Re: vo curser jumping, cut within finder, and selecting multiple items

2009-03-08 Thread Scott Howell

There is no move function and I am sure you could argue the advantages  
and disadvantages. ASs far as moving items in the fashion that you  
wish, dpo the following.

1. find the first item you wish include in the list you plan to move.
2. Interact with the list of items.

3. turn off cursor tracking, VO-keys+shift+f3.

4. Either lock the VO-keys or hold down those keys and move to the  
next item you wish to select.
5. Once you locate that item, while keeping the VO-keys locked or held  
down, press and hold the command key and then tap the spacebar.
6. Repeat the above steps until all files are selected.

Now you can use command+c to copy them.

Yes it takes a little more time to go back and remove those files, but  
you of course can use Terminal to speed up the process, as you figured  


On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:51 PM, James Dietz wrote:

> 2. There is no "move" function as far as I know. Someone made an
> automator action to simulate this. Apple tends to remove functionality
> found elsewhere (a "stop" button in iTunes for instance).
> 3. I forget the command, but I have it reassigned to numpad 5 in the
> VO utility. It's called "begin/end selection" or something. Try that
> when interacting w/ VO cursor; start selecting, highlight one thing,
> stop, move to next w/vo (probably without cursor tracking on) and
> start and stop when you please.
> James
> On 3/7/09, Jason Custer  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a cuple questions.
>> First, I notice that when I am in some applications, My VoiceOver
>> curser jumps to controls against my will so to speak. Example: Tube-
>> tv, the progress window, While looking at the progress of a download,
>> The vo cursor jumps to the cancel button.
>> How can I prevent this?
>> Second, Why can I copy files in finder, command+c, but not cut them
>> command+x. As it stands, I have to copy my file(s), which takes  
>> longer
>> than just moving them, then go back and delete them. Alternatively, I
>> go to terminal and use mv. Suggestions?
>> Last question, this one is easier. How do I select multiple items, in
>> finder for example, that are not next to eachother? For example, in  
>> a,
>> b, c, d, e, How do I select b, d, e?
>> Thank you for your assistance.
>> Jason Custer
> >

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Re: vo curser jumping, cut within finder, and selecting multiple items

2009-03-08 Thread Scott Howell

Jason, I believe that jumping as you refer to it is VO focusing on the  
default control.
On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Jason Custer wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a cuple questions.
> First, I notice that when I am in some applications, My VoiceOver
> curser jumps to controls against my will so to speak. Example: Tube-
> tv, the progress window, While looking at the progress of a download,
> The vo cursor jumps to the cancel button.
> How can I prevent this?
> Second, Why can I copy files in finder, command+c, but not cut them
> command+x. As it stands, I have to copy my file(s), which takes longer
> than just moving them, then go back and delete them. Alternatively, I
> go to terminal and use mv. Suggestions?
> Last question, this one is easier. How do I select multiple items, in
> finder for example, that are not next to eachother? For example, in a,
> b, c, d, e, How do I select b, d, e?
> Thank you for your assistance.
> Jason Custer
> >

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Re: vo curser jumping, cut within finder, and selecting multiple items

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

I don't recall having this issue.  when I focus on the progress, it  
stays there but if I move aay and back, I have to focus again.

On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Jason Custer wrote:


I have a cuple questions.
First, I notice that when I am in some applications, My VoiceOver
curser jumps to controls against my will so to speak. Example: Tube-
tv, the progress window, While looking at the progress of a download,
The vo cursor jumps to the cancel button.
How can I prevent this?
Second, Why can I copy files in finder, command+c, but not cut them
command+x. As it stands, I have to copy my file(s), which takes longer
than just moving them, then go back and delete them. Alternatively, I
go to terminal and use mv. Suggestions?

Last question, this one is easier. How do I select multiple items, in
finder for example, that are not next to eachother? For example, in a,
b, c, d, e, How do I select b, d, e?

Thank you for your assistance.
Jason Custer

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Re: Vague posts -was- Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

modorator  please! take this discussion off list?

On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:29 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

   Alex, I've said this before, these one-liners clutter the list much
more than any content you'd post.

   So, what I'm saying here, to be clear, is rather than post a one
line note about what you're doing or planning to do without either
including any content or asking outright for specific assistance, do
either say in real terms what you're doing, by showing the list some
actual content, or pose a clear request either to the list for
specific assistance with what you're doing.

   Otherwise you're simply using bandwidth without contributing.

   I'm saying this to be clear, as I'd really like to see this
behavior change without my having to come up with some ridiculous list
rule about such, K?…  

   So this is just a friendly reminder not only to you, but to the
list as a whole, to please have some consideration for other listers.
Said simply, don't post unless you have something helpful / useful to
share with everyone.  If we all do this then the list will really run
smoothly and we won't accidentally be stepping on eachother's toes.  -
Make sense?…

   Thanks for taking time to read, and I wish you all a lovely weekend!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 7, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


It isn't closeness, just unclutterness of the list.


On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> hi.
> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of all
> that closeness?
> sounds like a better approach:)
> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac as it
> is.
> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like tail-f
> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
> To ryan:
> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person you can
> today.
> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more time:)
> /sandi
> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone who
>> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me at: 
>> . I have done research on doing tis.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont' have my
>>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or optional
>>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
 I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and look in
 what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any with
 mac book air, but i can be wrong.

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
> here.
> We
> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a sysnsisier
> for
> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in the
> developer tools that come with the mac.
> Greg
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Greg agree.
>> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the voices
>> are
>> selected.
>> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox voices can
>> be
>> added so can espeak:)
>> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr minute
>> rule
>> or
>> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
>> least.
>> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at some
>> point ?
>> /sandi
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I vote for making them native voices.
>>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 hi all.
 For some days ago some one asked  me if espeak could be used as
 default voice on the mac so well can it ?
 I am considering looking in too it to see what can be done
 I can see too ways 1 make it natively show up in the voiceover
 selection or 2 make a hack around it.
 But before i do alot of things  any ideas?





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logging on to time capsil?

2009-03-08 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi Guys,  Got an interesting problem with a time capsil, in that  
whenever the wireless internet connection drops you have to log in  
manually to restore the connection to the tc.  Right, so if you  
restart the mac you have to manually log in to the tc.  Or, for  
example, he's pretty far away from the wireless device, and every time  
his cordless phone rings it interupts the wireless connection for a  
few seconds.  When that happens you have to log back in to the time  
capsil to get at the files.

So this is my first experience using one of these, and I'm wondering  
is there a way to set this up so the mac will log in to the time  
capsil automaticly whenever the wireless network is present?


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread sandi sørensen

hi alex.
i just took a very fast look at the page you posted... one question.
why have the ispeak project not been mentioned  at all on the webpage?  
or maybe i am looking the wrong place ?


On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case about
> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the Mac
> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will allow
> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
> including Voiceover.
> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
> need filling.
> Jobs:
> - Perl programmer
> - OBJ-C programmer
> - Packager/Installer creator
> - Documentationalist
> - Issue Tracker
> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
> projects.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
>>> tuned
>>> in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
>>> of.
>>> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted for
>>> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
 that closeness?
 sounds like a better approach:)
 espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac as
 When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
 -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
 It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
 so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
 To ryan:
 for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person you
 Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more time:)

 now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone who
> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
> at:
> . I have done research on doing tis.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont' have
>> my
>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or  
>> optional
>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
>>> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and look
>>> in
>>> to
>>> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any  
>>> with
>>> the
>>> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
>>> /sandi
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

 We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
 did not get very far. The basic process is to make a sysnsisier
 each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
 developer tools that come with the mac.

 On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> Greg agree.
> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
> voices
> are
> selected.
> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox voices
> can
> be
> added so can espeak:)
> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr minute
> rule
> or
> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
> least.
> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at  
> some
> point ?
> /sandi
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I vote for making them native voices.
>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> hi all.
>>> For some days ago some one asked  me if espeak could be used
>>> as
>>> the
>>> default voice on the mac so well can it ?
>>> I am considering looking in too it to see what can be done
>>> about
>>> it.
>>> I can see too ways 1 make it natively show up in the
>>> voiceover
>>> voice

Re-sizing a window

2009-03-08 Thread Gary

Hi All,
Is there a Mac command to re-size an application window to full  
screen, and then back to the previous size?


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Re: Re-sizing a window

2009-03-08 Thread Scott Bresnahan

Hi, Gary,

Usually, clicking on the zoom button on the top left (the third vo 
heard item  in most windows (close button, minimize button, zoom 
button) will expand a window to full screen.  If the window is 
already expanded, it will usually return it to the previous size.


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Re: vo curser jumping, cut within finder, and selecting multiple items

2009-03-08 Thread Jason Custer

Yes, but when I want to read the contents of another control, the  
blasted thing jumps to the default control before I am done with my  
task. Is this preventable?

