Good point, and I guess I could see work like this from a homeowner, but this 
is from a "energy solutions" company in my area. I can fix the problems with 
the solar, some new parts, some conduit, pull some wire.. 
I just don't know what to do about this "energy solutions" guy. Show him why 
it's wrong, confront him.... 



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On May 7, 2011, at 11:37 AM, "Jason Szumlanski" <> wrote:

> Yeah – it can be scary. Retrofits/fix-its are the worst, but can be fun and 
> profitable at times. Starting from scratch is usually the answer, reusing 
> components if practical.
> Word of caution… be careful not to harshly criticize work in front of the 
> customer. Sometimes they claim that “another idiot PV installer” did the 
> system, when in fact it was a DIY installation. You can be matter of fact 
> about the safety hazards and code violations, but I’ve seen the look on a 
> person’s face who obviously did it himself as I tore the system apart.
> Jason Szumlanski
> Fafco Solar
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 7:58 AM
> To: RE-wrenches
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..
> Welcome to the Rodeo partner..
> Dan Brown
> Foxfire Energy Corp.
> Renewable Energy Systems
> (802)-483-2564
> NABCEP #092907-44
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..
> From: Jesse Dahl <>
> Date: Sat, May 07, 2011 2:45 am
> To: RE-wrenches <>
> Wrenches,
>  The other day on my travels, I came across a very scary small stand-alone 
> hunting shack install.  All the wiring is cut extension cords and some UF, 
> the cable from the charge controller to the batteries is an extension cord 
> with the 14s paralleled.   mice chewed wire, splices taped and laid on the 
> ground, mis matched modules (least of the problems). not a disco or OCPD to 
> be seen. 
> Also a 500W wind generator 100 yards from the battery bank, feed with #10s 
> and then spliced to #12s (most of it just laying on the ground.  
> Now I think the owner should have some responsibility to stop work when the 
> see things this awful, but what can/should we as an industry do about this? 
> What do we say to people that install stuff like this? Take them to court?
> A small 2500w with surge of 5000w inverter was used here with 6 paralleled 
> 12V deep cycle batteries. Powering a few lights and a vacuum at first, a well 
> pump was added later. I could see the lights and vacuum, but a pump?  How do 
> you go about wiring the output of an inverter like this?  From a receptacle 
> on the inverter to what? This guy cut an extension cord off and splice it to 
> some NM and ran it inside to the loads. No breaker, I just can't get over the 
> fact this guy sleeps at night...
> You should see the photos of this mess...
> Thank you for your thoughts,
> Jesse
> Sent from my iPhone
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