an output question

2008-05-20 Thread James E. Bailey
I was just wondering if it's possible to get lilypond to print 2-up.  
So I get two A4 sheets on one A3 sheet? I know I can do it in acrobat,  
but I like to use acrobat as infrequently as possible, and I've  
actually never used ghostscript directly.

lilypond-user mailing list

clef question

2008-05-21 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to get lilypond to use two clefs? I'm looking at some  
music wherein two clefs are used. I see the documentation on adding  
clefs as a markup, but then I don't get the key signature doubled,  
which I kinda need. Or is there a way to print my own key signature  
independently, and place it wherever I want to?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: clef question

2008-05-21 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 21.05.2008 um 17:03 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

James E. Bailey wrote:
Is it possible to get lilypond to use two clefs? I'm looking at  
some music wherein two clefs are used. I see the documentation on  
adding clefs as a markup, but then I don't get the key signature  
doubled, which I kinda need.
You lost me here! Can you please clarify what layout you want and  
exactly what place in the

documentation you refer to.

Sorry, I'm looking at the lsr and section of the documentation  
simultaneously.  What I want is a treble clef, followed by a key  
signature, followed by a bass clef, followed by a key signature.

Or is there a way to print my own key signature independently, and  
place it wherever I want to?

Does this question have anything to do with the clefs?

No, but I try to look for alternate ways of getting the result I need,  
and if ultimately I need clef, key signature, clef, key signature, I'm  
perfectly fine with making all of that graphical and placing it  


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can't beam in a quintuplet

2008-05-24 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 24.05.2008 um 23:26 schrieb Neil Puttock:

Hi Stefan,

2008/5/24 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Dear lilypond-users,
I have another strange problem:
in the below quoted example, I can't have the notes in the  
quintuplet under

one beam.
How can I solve the problem?
\version "2.11.43"
\relative {
   \time 3/4 r2 \times 2/3 {  r8 g b } |
   \time 4/4
   \times 4/5 { d16 [ b f'8. ] }  r4 r2 }

Autobeaming in tuplets is a bit broken, unfortunately.

For this example, the simplest fix is to set the beat length for the
quintuplet; place this override before the \times block:

\once \set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 20)


lilypond-user mailing list

Wow thanks, I had this problem a while back, but never bothered to fix  
it, I just left it as lilypond had it: it wasn't *too* important to me.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Music sizes

2008-05-28 Thread James E. Bailey
8.5x11 is US-ANSI letter size. booklet sized sheets that when folded  
will be 8.5x11 are tabloid (and are 11x17).
Normal music scores (in the US) are 9x12, US ARCH B size. Booklet  
sized sheets that when folded will be 9x12 are US ARCH C size (and are  

Am 28.05.2008 um 22:23 schrieb Garrett Fitzgerald:

I'm currently working on some marches, and I was thinking about  
getting them printed as a booklet, as well as 8.5x11. What paper  
size do I call this? Also, what is the typical size for printing a  
full-page music sheet? How about conductors' scores?

"Dammit, Jim, I'm a clarinetist, not a typesetter!"
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Music sizes

2008-05-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Sorry, I don't know anything about marching bands, but I imagine they  
would use normal concert (9x12) sized pages. (So it would be printed  
on 12x18 paper.) If you like I can send you my paper.scm file wherein  
I *think* I still have all those defined so it's a bit easier to get  
lilypond to print to that size. Or, it's fairly easy to see the  
examples in the file and add your own paper sizes

Am 29.05.2008 um 06:15 schrieb Garrett Fitzgerald:

Thanks, James, that's part of what I was looking for. The booklet  
size I was thinking of was marching band size -- do you know what  
that's called?

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 4:48 PM, James E. Bailey  
8.5x11 is US-ANSI letter size. booklet sized sheets that when folded  
will be 8.5x11 are tabloid (and are 11x17).
Normal music scores (in the US) are 9x12, US ARCH B size. Booklet  
sized sheets that when folded will be 9x12 are US ARCH C size (and  
are 12x18)

Am 28.05.2008 um 22:23 schrieb Garrett Fitzgerald:

I'm currently working on some marches, and I was thinking about  
getting them printed as a booklet, as well as 8.5x11. What paper  
size do I call this? Also, what is the typical size for printing a  
full-page music sheet? How about conductors' scores?

"Dammit, Jim, I'm a clarinetist, not a typesetter!"
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to get error messages in a separate text file

2008-05-30 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm using bash, but on OSX. And I don't really get the results that I  
was looking for with this. I still get my errors in stdout.

lilypond-user mailing list

two dynamics contexts and moving my headers

2008-05-30 Thread James E. Bailey


I was having some difficulty yesterday, and I'm sure that it's only  
because I'm in a rush and can't think well, but this just isn't  
working for me.
1) I have a ChoirStaff and PianoStaff. I want dynamics above the  
ChoirStaff and centered between the PianoStaff. No matter how hard I  
try, it just doesn't work for me. I get errors of really strange  
natures and the end effect is that I don't get what I was looking for.  
I'm sure exactly what I need is somewhere on the LSR, but the LSR only  
likes me if I know exactly what's there, otherwise, I don't really  
find what I'm looking for. Help?

2) my composer and poet tags are in the wrong place! I should say,  
when I add \center-align, it moves them to the right, even if the  
markups are only one line? I'm guessing that it's centering the  
markups to the page and not to itself. Can I get the markups to be  
where they are normally, but to have two lines that are centered to  
each other. I'm trying \markup {\center-align {"James E. Bailey"  
\smaller "2008"}}. Nothing fancy. 

lilypond-user mailing list

piano centered dynamics

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm using the 2.11 branch of lilypond, and I notice that the forced- 
distance used in the piano centered dynamics isn't there (lilypond  
tells me, and there's no mention that I can see in the 2.11  
documentation). It's in the 2.10 branch (lilypond doesn't tell me it's  
a typo and I see it in the 2.10 documentation). My question is this:  
is there a 2.11 equivalent of this forced-distance used in the  
snippet, or do I have to figure out how to use 2.10 for this?

lilypond-user mailing list

piano centered dynamics

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey
I think the forced-distance might be a bug, everything else in the  
align-interface between the two branches (2.10 and 2.11) are the same,  
just the user-settable forced-distance is missing :(

lilypond-user mailing list

center-aligning the poet

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey
After further inquest, I find that I can center-align only the  
composer in the header block, attempting to center-align the poet gets  
those not-so-desirable results. Again, is there a way to fix this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 31.05.2008 um 11:55 schrieb Neil Puttock:

Hi James,

2008/5/31 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I think the forced-distance might be a bug, everything else in the
align-interface between the two branches (2.10 and 2.11) are the  
same, just

the user-settable forced-distance is missing :(

AFAIK, the forced-distance property was a hack to get cross-staff
beaming working in a PianoStaff. Since the spacing engine was
rewritten for 2.11, it's no longer required.

If you want fixed distance in 2.11 you'll need to use the
line-break-system-details property and its sub-property
alignment-offsets, which together will determine the relative
positions of staves and spanners. In the case of the centred dynamics
template there are four elements which need aligning, viz. the two
staves, the dynamics spanner and the pedal spanner, so an override
like the following should work:

\context {
 \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details =
#'((alignment-offsets . (0 -6 -12 -18)))

A word of warning: since the dynamics spanner is inserted between the
staves, it's responsible for keeping them apart, so you must have
dynamics present in at least one bar per system for the forced spacing
to work.

You might like to check Trevor Bača's reply here: 

which explains how it works in a bit more detail (and shows you how to
use the override on the fly).


oh, well. Thanks. I guess it's better that overall it works better,  
even if it means I have to learn something new.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 31.05.2008 um 11:55 schrieb Neil Puttock:

Hi James,

2008/5/31 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I think the forced-distance might be a bug, everything else in the
align-interface between the two branches (2.10 and 2.11) are the  
same, just

the user-settable forced-distance is missing :(

AFAIK, the forced-distance property was a hack to get cross-staff
beaming working in a PianoStaff. Since the spacing engine was
rewritten for 2.11, it's no longer required.

If you want fixed distance in 2.11 you'll need to use the
line-break-system-details property and its sub-property
alignment-offsets, which together will determine the relative
positions of staves and spanners. In the case of the centred dynamics
template there are four elements which need aligning, viz. the two
staves, the dynamics spanner and the pedal spanner, so an override
like the following should work:

\context {
 \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details =
#'((alignment-offsets . (0 -6 -12 -18)))

A word of warning: since the dynamics spanner is inserted between the
staves, it's responsible for keeping them apart, so you must have
dynamics present in at least one bar per system for the forced spacing
to work.

You might like to check Trevor Bača's reply here: 

which explains how it works in a bit more detail (and shows you how to
use the override on the fly).


Okay, I'm reading up on this, but before I even begin, is there a way  
to work around needing dynamics in every system for this to work?  
'Cause that's a deal-breaker right there for me.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two dynamics contexts and moving my headers

2008-05-31 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 31.05.2008 um 18:34 schrieb Valentin Villenave:

2008/5/31 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I was having some difficulty yesterday, and I'm sure that it's only  
I'm in a rush and can't think well, but this just isn't working for  

Hi James,

Perhaps we could help you more specifically if you posted some code...

As for the dynamics thing, I'm sure you're already aware of


Which snippet is that? lsr links don't usually work for me

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Context creation

2008-06-01 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 01.06.2008 um 21:09 schrieb Jesse Engle:


I'm having trouble understanding context creation using \new and
\context, *especially* when the context is given a name. The manual
offers just one explicit example of how this is used, but I can't make
sense of it. Could anyone here please explain in layman's terms?


Jesse Engle

lilypond-user mailing list

How coincidental. I've been wondering myself about the difference  
between \new and \context. I kinda just use them interchangably and  
see if anything new happens.

lilypond-user mailing list

piano centered dynamics

2008-06-02 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm really tring here, there should be online classes to figure this  
out, it just doesn't make sense to me. If anyone would be willing to  
help, I've posted a sample of what the music looks like, and it can be  
seen here.
Really, all I would like is to have the dynamics centered between the  
two piano staves.

