Follow-up Comment #17, task #16596 (group administration):

>> Thank you!  As far as I can see, though, the license isn't included in
>> miniupnpc/
> That's because includes a license notice instead, just
> like the rest of the source files of the miniupnpc third-party library.
> Thought license notices instead of embedded licenses were generally ok?

This makes little sense: the license is short, and including a reference
instead of it only makes a possibility for confusion...

> The only problem I see with this particular library is that some of its
> notices mistakenly refer to its LICENSE file as LICENCE. The file had
> originally been called LICENCE, but the author had renamed it to LICENSE
> prior
> to version 1.6 and had forgotten to update license notices in his source
> files
> with his new file name. this one.

> Could you maybe provide some more specific instructions? I'm not sure what
> exactly you expect for miniupnpc or other third party libraries in general.
> We
> did not edit files that already had copyright and license notices, but if
> this
> would be necessary, would be glad to oblige, as soon as I know what/how to
> edit.

Specific instructions are given on our page
[// ValidNotices].  You should have
read it.

> The file is from the public domain (usenet), so it looks like it
> doesn't have any copyright assigned.

Could you elaborate?  What is usenet, and why do you assume public domain?


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