On Mar 8, 2009, at 1:32 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Jason, I believe that jumping as you refer to it is VO focusing on the
> default control.
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Jason Custer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a cuple questions.
>> First, I notice that when I am in some applications, My VoiceOver
>> curser jumps to controls against my will so to speak. Example: Tube-
>> tv, the progress window, While looking at the progress of a download,
>> The vo cursor jumps to the cancel button.
>> How can I prevent this?
>> Second, Why can I copy files in finder, command+c, but not cut them
>> command+x. As it stands, I have to copy my file(s), which takes  
>> longer
>> than just moving them, then go back and delete them. Alternatively, I
>> go to terminal and use mv. Suggestions?
>> Last question, this one is easier. How do I select multiple items, in
>> finder for example, that are not next to eachother? For example, in  
>> a,
>> b, c, d, e, How do I select b, d, e?
>> Thank you for your assistance.
>> Jason Custer
> >

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Re: Re-sizing a window

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

and there is also a zoom item in the window menu.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:

Hi, Gary,

Usually, clicking on the zoom button on the top left (the third vo
heard item  in most windows (close button, minimize button, zoom
button) will expand a window to full screen.  If the window is
already expanded, it will usually return it to the previous size.


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Re: vo curser jumping, cut within finder, and selecting multiple items

2009-03-08 Thread Mark Baxter

Why can't you just you VO enter to start selecti
n where you want to start, and then when you come to an item o you  
don't wish to be included in the selected group, hit VO command space?  
and then proceeding

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: logging on to time capsule?

2009-03-08 Thread Scott Bresnahan


First, let's try to solve the wireless phone breaking the network 
connection.  I'd suggest trying to go to the Airport Administration 
Utility and try to manually set the wireless channel.  Playing with 
the channel number could yield better wireless connections.

Now, is the time capsule being used for time machine, or just a 
network volume share point?  If time machine, that's not right.  It 
should automatically connect you and backup without issue.  If you 
want to auto mount a network volume, you can just add the volume to 
the startup items in the accounts system preferences.


>Hi Guys,  Got an interesting problem with a time capsil, in that
>whenever the wireless internet connection drops you have to log in
>manually to restore the connection to the tc.  Right, so if you
>restart the mac you have to manually log in to the tc.  Or, for
>example, he's pretty far away from the wireless device, and every time
>his cordless phone rings it interupts the wireless connection for a
>few seconds.  When that happens you have to log back in to the time
>capsil to get at the files.
>So this is my first experience using one of these, and I'm wondering
>is there a way to set this up so the mac will log in to the time
>capsil automaticly whenever the wireless network is present?
>erik burggraaf
>A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: Re-sizing a window

2009-03-08 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Gary,

You can create your own shortcut by going to the Keyboard&Mouse pane  
of System Preferences and selecting Keyboard Shortcuts. The  
instructions are there on how to create a shortcut. It is important to  
type the name of the menu item correctly, including capital letters.

If you have a problem with this, feel free to contact me privately for  
more detailed instructions.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Gary wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a Mac command to re-size an application window to full
> screen, and then back to the previous size?
> Thanks,
> Gary
> >

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currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread william lomas

hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
on the currencty section
I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven  
british ounds?
I know we are in economic downturn but lol!

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan

Why not use the calculator. It has currency conversion and it's always  
up to date.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:29 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
> data?
> on the currencty section
> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
> british ounds?
> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
> will
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  You could try using the converter on my site 
   I don't remember where i got it, but it works.  Hope that helps, Max
On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:29 AM, william lomas wrote:

>hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the  
> data?
> on the currencty section
> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
> british ounds?
> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
> will
> >

Max Ivey Jr.
The Midway Marketplace
Office 936-273-6960
Cell 281-989-0448
yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  I just ran 400 british pounds to us dollars and got 563.66   
Hope that helps, Max 

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread william lomas

I wonder what is up with the online widget  though?

On 8 Mar 2009, at 16:40, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  You could try using the converter on my site
>   I don't remember where i got it, but it works.  Hope that helps, Max
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>   hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the
>> data?
>> on the currencty section
>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>> british ounds?
>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>> will
> Max Ivey Jr.
> The Midway Marketplace
> Office 936-273-6960
> Cell 281-989-0448
> yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread william lomas

how is the in built calcualtor always up to date?
Don't you ahve to enter the values for the currencies yourself as they  

On 8 Mar 2009, at 16:38, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> Why not use the calculator. It has currency conversion and it's always
> up to date.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>> data?
>> on the currencty section
>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>> british ounds?
>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>> will
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread william lomas

i only got 400 GBP to 170 US dollars
just curious why it is not working

On 8 Mar 2009, at 16:43, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  I just ran 400 british pounds to us dollars and got 563.66
> Hope that helps, Max
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan

It does it on line. I have never had a problem with the conversions.  
In fact, you can even see when it was last updated. When After you  
plug in the first value and go to the conversion menu and pick  
currency, you will see the update as well as changing the to and from  
options and the okay button. It works every time. In fact, it even  
tells you where the updates were from.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:45 AM, william lomas wrote:

> how is the in built calcualtor always up to date?
> Don't you ahve to enter the values for the currencies yourself as they
> change?
> On 8 Mar 2009, at 16:38, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Why not use the calculator. It has currency conversion and it's  
>> always
>> up to date.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>>> data?
>>> on the currencty section
>>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>>> british ounds?
>>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>>> will

> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Confirmed here too between us dollar and Swedish krona, and between  
danish Krona and Swedish krona. I too wonder what's up.

8 mar 2009 kl. 17.29 skrev william lomas:

>   hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
> data?
> on the currencty section
> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
> british ounds?
> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
> will
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Why take the clumciest rout when there's a much nicer one handy?

8 mar 2009 kl. 17.38 skrev Dan:

> Hello,
> Why not use the calculator. It has currency conversion and it's always
> up to date.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>> data?
>> on the currencty section
>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>> british ounds?
>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>> will
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread william lomas

it not urgent just curious

On 8 Mar 2009, at 16:53, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Confirmed here too between us dollar and Swedish krona, and between
> danish Krona and Swedish krona. I too wonder what's up.
> /Krister
> 8 mar 2009 kl. 17.29 skrev william lomas:
>>  hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>> data?
>> on the currencty section
>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>> british ounds?
>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>> will
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan

Here's what I got with the calculator. 283.8347912


On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Confirmed here too between us dollar and Swedish krona, and between
> danish Krona and Swedish krona. I too wonder what's up.
> /Krister
> 8 mar 2009 kl. 17.29 skrev william lomas:
>>  hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>> data?
>> on the currencty section
>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>> british ounds?
>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>> will
> >

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Re: Re-sizing a window

2009-03-08 Thread Gary

Thanks everyone,
That worked for me.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Gary,
> You can create your own shortcut by going to the Keyboard&Mouse pane
> of System Preferences and selecting Keyboard Shortcuts. The
> instructions are there on how to create a shortcut. It is important to
> type the name of the menu item correctly, including capital letters.
> If you have a problem with this, feel free to contact me privately for
> more detailed instructions.
> Anne
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Gary wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there a Mac command to re-size an application window to full
>> screen, and then back to the previous size?
>> Thanks,
>> Gary
> >

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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Esther


Why not use the Google search bar if you want an approximate idea of  
currency conversion?  I press Command-Option-F, type in "400 dollars  
in pounds", VO-I for item chooser menu and press "=", and then return.  
I get:

400 U.S. dollars = 283.869136 British pounds

(pasted in using VO-Shift-C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard)



On Mar 8, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> Here's what I got with the calculator. 283.8347912
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Confirmed here too between us dollar and Swedish krona, and between
>> danish Krona and Swedish krona. I too wonder what's up.
>> /Krister
>> 8 mar 2009 kl. 17.29 skrev william lomas:
>>> hi on the unit converter widget, is something wrong with the 
>>> data?
>>> on the currencty section
>>> I typed for example 400 US dollalrs, how can that equal only seven
>>> british ounds?
>>> I know we are in economic downturn but lol!
>>> will

> >

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The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread erik burggraaf

OK friends,

This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I have  
an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell  
checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,  
it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from  
there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling  
suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like I'm  
out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this  
completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell  

Any help would be appreciated.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

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Re: logging on to time capsule?

2009-03-08 Thread erik burggraaf

Hum, I looked in system preferences, but I don't have a start up or a  
start items.  I have a startup disc, but I don't think that's the same.

I found log on items under accounts that might be something.  So I can  
use this thing to automaticly log on to the time capsil at startup for  
using it as a share point right?

I don't have anything to try it on right now, but I will next time I  
go out to this particular client.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 8-Mar-09, at 9:54 AM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:

> Hi,
> First, let's try to solve the wireless phone breaking the network
> connection.  I'd suggest trying to go to the Airport Administration
> Utility and try to manually set the wireless channel.  Playing with
> the channel number could yield better wireless connections.
> Now, is the time capsule being used for time machine, or just a
> network volume share point?  If time machine, that's not right.  It
> should automatically connect you and backup without issue.  If you
> want to auto mount a network volume, you can just add the volume to
> the startup items in the accounts system preferences.
> Best,
> Scott
> ?
>> Hi Guys,  Got an interesting problem with a time capsil, in that
>> whenever the wireless internet connection drops you have to log in
>> manually to restore the connection to the tc.  Right, so if you
>> restart the mac you have to manually log in to the tc.  Or, for
>> example, he's pretty far away from the wireless device, and every  
>> time
>> his cordless phone rings it interupts the wireless connection for a
>> few seconds.  When that happens you have to log back in to the time
>> capsil to get at the files.
>> So this is my first experience using one of these, and I'm wondering
>> is there a way to set this up so the mac will log in to the time
>> capsil automaticly whenever the wireless network is present?
>> Thanks,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
> -- 
> --Scott
> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan

You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar window.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> OK friends,
> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I have
> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like I'm
> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
> checking.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread James Dietz

Alternatively, you could hit vo+shift+m once misspelled word is
announced to get to a menu of suggested words.

