I just saw on Planet SAGE an example using the @parallel decorator. This sounds very interesting, but is it only for SMP, ie multi core, or can it be extended to work over a cluster?

It looks to me that using openMPI and mpi4Py is very complex. How "easy" is it to use parallel python over a cluster? I suppose it works by default on multi core. Is parallel python invoked when using @parallel?

BTW, the more I play with SAGE, the more interesting it gets! Thanx to all the SAGE developers for all your hard work! Now, I have to do some work. I'm familiar with object oriented programming from c++ and java. I need to figure out all this new python lingo: lists, tuples, dictionaries, decorators, ..., seesh! Also, I use a lot of octave code, so I need to figure out how to use numPy, sciPy and pyLab instead. Is octave all that different?

A. Jorge Garcia

Teacher & Professor
Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College

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