Follow-up Comment #15, task #16596 (group administration):

> Removed some unnecessary files and reviewed the rest; traced the origin of
> files that did not include copyright and license notices and added them
> accordingly. Here's the new tarball:
>>>> Thanks!  The file miniupnpc/build/miniupnpcstrings.h refers to a short
>>>> permissive license instead of including it; could you fix that?
> The above version also includes a fix for miniupnpcstrings.h as you
> requested.

Thank you!  As far as I can see, though, the license isn't included in

> So how do we proceed from here?

>>>> Please make sure that all copyrightable files include valid copyright and
>>>> license notices.

Currently, files like build/ don't.  Please check all files, like

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -o0 $EDITOR


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