On 3/8/09, Dan  wrote:
> Hello,
> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar window.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> OK friends,
>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I have
>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like I'm
>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>> checking.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> >
> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread Esther

Hi Erik and Dan,

If Erik is using the spell checker in a TextEdit window, and has  
pressed Command-semi-colon to go to the next misspelled word, he can  
use VO-Shift-M to bring up a contextual menu of possible choices and  
make his selection.



On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:51 AM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar  
> window.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> OK friends,
>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I have
>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like  
>> I'm
>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>> checking.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
> >

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using JAWS on my Mac

2009-03-08 Thread

I have installed Windows on my Mac using boot camp. I am wondering if
anyone knows the keyboard shortcuts for JAWS using the mac keyboard.
For instance, how do I do any commands that use the "insert" key?

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Re: using JAWS on my Mac

2009-03-08 Thread James Dietz

Not sure about this myself, but if all else fails you can use JFW's
keyboard manager to reassign keys you have trouble using when bound to
their default assignments.  There is also apparently something called
shark keys or keyshark which can reassign keys, reenabling the insert
key if you can't use it now.

On 3/8/09,  wrote:
> I have installed Windows on my Mac using boot camp. I am wondering if
> anyone knows the keyboard shortcuts for JAWS using the mac keyboard.
> For instance, how do I do any commands that use the "insert" key?
> Thanks
> Alena
> >

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Re: logging on to time capsule?

2009-03-08 Thread Scott Bresnahan


My apologies.  Yes, the MacOS X name is Login Items in the Accounts 
system preferences.  The Login Items is a tab for a given selected 
account.  My brain still fixes on the old OS 9 name for that, aka 
startup items.  Actually, think it may have been called that under 
10.2.  Regardless, you can use that to have items mount upon login.

The other part of your question I did not answer.  What happen upon 
loss of the wireless connection to a mounted volume.   Usually it 
will become unmounted and there's no automatic retry that I am aware 

To address this, you may want to add an alias of that volume on the 
desktop or in the favorites sidebar.  That way, access will be just a 
click away.


>Hum, I looked in system preferences, but I don't have a start up or a
>start items.  I have a startup disc, but I don't think that's the same.
>I found log on items under accounts that might be something.  So I can
>use this thing to automaticly log on to the time capsil at startup for
>using it as a share point right?
>I don't have anything to try it on right now, but I will next time I
>go out to this particular client.
>erik burggraaf
>A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>Phone: 888-255-5194
>On 8-Mar-09, at 9:54 AM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  First, let's try to solve the wireless phone breaking the network
>>  connection.  I'd suggest trying to go to the Airport Administration
>>  Utility and try to manually set the wireless channel.  Playing with
>>  the channel number could yield better wireless connections.
>>  Now, is the time capsule being used for time machine, or just a
>>  network volume share point?  If time machine, that's not right.  It
>>  should automatically connect you and backup without issue.  If you
>>  want to auto mount a network volume, you can just add the volume to
>>  the startup items in the accounts system preferences.
>>  Best,
>>  Scott
>>  ?
>>>  Hi Guys,  Got an interesting problem with a time capsil, in that
>>>  whenever the wireless internet connection drops you have to log in
>>>  manually to restore the connection to the tc.  Right, so if you
>>>  restart the mac you have to manually log in to the tc.  Or, for
>>>  example, he's pretty far away from the wireless device, and every
>>>  time
>>>  his cordless phone rings it interupts the wireless connection for a
>>>  few seconds.  When that happens you have to log back in to the time
>>>  capsil to get at the files.
>>>  So this is my first experience using one of these, and I'm wondering
>>>  is there a way to set this up so the mac will log in to the time
>>>  capsil automaticly whenever the wireless network is present?
>>>  Thanks,
>>>  erik burggraaf
>>>  A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>>  Phone: 888-255-5194
>>>  Email:
>>  --
>>  --Scott
>>  >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan

I agree with you, however, consider this. That works fine in TextEdit  
or Pages 9, but it doesn't work in Mail. That's why I mentioned that  
way of doing it, because it works across most applications.
And the real nice thing is that there are always different ways to do  
things and that makes it more exciting to figure out.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:57 AM, James Dietz wrote:

> Alternatively, you could hit vo+shift+m once misspelled word is
> announced to get to a menu of suggested words.
> On 3/8/09, Dan  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar  
>> window.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> OK friends,
>>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I  
>>> have
>>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like  
>>> I'm
>>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>>> checking.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:

> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread erik burggraaf

Hum, that's not working for me.  I mean the window chooser comes up,  
but there is no spelling and grammer window.  Just for clarity, I shut  
down text edit, re-opened my file, pressed command semicolon, pressed  
vo f2, and the list of windows had my file, and force quit.  No  
spelling and grammer.

Do I need to check a box somewhere?


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 8-Mar-09, at 11:51 AM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar  
> window.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> OK friends,
>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I have
>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like  
>> I'm
>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>> checking.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread erik burggraaf

Yep, this was exactly what I needed.  Leppard is wonderful, grins.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 8-Mar-09, at 11:57 AM, James Dietz wrote:

> Alternatively, you could hit vo+shift+m once misspelled word is
> announced to get to a menu of suggested words.
> On 3/8/09, Dan  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar  
>> window.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> OK friends,
>>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I  
>>> have
>>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like  
>>> I'm
>>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>>> checking.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:

> >

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread Esther

Hi Erik, Dan, and James,

Just to summarize about using the spell checker in different apps:

In TextEdit, if you use Command-Semi-Colon to go to the next  
misspelled word, you can use VO-Shift-M to bring up a contextual menu  
and arrow down to select alternative spellings.

In Mail, VO-Shift-M doesn't work, but instead you can use Command- 
Shift-Semi-Colon (that is, you add "Shift" to the "Command-Semi-Colon"  
key sequence) to bring up the "Spelling and Grammar" window.  Then,  
you can tab to the table of alternative spellings and make your  
selection, or you can continue tabbing to the buttons for "Ignore",  
"Learn", "Find Next", and "Change" (or I use VO-right arrow if I want  
to go directly to "Ignore").  This command-sequence works for both  
TextEdit and Mail, so Dan is correct in saying it is more general.   
However, the "Spelling and Grammar" window only come up when your  
spell checking command includes the "Shift".  Then, in order for the  
window to get focus in TextEdit you must indeed use the window chooser  
menu (VO-F2 twice).  You can also navigate to the next misspelled word  
using the keys in this window and close it (Command-W) when you're done.

However, Erik used "Command-Semi-Colon", and stated that he was using  
TextEdit, which is why I phrased my reply:

"If Erik is using the spell checker in a TextEdit window, and has
pressed Command-semi-colon to go to the next misspelled word, he can
use VO-Shift-M to bring up a contextual menu of possible choices and
make his selection."

Hope this helps to explain.



On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> I agree with you, however, consider this. That works fine in TextEdit
> or Pages 9, but it doesn't work in Mail. That's why I mentioned that
> way of doing it, because it works across most applications.
> And the real nice thing is that there are always different ways to do
> things and that makes it more exciting to figure out.
> Dan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:57 AM, James Dietz wrote:
>> Alternatively, you could hit vo+shift+m once misspelled word is
>> announced to get to a menu of suggested words.
>> On 3/8/09, Dan  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar
>>> window.
>>> Dan

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Re: The spell checker?

2009-03-08 Thread Dan
In textedit, you only need press Command Semicolon then VO M to get to  
the menu.
The way I mentioned is this.
1. Press Command Shift Colon. You will hear either Spelling and  
Grammar or Hide Spelling and Grammar.
2. Now press VO F2 twice.
3. Now use the down arrow to select the spelling window and press enter.
4. Now you will use tab to move around the window and the up and down  
arrows to select the correct word and press enter.
5. While on a word, before you accept the spelling, you can use VO w  
twice to hear the spelling of the word you are going to choose.
6. When you are done, press the escape key to get back into your  
document. This method also works in mail.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 12:02 PM, erik S wrote:

> Hum, that's not working for me.  I mean the window chooser comes up,
> but there is no spelling andgrammar window.  Just for clarity, I shut
> down text edit, re-opened my file, pressed command semicolon, pressed
> vo f2, and the list of windows had my file, and force quit.  No
> spelling and grammer.
> Do I need to check a box somewhere?
> Thanks,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 8-Mar-09, at 11:51 AM, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You need to use VO F2 twice then select the spelling and grammar
>> window.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:35 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> OK friends,
>>> This has bemused and confused me ever since I got my mac.  Now I  
>>> have
>>> an audiobook review to submit, and I need need need to use the spell
>>> checker.  When I press command semicolon to start the spell checker,
>>> it comes up and reads the first misspelled word.  What do I do from
>>> there?  When I try to vo around to look for a list of spelling
>>> suggestions, I land back in the text edit window and it looks like
>>> I'm
>>> out of the spell checker.  I suspect I'm thinking about this
>>> completely the rong way based on my experience with windows spell
>>> checking.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:

> >

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Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Brandon Misch

ok. will other speech synths be ported such as flight or festival? i  
know those synths exist for windows and linux, but will they be ported  
in mac to work with all speech applications?

