Am 13.06.2008 um 18:05 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

Dear LilyPond users,

I'm rewriting the section on chords for the GDP. I'm getting close to releasing it to
-user for your review, but before I do, I need some music examples.

1) I'd like an "Inspirational Headword" for the section on chords. This would be some real music that uses chord names. It should show how LilyPond produces excellent output by means of a fragment of an actual composition. Anybody have one they could share?

2) I'm looking for an inspirational headword for figured bass. This would be a section of actual music notated with figured bass. Anybody got one they could share?

Carl D. Sorensen
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
801-422-6397     Fax 801-422-0516

lilypond-user mailing list

I don't really know what an "inspirational headword" is, but there are tons of actual music notated with figured bass on mutopia. And probably some with chord names too.

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