Am 02.06.2008 um 12:30 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
James E. Bailey wrote:
Am 02.06.2008 um 09:57 schrieb Valentin Villenave:
2008/6/1 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
How coincidental. I've been wondering myself about the difference
\new and \context. I kinda just use them interchangably and see
if anything
new happens.
The only difference AFAIK is that \context allows you to tap into an
existing context:
\new Staff = "coolStaff" " { (your music here) }
and then later:
\context Staff = "coolStaff" % look! the same context!
{ (your other music here) }
But couldn't you do that with coolStaff = { (my music here) }
\context Staff = \coolStaff
No, the point is that you can add contents to an existing context
"afterwards". A classical
example is shown in the first SATB template in
where you first create an empty Lyrics context and call in sopranos,
in order to place it above the
staff and then fill it with its contents some lines later in the
\score block, in order to be able to
use \lyricsto. (In this particular example, there's now an
alternative solution using aligned contexts,
but before that property was introduced, the only possibility was to
use \context = "alreadydefinedcontext").
Also, your code isn't syntactically correct. Did you mean
\context Staff \coolStaff ?
Wait, I think I just larned something. If I understand \context is for
referring to a context; whereas \new is for creating the context. So,
if I understand correctly from the manual:
\new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
is the same as
\new Lyrics \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
Or did I totally miss that?
Oh, and that's why it has to have a name? So it can be referred back
to later on.
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