Logic is useable, and accessibility improvements are supposed to be  
imminant.  I'd suspect that if protools is bout to vont accessibility  
then logic will have to step up even if it isn't prepared to do so,  
which I believe it is.

Logic 8 has over 1000 pre-assigned keybord shortcuts and an accessible  
menu bar.  You could also further simplify logic by adding a surface  
controller to make mixing and EQ'ing easier.  It's far from perfect,  
but there's good potential there.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194
Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com

On 2009-10-20, at 9:57 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Is Logic at least sort of accessible?  Or totally not at all?
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:21 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>> I'd also like to express my interest in any developments concerning
>> Logic and any other music production software being made accessible.
>> It would certainly be nice to actually have a choice when looking at
>> all the software that is out there.  I'm quite interested to see what
>> progress DigiDesign makes with Pro Tools.  Maybe this can be used  
>> as a
>> catalyst in order to get other companies to follow suit.  If more
>> blind musicians show that if work is done for accessibility, there
>> will be a response, maybe more companies will realize the benefits...
>> Just my thoughts.
>> Kevin Gibbs wrote:
>>> JPR,
>>>   Like you, I'm very interested in the potential for accessibility
>>> with
>>> Logic and VO.  Unfortunately, think about how long it took Apple to
>>> make
>>> iTunes accessible.  That's their flagship application and it took
>>> years.
>>> Logic serves a very small market compared with iTunes and it will
>>> take even
>>> longer.  That said, I'm certainly hoping that Logic becomes
>>> accessible just
>>> so that there's an option on the Mac side for MIDI based composers.
>>> Kevin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jean-Philippe
>>> Rykiel
>>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:25 AM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: logic
>>> Hi all,
>>> as a musician, I've always wondered why Apple has made so few
>>> efforts to
>>> make logic accessible to us. After all, logic belongs to Apple
>>> doesn't it.
>>> I'm of course appreciate Digidesign's attitude regarding
>>> accessibility, but
>>> logic is much cheaper and doesn't require extra hardware except for
>>> a good
>>> soundcard. With snow leopard and Apple's recent accessibility
>>> improvements,
>>> I imagined logic would be one of their first goals, taking the
>>> number of
>>> potential blind users into account.
>>> Even garage band, which is not quite professional enough but still
>>> usable
>>> for starters, has accessibility problems.
>>> What is the logic in all this?
>>> Cheers,
>>> JPR
>>> http://www.facebook.com/jprykiel
>>> http://myspace.com/jeanphilipperykiel
> >

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