On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 6:14 PM Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com>

> On Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 6:49:11 AM UTC-7 julian...@fsfe.org wrote:
> We have carefully reviewed [...]
> We therefore disagree with characterizing opposing opinions as “artificial
> friction”, “hostile demands”, or an “attempt to sabotage”.
> Such allegations will have no effect other than to antagonize the other
> party. This is not helpful in fostering constructive debate.
> Julian, please, that's highly inappropriate. I'm not characterizing
> opposing *opinions*.

Matthias, you keep characterizing my input into discussions as "persistent
abusive conduct", see e.g. your

I demand a public apology, and a lift of the block on GitHub.
Else Matthias should be banned from SageMath for a while, if not
permanently. Enough is enough.


> With this terminology I'm describing the modes of existing, persistent,
> non-constructive *actions* on these PRs by others.

> These are not "allegations"; what I am describing has been happening in
> plain sight, is fully documented, and has been reported to the sage-abuse
> and CoCC committees. As you know, some of these have already led to
> sanctions by the committees, while I am still waiting for acknowledgment
> (and clear actions) regarding numerous reported violations of our code of
> conduct (and reviewing code) by the current committee.
> I do understand that the new committee is still learning how to recognize
> and handle abuse; it's a complicated and challenging topic to master. In
> the meantime, as I have asked the committee in private already, more
> thoughtful restraint in issuing public reprimands is necessary.
> --
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