Follow-up Comment #10, task #16596 (group administration):

>> Upgraded openssl to version 3.0, which uses the apache license. Here's the
>> updated tarball:
> This URL serves me with a HTML page depending on proprietary JavaScript.

Sorry, it was in the same directory as all previous tarballs I sent. Don't
know what happened - maybe the hosting provider changed something. Please try
the alternative download link:

I hope this does not send JavaScript but it if does, perhaps you could turn
JavaScript off in your browser.

> If you require to install a specific image of an OS in order to reproduce,
> you could as well require to install specific versions of MinGW and other
> tools like a shell on that platform instead of distributing the generated
> files the users have to rely on; if it were acceptable to you, that would
> resolve the issue of the absense of valid legal notices in those files.

We could, but we would always have to check if those specific versions of
mingw and the rest are still available on the Internet and whether links to
them that we would include in documentation were still valid. So we added the
missing legal notices to all files in build/config-win32 by copying them from
their external libraries instead. Only 10 such files were found. Also copied
license texts as new files from external libraries to build/config-win32
subdirectories in cases where the added legal notices did not include license
texts. This way it will be easier to maintain properly.

These changes are included in the newer tarball I sent above.

>>> As far as I understand, RPSL section 4.2 allows to link to the works under
>>> a
>>> set of licenses, but it says nothing about whether those licenses allow
>>> linking with code under RPSL.  On, it is listed as
>>> GPL-incompatible,
> By linking I mean making a single combined work.
> We were discussing this in the context of RPSL-licensed code included in your
> tarball, so effectively it was a part of your package, and in order to comply
> with Savannah hosting requirements it needed to be GPL-compatible.

Clear enough now, thank you. rlink is not coming back and lets hope that some
day we can upgrade to a mingw version that supports the --gc-sections option.


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