They probably don't happen very often, but if they  
do, you probably wish you installed from scratch anyway. Maybe that's  
just me, but I prefer to have a completely new installation without  
any stuff I  had from Leopard, including settings, lying around. It's  
not really too much of a hastle setting everything up again.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 20, 2009, at 3:43 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi May,  If you have anything important that you want to keep, you
> should back it up regularly.  If you are a caution to the wind type
> like me though and never keep a backup, you can still install snow
> leopard and you won't lose anything.
> I've done 3 or 4 of these now, and they all went without a hitch.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 2009-10-20, at 9:34 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this  
>> afternoon
>> and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to
>> backup anything?  Thanks.
> >

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread May McDonald

If I install from scratch doesn't that errase my email settings as  
well?  I want to keep the emails that I have saved.
On 20-Oct-09, at 8:49 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi May,
> In case you haven't installed yet, I would recommend personally not to
> upgrade it. It's the easiest way if you do prefer to keep all your
> settings and so-forth, but if you reformat by using Disk Utility from
> the Snow Leopard DVD, you can at least be sure you won't get any
> strange effects. They probably don't happen very often, but if they
> do, you probably wish you installed from scratch anyway. Maybe that's
> just me, but I prefer to have a completely new installation without
> any stuff I  had from Leopard, including settings, lying around. It's
> not really too much of a hastle setting everything up again.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 3:43 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi May,  If you have anything important that you want to keep, you
>> should back it up regularly.  If you are a caution to the wind type
>> like me though and never keep a backup, you can still install snow
>> leopard and you won't lose anything.
>> I've done 3 or 4 of these now, and they all went without a hitch.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 2009-10-20, at 9:34 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this
>>> afternoon
>>> and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to
>>> backup anything?  Thanks.

> >

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Ryan Mann

Hello.  All I did to install Snow Leopard is:
1.  With Leopard running, put the Snow Leopard DVD in.
2.  Run the application on the DVD that was called Install Mac OS 10  
or something like that.
3.  After the install was finished, the computer restarted.
I didn't lose any of my applications, music or anything.

On Oct 20, 2009, at 9:34 AM, May McDonald wrote:

> Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this afternoon
> and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to
> backup anything?  Thanks.
> >

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RE: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Frank Ventura
Hi when I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard I didn't bother to back up 
anything. I know that is really bad practice but it worked this time. I just 
ran the installer and it took about an hour.

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of May McDonald
Sent: Tue 10/20/2009 9:34 AM
Subject: installing sl

Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this afternoon  
and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to  
backup anything?  Thanks.

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installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread christos hux

hi May I would advise whatever route you go about for the snow  
leopard to have all important data to you backedup. its not a problem  
for you until you experience lost data that you can not get back since  
it was not backedup somewhere.
With the snow leopard upgrade now you only have the choice inside the  
"install mac-osx" app to perform a "upgrade" in the past with both  
tiger & leopard mac os version 1.4 & 10.5 you had a option button you  
could click to do a number of choices for the upgrade. Now Apple has  
gone & changed things so you have just  the 1 button to click which is  
the "upgrade" unless you run the disk util software to then perform a  
total errase and format of your harddrive. 

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Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


Yes, it will. Installing from scratch just avoids any weirdness that  
may or may not happen, but it probably won't happen. I'm just cautious  
about that myself. You can, however, save the e-mails to a separate  
file for import later after installation.

1) Select the messages you would like to save.
2) Go to File>Save As
3) Select where you would like to save it, and which format. If you  
leave it as RFT (Rich Text Format), it will keep the formatting of the  
messages visible when importing them into another application.

