
i am still working on a version of my Live CD, it turned out to be
harder than expected to get my version on the CD.
Sorry I made a typo in my last post - it is not the "Wood" build
system but the "WOOF" build system.

A Link: http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Woof


On Feb 5, 7:03 pm, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray.l...@javeriana.edu.co> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 04/02/10 10:28, emil wrote:
> [...]> The 2 Options are:
> > a) Sage with Latex and Lyx
> > b) Sage without Latex, but Java + Mathpiper (have to test it first)
> > Maybe someone has an oppinion about that? It seems that maybe on
> > University it would be nice if people get acquainted with Latex, in
> > Highschool situations Mathpiper is defenitly an better option.
> > Currently I do this just as a hobby, but I will not have much free
> > time in the coming months, so I want to fix this during the next 2 or
> > 3 weeks.
> [...]
> I'm teaching to freshmen and definitely MathPiper is a better option
> because it is easier to install and get it running by them selves in low
> end machines. So it depends on the population that is going to use the
> CD. If they are starting with wit I would go to option b) trying to make
> some bridges between MathPiper and Sage.
> > About implementing a package system in Puppy - this is a bit over my
> > head, currently the puppy community follows Barry Kauler (the original
> > creater of Puppy) in a direction, where it is possible to build the
> > whole Puppy System on any other distribution (Wood Build system).
> > There are Betas for a Debian based Puppy and an Ubuntu based Puppy(deb
> > files), but I think there is also something about Arch in the pipe (it
> > should be possible then to use all corresponding packages of the
> > "main" distro).
> > I try to get my current build online then you can have a look.
> > regards emil
> Ok. I will do. Thanks for the information about Wood Build System. Seems
> pretty interesting.
> Cheers,
> Offray

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