I downloaded the current Live CD a week ago. It is based on Ubuntu.
Sage runs perfect, but functionality beside this is limited.

I recently compiled Sage for Puppy Linux. This is a very small but
very complete Linux Distribution.
It has Office Applications, Webbrowser/emailclient, Geany-IDE,
Multimediasupport and Lots of Utilities (e.g. Gparted). I try to
proove that it makes a good base distro for big packages like sage.

I have a prototype of a Sage Live CD working (692 MB). It includes

Sage documentation
Latex (with Lyx editor)
jsmath fonts

and all applications and programs of the standard Puppy Linux
distribution. I think this could be a nice
tool for education/teaching and generally help to distribute sage.
Puppy Linux has despite the small size a very complete set off
hardware drivers and easy to use setup and install utilities (e.g.
install Sage Live CD to USB stick).

Currently I try to figure out how sage uses Java and if it is possible
to access this from outside of Sage.
Same goes for the ipython environment. For a 700 MB CD I currently
have 8 MB space left.
I would also like to include some flashy Sage demos (possibly with
good graphics).

I could upload my prototype to a filehost, if you are interested in
testing it?


On Feb 2, 2:31 am, calcp...@aol.com wrote:
> I was about to download the latest SAGE live CD when I noticed that
> there's only one version of the ISO.  Here's a few questions about the
> current ISO:
> Last time I burned the CD there was a 32bit and a 64bit version (4.1?).
>   It looks like this one is based on SAGE 4.2, but I would like to know
> if its 32bit or 64bit.   What version is this one?
> Does the new CD still use the fluxbox desktop?
> The CD is based on a linux distro, is it Debian?
> TIA,
> A. Jorge Garciahttp://calcpage.tripod.com
> Teacher & Professor
> Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
> Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College

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