I agree with respect to the double top tube. There really aren't that many 
riders who might benefit from it riding, say, a 56 Sam or 52 Bombadil, IMO. 
60cm Sam is a little more of a judgment call (in the affirmative for me, 
hovering around 250); but still... surely a significant majority don't need 
'em. On a 64cm Sam they seem like a good idea.  Are 60s mid-sized? Doubtful. 
64s? Nope.

I disagree with respect to the kickstand plate. I remain perplexed as to why 
RBW didn't always have them. I have to assume it boiled down to cost, as I 
suspect is the case for any "missing" fender bosses. I've always wondered 
though... is there a significant effect on the frame's overall durability or 
"ride quality" or what-have-you caused by the plate itself or by the addition 
of the plate during manufacture? And if so, is it good or bad?

Superficially added material suggests added durability or strength. But added 
heating of tubes might suggest reduced durability or strength. And of course 
additional material implies added weight, which always has to justify itself in 
a design.

Oh well, I'm *very* glad to have a kickstand plate. Installing a kickstand 
without one is not hard but is always a judgment call about how much to clamp 
down on those stays. I'm only somewhat disappointed not to have the fender 
bosses I lack. The biggest improvement they would have made would be to have 
prevented me from having a choice: crimp-wrap or L-bracket? Had I decided 
L-bracket at first, I'd've had no problem. My real problem was that I initially 
made the wrong choice for me.

In any case, I'd live without a kickstand plate or fender bosses or even 
eyelets for racks/fenders if it were the only path to a slack seat tube, tall 
head tube, clearance for 40-622s with fenders, a stable-yet-comfy ride and a 
strong frame and fork. All the missing stuff could be accommodated. As 
priorities go, RBW does really, really well.

Thomas Lynn Skean
(who is midst replacing a 113 BB with a 110... we'll see how it goes)

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