On Mar 8, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case about
> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the Mac
> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will allow
> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
> including Voiceover.
> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
> need filling.
> Jobs:
> - Perl programmer
> - OBJ-C programmer
> - Packager/Installer creator
> - Documentationalist
> - Issue Tracker
> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
> projects.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
>>> tuned
>>> in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
>>> of.
>>> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted for
>>> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
 that closeness?
 sounds like a better approach:)
 espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac as
 When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
 -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
 It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
 so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
 To ryan:
 for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person you
 Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more time:)

 now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone who
> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
> at:
> . I have done research on doing tis.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont' have
>> my
>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or  
>> optional
>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
>>> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and look
>>> in
>>> to
>>> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any  
>>> with
>>> the
>>> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
>>> /sandi
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

 We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
 did not get very far. The basic process is to make a sysnsisier
 each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
 developer tools that come with the mac.

 On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> Greg agree.
> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
> voices
> are
> selected.
> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox voices
> can
> be
> added so can espeak:)
> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr minute
> rule
> or
> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
> least.
> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at  
> some
> point ?
> /sandi
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I vote for making them native voices.
>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> hi all.
>>> For some days ago some one asked  me if espeak could be used
>>> as
>>> the
>>> default voice on the mac so well can it ?
>>> I am considering looking in too it to see what can be done
>>> about
>>> it.
>>> I can see too ways 1 make it natively show up in the
>>> voiceover
>>> voice
>>> selec

Re: using JAWS on my Mac

2009-03-08 Thread david poehlman

set jaws to laptop mode nd use the capslock.  that is what I am doing and 
others as well.

- Original Message - 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 3:06 PM
Subject: using JAWS on my Mac

I have installed Windows on my Mac using boot camp. I am wondering if
anyone knows the keyboard shortcuts for JAWS using the mac keyboard.
For instance, how do I do any commands that use the "insert" key?


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Re: currency converter?

2009-03-08 Thread Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire
I just got $400 equals £283.835 using my converter on the Dashboard Widgit.

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Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Martin Pilkington
Hi All,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
software developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big accessibility  
push and I'm trying to get many developers to join me. One of the key  
parts of this push is a pledge to make all my applications 100%  
accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5  

1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
the visual UI.
2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
with the keyboard.
5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.

Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't got  
a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me. Are  
there any other major points you would say an application needs to be  
100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to find in  
an application as a user with a visual impairment that aren't part of  
the standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a  
full text description of the current window and how to use it, at any  
point in the application

Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any feedback  
you can give me is greatly appreciated.


Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Chris Gilland
I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system preferences 
and make it where the program can be self voiceing if needed.  Also provide an 
option to turn on, or off the self voicing feature, this way if a user wants to 
use voice over, great, if not, he or she still can do what needs to be done.  
Also, I would make your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe 
slightly shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.  This 
way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount of cells are 
used, this way providing more room for other things, such as the value of the U 
I control.  I may also advise you write your programs in cocoe as I hear that 
language is very very voice over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for 
the program to be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision 
usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs U I color to high 

This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself who are 
nearly compltely total.


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My twitter 
URL is:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin Pilkington 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
  Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs

  Hi All,

  Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a software 
developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big accessibility push and I'm 
trying to get many developers to join me. One of the key parts of this push is 
a pledge to make all my applications 100% accessible by the end of 2009. I've 
defined 100% accessible to mean 5 things:

  1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as the 
visual UI.
  2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
  3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
  4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields with the 
  5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.

  Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't got a 
disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me. Are there any 
other major points you would say an application needs to be 100% accessible to 
you? Are there any things you would like to find in an application as a user 
with a visual impairment that aren't part of the standard Mac accessibility 
tool? For example, an option to get a full text description of the current 
window and how to use it, at any point in the application

  Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my pledge, 
some others have already come on board with the idea. But getting the 
developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The most important piece 
is understanding exactly what your current problems and wishes are for 
accessibility in Mac apps so any feedback you can give me is greatly 



  Martin Pilkington

  Writer of Weird Symbols


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Michael Babcock
very good points chris, i agree. Though the self voicing option isn't  
a 100% thing, in some apps it would truly be nice.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs U I color  
> to high contrast.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.
> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.   
> My twitter URL is:
> - Original Message -
> From: Martin Pilkington
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
> Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs
> Hi All,
> Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
> software developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big  
> accessibility push and I'm trying to get many developers to join me.  
> One of the key parts of this push is a pledge to make all my  
> applications 100% accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100%  
> accessible to mean 5 things:
> 1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
> the visual UI.
> 2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
> 3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
> 4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
> with the keyboard.
> 5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.
> Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't  
> got a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me.  
> Are there any other major points you would say an application needs  
> to be 100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to  
> find in an application as a user with a visual impairment that  
> aren't part of the standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an  
> option to get a full text description of the current window and how  
> to use it, at any point in the application
> Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
> pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
> getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
> most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
> problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any  
> feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> -
> Martin Pilkington
> Writer of Weird Symbols
> >

Michael Babcock
GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 4121
administrative e-mail:

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Chris Gilland
What do you mean, it's notta 100% thing?


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My twitter 
URL is:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Babcock 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:41 PM
  Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

  very good points chris, i agree. Though the self voicing option isn't a 100% 
thing, in some apps it would truly be nice.

  On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system 
preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if needed.  Also 
provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing feature, this way if a 
user wants to use voice over, great, if not, he or she still can do what needs 
to be done.  Also, I would make your labels for the U I, very discriptive but 
yet maybe slightly shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille 
display.  This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount 
of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things, such as the 
value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write your programs in cocoe 
as I hear that language is very very voice over friendly.  Finally maybe 
provide an option for the program to be able to enable magnification in the 
program for low vision usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the 
programs st.

This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself who are 
nearly compltely total.


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My 
twitter URL is:
  - Original Message -
  From: Martin Pilkington
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
  Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs

  Hi All,

  Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a software 
developer on the Mac. I'm sta bility push and I'm trying to get many developers 
to join me. One of the key parts of this push is a pledge to make all my 
applications 100% accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible 
to mean 5 things:

  1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as the 
visual UI.
  2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
  3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
  4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields with 
the keyboard.
  5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.

  Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't got a 
disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me. Are there any 
other major points you would say an application needs to be 100% accessible to 
you? Are there any things you would like to find in an application as a user 
with a visual impairme e standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an 
option to get a full text description of the current window and how to use it, 
at any point in the application

  Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my 
pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But getting the 
developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The most important piece 
is understanding exactly what your current problems and wishes are for 
accessibility in Mac apps so any feedback you can give me is greatly 


  Martin Pilkington
  Writer of Weird Symbols

  ace; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">
  Michael Babcock
  GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
  Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 4121
  administrative e-mail:


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Ryan Dour
As a great example, an app like Boxee would be amazing with self  
voicing menus. Boxee is a media center app like FrontRow, but able to  
do much more. However, that doesn't help any of us, as it doesn't have  
hooks for Voiceover. The interface is not one that uses standard  
windows and objects. It is more like the menus found in video games,  
never the same twice and graphically intense. I believe a self voicing  
approach is necessary in cases like these. In standard apps, such as  
Skype, Pages, Safari, etc, Voiceover helps unify what already should  
be considered common controls and interfaces. A table in Skype looks  
very similar to a table in Mail, and that's what makes a Mac app so  
appealing. When people follow the look and feel of the OS, it helps  
cut down on the learning curve for the user.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 7:41 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> very good points chris, i agree. Though the self voicing option  
> isn't a 100% thing, in some apps it would truly be nice.
> mike
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
>> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
>> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
>> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
>> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
>> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
>> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
>> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
>> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
>> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
>> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
>> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
>> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
>> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs st.
>> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
>> who are nearly compltely total.
>> Chris.
>> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.   
>> My twitter URL is:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Martin Pilkington
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
>> Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs
>> Hi All,
>> Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
>> software developer on the Mac. I'm sta bility push and I'm trying  
>> to get many developers to join me. One of the key parts of this  
>> push is a pledge to make all my applications 100% accessible by the  
>> end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5 things:
>> 1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly  
>> as the visual UI.
>> 2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
>> 3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
>> 4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI  
>> fields with the keyboard.
>> 5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the  
>> mouse.
>> Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't  
>> got a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help  
>> me. Are there any other major points you would say an application  
>> needs to be 100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would  
>> like to find in an application as a user with a visual impairme e  
>> standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a  
>> full text description of the current window and how to use it, at  
>> any point in the application
>> Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
>> pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
>> getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle.  
>> The most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
>> problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any  
>> feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> -
>> Martin Pilkington
>> Writer of Weird Symbols
>> ace; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">
>> Michael Babcock
>> GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
>> Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 4121
>> email:
>> administrative e-mail:
>> url:
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Martin Pilkington
Hi Chris,

I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user is  
using a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If  
OS X doesn't allow me to give different descriptions to braille  
devices I'll try and get in touch with developers at Apple to see if  
they can add it in a future version. As for the self voicing feature,  
I'm a little unsure what you mean. Could you give an example of how it  
would be used and what it would do?

