
I'd be happy to test any vo compatible apps you develop or that you  
know of that are developped.  this is 100 ercent accessibility.  I  
don't know what software you write or have written but would encourage  
youto stick to apple accessibility apis and work with apple if  
something is missing.

On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:25 PM, Martin Pilkington wrote:

Hi All,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Pilkington and I'm a  
software developer on the Mac. I'm starting to do a big accessibility  
push and I'm trying to get many developers to join me. One of the key  
parts of this push is a pledge to make all my applications 100%  
accessible by the end of 2009. I've defined 100% accessible to mean 5  

1. The UI available to VoiceOver users should be as user friendly as  
the visual UI.
2. All UI elements should have titles and/or descriptions.
3. All custom controls should provide full keyboard access.
4. There should be a clear and logical order to navigating UI fields  
with the keyboard.
5. Every part of an application should be reachable without the mouse.

Now I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who hasn't got  
a disability, so I'm hoping everyone on this list could help me. Are  
there any other major points you would say an application needs to be  
100% accessible to you? Are there any things you would like to find in  
an application as a user with a visual impairment that aren't part of  
the standard Mac accessibility tool? For example, an option to get a  
full text description of the current window and how to use it, at any  
point in the application

Hopefully I can get a lot of other Mac developers to join me in my  
pledge, some others have already come on board with the idea. But  
getting the developers on board is just one piece of the puzzle. The  
most important piece is understanding exactly what your current  
problems and wishes are for accessibility in Mac apps so any feedback  
you can give me is greatly appreciated.


Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

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