That's it. Keep in mind that Mail will use the first subject of a  
selected mesage as the file name, but this can be chaned of course.  
Good luck with your installation, May! :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Oct 20, 2009, at 5:59 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> If I install from scratch doesn't that errase my email settings as
> well?  I want to keep the emails that I have saved.
> On 20-Oct-09, at 8:49 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi May,
>> In case you haven't installed yet, I would recommend personally not  
>> to
>> upgrade it. It's the easiest way if you do prefer to keep all your
>> settings and so-forth, but if you reformat by using Disk Utility from
>> the Snow Leopard DVD, you can at least be sure you won't get any
>> strange effects. They probably don't happen very often, but if they
>> do, you probably wish you installed from scratch anyway. Maybe that's
>> just me, but I prefer to have a completely new installation without
>> any stuff I  had from Leopard, including settings, lying around. It's
>> not really too much of a hastle setting everything up again.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Oct 20, 2009, at 3:43 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi May,  If you have anything important that you want to keep, you
>>> should back it up regularly.  If you are a caution to the wind type
>>> like me though and never keep a backup, you can still install snow
>>> leopard and you won't lose anything.
>>> I've done 3 or 4 of these now, and they all went without a hitch.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:
>>> On 2009-10-20, at 9:34 AM, May McDonald wrote:

 Good morning everyone.  I will be getting my copy of sl this
 and was wondering what I need to do to install it?  Do I need to
 backup anything?  Thanks.


> >

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Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread ben mustill-rose

Theres a guy at the rnib working to make it better although its not
perfect. I'm not sure if he's publisising that he's doing stuff with
it so i'm not sure what I can say.

I'll get in contact with him.

On 20/10/2009, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
> Hey Dan et al,
> The most recent version of Logic I've been able to investigate was 9.
> Off the top of my head that's still the latest version.  So far as I
> could tell there wasn't a single accessibility improvement over the
> last update to version 8, which was a bit disheartening.  As things
> stand, with a good control surface and a lot of determination, you
> could probably survive day to day in Logic, but there's bound to be
> things that you'll do without feedback, workarounds for some and plain
> no way of doing others.  Personally I wouldn't dare use this sketchy
> approach in a professional capacity when I'm working on someone elses
> time, hence the only reason my Mac still has Windows on it to fire up
> Sonar.  Regardless of whether you'd be using it at a pro level or not
> though, paying out the type of money you'd need too for a good control
> surface on top of the price of Logic seems like madness currently.
> I've discussed the current and hopefully future improvement of
> accessibility at length with, and so far it's
> been trickier than getting blood out of a stone lol.  They seem to be
> classing access to existing features as a new feature in itself, hence
> in there view this falls under the usual Apple strategy of saying
> nada, nothing, zip.  Purely my oppinion, but my guess is that half of
> the reason for this is that they know about as much as we do, IE not
> much, about whether and when things will move forward.
> For now probably the best any of us can do is to express an interest
> to Apple.  While the Digidesign improvements are still at too much of
> an early stage for anybody apart from Slau and perhaps a few others to
> know much, it probably wouldn't do any harm to slip in a reminder that
> a third party company is making a concerted publicised effortt and in
> all likelyhood is going to have a usable product with VO first.
> Just IMHO again, but access aside, I'd say Digi have the better
> product currently.  That's good news for you and I, in spite of how
> frustrating the waiting game undoubtedly is.
> Hth
> Scott
> Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Is Logic at least sort of accessible?  Or totally not at all?
>> On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>> >
>> > I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
>> > Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
>> > It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
>> > all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
>> > progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used as a
>> > catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
>> > blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
>> > will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
>> > Just my thoughts.
>> >
>> > Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>> >> JPR,
>> >>Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility
>> >> with
>> >> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to
>> >> make
>> >> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took
>> >> years.
>> >> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will
>> >> take even
>> >> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes
>> >> accessible just
>> >> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
>> >> Kevin
>> >>
>> >> -Original Message-
>> >> From:
>> >> [] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe
>> >> Rykiel
>> >> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
>> >> To:
>> >> Subject: logic
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few
>> >> efforts to
>> >> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple
>> >> doesn't it.
>> >> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding
>> >> accessibility, but
>> >> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for
>> >> a good
>> >> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility
>> >> improvements,
>> >> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the
>> >> number of
>> >> potential blind users into account.
>> >> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still
>> >> usable
>> >> for starters, has accessibility problems.
>> >> What is the logic in all this?
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> JPR
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> > >
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)


Re: installing sl

2009-10-20 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello May,

I always do a clean install to keep things neat and tidy. If you do a  
Time Machine backup before the installation, you won't lose anything.