\version "2.11.47"

ChoirDynamics = {
s4\< s2 s4\!
s4\> s2 s4\!

Words = \lyricmode {
ab4 bc cd de
ij4 jk kl lm
mn no op pq
qr rs st tu
uv vw wx xy
yz ab bc cd
de ef fg gh
hi ij jk kl
lm mn no op
pq qr rs st
tu uv vw wx
SopranoMusic = \relative d'' {
\repeat unfold 4 {
d4 e g fis
\context Voice = SopranoOne { \voiceOne
r8 e gis a~ a fis d4
cis4 e fis g

SopranoWords = \lyricmode {
ef4 fg gh hi

AltoMusic = \relative a' {
\repeat unfold 4 {
a4 a b ~b8 d~
\context Voice = AltoOne {\voiceTwo
d4 cis b a
g g b b
AltoWords = \lyricmode {
ef fg gh hi
vw wx xz za
ef fg gh hi

TenorMusic = \relative d' {
\repeat unfold 4 {
d4 cis b d
\context Voice = TenorOne {\voiceOne
b d~ d8 e fis d
e4 d cis e
TenorWords = \lyricmode {
ef fg gh hi
vw wx xz za
ef fg gh hi

BassMusic = \relative d {
\repeat unfold 4 {
d4 a' g d
\context Voice = BassOne {\voiceTwo
e fis a2
a4 a a, a
BassWords = \lyricmode {
ef fg gh hi
vw wx xz za
ef fg gh hi

RH = \relative d'' {
\repeat unfold 4 {
4  <<{g fis r8 e gis a~ a fis d4}\\{b4~ b8  
d~ d4 cis b a}>>


pianodynamics = {
s4\< s2 s4\!

LH = \relative d' {
\repeat unfold 4 {

\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Dynamics = dynamics \ChoirDynamics
\context Staff = women <<
\context Voice = "soprano" << 
\voiceOne \SopranoMusic>>
\context Voice = "alto" <<\voiceTwo  

\context Lyrics \Words
\context Staff = men <<\clef bass
\context Voice = "tenor" <<\voiceOne  
\context Voice = "bass" <<\voiceTwo  

\new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=women}  
\lyricsto SopranoOne \SopranoWords
\new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=women}  
\lyricsto AltoOne \AltoWords
\new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=men}  
\lyricsto TenorOne \TenorWords
\new Lyrics \with {alignBelowContext=men}  
\lyricsto BassOne \BassWords

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \RH
\new Dynamics = pianodynamics \pianodynamics
\new Staff <<\clef bass \LH>>
\layout {
\context {
\type "Engraver_group"
\name Dynamics
\alias Voice
\consists "Output_property_engraver"
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y- 
extent = #'(-1 . 1)

\consists "Script_engraver"
\consists "Dynamic_engraver"
\consists "Text_engraver"
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
\override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 .  

\override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
\consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\context {\PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics}
\context {\ChoirStaff \accepts Dynamics}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Context creation

2008-06-02 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 02.06.2008 um 09:57 schrieb Valentin Villenave:

2008/6/1 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

How coincidental. I've been wondering myself about the difference  
\new and \context. I kinda just use them interchangably and see if  

new happens.

The only difference AFAIK is that \context allows you to tap into an
existing context:

\new Staff = "coolStaff" " { (your music here) }

and then later:

\context Staff = "coolStaff" % look! the same context!
  { (your other music here) }


But couldn't you do that with coolStaff = { (my music here) }

\context Staff = \coolStaff


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Context creation

2008-06-02 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 02.06.2008 um 12:30 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 02.06.2008 um 09:57 schrieb Valentin Villenave:

2008/6/1 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

How coincidental. I've been wondering myself about the difference  
\new and \context. I kinda just use them interchangably and see  
if anything

new happens.

The only difference AFAIK is that \context allows you to tap into an
existing context:

\new Staff = "coolStaff" " { (your music here) }

and then later:

\context Staff = "coolStaff" % look! the same context!
 { (your other music here) }


But couldn't you do that with coolStaff = { (my music here) }

\context Staff = \coolStaff

No, the point is that you can add contents to an existing context  
"afterwards". A classical

example is shown in the first SATB template in
where you first create an empty Lyrics context and call in sopranos,  
in order to place it above the
staff and then fill it with its contents some lines later in the  
\score block, in order to be able to
use \lyricsto. (In this particular example, there's now an  
alternative solution using aligned contexts,
but before that property was introduced, the only possibility was to  
use \context = "alreadydefinedcontext").

Also, your code isn't syntactically correct. Did you mean
\context Staff \coolStaff ?



Wait, I think I just larned something. If I understand \context is for  
referring to a context; whereas \new is for creating the context. So,  
if I understand correctly from the manual:

\new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
is the same as
\new Lyrics  \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords

Or did I totally miss that?

Oh, and that's why it has to have a name? So it can be referred back  
to later on.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-06-02 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 02.06.2008 um 18:29 schrieb Neil Puttock:

2008/6/2 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent =  
#'(0 . 3)

instead of (-1 . 1 )

It's ugly, but it (kind of) works.

...or use the template for 2.11, which is slightly different; it
doesn't need the hackish extra-offset overrides.


Oooh, where does one find this elusive piano centered dynamics  
template for 2.11? 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-06-02 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 02.06.2008 um 22:04 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Mon, 02 Jun 2008 21:36:35 +0200
"James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am 02.06.2008 um 18:29 schrieb Neil Puttock:

...or use the template for 2.11, which is slightly different; it
doesn't need the hackish extra-offset overrides.

Oooh, where does one find this elusive piano centered dynamics
template for 2.11?

You look at the 2.11 docs, click on Snippet List (SL), then click
on Templates.  How is that hard to find?

- Graham

Ah, thanks. I've never used those before. I'll add it to my mental list.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano centered dynamics

2008-06-04 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 04.06.2008 um 13:42 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:

Well, it's not very elegant but it works o.k.  I just override the  
dynamics positioning each time I need it.  I just experimented to  
find the right values.  To make life easier I define the override as  
a variable:

nuj = \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(+1.0 . -0.0)

Then I just go through and put \nuj before each dynamic marking that  
needs a nudge to the right.  If someone can make a fix that will let  
Lilypond avoid the collisions in the first place that'd be amazing.  
What I observe is that the dynamics are placed just fine as long as  
the notes in the music staves have some kind of accidental in front  
of them.  Otherwise they're positioned pretty close to the barline  
and the dynamics below end up colliding with a barline.  Best,


Valentin Villenave wrote:

2008/6/4 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Well, since no one is going to answer this I guess I'll answer it  

RTFM (the Learning Manual, that is) :D

I have encountered similar problems with dynamics colliding with
cross-staff barlines, but I never really found a way to get rid of
this annoyance.
My best (and only) guess would be to use the classic workaround  
used for lyrics:
i.e. adding the barline engraver to the dynamics context.
But in fact, it didn't work great so far. Please try it and tell us  

you're luckier than me :-)

Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

That's beautiful. Simply beautiful

lilypond-user mailing list

markup question

2008-06-04 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm trying some things and I expected a flat symbol on the bottom line  
but got nothing.

\override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup \musicglyph #"clefs.C"
\override Staff.KeySignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.KeySignature #'text = \markup \musicglyph  


Any ideas as to why?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup question

2008-06-05 Thread James E. Bailey

Oh, thanks, I actually solved my problem.
	\override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text- 

\override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup {
\lower #0.0 {\musicglyph 
\raise #3.0 {\flat}
\raise #1.0 {\flat}
\raise #2.5 {\flat}
\hspace #0.1
\raise #2.0 {\musicglyph #"clefs.C"}
\raise #1.25 {\rotate #180.0 \semiflat}
\lower #0.25 {\rotate #180.0 \semiflat}
\raise #1.75 {\rotate #180.0 \semiflat}
\hspace #0.1

That was what it finally looked like. I had to combine the two to get  
it all together, but I got it. ^_^

Am 05.06.2008 um 11:37 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

As long as you don't have any \key command in your code, no key  
signature at all will be

typeset. Just add a
\key c \major
(or whatever signature) to get the desired symbol.

I hope you know about the built-in capabilities in LilyPond to  
handle non-standard
key signatures. As long as you only want to have normal flat and  
sharp symbols
in your custom key signature, there should be no need to typeset it  
manually using markups.


James E. Bailey wrote:
I'm trying some things and I expected a flat symbol on the bottom  
line but got nothing.

\override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup \musicglyph #"clefs.C"
\override Staff.KeySignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\override Staff.KeySignature #'text = \markup \musicglyph  


Any ideas as to why?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
  Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup question

2008-06-06 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 06.06.2008 um 00:25 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

Oh, thanks, I actually solved my problem.

When Mats said

I hope you know about the built-in capabilities in LilyPond to  
handle non-standard
key signatures. As long as you only want to have normal flat and  
sharp symbols
in your custom key signature, there should be no need to typeset  
it manually using markups.

I believe he was pointing you towards a solution more like

\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'X-extent = #'(0 . 6)
	\set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 5) . -1/2) ((0 . 2) . -1/2)  
((0 . 6) . -1/2))

\clef mezzosoprano
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'X-extent = #'(-4 . -0.5)
\grace { s1 }
\once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
\clef tenor
\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'rotation = #'(180 0 -.43)
	\set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 1) . -1/4) ((0 . 4) . -1/4)  
((0 . 0) . -1/4))


While it's a few more lines of code than yours, it is "more  
correct", musically speaking.

What I mean by that is, my code really *has* changed the key  
signature -- so that, for example, accidentals will work "as  
expected", you won't have problems with transposition, the spacing  
of the key signature elements are consistent, etc. -- whereas your  
code simply makes the key signature *look* like it's been changed.

Hope this helps!