My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy to  
make them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't  
really front and centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not  
everything is quite as easy to make accessible, especially as I use  
custom controls in places so these will require more work.

As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide zoom  
and invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such  
as making text in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise  
colours to give them a higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do  
these for everything in an application would be extremely difficult.  
These are more system wide features Apple would need to do themselves  
in order to have them done right.

Thanks for your feedback!

Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs U I color  
> to high contrast.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Chris Gilland
By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running the program 
would still speak right out of the box.  In other words, give the user the 
option of using voice over, or! being able to rely on speech just within the 
program itself.  Kind a like what happens with the clock being self voicing 
upon the hr half hr or quarter, if you set that up in universal access.  Hince: 
you don't need vo running for that to work.


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My twitter 
URL is:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin Pilkington 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 9:09 PM
  Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

  Hi Chris,

  I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user is using 
a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If OS X doesn't 
allow me to give different descriptions to braille devices I'll try and get in 
touch with developers at Apple to see if they can add it in a future version. 
As for the self voicing feature, I'm a little unsure what you mean. Could you 
give an example of how it would be used and what it would do?

  My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy to make 
them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't really front and 
centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not everything is quite as 
easy to make accessible, especially as I use custom controls in places so these 
will require more work.

  As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide zoom and 
invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such as making text 
in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise colours to give them a 
higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do these for everything in an 
application would be extremely difficult. These are more system wide features 
Apple would need to do themselves in order to have them done right.

  Thanks for your feedback!


  Martin Pilkington

  Writer of Weird Symbols

  On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system 
preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if needed.  Also 
provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing feature, this way if a 
user wants to use voice over, great, if not, he or she still can do what needs 
to be done.  Also, I would make your labels for the U I, very discriptive but 
yet maybe slightly shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille 
display.  This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount 
of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things, such as the 
value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write your programs in cocoe 
as I hear that language is very very voice over friendly.  Finally maybe 
provide an option for the program to be able to enable magnification in the 
program for low vision usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the 
programs U I color to high contrast.

This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself who are 
nearly compltely total.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Tiffany D

I think it's wonderful what you're doing and I'm with you 100%.
You're setting a great example and considering how Apple is so
comitted to accessibility it should be easier to get other developers
on board than if you were using a different os.  In any case, I saw no
need for self-voicing aps until I read about the programs with
completely different interfaces.  I still think none should be needed
if VoiceOver can do the job.  As for what I'd like to see, I'd love
there to be, either in the help file or in the tutorials of the
applications, a list of commands so that those just learning how to
use the software or those who need a refresher can easily find the
answers they're seeking.  Many times, I notice software that is
accessible but only the visual ways of doing things are explained.

Best of luck,

On 08/03/2009, Chris Gilland  wrote:
> By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running the
> program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words, give the
> user the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely on speech just
> within the program itself.  Kind a like what happens with the clock being
> self voicing upon the hr half hr or quarter, if you set that up in universal
> access.  Hince: you don't need vo running for that to work.
> Chris.
> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My
> twitter URL is:
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Martin Pilkington
>   To:
>   Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 9:09 PM
>   Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs
>   Hi Chris,
>   I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user is
> using a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If OS X
> doesn't allow me to give different descriptions to braille devices I'll try
> and get in touch with developers at Apple to see if they can add it in a
> future version. As for the self voicing feature, I'm a little unsure what
> you mean. Could you give an example of how it would be used and what it
> would do?
>   My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy to make
> them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't really front
> and centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not everything is quite
> as easy to make accessible, especially as I use custom controls in places so
> these will require more work.
>   As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide zoom and
> invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such as making
> text in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise colours to give
> them a higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do these for everything
> in an application would be extremely difficult. These are more system wide
> features Apple would need to do themselves in order to have them done right.
>   Thanks for your feedback!
>   -
>   Martin Pilkington
>   Writer of Weird Symbols
>   On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:
> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if needed.
> Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing feature, this way
> if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not, he or she still can do
> what needs to be done.  Also, I would make your labels for the U I, very
> discriptive but yet maybe slightly shorter for the interface that is viewed
> via a braille display.  This way the point is made but only the absolutely
> necessary amount of cells are used, this way providing more room for other
> things, such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice over
> friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to be able to
> enable magnification in the program for low vision usersw.  Also maybe
> provide an option to turn the programs U I color to high contrast.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself who
> are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.
> >

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Martin Pilkington
Hmm, I guess I'm just a little confused about what benefit this would  
have over voice over. Voice over is on every mac so it's not like  
you'd ever been in a situation where you don't have voice access.  
Unless there's something I'm not understanding it seems like it would  
be an awful lot of work to give you what voice over already does.

Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:26 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

> By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running  
> the program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words,  
> give the user the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely  
> on speech just within the program itself.  Kind a like what happens  
> with the clock being self voicing upon the hr half hr or quarter, if  
> you set that up in universal access.  Hince: you don't need vo  
> running for that to work.
> Chris.

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Viewing Chats in Adium

2009-03-08 Thread Tiffany D

I'm wondering how to view chat transcripts in Adium?  I tried view
transcripts but it was dimmed.  Where are the chats saved?


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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Martin Pilkington
Hi Tiffany,

This is exactly what I'm meaning when I talk about a sort of overview  
giving a full text description of a window. You could bring it up at  
any point and have it read to you. It would be written specifically  
for those using voice over to give a better idea of what is where when  
navigating and how it works.


Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:43 am, Tiffany D wrote:

> As for what I'd like to see, I'd love
> there to be, either in the help file or in the tutorials of the
> applications, a list of commands so that those just learning how to
> use the software or those who need a refresher can easily find the
> answers they're seeking.  Many times, I notice software that is
> accessible but only the visual ways of doing things are explained.

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Chris Gilland
I dono, it was just a thought... I'll let others comment.  Maybe I just tend to 
over anolyze things, but what else is new.  LOL!


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My twitter 
URL is:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Martin Pilkington 
  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 9:46 PM
  Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

  Hmm, I guess I'm just a little confused about what benefit this would have 
over voice over. Voice over is on every mac so it's not like you'd ever been in 
a situation where you don't have voice access. Unless there's something I'm not 
understanding it seems like it would be an awful lot of work to give you what 
voice over already does.


  Martin Pilkington

  Writer of Weird Symbols

  On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:26 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running the 
program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words, give the user 
the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely on speech just within 
the program itself.  Kind a like what happens with the clock being self voicing 
upon the hr half hr or quarter, if you set that up in universal access.  Hince: 
you don't need vo running for that to work.



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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Jason Custer
Well, it seems to me that VoiceOver does a fine job. There is no need  
for each developer to rewrite a screen reader in to every application.  
Rather than make an application self-voicing, write hooks for  
voiceover, or use standard controls. I hate configuring each  
application's self-voicing preferences, relearning its voicing  
keystrokes, etc. It's nice in a game, it preserves the environment,  
but when I am trying to get something done, I want to use VO because I  
am famillier with it.
Just my thoughts, everyone is entitled to his own.
ps. I too like to see a "keyboard shortcuts" page in the help docs.
On Mar 8, 2009, at 6:46 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

> Hmm, I guess I'm just a little confused about what benefit this  
> would have over voice over. Voice over is on every mac so it's not  
> like you'd ever been in a situation where you don't have voice  
> access. Unless there's something I'm not understanding it seems like  
> it would be an awful lot of work to give you what voice over already  
> does.
> -
> Martin Pilkington
> Writer of Weird Symbols
> On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:26 am, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running  
>> the program would still speak right out of the box.  In other  
>> words, give the user the option of using voice over, or! being able  
>> to rely on speech just within the program itself.  Kind a like what  
>> happens with the clock being self voicing upon the hr half hr or  
>> quarter, if you set that up in universal access.  Hince: you don't  
>> need vo running for that to work.
>> Chris.
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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mail, how to get to the other end of my list of messages

2009-03-08 Thread Jason Custer

The subject line says it all, In mail, how do I get from message 1 to  
the last message with just one or two keystrokes?
Thank you,

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Re: mail, how to get to the other end of my list of messages

2009-03-08 Thread Ryan Dour


While interacting with a table, try VO-Shift Home and End keys to move  
between the very first and very last possible object. So, it will  
deliver you to the first item in the first row, and the last item to  
the far right in the very last row.

If you're on a keyboard, your Home and End keys are the left and right  
arrow keys. To use them as Home and End keys, simply hold down the FN  
key as an additional modifier to VO-Shift Home and end. The FN or  
function key is located at the very bottom left corner of your  
PowerBook, MacBook, or MacBook Pro keyboard. If you've got an iMac  
with BlueTooth keyboard, the same layout also applies. If you get the  
new iMac, the keyboard that comes with it only has the portable  
layout, so the same applies.

I hope this covers all possible configurations, so enjoy. Further  
reading about the use of the number pad for controlling Voiceover may  
also help with these tasks.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 10:34 PM, Jason Custer wrote:

> Hello,
> The subject line says it all, In mail, how do I get from message 1 to
> the last message with just one or two keystrokes?
> Thank you,
> Jason
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Possibly. But one step at a time. If you want to contribute code that  
does that to ISpeak, sure, by all means.