Preferably, you should use an external hard drive for your Time  
Machine backup. Then eject the external disk.

Shut down your machine. Then insert the SL disk and, holding down the  
C key, press the Power button.

Keep the C key held down until the disk has ben chattering away for a  
minute or two, then let go.

When the disk stops chattering, press Command-F5 to turn on VO. Give  
it up to a minute to start talking.

The screen will be the language chooser. English will be selected by  
default. Press Continue.

On the next screen, you will find the Menu Bar. Use VO-M to get to it,  
then go right to Utilities, and down to Disk Utility.

In Disk Utility, select Erase. Don't bother with writing zeroes, just  
do the simplest possible erase.

When that's done (it only takes a minute or so), continue with the  

Eventually, it will ask you if you want to copy your data from a Time  
Machine backup, (amongst other options). Select that one, connect your  
Time Machine backup, and it will copy across everything. You will have  
all your settings, mail, addresses, iCal events, etc.



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Re: vmwarefusion and zoomtext

2009-10-20 Thread Christina

Thanks so much.  I will try changing the settings to see if I get  
better results in zoom on the mac.  I would greatly appreciate it if  
you would let me know how zoomtext in the upcoming new version of  
vmware fusion works if you upgrade.:)

I guess I would also have the option of using boot camp to install  
windows.  I wonder if using bootcamp or a vmware fusion is better for  
the hard drive or the mac.

On Oct 19, 2009, at 6:10 PM, Mueller, Matt wrote:

> Hi Christina.
> VMWare Fusion 2 currently does not work with ZoomText.  It will
> install and run, but using any level of magnification causes screen
> corruption when the visible area moves.  In short, its unusable for
> magnification, though I've used some of its screen reading features
> with decent success.  When I discovered this a year go, I contacted
> VMWare support and informed them of the issue. They replied stating
> that they found the problem but that it could not be fixed in the
> current version.  Fusion 3 has been announced and will be available on
> October 27.  I hope to try it in some fashion and I will report back
> on my findings when I can.
> If viewing images is your primary concern and you don't need or want
> to run Windows otherwise, you might look into the zoom options in
> Universal Access for the "smooth images" checkbox. By default, OS X
> uses anti-aliasing to reduce pixel visibility, but it does cause a
> good deal of blurriness on fonts and images at higher magnification.
> Unchecking that should help.  Option-Command-Backslash will toggle it
> also and save you a trip through system preferences.  The other thing
> that may help is the contrast adjustment in Universal Access. There is
> a slider there or you can use Control-Option-Command-Comma to decrease
> contrast and Control-Option-Command-Period to increase it.
> Hope this helps,
> Matt
> On Oct 19, 2009, at 4:20 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I was wondering if zoomtext works in the the windows virtual
>> environment using vmware fusion.  I've heard of some of you using  
>> jaws
>> while in windows with vmware fusion.  I really have limited vision  
>> but
>> what love to use zoomtext to look at some photos of family.  I do not
>> currently have windows installed on my macbook anywhere and have not
>> had any need for windows.  However, I don't feel the zoom that comes
>> equipped on the mac does a good enough job on the photos.  I don't
>> know if it's the monitor on my macbook, the zoom on the mac, or my
>> decreased vision, but any photos are very blurry, pixelated, and
>> washed out.  So,  wanted to see if zoom text would be a better
>> option.  I'm not thrilled about putting windows on my mac but it  
>> seems
>> that many of you do this with no problems.
>> Thanks,
>> Christina
> >

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Re: Been playing with groups mode, and ...