[p.s. For the record, I didn't take the time to make sure that the  
second key signature change was "correct" -- if you adopt this  
option, you'll have to make sure that the scale tones are actually  
adjusted according to your wishes...]

Thanks, I still haven't figured out x-extents and y-extents. I'll get  
there eventually. I actually tried that way, but got stuck on moving  
everything over, so I just gave up.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup question

2008-06-06 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 06.06.2008 um 00:25 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

Oh, thanks, I actually solved my problem.

When Mats said

I hope you know about the built-in capabilities in LilyPond to  
handle non-standard
key signatures. As long as you only want to have normal flat and  
sharp symbols
in your custom key signature, there should be no need to typeset  
it manually using markups.

I believe he was pointing you towards a solution more like

\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'X-extent = #'(0 . 6)
	\set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 5) . -1/2) ((0 . 2) . -1/2)  
((0 . 6) . -1/2))

\clef mezzosoprano
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'X-extent = #'(-4 . -0.5)
\grace { s1 }
\once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
\clef tenor
\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'rotation = #'(180 0 -.43)
	\set Staff.keySignature = #'(((0 . 1) . -1/4) ((0 . 4) . -1/4)  
((0 . 0) . -1/4))


While it's a few more lines of code than yours, it is "more  
correct", musically speaking.

What I mean by that is, my code really *has* changed the key  
signature -- so that, for example, accidentals will work "as  
expected", you won't have problems with transposition, the spacing  
of the key signature elements are consistent, etc. -- whereas your  
code simply makes the key signature *look* like it's been changed.

Hope this helps!

[p.s. For the record, I didn't take the time to make sure that the  
second key signature change was "correct" -- if you adopt this  
option, you'll have to make sure that the scale tones are actually  
adjusted according to your wishes...]

Well, to be honest, I was actually trying to make the clef the two  
clefs spaced far apart enough that the key signature could be the two  
key signatures spaced far apart enough that the second clef would fit  
between them. So close, but at least now I have a little more  
information about x-extent

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incorrect beams in 16th quintuplet

2008-06-08 Thread James E. Bailey

You might take a look at

Am 09.06.2008 um 04:24 schrieb luis jure:

hello list,

sorry, i guess this must be in the docs somewhere, perhaps it has been
discussed in the list before, but i can't really find a solution...

when writing irregular 16th-note quintuplets (one 8th-note and three
16ths) i get incorrect beaming groups, depending where the 8th note is

the first two tuplets (bar 1) are correct, but their mirrors (bar 2)
have their beams wrong (see attached image). here's the very simple

\version "2.11.42"

\relative c'
\times 4/5 { f8 f16 f16 f16 } r4
\times 4/5 { f16 f8 f16 f16 } r4
\times 4/5 { f16 f16 f8 f16 } r4
\times 4/5 { f16 f16 f16 f8 } r4




lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

change default horizontal spacing

2008-06-10 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm wondering about how I can change the default horizontal spacing,  
at least for dynamics, so that rather than adjust them up/down,  
lilypond adjusts the measure was my generic input file:

\header{  title = "A scale in LilyPond"}

\relative {\time 3/4  c\ppp d\pp e\p f\mp g\mf a\f b c\ff d\fff }

\version "2.11.42"

While I'm not particularly fond of how wide the spacing in the earlier  
example is, I prefer it to the spacing in the later example. So, I'm  
starting to wonder about how I can get somwhere in between.

sample file from version 2.11.44
sample file from version 2.11.48
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how do I control the size of the musical fonts?

2008-06-11 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 12.06.2008 um 00:16 schrieb Victor Eijkhout:

Meaning, not lyrics, but the notes. Suppose I want to shrink a whole  
score by a few percent so that it takes one page less?

Or in piano + solo instrument, it's customary to print the solo  
slightly smaller in the score. How do I do that?


lilypond-user mailing list

You probably want

#(set-global-staff-size 12)

or more likely, \new staff \with {fontSize = #-2} which is very  
cleverly hidden in the section on Ossia Staves

or \set fontSize = #-2, which is hidden away at
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how do I control the size of the musical fonts?

2008-06-12 Thread James E. Bailey

you need a space before the bracket. scheme thinks that the number is 2}
Am 12.06.2008 um 15:37 schrieb Victor Eijkhout:

I misspoke. I only had a \version of 2.10 in the input. I actually  
ahve 2.11

Victors-G5:Queen VicDiesel$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.11.39
Processing `'
Parsing... error: GUILE signaled an error for  
the expression beginning here

\new Staff \with {fontSize = #
 -2} = "Alto" {
Unbound variable: -2}

On Jun 11, 2008, at 5:33 PM, James E. Bailey wrote:

or more likely, \new staff \with {fontSize = #-2}

Does that rely on 2.11? I'm still on 2.10.

Parsing... error: GUILE signaled an error for  
the expression beginning here

\new Staff \with {fontSize = #
-2} = "Alto" {
Unbound variable: -2}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Figured bass stacking direction default

2008-06-13 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 13.06.2008 um 18:15 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

My question:  Should the default value of stacking-dir result in

<4 6>



Dear God, please no.

When you think of a chord,  you name it in that order, c-e-g.  
When you think of a figured bass


you name it as you read it, 8-5-3. I learned them as naming the  
highest degree from the bass first, and naming them the other way  
would be counter-intuitive.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inspirational Headwords for Chords section of manual

2008-06-13 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 13.06.2008 um 18:05 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

Dear LilyPond users,

I'm rewriting the section on chords for the GDP.  I'm getting close  
to releasing it to

-user for your review, but before I do, I need some music examples.

1) I'd like an "Inspirational Headword" for the section on chords.   
This would be some real music that uses chord names.  It should show  
how LilyPond produces excellent output by means of a fragment of an  
actual composition.  Anybody have one they could share?

2) I'm looking for an inspirational headword for figured bass.  This  
would be a section of actual music notated with figured bass.   
Anybody got one they could share?

Carl D. Sorensen
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
801-422-6397 Fax 801-422-0516

lilypond-user mailing list

I don't really know what an "inspirational headword" is, but there are  
tons of actual music notated with figured bass on mutopia. And  
probably some with chord names too.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syntax explanations

2008-06-14 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 13.06.2008 um 23:17 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 22:46:57 +0200
Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2008 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:22:44 -0600

"Carl D. Sorensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A figured bass entry [TODO: enter correct term...] is of the form
  < //number//modifier(s) ...  >duration

I'm not wild about discussing the standard chord notation
< ... >duration
but the below table would be totally ok.

Ah, thanks for pointing out that figured bass figures actually use
the chord notation! To me, it was simply the syntax for figured bass
and never occured to me that it was connected to chord syntax in any

This *should* be clear in the GDP docs, but I'm not certain if it
was added or not.  Could you check, and tell Carl if it's not

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

FWIW, I just started using figuredbassmode a couple of weeks ago, so  
it was the first time I looked at that documentation, and it was clear  
to me that it was chord notation.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: an innocent's query :)

2008-06-14 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 14.06.2008 um 10:21 schrieb Bill Mooney:

Greetings All,
I am a newcomer to the list, and to Lilypond. Notwithstanding this I  
am finding LP very satisfying to use and am currently setting some  
hand-notation music for a friend - from which activity rises my query.
Would it be worthwhile to consider changing the way LP 'reads' its  
input files to allow the use of UpperCase letters for the notes?
It seems to me, in my innocence, that this would allow, amongst  
other things,  a change to the way sharps/flats etc are dealt with  
( eg Aa = A-sharp, aA = A-flat, and other one-key-strokes for  
quarter-tones, etc, etc... ), and might lead to dropping the need  
for the various 'language' include files. It would also make global  
replacements of one particular note very easy (if perhaps in  
notating handwritten score by someone who is not very accurate in  
their note placement! ).


lilypond-user mailing list

Technically, you could do this yourself. Granted, it would still  
involve an \include file, but I just made some minor modifications to  
the file and it worked perfectly
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
lilypond-user mailing list


2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm sure there is, and I just can't think my way around it, but I'm  
having a problem with a trillspan that starts in a one-voice context  
and ends in a two-voice context.

Like this:
\relative c'{
\pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a   |
  <<\relative g'{g1\stopTrillSpan}\\\relative c'{ c2 b}>>

Right now, my workaround is to use:
\relative c'{
\pitchedTrill 1*3/4\startTrillSpan a  s4\stopTrillSpan |
  <<\relative g'{g1}\\\relative c'{ c2 b}>>

But I'm wondering if there's a way to do without the spacer notes.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stopTrillSpan

2008-06-15 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 15.06.2008 um 18:57 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

I'm wondering if there's a way to do without the spacer notes.

See attached modifications.
Be sure to read the docs, especially the section on "relative mode"  
and "explicitly instantiating voices" (or whatever they're called  

Hope this helps!

\version "2.11.47"
original = \relative c'
\pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a |
\relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan }
\relative c' { c2 b }   >>

kierenA = \relative c'
\pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a |
{ \voiceOne \relative g' { g1\stopTrillSpan } }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative c' { c2 b } }
>> \oneVoice

kierenB = \relative c'
\pitchedTrill 1\startTrillSpan a |
{ \voiceOne g'1\stopTrillSpan }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo c,2 b }
>> \oneVoice

\score { \original }
\score { \kierenA }
\score { \kierenB }

Well that just makes too much sense for its own good.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What's wrong with this syntax?

2008-06-16 Thread James E. Bailey

the tilde should be before the \melisma

Am 16.06.2008 um 00:21 schrieb Patrick Horgan:

  \set Staff.melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy)
  a4 bes2 a4 bes1 \melisma ~ bes ~ bes ~ \melismaEnd bes

Lilypond complains about the ~ after the \melisma, but I want the  
tie there.



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

syntax question

2008-06-19 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't quite understand what the difference between score and Score  
are. I'm sure this is discussed in some documentation somewhere, but I  
just don't know where to look. Can someone point me in the right  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: syntax question

2008-06-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Printing marks on every staff

Although text marks are normally only printed above the topmost staff,  
they may also be printed on every staff.

