Thank you, Matthias, for drawing attention to votes on tickets that have 
gained "disputed" state and were not getting much attention. If we're going 
to decide these tickets by voting, then having a more representative voting 
population should help in getting a more representative result.

Thank you, Dima and Gareth for providing opposing opinions to Matthias' 
interpretation of the matter. These are "disputed" tickets after all, so in 
the discussions of these tickets no arguments arose that convinced all 
sides on the best road forward. It makes sense that potential voters 
receive "campaign materials" from all sides.

I am happy to see Matthias and Dima agreeing that this voting procedure has 
draw-backs. It's only meant as a band-aid solution to get items unstuck in 
the absence of consensus. Shall we just give it a try? It may not lead to 
technically optimal solutions in all cases, but at least it's a procedure 
that is easily seen as "fair". None of the decisions made are definitive -- 
perhaps finding consensus on a different solution is easier once another 
has been tried and new patches can be made.

I think Dima has a good point that a clearer roadmap for sagemath would 
probably help in making it easier to reach consensus instead. A technical 
committee with some authority could help, but only if *they* can reach 
consensus. From my perspective as a member of the CoC committee, I would 
urge the community to have a bit of patience. We are making our way through 
a backlog of issues that quite probably have a root cause in lack of 
agreed-upon direction in the sagemath project and we do hope to come with 
some recommendations for improving the situation in the near future.

I am writing this as a community member, but informed by my service on the 
CoCC and a desire to not see the workload of the CoCC increase.


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