On 8-Mar-09, at 2:33 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> ok. will other speech synths be ported such as flight or festival? i
> know those synths exist for windows and linux, but will they be ported
> in mac to work with all speech applications?
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case  
>> about
>> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
>> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the  
>> Mac
>> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will  
>> allow
>> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
>> including Voiceover.
>> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
>> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
>> need filling.
>> Jobs:
>> - Perl programmer
>> - OBJ-C programmer
>> - Packager/Installer creator
>> - Documentationalist
>> - Issue Tracker
>> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
>> projects.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
 in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
 I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted  
 the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.


 On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> hi.
> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
> all
> that closeness?
> sounds like a better approach:)
> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac as
> it
> is.
> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
> tail-f
> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
> To ryan:
> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person you
> can
> today.
> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more time:)
> /sandi
> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone  
>> who
>> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
>> at:
>> . I have done research on doing tis.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'  
>>> have
>>> my
>>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
>>> optional
>>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
 I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and  
 what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
 mac book air, but i can be wrong.

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
> here.
> We
> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a  
> sysnsisier
> for
> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
> the
> developer tools that come with the mac.
> Greg
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Greg agree.
>> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
>> voices
>> are
>> selected.
>> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox voices
>> can
>> be
>> added so can espeak:)
>> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr minute
>> rule
>> or
>> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
>> least.
>> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at
>> some
>> point ?
>> /sandi
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I vote for making them native voices.
>>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:


Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Alex Jurgensen


It is coming. Check back soon.


On 1-Mar-09, at 4:33 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> hi alex.
> i just took a very fast look at the page you posted... one question.
> why have the ispeak project not been mentioned  at all on the webpage?
> or maybe i am looking the wrong place ?
> /sandi
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case  
>> about
>> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
>> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the  
>> Mac
>> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will  
>> allow
>> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
>> including Voiceover.
>> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
>> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
>> need filling.
>> Jobs:
>> - Perl programmer
>> - OBJ-C programmer
>> - Packager/Installer creator
>> - Documentationalist
>> - Issue Tracker
>> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
>> projects.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
 in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
 I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted  
 the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.


 On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> hi.
> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
> all
> that closeness?
> sounds like a better approach:)
> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac as
> it
> is.
> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
> tail-f
> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
> To ryan:
> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person you
> can
> today.
> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more time:)
> /sandi
> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone  
>> who
>> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
>> at:
>> . I have done research on doing tis.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'  
>>> have
>>> my
>>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
>>> optional
>>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
 I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and  
 what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
 mac book air, but i can be wrong.

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
> here.
> We
> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a  
> sysnsisier
> for
> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
> the
> developer tools that come with the mac.
> Greg
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Greg agree.
>> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
>> voices
>> are
>> selected.
>> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox voices
>> can
>> be
>> added so can espeak:)
>> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr minute
>> rule
>> or
>> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
>> least.
>> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it native at
>> some
>> point ?
>> /sandi
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:42 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I vote for making them native voices.
>>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:37 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 hi all.
 For some days ago some one ask

Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Brandon Misch

o i see. can't wait to see this in action on te 17th.

On Mar 9, 2009, at 12:10 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Possibly. But one step at a time. If you want to contribute code that
> does that to ISpeak, sure, by all means.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 8-Mar-09, at 2:33 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> ok. will other speech synths be ported such as flight or festival? i
>> know those synths exist for windows and linux, but will they be  
>> ported
>> in mac to work with all speech applications?
>> On Mar 8, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case
>>> about
>>> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
>>> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the
>>> Mac
>>> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will
>>> allow
>>> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
>>> including Voiceover.
>>> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
>>> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
>>> need filling.
>>> Jobs:
>>> - Perl programmer
>>> - OBJ-C programmer
>>> - Packager/Installer creator
>>> - Documentationalist
>>> - Issue Tracker
>>> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
>>> projects.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

 will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
> tuned
> in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
> of.
> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted
> for
> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi.
>> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
>> all
>> that closeness?
>> sounds like a better approach:)
>> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac  
>> as
>> it
>> is.
>> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
>> tail-f
>> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
>> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
>> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
>> To ryan:
>> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person  
>> you
>> can
>> today.
>> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more  
>> time:)
>> /sandi
>> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone
>>> who
>>> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
>>> at:
>>> . I have done research on doing tis.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'
 DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
 packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
 On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and
> look
> in
> to
> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
> with
> the
> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
> /sandi
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
>> here.
>> We
>> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a
>> sysnsisier
>> for
>> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
>> the
>> developer tools that come with the mac.
>> Greg
>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> Greg agree.
>>> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
>>> voices
>>> are
>>> selected.
>>> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox  
>>> voices
>>> can
>>> be
>>> added so can espeak:)
>>> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr  
>>> minute
>>> rule
>>> or
>>> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
>>> least.
>>> Greg was it not you who a

Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Brandon Misch

ok cool. will this be downloadable or will someone have to log in to  
get it.

On Mar 9, 2009, at 12:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> It is coming. Check back soon.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 1-Mar-09, at 4:33 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi alex.
>> i just took a very fast look at the page you posted... one question.
>> why have the ispeak project not been mentioned  at all on the  
>> webpage?
>> or maybe i am looking the wrong place ?
>> /sandi
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case
>>> about
>>> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
>>> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the
>>> Mac
>>> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will
>>> allow
>>> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
>>> including Voiceover.
>>> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
>>> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs that
>>> need filling.
>>> Jobs:
>>> - Perl programmer
>>> - OBJ-C programmer
>>> - Packager/Installer creator
>>> - Documentationalist
>>> - Issue Tracker
>>> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
>>> projects.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

 will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
> tuned
> in to for the details. This is the project I am speaking
> of.
> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted
> for
> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi.
>> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead of
>> all
>> that closeness?
>> sounds like a better approach:)
>> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac  
>> as
>> it
>> is.
>> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
>> tail-f
>> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
>> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
>> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
>> To ryan:
>> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person  
>> you
>> can
>> today.
>> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more  
>> time:)
>> /sandi
>> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone
>>> who
>>> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
>>> at:
>>> . I have done research on doing tis.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'
 DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
 packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
 On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and
> look
> in
> to
> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
> with
> the
> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
> /sandi
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other issue
>> here.
>> We
>> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a
>> sysnsisier
>> for
>> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this in
>> the
>> developer tools that come with the mac.
>> Greg
>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> Greg agree.
>>> But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
>>> voices
>>> are
>>> selected.
>>> I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If ivox  
>>> voices
>>> can
>>> be
>>> added so can espeak:)
>>> of course we would have too live with the 370 words pr  
>>> minute
>>> rule
>>> or
>>> so i think but that ought too be fast enough for a start at
>>> least.
>>> Greg was it not you who actually tried making it nativ

Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Hmm, If I'm feeling nice, smiley, which I am, yes, you can download it.


On 8-Mar-09, at 9:15 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> ok cool. will this be downloadable or will someone have to log in to
> get it.
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 12:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is coming. Check back soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 1-Mar-09, at 4:33 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> hi alex.
>>> i just took a very fast look at the page you posted... one question.
>>> why have the ispeak project not been mentioned  at all on the
>>> webpage?
>>> or maybe i am looking the wrong place ?
>>> /sandi
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case
 it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.

 ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the
 is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will
 the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
 including Voiceover.

 All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep an
 eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs  
 need filling.

 - Perl programmer
 - OBJ-C programmer
 - Packager/Installer creator
 - Documentationalist
 - Issue Tracker

 Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE


 On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
>> tuned
>> in to for the details. This is the project I am  
>> speaking
>> of.
>> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted
>> for
>> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead  
>>> of
>>> all
>>> that closeness?
>>> sounds like a better approach:)
>>> espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac
>>> as
>>> it
>>> is.
>>> When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
>>> tail-f
>>> -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
>>> It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
>>> so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
>>> To ryan:
>>> for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person
>>> you
>>> can
>>> today.
>>> Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more
>>> time:)
>>> /sandi
>>> now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone
 wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
 . I have done research on doing tis.


 On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'
> have
> my
> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
> optional
> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
>> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and
>> look
>> in
>> to
>> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
>> with
>> the
>> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
>> /sandi
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other  
>>> issue
>>> here.
>>> We
>>> did not get very far. The basic process is to make a
>>> sysnsisier
>>> for
>>> each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this  
>>> in
>>> the
>>> developer tools that come with the mac.
>>> Greg
>>> On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:27 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Greg agree.
 But my main problem so far have been to find out where the
 I dont doubt i will find a way to make it work If

Re: mail, how to get to the other end of my list of messages

2009-03-08 Thread Esther

Hi Jason and Ryan,

JC asked:
>> The subject line says it all, In mail, how do I get from message 1 to
>> the last message with just one or two keystrokes?

Esther: I've been playing with occasionally using a USB NumPad and  
NumPad Commander with my MacBook, so I'll add the default sequences to  
move to the beginning or end of a table (in mail or other instances)  
with NumPad Commander to Ryan's excellent summary.

