Right at the moment it is a design issue and a matter of space. I want
to keep the whole bundle below 700 MB, so that it fits on a CD.

Probably I should ask this at the dev forum, but I think some kind of
Java is already contained in Sage. It would be nice to know if this
can be used to run
MathPiper (I found out about MathPiper just resently, but I used
Geogebra in classroom).

It could be possible if I skip Latex Support for Sage. Latex with Lyx
editor is 170 MB. If I also skip wine (which is not that big loss) I
could free 185 MB.
Then it would maybe be possible to include Mathpiper and a Latexfree
Sage (and Octave+Gnuplot). Maybe if I use squash file also the puppy
dev system (C++, C, Fortran ...) would fit into it.

The 2 Options are:
a) Sage with Latex and Lyx
b) Sage without Latex, but Java + Mathpiper (have to test it first)

Maybe someone has an oppinion about that? It seems that maybe on
University it would be nice if people get acquainted with Latex, in
Highschool situations Mathpiper is defenitly an better option.
Currently I do this just as a hobby, but I will not have much free
time in the coming months, so I want to fix this during the next 2 or
3 weeks.

About implementing a package system in Puppy - this is a bit over my
head, currently the puppy community follows Barry Kauler (the original
creater of Puppy) in a direction, where it is possible to build the
whole Puppy System on any other distribution (Wood Build system).
There are Betas for a Debian based Puppy and an Ubuntu based Puppy(deb
files), but I think there is also something about Arch in the pipe (it
should be possible then to use all corresponding packages of the
"main" distro).

I try to get my current build online then you can have a look.
regards emil

On Feb 4, 9:04 am, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray.l...@javeriana.edu.co> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 03/02/10 11:20, emil wrote:
> > I downloaded the current Live CD a week ago. It is based on Ubuntu.
> > Sage runs perfect, but functionality beside this is limited.
> > I recently compiled Sage for Puppy Linux. This is a very small but
> > very complete Linux Distribution.
> > It has Office Applications, Webbrowser/emailclient, Geany-IDE,
> > Multimediasupport and Lots of Utilities (e.g. Gparted). I try to
> > proove that it makes a good base distro for big packages like sage.
> > I have a prototype of a Sage Live CD working (692 MB). It includes
> > Sage
> > Sage documentation
> > Latex (with Lyx editor)
> > octave
> > gnuplot
> > jsmath fonts
> > wine
> > and all applications and programs of the standard Puppy Linux
> > distribution. I think this could be a nice
> > tool for education/teaching and generally help to distribute sage.
> > Puppy Linux has despite the small size a very complete set off
> > hardware drivers and easy to use setup and install utilities (e.g.
> > install Sage Live CD to USB stick).
> > Currently I try to figure out how sage uses Java and if it is possible
> > to access this from outside of Sage.
> > Same goes for the ipython environment. For a 700 MB CD I currently
> > have 8 MB space left.
> > I would also like to include some flashy Sage demos (possibly with
> > good graphics).
> > I could upload my prototype to a filehost, if you are interested in
> > testing it?
> > regards,
> > emil
> Nice to know of your work. Some time ago I was working in something
> similar (a customized  Linux distro for education with Sage and other
> tools inside) and release betas based on Debian and Arch Linux. At some
> point I thought on using Puppy also, but the advantages of a minimalist
> package management system like Arch's pacman and the community's
> dynamics  keeps me on Arch (would be really nice to have pacman support
> on Puppy). After releasing several LiveCDs I went to the route of using
> VirtualBox to run the CD Image installed on a virtual hard disk image,
> so students can use all the programs on the environment like scientific
> text editors (TeXmacs, LyX, etc), Sage via the browser, shell or the
> more friendly interface using TeXmacs (which was the best combination
> for writing and calculating homeworks) and without the need to reboot
> the system.
> That went fine if you deal with all the glitches of the distro itself
> and virtualization, but at some point I think that making, virtualizing
> and running a complete distro with a huge CAS system, to write and
> calculate the math that we deal with in the class was overkilling.
> Trying to keep small, smart and connected was the twist of this
> semester. So I'm now using MathPiper + Cyn.in + MyPaint/Touchscreen and
> seems a good combination. At some point I would like that MathPiper can
> be connected with Sage starting with Sage-Small (Source Python
> Distribution) and even I foresee combinations with jython or qt-jambi.
> We will see.
> So my recommendation is: try to put also Java + MathPiper in your
> distro. That would make bridges with other people without running the
> same platform that you provide, just using java over whatever they want.
> And just for curiosity, what about giving puppy support for the package
> manager of Arch?
> Cheers,
> Offray

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