2009-10-20 Thread Christina

I use groups mode all the time.  However, I do use dom mode for links  
that expand into text rather than taking me to another web page.   
That's just my personal preference though.  :)
On Oct 20, 2009, at 8:06 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:

> I've been trying out groups mode on the Web, and have found that while
> I quite like it on some sites, it can be astonishingly annoying and
> difficult on others. Have folks here had similar experiences? Do you
> find yourself switching back and forth between groups and DOM modes,
> depending on the site or page you are viewing, or do you generally
> stick with just one or the other?
> Thanks.
> -- Howard
> >

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Magic Mouse

2009-10-20 Thread Blake Sinnett

Hi all,


I've been looking at the new Magic Mouse. It seems like this can't be used with 
VO. Unless it's a hybrid of a trackpad and a mouse? Any thoughts on this would 
be appreciated.



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Re: Magic Mouse

2009-10-20 Thread william lomas
oh, i thought it acted like a virtual touch trackpad

On 20 Oct 2009, at 19:05, Blake Sinnett wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been looking at the new Magic Mouse. It seems like this can't  
> be used with VO. Unless it's a hybrid of a trackpad and a mouse? Any  
> thoughts on this would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Blake
> >

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[Mac-cessibility News] Apple Updates $999 MacBook

2009-10-20 Thread Maccessibility

Apple Updates $999 MacBook

Today, Apple unveiled an update to its low-end $999 USD MacBook. The revamped
MacBook features a unibody construction, similar to that of the aluminum MacBook
Pros, but continues to use white polycarbonate for its outer shell. Also like
its more powerful siblings, it offers a backlit LED display and the glass
multi-touch trackpad, making it [...]

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The Mac-cessibility Network
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[Mac-cessibility News] Apple Revamps iMac Desktop Offerings

2009-10-20 Thread Maccessibility

Apple Revamps iMac Desktop Offerings

Today, Apple released an overhaul to its entire iMac line of desktop Macs. The
new models feature true 16:9 aspect ratios on larger 21.5-inch and 27-inch
displays, as well as coming equipped with Apple's new MagicMouse, a multi-touch
mouse. At this time, we do not know if the new mouse is capable of supporting
VoiceOver's [...]

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[Mac-cessibility News] Apple Updates Its Mac Mini Desktop Line

2009-10-20 Thread Maccessibility

Apple Updates Its Mac Mini Desktop Line

Today, APple unveiled some changes to its popular Mac Mini desktop lineup.  The
$599 USD configuration has been bumped up to include a 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
processor, 2GB of 1066Mhz RAM, and a 160GB hard disk. The $799 USD model also
gets some love with a boost up to a 2.56GHz Intel [...]

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readiris 12 pro

2009-10-20 Thread Tony Bernedal

HI all.
Have anyone get readiris 12 pro to work? I have it downloaded and I  
tried to run it from the applications folder but it looks like it  
hangs completely.
I have so far only red the readme file and can't see anything there.  
Maybe I have to go in the manual but I ask here if anyone else tried.
I hate when there is no demo of the software. it's bad to spen a lot  
of euros for something that doesn't work. So I hope there is only me  
that do something wrong.
Regards Tony

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[Mac-cessibility News] The NFB Publishes a Second Look at VoiceOver

2009-10-20 Thread Maccessibility

The NFB Publishes a Second Look at VoiceOver

Last June, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) published a highly flawed
and controversial review of VoiceOver and the accessibility of the Mac OS X
platform.  Shortly thereafter, we published an editorial discussing the article
and the NFB's response to criticism of the review.
Steve Sawczyn of and our very own Mac-cessibility Round [...]

