I promised to release a live CD some time ago,
well it needed longer than expected -but here is the alpha release
(698 MB):

DOWNLOAD: http://www.filehosting.at/file/details/111993/SageLive_Full.iso

It includes:
Sage & Sage Documentation
& Latex & Lyx Editor
& Octave, Gnuplot
& Applications (Abiword, Gnumeric, Browser, Email, Composer, Mpaint,
Inkscape light, Gxine ...)
& System tools (Gparted, Grub ... )

It should offer a lightweight but fully equiped Linux Desktop.
There should be good hardware and hardware localisation (keyboard)
support + lot of wizards to support installation and configuration.

Beside Using it as Live CD it is possible to make:
USB Install (to boot from USB, 1GB USB Stick required)
Frugal HD installs (beside another "main" Linux install)
Frugal install to Windows Partition (using UNetbootin)
Full HD installs (needs an exclusive Linux Partition)

tested with 2.4 Ghz , 1GB RAM

memory 2 GB,  + Linux Swap Partition

MINIMUM Requirements:
not known yet,  but tested with 1GB - needs LINUX Swap Partition or
swap file configuration!

- Download the iso and burn it to a CD or a DVD (use the "Burn Iso"
option - e.g. CDBurnerXP under Windows).

- Reboot from CD.

- After first configuration steps (Screen, keyboard ..) REBOOT! - You
will be asked to create a Savefile somewhere on you harddisks (please
do not start Sage right now if low on Ram, create a Savefile - i.e.
swapspace first).

- Although this savefile will give you basic swapspace,  it is
recommended to have a Linux swappartition. You can use Gparted to
create such a partition.

- If you dont want to mess with partitions you can create swapfiles, I
am in the process to create better documentation, but right at the
moment to give basic commands:
for Linuxpartitions (ext2, ext3):
use the following commands in a terminal (needs 2GB free space):
-1) dd if/dev/zero of=/mnt/home/pupswap.swp bs=1024 count=2048k
2) mkswap /mnt/home/pupswap.swp
3) swapon /mnt/home/pupswap.swp

For Windows (NTFS) partitions use (also for 2 GB swapfile):
reboot to windows, start the "Dos Window" commandline (cmd) and type
1) fsutil file createnew C:\pupswap.swp 2048000000
reboot the SageLiveCD klick on you NTFS drive Icon (lower left corner
of screen), open a terminal there (right klick in Filemanager, Window,
Terminal here)
2) mkswap pupswap.swp
3) swapon pupswap.swp

Linux Swappartitions and Swapfiles with  the name pupswap.swp in the
same directory than your Savefile (usually in the /mnt/home/
directory) will be automatically detected and used.

COMMENTS: I am not completely satisfied at the moment, the systems
runs fine and there is incredible function in very little Disk space.
But on lower spec machines you have to take some manual steps about
your memory, i.e. it is not out of the box, 1. boot and it runs
To deal with that I probably have to alter startup and shutdown
scripts. I would greatly appreciate any testing and any comments.


On Feb 7, 12:12 am, emil <emil.widm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am still working on a version of my Live CD, it turned out to be
> harder than expected to get my version on the CD.
> Sorry I made a typo in my last post - it is not the "Wood" build
> system but the "WOOF" build system.
> A Link:http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Woof
> regards
> Emil
> On Feb 5, 7:03 pm, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> <offray.l...@javeriana.edu.co> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > On 04/02/10 10:28, emil wrote:
> > [...]> The 2 Options are:
> > > a) Sage with Latex and Lyx
> > > b) Sage without Latex, but Java + Mathpiper (have to test it first)
> > > Maybe someone has an oppinion about that? It seems that maybe on
> > > University it would be nice if people get acquainted with Latex, in
> > > Highschool situations Mathpiper is defenitly an better option.
> > > Currently I do this just as a hobby, but I will not have much free
> > > time in the coming months, so I want to fix this during the next 2 or
> > > 3 weeks.
> > [...]
> > I'm teaching to freshmen and definitely MathPiper is a better option
> > because it is easier to install and get it running by them selves in low
> > end machines. So it depends on the population that is going to use the
> > CD. If they are starting with wit I would go to option b) trying to make
> > some bridges between MathPiper and Sage.
> > > About implementing a package system in Puppy - this is a bit over my
> > > head, currently the puppy community follows Barry Kauler (the original
> > > creater of Puppy) in a direction, where it is possible to build the
> > > whole Puppy System on any other distribution (Wood Build system).
> > > There are Betas for a Debian based Puppy and an Ubuntu based Puppy(deb
> > > files), but I think there is also something about Arch in the pipe (it
> > > should be possible then to use all corresponding packages of the
> > > "main" distro).
> > > I try to get my current build online then you can have a look.
> > > regards emil
> > Ok. I will do. Thanks for the information about Wood Build System. Seems
> > pretty interesting.
> > Cheers,
> > Offray

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