Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now especially at school 
although at home I still often use my pc and I will explain below why. In  
general my experiences with the mac have been very positive especially after 
installing snow leopard. I can use skype and msn just as well as on my pc. And 
after I dumped itunes and started using vlc instead watching movies and 
listening to music became a breeze. I recently bought apples office suite 
because I prefer that over using textedit or the free text editors/office suits 
that are available. I am also intending to go and use garage band in the future 
if I can get that working with my yamaha keyboard. I like the built-in speakers 
and sound quality alhtough listening through its sound output with my own in 
ear monitors is nothing special. I still find using the internet on the mac a 
bit mor ework then i did while using my pc and it goes a bit slower also when 
reading docucments i notice that I cannot endlessly use the right thumb key on 
my braille display to continue reading, eventually i have to press the right 
arrow on my normal keyboard if I want to read onm. This does become irritating 
after a while if you need to read long documents.
At home I still mostly use my windows pc although i now have gotten mail 
working on the mac as well because 1. I use omnipage pro 16 under windows to 
scan my books for school, while I know that there are some scanning solutions 
for the mac that i will probbably try once the hp drivers for sl have been 
released I just dont know if they will be as good and easy as using omnipage 
pro 16 and am a bit hesistant to try it because of that (I really really hope 
that a full version of finereader will eventually be released for the mac since 
I have heard it can rival omnipage pro).
Secondly there is filesharing, i will be brief. Ftp does work on the mac with 
transmit which I rather like although I have not registered it yet, questions i 
asked its support team went unanswered. Usenet also works but udner windows I 
preferred to use other programs which are not available on the mac.
The third point is playing games which I do a lot on the pec especially 
interactive fiction and muds. There is an interpreter for interactive fiction 
called zoom which I tried and although I can open games with it saved games 
were a problem for me since I could not open a saved game file (made in frotz). 
For muds the situation on the mac is not so good, I play them all the time on 
windows but there is only one mudclient that I know of which works under sl and 
which is still being developed, jamochamud which works under java. It is not 
too accessible at the moment but the programmer has promised to look at it, 
still it does not offer all the features even then that I am used to on a 
windows client.
As soon as windows 7 becomes officially available I am planning to install it 
on my mac (probbably via bootcamp) so that I at least can use my mac all the 
time even if I need to use windows, hopefully for the scanning and downloading 
tasks I will in the future be able to use the mac and I have hopes for muds as 
well but for now at least my mac is mostly used at school and in the library.
Greetings, Anouk,
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