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Checking VoiceMail on Skype

2009-10-20 Thread Eleni Vamvakari

Hi guys,

I'm trying to check voicemail on Skype with the Mac.  I thought it was
far easier here than with Windows but I can't seem to remember how to
do it.  I've downloaded the latest update, so am not sure if that's
causing the problem.  I could've sworn there are some packages (even
for Windows) for checking voicemail on there.  Isn't there one for the
blind too?  I actually have Voice Recorder for the mac but it's no
help when I can't check my messages.


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Re: readiris 12 pro

2009-10-20 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Tony,

Here are the instructions I posted to MacVisionaries a few weeks ago  
on registering Readiris Pro 12.

I assume you've installed Readiris since the installer is completely  

Initialising and registering Readiris 12

• Open Readiris application;
• Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to enter your serial  
number. Just type your serial number and press Return. There is no  
typing echo.
• Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to register your software  
licence. If Talking Alerts is on, it will read this box. Press Space  
to register later or Return to register immediately. Return will  
launch Safari, where pressing the Tab key will put you in the correct  
edit box in the registration form, much of which is already filled in  
for you.
• Unvoiced dialogue box in Readiris, "Please select your preferred  
output format and target application". The default values are RTF and  
TextEdit respectively. Just press Return. You can change these values  
later using the Text Format dialogue in the Settings menu.

Readiris is now active, but you may have to toggle VoiceOver off and  
on again.

Known bugs in Readiris 12:
1 Initialisation sequence not voiced and not VO accessible.
2 The settings Page Deskewing and Detect Page Orientation do not stick  
and must be activated at each execution.
3 The Recognise and Save function is only available via a button and  
not a menu command or shortcut.
4 The buttons on the righthand side of the window are not labelled for  

All these have been reported to the Iris team but duplicate reports  
will add to the pressure to get them fixed quickly.



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[Mac-cessibility News] Clarification on MagicMouse and VoiceOver

2009-10-20 Thread Maccessibility

Clarification on MagicMouse and VoiceOver

We've received confirmation that the new MagicMouse, a multi-touch mouse
released by Apple today as part of its desktop Mac revamp, most unfortunately
does not support VoiceOver's new gesture-based input technology. Users who need
or want this functionality will find it only available on Apple's MacBook,
MacBook Pro, iPod touch, and iPhone devices.
While this is [...]

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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] The NFB Publishes a Second Look at VoiceOver

2009-10-20 Thread peter apgar

Good afternoon Josh,

  I am a new comer to the mac.  much of what you publish is very  
helpful, i have a very limited amount of time to follow through with  
the links you post.  if possible would you be willing to publish your  
editorials in full  rather then the intro's.

Thanks in advance,

PeteOn Oct 20, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Maccessibility wrote:

> The NFB Publishes a Second Look at VoiceOver
> Last June, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) published a  
> highly flawed
> and controversial review of VoiceOver and the accessibility of the  
> Mac OS X
> platform.  Shortly thereafter, we published an editorial discussing  
> the article
> and the NFB's response to criticism of the review.
> Steve Sawczyn of and our very own Mac-cessibility Round  
> [...]
> You can read the rest of this news item at:
> The Mac-cessibility Network
> "'s all within our reach..."
> >

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Question on Snow Leopard Server

2009-10-20 Thread David McLean

Hello, Does Snow Leopard Server come with Voiceover?

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Re: Checking VoiceMail on Skype

2009-10-20 Thread patrickneazer
Hello Eleni and all:

Here is the way to check voicemail using skype ... I am operating from  
the premise that you are using version

1. Open skype (you probably knew that one already ... smile).

2. VO right arrow to the button after your name and a dollar amount  
(which should be $0 if you did not purchase skype credit). If you  
perform a vo + h on the button it should say "show missed events."

3. perform a vo + spacebar on this button

4. vo right arrow until you hear a table.

5. Interact with this table and when you hear a line that says ... new  
voice mail from ... person X do the following

6. perform a vo + shift + m as in Mary. This will bring up the context  
menu. The first selection should be listen.