•To move to the first element of a table, after interacting: VO-Shift- 
On a laptop, with no dedicated home key:  VO-Fn-Shift-Left Arrow
Using default NumPad Commander definitions, with NumPad Commander  
turned on (in VoiceOver Utility): Shift-7

•To move to the last element of a table, after interacting: VO-Shift-End
On a laptop, with no dedicated end key: VO-Fn-Shift-Right Arrow
Using default NumPad Commander definitions, with NumPad Commander  
turned on: Shift-1

NumPad Commander should work either with embedded numeric keypads in  
laptops with an F6 NumLock key, full keyboards with a NumPad, and  
laptops with an attached NumPad.  I haven't had a chance to try this  
with a laptop that has an embedded NumPad -- the only ones I have  
ready access to still run Tiger.  But you should be able to use NumPad  
Commander, too.



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Re: espeak on mac?

2009-03-08 Thread Brandon Misch

that's good. too bad people can't get a way to try it out now. lol.

On Mar 9, 2009, at 12:19 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Hmm, If I'm feeling nice, smiley, which I am, yes, you can download  
> it.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 8-Mar-09, at 9:15 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> ok cool. will this be downloadable or will someone have to log in to
>> get it.
>> On Mar 9, 2009, at 12:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is coming. Check back soon.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 1-Mar-09, at 4:33 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 hi alex.
 i just took a very fast look at the page you posted... one  
 why have the ispeak project not been mentioned  at all on the
 or maybe i am looking the wrong place ?


 On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writing this now in full, smiley, after Cara got on my case
> about
> it. I was in a rush earlier. I appologize. Here are the details.
> ISpeak, a project to port the eSpeak speech engine natively to the
> Mac
> is kicking off this month. Hosted by, the project will
> allow
> the eSpeak voices to be used in all speech enabled applications
> including Voiceover.
> All people who are interested in participating are asked to keep  
> an
> eye on . Below is a list of possible jobs
> that
> need filling.
> Jobs:
> - Perl programmer
> - OBJ-C programmer
> - Packager/Installer creator
> - Documentationalist
> - Issue Tracker
> Such positions are open for most open-source AWEBSIGHT/ICE
> projects.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 5:27 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> will this project allow e speak to be used with voice over?
>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The opensource project ISpeak will hit the net on March 17. Keep
>>> tuned
>>> in to for the details. This is the project I am
>>> speaking
>>> of.
>>> I invite anyone to join the project. All research will be posted
>>> for
>>> the enjoyment of all participants, but as I said, stay tuned.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 28-Feb-09, at 11:39 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

 Alex how about you just tell us all what you have done instead
 that closeness?
 sounds like a better approach:)
 espeak is another open speech which you can sortta use with mac
 When i say like i do it's cause... you can use it with irc like
 -n1 filename|speak -s 300 and your irc-client speaks.
 It works okay for both irssi and xchat.
 so i was wanting too use it as we use fred alex and so on.
 To ryan:
 for 6 month ago you could not use flightgear as a blind person
 Nothing is impossible the impossible things just takes more

 now On Mar 7, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I figured out what needs to be done. I'm willing to let anyone
> who
> wants into the project I've started to do this. Just E-mail me
> at:
> . I have done research on doing tis.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 7-Mar-09, at 11:39 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yep, there is a package on I believe the second DVD. I dont'
>> have
>> my
>> DVD handy, but I think it is in a folder called extras or
>> optional
>> packages. You'll know it when you encounter it.
>> On Feb 28, 2009, at 10:59 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> Hi Greg thank you for your answer")
>>> I was not aware i had any devtools with my mac. will go and
>>> look
>>> in
>>> to
>>> what i got with the mini. I am nearly sure i did not get any
>>> with
>>> the
>>> mac book air, but i can be wrong.
>>> /sandi
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

 We looked into it at Curtin but had to stop do to other
 did not get very far. The basic process is to make a
 each vendor of voices. There is sample code for doing this
 developer tools that come with the mac.


Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread John J Herzog
Hi Martin,
First, thank you for making your programs accessible.
Second, I would like to share my brief thoughts on the subject. I like  
your five objectives a lot. I think that if you can achieve all five  
of them, no further work will be necessary on your part.
Some others have encouraged you to build self voicing capabilities  
into your programs, but I do not think this is necessary. I'm  
concerned first and foremost, that it would be a lot of work, and a  
possible deterrent to other apple developers thinking about future  
accessibility projects.
I do want accessible apps, but this should be as easy to do as  
possible on the developers part. You are being considerate of us, so  
we should be considerate of you and your time and use pre-existing  
tools like VO to get the job done.
Second, like another poster said, I find the voiceover settings and  
commands convenient for use in all programs. It would be counter  
intuitive to add different voicing  keystrokes.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your useable applications  
for the mac. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.



On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:25 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

> Hi All,
> Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
> software developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big  
> accessibility push and I'm trying to get many developers to join me.  
> One of the key parts of this push is a pledge to make all my  
> applications 100% accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100%  
> accessible to mean 5 things:
> 1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
> the visual UI.
> 2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
> 3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
> 4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
> with the keyboard.
> 5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.
> Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't  
> got a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me.  
> Are there any other major points you would say an application needs  
> to be 100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to  
> find in an application as a user with a visual impairment that  
> aren't part of the standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an  
> option to get a full text description of the current window and how  
> to use it, at any point in the application
> Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
> pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
> getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
> most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
> problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any  
> feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> -
> Martin Pilkington
> Writer of Weird Symbols
> >

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Re: mail, how to get to the other end of my list of messages

2009-03-08 Thread Jason Custer

Thanks, I have a white macbook, the plastic one. That was a big help!

On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:41 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:

> OK,
> While interacting with a table, try VO-Shift Home and End keys to move
> between the very first and very last possible object. So, it will
> deliver you to the first item in the first row, and the last item to
> the far right in the very last row.
> If you're on a keyboard, your Home and End keys are the left and right
> arrow keys. To use them as Home and End keys, simply hold down the FN
> key as an additional modifier to VO-Shift Home and end. The FN or
> function key is located at the very bottom left corner of your
> PowerBook, MacBook, or MacBook Pro keyboard. If you've got an iMac
> with BlueTooth keyboard, the same layout also applies. If you get the
> new iMac, the keyboard that comes with it only has the portable
> layout, so the same applies.
> I hope this covers all possible configurations, so enjoy. Further
> reading about the use of the number pad for controlling Voiceover may
> also help with these tasks.
> Ryan
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 10:34 PM, Jason Custer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The subject line says it all, In mail, how do I get from message 1 to
>> the last message with just one or two keystrokes?
>> Thank you,
>> Jason
> >

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RE: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread Kevin Reeves
Self voicing defeats the purpose of Voice-over and causes undo work on the
part of the developer. What Ryan was saying about Boxy makes sense, but to
self-voice an app that can already be used by voiceover seems almost
overboard. Also, if you selfvoice an app, how do you account for dynamic
text that changes all the time in a window? Voiceover would need to be
active to view any dynamically changing text or text that you input when
interacting with said application such as skype chats or viewing screen
names in a list or something that is completely unpredictable from session
to session.Just my thoughts.

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ISpeak V0.1 released today

2009-03-08 Thread Alex Jurgensen


ISpeak V0.1 is available for free download. It is a very biginning  
stage of the operation so don't expect very much.


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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

we already have this in vo.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:59 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

Hi Tiffany,

This is exactly what I'm meaning when I talk about a sort of overview  
giving a full text description of a window. You could bring it up at  
any point and have it read to you. It would be written specifically  
for those using voice over to give a better idea of what is where when  
navigating and how it works.


Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:43 am, Tiffany D wrote:

> As for what I'd like to see, I'd love
> there to be, either in the help file or in the tutorials of the
> applications, a list of commands so that those just learning how to
> use the software or those who need a refresher can easily find the
> answers they're seeking.  Many times, I notice software that is
> accessible but only the visual ways of doing things are explained.

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

The visual ways of doing things re explained but we have full access  
via the keyboard to the gui if it is accessible.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Tiffany D wrote:

I think it's wonderful what you're doing and I'm with you 100%.
You're setting a great example and considering how Apple is so
comitted to accessibility it should be easier to get other developers
on board than if you were using a different os.  In any case, I saw no
need for self-voicing aps until I read about the programs with
completely different interfaces.  I still think none should be needed
if VoiceOver can do the job.  As for what I'd like to see, I'd love
there to be, either in the help file or in the tutorials of the
applications, a list of commands so that those just learning how to
use the software or those who need a refresher can easily find the
answers they're seeking.  Many times, I notice software that is
accessible but only the visual ways of doing things are explained.

