Hi Anne.
Thanks for the answer. I'll try it later.
I have been away from the list a month due to moving so I missed your  
earlier post.
Thanks again.
Regards Tony

20 okt 2009 kl. 23.24 skrev Anne Robertson:

> Hello Tony,
> Here are the instructions I posted to MacVisionaries a few weeks ago
> on registering Readiris Pro 12.
> I assume you've installed Readiris since the installer is completely
> accessible.
> Initialising and registering Readiris 12
> • Open Readiris application;
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to enter your serial
> number. Just type your serial number and press Return. There is no
> typing echo.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to register your software
> licence. If Talking Alerts is on, it will read this box. Press Space
> to register later or Return to register immediately. Return will
> launch Safari, where pressing the Tab key will put you in the correct
> edit box in the registration form, much of which is already filled in
> for you.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box in Readiris, "Please select your preferred
> output format and target application". The default values are RTF and
> TextEdit respectively. Just press Return. You can change these values
> later using the Text Format dialogue in the Settings menu.
> Readiris is now active, but you may have to toggle VoiceOver off and
> on again.
> Known bugs in Readiris 12:
> 1 Initialisation sequence not voiced and not VO accessible.
> 2 The settings Page Deskewing and Detect Page Orientation do not stick
> and must be activated at each execution.
> 3 The Recognise and Save function is only available via a button and
> not a menu command or shortcut.
> 4 The buttons on the righthand side of the window are not labelled for
> VoiceOver.
> All these have been reported to the Iris team but duplicate reports
> will add to the pressure to get them fixed quickly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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