7. Press enter to select listen and your voicemail should start playing.

When the voicemail is finished, return to that table, find the next  
new voicemail and bring up the context menu again.

FYI ... if you know that you have received a voicemail and you just do  
not see it ... vo right arrow until you find the "show history button.  
activate that and it will show you all of the calls you have received  
that you have not deleted.

I hope this has been useful. Please let me know if it has or if it has  
just left you more confused (smile).

Be well.
On Oct 20, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Eleni Vamvakari wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to check voicemail on Skype with the Mac.  I thought it was
> far easier here than with Windows but I can't seem to remember how to
> do it.  I've downloaded the latest update, so am not sure if that's
> causing the problem.  I could've sworn there are some packages (even
> for Windows) for checking voicemail on there.  Isn't there one for the
> blind too?  I actually have Voice Recorder for the mac but it's no
> help when I can't check my messages.
> Thanks,
> Eleni
> >

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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installed sl

2009-10-20 Thread May McDonald

Ok, after a few wrong starts I now have sl installed.  Heheheeh, now  
ho in the heck do I find the voice over utility so I can slow down the  
speech, lol.  It's talking faster than how I had it set.  I'm only a  
tiny bit lost, smile.

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Re: installed sl

2009-10-20 Thread Ryan Mann

Hello.  You usually can open the VoiceOver utility by hitting control 
+option+f8.  You may have to add the FN key, so in that case it would  
be fn+control+option+f8.  You can also change some speach settings on  
the fly by holding down the control+option+command with the arrows.   
For example, if You wanted to change the rate, you would hold down  
control+option+command with rightarrow until you heard rate.  Then you  
would hold down the control+option+command with up or downarrows to  
change the rate.

On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:46 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, after a few wrong starts I now have sl installed.  Heheheeh, now
> ho in the heck do I find the voice over utility so I can slow down the
> speech, lol.  It's talking faster than how I had it set.  I'm only a
> tiny bit lost, smile.
> >

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Re: installed sl

2009-10-20 Thread May McDonald

Thanks, I think I have my mac almost back to normal now, lol.  A few  
changes I now have to get use to with sl.  Fun times ahead again.

On 2009-10-20, at 8:13 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Hello.  You usually can open the VoiceOver utility by hitting control
> +option+f8.  You may have to add the FN key, so in that case it would
> be fn+control+option+f8.  You can also change some speach settings on
> the fly by holding down the control+option+command with the arrows.
> For example, if You wanted to change the rate, you would hold down
> control+option+command with rightarrow until you heard rate.  Then you
> would hold down the control+option+command with up or downarrows to
> change the rate.
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:46 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, after a few wrong starts I now have sl installed.  Heheheeh, now
>> ho in the heck do I find the voice over utility so I can slow down  
>> the
>> speech, lol.  It's talking faster than how I had it set.  I'm only a
>> tiny bit lost, smile.
> >

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managing bookmarks

2009-10-20 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi list,

After about 4 months with the mac, and constant bookmarking of all the  
stuff i find interesting in the mac and its apps, it's time for me to  
do the proverbial cleanup of my bookmark folder...

But i can only find plists in my user/libraries/safari folder.

Is that actual folder somewhere else?

Thanks, and best

Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378
Yuma Antoine Decaux

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Re: readiris 12 pro

2009-10-20 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi Anne.
Thanks for the answer. I'll try it later.
I have been away from the list a month due to moving so I missed your  
earlier post.
Thanks again.
Regards Tony

20 okt 2009 kl. 23.24 skrev Anne Robertson:

