We've seen solar shutters displayed recently at two trade shows in the Los 
Angeles area. See http://plugnsaveenergyproducts.com/shutters/ The solar 
shutters use zip cord and the people at the shows were telling people to just 
plug the inverter into a wall outlet. I told them that they were violating the 
NEC and endangering people. They replied that ETL is testing their product and 
said it will get listed and be put on the CEC eligible module list. We asked 
how much power a solar shutter produces when mounted inside a window and 
getting light through the window and frame and if one shutter slat shades cells 
on the slat below it. They replied that their solar shutter works and seem to 
sincerely believe in their product.
Joel Davidson
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: R Ray Walters 
  To: RE-wrenches 
  Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..

  Even a bad solar installer isn't going to use cut up extension cords; that 
install was DIY or a "knowledgable" inebriated neighbor. I lived in the 
backwoods for many years, and saw even my own work get turned into horror 
  As far as your competitor doing bad work, we had the same problem for years 
with a guy who was finally run out of Taos by the inspector and a growing list 
of angry customers.
  He's now in California doing Wholesale Solar.
  Your best bet is to turn him in to the AHJ for illegal contracting, along 
with pics of the work., but make dang sure he really did it. Enough complaints 
and eventually they'll get him.
  Luckily much of the system can survive without OCP; the array is current 
limited and won't pop an OCP anyway, and the house wiring can't actually fry at 
2500 watts continuous, so a battery wiring issue will be the most dangerous 
situation. (batteries on NEC systems are not really protected from the most 
likely dangers like a wrench being dropped across the terminals)

  I've rewire dozens of such monsters, and you don't even want to have your 
fingerprints on it without having approval to completely rewire it.
  Also, for budget cabin systems  like that, we would often just supply parts 
and a wiring diagram, and let them keep the liability. 
  It can get cost prohibitive and unnecessary to bring the whole system up to 
NEC 2011, my own beautiful house has 103 yr old Knob & tube wiring that is 
going great. I only added AFCI breakers and replaced all the lights with low 
current CFs. 
  You have to suspend some of the code junky in you, and proceed with common 
sense, or don't proceed at all.
  Definitely not for the faint of heart, Good luck,

  R. Walters
  Solar Engineer

  On May 7, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Jesse Dahl wrote:

    Good point, and I guess I could see work like this from a homeowner, but 
this is from a "energy solutions" company in my area. I can fix the problems 
with the solar, some new parts, some conduit, pull some wire.. 
    I just don't know what to do about this "energy solutions" guy. Show him 
why it's wrong, confront him.... 



    Sent from my iPhone

    On May 7, 2011, at 11:37 AM, "Jason Szumlanski" <ja...@fafcosolar.com> 

      Yeah – it can be scary. Retrofits/fix-its are the worst, but can be fun 
and profitable at times. Starting from scratch is usually the answer, reusing 
components if practical.

      Word of caution… be careful not to harshly criticize work in front of the 
customer. Sometimes they claim that “another idiot PV installer” did the 
system, when in fact it was a DIY installation. You can be matter of fact about 
the safety hazards and code violations, but I’ve seen the look on a person’s 
face who obviously did it himself as I tore the system apart. 

      Jason Szumlanski

      Fafco Solar 

      From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org 
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of 
      Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:58 AM
      To: RE-wrenches
      Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..

      Welcome to the Rodeo partner.. 

      Dan Brown
      Foxfire Energy Corp.
      Renewable Energy Systems
      NABCEP #092907-44

        -------- Original Message --------
        Subject: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..
        From: Jesse Dahl <dahlso...@gmail.com>
        Date: Sat, May 07, 2011 2:45 am
        To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>


         The other day on my travels, I came across a very scary small 
stand-alone hunting shack install.  All the wiring is cut extension cords and 
some UF, the cable from the charge controller to the batteries is an extension 
cord with the 14s paralleled.   mice chewed wire, splices taped and laid on the 
ground, mis matched modules (least of the problems). not a disco or OCPD to be 

        Also a 500W wind generator 100 yards from the battery bank, feed with 
#10s and then spliced to #12s (most of it just laying on the ground.  

        Now I think the owner should have some responsibility to stop work when 
the see things this awful, but what can/should we as an industry do about this? 
What do we say to people that install stuff like this? Take them to court?

        A small 2500w with surge of 5000w inverter was used here with 6 
paralleled 12V deep cycle batteries. Powering a few lights and a vacuum at 
first, a well pump was added later. I could see the lights and vacuum, but a 
pump?  How do you go about wiring the output of an inverter like this?  From a 
receptacle on the inverter to what? This guy cut an extension cord off and 
splice it to some NM and ran it inside to the loads. No breaker, I just can't 
get over the fact this guy sleeps at night...

        You should see the photos of this mess...

        Thank you for your thoughts,


        Sent from my iPhone


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