   \new Score \with {
 \remove "Mark_engraver"
 \new Staff \with {
   \consists "Mark_engraver"
 { c''1 \mark "molto" c'' }
 \new Staff \with {
   \consists "Mark_engraver"
 { c'1 \mark "molto" c' }
That's the only place I've ever seen a Score. But it's a context, I'll  
read up on it.

Am 19.06.2008 um 13:43 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

A \score{...} block is a syntactical construct, which internally  
creates a Score context (among others).
It is also possible to explicitly instantiate a Score context, but I  
don't really see the added value of
doing it (even though I seem to recall that there was some specific  
reason to introduce this possibility).


James E. Bailey wrote:
I don't quite understand what the difference between score and  
Score are. I'm sure this is discussed in some documentation  
somewhere, but I just don't know where to look. Can someone point  
me in the right direction?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
  Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

fingering slur

2008-06-20 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm trying the fingerings for the first time, and I'm getting it, but  
I don't know if there's a way to get a little slur over an  
articulation. I see how to use the \finger in a markup, but I'm  
wondering specifically about the little slur. Is there an easy way to  
get that?
lilypond-user mailing list

strange midi error

2008-06-20 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm transcribing some chopin, and I get a very strange midi error,  
Going back in time. Usually I don't worry about these kinds of things,  
but this one wasn't translated, and the MIDI sounds like it's played  
by a rather bad pianist.
GNU LilyPond 2.11.49
»Valse in cis« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der 
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert

Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert

ges4^\( es, e   | %88
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert
\vone \stemDown 
ges~| %87
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert

ges4^\( es,_( e)| %72
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert
  ges4~ | %71
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert

Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert

f4^\( des,_( d) | %68
Valse in cis Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
werden ignoriert
  f4~   | %67
Interpretation der Musik...
MIDI-Ausgabe nach »Valse in cis moll.midi«...
Programmierfehler: Going back in MIDI time.
Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken
Programmierfehler: Going back in MIDI time.
Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken
Programmierfehler: Going back in MIDI time.
Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken
Programmierfehler: Going back in MIDI time.
Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken
Ideale Seitenanzahl wird gefunden...
Musik wird auf 5 oder 6 Seiten angepasst...
Systeme erstellen...
Layout nach »Valse in cis« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »./Valse in cis moll.pdf«...

Valse in cis
Description: Binary data

Valse in cis moll.midi
Description: MIDI audio
lilypond-user mailing list

moving objects closer to the staff

2008-06-25 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm trying to figure out how to move fingerings so that they are  
inside a slur. Currently, I get notes, then the slur, then the  
fingerings on top of the slur, I'd like to have the notes, then the  
fingerings, then the slur.

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-06-26 Thread James E. Bailey

I don't tweak very often, but somehow I'm missing something here.
\override PhrasingSlur #'height-limit = #1
the phrasing slur that follows is generating an error and I just don't  

lilypond-user mailing list

page margin help

2008-06-26 Thread James E. Bailey
So, uh, I've got music running literally off the bottom of the page,  
colliding with the footer and the tagline and the only modification  
I've made to the paper is \paper {between-system-padding = #0.1} Is  
there something I should change that I don't know about?

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-06-27 Thread James E. Bailey
When it rains, it pours, This is the most minimal example I could  
extract. The output has the cross staff beams horribly, horribly  
wrong. I've never seen this kind of problem before, and unlike most of  
my problems, I really can't just ignore this one.

\include ""
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
vone = {\voiceOne \slurUp \tieUp \phrasingSlurUp}
vtwo = {\voiceTwo \slurDown \tieDown \phrasingSlurDown}
vnull = {\oneVoice \slurNeutral \tieNeutral \phrasingSlurDown}
csu = {\change Staff = RH}
csd = {\change Staff = LH}
global = {\time 6/8 \key es \major \override Fingering #'avoid-slur =  
#'inside }

RH = \relative b' {
  \relative as'' {
 \vnull s8 r8 r16 \( 8 s4   | %123
 s4 r16  4~ 16 \)   |  

  } \\ \relative g''' {
 g8 s4 s8 r16 g,, b es   | %123
 g16 es b g \csd \vnull  es_( b es, b'-1 es,-2 b es-1 b)  |  

   \vone 4\( s8 s4 r16| %125
   4~ 16  4\) es,16~ g~| %126

LH = \relative es{ \clef bass
   es,16( b' es b es b' es, b' es) r b,8( | %123
   es8) r r s4.   | %124
  \relative es, {
 \vnull es16 b' es \csu g' b es g es b g \csd \vnull es\( b   
| %125

 es,16 b'-1 es, b es-1 b es, b'-5 es g\) r8
  } \\ \relative b ,{
 s4 \vnull b8( es) r s8  | %125
\score {
   \new PianoStaff
  \new Staff = "RH" <<\global \RH>>
  \new Staff = "LH" <<\global \LH>>

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beams

2008-06-28 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 27.06.2008 um 22:55 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

The output has the cross staff beams horribly, horribly wrong.

I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but maybe the  
following modified code will get you going in the right direction:

Well, I had a guess, and it came up right.
\include ""
RHright = \relative {\key es \major \time 6/8\voiceTwo \stemDown g''16  
es b g \change Staff = "LH" \stemUp es b es, b'-1 es,-2 b es-1 b }
RHwrong = \relative {\key es \major \time 6/8\voiceTwo \stemDown g''16  
es b g \change Staff = "LH" \stemUp es( b es, b'-1 es,-2 b es-1 b) }

LH = {\key es \major \time 6/8 \clef bass s2.}

\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff \RHright
  \new Staff = "LH" \LH

\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff \RHwrong
  \new Staff = "LH" \LH

The RHright gets the beam correct, but I don't have the slur. the  
wrong one gets the slur but the beam is wrong. Is there some better  
way to do this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: where is "score wizard"? searcheable manual unresponsive.

2008-06-29 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 30.06.2008 um 02:40 schrieb plasmacarwash:

Hi People

Tonite at approx. 8:30 PM and 8:35PM EST USA. I tried twice to  
search the
online manual but got a "The server at is taking  
too long

to respond" firefox message. :teeth:

Is there a sticky somewhere about this?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

In lilypond proper, there is no "score wizard", lilypondtool probably  
has something like that. Maybe not. I wouldn't know.
If the lsr is slow to search, you can always open the "One Big Page"  
version of the documentation and just do a search in your web browser.  
That way, you can even search the 2.11 documentation as well.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using LilyPond with Arabic music

2008-06-30 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 30.06.2008 um 14:50 schrieb josephHarfouch: arabic.tex arabic.pdf


Some time ago, I put a question on the forum regarding using Arabic  
with LilyPond, and I got some very helpful advice regarding the  
notating of
half-flats and half-sharps. I have created an "" file based  
on that

advice, and to add arabic maqams (modes or scales).I also created
documentation of how to use LilyPond with Arabic music which I'm  
and I would like to share with others, in the hope of encouraging  
the use of
LilyPond with Arabic music. I would be happy to get feedback to  
improve this
documentation, and very happy to share it with others, for example  
if you
think it is useful to make "" part of your product in the  
and/or to put the attached documentation on your web site, or as an  

to your documentation etc.

Best Regards

Joseph Harfouch
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Wow, that's amazing. I think I need things like this to remind me why  
free software (especially lilypond) is a good thing. And try as I  
might, I couldn't get lilypond to have problems with the arabic  
characters. I tried two different input methods, and they still came  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How do you move a couple of words down a bit?

2008-06-30 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 01.07.2008 um 02:40 schrieb Frederick Dennis:

Dear All,
in version 2.10.33, how do you move lyrics down a bit? Just two words.
Thank you for your attention. I have looked at the docs. Adding a
blank lyricline would move them down too much.

lilypond-user mailing list
Discusses moving objects vertically within a system.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond working on Mac OS X 10.5, thanks

2008-07-02 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 02.07.2008 um 22:50 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

On 7/2/08 2:41 PM, "Eric Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It works! I have a modified applescript that will open the hyperlink
into TextMate. The TextMate command line utility only has the ability
to go to a specified line in the file but that's OK with me. Would
there be a place where we could document this and put these scripts
up? I would clean up the TextMate version and document it for the
community. I would also add attribution to Christopher.


This kind of goes against the LilyPond philosophy of one GUB for all
possible platforms, so I'm not sure how it might be implemented in the
standard LilyPond website/distribution.  Perhaps Han-Wen could chime  


In the meantime, it is certain that you could start a git repo at, and the repo could contain the files ready for  

Then users could directly download from there.

I'm sure there are more elegant ways to handle the distribution of  
stuff, but I'm not sure what they are.  I've copied this email to - 

because that's where the core developers hang out.


lilypond-user mailing list

It's the first I've heard of such a thing, and it might persuade me to  
go back to using TeXShop for editing instead of nano. I use the  
distributed PPC binary, so I kinda want to keep that, and right now, I  
just turn point-and-click off in every file (it's kind of annoying to  
accidentally click something in a score and then have to force-quit  
the lilypad.

But, from a standardization point of view, why not just scrap the  
lilypad on OSX altogether? None of the other platforms have a built-in  
editor, it's confusing to have a broken editor on the macintosh, and  
it would probably be easier to just leave that bit out (of the 10.5  
branch) at least.

