On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 7:48 PM William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dima:
>> If we concentrated on facilitating the latter, rather than on
>> distribution packages, it could have been there now.
> +1
> Nils:
> > I have yet to see a convincing example where chopping up core architecture 
> > of sagemath (like the coercion framework, the category framework, etc) 
> > leads to usable bits for other projects (that get used!) It would be 
> > interesting to see something like that, particularly to evaluate what 
> > direction modularization should take.
> Licensing is a critical part of evaluating this.  For example, mpmath is BSD 
> licensed.  Even if chopping up the core of Sage produced things that are 
> useful, a lot of projects wouldn't touch them due to the GPLv3 license.  
> (Networkx used to be GPL licensed and they somehow managed to relicense as 
> BSD.)     Michael Orlitzky dismissed my comments about licensing in this 
> thread, and I really wish he were correct.

Sage crucially depends on GPLd things: GMP, mpfr, mpc, Flint, Pari,
GAP, Singular, ppl. It's a bit moot to wish that Sage was BSD
in view of this.
I also don't get your point about mpmath - as it also depends on GMP etc.

> William
> --
> William (http://wstein.org)
> --
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