Am 02.07.2008 um 22:50 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen:

On 7/2/08 2:41 PM, "Eric Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It works! I have a modified applescript that will open the hyperlink
into TextMate. The TextMate command line utility only has the ability
to go to a specified line in the file but that's OK with me. Would
there be a place where we could document this and put these scripts
up? I would clean up the TextMate version and document it for the
community. I would also add attribution to Christopher.


This kind of goes against the LilyPond philosophy of one GUB for all
possible platforms, so I'm not sure how it might be implemented in the
standard LilyPond website/distribution. Perhaps Han-Wen could chime in

In the meantime, it is certain that you could start a git repo at, and the repo could contain the files ready for installation.
Then users could directly download from there.

I'm sure there are more elegant ways to handle the distribution of this stuff, but I'm not sure what they are. I've copied this email to - devel,
because that's where the core developers hang out.


lilypond-user mailing list

It's the first I've heard of such a thing, and it might persuade me to go back to using TeXShop for editing instead of nano. I use the distributed PPC binary, so I kinda want to keep that, and right now, I just turn point-and-click off in every file (it's kind of annoying to accidentally click something in a score and then have to force-quit the lilypad.

But, from a standardization point of view, why not just scrap the lilypad on OSX altogether? None of the other platforms have a built-in editor, it's confusing to have a broken editor on the macintosh, and it would probably be easier to just leave that bit out (of the 10.5 branch) at least.

Thats my 0.2ยข

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