Thats my 0.2¢

lilypond-user mailing list

making lyrics italic

2008-07-02 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm trying to make lyrics italicised, I can see that the text- 
interface is a part of the lyrictext, I just don't know how to access  
teh text markup commands so I can italic. Can anyone help?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Error message using 2.11.50-1

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 03.07.2008 um 04:17 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:

Hi everyone,

I just installed the latest build and when I ran the file I'm  
working on, it came back with this error, which I think has to do  
with a macro included near the top of the document.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ tarantella
running tarantella file now...
GNU LilyPond 2.11.50
Processing `'
Interpreting music... /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/ 
scm/lily-library.scm:135:5: In procedure format-movement-markup in  
expression (process-procedure book paper ...):
135:5: Wrong number of arguments to #markup (dur count context)>

Usually when I get these error messages, it's because I have an  
unbalanced < or "

lilypond-user mailing list

strange lyric problem

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey
I've just got an error on something that I've used before and after  
(in the same file!) and I don't understand it

GNU LilyPond 2.11.49
»« wird verarbeitet
Analysieren... Fehler: keine gültige Dauer: 47
mei4. -- de!8 \skip4|
   %47 Fehler: keine gültige Dauer: 56
nah’?4. \skip4. |
I use bar checks and measure number checks in every measure, and for  
the first time in lyricmode, it's processing the % as a word.

 the lyrics section of the manual doesn't mention anything about %
A word in Lyrics mode begins with: an alphabetic character,  
_, ?, !, :, ', the control characters ^A through ^F, ^Q through ^W,  
^Y, ^^, any 8-bit character with ASCII code over 127, or a two- 
character combination of a backslash followed by one of `, ', ", or ^.
and the same file doesn't have errors for measure %1 through %46, %48  
through %55 and %57 to the end in any of the 6 other parts I've done  
so far.

Of course I can just leave out the checks for these two measures, but  
oddly, the % shows up as a word in the score.

Should I just ignore it, or will this cause problems later on?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: strange lyric problem

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 03.07.2008 um 14:28 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

it's processing the % as a word.

Are you on MacOS?

Regardless, it might be a carriage-return/line-feed issue (like the  
one I fight with in the MacOS Lilypond editor) -- see what happens  
if you surround the offending code/line with blank lines.

Good luck!

Yes I am on MacOS. Great, another OSX problem. FWIW, I use nano as my  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: strange lyric problem

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 03.07.2008 um 14:28 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

it's processing the % as a word.

Are you on MacOS?

Regardless, it might be a carriage-return/line-feed issue (like the  
one I fight with in the MacOS Lilypond editor) -- see what happens  
if you surround the offending code/line with blank lines.

Good luck!

Very strange, indeed. I took out the offending checks, went on with my  
typesetting, and just now added them in. Now, no problems.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beams

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 28.06.2008 um 19:14 schrieb Andrew Hawryluk:
It looks like a bug to me. Here's a reduced snippet for the bug  

% Slur and fingering interfere with cross-staff beaming.
% If either the fingering or the slur are removed, the
% correct beaming is used.

\version "2.11.49"
\new PianoStaff <<
 \new Staff \relative {
   \time 6/8 g''16 e c g \change Staff = "LH" \voiceOne e( c
   e, c'-1 e, c e c)
 \new Staff = "LH" {
   \time 6/8 \clef bass s2.

So is this a bug? or is there some way around this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beams

2008-07-03 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 03.07.2008 um 15:47 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

So is this a bug?

Looks like it...

or is there some way around this?

Did my solution (posted earlier) not work for you?

not with the cross-staff slur

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bus error in 2.11.50 on OS X

2008-07-06 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 06.07.2008 um 19:13 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:

After reading this post I downloaded 2.11.50 and installed on my  
eMac G4 running OSX 10.4 and ran a lilypond file without errors.  Is  
it only an issue on Intel macs or on Leopard, perhaps?


Mark Pim wrote:

Thanks, that seems to have solved it :)
2008/7/6 Mark Pim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
To solve a spacing problem I wanted to update to 2.11.50 (which I  
realise is the development release but I understand you're quite  
close to a 2.12 release?), anyways every file now fails with a bus  
error, even the standard test file included with the Mac lilypond  

This is a known issue. Please go to and download the
previous version 2.11.49, either for "darwin-ppc" or "darwin-x86"
depending on your machine.
Hope this helps!

2.11.50 and 2.11.51 work fine on my intel imac.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \repeat with upbeat (partial) and alternatives

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 07.07.2008 um 00:44 schrieb Eluze Weehaeli:

2008/7/1, Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've approved the snippet using the first example


This works perfectly.

Using you can search - e.g. for upbeat or  
repeat - the snippet repository but you will not find this snippet

Using Browse you can find it after scrolling through several pages...
What's the problem here?



I've wondered this for a long time. I've stopped using the lsr because  
of it. There are people here, kieren, for example who can find  
anything on the lsr. I can't. I search the lsr by asking here and  
waiting until someone posts a link.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: defining custom note heads

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:20 AM, v!ictor [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hello Brian,

There are two things you need to do to create arbitrary noteheads  

within lilypond:
1. change the NoteHead stencil to the text interface:
\once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
2. define the text attribute of the NoteHead. you can put any markup
command you want. The easiest thing to do is to simply call a
musicglyph, as in the example below. With musicglyph you can use any
of the feta font glyphs:

But you can also draw lines, circles, etc. basically anything you can
do in a markup. See

Am 07.07.2008 um 18:04 schrieb Eric Knapp:


I'm trying to get the second option below to work. This is one where
you use markup commands to create the notehead. I can't get the syntax
right, could you also provide an example of that?



They work in tandem, not independantly, first, you change the NoteHead  
stencil to the text interface, (see previous code), then you define  
the musicglyph that you want to use as a notehead.


(and just as I finish complaining that I can never find anything on  
the lsr…)___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: defining custom note heads

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 12:09 PM, James E. Bailey  

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:20 AM, v!ictor [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hello Brian,

There are two things you need to do to create arbitrary noteheads  

within lilypond:

1. change the NoteHead stencil to the text interface:

\once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print

2. define the text attribute of the NoteHead. you can put any markup

command you want. The easiest thing to do is to simply call a

musicglyph, as in the example below. With musicglyph you can use any

of the feta font glyphs:

But you can also draw lines, circles, etc. basically anything you can

do in a markup. See

Am 07.07.2008 um 18:04 schrieb Eric Knapp:


I'm trying to get the second option below to work. This is one where
you use markup commands to create the notehead. I can't get the  

right, could you also provide an example of that?



They work in tandem, not independantly, first, you change the  
stencil to the text interface, (see previous code), then you define  

musicglyph that you want to use as a notehead.
(and just as I finish complaining that I can never find anything on  


Am 07.07.2008 um 19:46 schrieb Eric Knapp:

I have it working when you define glyphs, like this:

headCircle  = {\once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text- 

 \once \override NoteHead #'text = #(markup #:musicglyph
"scripts.flageolet" ) }

What I can't get to work is what Victor mentioned but didn't give and
example for. Here's what he said,

"But you can also draw lines, circles, etc. basically anything you can
do in a markup. See 

I can't figure out the exact syntax for when you use markup and not a
glyph. I would love an example like the one above with markup.



You have it working correctly. when you have #(markup #: whatever  
markup) that's just the scheme way of calling a markup.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 07.07.2008 um 22:14 schrieb Uri Sala:

It is a bit more convoluted than that. I will try to make myself  
I want to write 3 against 5. In this case, since 3 is smaller than  
5, it has to use a rhythmic unit twice longer than the unit  
associated with 5. Let's be over-explicit and call this "3 equally  
spaced attacks within the duration of 5 sixteenth-notes." Well, I  
will argue against most people and most notation manuals and most  
modern scores that the only correct way to notate this is 3 eight- 
notes against 5 sixteenth notes. Now, neither sibelius nor ENP nor  
finale allow me to do this, since they force upon the editor the  
assumed notion that nominator and denominator in a tuplet use the  
same rhythmic value. This axioma makes it impossible to correctly  
notate all possible complex tuplets (with non-binary denominators),  
and makes the construction of an algorithm that translates  
proportional notation (a la ENP) into lilypond code incredibly  
convoluted. I thought lilypond was different - in that I could  
stipulate different values for nom and denom - but I am not sure now.

Many people would argue that you can use the same value for both,  
since 3 is so close to 5. But that makes your run into a  
contradiction. The only way one can stipulate a general and  
infallible rule for writing tuplets is that a tuplet is the  
insertion of a certain number of rhythmic values into a space that  
is smaller. Or, to put it another way, a tuplet - a correct one - is  
a compression of the duration of a rhythmic value. Very easy to  
prove: how would you write 6 against 5 sixteenths? Well, just like  
that. (times 5/6 {c16 c c c c c}. So, if we write 3 against 5, the  
value that those three notes take should be 8th notes, because all  
we would have to do is aggregate each 2 sixteenths of the 6:5 into  
eighth notes. But remember, I want still a total duration of 5  
16ths!! So writing times 5/3 {c8 c c} will result in a tuplet twice  
as long in duration than what I want, since lily thinks that I want  
the duration to be 5 eighth notes. I have to be able to tell  
lilypond that I want 3 eighth notes in the space of 5 sixteenth  
notes (and that is just one of many examples. Trying to to 3 against  
7 is even more complicated since the duration is more than twice the  
attack. In 3 against 7, the three should be notated with quarter  
notes!). Hope I made myself understood now.
I hope this does not turn into a discussion of the way to notate  
tuplets, since there is only one that is actually inequivocal and  
consistent. Unfortunately no editor allows one to produce it, which  
is a very disturbing fact.

Could lilypond be the one?


\version "2.11.50"
\relative {
   \time 5/16
   c16 d e f g
   \times 5/6 {a8 f d}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 08.07.2008 um 00:04 schrieb Uri Sala:

Dear James,
Thanks but, again, this is misleading, since the numbers in the  
bracket would be 6:5 but there would be 3 notes inside the tuplet. I  
don't have 6 attacks but 3. This is the kind of cheating I do in  
Sibelius, and that I would like to avoid if possible. Sorry to be so  
demanding, but isn't this what lilypond should be about? To output  
exactly what you want?