Best of luck,

On 08/03/2009, Chris Gilland  wrote:
> By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running  
> the
> program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words,  
> give the
> user the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely on  
> speech just
> within the program itself.  Kind a like what happens with the clock  
> being
> self voicing upon the hr half hr or quarter, if you set that up in  
> universal
> access.  Hince: you don't need vo running for that to work.
> Chris.
> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My
> twitter URL is:
>  - Original Message -
>  From: Martin Pilkington
>  To:
>  Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 9:09 PM
>  Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs
>  Hi Chris,
>  I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user  
> is
> using a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If  
> OS X
> doesn't allow me to give different descriptions to braille devices  
> I'll try
> and get in touch with developers at Apple to see if they can add it  
> in a
> future version. As for the self voicing feature, I'm a little unsure  
> what
> you mean. Could you give an example of how it would be used and what  
> it
> would do?
>  My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy  
> to make
> them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't  
> really front
> and centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not everything  
> is quite
> as easy to make accessible, especially as I use custom controls in  
> places so
> these will require more work.
>  As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide  
> zoom and
> invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such as  
> making
> text in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise colours to  
> give
> them a higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do these for  
> everything
> in an application would be extremely difficult. These are more  
> system wide
> features Apple would need to do themselves in order to have them  
> done right.
>  Thanks for your feedback!
>  -
>  Martin Pilkington
>  Writer of Weird Symbols
>  On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:
>I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.
> Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing feature,  
> this way
> if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not, he or she still  
> can do
> what needs to be done.  Also, I would make your labels for the U I,  
> very
> discriptive but yet maybe slightly shorter for the interface that is  
> viewed
> via a braille display.  This way the point is made but only the  
> absolutely
> necessary amount of cells are used, this way providing more room for  
> other
> things, such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you  
> write
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice over
> friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to be  
> able to
> enable magnification in the program for low vision usersw.  Also maybe
> provide an option to turn the programs U I color to high contrast.
>This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who
> are nearly compltely total.

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

this is redundant.  the clock is self voicing on the hour for those  
who don't need vo to take advantage of it.  if I had a mind to, I'm  
sure I could write an app to have vo announce te time at peridocic  
intervals.  The only reason to make an app self voicing is that it  
cannot fit into the normal paradigm.  consider chess and the calculator.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running  
the program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words,  
give the user the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely  
on speech just within the program itself.  Kind a like what happens  
with the clock being self voicing upon the hr half hr or quarter, if  
you set that up in universal access.  Hince: you don't need vo running  
for that to work.


Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.  My  
twitter URL is:
- Original Message -
From: Martin Pilkington
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

Hi Chris,

I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user is  
using a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If  
OS X doesn't allow me to give different descriptions to braille  
devices I'll try and get in touch with developers at Apple to see if  
they can add it in a future version. As for the self voicing feature,  
I'm a little unsure what you mean. Could you give an example of how it  
would be used and what it would do?

My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy to  
make them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't  
really front and centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not  
everything is quite as easy to make accessible, especially as I use  
custom controls in places so these will require more work.

As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide zoom  
and invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such  
as making text in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise  
colours to give them a higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do  
these for everything in an application would be extremely difficult.  
These are more system wide features Apple would need to do themselves  
in order to have them done right.

Thanks for your feedback!

Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs U I color  
> to high contrast.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

it is not possible to do braille display detection for your purposes  
on the mac os.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:09 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

Hi Chris,

I'm not 100% sure whether it is possible to detect whether the user is  
using a braille display or not, but I'll definitely look into it. If  
OS X doesn't allow me to give different descriptions to braille  
devices I'll try and get in touch with developers at Apple to see if  
they can add it in a future version. As for the self voicing feature,  
I'm a little unsure what you mean. Could you give an example of how it  
would be used and what it would do?

My applications are already in Cocoa and it is indeed fairly easy to  
make them voice over friendly, though the options to do this aren't  
really front and centre so they can often be forgotten. Of course not  
everything is quite as easy to make accessible, especially as I use  
custom controls in places so these will require more work.

As for magnification and high contrast modes, do the system wide zoom  
and invert colours features not solve that problem? Some things such  
as making text in some areas bigger and allowing users to customise  
colours to give them a higher contrast are relatively easy, but to do  
these for everything in an application would be extremely difficult.  
These are more system wide features Apple would need to do themselves  
in order to have them done right.

Thanks for your feedback!

Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 12:37 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs U I color  
> to high contrast.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

You should be talking to greg kearny.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 9:06 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:

As a great example, an app like Boxee would be amazing with self  
voicing menus. Boxee is a media center app like FrontRow, but able to  
do much more. However, that doesn't help any of us, as it doesn't have  
hooks for Voiceover. The interface is not one that uses standard  
windows and objects. It is more like the menus found in video games,  
never the same twice and graphically intense. I believe a self voicing  
approach is necessary in cases like these. In standard apps, such as  
Skype, Pages, Safari, etc, Voiceover helps unify what already should  
be considered common controls and interfaces. A table in Skype looks  
very similar to a table in Mail, and that's what makes a Mac app so  
appealing. When people follow the look and feel of the OS, it helps  
cut down on the learning curve for the user.


On Mar 8, 2009, at 7:41 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> very good points chris, i agree. Though the self voicing option  
> isn't a 100% thing, in some apps it would truly be nice.
> mike
> On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
>> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
>> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
>> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
>> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
>> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
>> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
>> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
>> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
>> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
>> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
>> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
>> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
>> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs st.
>> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
>> who are nearly compltely total.
>> Chris.
>> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.   
>> My twitter URL is:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Martin Pilkington
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
>> Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs
>> Hi All,
>> Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
>> software developer on the Mac. I'm sta bility push and I'm trying  
>> to get many developers to join me. One of the key parts of this  
>> push is a pledge to make all my applications 100% accessible by the  
>> end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5 things:
>> 1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly  
>> as the visual UI.
>> 2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
>> 3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
>> 4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI  
>> fields with the keyboard.
>> 5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the  
>> mouse.
>> Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't  
>> got a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help  
>> me. Are there any other major points you would say an application  
>> needs to be 100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would  
>> like to find in an application as a user with a visual impairme e  
>> standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a  
>> full text description of the current window and how to use it, at  
>> any point in the application
>> Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
>> pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
>> getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle.  
>> The most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
>> problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any  
>> feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> -
>> Martin Pilkington
>> Writer of Weird Symbols
>> ace; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">
>> Michael Babcock
>> GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
>> Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 4121
>> email:
>> administrative e-mail:
>> url:

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

self voicing should never be needed and in all 3rd party cases I've  
seen it implemented for the mac os it is disasterous.  you only need  
look at firevox to understand this.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:41 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

very good points chris, i agree. Though the self voicing option isn't  
a 100% thing, in some apps it would truly be nice.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> I think it would be cool to use the default voice set via system  
> preferences and make it where the program can be self voiceing if  
> needed.  Also provide an option to turn on, or off the self voicing  
> feature, this way if a user wants to use voice over, great, if not,  
> he or she still can do what needs to be done.  Also, I would make  
> your labels for the U I, very discriptive but yet maybe slightly  
> shorter for the interface that is viewed via a braille display.   
> This way the point is made but only the absolutely necessary amount  
> of cells are used, this way providing more room for other things,  
> such as the value of the U I control.  I may also advise you write  
> your programs in cocoe as I hear that language is very very voice  
> over friendly.  Finally maybe provide an option for the program to  
> be able to enable magnification in the program for low vision  
> usersw.  Also maybe provide an option to turn the programs st.
> This way it even helps low vision users as well as us like myself  
> who are nearly compltely total.
> Chris.
> Do you use Twitter?  If so, then, I'd love! for you to follow me.   
> My twitter URL is:
> - Original Message -
> From: Martin Pilkington
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 8:25 PM
> Subject: Understanding Blind User's Needs
> Hi All,
> Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
> software developer on the Mac. I'm sta bility push and I'm trying to  
> get many developers to join me. One of the key parts of this push is  
> a pledge to make all my applications 100% accessible by the end of  
> 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5 things:
> 1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
> the visual UI.
> 2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
> 3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
> 4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
> with the keyboard.
> 5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.
> Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't  
> got a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me.  
> Are there any other major points you would say an application needs  
> to be 100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to  
> find in an application as a user with a visual impairme e standard  
> Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a full text  
> description of the current window and how to use it, at any point in  
> the application
> Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
> pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
> getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
> most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
> problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any  
> feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> -
> Martin Pilkington
> Writer of Weird Symbols
> ace; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">
> Michael Babcock
> GW Hosting, Your Dedicated Home On The Web
> Phone: +1-888-272-3555, ext 4121
> email:
> administrative e-mail:
> url:

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Re: Understanding Blind User's Needs

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman


I'd be happy to test any vo compatible apps you develop or that you  
know of that are developped.  this is 100 ercent accessibility.  I  
don't know what software you write or have written but would encourage  
youto stick to apple accessibility apis and work with apple if  
something is missing.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:25 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

Hi All,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
software developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big accessibility  
push and I'm trying to get many developers to join me. One of the key  
parts of this push is a pledge to make all my applications 100%  
accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5  

1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
the visual UI.
2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
with the keyboard.
5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.

Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't got  
a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me. Are  
there any other major points you would say an application needs to be  
100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to find in  
an application as a user with a visual impairment that aren't part of  
the standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a  
full text description of the current window and how to use it, at any  
point in the application

Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any feedback  
you can give me is greatly appreciated.


Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

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self voicing apps and voiceover:

2009-03-08 Thread David Poehlman

Hi all,

we've been discussing self voicing/voice over accessible apps in  
another thread but I thought this might be a more compatible subject  
line for that discussion.

I wanted to mention an excellent package demonstrating what can be  
done on the mac os with regard to vo compatibility and self voicing  
lest I give the impression that I think all attempts to have failed.
has produced VisioVoice which is a screen aide for the mac bundled  
with the InfovoxIvox voices from Acapella group.  VisioVoice can also  
be used with the mac os voices but when it was first developped, this  
was not possible.

I do not work for the company, but am greatful to David and the team  
at Assistiveware for their efforts on behalf of visually impaired mac  

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