Hmm, I guess I'm just a little confused about what benefit this would  
have over voice over. Voice over is on every mac so it's not like  
you'd ever been in a situation where you don't have voice access.  
Unless there's something I'm not understanding it seems like it would  
be an awful lot of work to give you what voice over already does.

Martin Pilkington
Writer of Weird Symbols

On 9 Mar 2009, at 1:26 am, Chris Gilland wrote:

> By self voicing I mean, have it so that with voice over not running  
> the program would still speak right out of the box.  In other words,  
> give the user the option of using voice over, or! being able to rely  
> on speech just within the program itself.  Kind a like what happens  
> with the clock being self voicing upon the hr half hr or quarter, if  
> you set that up in universal access.  Hince: you don't need vo  
> running for that to work.
> Chris.

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