On MondayJul 7, at MonJul 7|23:44 , James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 07.07.2008 um 22:14 schrieb Uri Sala:

It is a bit more convoluted than that. I will try to make myself  

I want to write 3 against 5.

a tuplet… is a compression of the duration of a rhythmic value. V

\version "2.11.50"
\relative {
  \time 5/16
  c16 d e f g
  \times 5/6 {a8 f d}

So, if I understand correctly, you want 3 eighth notes in the space of  
3.5 eighth notes, or as you put it, 3 eighth notes in the space of 5  
sixteenth notes. You want to have a bracket containing 3 eighth notes  
and then the number defining the tuplet to be, I'm assuming, 3 (eighth  
note) : 5 (sixteenth)? Do I understand that correctly? If so:

\version "2.11.50"
\relative {
   \time 5/16
   c16 d e f g
   \override TupletNumber #'text = #(markup #:italic "3" #:fontsize  
-3 #:note "8" 1  #:italic ":5"  #:fontsize -3 #:note "16" 1)

   \times 5/6 {a8 f d}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-07 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 08.07.2008 um 00:04 schrieb Uri Sala:

Dear James,
Thanks but, again, this is misleading, since the numbers in the  
bracket would be 6:5 but there would be 3 notes inside the tuplet. I  
don't have 6 attacks but 3. This is the kind of cheating I do in  
Sibelius, and that I would like to avoid if possible. Sorry to be so  
demanding, but isn't this what lilypond should be about? To output  
exactly what you want?


On MondayJul 7, at MonJul 7|23:44 , James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 07.07.2008 um 22:14 schrieb Uri Sala:

It is a bit more convoluted than that. I will try to make myself  

I want to write 3 against 5.

a tuplet… is a compression of the duration of a rhythmic value. V

\version "2.11.50"
\relative {
  \time 5/16
  c16 d e f g
  \times 5/6 {a8 f d}

So, if I understand correctly, you want 3 eighth notes in the space of  
3.5 eighth notes, or as you put it, 3 eighth notes in the space of 5  
sixteenth notes. You want to have a bracket containing 3 eighth notes  
and then the number defining the tuplet to be, I'm assuming, 3 (eighth  
note) : 5 (sixteenth)? Do I understand that correctly? If so:

\version "2.11.50"
\relative {
   \time 5/16
   c16 d e f g
   \override TupletNumber #'text = #(markup #:italic "3" #:fontsize  
-3 #:note "8" 1  #:italic ":5"  #:fontsize -3 #:note "16" 1)

   \times 5/6 {a8 f d}

I'm sure you don't mean to be, but you come off sounding kind of whiny  
and complaining, and expecting that someone else should solve your  
problems for you. That's not a really good way to get help, especially  
from a volunteer project.
That being said, this is the last time I'll help you with this  
problem. If you can't figure it out on your own, then perhaps you  
should find a better way being right, in the face of everone else.

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-07-08 Thread James E. Bailey

See, this is why I should subscribe to the development list…
While changing sustainDown/sustainUp to sustainOn/sustainOff makes  
sense in the lilypond internals, it really doesn't make sense  
musically. No one is going to confuse placing a sustain marking above  
the staff. They don't go there, they never go there, that makes about  
as much sense as putting guitar fretting or tablature below the staff,  
they don't go there, it would be confusing to have the option.  
sustainDown was one of the things that makes lilypond so normal. You  
play a piano, you push down on the pedal, and it sustains. In computer  
terms, something is switched on, but computer language doesn't have to  
mimic what the computer does. Lilypond syntax is really logical, this  
is a step in the illogical direction, if you ask me. It's up there  
with changing figured bass so that it's input backwards from how  
anyone conceptualises the musical term.

I vote, as a pianist, for sustainDown/sustainUp. Who's with me?

lilypond-user mailing list

Arbitrary changes?

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 09.07.2008 um 09:00 schrieb hhpmusic:

I downloaded 2.11.51, and there are two problems:
1) some syntaxes are changed such as \sustainOn and \sustainOff. I  
have no time to re-read the manuals, but the news page has no  
indication of it at the top. So \setTextCresc and \setHairpinCresc  
are also obsolete. Could someone provide a list of the syntax changes?

I was really upset by all of the changes to predefined commands, but  
then I thought about it and realised, okay, convert-ly works the files  
I have, and maybe one day there will be a changelog with the changes  
to the predefined commands, until then, I can use the search function  
in my browser to find out how to write something, but ultimately, I  
don't really have a say in the matter. I'm not developing the  
software, and it's still amazingly better than any of the other  
options. So, we can move on, or not upgrade.

lilypond-user mailing list

Arbitrary changes?

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey

I spoke too soon, I think. Would this work as an acceptable changelog?

lilypond-user mailing list

dynamic spanner help

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey
I've not understood this for a while, and I figure I should probably  
ask about it. When I have dynamics in a variable, the text spanner  
shows up and I can't get rid of it.

\version "2.11.51"
\layout {
   \context {
  \type "Engraver_group"
  \name VocalDynamics
  \alias Voice
  \consists Text_engraver
  \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
  \consists "Text_engraver"
  \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
   \context {\Staff \accepts VocalDynamics}
Voice = \relative { e1 f g e a g f d }
VoiceDynamics = \new VocalDynamics {
   \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0
   s1*3\> s1\!
   s1*3\< s1\!

\score {
   \new Staff << \VoiceDynamics \Voice>>
   \layout {}

\relative c'' {
   \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0
   c1\< | d | b | c\!

lilypond-user mailing list

dynamic spanner help

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Also, the \crescTextCresc and \dimTextDim work like there's a \once in  
front of them when they're in the variable.

\version "2.11.51"
\layout {
   \context {
  \type "Engraver_group"
  \name VocalDynamics
  \alias Voice
  \consists Text_engraver
  \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
  \consists "Text_engraver"
  \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
   \context {\Staff \accepts VocalDynamics}
Voice = \relative { e1 f g e a g f d }
VoiceDynamics = \new VocalDynamics {
   \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0
   s1*3\> s1\!
   s1*3\< s1\!
AlternateDynamics = \new VocalDynamics {
   s1 s\> s s\!
   s1 s\> s s\!

\score {
   \new Staff << \VoiceDynamics \Voice>>
   \layout {}
\score {
   \new Staff << \AlternateDynamics \Voice >>
   \layout {}

\relative c'' {
   \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0
   c1\< | d | b | c\!
   c\< d b c\!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frech trills and slurs. A bug?

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 09.07.2008 um 12:46 schrieb Francesco Spiga:

I have a problem which was also reported by Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen some  
times ago.

Lilypond places by default articulation symbols below the slurs.
So, if I try to mark a trill by a "+" (like in ancient French  
music), and above the note with trill there's a slur, the agrement  
is placed below the slur, instead of being above, as trills should be.

\version "2.11.51"

\score {

\relative c'' <<
\new Staff {

\time 2/4
b4( ais8._+) b16


Is it possible to deplace the + above the slur? I tried the command  
\once \override Script #'padding - #*.* but nothing has changed.

Thank you

Hopefully this gets you closer. You can specify whether scripts are  
inside or outside slurs

\version "2.11.51"

\relative c''
   \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'outside
   \time 2/4
   \stemDown b4_( ais8._+) b16

\relative c''
   \time 2/4
   \stemDown b4_( ais8._+) b16

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert-ly...

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 08.07.2008 um 21:09 schrieb Graham Percival:

On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 21:01:03 +0200
Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Op dinsdag 8 juli 2008, schreef Stan Sanderson: not my friend.

Mac OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.51

Are you using Python 2.4 or newer? I thought configure already
requires Python to be 2.4 or higher. The decorator syntax needs at
least Python 2.4.

OSX 10.4.11 uses python 2.3.  MAO!  We'll have to ask everybody to
install macpython or macports python or fink python.  I didn't notice
this because that's what I do.

To be fair, Wilbert, lilypond-book already requires python 2.4, so
this is just clarifying our requirements.  Unless we can dump
python into GUB as well.  :(

For the record, I still think that the decorator function was

- Graham

I'm confused, I have osx 10.5 (intel) and convert-ly doesn't work for  
11:18:59 jamesebailey ~/Documents/other's music/gibbons/ah dear heart/ 
python --version

11:21:14 jamesebailey //python --version
Python 2.5.1
11:21:26 jamesebailey //convert-ly
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/convert-ly", line 40, in 
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

I have and lilylib.pyc in /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.11.51/ 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dynamic spanner help

2008-07-09 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 09.07.2008 um 23:34 schrieb Patrick McCarty:

Hi James,

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:35 AM, James E. Bailey  
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:25 AM, James E. Bailey  

I've not understood this for a while, and I figure I should  
probably ask
about it. When I have dynamics in a variable, the text spanner  
shows up and

I can't get rid of it.

Also, the \crescTextCresc and \dimTextDim work like there's a \once  
in front

of them when they're in the variable.

The Dynamic_engraver was recently split into the
"New_dynamic_engraver" and the "Dynamic_align_engraver", so if you
include these engravers instead of Dynamic_engraver, both of your
examples will work.  Here's the latter one (modified):


Thanks tons, so, what does the Dynamic_engraver do then?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding a staff in the middle of a piece

2008-07-11 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 09.07.2008 um 17:07 schrieb Francesco Spiga:

I'm sorry for my telegraph-style question: is it possible to start a  
piece with, e.g. 3 staves ad add one more some measures later?

Thank you

There are several ways, you can use \stopStaff and \startStaff or  
search the manuals for frenched score

lilypond-user mailing list

staff switches

2008-07-12 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to have staff switches in a separate variable? I was  
thinking somthing along the lines of

voiceA = \relative {
   c4 d e g,
   f e e' d
voiceAswitches = {
   s2. \change Staff = "LH" s4
   s2 \change Staff = "RH" s2

\score {
   \new PianoStaff
  \new Staff = "RH" \voiceA
  \new Staff = "LH" <<\clef bass s1*2>>
but that doesn't work out so well for me. Any suggestions?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: staff switches

2008-07-13 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 13.07.2008 um 05:52 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi James,

Here's a perfect reason to use \context Voice instead of — or  
rather, in addition to — \new Voice:

Once the Voice context has been created and populated with the  
notes, you are then able to "cram the staff switch information" down  
its throat by referencing it using the \context Voice construct.  =)

Hope this helps!