> Hello Tony,
> Here are the instructions I posted to MacVisionaries a few weeks ago
> on registering Readiris Pro 12.
> I assume you've installed Readiris since the installer is completely
> accessible.
> Initialising and registering Readiris 12
> • Open Readiris application;
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to enter your serial
> number. Just type your serial number and press Return. There is no
> typing echo.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to register your software
> licence. If Talking Alerts is on, it will read this box. Press Space
> to register later or Return to register immediately. Return will
> launch Safari, where pressing the Tab key will put you in the correct
> edit box in the registration form, much of which is already filled in
> for you.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box in Readiris, "Please select your preferred
> output format and target application". The default values are RTF and
> TextEdit respectively. Just press Return. You can change these values
> later using the Text Format dialogue in the Settings menu.
> Readiris is now active, but you may have to toggle VoiceOver off and
> on again.
> Known bugs in Readiris 12:
> 1 Initialisation sequence not voiced and not VO accessible.
> 2 The settings Page Deskewing and Detect Page Orientation do not stick
> and must be activated at each execution.
> 3 The Recognise and Save function is only available via a button and
> not a menu command or shortcut.
> 4 The buttons on the righthand side of the window are not labelled for
> VoiceOver.
> All these have been reported to the Iris team but duplicate reports
> will add to the pressure to get them fixed quickly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-20 Thread a radix
Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now especially at school 
although at home I still often use my pc and I will explain below why. In  
general my experiences with the mac have been very positive especially after 
installing snow leopard. I can use skype and msn just as well as on my pc. And 
after I dumped itunes and started using vlc instead watching movies and 
listening to music became a breeze. I recently bought apples office suite 
because I prefer that over using textedit or the free text editors/office suits 
that are available. I am also intending to go and use garage band in the future 
if I can get that working with my yamaha keyboard. I like the built-in speakers 
and sound quality alhtough listening through its sound output with my own in 
ear monitors is nothing special. I still find using the internet on the mac a 
bit mor ework then i did while using my pc and it goes a bit slower also when 
reading docucments i notice that I cannot endlessly use the right thumb key on 
my braille display to continue reading, eventually i have to press the right 
arrow on my normal keyboard if I want to read onm. This does become irritating 
after a while if you need to read long documents.
At home I still mostly use my windows pc although i now have gotten mail 
working on the mac as well because 1. I use omnipage pro 16 under windows to 
scan my books for school, while I know that there are some scanning solutions 
for the mac that i will probbably try once the hp drivers for sl have been 
released I just dont know if they will be as good and easy as using omnipage 
pro 16 and am a bit hesistant to try it because of that (I really really hope 
that a full version of finereader will eventually be released for the mac since 
I have heard it can rival omnipage pro).
Secondly there is filesharing, i will be brief. Ftp does work on the mac with 
transmit which I rather like although I have not registered it yet, questions i 
asked its support team went unanswered. Usenet also works but udner windows I 
preferred to use other programs which are not available on the mac.
The third point is playing games which I do a lot on the pec especially 
interactive fiction and muds. There is an interpreter for interactive fiction 
called zoom which I tried and although I can open games with it saved games 
were a problem for me since I could not open a saved game file (made in frotz). 
For muds the situation on the mac is not so good, I play them all the time on 
windows but there is only one mudclient that I know of which works under sl and 
which is still being developed, jamochamud which works under java. It is not 
too accessible at the moment but the programmer has promised to look at it, 
still it does not offer all the features even then that I am used to on a 
windows client.
As soon as windows 7 becomes officially available I am planning to install it 
on my mac (probbably via bootcamp) so that I at least can use my mac all the 
time even if I need to use windows, hopefully for the scanning and downloading 
tasks I will in the future be able to use the mac and I have hopes for muds as 
well but for now at least my mac is mostly used at school and in the library.
Greetings, Anouk,
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RE: installed sl

2009-10-20 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Try chanigng he sped by choosing VO command and either right or left arrow
until you get the rate.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of May McDonald
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:47 PM
Subject: installed sl

Ok, after a few wrong starts I now have sl installed.  Heheheeh, now  
ho in the heck do I find the voice over utility so I can slow down the  
speech, lol.  It's talking faster than how I had it set.  I'm only a  
tiny bit lost, smile.

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