Yea Philip, I know the example wasn't the best and it is funny now
that I think about it but Scott impresses me with his resolve and the
thing at least for me is, I believe Scott eats a ton of veggies (I
rarely did before now) and in spite of the focus on meat and fat in
the Paleo/ Atkins blah, blah etc. way, the common factor is (or should
be) vegetables in large quantities which many people do not eat enough
of when they follow the above 'diets'. I believe veggies, fruits, nuts
and berries were the original food (but that's a philosophical side
issue) but I've always felt the best after a modest piece of protein
and a huge salad coupled with an additional vegetable.
 Desserts when we have them are berries these days or some sort of
fruit like apple slices or whatever. Like Grant, we make our own
treats but I admit to the occasional micro serving of ice cream and
like Scott, I loves my coffee and Phillip (Scott too) what can I say
about beer 'the nectar of the gods' and wine....I  love it too but
don't consume as much of either these days. Bicycling..... I love to
ride and would do it just for the fun of it if there were no benefit.
It keeps me moving which is a biggie for me now that I'm nearing 53
and Philip...... it doesn't work as easily the older you get but YMMV.
This general topic (exercise/diet/health) is interesting and pertinent
to my life, glad it was posted !

On Aug 19, 9:53 am, Philip Williamson <>
> No disrespect from me either, but citing a vegan as an example in a
> "what would Taubes" eat thread is funny to me.
> I've never been an over-excerciser. Every time I stop drinking beer
> and ride my bike as much as I like, I drop down to about 200 lbs
> (which is good). I'm at 240 now, and just started that again. Let's
> see if it works now that I'm 42.
>  Philip
>  Philip
> On Aug 18, 7:17 pm, charlie <> wrote:
> > No disrespect here Rene' but maybe try not exercising so much......I
> > know riding is enjoyable I love it but try to mix it up a little and
> > if you are trying to lose fat, lift weights and do shorter rides. The
> > plain facts.... I am almost 53 and 258 down from 282 with virtually no
> > exercise due to weather and work. Been riding some lately but not
> > enough to suit me. With my work demands and other factors, I can't
> > ride two hours everyday without recovery time in between riding days.
> > Over training will just make you tired and no amount (or type) of food
> > will magically make you recover faster. Being young with good genetics
> > and in great condition is the ultimate but if we aren't in one or all
> > three categories we have to work smart not just hard. I think Scott C.
> > went from 500+ to whatever he is now riding only 10+1 miles every day
> > but probably sometimes more than that when he felt like it. The point
> > is, don't bite off more than you can chew !  I have been an over
> > exerciser in my life and I became frustrated that my progress slowed
> > and my mood altered by overdoing it chronically. I suffered a few
> > overuse injuries along the way that I still have to be careful of.
> > These days I try to pace myself and don't even look for aerobic
> > exercise to help me lose fat. I hope this helps in some way toward
> > your goals. Keep at it, I am......
> > On Aug 17, 7:26 pm, René Sterental <> wrote:
> > > I'm definitely interested in losing weight and couldn't really care how 
> > > fast
> > > I ride. I'm just unable at this time to sustain several days of riding 
> > > for 2
> > > hours each one and one day of rest doesn't seem to be enough. I'm not 
> > > eating
> > > during my rides and only drink water. Trying to follow the low carb plan
> > > which I've gotten pretty good for the most part, but have yet to nail
> > > precisely for a prolonged time. I'm gluten free and now decided to go 
> > > dairy
> > > free as well, although not yet 100% but almost. Not sure what nuts I can 
> > > or
> > > cannot eat, some days I eat a lot of fruit, some days very little. My 
> > > meals
> > > are mostly meat/fish and salad/vegetables although I'm tempted to add 
> > > hummus
> > > at night. Probably still eating quantities that are too large...
> > > Anyway, I've read Taubes and will give Sisson a good reading as well as I
> > > just skimmed it.
> > > I just wanted to get a sense for how best to address the feeling of
> > > weariness after riding several days in a row; is it just lack of
> > > conditioning and this will come over time? I ride almost all the time at 
> > > 70
> > > - 75% of Max HR except when mountain biking on weekends when during the
> > > steeper climbs I can hit 100% of Max HR.
> > > Will keep at it and see how it goes... the advise on this thread has been
> > > quite useful.
> > > René

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