Wow, you know I was so close in my original. I had originally voiceA =  
\new Voice = "voicea" \relative { music } voiceAswitches = \context  
Voice = "voicea" { switches }. And then in my \score block, \new Staff  
<<\voiceA \voiceAswitches>>

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-07-13 Thread James E. Bailey
I actually needed to look into the documentation to turn off point-and- 
click 'cause I accidentally deleted my global file that has it, and I  
see various options.

in section 6.2.1,
#(define (nopc)
  (ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f))

{ c'4 }

in 6.1.5
noPointAndClick =
#(define-music-function (parser location) ()
   (ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
   (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))
\noPointAndClick   % disable point and click


in 3.1.3
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

The last one is apparently deprecated. My question is which should I  
start using, or does it matter 'cause they all seem to be to be  
different ways of saying the same thing?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-13 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 14.07.2008 um 04:21 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

Mats Bengtsson> writes:

James E. Bailey wrote:

in 3.1.3
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

The last one is apparently deprecated.

Why? The first two are only interesting if you have your own standard
include file with utility functions. I guess that most users will  

paste the code from the manual or from some previous file and in that
case, the third option is easiest to use, since it's only a single  
Considering the recent trend to add predefined commands to  
LilyPond, I'm
surprised that noone has proposed to add the \noPointAndClick  
I prefer that one to the #(nopc) since it avoids the Scheme syntax  

the end user.

OK, I'll bite.

I propose some new predefined functions:


pointAndClickOn = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t)



pointAndClickOff = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

If I get approval, I'll add them.

Any votes?


I think it's brilliant, and I've always wondered why it was so  
difficult to turn the feature off.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't know if this is really crowding the LilyPond namespace with a  
feature that as far as I know is in one tool attached to a specific  
editor. I mean, if that's the case, why have any editor features as  
predefined commands in the first place?

Am 14.07.2008 um 09:26 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool):

Yeah, it was very difficult. Exactly 3 clicks in LilyPondTool since  
years. (LilyPond > Source editing > Toggle point-and-click)

I don't think we should crowd the LilyPond command namespace with  
editor features.


James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 14.07.2008 um 04:21 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

Mats Bengtsson> writes:

James E. Bailey wrote:

in 3.1.3
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

The last one is apparently deprecated.

Why? The first two are only interesting if you have your own  
include file with utility functions. I guess that most users will  
paste the code from the manual or from some previous file and in  
case, the third option is easiest to use, since it's only a  
single line.
Considering the recent trend to add predefined commands to  
LilyPond, I'm
surprised that noone has proposed to add the \noPointAndClick  
I prefer that one to the #(nopc) since it avoids the Scheme  
syntax for

the end user.

OK, I'll bite.

I propose some new predefined functions:


pointAndClickOn = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t)



pointAndClickOff = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

If I get approval, I'll add them.

Any votes?


I think it's brilliant, and I've always wondered why it was so  
difficult to turn the feature off.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread James E. Bailey
personally, I like having predefined commands. I don't know how to say  
\key fis \major in scheme, and I don't want to know. Leaving that kind  
of predefined command to the editor forces everyone to use an (or the)  
editor that can send that kind of information. The predefined commands  
are a really great thing for end users.

Am 14.07.2008 um 10:31 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool):

Very good point :-) This is my real question as well.
I remember this is not the first time that a new predefined command  
is added (or requested) for something that could be better handled  
with the editor.


James E. Bailey wrote:
I don't know if this is really crowding the LilyPond namespace with  
a feature that as far as I know is in one tool attached to a  
specific editor. I mean, if that's the case, why have any editor  
features as predefined commands in the first place?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 14.07.2008 um 12:28 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

On 7/14/08 3:24 AM, "Nicolas Sceaux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Le 14 juil. 08 à 04:21, Carl Sorensen a écrit :

I propose some new predefined functions:


pointAndClickOn = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t)



pointAndClickOff = #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

These do not do what you think they do.
When the first "pointAndClickOn = ..." is read by the parser, the
scheme expression that is following is evaluated, and thus
point-and-click is turned on. pointAndClickOn then holds the value
returned by ly:set-option (which is #t I guess).
So what you have done here, is to set pointAndclickOn to #t, and
pointAndClickOff to #f, and turned on then off the point and click

The music function mentionned by James in the first place did what
you want:

noPointAndClick =
#(define-music-function (parser location) ()
 (ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))

here, the option is set when \noPointAndClick is invoked, not
when it is defined.

Thanks, Nicolas.  I should have recognized that, because I've just  

doing some work with void music functions.

OK, so now we have the right functions; do we want to have this  
added as a

predefined command?  So far I count one yes and one no on user.


What's the disadvantage to having it as a predefined function?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to join plain + markup text in a single syllable?

2008-07-16 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 16.07.2008 um 13:35 schrieb Francisco Vila:

Hello all,

Attached is what I want and what I get; in a single note we have:

- last letter of a previous word
- an italic apostrophe
- first letter of the next word, also italic

Not only I cannot join all of this onto a single note, I also obtain
errors for the next syllable (unfinished hyphen).

Any ideas?

The complete code of the attempt is:

\version "2.11.52"
{ \time 3/8 \autoBeamOff a'8 a'16 a' a' a' }
\addlyrics { bien ha -- y \markup{ \italic "'a" } --  que -- ya }

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

What you need here is a printer's mark, not an apostrophe, which is  
what the ' character on your keyboard is. On a macintosh, to get that  
character, you use shift+option=] and it creates the character ’ as  
opposed to the ' which is just a hash mark.

\version "2.11.52"
{ \time 3/8 \autoBeamOff a'8 a'16 a' a' a' }
\addlyrics { bien ha -- y’a --  que -- ya }
\paper {ragged-right = ##f }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to join plain + markup text in a single syllable?

2008-07-16 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 16.07.2008 um 16:45 schrieb Francisco Vila:

Thank you, James and Roman, the concat solves the undesired space  

Now, if several words are in italics, I'm sure there is a better form
than to repeat \markup{\italic...} for each syllable. Do you know of
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

I use \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I love editor arguments:)

2008-07-16 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 16.07.2008 um 21:20 schrieb Patrick Horgan:

I believe the truth is more along the lines of duckling imprinting-- 
you know that ducklings imprint on whatever moves first and think  
that that thing, duck, dog or person, is mommy.   We do the same  
with whatever editor we learned well enough to work with first.  For  
me it was vi.  I've learned emacs several times in my life and am  
able to use it effectively right after relearning it, but the whole  
time, I yearn for vi.  I don't make the mistake of saying vi is  
better, nor emacs or kate or whatever.  If it does the job, and you  
like it best, then it's the best for you.  (Actually vi is better  


I think any of these arguments are funny, I've had the pleasure to  
watch a couple. Honestly, the only reason I use an editor is for  
lilypond. In fact, until I was forced to use an editor because of the  
10.5 intel problem, I didn't even know what an editor was. I use nano.  
It gets the job done, and I don't have to learn an editor :)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Shouldn't articulation 'stick' to note-heads?

2008-07-16 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 17.07.2008 um 07:10 schrieb George_:

hi guys

I was wondering if there were a way to make articulation 'stick' to a
notehead, no matter where it is? I use 2.11.49 on XP, and I have a  

melody, the lower voice is to be played staccato, like so:

Except in the lily output, the staccato dots are (as shown) on the  
stem side
of the note-head. Is there a way to make these articulations go over  

notes? Or is this just a bug?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at
shows how to force above or below notehead articulations. As far as I  
know, that section hasn't been rewritten yet for the 2.11 docs.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Shouldn't articulation 'stick' to note-heads?

2008-07-16 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 17.07.2008 um 07:10 schrieb George_:

hi guys

I was wondering if there were a way to make articulation 'stick' to a
notehead, no matter where it is? I use 2.11.49 on XP, and I have a  

melody, the lower voice is to be played staccato, like so:

Except in the lily output, the staccato dots are (as shown) on the  
stem side
of the note-head. Is there a way to make these articulations go over  

notes? Or is this just a bug?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at
shows how to force above or below notehead articulations. As far as I  
know, that section hasn't been rewritten yet for the 2.11 docs.

Look at that, someone updated that section! Yay!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: NR 1.3 Expressive, first draft

2008-07-17 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 17.07.2008 um 00:28 schrieb Graham Percival:

I'm happy to announce the first draft of NR 1.3 Expressive!
Thanks go to Patrick.  Please proofread this carefully; if you
find any mistakes, omissions, or anything that's unclear, please
post it here!

GDP website:

- Graham

Should I help with the german translation? I haven't read any of the  
other pre-release documentation, but it looks like the german  
translation could use another volunteer.

lilypond-user mailing list

combined time signature

2008-07-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Just out of curiousity, is there way to do either the clef or the time  
signature for real?

\version "2.11.52"
   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
   \override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup {\musicglyph #"clefs.G"  
\hspace #-1.7 \musicglyph #"clefs.G"}

   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = \markup { \musicglyph  
#"timesig.neomensural64" \hspace #-1.0 \lower #1.0 { \musicglyph  
#"three" } }

   \time 6/4

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cannot move an accent articulation

2008-07-17 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 17.07.2008 um 18:54 schrieb Marco Caliari:

Hi all.

Finally (and here I need your help), I would like to move the accent
articulation in the second last bar close to the c notehead (as in  
the fourth

last bar), but \override Script #'Y-offset does not seem to work.

