
> If we concentrated on facilitating the latter, rather than on
> distribution packages, it could have been there now.


> I have yet to see a convincing example where chopping up core
architecture of sagemath (like the coercion framework, the category
framework, etc) leads to usable bits for other projects (that get used!) It
would be interesting to see something like that, particularly to evaluate
what direction modularization should take.

Licensing is a critical part of evaluating this.  For example, mpmath is
BSD licensed.  Even if chopping up the core of Sage produced things that
are useful, a lot of projects wouldn't touch them due to the GPLv3
license.  (Networkx used to be GPL licensed and they somehow managed to
relicense as BSD.)     Michael Orlitzky dismissed my comments about
licensing in this thread, and I really wish he were correct.


William (http://wstein.org)

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