
On 04/02/10 10:28, emil wrote:

The 2 Options are:
a) Sage with Latex and Lyx
b) Sage without Latex, but Java + Mathpiper (have to test it first)

Maybe someone has an oppinion about that? It seems that maybe on
University it would be nice if people get acquainted with Latex, in
Highschool situations Mathpiper is defenitly an better option.
Currently I do this just as a hobby, but I will not have much free
time in the coming months, so I want to fix this during the next 2 or
3 weeks.

I'm teaching to freshmen and definitely MathPiper is a better option because it is easier to install and get it running by them selves in low end machines. So it depends on the population that is going to use the CD. If they are starting with wit I would go to option b) trying to make some bridges between MathPiper and Sage.

About implementing a package system in Puppy - this is a bit over my
head, currently the puppy community follows Barry Kauler (the original
creater of Puppy) in a direction, where it is possible to build the
whole Puppy System on any other distribution (Wood Build system).
There are Betas for a Debian based Puppy and an Ubuntu based Puppy(deb
files), but I think there is also something about Arch in the pipe (it
should be possible then to use all corresponding packages of the
"main" distro).

I try to get my current build online then you can have a look.
regards emil

Ok. I will do. Thanks for the information about Wood Build System. Seems pretty interesting.



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