You need to set the avoid-slur property of the Script.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Still confused about context vs. new

2008-07-17 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 17.07.2008 um 22:35 schrieb Patrick Horgan:

I see many examples with \context, or \new used in the same place.   
I've read LM 3.1.1 for example which tells me that if I don't create  
explicitly a \new Staff or \new Voice, they will be created  
automatically, and goes on to refer to that as the implicit creation  
of contexts.  I often see examples that refer to contexts, via  
something like \context ChoirStaff, or \context Staff, that have not  
been explicitly created. Can I assume that they are implicitly  
created?  Something like this recent example off the list:

See this thread.
It took me a long time to understand it as well.

lilypond-user mailing list

adding a location to the lilypond path

2008-07-18 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm just curious if it's possible to add a location to my lilypond  
path. I've managed to build lilypond from source (and it's much  
faster), and I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to add folder  
with some \include files that I occasionally or frequently use.  
Something simple like ~/lilypond_includes/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond under Leopard

2008-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.07.2008 um 20:05 schrieb Alberto Simões:

Hi, Folks

No, I am not asking how to install Lilypond in Leopard. I know there  
are at least two options:
- to compile it from the source, using a set of instructions and  
macports (that installs/reinstalls almost everything)
- and another option that is to use the G4 binary (the one I use, as  
the previous one failed)

My question is another (or, my questions...)
- is it known why the 10.4 binary doesn't work under 10.5?
- if so, is there any work on preparing a standard binary for Leopard?


Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

The issue is known and a standard binary is currently postponed

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond under Leopard

2008-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Yeah, the broken macports just got me to the concludsion that I should  
build everything myself (which worked except for netpbm), and the  
resulting application is *much* faster.

Am 19.07.2008 um 14:51 schrieb Eric Knapp:

I have successfully compiled lilypond 2.11.50 and 2.11.52 on my mac.
It is worth the effort since the resulting application is so much
faster. How did your efforts fail? MacPorts can be fussy and I had to
do some juggling of dependencies to get everything installed
correctly. And a few of the required ports were broken the day I tried
the install. When that happens you have to know the macports system
pretty well to get things running. Maybe I can help you? Let me know
if you want to try again with some assistance.


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Alberto Simões

Hi, Folks

No, I am not asking how to install Lilypond in Leopard. I know  
there are at

least two options:
- to compile it from the source, using a set of instructions and  

(that installs/reinstalls almost everything)
- and another option that is to use the G4 binary (the one I use,  
as the

previous one failed)

My question is another (or, my questions...)
- is it known why the 10.4 binary doesn't work under 10.5?
- if so, is there any work on preparing a standard binary for  


Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
   Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

lilypond-user mailing list

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond under Leopard

2008-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey
So you know, I can't build the documenation, and I have to turn that  
off in the configure flags --without-documentation or else my build  
would fail.

Also, see nicolas' excellent directions here
Am 19.07.2008 um 18:17 schrieb Alberto Simões:

Hi, Eric

The first thing that got me crazy was to install latex using  
macports, when I have my own installation (mactex) running well. But  
wasn't that the failing portion. It was during lilypond build.

But, thanks for your help.
I might ask for it, as I am really tempted to try again.


Eric Knapp wrote:

I have successfully compiled lilypond 2.11.50 and 2.11.52 on my mac.
It is worth the effort since the resulting application is so much
faster. How did your efforts fail? MacPorts can be fussy and I had to
do some juggling of dependencies to get everything installed
correctly. And a few of the required ports were broken the day I  

the install. When that happens you have to know the macports system
pretty well to get things running. Maybe I can help you? Let me know
if you want to try again with some assistance.
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Alberto Simões

Hi, Folks

No, I am not asking how to install Lilypond in Leopard. I know  
there are at

least two options:
- to compile it from the source, using a set of instructions and  

(that installs/reinstalls almost everything)
- and another option that is to use the G4 binary (the one I use,  
as the

previous one failed)

My question is another (or, my questions...)
- is it known why the 10.4 binary doesn't work under 10.5?
- if so, is there any work on preparing a standard binary for  


Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
   Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

lilypond-user mailing list

Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

emacs questions

2008-07-19 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm wondering if anyone here uses emacs on macintosh and how they go  
about it. I have currently installed the default OSX cli emacs,  
version 22.11, (version 23.0.0) and Aquamacs  
(version each gets some things well, and others not so well.
First, I have edited my aquamacs-mode-defaults.el and ~/.emacs so that  
they have lilypond-mode installed. And I've edited lilypond mode so  
that it correctly opens pdf and midi files. That's the best I've  
gotten so far.
With aquamacs, I can see the shortcuts to let me know that C-c C-l  
compiles, I have no idea where to find that information in the cli  
version or Is there documentation somewhere on where I can  
those options in the other Emacs? Ideally, I'd like to be able to just  
use the command line version (since I'm coming from nano, and it could  
just be another screen in my screen session)

Aquamacs Emacs and the cli emacs can both compile lilypond files. doesn't seem to load my $PATH correctly, because I get /bin/ 
bash: lilypond: command not found

All flavors can open the pdfs and midi files.
I haven't gotten around to trying to figure out folding yet.

Also, and this is probably just an emacs question, but, if there's an  
error in my file, and I use the compilation window to fix it, it's in  
a new temp file, and those changes are saved, but they aren't in my  
main file, and I haven't gotten far along enough in the tutorial to  
know how to make those changes show up in my main file, any quick  
place I can look for that, 'cause that's kinda annoying.

In short, I guess I'm just wondering where the lilypond emacs tutorial  
for someone who's new to emacs is. I'm totally new to this, I'm not  
really convinced it's better than nano, and I'm taking some time to  
try and get better with these things since it's summer break, so I  
thought I'd ask.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Short-indent does not seem to work

2008-07-23 Thread James E. Bailey

On 23.07.2008, at 10:02, Arno Rog wrote:


or a large orchestral score I need to repeat the short instrument  
names on all
but the first page. They print fine, but I need some more space to  

Unfortunately, it looks like short-indent

does not work!
James Bailey has mentioned this before in march 2008

no reply though.

I don't know if it's broken, or I just don't know how to use it, but  
my current workaround is to adjust the line-width and the horizontal  

lilypond-user mailing list

building docs

2008-07-25 Thread James E. Bailey
I've almost got all of my errors sorted out. Making the documentation  
fails for me with:
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found:  
  Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/pango-hebrew-

  Expected in: flat namespace

dyld: Symbol not found: _hebrew_shaper_get_next_cluster
  Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/pango-hebrew-

  Expected in: flat namespace

Is this related to the discussion on the developer list?

or, is there something that I'm missing. For what it's worth, I'm  
building on osx, and I'm not using macports (if it's something that's  
automatically taken care of by a macports thing)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Variable number of voices on one staff

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey

\oneVoice is still your friend, though.

Am 26.07.2008 um 11:14 schrieb Jordan Eldredge:

Thank you.

Firstly, I understand why my method does not work. I guess what I am  
asking for is a different method.

Secondly, thanks!
Here is updated example code.

\version "2.10.25"

aVoice = \relative c'' {r4 d4 c  |g'> | 2 g}

anotherVoice = \relative c'' {s1 | s1 | s2 d,4 bes}

<<{\aVoice} \\ {\anotherVoice}>>

-Jordan Eldredge

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 1:21 AM, Francisco Vila  

2008/7/26 Jordan Eldredge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What I want: When there is only once voice, the stems should  
behave as such.
> In measures where there are two voices, the stems should be  
dependent on

> voice.

Firstly, you see one voice, but two voices exist. So, first voice is
voice One in a polyphony situation, it will always have stems up.
Maybe  \oneVoice is your friend.

Secondly: \voiceOne .. \voiceFour are predefined macros, they are
reserved words that may confuse LilyPond (and you). Choose other names
for music variables.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't have much time to respond, but he easy way is to download the  
PPC version, and run it using the command line options. Directions are  
in the Application Usage for command line usage specific to Mac OSX.

Am 25.07.2008 um 03:52 schrieb Carol Viera:


I'm on Mac OS X version 10.5.4 Leopard (Intel processor) and the  
menu for the Lilypond app has nothing on it but the Lilypond item.   
Yes, I downloaded the script editor which i tried to run (result)  
but nothing happened, having input the filename, without the .ly  
from the text editor, a file i actually just copied from your  
tutorial and i put with an .ly into a folder in my documents, the  
folder being names LilyPondFiles (or whatever I was told to name  
it).  I've read the supposed other stuff specific to Leopard (yes, I  
downloaded the version for G3, G4, etc) and tried to follow the  
other directions but i'm getting nowhere. I even searched online and  
only figured out that others have this problem too.  Do you have a  
dummies version of the instructions?



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey
I would also add that lilypondtool with jedit is probably the easiest  

Am 25.07.2008 um 03:52 schrieb Carol Viera:


I'm on Mac OS X version 10.5.4 Leopard (Intel processor) and the  
menu for the Lilypond app has nothing on it but the Lilypond item.   
Yes, I downloaded the script editor which i tried to run (result)  
but nothing happened, having input the filename, without the .ly  
from the text editor, a file i actually just copied from your  
tutorial and i put with an .ly into a folder in my documents, the  
folder being names LilyPondFiles (or whatever I was told to name  
it).  I've read the supposed other stuff specific to Leopard (yes, I  
downloaded the version for G3, G4, etc) and tried to follow the  
other directions but i'm getting nowhere. I even searched online and  
only figured out that others have this problem too.  Do you have a  
dummies version of the instructions?



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey
Sorry, I can't (maybe others can) I don't use jEdit. I use nano, it  
has no lilypond support, so I don't have to worry about getting some  
special mode to work in another editor, and the command line  
instructions in the documentation are very clear and they work.

Am 26.07.2008 um 23:24 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

James E. Bailey> writes:

I would also add that lilypondtool with jedit is probably the easiest

Can you give me a hint or two about getting lilypondtool to work  
with OSX?

I'm an OSX newbie, and I haven't been able to get lilypondtool to work



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I know you've heard this before

2008-07-26 Thread James E. Bailey

Looks like I was mistaken, lilypondtool is for windows.

Am 26.07.2008 um 23:24 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

James E. Bailey> writes:

I would also add that lilypondtool with jedit is probably the easiest

Can you give me a hint or two about getting lilypondtool to work  
with OSX?

I'm an OSX newbie, and I haven't been able to get lilypondtool to work



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